2013 Arizona Engineering Progress Report | Education

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College Dean Jeff Goldberg: A Passion for Education This education progress report complements the College’s research progress report and is part of our effort to show the true importance of our teaching mission. I want people to know that we value outstanding engineering educators, strong staff members who support students, and the innovative educational programs in the College of Engineering. We are every bit as strong at engineering education as we are at engineering research. The profiles in these pages describe our best teaching faculty and our proven programs for recruiting, retaining and educating students. We are a high-research college in a high-research university, but early on in my career I discovered that being an outstanding teacher was my passion, and over the last 28 years at the University of Arizona College of Engineering I have had the pleasure and privilege of teaching thousands of students and seeing them grow and be successful, personally and professionally. After a sabbatical from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in the 1990s, I worked with a community of engineering education scholars in the American Society of Engineering Education. We devised and implemented strategies for improving and measuring learning, curriculum development, student recruiting and retention, and acquisition of key engineering skills. Dean Thomas Peterson appointed me Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in 2004, with responsibility for designing and implementing programs to elevate the undergraduate mission of the College. I had found my true calling, and I thought I had the best job on earth. This report shows how we provide an outstanding engineering education that shapes students into lifelong learners and successful professionals. As engineering education evolves, be assured that we will be in the vanguard, always looking for ways to improve our performance in achieving our primary mission.


“We are every bit as strong at education as we are at research. As engineering education evolves, be assured that we will be in the vanguard.”

Table of Contents 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Letter from the Dean College Vision, Mission and Values Student Camps Engineering 102 HS Gila Hall Engineering Zone Advising and Tutoring Engineering Ambassadors Student Clubs University Distinguished Professors Arizona Engineering Education Fellows Lifelong Contact Cool Careers and Alumni Links with Industry Department Contacts




The UA College of Engineering will be one of the top 10 U.S. public engineering institutions and a global leader in technology innovation to improve the quality of life. Our graduates will be actively sought as leaders to solve complex societal problems, and we will be recognized as an economic engine and community partner.


Our mission is to improve the quality of life through excellence in education and research. To achieve this we will serve all who have an interest in our success and be the vanguard in the creation and improvement of the nation’s essential systems and technologies. By emphasizing the fundamentals of math, science and engineering, we will foster lifelong learning, leadership and productive careers.


Excellence Faculty and students will have academic freedom, and our research and educational programs will be of the highest quality. Openness We will communicate openly and treat people fairly because we value the opinions and respect the needs of all. Ethics High ethical standards and sound decisionmaking will be at the heart of our practices.

“Our graduates will be actively sought as leaders to solve complex societal problems, and we will be recognized as an economic engine and community partner.”


Diversity Diverse people and ideas produce lasting solutions, and we will make it our duty to encourage and help all to be successful. Cooperation We will forge partnerships on and off campus in our drive to solve society’s complex problems and improve the quality of life.



Camps Inspire Students to Follow an Engineering Education and Career The young minds at our summer engineering programs eagerly soak up the latest developments on the front lines of the new industrial revolution.

“All faculty members within the College have

The name of the game is fundamentals at the fun summer engineering camps for middle and high school students.

gone above and beyond to show students in the academy the multifaceted aspects and applicability of engineering principles and careers.” Middle school students build solar robots.

Getting high school students from Arizona and beyond interested in earning an engineering degree is a priority at the University of Arizona College of Engineering. One way we do this is through the Summer Engineering Academy, a weeklong residential camp for students in grades 9 through 12. The academy allows students to explore potential careers while learning engineering fundamentals from UA professors and students in the 13 engineering majors within the College. The College provides scholarships that can help cover the cost of the camp. The students sleep in UA residence halls and spend their days on campus touring labs and taking on a variety of projects, including 3-D modeling in SolidWorks and basic design through hands-on labs and challenges.


– Ted Gatchell, academy director and coordinator for recruitment, retention and outreach

UA engineering students, who are only a few years out of high school themselves, work as peer-mentor counselors and help create a network of resources for the future engineers in their transition from high school to college.

Contact: Academic Affairs 520.621.4018 • gaxiola@email.arizona.edu

Younger students in grades 6 through 8 can also discover engineering at the Summer Engineering Robotics Camp, which shows middle school students exactly how an idea becomes reality. Students build robots from Lego MindStorm kits and do some basic computer programming, then compete in design challenges to test their models for speed, endurance and other technological abilities. Prizes are awarded for best overall design. Lecture topics for the summer camps range from fundamentals of mathematics and physics to engineering design and project management.



High School Students Take Their Engineering Education for a Test Drive Completing Engineering 102 in high school is one way students are getting a jump on choosing the degree program that best fits their individual skills and interests.

“This class really helped me transition

The UA Solar Oven Throw Down gives students a chance to test their designs and predictions.

because I had the help of my instructor and peers and the College of Engineering to guide me through.” – Johana Guzman Engineering 102 is a hands-on introduction to engineering disciplines that helps students choose an engineering major.

Engineering 102 HS gets high school students excited about engineering and introduces them to the various engineering disciplines. Students who complete the class in high school say it relieves some of the pressure in their freshman year. Successful completion of the course – in the comfort of their own high school, under the instruction of a teacher they know, and with a reduced-tuition scholarship – results in three units of UA College of Engineering credit for ambitious high school students. “I’m the first generation to go to college in my family,” says Johana Guzman, who took Engineering 102 HS at Tucson’s Flowing Wells High School. “Your freshman year is kind of overwhelming as it


Contact: Academic Affairs 520. 626.3990 • jjillrogers@email.arizona.edu

is. So not having to take this extra class alleviates some of the stress.” The Engineering 102 HS class, featuring campus tours, hands-on activities and guest speakers, is offered in 23 high schools across the Southwest and draws more and more students every year.

Focus on Engineering Trends

At the annual Engineering 102 High School teacher workshop, College of Engineering faculty present lesson plans for projects in Excel, solar oven design, catapults and robotics. New workshops are developed each year to help align the class with current trends in engineering. Recently added activities focus on biotech sensors and engineering

service learning, a type of community service. “We have lots of students who either think they want to be engineers or have no idea what engineering is about,” says Sarah Streb, who teaches the course at Tucson’s Salpointe Catholic High School. “Most 102 projects focus on engineering design through calculations, simulations, building and testing,” says Streb, whose students work on rocketry, radio astronomy and solar oven projects.

Funding Support

In 2008, Science Foundation Arizona provided $500,000 seed money for Engineering 102 HS. Additionally, Salt River Project and Intel Foundation each have contributed $100,000.


GILA HALL ENGINEERING ZONE E-zone residents (shown here on a ropes course outing) have countless opportunities to interact with one another, faculty, staff, community leaders, and industry representatives.

The E-Zone: A Home Away from Home, and a Leg Up Living-learning community helps students make a smooth transition from high school to college.

“It gave

The E-Zone is on the third floor of Gila Hall in the historic northwest area of campus.

us one less thing to figure out because we already had our community.”

Contact: Recruitment, Retention and Outreach 520.626.6218 • rmyren@email.arizona.edu A typical freshman is trying to balance hundreds of challenges on any given day. Building a network of peers, learning task- and time-management skills, choosing a major, and connecting to campus life can seem daunting enough. Add to the mix missing family and friends, juggling finances for the first time, trying to get enough sleep, and struggling to avoid the freshman 15, and life can get really overwhelming really fast. The College of Engineering has a number of safeguards in place to get freshmen through their first year. One is the highly regarded E-Zone. The Engineering Zone is a living-learning community in Gila Hall that provides a social and academic support network for first-year engineering


– Amanda Veitch

students. The co-ed hall, with single-gender wings, gives freshmen immediate access to information, resources and friends. Students need look no further than their hall for classmates, homework help and social events. Events where students interact with faculty members, industry mentors, and engineering clubs and organizations pave the way for E-Zone residents. As they conquer the challenges together, E-Zone residents have the added benefits of inhouse advising and tutoring. They share classroom experiences, including a one-unit academic success course – which introduces them to campus resources, time management and the 13 engineering majors – and Engineering102.

About 60 freshmen pass through the E-Zone every year on their way to finding their passion and making lifelong friends. Amanda Veitch, a senior chemical engineering major who lived in the E-Zone her freshman and sophomore years, first as a resident then as a mentor, is still friends with many of the students with whom she lived and learned in the E-Zone. She says students who live in the E-Zone during their freshman year tend to get more involved in following years in clubs, undergraduate research and leadership roles. Veitch is also an officer in the Society of Women Engineers and a UA Engineering Ambassador.



Top UA Students Find Their Passion in Engineering and Stay the Course The Academic Affairs Office helps keeps students on course — charting degree programs and scheduling classes and steering them toward study groups, internships and job fairs.

“Engineering freshmen come into the College with some of the highest SAT scores and GPAs on campus. We provide the tools to ensure a smooth transition and keep them on track to succeed academically.” – Jo Silva, senior academic advisor

There is no shortage of academic and professional advising, mentoring and tutoring for students who will be solving some of the world’s most complex problems.

Contact: Academic Affairs Office 520. 621.6032 • engr-engineeringadvising@email.arizona.edu

The College of Engineering retains more than 87 percent of its freshmen, thanks in large part to an army of advisers, academic affairs and departmental staff, and faculty, who guide students from initial contact and orientation through final degree audit and career experience.

Additionally, Associate Dean Jim Baygents sends students and parents weekly updates with information on important dates and deadlines, internships, scholarships, employment fairs, research opportunities and campus events.

homework and test-preparation study groups, facilitated by trained tutors, parallel course curricula and are available at multiple times and locations throughout the week. Other resources include homework help through the engineering honors society and tutoring through the University.

Advisers not only help students plan a course of study, schedule classes, and develop their careers, they also help students identify resources, such as scholarships and opportunities for study abroad, and organize a number of events throughout the year. Academic Affairs staff put on Welcome and Family weeks and student-faculty barbecues that engage students in the campus engineering community and help them get to know faculty outside the classroom.


With Survival Guide, aka academic planner, in hand and excellent advising and tutoring at their command, engineering students, instead of worrying about how they will maintain their top-ranking UA status, can concentrate on finding their passion, whether it be building skyscrapers or spacecraft, designing new ways to detect cancer, making the world’s water and energy clean and green, or creating the latest computer and cell phone technology.


Because students who consistently attend math study groups see a marked improvement in grades and have a significantly better understanding of the course material, quality math tutoring plays a major role in the academic success of many engineering students. Calculus is one of the first hurdles most engineering students must overcome. The College’s calculus



Students Are Powerful Advocates for Engineering Education and Career Engineering Ambassadors understand that to solve the world’s problems, all the world’s people need to be represented in the creative process.

“The fall 2012 freshman class was the largest and most diverse, including record numbers of women and Hispanic students, since the first engineering freshman walked up the steps of Old Main 120 years ago.” Chris Cantoni (left) and a few fellow ambassadors enjoy a rare moment of downtime.

With its Engineering Ambassadors program, the College is helping to ensure not just a pipeline of engineers diverse in background and experience but also of leaders who understand the importance of different perspectives. The ambassadors collectively have volunteered thousands of hours for recruiting and outreach, both on campus and in the community. Ambassadors represent all engineering majors and provide a student’s-eye view of the College. The College’s Engineering Ambassadors meet with prospective students and


– Dean Jeff Goldberg

parents. They facilitate lab tours and represent UA engineering students at industry and alumni functions. They discuss their undergraduate research positions, internships, faculty mentors, engineering programs, clubs, and career paths. They explain to middle and high school students how advanced math and science courses lay the foundation for learning, communication and problem-solving. These Engineering Ambassadors are helping change the way we perceive engineers. By example, they are showing the world that engineering is about making a difference in people’s lives.

Engineering Ambassadors, shown with Dean Jeff Goldberg (right), are invaluable in the College’s recruiting and outreach efforts. Northrop Grumman Corp. sponsors the Engineering Ambassadors program.

Ambassador Profile: Chris Cantoni

Chris Cantoni, a materials science and engineering senior, learned virtually nothing about engineering in his Scottsdale, Ariz., liberal arts high school. He had never held a screwdriver or a wrench when he joined the UA Baja Racing team, and he certainly didn’t know how a transmission worked. “Regardless of how much exposure we have to engineering,” says Cantoni, “we all have the potential to bring something to the table.” Cantoni’s life changed when he met an Engineering Ambassador four years ago while trying to decide between the UA and Purdue. Since then he has completed two internships, at Intel and WL Gore; inspired countless middle school and high school students to give engineering a try; delivered speeches to parents, students and alumni; and, with a couple of friends, founded a UA Rube Goldberg Club. “I learned a lot of things here that will stick with me for the rest of my life,” says the honors student.



A Club for Every Student The College of Engineering is committed to supporting its 35-plus student clubs that serve as a home away from home for many undergraduates.

“The club is about giving students hands-on experience in their field of interest and teaching them to have a heart for the world. You help one person, and they want to help other people – there’s just a chain reaction.” The College’s three dozen engineering clubs give students opportunities to explore their interests outside the classroom.

Whether they are sanitizing water in Bolivia, powering up their Baja-style vehicle, making airplanes that fly themselves, or building Lego robots with schoolchildren, students find friendship, mentorship, inspiration and community in their engineering clubs. Students are encouraged to join multiple clubs in their years on campus to enhance their personal and professional development, increase networking opportunities, and add experience to their résumés. The rewards of club involvement sometimes even go beyond the satisfaction of personal growth. Recent accomplishments include the following: Raytheon recognized the UA student chapter of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers’


– Lauren Case, former president, UA student chapter of Engineers Without Borders

Club members bring their best game to an Engineering Week competition.

commitment to education and community with its coveted Mission Assurance Level II Eagle Award. The Micro Air Vehicle Club’s aircraft won first place in international competition; the Aerial Robotics Club’s plane took a top prize in national competition; the UA Baja Racing team achieved an all-time best position; and the Rube Goldberg Club’s ingenuity earned the club a legacy nod in national competition.

Career Fairs and Contests

Engineering Student Council (ESC)

E-Week includes i-Expo, a career fair featuring dozens of local and national engineering and technology companies, and recruiters from the armed forces. They want to hire the best graduates, and all engineering students are encouraged to practice their elevator speeches and take their résumés.

ESC is the student governing body of the College. It supports the clubs and represents them to the University. It also helps students start careers in industry by providing club funding and organizing events such as Engineers Week and i-Expo.

E-Week is a weeklong series of competitive events run and organized by the College’s various engineering clubs, organizations and societies. These events are part of the College of Engineering’s dedication to ensuring a diverse and well-educated engineering workforce. They increase the awareness of engineering and technology careers among all University of Arizona students.


UNIVERSITY DISTINGUISHED College of Engineering Accumulates Awards for Educational Excellence PROFESSORS For the last four years, the University of Arizona’s highest honor for teaching excellence has been bestowed on UA Engineering faculty.

Jerzy Rozenblit (front row, third from left), shown with electrical and computer engineering colleagues, is among the College’s University Distinguished Professors. Also pictured are Arizona Engineering Education Fellows Michael Marcellin and Kathie Melde (second row, first and second from left).

2012: Paul Blowers

chemical and environmental engineering

2011: Eduardo Sáez

chemical and environmental engineering

2010: Mary Poulton mining and geological engineering

2009: Jerzy Rozenblit

electrical and computer engineering


“I am driven by a desire to see the student become the master. That is an incredibly rewarding feeling.”

The Arizona Board of Regents awards distinguished professorships based on recipients’ outstanding commitment to undergraduate education. It is a testament to the College of Engineering’s high teaching standards that the Regents have awarded this rare honor to our faculty every year for the last four years. Only one or two faculty members per year, from the entire University, are selected for this honor. These educators work hard to create real-life experiences for students and ensure they grasp the course material. Supporting and mentoring students fuels their passion, say the award-winning professors, a sentiment echoed by those who sing their praises. “To be surrounded by colleagues who engage so many of our students in undergraduate research, to work with peers who challenge and support students in the classroom, and to have the support from the administration,” are the reasons chemical and environmental engineering’s Paul Blowers loves teaching here.

– University Distinguished Professor Jerzy Rozenblit

Jim Field, head of chemical and environmental engineering, says of Eduardo Sáez, “Students are very appreciative of Dr. Sáez’s extra effort in making difficult subject matter understandable, and for his efforts in engaging students in research.” Mary Poulton’s enthusiasm for mentoring, teaching and industry advancement resonates with mining and geological engineering students who have benefited through the department’s development of internships and job placements with local industries. Virtually every graduate from her department has a high-paying industry job lined up long before they graduate. During his quarter century at the UA, Jerzy Rozenblit has taught thousands of undergraduate engineering students. “I think the award reflects the commitment that I have and the joy that I take from interacting with young minds, with the brightest and the best,” says the professor of electrical and computer engineering.



Only the Best Teachers Can Produce the Best Students Engineering education fellows acquire and share the best educational practices to prepare students for the real world after graduation.

“Hands-on aspects make the educational experience more like what students will see when they leave UA. Why not use our best Engineering education fellow and earthquake engineering expert Robert Fleischman (right) and students inspect a test parking structure.

Nine of the College’s faculty members with exemplary records were named the inaugural Arizona Engineering Education Fellows in 2011. Faculty members are only eligible for the fellowship program if their departmental heads and committees regularly evaluate them as “exceeds expectations” or “truly outstanding” in their teaching. Fellows must also be leaders in their chosen areas of research. “The objective of this fellows program is to develop a faculty team that continually improves the undergraduate experience,” says College of Engineering Dean Jeff Goldberg. “One way to do that is to recognize the best instructors.” Each year of the education fellowship includes a $5,000 stipend, and the College of


instructors to do that?”

Engineering provides a pool of at least $5,000 annually for the fellows to spend on teaching materials and training to improve education of lower-division students. “The education fellows use the money to bring new teaching approaches to the College of Engineering,” Goldberg says. “They can go to conferences to show other educators what we are doing and bring back best practices.” Goldberg also expects the fellows to stimulate faculty development. “They can transfer ideas to other faculty.” Goldberg describes undergraduate education as “a critical piece of our mission at this college,” and says the educational fellows program helps ensure that engineering students get crucial practical experience.

– Dean Jeff Goldberg

Kathie Melde, professor of electrical and computer engineering, brings extensive industry experience into the classroom.

Arizona Engineering Education Fellows Cho Lik Chan, professor, aerospace and mechanical engineering Armin Sorooshian, assistant professor, chemical and environmental engineering

Ted Trouard, associate professor, biomedical engineering Rob Erdmann, assistant professor, materials science and engineering Achintya Haldar, professor, civil engineering and engineering mechanics Kathie Melde, professor, electrical and computer engineering Paul Blowers, associate professor, chemical and environmental engineering

Rob Fleischman, associate professor, civil engineering and engineering mechanics

Mike Marcellin, Regents Professor, electrical and computer engineering



Yesterday’s Graduates Help Steer Today’s College We understand the importance of staying connected and are grateful to our alumni, friends and industry partners who have been instrumental in creating opportunities for our students.

“The da Vinci scholarship enabled me to focus more on

Cynthia and Dan Klingberg, longtime Raytheon employees and tireless UA supporters, receive the College’s 2012 Bear Down award.

my academics and research without having to spend time working an extra job outside of my lab work.” Members of the da Vinci Circle explore the San Xavier student mine.

The day a student expresses interest in the UA College of Engineering, we enter into a lifelong relationship, a relationship we are dedicated to honoring and nurturing. Alumni have many reasons for staying connected, and the College strives to provide forums that meet the expectations of all graduates. Some alumni tap into short courses, special classes and lectures to keep abreast of rapidly advancing fields. Others have come to rely on the College’s publications for the latest engineering news. Still others want to pay if forward. They have professional expertise or remember how a scholarship helped them. Now they want to help. Alumni are an integral part of what drives the UA College of Engineering. What may start with


– Sean DeRosa

a student scholarship, honors award, inspiring professor, or Design Day experience often progresses to a mentorship role in an engineering club or a seat on an advisory board, an award at the Engineers Breakfast, or a gift to the da Vinci Circle.

Advisory Boards

The three advisory boards for the College represent the span of a professional lifetime. Young Alumni Board members work to engage new graduates in alumni activities. Industry Partner Board members facilitate collaborative research projects and career opportunities for students. And the Engineering Advisory Board’s retired high-level professionals counsel the dean in managing the College.

Contact: Development 520. 621.7685 • barrybenson@email.arizona.edu

Engineers Breakfast

The annual Engineers Breakfast is part of Homecoming and has for the last 49 years honored alumni, industry partners and supporters. The breakfast as well as special receptions, department tours, distinguished lectures, and barbecues give alumni the opportunity to catch up with old friends and find out what’s new in the College. The events also give graduating seniors a chance to jumpstart their lifelong networking.

da Vinci Circle

Members of the da Vinci Circle help students and faculty shape the world through their generous contributions toward scholarships, lab equipment and research. In 2012-2013, the College provided more than $800,000 in scholarships.



From Robots to Patients, Engineering Grads Have Options Aplenty They may not all have notable names, like alumni Ray Oglethorpe, former AOL president, or David Allais, inventor of the bar code, but most UA engineering graduates are making a difference in our world.

Shira Wolf (right) ensures a smooth visitor experience at Walt Disney theme parks.

“I’ve done everything from standing on top of a castle to riding in a parade.” – Shira Wolf

Many engineering graduates embark on careers in engineering industries, just as they had imagined, putting their problemsolving skills to work for firms securing cyberspace, providing clean water, developing renewable energy, or finding ways to detect diseases, to name a few. Or they take the entrepreneurial route and launch their own companies, building the likes of robots, high-tech pipelines and cost-controlled thermostats. Other graduates have used their engineering education to open doors in different fields. Adam Estelle, a materials science and engineering graduate, is helping a New York City company develop a market for an antimicrobial copper alloy that reduces infection in hospitals. Erin Schwab earned a degree in biosystems engineering, went on to get her MD and is now doing her internship in internal medicine and pediatrics at Loyola. Kasi Kiehlbaugh, a founding member of the College’s Engineering Ambassadors, has come full circle from her engineering degree in chemical engineering. She earned a doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley and is back


at the College inspiring freshmen as an adjunct professor in Engineering 102 and a faculty fellow, or mentor, for the E-Zone. Still other graduates have landed what they consider their dream jobs. Shira Wolf is an associate industrial engineer at the Walt Disney Co., the perfect job for her, she says, because “my goal is to make people happy.” Wolf, a systems engineering graduate, helps ensure efficient use of space in theme parks. Then she gets to test her solutions! Phillip Toussaint, who majored in computer engineering and minored in theater, writes the software that makes scenery — and sometimes actors — fly across the stages of Cirque du Soleil and other theatrical productions. Whether they stay in engineering fields, gravitate to other areas, or land really cool gigs, UA College of Engineering students have career prospects aplenty, and sometimes beyond their wildest dreams.

Phillip Toussaint’s job designing automation for acrobats moves way too fast to get tiresome. Photo: Gregg Segal



College Good for Business, Business Good for College A healthy national economy is dependent on a steady supply of high-quality engineers. The UA College of Engineering provides the talent.

“Many engineering colleges require a senior design project, but few match the systematic level of industry involvement seen in the College’s Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Design Day is a prime example of the depth of the College’s relationships with industry.

Program.” – Ara Arabyan, program director

Students graduating from the College of Engineering do not have to worry about whether they will have jobs, good jobs. They likely already have held at least one internship or co-op position with an industry partner, including several Fortune 500 companies. And they will have job offers in some of the fastest-growing, highestpaying fields for new college graduates, before they ever collect their degrees.

For example, about 40 engineering professionals serve on the Industry Partner Board. These companies represent the interest of industry in the College’s research and job talent pool. By the same token, the partnerships give the College access to vast knowledge for aligning academic programs with global trends.

Here is a sampling of companies that recruit through the College:

Perhaps one of the best examples of the College and industry coming together for their mutual benefit is the senior capstone design project.

BAE Systems Boeing Honeywell

The entire senior year for many College of Engineering students revolves around a two-semester class that culminates with Engineering Design Day, where students’ prototypes are presented to industry representatives who often are in hiring mode.

Intel Lockheed Martin Northrop Grumman

Raytheon Texas Instruments WL Gore

Average starting salaries for engineering graduates range from about $57,000 for civil engineers to more than $70,000 for computer engineers, according to a 2012 report by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. Crucial relationships with industry extend beyond career development to research collaboration, professional education, and mentorship and advisory roles.


More than 100 industry representatives serve as Design Day judges, team mentors and project sponsors.

The 2012-2013 Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Program involves 280 students each working on a team designing one of 48 faculty- and industrysponsored projects. Eight industry mentors help guide the student teams through the project’s planning, design, build and testing phases. About 70 industry representatives serve as judges at the Design Day showcase, and more than $14,000 typically is awarded in prizes.


DEPARTMENT CONTACTS Deans Dean of the College Jeffrey B. Goldberg jgoldberg@arizona.edu 520.621.6594 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Jim Baygents baygents@email.arizona.edu 520.621.6032

Departments and Department Heads

School of Sustainable Engineered Systems

While primarily part of the College, the five departments listed below (with department heads) also comprise the School of Sustainable Engineered Systems, which is directed by MSE department head Pierre Deymier.

Chemical and Environmental Engineering Jim Field jimfield@email.arizona.edu 520.621.2591 Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Kevin Lansey lansey@email.arizona.edu 520.621.6564

Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Jeffrey Jacobs jwjacobs@email.arizona.edu 520.621.8459

Materials Science and Engineering Pierre Deymier deymier@email.arizona.edu 520.621.6080

Biomedical Engineering Urs Utzinger (Interim Head) utzinger@u.arizona.edu 520.626.9281

Mining and Geological Engineering Mary Poulton mpoulton@email.arizona.edu 520.621.8391

Electrical and Computer Engineering Tamal Bose tbose@arizona.edu 520.621.6193

Systems and Industrial Engineering Larry Head larry@sie.arizona.edu 520.621.2264

All contents © 2013 Arizona Board of Regents. All rights reserved. The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University prohibits discrimination in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation and is committed to maintaining an environment free from sexual harassment and retaliation. Produced by UA College of Engineering Communications, PO Box 210072, Tucson, AZ 85721-0072. Telephone: 520.621.3754. Email: pnb@email.arizona.edu.



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