Flagstaff Cityscape | Fall 2019

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FALL 2019





Flagstaff City Council council@flagstaffaz.gov | (928) 213-2015

Mayor: Coral Evans Vice-Mayor: Adam Shimoni Councilmembers: Jamie Whelan Charlie Odegaard Regina Salas Jim McCarthy Austin Aslan City Manager: Greg Clifton Deputy City Managers: Shane Dille Shannon Anderson

Send comments or suggestions to: jdrum@flagstaffaz.gov The City of Flagstaff, Arizona publishes Cityscape as a service to its citizens.

Mayor Coral Evans Elected to a two-year term in 2016 and re-elected in 2018 cevans@flagstaffaz.gov Vice-Mayor Adam Shimoni Elected to a four-year term in 2018 adam.shimoni@flagstaffaz.gov Councilmember Jamie Whelan Elected to a four-year term in 2016 jwhelan@flagstaffaz.gov Councilmember Charlie Odegaard Elected to a four-year term in 2016 codegaard@flagstaffaz.gov


FALL 2019 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

Councilmember Regina Salas Elected to a four-year term in 2018 regina.salas@flagstaffaz.gov Councilmember Jim McCarthy Elected to a four-year term in 2016 jmccarthy@flagstaffaz.gov Councilmember Austin Aslan Elected to a four-year term in 2018 Austin.Aslan@flagstaffaz.gov Flagstaff City Hall 211 W. Aspen Ave. Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (928)213-2000

Information contained herein may be freely copied or reproduced in print or other forms in order to continue dissemination of information for the public good. Every effort is made to ensure that information published here is timely and accurate. No portions of the contents of Cityscape may be reproduced or copied for commercial or financial gain, with the exception of the advertisements. Additional copies may be obtained by contacting Communications Manager Jessica Drum, (928) 213-2061. Cityscape is produced and printed by


Greetings from City Hall!

City attorney awards


rent Harris, City Prosecutor, was awarded a National Public Service Recognition Award for his work as part of a multidisciplinary Rule 11 Diversion Team, focused on reducing jail bed days and increasing access to Mental Health services, treatment and housing for Mentally Ill persons incarcerated in the Coconino County Jail in June, 2019. Robert Brown, having spent 15 years with the City of Flagstaff prosecuting misdemeanors of all sorts throughout the City of Flagstaff, and having served on two separate occasions as Interim City Prosecutor, was awarded for his 28 years of misdemeanor Greg Clifton is the new City Manager for the City of Flagstaff. Photo by Jake Bacon prosecution (an estimated 40,000 cases) with y position as your City Man- will be spent seeing the Lowell Obser- the Arizona Prosecuting Attorney’s Advisoager commenced on August vatory for the first time (can’t wait). So ry Council “Lifetime Achievement Award” in 19, and the first month on the how would one characterize the first June 2019. job has been filled with many intro- month on the job? “Enriching” would ductions, new faces, Council meet- be the word that comes to mind! Absoings, community functions, and a lot lutely enriching. he City of Flagstaff’s Purchasing of staff time. It is a personal mission Here at the City, we are working on Section was awarded the Achieveto meet the staff and get to know them a myriad of very important issues, conment of Excellence in Procurement by name (no small feat in an organiza- cerning all facets of municipal govern- (AEP) Award by the National Purchasing tion of a thousand employees). Con- ment -- infrastructure, policy, admin- Institute for the 9th consecutive year. In sider that a work-in-progress! I have istration, public safety, community 1995, the National Purchasing Institute also enjoyed the opportunities to start development, public outreach, econom- established a program designed to recogmeeting members of the community and ic vitality, sustainability, and of course, nize organizational excellence in public its many institutions and associations. our public works and utility servic- procurement. The Achievement of ExcelThere have been visits to the Northern es. The one thing that is so rewarding lence in Procurement® (AEP) is awarded Arizona Healthcare facility, Northern with this profession is that … there is annually. This prestigious award is earned by those organizations that demonstrate Arizona University, a United Way func- no “one thing”. Our work here covers excellence by obtaining a high score, based on 33 standardized evaluation criteria. The tion, ribbon cuttings at the new Chabad a wide spectrum of topics and it’s a con- evaluation criteria are designed to measure innovation, professionalism, productivity, Jewish Community Center and Sacred stant shifting of gears throughout the procurement knowledge, professional purchasing certifications, e-procurement and Peaks Health Center, a tour of a local day. Underlying it all, of course, is the leadership attributes of the procurement organization. Moreover, for fiscal year 2019, shelter for our homeless, and after I fin- common goal of providing service to the City of Flagstaff was 1 of only 12 government agencies in Arizona and 1 of only 67 ish with this little write-up, my evening this community. We are at your service. Cities in the United States and Canada to receive the award.



www.flagstaff.az.gov • FALL 2019


Tourism & Visitation



he City of Flagstaff’s tourism bureau, Discover Flagstaff, received accreditation “with distinction” from the globally recognized Destinations International through the Destination Marketing Accreditation Program (DMAP) at their annual convention and also received the 2019 Arizona Governor’s Tourism Award for Outstanding Tourism Partnership – Rural for Flagstaff Lunar Legacy -- at the Arizona Governor’s Conference on Tourism. “I asked the Discover Flagstaff team to work on achieving our ‘destination marketing accreditation’ seal for Flagstaff, Arizona. This is in recognition of our destination organization’s commitment to industry excellence and meeting the industry standard for performance and accountability of destination marketing organizations from around the world. It’s important to note that only three of the newly accredited organizations received the accreditation ‘with distinction’ with Flagstaff being one of them. With distinction means Discover Flagstaff has gone above and beyond. I am not surprised, our team is amazing! Flagstaff is fortunate to have such a great team of professionals dedicated to strategically marketing the city as a destination and working so hard to get our city recognized time and again,” said Heidi Hansen, Economic Vitality Director. Destinations International, based in

Washington, D.C., connects associations and industries by representing a collective voice with destination management through forward-focused research and relevant data. Destinations International announced that 48 destination marketing organizations (DMOs) received DMAP accreditation. To gain this momentous achievement, the accreditation program requires a destination organization to successfully comply with a multitude of mandatory and voluntary standards that span a variety of performance areas. The standards cover nearly all aspects related to the management and marketing of destination organizations including governance, finance, human resources, sales, communications, destination development and research. "By achieving DMAP accreditation, these destination organizations have demonstrated that they have From left: Governor’s Award accepted by Kevin Schindler, Lowell Observatory Historian; Ralph Schmid, developed strategies for the direction of their Creative Services Manager; Carrie Nelson, Administrative Specialist; Regina Salas, Councilmember; Meg Roederer, Communications Specialist; Trace Ward, Director; Jennifer Schaber, Creative Specialist; Lynda destination and the policies and procedures Fleischer, Tourism Commission Chair and Cherri Lamont, International Travel Trade Manager…Lori Papto safeguard the use of public dollars,” said pas, Marketing and Media Relations Manager and Heidi Hanson, Economic Vitality Director (not pictured). David Holder, CDME, DMAP Chair and Vice President – Tourism of JLL - Hospital- visitors to Arizona. Flagstaff Mayor Cor- Arizona University, Downtown Business ity and Tourism Group. al Evans said “we are extremely honored Alliance, Flagstaff Festival of Science and The 2019 Governor’s award is anoth- to be recognized by Arizona’s travel and others to develop and deliver a creative er achievement recently achieved by Dis- tourism industry at the 2019 Governor’s Flagstaff Lunar Legacy campaign to the cover Flagstaff. The award recognizes Conference on Tourism with an award community and visitors. Discover Flagexcellence resulting from a co-operative for an outstanding rural partnership on staff positively impacts our community partnership between two or more organi- the Flagstaff Lunar Legacy campaign. The generating economic benefits, visitor eduzations that share resources to promote a team at Discover Flagstaff worked coop- cation, destination awareness and inspicommon tourism experience or product eratively with Lowell Observatory, Unit- ration at local, state, national and global that attracted domestic or international ed States Geological Survey, Northern levels. Congratulations!”

Flagstaff Encourages Responsible Tourism – Pledge Wild


iscover Flagstaff has joined forc- celebrate with a cold craft beer at a brewes with four mountain towns to ery. While waiting for that pitcher of efferencourage responsible resource use vescence, the wait staff issues you a Pledge when enjoying wild places. Pledge for the for the Wild coaster and the message makes Wild partners include Bend, OR, South Lake you smile ear-to-ear because you just accomTahoe, CA, Bozeman, MT and Steamboat plished a bucket list item and have worked Springs, CO. hard to earn bragging rights. The coaster Imagine you just hiked 14 miles of epic message encourages giving back to our wild trail on the San Francisco Peaks in the world’s places with a donation. You make the pledge largest contiguous Ponderosa pine forest. and donate $1 for each mile you hiked by texAfter an awesome day of hiking, it’s time to ting WILD4FLAG to 44321. Now, after your


FALL 2019 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

amazing hike on Flagstaff’s trails the craft beer tastes even better with your small donation to Pledge for the Wild. Each donation submitted by text-to-donate or through the pledgewild.com website is sent directly to the Flagstaff Trails Initiative, who is working hard to keep Flagstaff’s wild places special. Discover Flagstaff is dedicated to building awareness around opportunities to directly give back to Flagstaff’s iconic wild places so they can be sustainable to be enjoyed year-afteryear and into the next decade and beyond. Learn more at www.pledgewild.com.



NAU Downtown Night Out | Heritage Square | 4–7 p.m.


Dedicatee banquet | Ashurst Auditorium, tickets required | 6 p.m.


Women’s Volleyball vs Northern Colorado | Rolle Activity Center | 7 p.m.


Women’s Soccer vs Weber State | Lumberjack Stadium | 7 p.m.


Homecoming parade | campus perimeter | 11:30 a.m. Homecoming tailgate | Skydome parking lot | 1 p.m. Football vs Portland State | Skydome | 4 p.m.


Women’s Soccer vs Idaho State | Lumberjack Stadium | noon

For the parade route map, continuing updates, and family-friendly events, visit nau.edu/homecoming.

www.flagstaff.az.gov • FALL 2019



Have You Heard of Resilience?


esilience is the ability to prepare for, The community pitched in to house famrespond to and recover from diffi- ilies, pets and livestock, then helped fill cult circumstances. You may have thousands of sandbags to help residents on heard stories of resilient people who have tri- the East Side prepare for potential floodumphed over adversity, and gone on to thrive. ing. This response showed Flagstaff’s abilCommunities can be resilient, too. A resil- ity to come together and respond to comient community prepares for both short-term munity needs, even with little notice. disasters and long-term changes. A resilient As the climate changes and harmcommunity also plans for how it will rebound ful events become more likely, it’s time to after challenges. think about how to increase Flagstaff’s A great example of resilience in Flagstaff resilience. This can mean preparing for was the recent response to the Museum Fire. emergencies, knowing the Ready-Set-Go Flagstaff had prepared for a wildfire close steps, or getting to know your neighbors. to town. Emergency personnel were activatIf you're interested in increasing resiled, plans for how to communicate news and iency in your neighborhood, contact Jillian. evacuations to the community were initiated. Goulet@flagstaffaz.gov.

Innovate Waste



o you have ideas for turning Flagstaff’s waste into a marketable product or service? If so, the Innovate Waste Challenge is your opportunity to turn one of those ideas into a viable business. The challenge is a business competition with the goal of sparking new commercial businesses that keep waste out of the landfill and create economic value and jobs here in Flagstaff. Next spring interested entrepreneurs can compete for up to $15,000 in cash awards to start and grow their business idea. Leading up to the competition in May 2020, there will be multiple informational sessions to learn about the challenge and answer any questions you might have. Additionally, there will be multiple Lunch & Learn workshops designed to help you refine your ideas and grow your business. The dates for all of these events can be found below:

INFO SESSIONS Thursday, October 17, 12 – 1 pm Wednesday, November 13, 5:30 – 6:30 pm LUNCH AND LEARNS – October 16 – Visual Communication: Whiteboard Animations December 3 – Put Your Dreams to the Test: John Maxwell All events will take place in the Accelerator Building at NACET, 2225 N Gemini Rd, Flagstaff, AZ 86001. If interested, you are encouraged to sign up to receive updates on the challenge at www.ChooseFlagstaff.com/InnovateWaste


FALL 2019 • www.flagstaff.az.gov



Put your waste in the right place!


oin us for a Drop-off Day, Dump the Drugs and Shred-A-Thon event Saturday, October 26, 2019, 10 am – 2 pm. Come to the Flagstaff Police Department parking lot at 911 E Sawmill to safely dispose of expired or unwanted drugs and syringes, latex paint, sensitive documents, electronic waste, and CFLs. We will properly dispose of or recycle all items to keep then out of our landfill and water system. Attendees can drop off up to two banker boxes of sensitive documents for shredding. No commercial waste will be accepted. If you have questions, please contact Maggie Twomey at 928-213-2144 or mtwomey@flagstaffaz.gov.


DIFFERENCE October 19, 2019 8am - 12pm


Join Natural Channel Design, Friends of the Rio de Flag, the Sierra Club, and City of Flagstaff Open Space and Stormwater Sections for the 2019 Make a Difference Day event!

Flagstaff 15 Minute Makeover


ot 15 minutes to keep Flagstaff beautiful? It’s time for the 12th annual 15-minute makeover! Join community members at 10:15 am on October 15, 2019 in picking up litter where you work, live or play. The Flagstaff Community Stewards program will supply trash bags, recycle bags, and disposable gloves if you need them. Sign up to participate on our Facebook event page or by sending an e-mail to mtwomey@flagstafffaz.gov. After the event, post a photo of your group with your trash bags on our Facebook page with #Flag15 and be entered into a drawing for gift certificates to local restaurants!

Let’s make a difference in our community’s watershed by installing storm drain signs to tell the story of where stormwater goes! We will also be doing an intensive litter clean up event in the section of the Rio de Flag that runs through the Southside of Flagstaff. Meet at the Murdoch Center, Please bring sturdy shoes, sun protection, work gloves and a refillable water bottle. Lunch will be provided to volunteers at the close of the event. Contact Maggie Twomey at MTwomey@flagstaffaz.gov or (928) 213-2144 with questions or to sign up as a volunteer.

www.flagstaff.az.gov • FALL 2019


Water Services

The Impact of Fire on Flagstaff’s Water




n the summer of 2019, the Flagstaff area experienced two significant wildfires 12 million gallons a day, with 28 percent of the demand drawn from Upper Lake – the Newman Fire and the Museum Fire. While fire events surrounding mon- Mary. Should Lake Mary’s tap need to be shut off, Flagstaff’s water supply would soon season may not be unusual on the Colorado Plateau, both fires can have be affected. In the wake of the Newman fire, two new pieces of monitoring equipa direct impact on water in Flagstaff long after the last embers are extinguished. ment were installed in the Upper Lake Mary watershed to improve data collection of Flagstaff Water Services staff have worked diligently to protect the community, turbidity levels and stream flow. The additional monitoring equipment is one of the the environment and our water supply. ways the Water Services Division and collaborating partners are working to assure a safe and sustainable water supply for the Flagstaff community for years to come.

NEWMAN FIRE: PROTECTING LAKE MARY WATERSHED On July 11, a lightning strike three miles south of Upper Lake Mary started the Newman Fire. Extending into Newman Canyon, this area was slated for thinning and brush removal over the coming year through the Four-Forest Restoration Initiative (4FRI). Newman Canyon is the largest, single tributary feeding into Lake Mary. Collaboration occurred between fire managers and water operations staff to minimize the potential effects of ash and debris flowing into Lake Mary in the future. Closely monitoring its growth, fire crews performed back burns to navigate the fire’s movement. This slow, low density fire minimized the negative effect fire has on soils and subsequent erosion. Aerial ignition operations employed on July 17 allowed fire crews to continue monitoring the fire’s perimeter, keeping it within the containment zone. A major consideration in managing the fire was protecting essential water production infrastructure and equipment. In addition to Lake Mary, Flagstaff Water Services operates several water wells in that area, and had placed monitoring equipment, such as rain gauges and cameras, in key locations in Newman Canyon. Fire crews proactively protected the equipment with fireproof coverings and factored these locations into the fire management plan. When full containment occurred in late July, nearly 5,000 acres had burned, with no structural damage or injuries. For Water Services staff, the hazards don’t end when the embers die down. The Newman Fire has the potential to impact water quality in Upper Lake Mary, due to ash and debris inflow from intense monsoon events. Water quality sensors in the SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system can alert the Lake Mary Water Treatment Plant of excess particulates (turbidity conditions) in Lake Mary, as well as monitor drainage flows coming down Newman Canyon. The alarm system allows staff to take preventive measures, turning on other water supplies should Lake Mary’s turbidity exceed the maximum levels. Flagstaff’s average summer water demand is between 8 and 8

FALL 2019 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

MUSEUM FIRE: POST-FIRE FLOOD MITIGATION The Museum Fire began July 21 in the Dry Lake Hills area, just north of town. Areas of the Dry Lake Hills had been closed due to forest thinning operations under the FWPP management plan since Fall 2018. The project includes mechanical and hand-thinning, slash removal, clean up and helicopter logging. the effects from thinning operations, although not completed when the fire started, did much to mitigate the severity of the burn. Only 12 percent of the area burned at high severity, while 60 percent of the 1,962-acre fire burned at low-to-very low severity. Helicopters drew water from the North Reservoir using Inner Basin water to supply to support firefighting efforts. While no structures were damaged during the Museum Fire, impacts to the watershed are likely in coming years. Post-fire flooding from monsoon rains can be a serious threat due to the flash flood potential and the subsequent debris flow. Water Services is one of many agencies and city divisions, along with an army of volunteers, who worked diligently to mitigate the impacts of flood events following the Museum fire. One early warning system that improved in the wake of the Museum fire was the network of rain and stream gauges used to alert the public of flooding throughout the city. Coconino County Flood Control District assisted Water Services staff in installing three new precipitation alert gauges in the Museum Fire footprint, with two existing gauges re-fitted in the Spruce Avenue wash area. NAU researchers and hydrology consultants are installing camera gauges in the fire footprint area to assist Water Services, the County Flood Control District and the Arizona Geological Society with debris flow and flood monitoring. continued on next page

Water Services


Water Conservation in Action City Hall Lawn Goes Green

Significant flood mitigation efforts were undertaken with the help of hundreds of volunteers, particularly in the Paradise, Sunnyside and Grandview neighborhoods, during and following the containment of the Museum Fire. Measures were taken to protect the water main along Paradise Road. Debris bollards and newly designed culverts were installed to keep drainages flowing during a storm event. Volunteer efforts brought groups together like the Arizona Hydrological Society, who led troops of Boy Scouts to fill sandbags and clear storm drainages near the Spruce Avenue wash.

LOOKING FORWARD Fire on our mountain landscape can pose a threat to the watershed, surface water supply and community structures well into the future. The USFS Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) team will continue to monitor the burn areas in the aftermath of Museum and Newman Fires. Slope stabilization efforts are already underway in the Dry Lake Hills. Water supply risk assessments are ongoing, as we collect more data for future modeling. You can join the efforts to keep our mountain town safe and secure by being fire and flood aware. Take part in volunteer clean-up events in the Rio de Flag watershed, or help fill sandbags for buildings in a flood zone. Keep private and public drainages clear of debris and pollutants, and conserve water wherever possible. Together, we can help ourselves and our community protect our environment, property and water supply.

Get Ready for Winter Weather!


s we head into fall, it is a great time to think about winterizing your home for optimal water conservation during the winter months. Here are some ideas to consider when preparing your home for freezing temperatures:

•Hoses. Disconnect hoses from outdoor spigots. Store hoses in the garage so they do not freeze and crack. Cover hose bibs with an insulating device that you can purchase at any hardware store.

•If you have a rainwater catchment barrel or tote, prepare it for the winter months by either turning it upside down, putting it in the garage until spring, or draining it and directing the downspout away from your container

and into your yard over the winter.

•If you have installed irrigation in your yard, ask your landscaper to prepare your system for freezing temperatures or blow out the system yourself.

•Winter is a great time to tackle indoor projects. Replace your inefficient or leaking toilet with a more efficient upgrade (and receive a credit to your water bill).



he City Hall landscaping is becoming more green, with less lawn. Flagstaff Water Services contracted with Terra BIRDS, a local non-profit focused on sustainable gardens and native landscapes, to convert a segment of the lawn at City Hall to a low-water landscape, with native grass and wildflowers to support pollinator habitat. Best of all, this landscape will rely mostly on rainwater. Beginning in June, Terra BIRDS enlisted twelve at-risk youth from Ponderosa High School and the Juvenile Detention Center to complete the first stage of the project. Terra BIRDS’ program to “empower youth through gardening” provides jobs and inspiration for at-risk youth in a positive setting; a chance to improve themselves while caring for the environment. This was part of a paid internship program for eight Ponderosa High School students. There were community workdays, along with several workshops to demonstrate how to succeed with similar landscaping efforts at home. The project was 100 percent human-powered. No motorized equipment was used.

CONVERTING TO NATURAL LANDSCAPES The first step was to dig up a designated section of grass on the south side of City Hall. The old turf was composted, then planted with native grass plugs, perennial wildflowers, and additional seeds. Natural landscape elements were incorporated, such as logs and rock borders. To view the progression of the Lawn Conversion Project, go to www.flagstaff.az.gov/3911/ Water-Services-News for a story map. This is the first step toward a vision of sustainable and economical lawn conversions, tying to the City’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan and the Water Conservation Strategic Plan. Design for the rest of the space at City Hall is still underway, but could include rainwater catchment, Flagstaff Urban Trail System (FUTS) connectivity and additional Flagstaff native plants; while still keeping a large patch of green grass for public use.

www.flagstaff.az.gov • FALL 2019


Water Services FL AGS TA FF

Community Partnerships Flow a Long Way


ctive collaboration between citizens and organizations within the community play an important part of developing safe strategies and sharing information with the public regarding our water!



SIERRA CLUB TACKLES STORMWATER AWARENESS Stormwater education begins in classrooms. Water Services staff and Sierra Club members joining forces to raise awareness about stormwater pollution, identifying personal actions that can protect our water resources. Using grant funds to educate the Flagstaff community on storm drain health, the Sierra Club developed storm drain decals to be installed along Flagstaff gutters and drains. The message connects our storm drains to the Rio de Flag and Little Colorado River watersheds, ultimately reaching the Colorado River. This pilot project has a classroom education component, with an opportunity to get kids involved by placing the decals on storm drains throughout the city. Keep your eye out for these decals on gutters and storm drains around town!

FloodAware is an NAU project supported by a National Science Foundation ‘Smart & Connected Communities’ grant for pilot projects using innovative technology to make U.S. cities smarter and safer. NAU researchers Eck Doerry and Ben Ruddell proposed data collection and image processing as a smart solution tool to facilitate fact-supported decision-making in floodwater management. The project goal is to find low-cost, lowimpact ways to collect accurate data on stormwater levels, as they occur in realtime across the city. Ten solar-powered cameras installed in flood-prone areas ROVING RANGERS TALK ABOUT WATER throughout Flagstaff have image-processing algorithms to determine water levels from a photo. Residents can download a prototype FloodAware app to participate by providing crowd-source data at www.crowdhydrology.com.

ALERT RAIN GAUGE NETWORK A comprehensive rain and stream gauge flood alert system requires a network of local, state and federal agencies cooperating to promote public safety and improved designs for flood resilience. The City of Flagstaff and CoconiThe Roving Ranger Program uses trained volunteers from the National Park no County use an ALERT network Service (NPS) and U.S Forest Service (USFS) to educate visitors to our public lands of rain and stream gauges to record on a variety of environmental topics. They lead campfire talks and can be found real-time data, available to the public, at many popular trail heads and visitor centers. Flagstaff Water Services working regarding precipitation and flood lev- with Roving Rangers Program to develop water-related curriculum to be shared els. Arizona Department of Emergen- with visitors at Flagstaff-area locations. The rangers will present information to cy Military Affairs funded eleven new campground guests regarding regional and local water supply – where it comes rain and stream gauges throughout the City to collect data and monitor precipi- from, how water is used and how we can continue protecting it. Water Awareness tation and flows. The U.S. Forest Service facilitated rain gauge implementation in cultivates respect for our water resources. the recent critical burn areas, like the Spruce Avenue Wash and Newman Canyon in the Lake Mary Watershed. To check rainfall data in the community, go to www. IT TAKES A VILLAGE… flagstaffaz.gov/3732/Rainfall-Data. Flagstaff Water Services partners with the Salt River Project (SRP) utilizes Flowtography in the Lake Mary Watershed, with timeCollaboration and partnerships play a vital role in water management and lapse cameras and instream pole gauges to document stream flow, snow accumula- decisions. Our strong partnerships bring us together as a community, where we tion and overall watershed health. These multi-agency efforts work hand-in-hand can safely and efficiently manage our water supply and watersheds. Your involvewith scientists and engineers to improve our stormwater system and the health of ment matters for the future of water in Flagstaff! our local water supply.


FALL 2019 • www.flagstaff.az.gov


EST. 2003



lagstaff Water Services received state and national recognition for leading the way in water reuse management. Water Services Director, Brad Hill, was recognized by AZ WateReuse Association for his efforts as a steward of water resources in Arizona with the President’s Award on June 29, 2019. Brad has not only led the city in the effective management of water supplies, but his commitment to water recycling initiatives has set the city on a path toward long-term sustainability. That is no small feat for a dry, high-country mountain town. AZ WateReuse is part of a larger, national association dedicated to advancing laws, regulations and funding to support public acceptance of water recycling, promoting a Save Every Drop ethic.

At the national level, Flagstaff Water Services has been recognized as a Water Resource Utility of the Future Today for water reuse strategies implemented in our community, and the organizational culture that supports it; ranking operations, staff participation and training, agency partnerships, technological advancements and involvement with the community, as well as the ability to provide a blueprint for other municipal utilities to follow. The Utility of the Future Recognition Program acknowledges utilities across the country for outstanding and efficient water supply management. Comprised of a group of National Water Associations and Foundations, the program highlights utility companies that develop proactive relationships with stakeholders, establish resilient and livable communities, and advance social, economic and environmental sustainability. Recycled water plays an important role in the Flagstaff community, offsetting our potable water use demand by 20 percent each year. Since 1975, the City of Flagstaff Water uses Class A+ reclaimed water for irrigating city landscapes, parks, schools and golf courses. Northern Arizona University (NAU) uses our reclaimed water for landscaping and for flushing toilets. Reclaimed water tops off levels in Frances Short Pond, while the remaining water is discharged along the Rio de Flag drainage system to support riparian habitat and recharging our underlying aquifers. Flagstaff Water Services is committed to exploring strategies to recycle water in creative and efficient ways to support a sustainable community.




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urning within the footprint of the Flagstaff Watershed Protection Project (FWPP), the Museum wildfire which started July 21, 2019 and ultimately burned 1,961 acres in the Dry Lake Hills (DLH) area north of town, was a difficult, challenging and unfortunate event. City of Flagstaff and Coconino National Forest personnel have worked diligently over the past few years to implement planned FWPP forest treatments. Throughout the DLH area, our effort was, and is, very much a work in-progress. For a complete report on the Fire, its impact to FWPP operations, and planned “Next Steps” as we re-engage, visit our website: http://flagstaffwatershedprotection.org/fwppmuseum-fire-16-sept-19/ Throughout it all, we appreciate your support. FWPP is a complex, fluid on-going operation involving many partners and stakeholders. It is truly the first-of-its-kind effort in the country. We intend to honor your support by completing the work that was started, work residents of the City of Flagstaff first approved during the November 2012 election. 12

FALL 2019 • www.flagstaff.az.gov




kids in motion Donate $25 or more to the FUSD Elementary School PE programs and receive

50% OFF the regular initiation fee!*


riving is a privilege which requires the practice of safety and consideration for others who share the roadway. Law enforcement officers enforce traffic laws as part of their mission in the preservation of life and the protection of property. Traffic laws are created in order to control safety and uniformity among the motoring public. Numerous studies show most people obey the traffic laws, even when there is not a safety concern; however, the primary purpose of enforcing traffic laws is to deter unsafe driving behaviors while attempting to change those behaviors through enforcement. In response to distracted driving related collisions which resulted in injury or death, cities and states have a texting ban, which includes holding electronic devices while the vehicle is in motion. Statistics* from the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration (NHTSA) show that fatalities involving texting while driving comprised 9 percent of all fatal crashes nationwide between 2012-2018. Using a cell phone while driving caused an estimated 1.5 million car crashes in the United States in 2017. Additionally, 7 percent of drivers are using cell phones at any given time. Did you know answering a text distracts a driver for approximately five

seconds? At 55 miles per hour you will travel 403.15 feet in five seconds, further than the length of a football field. Texting while driving increases the amount of time a driver’s eyes are away from the road by 400 percent. In response to increasing statistics, the City of Flagstaff, at the local level, passed an ordinance aimed at preventing a rise in injuries or deaths involving distracted driving. City of Flagstaff Ordinance 9-01-001-0013, approved in July 2014, prohibits texting or typing while driving a car or riding a bike. Following suit, at the state level, the Arizona State Legislature passed House Bill 2318, which prohibits drivers from holding wireless communications devices; however, GPS devices are OK and use at a Stop light is OK. This law was approved by the Senate in a 20-9 vote, then by the House in a 44-16 vote on April 18 and signed into law by the governor; “Too many lives have been lost because of texting and driving,” Gov. Doug Ducey said as he signed the bill into law April 22. The law is set to take effect in January 2021 and will take the place of our local ordinance, working to help keep the roadways safe as law enforcement addresses texting and driving through enforcement of the applicable traffic laws.

*Statistics Reference: Distracted driving statistics. (2019). The Zebra. Retrieved from https://www.thezebra. com/distracted-driving-statistics/

For 26 years, Flagstaff Athletic Club has been visiting FUSD elementary schools as part of an outreach program called Kids in Motion. We have donated more than $125,000 for FUSD elementary PE programs.

Your membership includes: 2 Clubs, 3 pools (including a salt pool, a lap pool and an outdoor pool), 4 Steamrooms, 6 Jacuzzis, 2 Kids Clubs, 9 Courts, State of the Art Weight and Cardio Equipment, Indoor Track, Gymnasium, Personal Training, Massage Therapy, Small Group Training, Physical Therapy and Tanning on site, plus much more! Over 120 Group Fitness Classes a week including: Beginner Classes, Yoga, Cycling, Zumba, Step, Pilates, Aqua X, Les Mills®, Aqua for Arthritis, Barre Fusion 45, Barre Above, Piyo, Heart Rate, RPM, Body Pump, Body Jam and more. Offer Expires 10/31/2019

FAC East: 779-5141 • FAC West: 779-4593

flagstaffathleticclub.com www.flagstaff.az.gov • FALL 2019


Parks and Recreation


he City of Flagstaff’s Parks and Recreation Department is your community connection for parks, swimming lessons, leisure classes, programs, entertainment, and special events. You can always count on us to do our very best to serve the recreation needs of the community. You’ll find just what you need at five recreation centers, an ice rink, more than 24 developed parks, one indoor pool, multiple tennis and basketball courts, twodisc golf courses, 17 ballfields, over 50 miles of the Flagstaff Urban Trail System (FUTS), two skate parks, and a BMX park providing yearround programs and activities. If you need more information about any of our programs or facilities, please visit us at www.flagstaff.az.gov/recreation.

XXBusiness Pass Program

Today’s employers are encouraged to make fitness and wellness programs available as part of an employee benefits package. The Aquaplex Business Pass Program offers a reasonable discount for annual passes to all businesses and employers – from small local business to large organizations. Employers buy into the program with an annual fee that in return offers discounts on annual memberships for their employees. By participating in this program, employers and employees are also rewarded with increasing discounts based on length of participation. For more information on the Aquaplex Business Pass Program and how you can participate, please contact the Guest Services Coordinator at (928) 213-2307.

XXKids Club

The Aquaplex hosts a fully-equipped room designed for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and grade-schoolers. Know your children are safe while you’re taking a class, swimXXProgramming for Everyone ming laps, or shooting hoops. They’re laughing, learning, playing and making creative The City provides individuals with physical and mental challenges the opportunity messes that you don’t have to clean up! to participate in recreation and leisure programs. If you would like to request special Days/Times: Monday / Wednesday / Friday: 8:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. and 4 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. accommodation to participate in any program, please notify us at the time of regis Tuesday/Thursday: 8:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. and 3:15 - 8:15 p.m. tration. Arizona Relay Service, a public service for the hearing impaired, is available Saturday: 8:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. at 7-1-1. Sunday: 10 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Price: Free for members! XXParks and Recreation Scholarships Non-members: $3.00 / hour for one child, $1.50 / hour for each additional child. Flagstaff’s Scholarship Program offers financial assistance (a 50% price reduction) to Ages: 6 months - 11 years old eligible Flagstaff families and individuals with limited financial resources to participate in recreation programs. Families and individuals can qualify by submitting docu- XXAquaplex Day Campers mentation of eligibility from other qualifying subsidized programs. The 50% discount Come learn new games, conquer the climbing wall and release your creativity through may be applied to the cost for daily admissions, memberships, swim lessons, staff orga- arts & crafts. Don’t forget your swimsuit! Healthy snacks and lunch are provided. Parnized programs, ice skate rentals, and more. Visit www.flagstaff.az.gov/recreation for ents, drop your kids off at the Aquaplex on FUSD holidays for a day full of fun and more information. excitement! Pre-registration is required. Register at the Flagstaff Aquaplex today!

XXWhat’s new in city parks?

A ramada with a view! Come check out the Cheshire Park ramada with a glorious view of the peaks. Parks staff will begin the process for a new park on the west side of City limits beginning this fall. The new park encompasses just over five-acres and the team is excited to see what new and different amenities can become a part of the park. The new permanent restrooms for Buffalo Park will be constructed onsite before the end of the calendar year. The amenity will be an incredible long-awaited feature of the beloved passive park.

Dates: Times: Price: Ages:

October 10 & 11 November 11, 27 & 29 January 20 February 17 March 16, 17, 18, 19 & 20 May 25 7:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. Members: $30 / child, non-members: $35 / child per day (a half-day registration rate is available) 5 - 12 years old

XXAquaplex Camp T.E.A.M

Camp T.E.A.M. stands for “Together Everyone Achieves More” and is a partnership between the Aquaplex and FUSD’s FACTS program. Have your children come and make new friends have a blast splashing around in the pool and conquering the rock wall. 1702 North 4th Street When not in the pool or on the rock wall, fun games are played in the gym and children Flagstaff, AZ 86004 | (928) 213-2300 www.flagstaff.az.gov/aquaplex can express themselves creatively through a wide variety of arts and crafts. Healthy snacks are provided. Pre-registration is required. Register at the Flagstaff Aquaplex! The Aquaplex is a recreation center designed for family fun and fitness. Enjoy yearDates: December 23, 24, 26, 27, 30 & 31 round activities and programs that include swimming, indoor rock climbing, and group (early pick up on 12/24 & 12/31, and late drop off on 12/26) fitness classes. An admission fee is charged to participate in activities and programs January 2 & 3 in the Aquaplex, either by paying daily admission or purchasing a one, three, six, or Times: 6:45 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. twelve-month membership. Member Price: $35/Full Day, $20/Half Day Meeting rooms and a party room are available for rent by the public. Please visit Non-Member Price: $40/Full Day, $25/Half Day our webpage at www.flagstaff.az.gov/aquaplex for additional information and pricing. Ages: 5-12 years old



FALL 2019 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

FALL2019 XXParent’s Night Out

XXDollar Days

Enjoy Flagstaff Arts Council’s First Friday Art Walk knowing your little ones are safe Come enjoy the Aquaplex and pay only $1.00 for admission when you bring in the and having a great time at the Aquaplex! There will be swimming, crafts, games, pizza, item of the day! All donations are given to local organizations. dinner, and a movie! Pre-registration is required. Register at the Flagstaff Aquaplex Dates 2019: October 14: Travel Toiletries today! Parents Night Out is proudly sponsored by Grimaldi’s Pizzeria! November 8: Canned Food Bring your Parents Night Out registration receipt for any of the listed Parents Night December 13: Winter Clothing Items Out dates into Grimaldi’s and receive $10 off any $30 purchase. Dates 2020: January 10: Back to School Supplies Dates: November 1, December 6, 2019, January 10, February 7, February 14: Pet Product March 6, April 3 and May 8, 2020 March 13: Canned Food Times: 4:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. April 10: Travel Toiletries Price: $15 for first child registered XXClimbing Wall $12 for second child registered from the same household As it becomes cooler out, come inside and try our climbing wall! Routes vary in diffi $10 each for a third child and any additional child registered culty. All levels welcome. Weight limits: 35-250lbs. from the same household. Dates / Times: Sundays 12 p.m. - 2:50 p.m. Ages: 5 -11 years old Monday - Friday 4 p.m. - 6:50 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m. - 4:50 p.m. XXSplash Squad Adult Only Climb: Fridays 7 p.m. - 7:50 p.m. Let your kiddos come splash their cares away and play energetic aquatic games with Price: Daily Admission our AWESOME Aquaplex staff in the pool’s large slide catch pool.


Your children’s imagination can go wild while they build an epic creation using Lego’s and other fun building pieces and puzzles, with our fun-loving Aquaplex staff. Dates: TBD - Inquire at the Aquaplex for more information Times: TBD - Inquire at the Aquaplex for more information Price: Daily Admission Ages: 5 -11 years old

XXPlanter Pals- Gardening Clinic

XXIndoor Pickle Ball

Join us for open pickleball and meet fellow Pickle Ball enthusiasts and get a fun workout. All levels welcome. Paddles and balls provided. Hours*: Monday - Saturday 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Sunday 3:45 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. *Please note that due to gym rentals, reservations and open pickle ball times are subject to change without notice. Price: Daily Admission

We are a Silver Sneakers and Silver & Fit Facility

Help cultivate your child’s love for the outdoors and gardening by having them take The Aquaplex specializes in balance, mobility and core strength programming. Let us part in transforming the Aquaplex garden area, in partnership with our fun-loving staff. help you get functionally fit today! We also participate in Silver Sneakers and Silver & Watch our garden and knowledge grow. Fit and offer several “Gold” fitness classes for Dates: March 17 & 19, 2020 our 55+ visitors. Times: TBD- Inquire at the Aquaplex for more information Price: Daily Admission XXGroup and Fitness Class Descriptions Ages: 5 - 11 years old The Aquaplex group fitness schedule offers a variety of classes for a wide range of fitness levels and abilities. Classes include cardio and strength, martial arts, Zumba, Yoga, XXSporties 4 Shorties Cycle, and Tru-fit Suspension classes, as well as youth programming and classes for Come and explore the exciting world of sport with our fun and energetic staff. Chilpatrons over 55. Classes are included in daily admission and memberships (unless othdren get to learn the basics and play fun games related to a different sport each Saturerwise noted). See each month’s Group Fitness Calendar at www.flagstaff.az.gov/recday. A wide variety of sports will be taught, including, baseball, basketball, volleyball, reation for a full list of classes, days and times. We strive to create fitness programming pickleball, disc golf, cheerleading, karate and many more. for all ages and abilities that are available at accessible days and times. Dates 2019: October 12, 19 & 26 November 2, 9, 16 & 23 Aquatics Programming December 7, 14 & 21 Dates 2020: January 4, 11, 18 & 25 XXAqua Aerobics Classes February 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 Come and join us in the pool for a fun intermediate cardio and strength building full March 7, 14, 21 & 28 body workout. Current days and times are available online at www.flagstaff.az.gov/ April 4, 11, 18 & 25 aquaplex on the group fitness calendar. Ages 12+ May 9, 16, 23 & 30 XXLifeguarding and CPR Courses Times: TBD - Inquire at the Aquaplex for more information Need lifesaving certifications for your job? Come and join us for Shallow Water LifePrice: Daily Admission guarding courses and CPR courses! Taught by a certified American Red Cross InstrucAges: 5 - 11 years old tor, you will get high-quality training for the certifications you need! Go to www.flagstaff.az.gov/aquaplex for more information!

www.flagstaff.az.gov • FALL 2019


Parks and Recreation XXGroup Swimming Lessons

Enroll your child in swim lessons where they can learn lifesaving swimming skills in a setting which is supportive, comfortable, and fun while still being challenged. Multiple weekday and weekend sessions available each season year-round. Ages 6 months and older. Please check www.flagstaff.az.gov/aquaplex for current and future swim lesson dates and registration.


(928) 213-2310 (928) 213-2309 www.flagstaff.az.gov/athletics

XXAdult Coed Hockey

XXHoliday Tree Lighting

Join us in Heritage Square - 22 E Aspen Ave. for the annual tree lighting. Santa and Mrs. Claus will arrive at 5:30 p.m. to light the tree and kick off the holiday season. Date & Time: Saturday, December 7, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. Price: FREE Ages: All ages

Hal Jensen Recreation Center

2403 N. Izabel St. Flagstaff Arizona 86004 (928) 213-2760


Registration: September 9 - October 25, 2019 The center is open from 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. on days that FUSD schools are closed due to a Date / Days: November 3, 2019 - April 12, 2020 (Sundays) snow day schedule or regularly scheduled breaks. This will include the two-week WinPrice: $200 per person (plus an additional USA Hockey member fee ter break from December 23, 2019 - January 3, 2020. paid directly to USA Hockey) Dates & Time: Monday - Friday: 1 - 8 p.m. (Ages 18+) Ages: 18+ Monday – Friday: 2:15 p.m. - 8 p.m. (Ages 17 and under) Mandatory evaluation of players required on Sunday, October 27, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (Ages: All ages) at Jay Lively Activity Center.

XXAdult Basketball (1st Session) Registration: Date / Days: Price: Ages:

October 7 - November 8, 2019 November 18, 2019 - January 3, 2020 (Monday - Friday and Sundays) $325 per team until November 8, 2019 18+

XXAdult Basketball (2nd Session) Registration: Date / Days: Price: Ages:

December 2, 2019 - January 3, 2020 January 6 - February 14, 2020 (Monday - Friday and Sundays) $325 per team until January 3, 2020 18+

XXSpring Adult Volleyball Registration: Date / Days: Price: Ages:

January 6 - February 7, 2020 February 16 - April 23, 2020 (Monday - Friday and Sundays) $275 per team until February 7, 2020 18+

Community Events Haley Willstead (928) 213-2312

XX Halloween Harvest

XXDid you know?

The Hal Jensen Recreation Center offers rooms that you can rent at an unbeatable price! You can host birthday parties, baby showers, and meetings. Please call for pricing.

Drop-in Programs

XXAdult Full Court Basketball Day &Time: Price: Age:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday Ongoing 6a.m. - 9 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Oct. - Nov. 5 - 8 p.m. Free 18+ (17 and under if needed, or asked to play)

XWeight X Room Days & Times: Adults 18+ Youth: All Ages: Prices:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6 - 9 a.m. Monday - Friday, 1 - 3 p.m. and 5 - 7:45 p.m. Monday - Friday, 3 - 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (Yearly) Adults 18+ $59 Youth $20 Senior 55+ $48.25 Active Military $48.25 (Monthly) Adults 18+ $6.50 Youth $2.25 Senior 55+ $5.50 Active Military $5.50

The City of Flagstaff Parks and Recreation is hosting their award-winning Halloween Harvest on Thursday, October 31 from 4 - 7 p.m. at Heritage Square, 6 East Aspen XXPhoenix Suns basketball clinic: Days/Times: October 3rd 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Ave. Festivities will include creepy carnival games, arts and crafts, a pumpkin patch, Price: Free spooky music, fun library activities, and a costume contest. Little ghouls should bring Location: The Aquaplex their Halloween bags and visit local businesses for candy on our Downtown Trick or Treat Trail. This is a safe and fun event for kids of all ages! XXGame Room Date & Time: Thursday, October 31, 2019 from 4 - 7p.m. Enjoy billiards, ping-pong, air hockey, foosball, and more board games than you can Price: Free imagine! Utilize this comfortable space to play, read, relax, study or watch TV. Ages: All ages


FALL 2019 • www.flagstaff.az.gov


Calling all teens! Join other Flagstaff teens in a positive, safe environment. We want to help teens build relationships, develop and foster leadership skills, volunteer in our community and have tons of fun. This group is geared for ages 13 to 17 years old. Please contact Crystal Warden-Gant at 213-2762 to sign up and get more information about the program.


XXCo-ed 2nd - 8th Grade Youth Basketball League

X XPublic Skating Hours Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday:

2:30 - 4 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and 5:30 - 7 p.m. 2:30 - 4 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and 5:30 - 8 p.m. 1 - 4:30 p.m.

Join us in an awesome 10 week, Jr. Suns instructional basketball league! This is the lon- Public hours are subject to change, depending on group schedules, please view gest standing league in Flagstaff, and we offer the best price in town! Learn the funda- our online calendar for the most up to date hours. mentals of the game and have a blast with other youth in our community. The City also offers 50% scholarships for qualifying families. Please inquire about X X Public Skating Rates (per person) Youth (5-17 years) $3.50 this amazing deal. Adult (18 & up) $6.75 Fees: $25 - October 3 - One day only - FLASH SALE Active Military/ Senior (55+) $5.00 $35 - October 4th – November 3rd, Regular Registration Skate Rental $4.00 $50 - November 4 – 15th Late Registration

XXSkills, Drills, and Draft

Players are encouraged to participate in the skills, drills and draft process. This allows the coach to assess their skills so that teams will be evenly matched. If a child cannot make the draft, he or she will be placed on a team. Dress comfortably to participate in drills.

*Only gym shoes are allowed on the basketball court.

X XDaily Admission Punch Card / # of Punches Youth Adult Active Military / Senior (55+) Skate Rental

$49.00 / 20 punches $98.00 / 20 punches $75.00 / 20 punches $59.00 / 20 rentals

Groups will be assessed by grade. Dates & Times: Saturday, November 23, 2019. 2nd – 3rd-grade registration from 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. skills and drills clinic 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. 4th - 5th-grade registration from 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. skills and drills clinic 10 a.m.-11 a.m. 6th - 8th-grade (middle school) registration from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. skills and drills clinic from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.

XXSeeking Coaches and Officials!

Please inquire about our coaching incentive program! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer coach or paid official for the 2019-2020 Youth Basketball League Season, please call the Hal Jensen Recreation Center at (928) 213-2760.

Upcoming Special Events:

Please keep these upcoming events in mind. Call Hal Jensen Recreation Center at (928) 213-2760 for more information.

XXBlack History Month Blood Drive Coming in February. XXDaddy Daughter Ball Coming in April.

Calling all fathers and father-figures. Show the special little lady in your life an evening of magic! Enjoy a catered dinner, professional photographer, dancing, and crafts. It will be a night you’ll never forget!

Jay Lively Activity Center

1650 N. Turquoise Drive Flagstaff, AZ 86004 (928) 213-2340

The Jay Lively Ice Arena is a year-round public ice-skating rink that provides recreation opportunities for the entire family. We offer public skating, adult sticks and pucks, adult open hockey, coed hockey league, and adult skate sessions. The activity center is home to NAU’s Club Hockey, Flagstaff Youth Hockey Association, Flagstaff Figure Skating Club, Coed Hockey, Just for Fun Hockey Club and the Flagstaff Adult Hockey League. Skate aids and helmets are available for free. For more information, please visit our webpage at www.flagstaff.az.gov/JLively www.flagstaff.az.gov • FALL 2019


Parks and Recreation XXGalaxy Skate

XWellness X Through Weight Training

Join us the second Friday of every month from 5:30 to 8 p.m. for Galaxy Skate. The We offer personalized fitness training for older adults to improve strength and fitness. lights are off and the lasers are on. Hang out with your friends and skate to fun music. Days/Times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Regular admission and rental rates apply. Prices: $25 per month or $60 for 3 months Ages: 55+

XXStroller Skate

Parents and young ones can share time on the ice before public skate. Adults (18+) can skate and push a stroller around the rink on the first and third Thursday of the month from 10 to 11:45 a.m. All children must stay in the stroller. Regular admission and rental rates apply for each skater. Free admission for children in strollers.

XXOpen Hockey (18+) Days/Times: Prices:

Tuesday 12 - 2 p.m. Thursday 12 - 2 p.m. $13.50 Daily $98.00 /10 visits

XXSenior Stretch

Come experience increased flexibility, strengthen muscles, improved balance and much more! Days/Times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 - 9 a.m. Prices: $1 per class Ages: 55+

XWalking X Group

XXSticks and Pucks (18+)

Meet at Joe C Montoya Community and Senior Center and enjoy a sociable walk with others in and around the Flagstaff area. For more information contact Jack Welch 928714-0504. Days/Times: Tuesdays 9 a.m. After October 4, 2019 Prices: Free Ages: 18+

XXIce Skate Lessons

Learn sensory-motor activities that stimulate efficient functioning of the motor neural networks to support balance. www.HighPointAz.com: Instructor Christina Boyd 928-863-0595 Days/Times: Wednesdays, 2 - 3 p.m. Prices: $15 per class. $7 per class with the purchase of 4-week series. Ages: 18+

Days/Times: Wednesday 9 -10:30 a.m. Friday 9 -10:30 a.m. Prices: $6.75 Daily $98.00 / 20 visits Open hockey and sticks and pucks sessions are subject to change, depending on group schedules, please view our online calendar for the most up to date hours. Lessons are available through the Flagstaff Figure Skating Club on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 p.m., please contact: http://flagstafffigureskatingclub.com/content/learntoskate.

Joe C. Montoya Community and Senior Center 245 N Thorpe Rd. Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (928) 213-2765 www.flagstaff.az.gov/jcm

XXMove With Ease

XXChair Yoga

Explore the endless benefits of chair yoga. Instructor: Melinda De Boer Ayrey 928527-8604 Days/Time: Wednesdays and Thursdays 10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Price: $4 per class. Ages: 16+

XXMixed Levels Gentle Iyengar Hatha Yoga

The Joe C. Montoya Community and Senior Center is a recreation center designed for family Days/Time: Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. fun and fitness and host to the County’s Senior Lunch Program. Enjoy year-round activities Price: $13 per class, $42 for 4 classes & $69 for 8 classes and programs, including group exercise, dance, leisure classes, and a fitness center. MeetAges: 16+ ing rooms are available for rent by the general public for clubs, groups, and organizations. XXBridge Lessons Days/Times: Monday-Thursday 7 a.m.- 8 p.m. Come and learn the great game of Party Bridge. These lessons are taught using the 3 Friday 7 a.m.- 2 p.m. “Bridge Basics” books by Audrey Grant. Classes will run in 12-week sessions as groups XXFitness Center Memberships of 4 are signed up. Call 928-440-3784 for more information. Continue the road to a healthier and happier self in a modern, relaxed, and welcomDays/Time: Mondays & Wednesdays 1 – 4 p.m. ing fitness facility. Price: $60 includes the cost of the books Days/Times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30 a.m.- 8 p.m. Ages: 18+ Tuesday, Thursday 7 a.m.- 8 p.m. XXCreative Writing Group Prices: $6 per month or $65.50 per year Instructor: Barbara Shovers 480-612-2461 or barbara@wisdomseekersAZ.org Ages: 55+ Days/Time: Wednesdays 1:30 - 3 p.m. Days/Times: Monday thru Thursday 12 p.m.- 8 p.m. Price: Free Friday 12 - 2 p.m. Ages: 18+ Prices: $8.75 per month or $97.75 per year Ages: 18-55


FALL 2019 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

SUMMER2019 XXGuitar for Fun and Relaxation

Instructor: Marc Worthington 928-221-0418 Call to register. Days/Time: Thursdays 3 – 4 p.m. & 4 - 5 p.m. Price: $30 for 5 classes and $5 for materials Ages: 13+

XXArtist’s Open Studio

Artists at all levels meet and share their skills. Days/Time: Monday’s 10 a.m. to noon Price: $2 Ages: 18+

XXLittle Music Makers of Flagstaff

An early musical experience with Instruments, Movement, and Song. This class is for children and caregivers. These classes are offered in 8-week sessions. Late Fall Session begins October 22. For more information, go to www. Flagmusicmakers.com or call 928-773-8449. Days/Time: Tuesdays 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. (Mixed ages 0-4) Tuesdays 10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. (Mixed ages 0-4) Wednesday 9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. (Mixed ages 0-4) Wednesday 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. (Mixed ages 0-4) Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. (Babies Class) Price: $100 per session for the 1st child, $75 siblings over age 1. Ages: Birth through 4 with parent or caregiver

XWisdom X Seekers Book Discussion

Instructor: Barbara Shovers 480-612-2461 or barbara@wisdomseekersAZ.org Days/Time: 1st and 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays 1:30 - 3 p.m. Price: Free Ages: 18+

XWisdom X Seekers Wellness Series

Instructor: Barbara Shovers 480-612-2461 or barbara@wisdomseekersAZ.org Presentations are given by practitioners in the fields of holistic health and personal and spiritual development. Days/Time: 2nd Tuesdays, April through December from 1:30 - 3 p.m. Price: Free Ages: 18+

XXFlagstaff Ukulele Jam

Come jam with us! All skill levels and ages welcome. No lessons, just a fun jam time. A variety of music is enjoyed each week. For questions or to get on the mailing list please go to flagukejam@gmail.com or check out the website at https://flagukejam.weebly.com We look forward to seeing you there. Days/Time: Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. to 7:55 p.m. Prices: Donations accepted Ages: All ages welcome

XXONGOING & FREE Programs! Drop-in for fun and entertainment.

Book Exchange Ongoing Beginning Spanish Thurs. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Billiards 18+ Mon. – Thurs.8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fri. 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Contract/Party Bridge Mon. & Thurs. 1 p.m. Cribbage Tues. 1 p.m. Duplicate Bridge Tues. 1:15 p.m. Pinochle Mon. 1 p.m. Scrabble Wed. 1 p.m. Mexican Train Dominos Wed. 1 p.m. Table Tennis Club: Every Tuesday and Wednesday evening from 5 until 8 p.m. A $1 donation for each session is appreciated as we have rent to pay and quality balls to buy. This is not recreational, basement type Ping Pong. Please don’t come unless you are prepared to play at a higher level. For more information on this exciting group please call Jack Welch at 714-0504

Siler Homes Activity Center

3330 E. Elder Drive Flagstaff Arizona 86004 (928) 527-3242

The Siler Homes Activity Center offers board games, crafts, and various group games. The Center is open to all ages and is also available for private rentals. For private rentals at the Siler Homes Activity Center, please call the Hal Jensen Recreation Center at 213-2760. We welcome ideas and information or activities that the community would like to see offered. We look forward to seeing you there. Hours Monday- Friday: 4 -7 p.m. (Ages 5-18) XTai X Chi Saturday: 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. (Ages 5-18) Please join us for these free Fall Prevention Classes taught by Corey Cooper. He is certified by the Tai Chi for Health Institute as an instructor for Dr. Lam’s Tai Chi for Arthri- XXDrop in programs tis for Fall Prevention Course. Arts & Crafts: From painting to sculpting, sand art and much more to fulfill your creDays/Time: Friday’s 10 – 11 a.m. ative side. Price: FREE Board games: Monopoly, Uno, Connect 4, and many more. Ages: 18+ Outside activities: Football, basketball, monkey on the ground, tag, and other group games.

XXSenior Tap

Instructor Barbara Brydenthal at 928-310-4459. Days/Time: Fridays 11a.m.-12:00 p.m. Prices: FREE Ages: 55+

XXSpecial Events

Please call (928) 527-3242 to inquire about our Halloween and Holiday bashes!

www.flagstaff.az.gov • FALL 2019


Flagstaff City-Coconino County Public Library www.flagstaffpubliclibrary.org


Please note children under 10 must be accompanied by a caregiver at all library events.

XXAuthor Talk: Pam Houston Comes to Thursday Night Book Club


The Thursday Night Book Club will be reading Pam Houston’s latest: Deep Creek: Finding Hope in the High Country (available at the November Book Discussion or at the Downtown Library Information Desk afterwards) and discussing it with the author at the December meeting. Come join us! Date & Time: Thursday, December 12th at 6 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room Ages: Adults and older teens

Downtown Library 300 W. Aspen Avenue 928.213.2330 East Flagstaff Community Library 3000 N. 4th Street 928.213.2348

XThe X DeviantArt Holiday Card Project!

Join us as we make cards for people that are hospitalized during the holiday season. Date & Time: Thursday, December from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Ages: All Ages

The Flagstaff City-Coconino County Public Library inspires learning, enriches lives, and strengthens community. Please call, email, message, or follow us on social media if you would like more information. You can also sign up for weekly #WhatsHappeningAtYourLibrary emails by clicking on our logo under Social Networks on our home page.


Just text the appropriate code from this list to 81010. (You must be 13 or older to subscribe. Your phone carrier’s standard messaging rates will apply)

Adult programs: All ages programs: Teen programs at East: Children’s programs at East: Preschool programs at East:

@efclad @efclall @efclte @efclch @efclpr

What can you get at the library? We have books and more! Looking for something? Call us and ask! If we don’t have it, we will at least know you want it, and that helps us serve you better. 20

FALL 2019 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

XXFamily Game Day

Enjoy board games, puzzles, and video gaming with your family at the Downtown Library. Date & Time: Saturday, November 2 at 10:30 a.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room Ages: All Ages

XXGive Back Day

Join EFCL as we give thanks to members of our community with handmade cards. Check our online calendar for additional giving opportunities this week. Date & Time: Tuesday, November 12 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Ages: All Ages

XXLibrary Lunacy - The Moon Near and Far

Come learn about the things we can see from here when we look at the moon with Dr. Jennifer Buz, Planetary Geologist. What did we think we saw before the Apollo Missions? What did we find in real life? Who is the man on the moon? Carve your own moony pumpkin after we learn the answers! Date & Time: Sunday, October 13 at 2 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Ages: All Ages

XXLibrary Lunacy - Moonrise Read

All ages open mic for poetry, stories, and songs about the moon while we watch the moon rise. We will have poems and short stories for you to pick from, or you can bring your own. Come at 6:45 with the moon and sign up to read, or just come to listen. We will have material that all ages can read, we promise! Date & Time: Wednesday, November 13 at 7 p.m. Location: TBD Ages: All Ages

XThe X Magic of the Middle Ages: Lessons from the Past

Please join us as Dr. Albrecht Classen presents on The Magic of the Middle Ages. Dr. Albrecht Classen is a university distinguished professor of German Studies at

FALL2019 the University of Arizona. The Middle Ages were not really the dark ages of modern myth. Come learn about the more glorious and mysterious aspects of the times Regularly Scheduled Fall Programming for Adults: through fascinating texts, images, music, architecture, magical arts, philosophy, and religion. XXCooking the Books Date & Time: Thursday, October 24 at 6 p.m. Join the library cookbook club. Sign up, check out a cookbook, choose a recipe, preLocation: Downtown Library Community Room pare the food, and bring it (along with your chosen book) to the library on the desigAges: Adults and older teens nated date. You can sign up at the Downtown Library Information Desk or by calling 928-213-2331. XXMeads and Reads Date & Time: 1st Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. Join us at The Meadery for fun with matched Meadery Readery Menus and pictures Location: Downtown Library Community Room with the Viking! Date & Time: Friday, October 11 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. XXInspiration on Tap Location: The Drinking Horn Meadery Come get your write on with our writing community. Get feedback, take time to write, Ages: Adults pick up tips and inspiration from other writers. Occasional workshops, at the request of attendees. Tell us what you need. Individualized Instruction for Adults: Date & Time: 2nd Saturday of each month at 3 p.m. Location: October 12: Grimaldi’s Pizza (on the patio - with a special workshop on storytelling XXResume Help for Pinestory Slam), November 9: Uptown Pub; December 14: Historic on San Francisco Drop in resume help is available at the Downtown Library every Monday from 4 -5 p.m. Are you interested in writing or updating your resume? Learn how to highlight XXNos Encantan Cuentos en Espanol your unique skills and talents in a way that employers will understand and appreciate. ¿Quieres leer en español ¿Quieres mantener tu idioma? Tenemos un club para leer cuenNo appointment required. tos y discutirlos cada mes. Las historias están disponibles en nuestro evento de Facebook Date & Time: Mondays from 4 -5 p.m. “Nos Encantan” o por correo electrónico (flagstaffpubliclibrary@gmail.com) antes de Location: Downtown Library la reunión. Todos son bienvenidos, y está bien si traes a tus niños. Date & Time: el segundo martes de cada mes a las 6 p.m. XTechnology X & Computer Instruction Location: en la biblioteca del centro en la sala azul o en el esquina noroeste, dependiendo del One-on-one technology & computer sessions with a dedicated instructor are available número de personas for introductory software, résumé development, online job applications, and more. The 30-minute sessions are by appointment only. XXPinestory Slam Date & Time: Please schedule an appointment at the Downtown Library by calling 928-213Do you have a story to tell? Sign up to participate in the Pinestory Slam! No notes, just you 2331 or at the East Flagstaff Community Library by calling 928-213-2348. and your themed (true or fictional) story entertaining a friendly audience for 8 minutes Location: Both Flagstaff Public Libraries or less. Our Registration Form for storytellers is available on the Pinestory Slam event in Facebook, by emailing flagstaffpubliclibrary@gmail.com, or by messaging us on Facebook. Date & Time: 4th Thursday of every month at 5:30 p.m. Regularly Scheduled Fall Programming for All Ages: Location: Charly’s Pub and Grill

XXArt in the Stacks

Join us on First Fridays as we celebrate the arts with exhibits and family-friendly art programs. Date & Time: 1st Friday of each month at 5 p.m. Location: Northwest corner of the Downtown Library

XXLocal Legends Inter-Generational Story Time

XXPlot Your Garden: Composting

Join us for the last seasonal presentation in the Plot Your Garden series! Cara Corbin, from Corbin Composting, will present tips and tricks for home composting. Date & Time: Sunday, October 20 11 a.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room

Locally sourced stories for all ages from various area storytellers and authors. In Octo- XXPlotting the Plateau ber, hang out with Ranger Melissa Panter and learn about the astronauts who trained Each month, this nonfiction book club focusing on the Colorado Plateau is hosted by a difin Flag while making your own Lunar Legacy badge. In November, enjoy Helen Gal- ferent community organization. This fall, we are partnering with the NAU Sustainability and erakis’s stories from her fastest known time attempt on the Arizona Trail! Sociology Departments. Come pick up a book at the Downtown Library Information Desk! Date & Time: 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. Date & Time: 4th Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Location: Northwest corner of the Downtown Library Location: Downtown Library Community Room

XXStitching by the Books

Come stitch with us! All fiber arts and skill levels welcome! Knit, crochet, embroider, or stitch, and connect with the Flagstaff fiber community. Date & Time: Mondays through November 4 from 6 – 8 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Ages: 9 and up

XXPoetry Out Loud @ the Library

Poetry Out Loud @ the Library is a reading and discussion group celebrating poets and poetry. Reading material is provided at each session. Date & Time: 3rd Wednesday of each month at 2 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room

www.flagstaff.az.gov • FALL 2019


Flagstaff City - Coconino County Public Library XXReading the Stars Sci Fi Nerd Club

Regularly Scheduled Fall Programming for Teens:

Join Professor Angele Anderfuren in exploring classic and contemporary science fiction through thematically linked books and movies, with a new book/movie pairing XXFlamin’ Hot Wednesdays to discuss each month! Pick up each month’s book at the Downtown Library Infor- Games? Slime? Origami? Join us to find out what’s up next! Date & Time: October 9 & 23 from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. mation Desk. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Date & Time: 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Ages: 12-17 Location: Wildflower in the Sawmill Shopping Center

XXShakespeare Allowed!

XXGame Day

Come play video game systems and table-top games in our Community Room! The Flagstaff Public Library and the Flagstaff Shakespeare Festival host this commuDate & Time: Fridays through November 8 from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. nity reading of one entire Shakespeare play each month. Come have fun reading aloud Location: East Flagstaff Community Room or listening to your neighbors. We provide the books, you provide the voice. Ages: 10-17 Date & Time: Sunday, October 27 and Sunday, November 24 at 11 a.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Roo

XXOvertime Otaku: Anime Club

X30 X is the new 13?

Join us each week for anime, games and crafts! Patrons 11 or younger are welcome to attend with a permission slip (available at the front desk). Date & Time: Mondays through November 4 from 3:15 – 4:30 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Ages: 12-17

XThursday X Night Book Club

Looking for something to beat the after-school blues? We’ve got you covered! Join us for afternoons filled with activities and games all based around a different theme each week. Date & Time: Tuesdays through November 5 at 3:30 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room Ages: 10 - 17

YA Happy Hour Book Club for Adults Pick up your copy of our latest book at the Downtown Library Information Desk, then meet to discuss the book during happy hour at Blendz Wine Bar. Date & Time: The 4th Friday of every month at 5:30 p.m. Location: Blendz Wine Bar Join the Library’s oldest book club! This fall, we are reading An American Marriage by Tayari Jones, Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens, and Deep Creek: Finding Hope in the High Country by Pam Houston. Pam Houston will be joining us at the library in December! Sign out a copy of each month’s book at the Downtown Library Information Desk. Date & Time: 2nd Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room

XVirtually X a Book Club

Join us in the FlagLib Virtually A Book Club Facebook Group anytime during the month to discuss books with fellow readers. We vote on a book to focus on the first week of every month. Date & Time: At your convenience, a new book each month. Location: The Facebook Group → FlagLib Virtually a Book Club

XWriters X Who Lunch

Meet up and write your heart at, discuss roadblocks and get feedback about ongoing projects with Dr. June Compton and our community of writers! Date & Time: Tuesdays and Fridays at Noon Location: Downtown Library in the Northwest Writers’ Corner

XThe X Written World

XXRetweet Tuesdays

XXScrolls & Rolls

Join us for the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons! Date & Time: First and third Wednesdays through November 20 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Ages: 12 - 17

XTeen X Gaming

Stop by the Community Room at the Downtown Library for Wii-U, PS4 and X-Box 360 gaming. Bring a friend and pick your game. Date & Time: 1st and 3rd Fridays through November 15 at 3 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room Ages: 12 - 17

Regularly Scheduled Fall Programming for Children: Please note children under 10 must be accompanied by a caregiver at all library events.

XXBaby Laptime

Meet other lovers of the written world. Time to write, connect, and share. Come write, Enjoy songs, stories, fingerplays, knee bounces, rhymes and more with your infant. pick up some prompts and participate in the occasional workshop. Date & Time: Tuesdays through November 5 at 10:15 a.m. Date & Time: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 6 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room Location: Mother Road Brewery on Butler

XXBaby Laptime

Enjoy songs, stories and rhymes with your infant! Date & Time: Wednesdays through November 6 from 9 – 9:30 a.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Ages: 0-2, with caregiver


FALL 2019 • www.flagstaff.az.gov

SUMMER2019 XXCrafty Corner

Express your crafty creativity at the East Flagstaff Community Library. New crafts each week! Date & Time: Tuesdays through November 5 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Ages: 5-13

XXCreation Station

Stories and crafts with a different theme each time. Date & Time: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays through November 13 at 3:30 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room Ages: 3 and up

XXFamily Storytime

Bring the whole family and enjoy a morning of stories, songs, puppets and more! Date & Time: Tuesdays through November 5 from 10 – 10:45 a.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room


Join us for fun-filled afternoons of creating and building. You bring the imagination, we’ll supply the LEGOs! Date & Time: 2nd and 4th Mondays through November 11 at 3:30 p.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room Ages: 5 and up


Join us for fun-filled afternoons of creating and building. You bring the imagination, we’ll supply the LEGOs! Date & Time: Thursdays, October 10 – November 7 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Ages: 5-11


In an attempt to discourage panhandling by individuals who use the cash they receive from donors to feed substance abuse problems... while at the same time remaining compassionate to those with legitimate needs, the Flagstaff Police Department and Shadows Foundation have joined together to develop a system that allows donors to buy vouchers. These vouchers can be given and used to purchase non-alcoholic and nontobacco related goods at participating businesses by those that receive them. As of January 1, 2018 all recipients of Better Bucks will be allowed to use up to $10 in better Bucks Vouchers at participating merchants. These vouchers can be given and used to purchase non-alcoholic and nontobacco related goods at participating businesses by those that receive them. Participating businesses include Basha’s, Fry’s, Savers, Freddy’s Custard & Steakburgers, Flagstaff Farmers Market and Dog Haus. Better Bucks can only be redeemed for food and important living essentials. When giving Better Bucks you know how your donation is being used.

XXPreschool Express

Surprises galore are in store when we get together for stories, songs, and games. Date & Time: Wednesdays & Thursdays through November 7 at 10:30 a.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room

XXPreschool Pajama Storytime

Get your wiggles out before bedtime! Support your child’s brain development through stories & songs. Pajamas optional, siblings welcome. Date & Time: First Thursdays, September through November, from 6 - 6:30 p.m. Location: East Flagstaff Community Room Ages: 0-5, with caregiver

XXSaturday Story Stop

You’ll get to know all sorts of different faces as library staff and community members present a fun-filled morning of storytime stuff. Date & Time: Year-round at 10:30 a.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room


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1 Historic Route 66


300 W Aspen Avenue

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1901 N Fourth Street

2800 S Woodlands Village Blvd


3000 N Fourth Street, Suite 5

2520 N Fourth Street

21 N San Francisco Street



101 Historic Route 66

XToddler X Tales

Your toddler will delight in this special time for stories, songs, games and more. Date & Time: Tuesdays through November 5 at 11 a.m. Location: Downtown Library Community Room

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Questions? Need to request childcare or Spanish translation? Want more information? Call 928-213-2144 or visit www.flagstaff.az.gov/homeenergy.

City of Flagstaff, Arizona 211 West Aspen Avenue Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

November 13, 2019 6pm - 7pm Downtown Library

Flagstaff, AZ Permit No. 55

October 23, 2019 6pm - 7pm East Flagstaff Library


Attend a FREE home energy efficiency workshop and receive a supply kit and tips to help save money and energy in your house or apartment.

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