Arizona Engineer | 2014 fall edition

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Living Legend National Mining Hall of Fame honors IMR’s Pam Wilkinson

Ken Sterns/UA News

The Beautiful Game—Systems and industrial engineering professor Ricardo Valerdi, left, blows his referee’s whistle as a student-controlled robot puts the ball in the back of the net. The ITESM students around the table were some of the 34 attending The Systems Process, a three-week summer course taught by Valerdi.



Homecoming 2014 Hundreds of alumni celebrate at 51st Engineers Breakfast

Ernie Smerdon A life of service dedicated to engineering and education

International Friendly Match The College of Engineering’s recent international collaborations include an edge-of-the-seat robot soccer tournament, part of a summer systems engineering course for students from Mexico. Barely three weeks after the Mexican National Football Team was knocked out of the 2014 World Cup finals in Brazil, Mexican soccer, or fútbol, players of a different stripe competed in a heart-stopping Soccer RoboCup Junior tournament on July 18 at the University of Arizona.

Thirty-four industrial engineering and mechatronics undergraduates from the Tecnológico de Monterrey Sonora Norte Campus, or ITESM, participated in the capstone event of “The Systems Process,” a three-week course taught by UA associate professor of systems and industrial engineering Ricardo Valerdi. CO N T I N U E D O N PA G E 6


‘Never Settle’ isn’t just for undergrads – we are all 100 percent engaged The College ethos of partnerships helps prepare our graduates to lead innovation in the workplace. It is a pleasure to come to work every morning and be a part of all that is happening. As we near the end of the 2014 fall semester, I could not be prouder of our students, faculty and staff. Even with flat or decreasing budgets, we continue to attract the best students and improve the ways in which we educate and support them. This semester we welcomed

more than 600 of the academically strongest freshmen in Arizona. Our first-year retention rate is 91 percent. We have increased our output of BS, MS, and PhD degrees by more than 10 percent each, and we expect the numbers to keep climbing. We have so many reasons to celebrate. I hope you were among the 600-plus alumni, friends and supporters who attended the 51st annual Engineers Breakfast during Homecoming. I had the honor of presenting five alumni awards at the breakfast, where UA President Ann Weaver Hart gave opening remarks and Dr. Skip Garcia, UA senior VP of Health Sciences, delivered the keynote address. The theme of partnerships pervaded the event as President Hart spoke of how the College is critical to achieving the University’s mission, and Skip Garcia talked about the link between engineering and medicine and how we are moving forward with a program to double the number of biomedical engineering faculty. With Homecoming 2014 now part of the recent past, we can look forward to the fast-approaching collegewide winter commencement. Alan Boeckmann – past chairman and CEO of engineering and construction company Fluor and a 1973 UA electrical engineering graduate – will be the featured speaker. The College is constantly looking at how to best educate undergraduates so they

are workforce ready while at the same time preparing some students for graduate school. As a jumping-off point, at our November Industry Partner Board meeting we discussed the book “A Whole New Engineer,” by David E. Goldberg (no relation!) and Mark Somerville. The book describes how to incorporate more design and innovation to better engage engineering students. It was a lively discussion, to say the least. One of our goals is a program in which all students have faculty research or company internship experiences during their UA careers. The idea of 100 percent engagement goes both ways. It takes the efforts of all of our faculty and industrial friends to guarantee 1,000 student positions every year. I don’t often give out homework, but today is different. So your assignment, if you choose to accept it, is to read “A Whole New Engineer.” Join the conversation, share your comments with the team, and I hope to have a chance to chat with you soon. Have a great holiday season. Go Cats and Bear Down!

Email: Telephone: 520.621.6594 Twitter: @UA_ENGR_ Jeff_G


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fall 2014 • volume 37 number 2

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2  AR I ZO NA E N G I N E E R   37:2 fall 2014


Courtesy of NSBE

Dynamic Trio—From left: Maryam Abdul-Wahid, electrical engineering; Jerri-Lynn Kincade, biomedical engineering; and Iesha Batts, chemical engineering, present the UA team’s winning project at NSBE’s 40th Annual Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.

NSBE Chapter Wins Robotics Contest College students often have several months to prepare for national competitions. The UA chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers had only two, and in March the team went on to win the 2014 NSBE Undergraduate Technical Research Competition at the NSBE 40th Annual Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. UA beat two teams from the University of California, Merced, in the first such contest hosted by the PG&E/NSBE Network. The winning team earned $2,000 and invaluable exposure to industry leaders. The challenge was to improve inspection of natural gas pipelines. UA’s team of five women and three men conducted research, wrote a technical research paper, and prepared an oral presentation for a panel of PG&E judges. Utility operators use many technologies to inspect the inside of their pipelines, including battery-operated robotic crawlers. The students’ idea for a self-powering robot was based on the principle by which dynamos on bicycle wheels power bicycle lights. The dynamo system could recharge the robot’s batteries without utility workers having to enter pipelines. It could power additional sensors on the crawlers, such as high-definition cameras, for higher-quality data, and it could be used to locate the robot. “I thought it was quite ingenious of the students to develop a method that not only improved long-distance telecommunications, but pinpointed the robotic tool’s precise location as they traveled along the pipeline,” said the team’s mentor, Wolfgang Fink, UA associate professor of electrical and computer engineering. “Dr. Fink helped us understand PG&E’s current methods and approaches to pipeline inspection,” said NSBE chapter president Maryam Abdul-Wahid, an electrical engineering student in the College’s accelerated master’s program.

UA Student Chapter of SME

It’s Official: UA Mining Society Chapter Is Winningest Team The UA student chapter of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration has received the 2014 SME Outstanding Student Chapter Award. This marks the seventh time the Wildcats have won the award – more often than any other chapter since SME started giving it out in 1967. But that’s not all. The UA won two outreach contests sponsored by SME’s Minerals Education Coalition, or MEC. For the second year in a row, the UA received the MEC 2014 Student Chapter Award for accomplishments in community outreach and mining/mineral education. The UA chapter is also the first-time winner of a new contest: The International K-12 Outreach Challenge, in which students take MEC’s presentation on the importance of minerals and mining into as many classrooms as possible. Five UA mining engineering students made 27 presentations to 1,600 children in K-12 schools throughout Tucson. “The children were very inquisitive and excited to learn about rocks and minerals,” said K-12 challenge participant Megan Naff, a senior who first developed her passion for minerals as a volunteer at the Arizona Mining and Mineral Museum in Phoenix.

Mary Poulton Receives SME Rahn Award Not just students were recognized by SME. Mary Poulton, professor and director of the UA Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources, has received the 2015 Ivan B. Rahn Education Award, presented to SME members who have made significant contributions relating to ABET, student affairs, continuing education, professional registration or the Council of Education. “Winning outstanding chapter awards from both SME and its Mineral Education Coalition, and the Ivan Rahn award, demonstrate our students’ and faculty’s extraordinary level of engagement and commitment to the mining engineering program,” said Moe Momayez, associate professor and associate head of mining and geological engineering. 37:2 fall 2014  ARIZONAENGINEER  3


Courtesy of Pam Wilkinson

Pete Brown/UA Engineering

Legendary­­—Roger Newell, board member of the National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum, presents Pam Wilkinson with the 2014 Prazen ‘Living Legend’ Award for her education outreach work for the UA Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources.

Smarter Than the Average Phone—Biosensors Lab director Jeong-Yeol Yoon, left, and biomedical engineering PhD candidate Dustin Harshman work on Yoon’s lab-on-achip device, which can analyze pathogens in situ in real time.

Mining Hall of Fame Honors UA Lowell Institute ‘Living Legend’

Yoon Elected President of the Institute of Biological Engineering

She arrives toting a backpack loaded with the gear and tools of the miner’s trade – hard hat, safety glasses, orange vest, compass, rock hammer, sample bag, notebook, hand lens – and scatters ore around the playground for students to scoop up, take home, and identify the minerals within. She engages students in educational, hands-on activities, including mining gold, silver and copper beads from birdseed and chocolate chips from cookies. Then she teaches them that in a miner’s world cleaning up during and after mining – reclamation – is very important.

Associate professor Jeong-Yeol Yoon holds so many appointments across the UA campus that people often ask him which college he is with and where they can find him. (If they can find him, he jokes.)

Exhilarating and eye-opening for the students, it’s all in a day’s work for Pam Wilkinson, education outreach coordinator for the UA Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources. Wilkinson received the 2014 Prazen Living Legend Award from the National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum, which presents the award to individuals and organizations committed to educating the public on the importance of minerals and the mining industry. Wilkinson is only the second individual to receive the award since it was established in 1995.

Yoon is an associate professor in the department of biomedical engineering, the department of agricultural and biosystems engineering, the School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences, and the BIO5 Institute. He is director of the UA Biosensors Lab, working on lab-on-a-chip biosensors and biomaterial surface modifications.

“Exciting young people about minerals, geology and mining has been the capstone of my career,” Wilkinson said. She accepted her award, a bronze statue of a miner created by renowned sculptor Gary Prazen, at the Hall of Fame’s 27th annual induction banquet on September 13 in Denver. “With her vast experience in the mining industry and education, and her remarkable ability to captivate young people, Pam Wilkinson is a treasure for the people and state of Arizona,” said Mary Poulton, director of the Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources and former head of the department of mining and geological engineering. 4  ARIZONAENGINEER  37:2 fall 2014

“The University has strongly encouraged me in all of my teaching appointments and research activities on campus,” Yoon said. “Many universities ask you to stay in and focus on just one department, but I haven’t seen that here at the UA.”

Such varied experience will serve Yoon well as the new president of the Institute of Biological Engineering, a professional organization dedicated to integrating engineering principles with the many aspects of life sciences. He is president-elect for 2014, president for 2015, and immediate past president for 2016. Yoon earned three degrees in chemical engineering from Yonsei University in South Korea and a second PhD in biomedical engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles, where he worked on lab-on-a-chip technologies and biomaterials before joining the UA faculty in 2004. His courses include Sensors and Controls and Biomaterial-Tissue Interactions. He collaborates with several UA colleges, including medicine, pharmacy, and public health.


Securing Wi-Fi and Shutting Out the Eavesdroppers

Managing Mine Heat Using Recycled Tailings

News reports describe hackers stealing information from corporate networks, government agencies gathering metadata from personal cell phones, and smartphone manufacturers installing encryption software that law enforcement cannot crack.

Moe Momayez, associate professor and associate head of UA mining and geological engineering, and his research team are working on economical and environmentally sustainable ways to cool deep underground metal mines. With a five-year, $1.3 million interdisciplinary research project funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, or Moe Momayez NIOSH, researchers in the colleges of engineering and public health are forging new technologies to reduce temperatures in mines, better protect workers from exposure to extreme temperatures and save mining companies millions of dollars in energy costs. “This project will provide solutions that are both economical and environmentally sustainable,” said Momayez, the project’s principal investigator. In one of the project’s efforts, the engineers are working to transform mine tailings, finely ground leftovers of ore extraction that are stored above ground at

Handling Big Data at the Speed of Light Computing advances are in demand to more efficiently handle big-data tasks such as weather prediction and biological process modeling. So a multi-university research team led by UA is developing new technologies that use optics to increase computing speed and power. “Digital electronic computing is reaching its limits in cost and capacity,” said UA electrical and computer engineering professor Mark Neifeld, principal investigator on the five-year, $7.5 million

Courtesy of Moe Momayez

Deep Heat­­—Momayez and his team use modeling software to map and study mine ventilation systems, as shown in this computer-generated image.

mine sites, into insulation to cool the air deep below. “We are recycling a ubiquitous mine waste byproduct and turning it into something useful,” Momayez said. Momayez and co-investigator Krishna Muralidharan, assistant professor of materials science and engineering, are developing a new form of shotcrete to reduce heat transfer from the hard heat-conducting rock in underground metal mines. Shotcrete, a form of liquid concrete sprayed at high velocity to insulate and strengthen surfaces, is used in many industries, but this is the first time it has been created from mine tailings to use for heat management in underground mines. U.S. Department of Defense Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative project. “Optical technology has the potential to improve complex Mark Neifeld computing in areas ranging from science and health care to business and defense.” Neifeld and his team will create hybrid computers that combine optical and electronic technologies, allowing for more data to be handled at greater speeds.

Yet many people still feel secure using their laptops or cell phones for, say, banking, sending email, playing video games or accessing Marwan Krunz medical records. After all, they’ve taken precautions to keep these activities private. “People working on their laptops think ‘I am safe. I established a VPN. I have a password. I’m using encryption,’” said Marwan Krunz, UA College of Engineering professor of electrical and computer engineering. “Well guess what: Very often, they’re not.” Krunz is the principal investigator on a new research project aimed at developing software and other techniques to protect everyday users of wireless technology from the under-recognized but very real threat of eavesdropping. In the four-year, $660,000 project funded by the National Science Foundation Secure & Trustworthy Cyberspace program, Krunz and co-PI Loukas Lazos, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, are expanding their earlier studies of eavesdropping on military and industrial wireless networks. “It is up to consumers to recognize their vulnerability and demand better security for wireless products,” Lazos said. “It is up to product developers to demonstrate to customers that they are protected. And it is up to us, the engineers, to create the technologies that protect them.” 37:2 fall 2014  ARIZONAENGINEER  5


Jim Field Appointed Assistant Dean, Replaced as ChEE Chair by Anthony Muscat Professor Jim Field is the College’s new assistant dean for graduate education. Anthony Muscat, professor of chemical and environmental engineering, succeeds him as ChEE department chair. “I cherish this opportunity to expand the College of Engineering master’s and doctoral programs and to further mentor and recruit graduate students,” said Field, who joined the College’s chemical and environmental engineering department in 2001 and headed it from 2009 until taking the assistant dean position. “Our students have a great energy that I look forward to encountering on a daily basis.” Field’s major goals are to increase enrollment in the College’s MS and PhD Jim Field programs and to expand graduate student funding opportunities such as scholarships, assistantships and fellowships. In efforts to recruit more students from other countries, he draws from experience leading more than a dozen conferences and workshops for faculty and students at universities in Mexico, Brazil, Nicaragua and elsewhere. Muscat joined ChEE in 1998 as an assistant professor in the Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Benign

Semiconductor Manufacturing, a multiuniversity center housed in the department. He studies how chemicals interact on surfaces of electronic components used in semiconductors, computer chips and sensors, and how to produce more productive and sustainable devices for communications, energy and medicine. Muscat is widely recognized for his research and teaching. He has received a da Vinci Circle Fellowship from the UA College of Engineering, a Career Award from the National Science Foundation, and an APS Professorship from the Arizona Public Service Power Company. As APS Professor, Muscat has taught undergraduate and graduate classes focused on entrepreneurialism in the UA College of Engineering and Eller College of Management. Anthony Muscat

“We put a lot of time and energy into professional mentoring; telling students exactly what opportunities are out there for chemists, mathematicians and environmental engineers,” said Muscat. “As a professor, I may have up to 60 students in a course. I really take pride in personalizing the experience for all of them and hope to expand that to my new role as chair of the department.”

International Friendly Match

The ITESM exchange program was about more than just systems engineering.


“Being at a U.S. university helped many of us in improving our English and interacting with people from other nations and cultures,” said Rodrigo Alonso. “I met people from Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and, of course, many Mexicans and Americans.”

“Dr. Valerdi’s course was as an excellent course that I wish I had taken earlier in my career,” said fourth-year mechatronics student Rodrigo Alonso. “He calls the course The Systems Process, but it should be called Good Engineering. I personally believe every engineer should take it.” Alonso added, “For me, the most fun part of the class was building the soccerplaying robot. The competition to see who would win the tournament added spice to the whole course, allowing for healthy competition and some heated discussions among students. In all, it was a wonderful experience.” The summer course, which ended July 18, was offered through an international exchange program run by the UA Office of Global Initiatives in collaboration with the ITESM campus in Hermosillo. “ITESM is the flagship engineering 6  ARIZONAENGINEER  37:2 fall 2014

Ken Sterns/UA News

Battle Scar—ITESM students in the RoboCup Junior tournament perform field surgery on an “injured player.”

institute for higher learning in Mexico, and these are some of the best engineering students in that country,” said Valerdi. “This course was our first collaboration of its kind with them.”

Mike Proctor, UA vice president of global initiatives, stressed the value of the exchange program. “The UA’s connection with Mexico transcends geography,” he said. “Our respective faculty have been working together for years, and our collaborations with Mexico reflect a critical strategic opportunity. Mexico is one of the United States’ primary trade partners, and Mexico’s economy is one of the most robust in the world. Our universities are uniquely situated, based on their connections with students and industry, to profoundly impact our shared economic future.”


Powerful Partnerships Biomedicine partnerships, women in engineering and One World Trade Center are Homecoming hot topics. Homecoming marked the centennials of two UA programs: agricultural and biosystems engineering, and Homecoming itself. It gave 12 alumni from the class of 1964 a chance to reminisce on five decades of being a Wildcat. At a presentation about One World Trade Center, 100 alumni, students and faculty got a rare glimpse into construction of this iconic building. Some 100 AME alumni and guests attended Homecoming, where many reconnected with Professor Emeritus Henry “Skip” Perkins and Dave Hutchens, UA Alumnus of the Year. And Homecoming 2014 gave all attendees a chance to cheer the Wildcats on to victory over Colorado. University of Arizona President Ann Weaver Hart attended the 51st Engineers Breakfast and lauded the College as a place for “creating serendipity” and for its many partnerships, not only across campus, but also with business and industry leaders. “I believe this College and you, its alumni, are going to have a profound impact on the future,” she said.

Jeff Goldberg (left) presents the Bear Down Award to a jubilant Patrick Marcus.

BEAR DOWN AWARD Patrick Marcus BS Electrical 1999 PhD Biomedical 2006

Joe G.N. Garcia, UA senior vice president for health sciences and keynote speaker, discussed how scientific breakthroughs like the Human Genome Project have created new opportunities for collaboration between engineers and medical researchers in such areas as telemedicine and big data analytics. “Bioengineering is transforming medicine,” said Garcia, who noted that the College of Engineering has ties to most departments in the College of Medicine and that engineering students are gaining invaluable training working directly alongside clinicians. The College launched a new video at the breakfast, Women in Engineering, featuring four students and recent alumnae, who described their desire to help others through engineering and inspire more women to enter the field. Breakfast Style—About 600 Engineering alumni and friends kicked off Homecoming 2014 with the 51st annual Engineers Breakfast, at which University of Arizona President Ann Weaver Hart gave opening remarks.

All photos: UA Engineering/Pete Brown

ALUMNUS OF THE YEAR AWARD Dave Hutchens BS Aerospace 1988 MBA Finance 1999

CITIZEN OF THE YEAR AWARD Chuck Huckelberry BS Mining 1972 MS Civil 1976


ADVOCACY AWARD Darcy Anderson MS Hydrology 2000

“I believe this College and you, its alumni, are going to have a profound impact on the future.” – UA President Ann Weaver Hart Building a Symbol of Resilience The civil engineering centennial lecture was given by Yoram Eilon, one of the key engineers behind the One World Trade Center. Yoram said the building, which Yoram Eilon sits on the site of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, symbolizes for him the ideals of the effort. He is from Israel; the partner in charge of the project is from Iran. “As engineers, we focus on the end users. But in the case of One World Trade Center, we were very sensitive to the circumstances of the project and keenly aware of what it represents,” Eilon said. “Not just for our clients, but for the world.” He described the challenges of building to code, and how the project required collaboration between dozens of engineers and architects, government agencies and law enforcement. “We had to adhere to so many building codes: New York City codes, local codes and codes that we had to anticipate, because they were not yet written,” he said. 37:2 fall 2014  ARIZONAENGINEER  7


Thank You! These pages list the companies, organizations and individuals who have contributed to the College of Engineering during fiscal year July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2014. Their support is vital in providing scholarships, funding programs and supporting research. Without this help, some students would not be able to complete their education. Many other students would not have access to resources that give UA Engineering a margin of excellence for educating tomorrow’s engineering leaders. We want to take this opportunity to say “thank you” from the students and faculty who have benefited so much from this generous support. We have made every effort to list all those who contributed to the College and sincerely apologize if we have missed anyone. If you donated to the College of Engineering during 2013–2014 and are not on this list, please let us know, and we will include your name in the next issue of Arizona Engineer. 8  ARIZONAENGINEER  37:2 fall 2014

2013–2014 Donor Honor Roll $5,000,000 and above Anonymous* $2,500,000–$4,999,999 Thomas R. Brown Family Foundations $1,000,000–$2,499,999 William and Molly Assenmacher* $500,000–$749,999 Anonymous* $250,000–$499,999 Anonymous* Anonymous* Matthew and Amanda (Shaver) Kaufmann* $100,000–$249,999 Agilent Technologies Inc. David and Gay Allais Ben Allinder* Anonymous Alan and Lisa Boeckmann Gary and Barbara Cropper Lam Research Corp. Ralph Miller* Newmont Mining Corp. George and Dixie Shirley Tucson Electric Power Co. Linda Turner $50,000–$99,999 Archer Daniels Midland Co. Ayco Charitable Foundation Herbert and Sylvia Burton Cisco Systems Inc. Community Finance Corp. Ronald and Lynne Dewey Estate of Carol Klink ExxonMobil Foundation Freeport–McMoRan Copper & Gold Foundation General Electric Foundation International Foundation for Telemetering Randy Lyle and Carol Romero* Raytheon Company Scientek–12 Foundation Robert and Glenda Simpson* Texas Instruments Inc. $25,000–$49,999 Anonymous Applied Materials Eric and Janie Carmichael Estate of Leston Goodding Estate of Oscar T. Lyon Honeywell Aerospace Peter Hushek

Intel Foundation Michael Nelson Newmont Mining Corp. Peabody Investments Corp. Ventana Medical Systems Inc. W. L. Gore & Associates $10,000–$24,999 Anonymous David and Frances Areghini B/E Aerospace Inc. Therese (Velasco) Berg Continental Automotive Systems Inc. Newton Don Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Joseph Gervasio Cynthia (Tang) and Daniel Klingberg Jerome and Geraldine Koupal* Lockheed Martin S. Jack McDuff Mintec Inc. Oracle Mining Corp. Protein Technologies Inc. RASIRC Raytheon Missile Systems Rosztoczy Foundation Robert and Ann Rutherford Salt River Project Sempra Energy Sensintel Inc. Southwestern NM SEC AIME Sundt Companies Inc. The Boeing Company $5,000–$9,999 Arizona Builders’ Alliance Ashton Company Inc. Edwin Biggers Chevron Clark Pacific Community Foundation for Southern Arizona John and Whelin Condon Denise Doctor Dorrance Scholarship Programs Jake and Beverly Doss Edmund Optics Todd and Kristin Ellermann Estate of Harold J. Bonnevie ExxonMobil Corp. Gemini Foundation Granite Construction Co. Robert Hall David and Semele Heller Samuel Holland Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios

Intel Brian Kelly NEUROMetrix Northrop Grumman Tomas and Lindy Owen P&H Mining Equipment Phoenix Heat Treating Inc. Rain Bird Corp. Raytheon Company Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration Tucson Section SOLON Corp. William Staples SunEdison Sunora Energy Solutions Tomkins Family Foundation TRAX International Corp. TripAdvisor – Matching Gift Program Tucson Embedded Systems Inc. Andrea Ursillo Veolia Water North America ViaSat Frances (Sprawls) Walker $2,500–$4,999 Acoustic Emission Consulting Inc. American Society of Civil Engineers Southern Arizona Chapter Anonymous Arizona Society of Civil Engineers Boeing Company William and Barbara Champion Cliffs Foundation James and Gail Collins ConocoPhillips William Dresher Richard Guthrie and Patricia Dunford Kevin Forbes Jeffrey and Donna Goldberg Jeffrey Citron KGHM International Ltd. KRJA Systems Inc., dba Maptek M3 Engineering & Technology Corp. NACE International Arizona Section QuakeWrap Inc. Joanna (Faulkner) and David Travis Herbert and Diane Welhener Wells Fargo Foundation Gary and Bethany Wonacott $1,000–$2,499 Clarence and Phala Andressen Anonymous

BAE Systems Bank of America Foundation James and Margaret Bly Curtis Bruns John and Barbara Carter CH2M Hill Companies Daniel Chen Julie (Reger) and Andrew Cole Steven and Susan Den–Baars EMC Goodwill Golf Tournament Ross and Aida Harvison Patricia Haynes Geoffrey Hill G. Michael Hoover Jerry and Maureen Hunter IBM International Foundation Eric and Karen Jackson Ching–Shan Jung Desmond and B. Jean Ruley Kearns Howard Kennedy Takuya Kida Leopold and Beverly King Tao Liang Lockheed Martin Matching Gifts Program John and La Donna Marietti Thomas and Lorene McGovern Ingrid (Nelson) and Bernard McNeil Ernest and Sally Micek MindPlay Inc. Mining Foundation of the SW National Coal Transportation Association Northrop Grumman Foundation Edward and Patricia Nowatzki Nathan and Karen Palmer Joan Pracy (Staudt) Charles and Maria Preble Antoni Roldan Lisa (Gentry) and Ross Rulney Sargent Controls and Aerospace Brice Schuller Kok Kwai and Avis See–Tho Serata Geomechanics Corp. Shell Oil Co. Foundation Ernest Smerdon Stewart Foundation Antoinette Theriault– Faucette United Way of the Bay Area United Way of Tucson & Southern Arizona

*Qualifies for the Old Main Society, which represents some of the UA’s most generous and valued supporters, all of whom have made a commitment to the continued success of the College of Engineering through a charitable estate gift.

Tiina Vaisanen Robert Wicks William and Elizabeth Wilkening Ann and Alfredo Wilkey Lee and Arlene Williams Mark and Guadalupe Woodson Hongkai Xiong Paschel Young $500–$999 Barry Abbott Reza Adhami AGM Container Controls Inc. Figen Akin Anonymous Arcadis U.S. Inc. Jose Arce Julian Arz Jeremy Atkinson Enrique and Jennifer Aviles Aztera LLC Jeffrey Babu Huihui Bai Hideo Bannai Teo Boon Franklin and Elizabeth Broyles James Bunch Ricardo Campos Mark Casolara Surendar Chandra Arthur Charrow David Chen Wai Chu Krzysztof Cios Eugene and Joan Cliff COHO Data Inc. William and Patricia Corbin Crafco Inc. Richard Crowell Earl Cumming Dao’s Vietnamese Restaurant Glenn Davis Robert and Donnine Davis Tusiyah and Steven Davis Wayne and Carol Dawson DeConcini McDonald Yetwin & Lacy Robert Deppe Dillon Development & Consulting Don and Diane Dillon Wenpeng Ding Discount Tire Co. Inc. Michael Do Richard Dobes Daniel Donegan Dow Chemical Co. Foundation Danny Dube Tom Edmondson

Sandra (Tanner) and Karl Elers Kenneth and Mary Eme Michael Farinech Barbara (Appelin) and Frank Filas Roy and Lisa Firestone Markus Flierl Michele and Dale Fraps–Hays Gary and Carole Frere Andrew Friedman Joe Fulton Gregory Garcia Mary Garrity Adam Gilbert Andrew and Mary Clare Gildon Stephanie (Carrell) and James Gilles George and Dixie Glenday Gomez International Emma and Douglas Goodman Jacelyn Govender Belle (Kulick) and Gary Griffiths Donald Hammer Robert Hammerstein William and Margo Harding Dan Harnik Brett Hawton Virginia (Vogel) and Lawrence Hjalmarson Jan Holub Ying Hou Hongwei Huo Rachel (Jordan) and Joseph Huppenthal Indiana University Intel Foundation Steven Jimenez John Wesley Miller Companies Judy Johnson Susan and William Johnston JustGive Michael and Robin Kaiserman Aaron Kapilivsky Pieter Kapsenberg Aleksandar Kavcic Shmuel Klein James and Krina Komadina Komatsu America Corp. Stephen Kuenzli M. Kulekci Kevin and Diana Lansey Latitude Engineering Sudeuk Lee Christine Leigh Edith (Pattison) and John Leonis Yu–Hsun Lin Lori (Barron) and Joel Lindahl

A L U M N U S P R O F I L E : B U D D PA R R I S H

Helping Students Down the Line Budd Parrish’s engineering education at the University of Arizona helped him learn technical skills and the value of efficiency and productivity. But it was his adaptability, persistence and crosscultural understanding that set him apart and set the stage for some of the best experiences of his life. Now retired, Parrish, who earned a bachelor of science in electrical engineering in 1965, is looking to help other UA Engineering students succeed.

Victor Ling Louis Liporace Gregory Lorton Michael Malvick James and Michele Marum Sheila (Stafford) and Ellis Mascareno Deborah McGauran James McGrath Mensch Foundation Microsoft and Giving Campaign James Miletich Larry and Jayne Milner Andrew Monroy Theodore and Sungmi Moon Mary (Boice) and Bruce Moreton Giovanni Motta Abhishek Nagar Gonzalo Navarro Dennis Neumann Nordson Corp. NPL Construction Co. Giuseppe Ottaviano Harry Patton James and Carol Peng Dijana Petrovska PG&E Corp. Foundation Phoenix Analysis & Design Technologies Armando Pinho Theodore and Eleftheria Polychronis Arthur Prast Linda (Oliveira) and Paul Prazak Prototron Circuits Southwest Inc. Qualcomm Charitable Foundation Udayachandran Ramamoorthy John and Elke Reagan

Redline Windows Richard Rhoades Samuel Rhodes Thomas Richter Rincon Research Corp. Nieves Rodríguez Robert and Laura Roscoe Rosemont Copper Xiong Ruiqin Yolanda Ruiz Jesse Saar Carlos Salazar David Sanderson Hugh and Alona Sardoff Louis Schlesinger James and Sharon Seal Suvrajeet Sen Dana Shapira Ayumi Shinohara Rahul Sinha Craig and Regina Smith Soneca Inc. Dawn Southern George and Kilcha Spindle Maurice Stephan Structual Grace Subramania Sudharsanan Mark Sullivan Lakshmi Swamy Yasuo Tabei Seishi Takamura Daphnie Tan Wan–Hsin Tang Technical Documentation Consultants of Arizona Inc. Texas Instruments Foundation Mary (Gerhardt) and David Thomas Stephen and Lee Thomas Kelton and Doris Thomson Anil Tiwari

“I want to give scholarships to students who are working hard and achieving results,” he said. “That is what life is about.” Parrish and his wife, Linda, have established a substantial endowed scholarship fund that promises for years to come to give high-achieving Engineering students opportunities they might otherwise miss. “Many deserving students depend on scholarships,” said UA College of Engineering Dean Jeff Goldberg. “This generous estate gift from Budd and Linda Parrish will help numerous undergraduates pursue their passions.”

Universal Avionics Systems Corp. Valero Energy Corp. Community Relations Sandra and Paul Varga Akiyoshi Wakatani Itschak Weissman John Whalen William and Christine Wilson Ralph and M. Kathleen Wood Gregory Wornell Jessa Wright Xiaolin Wu Israel and Renate Wygnanski Xiaoyu Xiu Kelly Yilmaz Haibing Yin Dan Yuan Mengmeng Zhang Liu Zhenyu Joanna (Emerson) and Phillip Zinsli $100–$499 Kevin and Cindy Abreu Jesus Acosta Iriqui Geraldine Adams Joseph and June Adams Kris Akre Paula and John Alden Khaled Alhawiti J. Mel and Phyllis Allen Joseph Alvarez Amgen Foundation Patricia (Taylor) and Robert Anderson Phala and Clarence Andressen Alejandro Angel James Angel Chris Angleman Anonymous

Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Applewood Quality Builders APS Michael and Kathy Arnold James and Terry Ashcraft Joseph Augustine Jennifer (Hesketh) and Enrique Aviles BAE Systems Kwang Baek Daniel and Marleen Bailie Pirahas Balasingam Craig and Janet Baldon John and Rosella Balla Michael Balthazar Michael Barclay Jennifer and Andrew Barton Laucretia Baum (Begay) Patricia Beaty Bechtel Group Foundation Jeanne Beck Brian Beddo Barry and Jami Benson Jeffrey and Kathleen Berg Berkeley Allergy Relief Robert Best Thomas Bickley Anne Bingham (Moses) David Blackburn Stephen and Kathleen Boerigter Thomas and Linda Bolles Gregory Boner Jeffrey Boner Virginia (Taylor) and David Bonsall C. Bowles Barbara and Francis Boyle

BP Foundation John and Ellen Brabson Scott Bricker Barry and Shirley Brown Robert Bruant Simeon and Heidi Brubaker Gregory Bruening Heather Brummett Ann and Vaughn Bryan Michael and Tami Bunch Edward and Judith Bunnell Frank Burstrom Richard Bushroe Butler Family Dental PC Salvatore and Cyndy Caccavale Walter and Marilyn Calhoon Jeffrey Calhoun Calportland Cameo Cleaners Scottsdale LLC Dyer and Sheila Campbell Karen (Spaniol) and Joseph Campbell Joseph Cannavino Craig and Kimberly Cantoni Richard Carr Barbara and John Carter James Cashin Francis and Janice Castrichini Seth and Susan Chalmers Liangruey Chang Kathleen Chavez Wai and Stella Chen Cesar and Laura Cheng-Guajardo Anvesh Cherukupally ChenHuei and Bin Chiang Wayne Chin-Duncan Charlene Chowaniec James and Jean Chowaniec

Budd Parrish

Parrish graduated from Tucson’s Catalina High School in 1958. Then, taking advantage of academic scholarships, he attended the University of Arizona for a short time before joining the U.S. Navy.

Kathleen and Michael Chowaniec Peggy Christenson Zygmunt Cielak Cisco Systems Foundation David Clapp William Clarke Scott and Sue Clemans John Clymer Nicolas Cocavessis Maria Collado Cornell and Carole Collins Timothy Conklin Brian Constance Edward Conway Mark Coolbaugh Thomas and Shelley Coolidge David and Michele Cooper Donald Cooper Holly Corbin Gregory Cord Rosemary Cox-Galhotra Erika (Muller) Crockett Greta (Mattson) and Robert Cummings Michelle (Langmaid) Cunningham Randolph Currin David Curry Bryan Dalton G. Damico Kirk Damron John and Kimberly Dangremond Judy Dapuzzo James and Elaine Davis John and Cathy Davis Stephen Davis Frank Deakin Gary Degeronimo Cosimo and Gisella DeMasi Karl Dennis

CO N T I N U E D O N PA G E 1 0

John and Candace Derickson Rinaldo DiCenzo Gregory Dion William and Deborah Dixon John Dobson Ildefonso Dominguez Betty (Doerrer) and Claris Donelson Janice and Fernando Dones Tanya (Nolen) and Tad Donohue William Dowling Paul Drobny Guohong Duan Sorina Dumitrescu Judd Dyer Peter Edsall John Edwards James Ekmann James and Janet Elliott William Elowitz Shahin El-Sharif Employees’ Community Fund of the Boeing Company Marcy Engelmann Stephen and Marifi English Frank Ensign James Entwistle Richard and Betty Enz Anthony Ephremides Prasad Erabelli Marko Esche Lorenzo Escobar David and Janet Evans Samuel and Barbara Fall Ronald Fenelon John and Rebecca Fenn Nicholas Fifer Kathleen Finkelstein Ray Finley

John Firestone Gregory Fleischman Paul and Sandra Flint John Flores Robert Flori Edward and Linda Flynn Ka Fogg Jerry Fossum Jared Fowler Tony Freiman Marianne and Andrew Friedman Marino Fuentes Charles and Patricia Gajda J. Richard Gama Mary and Barry Ganapol Jesus Garcia Joseph and Constance Gates William Geary Rinly Gecosala John Germain Lily Gharib Alan Gilchrist Donald and Jean Gilliam James Glock Jeffrey Glover Brian and Amy Goble Ryan Goebel John and Jacquelyn Goedert Eric and Ellen Goldin Keisuke Goto Beth and Stefan Gottschall Robert Green Shannon (Hoblitzell) Green Martin and Jo Ann Gronberg Deborah (Gill) Gross Barbara (Shaw) and David Guarino Basak Guler continued on page 10

37:2 fall 2014  ARIZONAENGINEER  9

PHILANTHROPY 2013–2014 Donor Honor Roll continued from page 9

Jacob Gulotta Charles Guthrie Henri Guyader Frances (Hirt) and William Haidler Samuel Lee and Chizuko Halliday Marian (Maecker) and Kenneth Handy James and Merry Hansen Larry and Susan Hansen Ronald Hanson Glenn Harbour Mary (Baack) Hardt William and Sylvia Hardt Andrew and Stephanie Harris Peter and Martha Hart Kenneth and Margaret Hartwein Brian Hastings Clark and Pamela Hay Joseph and Debrah Helak Gary and Linda Hemphill Pamela Henderson William and Mary Henry Michael and Arlene Herrick James and Maria Hess Brian Hewitt John Higdon Walter Higgins Janis and Daryl Hild Jeanine (Stitt) and Michael Hill Marian and Ronald Hill Corolla (Horstman) and Kevin Hoag Benjamin Hobson Christine (Quinn) and Philip Hodder William Hoelke Howard Holman Moon Hom Paul and Yan Hom Honeywell Tucson Robert Hoover Jennifer (Havens) and Basil Horner Jane (Osburn) and R Stanley Howard Li Hua Wen Huang Ziyu Huang Anthony and Vicki Huffman Peggy (Sandin) and Cory Hustad Erin (Garner) and Geoffrey Hutton Catherine Jablonsky

James Davey & Associates Inc. August Jaxel Janell and Anthony Jellison William Jensen Xin Jiang Rudy Jimenez Seungbum Jo Paul and Elena Joggerst David and Katherine Johns John and Betty Johnson Judith Johnson William Johnson Galen Jokipii Anthony Jones JRW Engineering & Design Inc. Eric Kalivoda Shahin Kamali Agnes (Cordis) and Laveen Kanal Kariscom LLC Katalyst Inc. Kenneth Katsma Ifiyenia Kececioglu John and Pamela Keffer John Kelapire Teresa and Dennis Kennelly Peter Kerwin Yasaman Keshtkarjahromi John Kilps Eric and Sara Kinder Wayne King Lawton and Sally Kizer Michael Kleinrock Lucien and Joyce Klejbuk Henry and Diana Knoepfle Basar Koc Karl and Joan Kohlhoff Alicia Kohner Arvin Kolz Steven Komerska Susan (Brice) and Keith Kotchou Frederick and Frances Krause Barry Kriegsfeld Balamurugan Krishnan Judy and Alonso Krysik Ihor and Sandra Kukurba Hemanth Kumar John LaBorde Thomas and Elizabeth Ladd T. Lalumia Janet (Osburn) and Barry Lang

Charles Lavarini Pamela (Holm) and Lang Lawrence Gary and Sally Lech Charles and Glenda Lee Debra Lee Erlanne and Robert Leitzman Robert Lepore Micah Lesmeister Alfie Lew Heath Lewallen John and Cherie Lewis Claudia Leyva Francis and Sara Leyva Haopeng Li Jing-Quan Li Keith and Milly Lierman Dwight Lind John and Marcy Lingafelter Jane (Small) and Ian Linton Du Liu Feng Liu Laura Lohner Paul and Sherri Lomayesva Jose Lopera Juan Lopez Melissa (Vasquez) Lopez Lisa and Michael Lovern Gary and Lynn Loving Charles Lynch William and Sandra Lynch Praful Madhani Joaquin Magallanez Kerry (Ruiz) and Cullen Magariel James and Andrea Malmberg Keith and Diane Manlove Frank Manning Earl Manns Steven and Jo An Marder Mark R. Allen PC Alan Marshak Joshua Martin Frank and Anne Martinjak George and Emily Maseeh Mathieu Engineering Corp. Sam Matthews Peter and Joanne Mayer Patrick and Kathy Maynard Daniel McBride Travis and Shannon McCarthy

10  ARIZONAENGINEER  37:2 fall 2014

Lynn (Saltzman) and William McClary Carolyn (Sutter) and Kirk McClure Thomas McCormick Matthew and Sandi McDole Hal McGinnis Anastasia and George McInnis Bruce McLaren Dennis and Sally McLaughlin Shelley (Ratliff) and Patrick McLaughlin Kevin and Krisellen McNeill Soufiane Mdaghri Gene Mechler The Medtronic Foundation Wellington Meier Dianne and William Mensch Raffi Mesrobian Robert Metz Arve and Frances Michelsen Katherine and Richard Milakovich William and Pamela Milam Coleman Miller Kalman and Barbara Miller Kris Milster Irving and Theresa Mindes Nancy and William Mitchell Michael and Amy Moats Michael and Catherine Monsegur David and Magdalena Mooberry Saul Mora Jaime Moreno Henry and Suzanne Morgen Akihito Mori Mary Ann and Gorden Moses Motorola Inc. Foundation Theodore and Cari Moulin Charles and Linda Mount Kelly Moylan Ann (Conway) Moynihan Scott Munro Bonnie Nackley Michael and Susan Nativi William and Dianne Nelson Network for Good Thomas and Elizabeth Neubauer Richard and Mary Jane Newell

Donald and Charlyn Newman Josh Nies Nintendo of America Jean Obert Idoia Ochoa L. Osborne Andrew Osbrink Steven Pageau James Paison Joseph and Sandra Palais P. Roger and Elizabeth Pankey Charles Parkes John and Anne Patton Bruce Patty David Paullin Kristy Pearson Henry and Barbara Perkins L. Rolf Peterson Marla Peterson Charles and Katherine Philips Mark and Teri Phillips James and Dyan Pignatelli Jan Platos Raymond and Donna Plock Matthew Ploor Edward and Tish Pohl Rachel Popp Ralph and Lael Porter Michael Potter Diogo Pratas Robert Prescott Prestige Realty Trent Quinlan Christine (Coffer) and David Raasch Ananda and Madhumita Rakhit Jayesh Ramsinghani William and Karen Rankin Gregory and Eltrude Rasmussen Joseph Raynak Bruce Rechichar Regina Reed John and Mary Reinhardt Oscar Reyes C. LaRon and Peggy Reynolds David Rezin Mark Rhyner George Richard J. Mark and Angela Richardson Rick Hobbs State Farm Insurance Richard and Sylvia Rickard Paul and Sharon Rihs George Ring

Phillip and Peggy Robidoux David and Mary Jane Roden Toni (Johnson) Rogero Mary Carole (Sharp) and R. Raymond Rogers Pamela Rogers Randolph and Virginia Rogers Thomas Rohrer Rubber Pavements Association Inc. Thomas Rumney Gerald and Ruth Rutledge Mehdi Salehifar Adam Sandifer Samuel and Cecilia Santiago Frederick and Beverly Sargent Robert Schafer David Schaller Natasha (Checkovich) Schnaitmann David Schramm Richard Schroeder George and Nelda Schuler Robert Schulte John Schwartz John Scruggs Wayne and Janet Seames Sedgwick Family Charitable Trust Kei Sekine Philip and Katherine Sementilli Vicki Seppala Herman Serignese Lisa (Tank) and Todd Severnak Osborn Shackelford Narendra Shah Dilli Sharma Joseph and Sandra Shea John and Linda Sheehey Leonard and Beverly Shenfield Arthur and Charlotte Short Steven and Mary Short Brian Sichter Christine Sichter Robert Sigfridson Victor Silecky Shailendra Simkhada James and Kathryn Simms Darren Sims Lois (Buck) and Greg Sims Ajeet Singh Brandon Skalsky SMEF Jack Smith

Helping Students Down the Line CO N T I N U E D F R O M PA G E 9

“It would have been difficult to get started without those scholarships,” he said of his enrollment in the University of Arizona, adding that a healthy dose of life experience before settling down to the rigors of college helped him chart his course. Parrish served as a communications technician in the Navy for more than two years – seven months in Germany and 19 months in Japan. At a small base on the Sea of Japan, he immersed himself in the culture, learning to read and write Japanese and volunteering to teach English at a local school. And he came to love Japan. “It never left,” he said. “I have always had a spot in my heart for Japan.” After military service, Parrish returned to Tucson to continue at the University. He took classes through the summers and graduated in three short years.

Paul and Nancy Smith Janice and Dennis Snelling Howard Sobelman Society for Mining Metallurgy & Exploration Inc. David Soukup James Spinhirne Vincent Spucces Gregg St. Clair Leah Stanley Paul and Deborah Stauffer Linda (Wipior) Steed Christian Steinruecken Larry Sternaman William and Tammi Stevens Geoffrey Steward Cathine (Woolery) and Douglas Sticht Robert Stirling Larry and Kathleen Stoehr Sherry and Vern Stoneback Robert Stott Eric and Colleen Stouffer Irving Studebaker Thomas and Gladine Swartz Donald and Marjorie Swindle Hans and Constance Tees

Manuel and Guadalupe Teran The American Endowment Foundation The Dayton Foundation Depository Inc. The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Richard and Phoebe Therrien Jeffrey Thomas Michael Thompson Patricia (Burns) Thomson Prior Thwaits Lei Tian Kimberly Tighe Abraham Timler Joseph and Rita Titus Marylyn (Schumann) and Gene Tobey Richard and Kay Tofel Sallie (Siegelman) and Steven Tofel Patricia (Hill) and James Tolley Belle Tom Arsen Tonoyan Warren and Virginia Travis Amos Tsai Jerome Uchiyama University of Arizona Alumni Association Juan and Maria Valdes

Valley of the Sun United Way Karl and Kathleen Van Horne Robert Vargas Anne Marie (Trujillo) and Alfonso Velosa Anthony and Louise Verbout Narendhran Vijayakumar Richard and Janet Vitales John and Erika Wade Charles and Geraldine Waitman Jiabin Wang Christopher Warner Karen and James Warrick Barbara Wasson Nicholas and Margaret Webb Steven Weber Ted Weber Joan Weinberg Jonathan Weinberg Robin West Daniel and Kathleen White Christopher Whitehead Elaine and Kermit Whitt Nicole (Sargent) Whitten James Wickham

Julianne and Mark Wiegand Phyllis (Fisher) and John Wilson Arthur and Toni Withop Sarah Wolfe William Wolfson Len Manleung Wong Heather (Muir) and Joseph Woodward Zhiping Wu Kazuya Yaguchi Susan and Thomas Yang Wei Yang Ziaullah and Ann Yazdani Brett Yeater Jessica Yeh Thomas Yi Satoshi Yoshida Adel Zahedi Dave Zaleski Michael Zelnick Bo Zhao Tom Zhong Hua Zhu Junhuan Zhu Terre and Jeffrey Ziegler Eugene and Janice Zimmerman Janice (Haxton) and Eugene Zimmerman

“Earning my engineering degree was the toughest thing I’ve ever done,” he said. Today, international borders have become increasingly blurred, and engineering students’ cross-cultural experiences are seen as beneficial. But in the early 1960s, Parrish’s desire to continue studying Japanese language and literature while majoring in engineering did not win him many supporters. Undeterred, he used elective courses to further his knowledge of Japan and graduated with an engineering degree and an enhanced understanding of Japanese culture.

and me,” said Parrish, an avid amateur photographer. “From our Tokyo base, we were well positioned to travel over much of Asia.” Throughout their lives, the couple has visited 32 countries in Europe and Asia.

Linda and Budd Parrish in China

General Electric at Lockheed Aircraft in Burbank, California. While working on a GE project in 1968 at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, he met his wife, Linda. They have been married for 44 years.

Good grades helped Parrish land his first job out of college with Bell Laboratories in Holmdel, New Jersey. At the time, Bell Labs was the research and development arm of AT&T.

Budd and Linda Parrish spent the best years of their lives in Japan, from 1988 through 1990. He directed AT&T Japan’s manufacturing and quality division; she managed technical support.

Parrish then earned an MSEE from Rutgers and became a site manager with

“The assignment with AT&T Japan was a truly wonderful experience for Linda

2013–2014 Alumni Donors by Class 1942 Therese (Velasco) Berg 1946 L. Osborne 1947 John Dobson Herbert Vail 1948 Joan (Gegg) Fornara Jane (Osburn) Howard Richard Rhoades Arthur Short 1949 Robert Hall Richard Enz Ildefonso Dominguez 1950 Arve Michelsen Rudy Jimenez Ralph Montijo 1951 S. Jack McDuff James Hess Joseph Titus John Lingafelter David Evans Frederick Sargent Melvin Redden

Joseph Adams Warren Travis Clark Hay Harry Valentine William Holderby 1952 Patricia (Hill) Tolley Donald Hammer Raymond Huebner Jack Smith Brice Schuller William Hardt Lawrence Dreyer Samuel Fall James Wickham Maurice Stephan Dyer Campbell 1953 William Hoelke Charles Philips Hobart Bauhan 1954 Agnes (Cordis) Kanal Nancy (Rand) Roy Howard Kennedy Edwin Walker David Allais Robert Preble William Wolfson 1955 Richard Guthrie

Maiden names are in parentheses.

William Corbin J. Mel Allen Donald Gilliam Donald Foss 1956 Frances (Sprawls) Walker Charles Preble Karl Kohlhoff Ralph Heinze Ronald Stiles Jerome Koupal John Schwartz Peter Mayer Howard Main 1957 Patricia (Dawson) Enloe Betty (Doerrer) Donelson Carolyn (Roseberry) Markle Gerald Rutledge Irving Studebaker John Sheehey Martin Kuhns William Henry Charles De Leuw Jake Doss Joseph Gervasio Craig Berge 1958 Carmen Messina Richard Schroeder

Thomas Henderson Charles Mount Ralph Miller Randolph Currin Raymond Plock John Mulchay David Troupe Richard Bushroe John Kaminsky Gary Cooper Paschel Young Peter Kerwin Edward Flynn John Britton William Houston 1959 Andrea (Lott) Malmberg August Jaxel Ben Allinder Herbert Burton James Malmberg John Balla Arthur Takemoto Richard Vitales Richard Therrien Ernest Schoop William Milam Kim Fox Karl Van Horne Robert Wicks John Reinhardt James Simms William Lynch Edward Bunnell Joseph Palais Glen Hiscox Alex Richards

1960 Gilbert Saltzman Karl Elers James Deaderick John Marietti George Glenday Anthony Huffman Robert Sigfridson Arvin Kolz John McLean Gary Cropper Frank Ensign John Wilson Anthony Jones Ronald Hanson Tim Tomko John Benson 1961 Marylyn (Schumann) Tobey M. James Barber Richard Carr Howard Goldstein James Seal Jon Hartmann Rudy Rogers John Edwards Lee Williams Edward Conway Matthew McDole Ellis Mascareno Ronald Dewey John La Bar Theodore Polychronis Barry Meisels James Cashin

Donald Swindle Narendra Shah 1962 Betty (Stewart) Detweiler Sandra (Tanner) Elers Robert Eaglet Kalman Miller Jay Lehr Samuel Lee Halliday Franklin Hungerford Kenneth Katsma William McClary Thomas McCormick David Johns Michael Monsegur John Firestone Bruce McLaren Ralph Wood James Elliott Kenneth Detweiler 1963 Richard De Schutter Kok Kwai See-Tho Oscar Ferrell Francis Leyva Henri Guyader Wayne Dawson Ronald Fenelon Gunnar Johanson Farrell Kenimer 1964 Sallie (Siegelman) Tofel L. Rolf Peterson

David Areghini Walter Higgins Joseph Shea Thomas Swartz Walter Armer Richard Tofel Marino Fuentes James Forthman Charles Howey Jerome Uchiyama Zoltan Rosztoczy Richard Potter Jerry Stafford John Pass David Brod 1965 William Ahrens George Shirley Arthur Withop Ka Fogg Cornell Collins Daniel Sablich James Ashcraft Michael Herrick Ralph Porter 1966 John Groh Edward Nowatzki Kelton Thomson Jerry Fossum Charles Lee Walter Calhoon William Whitty George McInnis Michael Potter

The Budd and Linda Parrish Endowed Engineering Scholarship Fund will provide scholarships for outstanding undergraduates in the College of Engineering who demonstrate high academic achievement and financial need. The scholarship awards will be available through an estate bequest. “Remembering the help scholarships provided me when I entered the UA, Linda and I are delighted to be able to provide endowed scholarships to undergraduate engineering students at the UA,” said Budd Parrish. “We wish them success in their professional careers.”

Leonard Shenfield Ted Weber

George Spindle J. Mercer Johnson

1967 Edwin Konrath Eugene Zimmerman James Marum Melvin Callabresi Ajeet Singh Michael Kaiserman James Peng Joseph Spitler Jimmy Naylor Allan Fusler

1969 Janice (Haxton) Zimmerman Gregory Rasmussen John Bernal Thomas Strong Paul Smith William Harding Antonio Durando William Clarke Kenneth Schmidt James Miletich Zavis Zavodni Jack Pollin Donald Cooper Roger Schoenherr Alan Marshak Daniel Chilton John Boyer Sandra Bidwell

1968 Jacquelyn (Hatch) Schmidle Karen (Spaniol) Campbell R. Raymond Rogers Frederick Krause James Bly Stephen Davis Newton Don Franklin Broyles Joseph Dial Eugene Cliff Gary Wonacott Michael Kleinrock David Mooberry Russell Alley Charles Waitman Craig Baldon Jesse Saar Edward Bower Gary Frere Timothy Conklin

1970 Reay Dick Don Dillon Thomas Rumney Dwight Lind Jerry Gay Wai Chen Richard Crowell Donald Spong John Ward Mary Habeeb Lang Lawrence John Flores John Patton Scott Clemans

1971 John Johnson David Rezin Eric Goldin Michael McCabe Gregory Lorton Donald Newman Gregory Hill Bruce Boyum Zygmunt Cielak William Beecroft James Clemons Douglas Wright Gary Loving William Johnson Randolph Rogers P. Roger Pankey Paul Rihs Larry Sternaman Gary Harper Francis Castrichini James McGrath 1972 Patricia (Germann) Beattie Kempl Janet (Osburn) Lang Patricia (Taylor) Anderson Belle Tom Kenneth Renard Joseph Gates John Rodgers Thomas O’Neil Charles Lavarini Robert Deppe Thomas Coolidge Daniel White continued on page 12

37:2 fall 2014  ARIZONAENGINEER  11

PHILANTHROPY 2013–2014 Alumni Donors by Class continued from page 11

Desmond Kearns Michael Arnold Frederick Doten Hans Tees Chris Angleman Vincent Gin Cosimo DeMasi Larry Hansen Mark Daniels Daniel Donegan Ronald Watts Honho Liu Shu-Tsu Lu Andrew Gildon Stephen Thomas Robert Mitchell Frank Martinjak David Crawford Irving Mindes John Whalen 1973 Mary (Boice) Moreton Barry Abbott Janet Fertig Peter Hart Gilbert Gonzales Salvatore Caccavale Thomas McLean Robert Simpson Thomas McGovern Bruce Moreton Wayne King Herbert Welhener Patrick Keller J. Mark Richardson David Brown Alan Boeckmann John Ketterl Andrew Gaudielle Kwang Baek 1974 William Rankin Joseph Alvarez John Brabson James Spinhirne William Champion Tomas Owen Thomas Yang Donald Koterwas Kenneth Simpson David Freeland John Higdon Craig Smith Donald Gin Stephen Tencza Moon Hom Arthur Charrow Michael Nelson Ziaullah Yazdani Robert Sogge Jack Touseull Robert Feugate William Assenmacher 1975 Susan (Brice) Kotchou Ifiyenia Kececioglu George Coppus

David Acklam Theodore Moulin Glenn Harbour Fabricio Duran Larry Stoehr James Ekmann John Derickson 1976 Lois (Buck) Sims Barbara (Whitley) Krebs Yuill Robin West Kevin Kinkade Gregory Hill David Soukup Gary Lech David Stegman Bryan Dalton Robert Caccavale Nicolas Cocavessis John Fenn Steven Jimenez Nicholas Mardesich James Angel Gerald Myers Thomas Bolles 1977 Erika (Muller) Crockett Richard Vercillo Robert Green Michael Mackowski Bruce Patty Robert Best George Schuler Sam Matthews Jeffrey Glover Gregg St. Clair Daniel McBride William Wilson Gary Dedera Clinton Glass Paul Hom 1978 Barbara (Appelin) Filas Kathleen (Johnson) Borhauer David Roden Robert Hammerstein Stephen Schultz William Dixon James Komadina Lawrence Bruskin Dennis Neumann Anthony Verbout Daniel Brickley Robert Roscoe Robert Rutherford Brian Hastings Thomas Neubauer John Dangremond Michael Bunch Mark Baker John Geyer Richard Newell 1979 Cherie (Ledbetter) Hallin

Magdalena (Martinez) Cozzetti Diana (Reckart) Miles Kimberley (Schuber) Rossbach Barbara (Shaw) Guarino Mark Woodson Brian Kelly Gary Hemphill Wayne Seames Paul Flint Robert Davis Paul Stauffer ChenHuei Chiang Len Manleung Wong Henry Rosoff Rinly Gecosala Christian Ellefson William Staples Werner Weck Larry Owsowitz David Clapp Richard Beyak Arthur Prast John Wade Tina Sisley Pat Marum William Downey 1980 Katherine (Hine) Sementilli Kathleen Chavez Pam Reinke Al Graham Rinaldo DiCenzo Michael Barclay Allan Patch Eric Kinder Phillip Robidoux James Collins Liangruey Chang William Raymond James Willingham Dennis McLaughlin T. Lalumia Michael Cease Charles Lynch Greg Sims Robert Schafer Raymond Hierling 1981 Lori (Barron) Lindahl Renee (Dudro) Enders Jennifer (Havens) Horner Susan (Kutz) Bradford Catherine (Levinson) Freeman Ann (Livingston) Feicht Yong (McHenry) Murphy Sarah Wolfe Victor Silecky J. Brian Grant Clayton Grantham David Irish Ross Harvison

12  ARIZONAENGINEER  37:2 fall 2014

E R N E S T T. S M E R D O N • 1 9 3 0 – 2 0 1 4 Vicki Gray Earl Cumming Gonzalo Romero James Hansen Daniel Bailie Marian Binder Barry Brown Brian Rumsey Thomas Ladd Mohamad Kavosi Thomas Pollock Prior Thwaits

A Life of Service Dedicated to Engineering Education and Research Dean Emeritus of the UA College of Engineering, Ernest “Ernie” Thomas Smerdon, died Aug. 11, 2014, at age 84. He was dean of the College from 1988 to 1997, after which he spent three years directing engineering education programs at the National Science Foundation. He served as vice provost at UA and retired from the University in 2003.

1982 Anne (Campbell) Hierling Mary (Gerhardt) Thomas Karen (Ryck) Rieffer Elizabeth (Villaescusa) Wilkening Frank Deakin Lucien Klejbuk Theodore Gelber Alonso Peralta John Clymer Coleman Miller Seth Chalmers Denise Doctor Richard Milakovich James Davis Elizabeth Kirby Carlos Navarrette Terrence Scali Holly Corbin Gregory Cord Patrick Maynard William Elowitz Peter Hushek Nicholas Webb Bruce Campbell

Alan Gilchrist Robert Schulte Robert Stott William Jensen Steven Rothstein

1983 Dorothy (Chavez) Dolan Jeannine (Critchley) Leverenz Charlotte (Gunrud) Ort Greta (Mattson) Cummings Gail (Paterson) Ames Carolyn (Sutter) McClure Deborah (Witkowski) Runde Kevin McNeill Ray Finley Robert Hoover Steven Short Thomas Moore Martin Gronberg John Davis Eric Kalivoda Steven Pageau Rodney Smith Harry Patton Daniel Chen Marla Peterson G. Michael Hoover James Davidson Howard Nebeck Randall Thomas Kevin Gardner Dorothy Arbiter Mark Fleming

1984 Patricia (Burns) Thomson Joanna (Faulkner) Travis LeAnn (Lomeland) Vaughn Anne (Moses) Bingham Amy (Phillips) Gauthier Paula (Siegel) MacKenzie John Hillman Wellington Meier Ann Wilkey Steven Den-Baars Dwayne Elliott Catherine Jablonsky Amos Tsai Mark Casolara Michael Runde Raghavan Kalkunte Mark Phillips Robert Cavin Joseph Cannavino David Jacques John LaBorde Gregory Gunter David Travis Joseph Helak Tony Freiman Bryan Dougherty

“In addition to having a distinguished reputation in research,” said current UA Engineering Dean Jeff Goldberg, “Ernie was a strong advocate for engineering education.” Smerdon dedicated his life to improving engineering higher education while making significant contributions to research in water resources and global environmental issues. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1986 and served as president of the American Society for Engineering Education. During his term at ASEE, Smerdon emphasized international programs for engineering students, the inclusion of business and social science content in engineering programs, and the notion

Stanley Stachowiak Samuel Rhodes Dave Zaleski 1985 Christine (Coffer) Raasch Laura (Fulton) Bennett Mary (Hjalmarson) Kittredge Diana (Swasey) Wilcox Beth Gottschall Paul Lomayesva Gregory Konicke Steven Komerska Brian Aviles David Randall Leslie Foo Alfie Lew Kenneth Lyle William Geary Mark Coolbaugh Robert Prescott David Blackburn Gregory Fleischman Scott Munro John Morgan George Maseeh Kenneth Eme Michael Lovern Bruce Roth Richard Dobes Jess Trias Gregory Zeihen Barbara Wasson Kevin Abreu Gustavo Escobar Thomas Fagan

André Arès Frank Burstrom 1986 Ann (Conway) Moynihan Brenda (Peek) Goldsmith Catherine Preble Brian Beddo Donna Krawczyk John Keffer Stephen Boerigter Lindsey Philpott Gregory Wellington Simeon Brubaker James Williams Scott Pinkerton David LaRoche Robert Haines Peter Edsall Christopher Warner Michael Malvick Ricardo Arenas James Paison Stephen Maguire Frank Manning Michael Fraley Mark Rhyner 1987 Roxanne (Bruce) Callahan Stephanie (Carrell) Gilles Maribeth (Engelhardt) Greenslade Diane (Frazier) Manlove

Emeline (Germain) Maddern Heidi (Lichte) Tronstad Denise (Lindskog) Derrig Laura (McMillan) Allen Tanya (Nolen) Donohue Julie (Reger) Cole Antoinette (Theriault) Theriault-Faucette William Drafts Andrew Harris Charles Guthrie Stephen English Hugh Sardoff Joseph Alfieri Garcia Prasad Erabelli Marc De Pauli Xin Jiang Shohei Yoneda John Kelapire Mark Kozik William Dowling 1988 Suzanne (Jacobus) Freund Alexandra (Lind) Oglesby Laura (Schlegel) Kagle Leslie (Skinner) Welborne Cynthia (Tang) Klingberg Craig Henden John Goedert Brian Goble Jerry Hunter

Jeffrey Boner David Cooper Michael Sandford Robert Flori Carlosjose Pineda Brian Geren Eric Stouffer Charles Parkes Keith Manlove David Paredes Derek Reaban Peggy Christenson Randall Harris William Stevens Robert Bloom 1989 Farideh (Fardid) Zonouzi Anna (Murray) Birr Nannette (Phillips) Kotke Nicole (Sargent) Whitten Melissa (Widick) Shafiqullah Dominique Mitchell Daniel Filiberti Ronald Semel Larry Milner Anthony Schaeffer Roy Firestone Howard Sobelman George Richard Talil Batrouny William Vanarsdell Timothy Burgess Michael Jenkins Bettina Chastian Kenneth Pill

Praful Madhani Thomas Rohrer Thomas Whipple 1990 Bridget (Dudek) Barr Rachel (Jordan) Huppenthal Jennifer (Kersey) Furrier Melissa (Vasquez) Lopez Darcie (Volk) Klein Eric Jackson John Kilps Lee Cheung Joe Omojola Eric Carmichael Kelly Moylan Anne Adams George Hefner David Schramm 1991 Erin (Garner) Hutton Corolla (Horstman) Hoag Brooke (Stinson) Pittner Jeanine (Stitt) Hill Laura Rossi Matthew Kaufmann Jonathan Weinberg Ching-Shan Jung Thomas Yi Philip Sementilli Kathryn Hughes David Heller

that the first professional engineering degree should be a master’s degree. “All of these eventually became part of the national debate on how to educate engineers,” Goldberg said. Smerdon graduated from the University of Missouri with a BS in engineering in 1951 and served four years in the U.S. Air Force, then returned to his alma mater for his MS and PhD. He went on to Ernie Smerdon hold the Janet S. Cockrell Centennial Chair in the civil engineering department at the University of Texas, Austin, and the Bess Harris Jones Centennial Professorship in Natural Resource Policy Studies at the LBJ School of Public Affairs. He was vice chancellor for academic affairs for the University of Texas system from 1976 to 1982.

Michael Nativi Ihor Kukurba Susan Anderson Paul Mureiko Brian Hewitt Christopher Thomas David Paullin Subramania Sudharsanan Kirk Damron 1992 Meredith (Arbuthnot) Curley Georgina (Suarez) Ahumada Dilli Sharma Gregory Boner Jordan Gerton Alicia Kohner James Tofel Robert Coffan Christopher Whitehead 1993 Kelly (Biller) Twitchell Shelley (Ratliff) McLaughlin Edward Pohl Daryl Hild Bruce Rechichar Cheng-Tsu Fu Ronald Seager Cha Thai Huang Joe Fulton Doug Crawford Henry Knoepfle Jose Arce Mark Sullivan

1994 Janice (Plado) Dalager Lisa (Tank) Severnak Anne Marie (Trujillo) Velosa Shelly (Vogt) Benson Matthew Ploor Vicki Seppala Dan Yuan Hal McGinnis Mark Smiley Gary Degeronimo Jeffrey Kim Jeffrey Berg Wei Yang William Wilkening 1995 Robert Daniels Michael Koerner Jayesh Ramsinghani John Lewis Travis Higgins Heath Lewallen Curtis Bruns Darren Sims David Randolph David Pellinen Wan-Hsin Tang Paul Englehart Jose Lopera Michael Zelnick William Johnson 1996 Dawn (Gladish) Graffam

Toni (Johnson) Rogero Heather (Muir) Woodward Ingrid (Nelson) McNeil Tom Zhong Elena Sanwick Christopher Fall Yung-lin Lin Kris Akre Michael Yockey Keith Lierman 1997 Martha Madero Moreno Ouatfa Chuffe-Moscoso Jose Urcadez Figen Akin Vicente Zaragoza Joaquin Magallanez Paul Joggerst Mary Garrity Andrea Ursillo Shahin El-Sharif 1998 Michelle (Langmaid) Cunningham Dennis Mooney Josh Nies Daniel Sandblom Travis McCarthy Scott Bricker Diemthuy Ngo Brian Sichter Michael Moats Carter Romero Carl Bueter

Timothy Christopherson James Entwistle Keith Ballou 1999 Deborah (Gill) Gross Michael Do Charles Gajda Marc Greenberg Hua Zhu Ziyu Huang Jeffrey Zubel Brian Debnam Ivan Doliani Adam Gilbert Ryan Goebel Charles Scroggins Manuel Teran Cesar Cheng-Guajardo Steven Wayne Tingyang Liu Marco Gardner 2000 Shiraj Mamun Victor Ling Saul Mora Stephen Kuenzli Tawnie Harrison Scott Sayles Michael Wong Sutirtha Kabir Jody Conger Lucinda Williams Leah Stanley Said Ahmad Laura Lohner

2001 Anita (Chapin) McGuire Joon Pyo Lee Jing-Quan Li John Buehler Galen Jokipii Jessa Wright Erin Lyons Suman Dhakal Paul Drobny Jeremy Carlson Lindy Cote 2002 Natasha (Checkovich) Schnaitmann Karol Ginorio Micah Lesmeister Jason Carlaftes Alejandro Angel Geoffrey Hill Nicholas Fifer Babaq Taj Brian Constance Sarah Stewart Jones Tembo Eric Hein Xuejun Li Kathleen Finkelstein Lisa Renner Jorge Noriega 2003 Claire Lubert Nathan Palmer Matthew Bailey Prasad Gabbur

His numerous honors include the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Royce J. Tipton Award, the 2006 Golden Vector Award from the Pan-American Union of Engineering Associations, the 2005 John C. Park Outstanding Civil Engineer Award from ASCE’s Arizona section, and the 2002 Lifetime Achievement Award by the ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute. The Arizona Society of Professional Engineers named him Engineer of the Year in Education. Smerdon credited his Missouri Ozarks upbringing for his strong work ethic and family values, and has been quoted as saying: “I was surrounded by dairy cattle and crops. I learned early on that hard work was good for you, and I learned that I didn’t want to be a farmer.” His wife of 63 years, Joanne Duck Smerdon, survives him, as do their three children, 10 grandchildren, two great grandchildren, and his sister and brother. Donations can be made in his memory to the Ernest and Joanne Smerdon Endowed Scholarship to support outstanding undergraduate students at the University of Arizona College of Engineering.

Bo Zhao Amarpreet Chawla Balamurugan Krishnan Sarvesh Bhardwaj Joshua Martin Walter Lopez Jason Godinez Kweku Ansah Obiri 2004 Laucretia (Begay) Baum Juan Lopez Andrew Osbrink Evan Lytle Muzaffar Eusuff Arsen Tonoyan Roberto Bringas Allison Basche Faisal El Azzouzi Wen Huang 2005 John Condon Robert Stirling Donald Swanson Gregory Dion Joshua Koch Pirahas Balasingam Vignesh Krishnasamy Bharat Sukhwani Brian Alden Kristy Pearson Brett Yeater Ann Hoang Joseph Augustine

Donghai Wang Judd Dyer Kevin Opalka Nicholas Hansen 2006 Kerry (Ruiz) Magariel Jessica Yeh Angel Otarola Jesus Acosta Iriqui Debora Anjos Deepali Karadge Rosemary Cox-Galhotra Jean Vock Douglas Toperzer Domingo Kiser David Schaller 2007 Shannon (Hoblitzell) Green Stephanie (Sara) Jordan Joseph Fico Ryan Kemmet Ryan Kanto James Rozzoni Stanley Yellowhair Adam Sandifer Bix Beiderbecke William Salus Alexis Alvarez Jeffrey Calhoun Devin Whipple David Kraemer Annapoorna Krishnaswamy Matthew Zerull

2008 Jacob Gulotta Avinash Ayyalasomayajula Logan Gaither Satyajeet Ahuja Rachel Popp Mehul Patel Narendhran Vijayakumar Matthew Kinnaman Jeffrey Hunt Donald Bruyere Geoffrey Steward Adam Ritter 2009 Joanna (Emerson) Zinsli Regina Reed Abhinav Jha Jesus Garcia Margaret Howard Anvesh Cherukupally Kyle Van Renterghem Adam Wagner Kris Milster Michael Balthazar Nathan Decker Andrew Friedman Gene Mechler Lily Gharib Patrick Edwards 2010 William Casson Wayne Chin-Duncan Andrew Bozzi Ruben Romero

Michelle Guardado Ravi Raghavendra

Puneet Bhardwaj Lorenzo Escobar

2011 Myra Tobar Ryan Badilla Jesse Campbell Marcelo Salazar Shailendra Simkhada John Kurz Corey Crosby Andrew Brown Kyle Wollschlager Scott Ketter Josh Spivey Soufiane Mdaghri Aaron Kapilivsky Brandon Skalsky Hans Hony Benjamin Hobson

2013 Juan Mariscal Devin Raymond Pooja Rajguru David Ashton Kevin Forbes Cody Wood-Hromidko John Feather Daniel Lizarraga Nichole Miller

2012 Monica Soto Kevin Ferguson Keith Sangston Eric Hebeisen Franklin Ventura Christopher Wellons Jared Fowler William Duy Wongani Botha Stephen Tan Logan Robinson Kevin Smith Abraham Timler Gwendolyn Woods Suman Maharjan Jared Evans

2014 Ariel (Caquias) Nymeyer Paul Neff Timothy Nelson Robert McCarthy Aaron Abril Patrick Blythe Tianna Stefano Jasmine Gharib James King Connor Macrunnel Luz Dow Octavio Torres Sabrina Ball Nicholas Griffis Jeffrey Noble Amy Nipp Auni Kundu John Hottenstein David Ramirez Daniel Guyll Kelly Reid Mackenzie Lostra Jeffrey Kincaid

37:2 fall 2014  ARIZONAENGINEER  13

ALUMNI Elizabeth (Sees) Bowe BS/IE 2004 Since graduating, Bowe has been a government contractor in San Diego, working in systems engineering, modeling and simulation, software testing and program management. She married fellow engineer David Bowe in 2007 (they have two daughters), and recently started her own company ( As a professional systems and industrial engineer, Bowe says she has always had a passion for improvement, which is why she set up “As a busy mom I was constantly on the go,” she said. “I often had my two girls in tow, but I hated dragging my cumbersome diaper bag in with me from place to place.” Bowe’s motivation in launching her company was to find a way to store essential baby items right on the infant car seat, freeing up a much-needed hand. “That’s when I came up with the idea for a diaper bag that can attach to a car seat,” Bowe said. “At the time, I couldn’t even sew a button! So with lots of glue, pins and fabric strewn across my dining room table in the wee hours of the night, I made my first prototype. I’ve since hired real manufacturers and I’m excited to be growing my new business.”

Elizabeth Bowe and Bowe baby 14  ARIZONAENGINEER  37:2 fall 2014

Courtesy of Karen Christensen

Fun Time to Prime Time—Karen Christensen (right in TV screen photo of contestants on the set of “Wheel of Fortune”) organizes an annual STEM-focused summer camp for middle school girls from low-income areas of Tucson. The summer 2014 camp was held at the UA Flandrau Science Center and attended by 35 girls, shown above posing for a group photo.

Karen Christensen BS/AE 1990 Christensen is senior systems engineer at Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, Arizona. She has a son at Pima Community College and her daughter is a junior at Catalina Foothills High School. When she’s not busy leading a team of six engineers at Raytheon, where she has worked for 13 years, she can be found winning piles of cash on national television: In 2013 she was a contestant on “Wheel of Fortune,” where she won $62,550, including $50,000 in the bonus round. “I was extremely nervous but I settled down after a few minutes and had a fantastic time,” Christensen said. “Most of the money went into my daughter’s college account; hopefully she will soon be at the UA.” Away from prime time, Christensen plays softball (first base) for one of Raytheon’s company teams and runs an annual STEM-focused summer camp for middle school girls from lowincome areas of Tucson. The summer 2014 camp was held at the UA Flandrau Science Center and attended by 35 girls

from four different schools. “They had a fantastic time learning about careers in scientific and technical fields through hands-on experiences,” Christensen said.

Jerry Kaufman BS/Metallurgical Engineering 1958 Following terms as a municipal judge for the City of Las Vegas and as a short-trial judge in the district court, Jerry Kaufman was appointed to the Supreme Court of Nevada in 1998 and recently appointed for another term as a settlement judge. Kaufman has taught law-related subjects at Nevada Southern University and at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He was recently a visiting professor at the Center for International Legal Studies in Salzburg, Austria. He’ll be 80 in 2015 and still enjoys snow skiing, golf and tennis. He says “hello” to all his friends in Tucson and Phoenix. When he practiced law, Kaufman represented internationally renowned entertainers and was honored last year to be inducted and enshrined into the Fans’ Entertainment Hall of Fame.

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David and Gay Allais • Barbara (Hicks) Amos • Clarence and Phala Andressen • Therese (Velasco) Berg • Craig and Nancy Berge • Mary (Brown) and Raymond Bernal • Edwin L. Biggers • James and Margaret Bly • Alan and Lisa Boeckmann • Gregory and Lisa Boyce • Sandra (Clendennen) Brown • Franklin and Elizabeth Broyles • Curtis E. Bruns • Herbert and Sylvia Burton • Elaine M. Burton-Resnick • Eric and Janie Carmichael • John and Barbara Carter • Mark A. Casolara • William and Barbara Champion • Daniel J. Chen • James and Gail Collins • John and Whelin Condon • Gary and Barbara Cropper • Eliot T. Dash • Don and Diane Dillon • Denise D. Doctor • Newton Don • Jake and Beverly Doss • Sandra (Tanner) and Karl Elers • Todd and Kristin Ellermann • Kenneth and Mary Eme • Ruth Estrada • Robert and Amy Ewing • LeRoy and Jean Farmer • Frank and Barbara Filas • Shirley R. Fisher • Kim and Corinne Fox • Robert S. Futch • Joseph A. Gervasio • Andrew and Mary Clare Gildon • Jerome and Jane Glass • Leston E. Goodding • Belle (Kulick) and Gary Griffiths • Henry G. Grundstedt • Richard Guthrie and Patricia Dunford • Robert C. Hall • George L. Harper • Ross and Aida Harvison • Edwin and Linda Hawkins • David and Semele Heller • James and Maria Hess • Karen and Eric Hirsch • Lawrence and Virginia Hjalmarson • Helmut and Ellen Hof • Samuel D. Holland • G. Michael Hoover • Jerry and Maureen Hunter • Peter J. Hushek • Edward P. Jucevic • Ryan and Sarah Kanto • Aaron Kapilivsky • Desmond and B. Jean Ruley Kearns • Howard Kennedy • Maria A. Keonjian • Leopold and Beverly King • Karl and Joan Kohlhoff • Pinnaduwa H. Kulatilake • Bruce M. Langone • Edith (Pattison) and John Leonis • Delbert and Sharron Lewis • Linda (Robinson) and Robert Lohse • J. David and Edith Lowell • Kenneth and Carol Lyle • John and La Donna Marietti • Sean and Jennyann McCafferty • Susan and Michael McDonald • S. Jack McDuff • Scott and Kim McIntosh • Dianne and William Mensch • Ernest and Sally Micek • Ralph B. Miller • David and Magdalena Mooberry • Bruce and Mary Moreton • Genevieve (Atwood) Morrill • David and Shona Naccarati • Daniel and Carolyn Neff • Michael K. Nelson • Richard and Jeanne Norling • Thomas and Margaret O’Neil • Margaret (Guay) and Thomas O’Neil • Monica (Kilcullen) and Christopher Pastor • Charles and Maria Preble • David F. Rhoades • Samuel A. Rhodes • John M. Rodgers • Carol and Kenneth Romero • Lisa (Gentry) and Ross Rulney • Robert and Ann Rutherford • Peter and Nancy Salter • Roger and Jane Schoenherr • Brice W. Schuller • Kok Kwai and Avis See-Tho • George and Dixie Shirley • Timothy and Danielle Short • Douglas and Dawna Silver • Sarah (Brown) and David Smallhouse • Lenise (Mincks) and D. Alan Smith • Timothy and Rhonda Snider • George and Kilcha Spindle • William L. Staples • Marjorie and Edwin Thomas • Jack and Linda Thompson • David and Joanna Travis • Linda (Loudon) Turner • Joseph Tylutki and Karen Campbell • Andrea S. Ursillo • Frances (Sprawls) Walker • William and Christine Wilson • Shohei and Loraine Yoneda • Paschel W. Young • Peter Z. Zebrowski


Members of the da Vinci Circle play a vital role in strengthening our long tradition of engineering excellence by supporting annual scholarships to our brightest students, providing faculty support to our top scholars, and allocating much-needed unrestricted funds to meet the demands of today’s educational environment. CORPORATIONS Agilent Technologies Inc. • Applied Materials • Arizona Builders’ Alliance • Ashton Company Inc. • Ayco Charitable Foundation • B/E Aerospace Inc. • Clark Pacific • Community Finance Corp. • Community Foundation for Southern Arizona • Continental Automotive Systems Inc. • Edmund Optics • ExxonMobil Corp. • Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. • Gemini Foundation • Gomez International • Granite Construction Co. • Hankook Tire Co., Ltd. • Honeywell Aerospace • IBM • IDEMA • Intel • International Foundation for Telemetering • John Wesley Miller Companies • KE & G Development • Keysight Technologies • Lam Research Corp. • Lightforce USA Inc. • Lincus Inc. • Lockheed Martin Corp. • M3 Engineering & Technology Corp. • Mensch Foundation • Mining & Metallurgical Society of America • Mining Foundation of the SW • Mintec Inc. • MIT Lincoln Laboratory • Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Funding Trust Inc • NEUROMetrix • Newmont Mining Corp. • Nightforce Optics • Northrop Grumman • Oracle Mining Corp. • P&H Mining Equipment • Peabody Investments Corp. • Precision Shooting Equipment Inc. • Protein Technologies Inc. • QuakeWrap Inc. • Rain Bird Corp. • RASIRC • Raytheon Missile Systems • Rosztoczy Foundation • Salt River Project • Scientek-12 Foundation • Sensintel Inc. • Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration Tucson Section • SOLON Corporation • Southwestern NM SEC AIME • Sundt Companies Inc. • SunEdison • Sunora Energy Solutions • Texas Instruments Inc. • The Powell Foundation • TRAX International Corp. • Tucson Electric Power Co. • Tucson Embedded Systems Inc. • UniSource Energy Corp. • Ventana Medical Systems Inc. • W. L. Gore & Associates


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