The Azle News Oct. 28 -15

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Volume 64, Number 20

Azle News

Wednesday, October 28, 2015SauloenStore

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Best of Azle Winners! Special Section




ber 28

, 2015

Inaugural Hall of Fame class inducted Seven Azle athletic greats enshrined BY MARK K. CAMPBELL out – dined at tables spread around the Success. covered hardwood floor. That’s the word that summed up the Then came the offi cial inductions fi rst Azle Athletic Hall of Fame gath- of the “cream of the crop,” Azle’s ering. fi rst class of honorees: James Casey, The event itself was a success – and Jackie Swaim DiNardo, Derek Dorso were the careers ris, Chelsa Holder, of the seven inductDan Mauldin, Stan ees enshrined into Next week! A special Mauldin, and Wayne the inaugural class section on the ceremony! Walton. Oct. 24 at the new Casey was introAzle High School duced by former gym. longtime AISD head trainer and friend Before the festivities, old friends Todd Urbanek. and teammates who had not seen each A graduate of the Class of 2003, other for decades milled about joy- Casey spoke of how the town ralfully in the foyer. lied around him after the death of his After introductory remarks by commother when he was a sophomore. The fi rst ever Azle Athletic Hall of Fame class was inducted Oct. 24 on the AHS campus: (l-r) Derek mittee chairman Keith Hoover, more Dorris, Pat Holder accepting for honoree Chelsa Holder, Wayne Walton, James Casey, Jackie Swaim than 275 attendees – a complete sellPLEASE SEE HALL, PAGE 2A. DiNardo, Dan Mauldin, and Stan Mauldin. Photo by Mark K. Campbell

East Texas reports say Brookshire’s Grocery for sale BY CARLA NOAH STUTSMAN A report from Reuters news agency that Brookshire Grocery Company is exploring a sale has created a media frenzy. The story, which broke Oct. 14, said a sale of the grocery chain – which includes the popular Brookshire’s Food & Pharmacy stores in Azle, Springtown, and Lake Worth – could be worth as much as $1 billion including debt. The Reuters account says Brookshire is working with investment bank JPMorgan Chase & Co. on an auction that has attracted larger peers, including Albertsons Companies. Brookshire offi cials have so far declined to comment or to confi rm or deny the points outlined in the Reuters story. Quoting an anonymous source, the NBC affi liate in Tyler, where Brookshire is headquartered, said the company is exploring a sale to H.E. Butt Grocery Company, also known as H.E.B. Tyler radio station KNUE, though, ran a story Oct. 15 naming Albert-

Wagon Train Passes Through

sons as the most likely buyer, saying it is the only company mentioned in the Reuter’s story and citing its recent acquisitions of Safeway and Tom Thumb. Albertsons is currently preparing its initial public offering in advance of going public. Kroger, the second-largest general retailer in America behind Walmart, and the fi fth-largest in the world, was the third possibility noted in the KNUE story. Local Brookshire’s store managers The 24th Annual Wagon Train arrived in Azle Wednesday, Oct. 21 en route to the 25th Annual Red Steadirected media inquiries to the corpo- gall Cowboy Gathering and Western Swing Festival in the Fort Worth Stockyards. Dressed in period rate offi ce in Tyler where a spokesper- garb and riding in authentic animal-drawn wagons or horseback, the riders spent the night at Ash son had no comment. Creek Stables before heading toward Cowtown the next day. Photo by Carla Noah Stutsman Brookshire Grocery Company was founded in 1928 by Wood T. and Louise Brookshire, when they opened their fi rst 25x100-foot store on Tyler’s downtown square. These days, Brookshire employs more than 13,700 people at more than BY CARLA NOAH STUTSMAN seven proposed constitutional amend- trict 1, though, must decide whether or not to accept the Poolville area into 150 locations in Texas, Louisiana and As early voting winds to a close – ments. Locally, there are no ballot measures the district. Arkansas. Friday, Oct. 30 is the last day – the Early voting began Monday, Oct. 19 Brookshire also operates three dis- public at large prepares for Election for Azle residents in Tarrant County to decide; Parker County residents who tribution facilities and a fl eet of 72 Day, Tuesday, Nov. 3. PLEASE SEE NOV., PAGE 4A. tractors and more than 300 trailers. Across Texas, voters will decide live inside Emergency Services Dis-

Vote! Election Day is Nov. 3

Two Major Accidents Injure Three

The area saw two major accidents. (left) Area resident Tom Bettis was seriously injured when his motorcycle collided with a vehicle at the intersection of FM 730 South and Flat Rock Road Oct. 23. Further details were not available from the Texas Department of Public Safety at press time Tuesday. (above) Two people suffered critical injuries not believed to be life threatening when the car they were in somehow ended up beneath an empty tanker truck Oct. 22. The accident occurred in the 500 block of Boyd Road in a blinding thunderstorm. The Azle police offi cer investigating the accident was still waiting for additional information in order to complete the accident report at press time Tuesday. Photos by Carla Noah Stutsman

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This Week in Azle History

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30 Years Ago The October 1985 Azle Optimist Club’s Young TexAnne and Texan of the Month were Leah Dunn and Bryson Ewing.

46 pages plus supplements

$1 Azle, Texas 76020


Azle News

Hall inducts 7 from AHS showed me what to do and taught me everything I know.” He went on to detail his exHolder, who graduated from ploits as a professional baseball AHS in 1964, was inducted player in the White Sox minor posthumously; the longtime league system then his remark- Azle athlete then educator – able football success at Rice who “bled green” – died in University before playing sev- 2012. eral seasons in the NFL. She was introduced by Kay Casey credited much of his Moshier, a former teammate success to the town: “I hit the in the 1960’s. She remembered jackpot being from Azle.” how Holder had the best basDiNardo, who went from be- ketball jump shot in the school ing a standout – boy or girl. Lady Hornet Holder ’s to playing for brother Pat acthe University cepted on her of Texas for behalf. The legendary Hall little brother of Fame coach recalled ChelJody Conradt sa’s competiwho introduced tive spirit: “She Jackie Swaim DiNardo DiNardo, never let me Hall of Fame inductee echoed Casey’s win.” sentiments. He said “I’ve never that he never forgotten where I came from,” missed one of her games and, said the Class of 1976 grad. even today, one of his fondest DiNardo, an All-American as memories is watching Chelsa a Lady Longhorn, eventually nail a pair of free throws with played some professional bas- five seconds left to win a playketball before becoming a stel- off game against Burleson. lar coach in Delaware. Former coach Don Hood She praised her late husband was supposed to introduce Dan for always reminding her to be Mauldin but Hood was too ill positive, that “a glass is always to attend, so Roddy Murr, a forhalf full.” mer teammate, did the honors. Dorris, Class of 1997, was Mauldin, who, after graduatintroduced by former AISD ing from AHS in 1961, would track coach Don Ostermann. go on to major success academ“God gave him athletic abil- ically, earning a Ph.D., took ity,” Coach O. said. time to recognize the excepDorris said rivalry with his tional facilities at the ISD. big brother Devon, the current “The people of Azle are to be Hornet head football coach, commended for their commitdrove him to succeed. ment,” he said. He recalled how coaches – Mauldin recalled that such including those from Azle and facilities were unheard of when later at Texas Tech and the pro- he played in the late 1950’sfessional ranks – helped mold early 1960’s; the Hornets prachim. ticed on grass fields filled with Still a holder of several Hor- goat head stickers, he chuckled. net athletic records, Dorris He noted that, athletically, today is a coach himself, di- AHS substantially improved recting the track teams at Dun- with the arrival of Coach Hood. canville High. Coaches – including Darrell “Coaches have been a big Royal at UT where Mauldin part of my life,” he said. “They was All-Southwest Conference

AHS duo named top Optimist students for Oct.


I’ve never forgotten where I came from.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

James Casey, the first inductee to speak at the inagural Azle Athletic Hall of Fame ceremony, told a crowd of over 275 about his remarkable journey from AHS to the NFL. Photo by Mark K. Campbell as a defensive end – taught him many lessons, including the importance and value of teamwork and success, he said. Stan Mauldin, brother to Dan, also commented on the upgraded facilities. Introduced by Arthur Johnson, Stan was lauded for living

profession. The final inductee was Walton who also graduated in 1967; he was introduced by Pat Holder. Walton said how “blessed” he was to be included with the first group of honorees. After success in football – and a state title in the discus – Walton went on to collegiate and professional success on the gridiron. He noted how James Casey Azle coaches beHall of Fame inductee gan teaching lessons that resonated throughout his a life as an example to others. career: “Work equals results – He recalled growing up in how bad do you want to win?” Lakeside and busing over to After saying he was “honAzle. Stan remembered seeing ored and humbled,” Walton the “Friday Night Lights” and acknowledged his wife in the being “motivated and excited” crowd, the same woman he first by the sight. met as a sophomore at AHS, “a On the gridiron, he learned beautiful brown-haired girl.” about “life, teamwork, fair Afterward, each of the seven play, and sportsmanship,” said honorees received a memento of the Class of 1967 grad. their induction from AISD Ath Those attributes he carried letic Director Scott Anderson. with him to UT as a player for Then, with scores of former Royal then to Alabama as an AHS grads, everyone milled assistant for legendary coach about, catching up on days Bear Bryant. gone by, capping a successful Today, he coaches at Austin’s inaugural gathering of former Hyde Park, his 33rd year in the AHS athletic greats.

The Optimist Club of Azle honored AHS’ Jacob Derting as Young Texan and Kylee Browne as Young Tex-Anne for the month of October. Derting maintains a 98.3 GPA and is ranked 37th in his class. He plays trombone and is the head drum major for the AHS Marching Green Pride band. Jacob was named 1st chair, AllState, and he also received a 1st division rating at State Solo & Ensemble in 2015. He is a member of PALS and is also part of the AHS Improv Troupe. He is considering The University of Texas, the Music School of Manhattan and Oklahoma State University to pursue a degree in music education or music theory.

Browne maintains a 101.04 GPA and is ranked 17th in her class. She plays varsity basketball and is a member of the National Honor Society. She’s also a member of the AHS student council and PALS. In her spare time, Browne volunteers for the Community Caring Center, Azle Lions Club Christmas Angels, Stockings for Azle Lions Club, and collects cans year-round for Feed the Children. She also coaches a basketball team in the Azle Youth Association. She plans to pursue a nursing or pre-med degree and is considering Texas Christian University, Texas Tech University, and the University of Oklahoma.

I hit the jackpot being from Azle.

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The Optimist Club of Azle selected Jacob Derting (2nd from left) and Kylee Browne as Young Texan and Young Tex-Anne for the month of October. They are pictured with Edwin Newton, far left, and Brian Rogers, president of the Optimist Club.

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Political ad paid for by Texas Infrastructure Now PAC, Karen Rove, Treasurer.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Azle News

Cearley, Tucker wed in Lakeside Amy C. Cearley and Jeffrey “Jeff” C. Tucker, both of Azle, exchanged vows in a ceremony at First Baptist Church of Lakeside at 3 p.m. Oct. 10, 2015. The bride is the daughter of Bobby and Martha Cearley of Azle; the groom is the son of Oliver and Maxine Tucker, also of Azle. Nathan Morris officiated the ceremony. The bride wore a white, floor-length gown with silhouette knot-front detail, sleeveless bodice and sweetheart illusion neckline adorned with silver gemstones. She carried a bouquet of large assorted purple roses, carnations, hydrangeas with silver willow with charm photos of the couple’s grandparents attached. Vanessa Daniells, daughter of the bride and groom, served as matron of honor and wore a knee-length purple, one-shoulder lace and mesh gown with corded lace bodice. She carried assorted purple flower and roses. Gene Maverick, best friend of the groom since 4th grade, served as best man. The groom’s niece, Madison White, was wagonbearer, and pulled ring and flowerbearers 15-month-old Kal-el Daniells, grandson of the bride and groom and 14-month-old

Emma Casperaites, a family friend, in a wagon. Music was provided by Jerry Dodge on organ and included “Somewhere in this World” and “I will be Here.” The wedding theme was an elegant afternoon wedding with hearts. The color scheme was Texas Christian University purple with accents of silver. A reception followed the ceremony at the church and featured regency purple and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Tucker bright silver … nee Amy Cearley floral centerpieces on silver The groom’s cake was a douand purple table cloths. ble-layer Hershey triple chocoThe bride’s cake was an late cake topped with a TCU ivory, four-tiered triple vanilla Horned Frog bobblehead. cake adorned with purple roses Serving cake and bubbles for and hydrangeas and was topped the couple’s getaway were their with a Precious Memories bride granddaughters, Maigen Daniand groom. ells and Morgan Daniells, niece

Azle SCHOOL MENU BREAKFAST: GRADES PK-4th •• $1.25 GRADES 5-12th •• $1.25 Employees....$1.50 Guests ...$1.50

LUNCH: GRADES PK-4th •• $2.00 GRADES 5-12th •• $2.20 Employees....$2.75 Guests....$3.00

Gold Card Guests....$2.75

MON - Breakfast Sausage Pizza, Strawberry Pop-Tart TUE - Breakfast Bites WED - Cinnamon Roll with Sugar Glaze THU - Mini Blueberry Pancakes, Biscuits & Gravy FRI - Breakfast Burrito, Breakfast Sausage Pizza LUNCH: Everyday - Variety of milk. Your choice of 1 entree & 1 fruit or juice MON - Chicken Nuggets with Breadstick, Beef Tamales, Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Turkey Chef Salad TUES - Queso Blanco, Bow tie Pasta with Breadstick, Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza, Ham & Cheese Sandwich, Buffalo Chicken Salad WED - Chicken & Black Bean Chili with Breadstick, Hamburger or Cheeseburger, Soft Beef Taco, Popeye Spinach Salad THU - Baked Potato with Cheese & Dinner Roll, Turkey Hot Dog, Ham & Cheese Sandwich, Fruit, Cheese & Yogurt Plate, Broccoli FRI - Fish Nuggets & Chips, Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza, Popcorn Chicken Wrap, Chicken Caesar Salad

GRADES 5th - 8th

Everyday - Assorted Fruits and Cereal, Juice, Toast with Jelly, Milk MON -Sausage Breakfast Pizza, Sausage & Cheese Breakfast TUES - Breakfast Bites, Breakfast Ham, Egg & Cheese Sandwich WED - Cinnamon Roll with Sugar Glaze, Breakfast Sausage Sandwich THU - Biscuit & Gravy, Mini Blueberry Pancakes FRI - Egg & Potato Taco, Sausage Breakfast Pizza


Everyday - Variety of milk, assorted pizza. Choice of 1 entree & 1 fruit or juice

MON - Chicken Nuggets, Ham & Cheese Pita, Beef Tamales, Assorted Pizzas, Assorted Hot & Cold Sandwiches TUE - Pasta Alfredo Bake, Chicken Salad Sub, Beef, Bean and Cheese Burrito, Assorted Pizzas, Assorted Hot & Cold Sandwiches WED - Sweet Thai Chicken Chili with Brown Rice, Herb Roasted Carrots, Assorted Hot & Cold Sandwiches, Beef Tostada, Caesar Salad THU - Chicken & Black Bean Chili, Veggie Lovers Wrap, Chicken Enchiladas, Assorted Pizzas, Assorted Hot & Cold Sandwiches FRI - Fish & Chips, Turkey & Cheese Pinwheel, Quesadilla Crunch Wrap, Assorted Pizzas, Assorted Hot & Cold Sandwiches HIGH SCHOOL


Welcome our new Commercial Lender

A La Carte Items Milk/Juice 75¢ • Bottled water 75¢ • Ice Cream 75¢

Everyday - Assorted Fruits and Cereal, Juice, White or Chocolate Milk


Eagle Heights Elementary invited several professionals to its annual Career Day – including a mechanic, a chef, and (left), engineer Philippe LaLonde who worked handson with students. Fourth graders also Skyped with former EH students Collin Giles and Garrett Clark, now attending Texas A&M.

Ashlyn Newberry and nephew Mack Newberry. Attending the guest book were granddaughter Makayla Daniells and niece Savannah Newberry. The bride is a 1988 graduate of Azle High School and is employed by the Azle Independent School District on the Azle Junior High campus. The groom is a 1986 AHS graduate who is employed by the city of Azle and Marriott Hotels. He was formerly employed at TCU for 22 years. Following a honeymoon cruise to Belize, Honduras and Cozumel, the couple now resides in Azle.

NOV. 2 - NOV. 6

PreK - 4th


Eagle Heights Career Day

Everyday - Assorted Fruit, Juices, Toast, Cold Cereal, Milk, Breakfast Pizza, Scrambled Eggs

MON - Pancake & Sausage Breakfast Pizza, PopTarts, Toast TUE - Sausage Breakfast Pizza, Breakfast Beef Tamales, Yogurt Crush with Granola WED - Build-Your-Own Breakfast Wrap, Breakfast Plate, Assorted Cold Cereals, PopTarts, Toast THU - Breakfast on a Stick, Breakfast Sausage Pizza, PopTarts FRI - Mini Blueberry Pancakes, Sausage Pizza, PopTarts LUNCH: Everyday - Variety of milk, assorted pizza & salads. Your choice of 1 entree & 1 fruit or juice MON -Thai Chicken with Brown Rice, Italian Parmesan Green Beans, Black Eye Peas TUE - Pasta Alfredo, Green Beans and Pinto Beans WED - Chicken Nuggets, Breadstick, Mashed Potatoes, Pepper Gravy, Green BeansTHU - Chicken & Black Bean Chili, Corn, Sauteéd Spinach FRI- Fish Nuggets & Chips, Assorted Pizza

Azle Dental Care

It is our privilege to welcome Lorie Pack, Decatur Commercial Lender. Lorie brings extensive banking experience with over 22 years of real estate, commercial and agricultural lending along with human resources. Lorie and her husband live in Boyd and attend the Aurora Baptist Church in Rhome. She is passionate about supporting children and youth and is also active in civic organizations in Springtown and Azle. Call or come in today to meet Lorie.

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912 Boyd Rd., Azle




The American Legion

Houston M. Taylor Memorial Post 356


Monthly Meetings Third Tuesday, 7:00 PM at 404 W. Main, Azle


meets every Tuesday at 6:30 a.m.


AZLE LION’S CLUB Meets 2nd & 4th TUESDAY 6:30 PM 412 Commerce Curren McLane - president

Good N.E.W.S.


Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, 7on7, Football, Cheer, Soccer (coming soon) Ages 4-14 817.944.0940



Volunteer Caregiver Our Volunteers Training Classes Make a Classes open to public Difference! at no charge

Caregiver Volunteer Meeting 1st Monday of Each Month at 6pm 817-444-2300 133 E. Main St., Ste. B

Optimist Rotary Club Club of Azle of Azle

VFW Post 2137 730 N. POST MEETINGS One meeting per month 2nd Thursday - 7:00 PM

Azle Little League

Baseball/Softball for kids ages 5-14 Contact us regarding Spring & Fall seasons.

Meets every FRIDAY at 6:45 A.M.


412 Commerce St.

Deer Cove Event Center 101 S. Pearson Lane

(across from Azle Post Office)


Azle Lodge No. 601

Azle Youth Association Football - Cheer - Basketball

Floor School or Work 7:30 PM THURSDAY NIGHT

AGES: 4 years - 6th grade

Shane Vaughn - Worshipful Master Stan Laxton - Secretary /azlefootball

The Finish Line Addiction wants to destroy you & everyone around you. With Jesus GET BACK there is Victory IN THE over addiction. RACE! Meetings held every Friday from 7:30pm-9:30pm at The Church at Azle 1801 S. Stewart • Azle • 817-401-8513 www.ourfi

817-366-5955 AZLE U10 BOYS SOCCER TEAM

Looking for experienced soccer players to tryout for U10 Hornets. No older than 10 years of age. Interested call 817-444-5742 to schedule tryout. Tryouts are sponsored by Azle Soccer Academy. www.AzleSoccerAcademy


Azle News

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Nov. 3 day to decide on ammendments n NOV., FROM PAGE ONE.

and runs through Friday, Oct. 30. Tarrant early voting Tarrant County early voting locations will be open from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 28 and 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Oct. 29-30. County early voting sites in or near Azle include: • B.J. Clark Annex, Room 4, 603 Southeast Parkway, Azle • Sheriff’s Office North Patrol Division, 6651 Lake Worth Boulevard, Lake Worth • Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD Administration Building 6, Training Room, 1200 Old Decatur Road, Saginaw • White Settlement Public Library, 8215 White Settlement Road, White Settlement Tarrant voters may vote at any early site in the county. For complete list, point your browser to elections/2015/November/ Sched_1115_Nov_.pdf. Through Oct. 24, 15,104 registered voters had voted early in Tarrant County; 209 early votes had been cast at the B.J. Clark Annex in Azle and 396 at the Sheriff’s Office North Patrol Division in Lake Worth.

Voter ID Requirements In 2011, the Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 14 (SB 14) creating a new requirement for voters to show photo identification when voting in person. While pending review within the judicial system, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in Shelby County v. Holder, which effectively ended all pending litigation. As a result, effective immediately, voters are now required to present an approved form of photo identification in order to vote in all Texas Elections. Here is a list of the acceptable forms of photo ID: • Texas driver license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) • Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS • Texas personal identification card issued by DPS • Texas concealed handgun license issued by DPS • United States military identification card containing the person’s photograph • United States citizenship certificate containing the person’s photograph • United States passport With the exception of the U.S. citizenship certificate, the identification must be current or have expired no more than 60 days before being presented for voter qualification at the polling place.

• Peaster Fire Department, 221 Judd Street, Peaster • Old Brock ISD Administration Building, 100 Grindstone Road, Brock • Willow Park Municipal Building, 516 Ranch House Road, Willow Park Ballots by mail should be sent to Don Markum, Early Voting Clerk, 1112 Santa Fe Drive, Weatherford, Texas Parker early voting All Parker County early vot- 76086 and be postmarked no ing locations will be open 7 later than Oct. 30. a.m.-7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. Election Day voting 28 through Friday, Oct. 30. Polls will be open statewide Early voting county sites infrom 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, clude: • Azle Masonic Lodge, 257 Nov. 3 for the General Election. Tarrant County voters vote W. Main Street, Azle • Springtown City Hall, 200 by precinct: • Residents in precinct 4046 N. Main St., Springtown • Aledo Community Center, will vote at the B.J. Clark Annex, 603 Southeast Parkway in 104 Robinson Court, Aledo

Azle • Those in precincts 4047 and 4395 will vote at the Azle ISD Instructional Support Center, 483 Sandy Beach Road, Suite C, in Azle • Residents in precincts 4284 and 4340 will vote at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 1313 Southeast Parkway in Azle. In Parker County, voters may vote at any polling location on Election Day. Parker County polling places in the Azle area include: • Silver Creek Methodist Church, 2200 Church Road • Silver Creek Elementary, 10300 FM 730 South • Cross Timbers Elementary, 831 Jackson Trail • Azle Masonic Lodge, 257 W. Main St, Azle

• Reno City Hall, 195 W. Reno Road, Reno • Outreach of Love Church, 3591 East Highway 199, Springtown • Parker County Northeast Annex, 1020 East Highway 199, Springtown State ballot measures: Seven proposed constitutional amendments appear on the ballot across the state of Texas: Proposition 1. “The constitutional amendment increasing the amount of the residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation for public school purposes from $15,000 to $25,000, providing for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for those purposes on the homestead of an elderly or disabled person to reflect the increased exemption amount, authorizing the legislature to prohibit a political subdivision that has adopted an optional residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation from reducing the amount of or repealing the exemption, and prohibiting the enactment of a law that imposes a transfer tax on a transaction that conveys fee simple title to real property.” Proposition 2. “The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a 100 percent or totally disabled veteran who died before the law authorizing a residence homestead exemption for such a veteran took effect.”


Proposition 3. “The constitutional amendment repealing the requirement that state officers elected by voters statewide reside in the state capital.” Proposition 4. “The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to permit professional sports team charitable foundations to conduct charitable raffles.” Proposition 5. “The constitutional amendment to authorize counties with a population of 7,500 or less to perform private road construction and maintenance.” Proposition 6. “The constitutional amendment recognizing the right of the people to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife subject to laws that promote wildlife conservation.” Proposition 7. “The constitutional amendment dedicating certain sales and use tax revenue and motor vehicle sales, use, and rental tax revenue to the state highway fund to provide funding for non-tolled roads and the reduction of certain transportation-related debt.”

DIGEST Time change: ‘Fall back’ Nov. 1 Daylight Saving Time is coming to an end at 2 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 1. Most people set their clocks and watches back an hour (earlier) before going to bed Saturday evening. Most cell phones, computers and tablets will automatically reset themselves. It’s also a good time to check the batteries in smoke detectors.

Vets sought for Nov. 11 parade Azle VFW Post 2137 is seeking Azle-area veterans to ride on the post’s float in the Fort Worth Veterans Day Parade Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 10 a.m. Veterans may stop by the post at 11875 FM 730 North or call 817-444-2912 to sign up and receive additional information and instructions.

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27 per month

Are you looking for ways to make your money go further? Many of us are cutting back, and being careful about what we spend in this economy. We want to save money on household necessities, but when it comes to services around our home, we don’t want to sacrifice our peace of mind to save a few dollars. We want our service providers to be honest and dependable - worthy of our trust. Billy Green is that kind of man. He raised his son Tim to treat others with respect. He encouraged and developed Tim’s heart of service. Watching his father, Tim had an example of great moral character and strong work ethics. Together they are a glowing example of honesty, reliability and self-sacrifice. When you have the opportunity to visit with them, you instantly feel at ease. Their positive attitudes are contagious, and you will leave with a smile. Together, Billy and Tim started Atex Trash Service. It was a way for them to serve their community- their neighbors. Being able to make a living serving others is a dream come true for Tim. Atex Trash Service has been helping area residents save money on their residential trash pick-up since August 2010. Tim and Billy Green are the dynamic duo of father and son teams, proving that you can provide Superior Quality Service at the Lowest price. Atex provides weekly trash pick-up for

only $27.00 a month. “We realize not everyone needs weekly pickup,” said Tim, “we are able to customize plans for smaller families”. They serve Parker, Tarrant, and Wise County areas outside of Azle, Springtown, Weatherford, and the area continues to grow! Just call and see if they can help you! Since they are a local, family owned company, you know who will answer the phone when you call. Tim and Billy are available Monday through Friday from 7a.m. to 7 p.m. and later if you need them. Just call 817-344-8464. You can contact Atex through the website 24 hours a day at It’s an easy to navigate website where you can contact Tim, sign up for new service, or even securely pay your bill online. Atex is one of the fastest growing companies in the area. Folks around town have started enjoying the savings, and referring their friends! “When a customer refers us,” Tim says, “we call them and thank them for the referral. We also provide them with a free month of service.” Operating this business means the whole family can work together! Tim’s sons Laken and Gaige have grown up, and they’re now the third generation joining the team. “I’m happiest when I am doing something for others,” said Tim, “We are providing a service everyone needs, and they can feel secure knowing who picks up their trash every week.”


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Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Azle News

POLICE BLOTTER Offi cers with the Azle Police Department arrested the following individuals during the three-week period from Sept. 26-Oct. 17: • A 19-year-old Azle man was arrested Sept. 28 and charged with criminal trespass. He was transported to the Parker County jail, where he remained Oct. 12 in lieu of $500 bond. • Ralph D. Middlebrooks, 37, of Azle, was arrested Oct. 5 in the 200 block of Conwell Drive and charged with burglary of a building. He was transported to the Tarrant County jail, where he posted $10,000 bond and was released Oct. 10. • A 28-year-old Azle man was arrested Oct. 7 in the 700 block of Boyd Road and charged with fraud by destroying, removing or concealing a writing. He was transported to the Parker County jail, where he posted a personal recognizance bond and was released Oct. 7. • An 18-year-old Fort Worth man was arrested Oct. 8 in the 400 block of Walnut Creek Drive and charged with evading arrest. He was transported to the Parker County jail, where he posted $750 bond and was released Oct. 10. • Nabor Avila-Zarco, 39, of Fort Worth, was arrested Oct. 9 in the 900 block of SH 199 and charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI), third or more. He was transported to the Parker County jail where he remained Oct. 12 in lieu of

$7,500 bond. He is also held without bond on an INS detainer issued by the U.S. Border Patrol. • Alexander James Vasicek, 23, of Springtown, was arrested Oct. 11 in the 600 block of Boyd Road and charged with DWI. He posted $3,500 bond and was released from the Azle jail later the same day. • Jennifer Denise Key, 32, of Olney, was arrested Oct. 11 in the 500 block of Central Drive and charged with possession of a controlled substance, less than one gram. She posted $4,000 bond and was released from the Azle jail Oct. 12. • Brian Keith Vanantwerp, 29, of Hot Springs, Arkansas, was arrested Oct. 11 in the 200 block of West Main Street and charged with possession of marijuana, less than two ounces. He posted $500 bond and was released from the Azle jail the same day. • Ross J. Howe, 36, of Azle, was arrested Oct. 17 in the 200 block of West Main Street and charged with public intoxication as well as with resisting arrest, search or transport. He posted $4,000 bond and was released from the Azle jail the same day. • Derrik Glen Temple, 18, of Azle, was arrested Oct. 18 in the 700 block of Boyd Road and charged with criminal trespass. Temple was transported to the Parker County jail, where

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he posted $600 bond and was released Oct. 21. • Shelley Midkiff Roberson aka Shelley K. Walcott, 50, of Azle, was arrested Oct. 19 in the 600 block of Southeast Parkway and charged with assault causing bodily injury to a family member. Roberson aka Walcott posted $3,000 bond and was released from the Azle jail the same day. • Juan M. Martinez, 29, of Springtown, was arrested Oct. 19 in the 100 block of Gordon Drive and charged with injury to a child, elderly or disabled person with intent to cause bodily injury. Martinez posted $10,000 bond and was released from the Azle jail Oct. 20. Azle police arrested 30 individuals who were subject to arrest warrants issued by various law enforcement agencies during the two-week period. Six additional people were arrested and charged with public intoxication.

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squishes the critter. What doesn’t work This plot has a zillion things going on, and, because of that, it feels very episodic. There’s some pretty bad dialogue here – not that you expect Sorkin – and it’s unintentionally funny when it come from the hulking Diesel. There are plenty of clichés here, too: Diesel is trying to get to his family in the afterlife; he can die in dreams; one character is only mostly dead; the “good guy” ain’t really good. For its bombast and good looks, Witch Hunter leaves no lasting impression and part of that may be because of the forgettable ending. The rating This is a middlin’ PG-13. There are a slew of creepy crea-

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321 West Main Street Azle, Texas Phone: 817.270.3340 Fax: 817.270.5300 This newspaper is printed on recycled newsprint and is recyclable.


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© 2015 Azle News

Published every Wednesday at 321 West Main Street, Azle, Texas by Azle Tri-Country Advertiser, Inc. Periodicals class postage paid at Azle, Texas, 76020. Postmaster: Send address changes to: 321 West Main Street, Azle, Texas 76020

tures – much like the drooling, bad because there’s something fang-bearing monsters from here. The Lord of the Rings series – and they get chopped up regu- Next up larly. But it’s not super graphic. The Movie Man will decide whether to make it three horSumming up ror movies in a row with Scouts Don’t look for a series; this Guide to the Apocalypse or get truly will likely be The Last over his Tom Hanks guilt and Witch Hunter – which is too go see Bridge of Spies.

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Azle News


David Robert Cox

Patricia Lynn Patman



David Robert Cox, 72, of Reno Texas, died of heart disease the morning of Oct. 20, 2015. His beloved wife was by his side. Funeral services are private. The family has requested that in lieu of fl owers donations be made to David’s favorite charity The Wounded Warrior Project. David was born Aug. 7, 1943 in Didsbury, Manchester UK to the late Molly and Douglas

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Acquisition fi nal for Star Bank

Community National Bank & Trust of Texas (“Community National”) and Star Bank of Texas (“Star Bank”) announced a visitation from 10 - 11 a.m., Oct. 13 the signing of a defi niunder the direction of Roberts tive agreement for Community Family Affordable Funeral Bank Holdings of Texas, Inc., Home. the parent company of ComPatricia will be truly and munity National, to acquire deeply missed, but never for- StarBanc Holding Company, gotten, as we will always hold and its wholly-owned subsidher dearly in our hearts. iary Star Bank. Survivors include her son, The terms of the agreement Gary Patman; her daughter, were not disclosed. Christina Phelps; six grandchilStar Bank has locations in dren; fi ve great-grandchildren Burleson, Lake Worth, and and other family members and White Settlement. friends. Upon completion of the transaction, Community National will have approximately The Azle News, $675 million in total assets, Oct. 28, 2015 Edition $580 million in total deposits and $400 million in total loans. Community National will have 13 full-service banking offi ces to serve its customers. The merger agreement has been approved by the board of directors of each company. Closing al service will be held. Ricky is of the transaction, which is preceded in death by his mother, expected to occur by the fi rst Peggy Rodriguez and wife, Bar- quarter of 2016, is subject to customary conditions, includbara Bartee. Survivors include his father, ing regulatory approval. “We are excited to have Star Don Bartee; brothers, Terry Bank join our team,” K.C. Bartee, Mike Bartee and Randy Bartee; daughters, Jennifer Wyatt, president and chief exBartee McMinn and husband, ecutive offi cer of Community Kevin, Deana Bartee Denison National, commented. “We and husband, Brandon, Kayla believe the combination of our Stewart and husband, T.J., Kim two community-minded banks Sullivan and husband, Rick, Trina Link and husband, Jason and Jayla Shook, and husband, J.R.; and 16 grandchildren. Alexander Midway Funeral Home, Springtown, 817-677-2634.

Cox. He held degrees in astrophysics, mechanical engineering and English literature. A Piccadilly radio talk show host, research & development engineer, he was also a champion cyclist and angler in the UK and Europe. He became an avid fl y fi sherman on the lakes around Fort Worth. David loved to talk to people. He didn’t just talk at them, he listened, he counseled, and he loved them. After his death, his Facebook page Patricia Lynn Patman of Fort fi lled with friends leaving a last Worth passed Oct. 20, 2015. message, many said he was a A funeral service was held father figure to them. at Northwest Bible Church, on Survivors include his wife, Oct. 26, 2015, at 11 a.m., with Priscilla Whitehead Cox, of Reno; daughter, Jennifer Tossing, her spouse Dan Tossing and their two daughters Emma & Olivia, of Dallas; daughter, Amanda Ownsworth and her son Alex Garde of Hyde, Cheshire UK and nephew Andrew Ratcliffe of Gatley, Cheshire UK.

Ricky Dean Bartee 2015

The Azle News, Oct. 28, 2015 Edition

Eleanor Noah 1949-2015 Elie was born April 8, 1949, to Gordon and Violet Kester. Ricky Dean Bartee, 62, of They both predeceased her along with her brother, Larry Azle, went home to be with the Kester; fi rst husband, Larry Lord, Monday, Oct. 19, 2015 at Bollinger; her son, Robert; and home. A private family memoriher second husband, Carl Noah. Survivors include her children, Melanie and Brian Phil- Faced with a Drinking Problem? Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous can help. lips, Blake and Brandi Bollinger, and Allison and Dave Call (817) 922-9859 Cromer; grandchildren, Ka104 S. Stewart St. • Azle rissa, Kassidy and Kaden Phillips, BaLeigh Bollinger, Peyton Sellers, and Mike and Danny Cromer; three brothers; one sister and their families; Eleanor “Elie” Noah, 66, was numerous nieces, nephews; welcomed into the kingdom of and other loving family memheaven Wednesday, Oct. 21. bers. Celebration of life was at 2 p.m. Monday at Southwest Christian The Azle News, Church, 7101 Trail Lake Drive. Oct. 28, 2015 Edition

The Azle News, Oct. 28, 2015 Edition

will enable us to better serve our customers and the local communities.” “On behalf of the offi cers, employees and the shareholders of Star Bank, I want to express our excitement in joining the Community National team. Like Star Bank, Community National is a Texas-based, community-focused bank which will enable us to continue providing the quality service our customers have come to appreciate.” said Russ Richardson, chairman and chief executive offi cer of Star Bank. “We are also pleased the merger will enable us to begin offering trust and investment services to our customers and the residents of the greater Fort Worth area.” “This combination is a logical fi t for us since we already serve communities to the east of Star Bank like Red Oak in addition to Weatherford and Mineral Wells to the west,” added Wyatt. Along with trust and investment services, this partnership will better position Star Bank’s offi cers and employees to better serve its customers and community with greater loan capacity and expanded lending products. Wyatt and Richardson expressed that they share a mutual respect and trust, and that the banks enjoy similar corporate philosophies and cultures.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM Deadline for entries 5 p.m. Friday!

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10. Seattle Seahawks at Dallas Cowboys

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Dr. Michael D. Conte

Mon.-Thurs.: 11 am-9 pm Fri.-Sat.: 11 am-10 pm Sunday: CLOSED

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12. Green Bay Packers at Denver Broncos

Iowa State

There are 12 games listed in advertisements on this page. To enter, pick the winner and write the name of that team in the appropriate blank on the official entry form. Mail or deliver the form to: Azle News at 321 W. Main St., Azle, Texas 76020, by 5:00 PM FRIDAY. (Limit one entry per person) Entries will be tabulated weekly and the results published in that week’s issue of the Azle News. The fi rst place winner each week will receive $20, the second place winner $10 and the third place winner $5. The tie breaker will be used to determine placings. In case of a tie, the money will be divided equally. To pick the tie breaker, predict the total number of points in the selected game and enter in the appropriate space on the offi cial entry form. All entries become the property of the Azle News. Please write clearly and be sure to enter your pick in the correct blank.

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Mon–Sat Breakfast: 5:30am – 10:00am Lunch & Dinner: 10:00am – 7:30pm 4. Boswell at WF Rider

Breakfast - Breakfast Burritos sausage & Biscuits

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

First Six Weeks Honor Rolls

Azle High School A Honor Roll 9th Grade Byron Anderson, Abigail Bates, Kinsey Blasingame, Taylor Bresnahan, Kynleigh Browne, Alexis Bryant, Brooklyn Bugarin, Joshua Bumgarner, Lauren Campoli, Breanna Chaney, Breann Collard, Chloe Cook, Hunter Corder, Bradley Crawford, Brooke Creacy, Savannah Cross, Selma Dervisevic, Dylan Fuller, Ryan Giles, Salvador Gomez, Brandon Graeber, Dakota Greenwood, Sherry Grigg, Jacob Gutierrez, Brienna Hankins, Chrystyne Hart, Kaylen Holmesly, Elizabeth Hubbard, Haley Huchowski, Harley Humphries, Logan Jacot, Danielle Lease, Jiwoo Lee, Kamrin Liptow, Kaylon Massingill, Emma Maze, Jonathan McGguire, Jenna McKee, Candy Mesta, Brianna Moen, Alison Newton, Avery North, Jaden O’Gorman, Samuel Pierce, Kaylee Pippins, Daniel Ruelas, Lexi Sadler, Kylee Scribner, Molly Stanfill, Logan Temple, Matthew Ulshafer, Payton Vaughn, Aden Walls, Ema Waring, Jasmin Weldon, Harli Wilbanks, James Wilson, Seth Winn, John Wywias, Alan Zehntner 10th Grade Kaleigh Baker, Callie Balderas, Lauren Ballard, Janie Barnard, Delaney Blagg, Taelar Bowman, Katelyn Brothers, Hannah Buckner, Trevor Cameron, Sierra Carlson, Merry Cole, Morgan Cope, Mayson Cross, Katherine Davis, Bobby Doherty, Brodie Doherty, Cody Donnell, Savannah Doyle, Angela Elder, Tallie Feldman, Isabel Flores, Zachary Freeman, Emma Garcia, Payton Geary, Alexis Gouyton, Jesus Guzman, Joseph Hoselton, Kendallyn Hunt, Logan Hutton, Skylar Ingram, Savannah Johnson, Benjamin Koiner, Jennifer Lara, Tatum Lindahl, Miranda Longbrake, Andrew Lutz, Lunalili Maldonado, Brandon Martinez, Kailey Massey, Marlee Mazza, Ainsley McDonald-Boyer, Mallory McMillian, Julianne Mills, Ashley Mowrey, Hannah Mowrey, Madison Mowrey, Grace Olson, Jillian Pace, Maria Parkison, Brooke Phillips, Jessica Pierce, William Pinkerton, Kalyn Pittman, Jaedan Pritchard, Anthony Riley, Madison Rust, Daniela Salazar, Dulce Saldana, Bethanie Sellers, Joel Sonnier, Wyatt Spence, Sydnee Stanley, Jordin Styne, Zachary Talmage, Kelly Thetford, Taylor Trower, Pepper Van Slyke, Sierra Waldock, Jennifer Wang, Alyssa Westrup, Anthony White, Sarah Wilson, Jacob Winn 11th Grade Ramon Alcantar, Ashly Alston, Brooke Ashmore, Madisen Baisden, Hannah Baker, Bridgette Cole, Lillie Crawford, Baylee Denson, Austin Fugate, Moriah Glenn, Ricardo Guadiana, Eric Hall, Jacob Haskins, Julian Hernandez, Kassidy Hightower, Jeffrey Houk, Rendyn Jenkins, Samantha Jobe, Abigail Kortokrax, Brittany Leonard, Brianna Lunsford, Madison Marchman, Hadassah Marquart, Trevor McIntire, Hayden McPherson, Brian Moore, Isaac Muller, Madison Olmo, Alice Raggio, Heather Randall, Sarah Renfro, Brookelyn Tichter, Kade Scheller, Hayley Schlueter, Bethany Smith, Kaitlyn Stinson, Paige Wade, Charles Wilson, Brie Worley, Jose Zamudio Zamora, Ariel Zinkan 12th Grade Hanna Abbott, Anne Alsup, Charles Ballard, Jordan Baumann, Marissa Bazan, Spencer Booker, Charles Boyd, Samantha Bradley, Shelbi Burgett, Julia Campoli, Sarah Campoli, Brady Carlson, Krista Chanaritthichai, Emily Coleman, Jacob Derting, Matthew Derting, Kaycie Dunkerley, Harrison Ervin, Kylie Fonville, Rachael Foster, Dylan Foust, Lauren Fowler, Alan Gates, Bradley Gibson, Johnny Good, Kristarah Graham, Lacey Gregg, Christian Griffin, Morgan Grimard, Annabelle Grounds, Joshua Haskins, Jared Hicks, Tyler Hopkins, Autumn Jacobs, Allen Jacot, Katherine Jobe, Caleb Jones, Jousie Juantos, Brooklin Leal, William Little, Eric Loera, Stephanie Lopez, Madison Manker, Austin McCash, Ashlee McDonald, Javier Mejia Escalante, Cayla Messick, Juan Mesta, Briana Moore, Emily Neely, Alexander Newton, Meredith Newton, Katelyn O’Dell, Jasmine Ortiz, Melanie Oxford, Kelbi Padilla, Madeleine Parkison, Heather Peacock, Zachary Petter, Adalberto Ramos, Hannah Rodgers, Rachel Rutter, Payton Springfield, Jeffery Strother, Megan Taylor, Ayden Thomason, Samantha Tittle, Darian Tyler, Darren Williams, Rachel Wood, Kori Wright, Kendall York

Azle Junior High 7th Grade A Honor Roll Hudson Anderson, Jaelynn Barrera, Rachel Baumann, Kehler Boenisch, Emily Cole, Sierra Davis, Jacee Dinkins, Paige Edmunds, Trinity Hall, Hailey Hart, Cole Hilliard, Jessica Lorenz, Dean McCrary, Saralyn McMullen, Taryn Mikula, Colby Mowry, Aubrie Norton, Travis O’Neill, Brooke Overton, Ernest Pate, Ashlynn Porch, Samuel Rodriguez, Trinity Seals, Kella Simpson, Kelsey Smith, Kalli Talmage, Allie Thompson, Lindy Thurston, Tyler Vaughan 7th Grade A/B Honor Roll Reyna Alcantar, Allyson Amond, Meagan Anderson, Olivia Anderson, Nevaeh Baird, Michael Baker, Chelsea Barnett, Lydia Bates, Emma Bolin, Cassidy Boston, Triniti Bowman, Hadley Burgess, Sarah Burnett, Ella Comstock, Jordan Cummings, Morgan Daniells, Makenzie Davis, Hannah Derrickson, Emily Dixon, Dane Dorris, Hannah Elkins, Kylie Freeman, Kristin Gable, Alan Gamboa, Sabrina Garcia, Michael Garza, Savanna Geer, Jenna Gestring, Rafael Granados, William Gray, Nathaniel Hamilton, Kendal Hann, Arleth Hernandez, Joselyn Hernandez, Cheyenne Hilbert, Libby Hughes, Bailee Johnson, Gregory Jungman, Madison Kinder, Jorden King, Kaleb King, Jacob Lee, Shiwoo Lee, Debra Lester, Cameron Lewis, Hunter Martin, Noah Martinez, Maryann Matt, Tori McRay, Amy Michelli, Natalie Milstead, Brooklyn Norton, Maria Orozco, Lauren Overton, Jharei Owens Vantrease, Michelle Parkison, Macee Peterson, Isabell Pogue, Ashlynn Ramsey, Sommer Ray, Jesus Rivera, Evelyn Rodriguez, Stephanie Rosales, Athena Sachtleben, Regan Sawyer, Griffin Schroeder, Taylor Setliff, Gatlyn Shearer, Taylor Simpson, Eryn Slimp, Megan Smith, Dusty Stewart, Kendel Swinney, Madison Tamjidi, Emily Terrett, Kaitlyn Thompson, Tristyn Vasquez, Kali Votaw, Sydney Wells, Jerilyn White, Michael Wilkerson, Gracie Wynns 8th Grade A Honor Roll Madison Aniasco, Abigail Bradley, Greyson Christian, Joel Clark, Annie Cole, Ashtyn Foster, Megan Frank, Elizabeth Garza, Kayla Green, Dalton Hevel, Peyton Kirby, Megan Leonard, Lucas Martin, Justina Meshi, Elena Olmo, Derek Petter, Cristian Salazar, Joshua Schardt, Colby Schmitt, Kenneth Seals, Javin Smith, Emma Stutz, Aidan Tune, Jack Valle, Garret Webb, Morgan Wells, Quinn Whidden 8th Grade A/B Honor Roll Chelsea Adams, Emily Ball, Abigail Ballard, Carson Beck, Samuel Bilger, Duane Blobaum, Kiley Boatman, Landon Boling, Graicie Bouchard, Emily Bradley, Shelby Bradley, Elisha Bridges, Kambri Buchanan, Hailey Burkett, Courtney Caldwell, Brianna Chrysler, Hope Clark, Abigail Clinton, Kari Cochran, Jenna Conner, Elijah Cook, Gabriel Davis, Taylor Dean, Kearson Dominguez, Garrett Drolet, Madison Dusek, Jack Fairchild, Logan Fisher, Danielle Fitzgerald, Sh’Naya Flynt, Christian Fonville, Skylar Gatlin, Caleb Geer, Alexandria Green, Noriyah Hack, Kaelynn Halbert, Connor Hering, Madison Howell, Erin Humphrey, Jason Jeter, Gabriel Jimenez, Ryan Jordan, Liberty Lawton, Gunnar Lefever, Jonathan Lester, Austen Lloyd, Addaley Maness, Ethan Marquart, McKenna Mason, William Massey, Cameron Mauerhan, Hayley Mills, Jared Muller, Kalea O’Gorman, Evelyn Ochoa, Destiny Otparlik, Sydney Palmer, Matthew Parkison, Cassidy Pate, Elizabeth Pederson, Isabelle Piercy, Reagan Poe, Reagan Porter, Nicholas Quevedo, William Ranck, River Reese, Emma Ritchmond, Avery Rushing, Blake Saurenmann, Ramsey Sawyer, Madison Sherman, Austin Smith, Wesley Speck, Logan Stults, Dominique Szczepkowski, Karl Taylor, Madison Thomas, Sydney Thomason, Landry Thompson, Anthony Valdez, C.J. Van Slyke, Keaton Vaughn, Anabela Vilchiz, Arien Villalobos, Clarisse Villalobos, Quinlan Wade, James West, Jacob Wethington, Garrett Whitley, John Williams, Jacob Woodard

Forte Junior High 7th Grade A Honor Roll Andrew Allen, Dalton Arnold, Nikolas Birkeland, Michael Biron, Alexandra Brantly, Mackenzie Brown, Jacob Burton, Collin Clark, Tristan George, Kenna Glennon, Brianna Gonzalez, Lennyn Gonzalez, Kaylee Goodwin, Angela Heckert, Samuel Holmes, Jasmine Howard, Colt Hutchison, Jaquelle Johnson, Amberlynn Jones, Claire McKennon, Kaleb McKennon, Maria Nava-Plata, Abigail Reese, Jagger Roland, Erika Shaver, Chase Smith, Lee Stimson, Isabella Strong, Kaela Westrup, Dorryan White, Garel Woods 7th Grade A/B Honor Roll Cesar Acevedo, Ian Armstrong, Bailey Avirett, Emilee Barbour, Emily Blackwell, Otis Blann, Joseph Bunero, Morgan Cain, Kaelynn Campbell, Robert Caney, Meghan Cannon, Gentry Carlson, Kevin Cates, Celsea Colley, Bailey Curry, Alisha Daniels, Misti De Rego, Roddy Douthit, William Durham, Samantha Dvorak, Emily Edwardes, Richard Esparza, Mason Fair, Faith Firman, Rachel Ford, McCaleb Fuhrmann-Shasteen, Steven George, Esai Gil, Christopher Gilbert, Fernando Gomez, Jessica Green, Ethan Harris, Grace Harten, Aksel Hiros, Geraldine Hitt, Corbyn Hodges, Alexander Holland, Makenlee Holmesly, Erica Horning, Runee Hossain, Sierah Hunter, Madisyn Hurst, Raquel Juarez, Jacob Karbach, Pedro Loera-Marin, Maria Longoria Hernandez, Henry Martinez, Cristal Mathis, Emily McDonald, Rebekah McLaughlin, Rosa Nava-Plata, Riley Norton, Jake Parrish, Tori Patton, Secilia Pena, Alyssa Pender, Kaden Pettie, Genna Peyton, Robert Phillips, Zander Potter, Sheila Purcer-Brand, Ashley Rae, Charles Ramon, Matthew Rehbeger, Angelina Rivera, Alexander Roecker, Melanie Rosales, Vivianna Sandoval, Tori Sexton, Jake Simpson, Jaxon Simpson, Deston Sitton, Ranger Sprabary, David Stringer, Bonnie Thomas, Jimmy Tunnell, Jaden Upshaw, Mauricio Vasquez, Arianna Vega, Tye Walker, Abbigail Walsh, Austin Webber-Johnson, Caleb Williams, Garrett Woodruff, Caleb Woolsey 8th Grade A Honor Roll Alyssa Baugess, Ryan Choate, Harrison Coviello, Ashley Echeverria, Tristin Geffert, Cheyenne Grubbs, Cameron Keener, Maxton Manker, Skylar Martin, Alison McAlister, Kilian McDonald-Boyer, Emily Owens, Jackson Penshorn, Colby Ribeiro, Chelsea Rodriguez, Allison Roecker, Thomas Spindlow, Jonathan Varner, Thomas Ward 8th Grade A/B Honor Roll Matthew Ankney, Zoe Barber, Ty Barnes, Sandy Bautista Sanjuan, Colton Biron, Jilleighan Boivin, Savannah Bonner, Tyler Booker, Alexis Bottoms, Noah Carlson, Anthony Carmona, Jordan Casarez, Cecilia Clark, Zackary Coffer, Isabelle Crabtree, Sierra Craig, Macie Crawford, John Cross, Sean Dagnino Barajas, Caden Dale, Sheridan Dawson, Trinity Dearing-Shields, Ivy Deel, Amaya Dials, Allison Dillard, Markus Dyck, Jacob Edwardes, Dorian Evans, Reece Frechette, Arturo Galvan, Payton George, Aziyah Gomez, Stephanie Gomez, Miguel Gonzalez, Abigail Hawpe, Mykael Hemphill, Angeles Hernandez, Adrian Hiros, Eric Holzerland, Jorden Hooper, Angel Howard, Coleton Hudson, Randall Jones, Mackenzie Koiner, Jazmin Lee, Pierce Loeffelholz, Preston Loeffelholz, Jesus Lopez-Beltran, Thomas Ludwig, Jason Lund, Aubrey Macdonald, Camron Magee, Sadie McCambridge, Cameron McDonnell, Zackary McPherson, Lawson Nagel, Leilani Nutt, Erica Owens, Bailey Pointer, Tymothy Ponder, Caanan Revelle, Kalub Robinson, Mackenzie Robinson, Megan Rodriguez, Kathrine Roper, Kendall Sampley, John Seay, Causen Shafer, Slade Simpson, Isaac Sipe, Collyn Smith, Mason Smith, Titan Smith, Matthew Sparks, Samantha Sparks, Amee Spaulding, Zackary Spidle, Evan Stover, Alyssa Tetts, Ryan Thatcher, Brooke Thomas, Richard Thomason, Alexis Tichavsky, Richard Trapp, Chloe Turner, Lane Walker, Gracie Weaver, Samantha Weiss, Dalton Westray

Azle Elementary 5th Grade A Honor Roll Lane Autrey, Eric Balderas, Abbigail Barajas, Ethan Bissonnette, Ella Bolin, Meagan Brady, Nichole Brantley, Braxon Cates, Brittany Cato, Katelyn Decorte, Riley Del Buono, Adam Derda, Natalie Engelhardt, Gabriel Evans,

Aiva Ferris, Elli Garcia, Barak Geary, Marrissa Gonzalez, Madeline Green, Avery Gregory, Trinity Gregory, Eduardo Gutierrez, Merrick Harvey, William Jenson, Ashtyn Kay, Adalyn Ladner, Henry Lalonde, Pella Lefever, Noah Lehr, Oliver Lorenz, Benjamin Martin, Dewey McCrary, Ainsley McDaniel, Casey Morrison, Ashlyn Norton, Jaci O’Neal, Luke Olmsted, Erin Owens, Breylynn Pryor, Zoe Pudifin, Laurel Ragland, Elias Ramirez, Judea Rios, Jayden Rollins, Mary Shaw, Bethany Smith, Lily Smith, William Spratt, Tinley Stacy, Carter Thompson, Trey Thornton, Trinity Thornton, Grant Tune, Lily Wicker, Madison York, Eva Zohne 5th Grade A/B Honor Roll Jackson Abraham, James Adams, Anna Amato, Ryan Ambrose, Skyler Arellano, Whitley Armstrong, Mason Arnwine, Hayden Ash, Damian Avalos, Calyn Baird, Bailey Booth, Bailey Bradshaw, Shelby Burson, Ashlyn Carlile, Colten Carroll, Jacob Casperaites, Seth Catano, Aaliyah Cazares, Elvia Ceniceros, Kyla Comstock, Kalea Cooper, Danay Cortez, Tucker Cross, Jadyn Dixon, Drew Dorris, Ryan English, Isaiah Farley, Logan Ferreira, Denim Fields, Mackensey Ford, Cayden Fowler, Justin Frank, Aiden Fuller, Gabrielle Gann, Korbin Gideon, Carly Gilbreath, Breanna Gore, Samuel Graeber, Isabel Grajeda, Alysia Gray, Colin Haas, Abby Harold, Akira Harris, Sahara Henson, Makynna Hinkle, Cameryn Hoskins, Tatum Humphries, Brayden Hutton, Dalyn Jackson, Jason Jerzak, Jason Jones, Landen Jones, Ezequiel Juarez, Priscila Juarez, Gabriella Kilgore, Tyler Landon, Hayley Langeberg, Jefferson Lawton, Jettson Lee, Cristian Leon, Devin Lewis, Brandon Lingle, Donald Lloyd, Hailey Lob, Karlee Locke, Kendall Locke, Braden Love, Brysen McKown, Connor McLain, Marissa Mello, Nathaniel Mena, Jayden Mendoza, Jesus Mesta, Michaela Moore, Payton Morris, Braden Murray, Amira Neri, Nichole Nixon, Caden Oats, Gyenyame Obuseh, Isaiah Ochoa, Angelica Orozco, Alejandro Perez, Latham Phillips, Christiana Pitts, Paul Quick, Mia Rodriquez, Adam Ruelas, Lilie Russell, Georgianne Saumty, Alexis Scoggins, Graceson Sherman, Maddox Shumate, Raygon Sisk, Mason Smith, Hayden Steedman, Klayton Stephens, Kennedy Stolarczyk, Arianna Storm, Brianna Storm, Kaylynn Strickland, Job Summers, Benjamin Thompson, Amanda Thorpe, Austin Tong, Patience Veysey, Joley Vick, Alexis Vilchiz, Christopher Virag, Riley Vowell, Ethan Whalen, Andrew White, Joel White, Gavin Whiteker, Hannah Wilcox, Jacy Williams, Takoda Wolosek, Kyle Yanda, Elizabeth York, Madison Yunger, Elizabeth Zamudio Zamora, Charles Zehntner 6th Grade A Honor Roll Haylee Allphin, Alyssa Alviar, Caleb Balderas, Clay Barrett, Zackary Barrett, Conner Bennett, Derek Bernsen, Ryan Berry, Faith Bethurum, Angel Brown, Devon Brown, Skylar Burge, Natalie Cain, Mia Carrizales, Abigail Cashion, Garrisyn Christian, Taylor Clark, Makenzie Clauson, Lauren Collins, Katy Conwell, Micah Cook, Sarah Cook, Kylin Crofford, Brynn Del Buono, Steve Duran, Breton Estes, Mariah Frazier, Riley Free, Madelynn Fruge, Annabella Gamble, Barrett Gilbreath, Lauren Giles, Garrett Gouyton, Zachary Harris, Tristin Hatch, Reagan Hicks, Savannah Higgins, Colleen Hopewell, Trynity Hoskins, Easton House, Noah Hudman, Christopher Ixchu, Kendall Klatt, Luke Klatt, Dillinger Kovach, Sophie Laudenheimer, Kaley Leatherwood, Meagan Ledbetter, Holt Lee, Joshua Leonard, Ashlie Lewis, Mathew Lewis, Justin Mainville, Judith Martin, Karen Martinez, Eva Marx, Alina Meshi, Montanna Miller, Kenzie Morgan, Lukasjames Myres, Rosalia Nava, David Paige, Cameron Power, Alyssa Quick, Lauryn Rasco, Lily Roberts, Sarah Russell, Emma Sanchez, Brandon Sheets, Emma Skipper, Rylan Stults, Addison Taylor, Luke Thurston, Megan Valle, Annalea Villalobos Cruz, Rya Walker, Melissa Wolosek 6th Grade A/B Honor Roll Mackenzie Allred, Lanie Arnold, Elyse Atwell, Cory Ball, Matthew Ballard, Dominick Barela, Cole Bennett, Jackson Berg, Dylan Brose, Keirstin Campbell, Kirsten Carver, Aiden Casey, David-Anthony Chavez, Caden Christian, Kora Clark, James Cole, Olivia Collins, William Cope, Lyndon Crawford, Savannah Cunningham, Chloe Curtis, Rowdy Dawson, Rylan Dean, Madelynn Enrriques, Nicklaus Flores, Julia Flowers, Jonathan Ford, Dean Forsythe, Ethan Francks, Brady Gilbert, Jose Gonzalez, Jewel Goyne, Brenden Hathaway, Alejandro Hernandez, Corey Hevel, Camryn Hinkle, Drake Hufsey-Gutierrez, Brenna Ingle, Angelina Jannise, Brooke Jordan, Josue Juarez, Christiana Kaminskas, Dylan Knoll, Jakson Lahue, Anna Latta, Logan Lundgren, Juan Maldonado, Kaydence Mata, Jesse Mauerhan, Heather McAfee, Tristen McNeely, Alyssa Moen, Kollin Mooney, Reece Moorman, Cooper Morgan, Miah Mullins, Dominic Norman, Keely O’Neal, Glenn Owen, Bretley Palmer, Jayden Parkhurst, Shaylee Pender, Isabel Perkins, Hannah Pope, Victoria Pugh, Ariana Ramirez, Emanuel Ramirez, Braxton Richardson, Jonathan Robles, Amanda Rodriguez, Colton Rodriguez, Gabriel Rodriguez, Jordan Rodriguez, Nolan Rodriguez Gonzalez, Tatum Rushing, Perla Salas, Nevaeh Schneider, Daniel Seals, Brinson Sharp, Alexandria Shisler, Sydney Smith, Carson Spiker, Tatum Tangney, Aaliyah Thompson, Lexi Villegas, Michael Whalen, J-Ann White, Tyler White, Lane Williams, Jaylin Wolosek, Colin Wood, Edward Wright, Reese Wright, Ryan Wright

Hoover Elementary 5th Grade A Honor Roll Krystal Alvarado, John Clark, Loralee Edmonson, Makenzee Fair, Taylor Fischer, Hunner Kane, Luke McLaughlin, Jacob Mobley, Mikayla Palos, Caiden Richardson, Logan Stephens, Charles Westrup, Amanda White

5th Grade A/B Honor Roll

Autumn Allen, Davin Attaway, Angelica Bartlett, Ethan Blackmon, Wyatt Brooks, Aurora Burks, Lexie Cantrell, Kaylen Cash, James Cato, Jayden Coffey, Madison Cornell, Zadria Crayton, Braden Crews, Robert Crosley, Clayton Daniels, Jackson Davis, Trevor Deel, Ava Edelman, Jovanny Espinoza, Madison Evans, Marisol Garcia, Abigail Garner, Gery Gierisch, Jerred Gist, Kaidon Hill, Likeke Holloway-Carlson, Cohen Jentzen, Jesus Juarez, Justin Leija, Hope Machen, Adriana Martinez, Mykayla Mejia, Hannah Meredith, Jason Merrill, Braydon Morrow, Azzure Nesby, Ayden Peavy, Isaiah Pena, Brenden Pender, Bailey Phillips, Blake Phillips, Kyla Phillips, Shelby Randall, Robert Rea, Alexis Rehbeger, Manuel Reyes, Katelynn Russell, Haley Scott, Michael Seeton, Kaitlyn Shafer, Matthew Smith, Harley Stringer, Cadence Travis, Mario Villalobos, Nathan Walsh, Trevor Williams 6th Grade A Honor Roll Collin Ammerman, Natalie Barnes, Janaie Bedford, Josiah Clark, Isaiah Davidson, Andrea Duran, Elizabeth Feldman, Ashlyn Hobbs, Dakota Houdeshell, Katelyn Ingram, Casey Lawson, Hunter Legan, Kaytlynn Lemley, Shauna McCambridge, Leah North, Daniel Padilla, Phoebe Passmore, Juan Reyes, Andrew Roecker, Jessica Scribner, Stormy Siefkas, Shane Simpson, Sarah Spence, Layla Turner, Emma Walker, Madeline Wilder 6th Grade A/B Honor Roll Tanner Alexander, Zachary Allen, Fernanda Alvarado, Klarissa Alvarado, Stephen Ashlock, Brianna Bartlett, Abbygale Bearden, Makayla Bishop, Austin Bonner, Grant Bradberry, Gracie Cannon, Bryleigh Carey, Jhonathan Carmane, Bobbi Cassidy, Hayli Cherryhomes, Shelby Clark, Brianna Cochran, Noah Coleman, Macie Cooper, Xzavior Countryman, Jesse Crowley, Jasmine Daniels, Levi Davis, Denise Deleon, Mackenzie Dobyns, Molly Draper, Mason Ford, Taylor Friese, Eric Fulton, Karla Galvan, Nathaniel Gorman, Tiffany Griffin, Alannah Henson, Alyssa Holland, Kailey Howard, Seth Hurst, Cooper Jenkins, Shawn Jones, Christopher Lee, Abbygail Lynn, Logan Malewiski, Russhell Martin, Robert Matthews, Trista McDougall, Corbin McDowell, Cody McIntyre, Martin Meredith, Nathan Nelson, Thanh Nguyen, Justice Oliver, Dev Patel, Skyler Polser, Cassidy Ralph, Samuel Reese, Isaac Riley, Natalie Rodden, Daniela Rodriguez, Jacob Rodriguez, Fernando Salas Montelongo, Mattie Sheriff, Caleb Smith, Paul Smith, Lilly Sparks, Kylee Steiger, Kellee Sterling, Kayla Suddeath, Christial Sullivan, Morgan Terrell, Emily Tucker, William Tunnell, Blanca Vasquez, Weldon Watkins, Chase Watson, Zoe Weaver, Madison Westbrook, Jadyn Wheeler, Brooklynn Williams

Cross Timbers Elementary 1st Grade A Honor Roll Aurora Blake, Brinley Dowell, Chloe Garcia, Andres Gomez, Jet Massey, Samantha Ortega, Isabella Reinbold, Leighton Teafatiller, Elizabeth Yelle 1st Grade A/B Honor Roll Jeffry Alvarado, Jett Ashley, Madelyn Bolin, Landyn Casey, Brookelyn Cornell, Revelee Cote, Nathan Dyck, Mackenzie Dyer, Joseph Feemster, Kate Ferrell, Conner Gamble, Gracie Geary, Natalie Gorman, Izabell Hegre, Alyssa Kirkland, Rebecca Klaus, Brooklynn Lavender, Haylee Malewiski, Allie Michel, Kylee Mooneyham, Mercedes Mujica, Alexah Patterson, Brianna Ramirez, Brylie Raymond, Destoney Roper, Daisy Rosales, Brianna Sinclair, Riley Teafatiller, Damien Wambold, Scarlett Webb, Zoe Wesley 2nd Grade A Honor Roll Brianna Ayala, Nathan Barnes, Tanin Belanger, Nica Cardoza, Jailee Childress, Leonidas Coker, Joziah Correa, James Doyle, Alex Duran, Matthew Edwards, David Greene, Trinity Gutierrez, Westin Hodges, Suzanna Howard, Reese Jeter, Melody Machen, Keylly Martinez, Denise Ocura, Brent Phillips, Audrey Villanti, Landon Waltz, Nolan Wright 2nd Grade A/B Honor Roll Emersyn Anderson, Daniel Antunez, Maria Ball, Riley Blagg, McKaelynn Bromley, Fernanda Cardoza, Priscilla Castillo, Kailee Cole, Carly Cooper, Colton Dekin, Grace Finn, Wyatt Force, Annalise Garza, Macie Garza, Alfonso Gonzalez, Abigail Hegre, Isabell Hernandez, Austin Hollingsworth, Billy Hooper, Kaydance Knight, Diego Lira, Noah Lomas, Jesus Martinez, Azucena Neri, Savannah Poulter, Katherine Quevedo, Andrea Rohan, Damien Sheppard, Quinlan Smith, Braydin Thomas, Raylyn Tyler, David Wiley, Zoey Wilson, Bryce Womack, Brendan Yale 3rd Grade A Honor Roll Destiny Brune, Dylan Burritt, Jacob Carlson, Klaire Carlson, Elaina Conner, Natalia Espinoza, Cienna Feldman, Nolan Grimes, Shane Grubbs, Summer Hamblin, Katlyn Johnson, Kristyn Sagers, Adrianna Wiedeman, Brooke York 3rd Grade A/B Honor Roll Jadyn Brammer, Allissa Brown, Libertie Cardwell, Haley Carlson, Theodoro Chavez, Brayden Coates, Elijah Correa, Berlyn Degen, Peyton Erwin, Emalyn Farrington, Dominic Franks, William Frazier, Landyn Giossi, Gael Gomez, Garrin Graves, Odes Gutierrez, Markantony Howard, Edith-Faye Howard-Marsh, Madison Jentzen, Cory Kirkwood, Shaeli Lane, Madison Lechuga, Ian Loeffelholz, Elizabeth Lund, Vanessa Malewiski, Sayge McCambridge, Valencia McClung, Conner Merrill, Molly Meyer, Emily Morrow, Bryan Moya, Richard Nelson, Pablo Neri, Jovahni Padilla, Madison Petersen, Abbeygayle Petty, Emily Reyna, Saul Rodriguez, Camrin Spivey, Savannah Wambold-Breemes, Olivia Williston, Chaz Woolsey 4th Grade A Honor Roll Mattalon Allison, Kade Dowell, Cody Egbert, Cheryl Grubbs, Robert Hardin, Hensley Harman, Austin May, Thomas Riley, Hunter Schultz, Ezequiel Soria, Alexcia Ta, Briseyda Torres, Kevin Valenzuela, Kameron Weger, Allison Wright 4th Grade A/B Honor Roll Leslie Avila Rohan, Elliott Blagg, Nevaeh Blake, Payton Blann, Madeleine Boivin, Dakota Brewton, Alexander Campbell, Carson Cooper, Payton Dekin, David Evans, Alexander Feemster, Salina Fischer, Layne Goley, Hazel Gonzalez, Vielka Gonzalez, Dessa Gutierrez, Abby Hardin, Alisha Henson, Adan Hernandez, Genesis HernandezCastro, Alainna Hillin, Jeffrey Leonard, Gabriela Loera-Marin, Adam May, Caitlin McCrary, Jaden Neff, Amy Neri Guerrero, James-Patrick Pardue, Logan Patterson, Ivan Perez, Sarae Perez, Katelyn Sagers, Aydon Sitton, Reed Slinkard, Ryan Slinkard, Walker Spence, Lane Springfield, Cassidy Womack

Eagle Heights Elementary 1st Grade A Honor Roll


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

First Six Weeks Honor Rolls

Colin Abraham, Jaclyn Addington, Diego Alvarado, Daniel Anderson, Kevin Balderas, Mary-Anne Cobb, Brandon Damborsky, Alyson Dockery, Haley Doyle, Sarah Ford, Charity Gray, Ella Gregory, Rachel Harder, Gracie Hennessy, Haleigh House, Leslie Mayhew, Juliey McDaniel, Lily McDonald, Benjamin McElyea, Kenlee Mooney, Westin MooreBroom, Grace Niedecken, Kailey Overton, Khloe Palos-Glass, Mabry Pendleton, Josue Plascencia Ornelas, Brayden Pruett, Elizabeth Sherwood, Connor Shildmyer, Jose Soto, Caine Stepich, Jocelynn Strickland, Madilyn Sweetser, Daniel Vela, Broden Venable, Julian Vilchiz, Luke Walley, Cruz Wilburn 1st Grade A/B Honor Roll Jayden Ahlstrand, Kadence Ashley-Thomas, Emily Avila, Alivia Bridges, Liliana Browning, Ryleigh Cantrell, Lucas Child, Aurora Gable, Byron Gonzalez, Keila Gutierrez, Yoaly Hernandez Morales, Zackery Hittle, Evelyn Hymer, Haydyn Jones, Austin Kinard, Leonardo Maldonado, Jesus Martinez, Stephanie Martinez, Abagayle McAnany, Jacob McBrayer, Mattie McInroe, Samuel Mello, Natalie Partain, Gage Pike, Pedro Ramirez, Meredith Resendiz, Nathaniel Reynolds, Samaria Rios, Alyssa Robles, Sophie Torres, Jaren Walker, Lance Wallace, Chandler Worley 2nd Grade A Honor Roll Macie Baker, Hamza Bilal, Madeline Curry, Dailyn Durr, Lillie George, Jay Glaze, Nathaniel Holman, Eliana Hudman, Lily Hudman, Violet Isom, Jaiden King, Grace Lacey, Cesar Leon, Sergio Lino, Phillip Martin, Breanna McClenny, Zachary McElyea, Grant McLain, Madison Pinneda, Luz Ramirez Trejo, Lucy Robertson, Gael Rubio Martinez, Eli Russell, Anthony Salazar, Mackenzie Swinney, Kaylin Taylor, Hanel Trejo, Braeleigh Villarreal 2nd Grade A/B Honor Roll Fernando Alfaro, Abigail Balderas, Gabriell Balderas, Alvaro Barajas, Eli Bliss, Braden Booth, Julian Chavez, Caden Cox, Eric Duran, Holyn Espinoza, Felix Ezell, Michael Fitzpatrick, Makayla Frazier, Lillie Gann, Angel Garcia, Zumaya Gonzalez, Bailey Grozier, John Gutierrez, Ranger Jackson, Kason Johnson, Madison Kirby, Colton Lacobee, Ema Lehr, Dakoda Lovelace, Kannon Lowery, Amy Mesta, Madison Mooneyham, Maddix Myers, Giselle Neri, Nicolas Renteria, Gabrielle Roach, Viktor Stewart, Liliana Stodghill, Ella Swaim, Lileigh Taylor, Angelese Tucker, Alyssa Vantreese, Damyean Williams Badillo, Mark Zamora 3rd Grade A Honor Roll Alexander Aguirre, Garrett Bailey, Emily Baker, Davis Behaj, Piper Bowers, Ryder Coleman, Anahi Duran, Jack Gage, Audra Gilley, Jayden Gutierrez, Cailyn Halyard, Peter Isom, Isaac Lalonde, Eyvindr Lefever, Noe Leon, Paige MacWhirter, Uriel Martinez, Glyn McDaniel, Jacob McGee, Aeden Moore, Jacob Moreno, Luke Petersen, Addyson Reed, Gianna Schroeder, Scarlett Seabourn, Kyleigh Vinson, Brandon Yates 3rd Grade A/B Honor Roll Stevendavid Barnes, Trinity Barnes, Tarek Benaicha, Breanna Bilger, Ryner Boenisch, Colten Burnett, Kayden Carnes, Jakob Cedillo, Lillyanna Ezell-Moran, Ryllon Farmer, Aidan Knox, Judis Kopp-Badgley, Arely Licerio, Jasmine Lowe, Marian Maldonado, Keira McKinney, Olivia Meyers, Sage Mikula, Emily Mooneyham, Miller Morbach, Samuel Narvaez, David Partain, Matthew Perkins, Jaime Ramirez, Azareel Ramirez-Zavala, Galilee Rios, Kyndal Robbins, Marylin Rodriguez, Destiny Salazar, Franco Segura, Dani Selvera-Teague, Deklan Sheffield, Lexie Smith, Crystal Soto, Toby Temple, Carla Trejo, Natalie Trejo, Aundrea Wages 4th Grade A Honor Roll Alaina Amato, Jack Coffey, Isaac Espinoza, Braden Forsythe, Caydence Grnwalt, Colin Halyard, Melanie Harder, Paulix Howell-McFadden, Nathaniel Hudman, Brynn Lee, Rebecca Marx, Ava Moreno, Jade Robinson, Landri Seward, Dominique Vantreese, Tyler Vaughn 4th Grade A/B Honor Roll Daisy Aguirre, Javier Avila, Kelsey Bell, Victoria Benavides, Matthew Burnett, Eliseo Carreon, Nathan Casperaites, Autrey Cross, Brendon Devillier, Rafael Diaz, Kevin Duran, Robert George, Ty Hernandez, Catherine Hinojosa, Jack Hymer, Edgar Lino, Madison Lowery, Mackenzie Manning, Jacob Martin, Anthony Martinez, Jayden McGee, Shane McNamara, Jonathen Miller, Sarah Robles, Crystal Rodriguez, Cash Russell, Leah Sharp, Braden Shildmyer, Katelynn Swinney, Tyler Vinson

Liberty Elementary 1st Grade A Honor Roll Paige Blake, Lilliann Campbell, Annabella Cornish, Piper Davis, Lillie Dickson, Jacob Fowler-Jones, Olivia Gierisch, Kimber Gray, Erin Rackley, Dakota Rogers, Jacob Sandoval, Emery Trammell 1st Grade A/B Honor Roll Mathew Bales, Kinley Burrows, Trace Cheek, Bryson Clark, Erick Corniel, Leigha Currie, Braye Davis, Zacheriah Dollar, Charli Fair, Nicole Farrell, Kayleigh Howard, Sophia Kimbell, Khloee Lopez, Meadow Matlock, Courtney Meredith, Lucas Morey, Parker Neely, Evan Ravellette, Juliet Riley, Terrence Roberts, Dallis Russell, Elizabeth Shannon, Tye Stevens, Catherine Storey, Kaylee Thomason, Wyatt Townsend 2nd Grade A Honor Roll Landon Adam, Hannah Alcala, Drake Anderson, Kylie Bennett, Savannah Cook, Natalie Daulton, Ciara Hodges, Cole Johnson, Jessie Johnson, Xavier Johnson, Brenton Linehan, Heather Lockridge, Andrea Ortiz, Carissah Palacios, Terry Tate, Trevor Westerman 2nd Grade A/B Honor Roll Brody Berkner, Donald Bewley, Caiden Boyd, Aaliyah Burks, Malcolm Carpenter, Mylei Chambers, Ryleigh Cire, Mason Despain, Jamie Dewitt-Miles, Jordan Douglas, Celena Fonseca, Jackson Garrett, Audrey Gentry, Phybie Guinn, Nevaeh Howell, Alexis Johnson, Lilliana Johnson, Cayden Lawson, Adrianna Limon, Alyssa Lochabay, Joshua Martin, Michel McCool, Amber Moore, Kindal Pryor, Karlie Ravellette, Jaycie Shelly, Miley Smith, Taylor Snyder, Fred Starkey, Billy Tillery, Vanessa Vasquez, Lucida Voelcker, Aden Witherell 3rd Grade A Honor Roll Emmaleigh Cornish, Noah Dickson, William Jones, Kenneth Riley, Nolan Roden, Gunner Walls 3rd Grade A/B Honor Roll Ethan Alcala, Elizabeth Ardito, Hannah Beck, Dragan Berkner, Sam Caccavallo, Carter Cherry, Brighton Clouatre, Tyler Dery, Dryden Douglas, Brookln Dunn, Riley Edelman, David Farson, Bryce Gardner, Sara Gonzales, John Guzman, Kristopher Hill, Chandler Hunter, Kadin Kunkleman, Gabriel Martin, Jacee Nations, Larissa O’Steen, Brayden Ober, Jonathan Rouse, Joseph Sandoval, Ryan Satterlee, David Scott, Mickael Shannon, Savannah Thatcher, Madilynn Vanwinkle, Natalie Vasquez, Willow Witherell 4th Grade A Honor Roll Jake Allen, Leila Barrett, Leanna Bartlett, Avery Bradberry, Reba Cato, Laci Clark, Presley Davis, Scarlet Feemster, Aiden King, Brandon Lopez, Hannah Martin, Nathan McCrory, Gavin Nielsen, Dakota Norton, Lucy Vinson 4th Grade A/B Honor Roll Odessie Adam, Taylor Babin, Kylan Bishop, Roger Booker, Kaleb Braswell, Daniel Castillo, Sebastion Cook, Jeremiah Evans, Wade Hammond, Charles Hawley, Melody Hawpe, Kiana-Layne Johnson, Torrie Johnson, Connor Lawson, Shelby Lenoir, Liliana Lozano, Blake Meredith, Gunner O’Donald, Bryanna Pender, Gavin Peninger, Joselynne Pisesnakornkit, Arianna Price, William Ralph, Ethan Reynolds, Ivan Rocha, Gracie Smith, Brooklynn Steward, Tyler Stogsdill, Alyssa Tate, Elijah Turner, Tyler Ulrich, Michelle Villasenor, Taylor Wallace, Audrey Williams, Emily Wilson, Kaitlyn Wood

Silver Creek Elementary 1st Grade A Honor Roll Emily Addison, Kenzie Arellano, Grant Arthur, Robert Ayala, Natalia Ayala Gomez, Grayson Blair, Justin Bontrager, Kailey Campbell, Noah Chavez, Daniel Cohee, Ashlyn Decorte, Thomas Frank, Ella Fuchshuber, Kaine Hill, Jacob Hill, Raegan Holland, Mikah Ludwig, Alyssa Payne, Shelby Ramirez, Brooklyn Robinson, Evalee Smith, Leah Stewart, Laney Vasquez, Michael Voelkel 1st Grade A/B Honor Roll Bryce Ash, Robert Ayala, Austin Bailey, Aaliyah Basto, Ellie Bennett, Brooklynn Bolin, Aiden Bruner, Mark Cain, Blake Casey, Hayden Cassady, Everett Collins, Haygen Couvillion, Carson Davis, Thomas Davis, Jackson Dubeansky, Ruby Engelhardt, Presley Erickson, London Evans, Cadence Fultz, Brody Gatlin, Kellar Gunter, Kiefer Harris, Rebel Harris, Kaylee Hawk, Jackson Hefley, Sharis Herrera, Alexis Howell, Hylon Hughes, Isaac Keltner, Cooper Little, Hayden Longbrake, Cassidy McDaniel, Elissa Moya, Chet O’Neal, Ashlynn O’Neill, Landon Oats, Kendra Olmos, Lesley Ramirez, Miguel Ramirez Padron, Lily Rank, Brody Reaves, Knox Remley, Anthony Rocco, Katilynn Rouse, Rylee Russell, Jude Shew, Daniel Shoemake, Thomas Sims, Justus Smith-Granger, Stephanie Solis, Caleb Straw, Garrett Strickland, Casey Thornton, Noah Van Der Linden, Payton Vaughn, Eli Waller, Rylee Walsh, Cayden Waters 2nd Grade A Honor Roll Kian Baker, Keagan Stuart, Hailey Ball, Matthew Basto, Annika Birkeland, Gabrielle Blacknall, Adam Brown, Matthew Cain, Layla Cox, Caitlynn Cunningham, Jaden Ellis, Chase Eminger, Carlos Franco, Julianna Gibson, Deagen Goates, Summer Guthrie, Alyssa Harris, Wyatt Hicks, Laynie Beth Hodges, Paisley Jeter, Eli Johnson, Berlynn Kaznowski, Natalia Keener, Parker King, Landrie Lain, Alysah Langeberg, Erica Leonard, Michelle Lorenz, Kylie Lucas, Aiden Mackey, Miley Massey, Mariposa Montes, Gracie Noland, Claire Norvell, Emily O’Neill, Samantha Orozco, Prestin Ortiz, Hannah Padgett, Freedom Prescott, Lance Smith, Zane Smith, Jaeli Snell, Layla Sorrells, Cooper Stults, Brayson Tittle, Romeo Varela, Samantha Vazquez, Seth Webb, Caiden Wolfe, Ava Yochum 2nd Grade A/B Honor Roll Allie Allsup, Mikayla Bradley, Bryden Buzbee, Cooper Caldwell, Iram Carrizales, Masyn Cope, Asher Cox, Keagan Durall, Kayla Eversole, Colten Fox, Grace Gann, Alexander Gilfour, Paizlee Gray, Haley Gulley, Kali Hajovsky,

Family Fun Saturday October 31st 4pm to 6pm Hay Rides Barrel Train Cookie Walk Games Face Candy & Prizes Art & Inflatable Obstacle Course Hair Paint 4 Person Climbing Wall

Free Food and Fun for All Ages Costumes Welcome

Ash Creek Baptist Church • 300 S. Stewart Street, Azle • 817-444-3219

Kamren Hathaway, Katlyn Kammerdiener, McKenzie Martinez, Nathaniel Martinez, Addison Moorman, Emilio Neri, Gustavo Orozco, Corban Potter, Dakota Remley, Christopher Rodriguez, Henry Rosales, Caleb Scoggins, Layna Shanks, Sawyer Spence, Gavin Wickham, Jayden Zurita 3rd Grade A Honor Roll Grayson Allen, Melanie Barone, Lucas Butler, Tristan Cairola, Caleb Engelhardt, Matthew Frank, Britt Haas, Tairyn Harvey, Mason Jennings, Canaan Kaznowski, Adam Keltner, Ryan Lowe, Randee Lyons, Monica Martinez, Luke Padgett, Adyn Potter, Jackson Shew, Hannah Steward, Carley Thompson, Christopher Voelkel 3rd Grade A/B Honor Roll Ali Allbright, Logan Anderson, James Arthur, Ryann Baker, Keaton Buchanan, Alaina Collins, Charles Cox, Mason Cunningham, Jacob Darnell, James Davidson, Joseph Davidson, Breena Donahew, Emery Ford, Parker Harris, Scarlett Harvick, Haylee Hefley, Sharon Herrera, Peyton Hill, Hagen Hughes, Karli Hunt, Jacob Kreutzer, Angel Lefan, Jesus Leyva, Samuel Lindahl, Olivia Mainville, Nathaniel Matt, Jaydan McPhearson, Mollie Morris, Abbey Natusch, Kinsley Odom, Ariana Payne, Brendon Pisano, Juan Rios, Hailey Rodriguez, Judith Sanchez, Tyson Schreier, Seth Sexton, Aiden Sipes, Ronan Smart, Gavin Steinmann, Ethan Straw, Grayson Van Vleck, Caden Walsh, Kyle Williamson, Jessie Wood, Cooper Yates 4th Grade A Honor Roll Eden Arthur, Taylor Ball, Kristina Birkeland, Kaitlyn Caffey, Autumn Danobeytia, Easton Hill, Carter Landon, Paul Leonard, Ryland Liptow, Emilee Norvell, Dayton Robinson, Heidi Tayler, Gerardo Varela, Cole Webb 4th Grade A/B Honor Roll Nolen Anderson, Collin Ayers, Kayden Back, Caroline Barone, Caleb Brown, Christopher Butler, Mackenzie Campbell, Joshua Carver, Kourtni Cecil, Isaac Chapa, Taryn Clark, Isaiah Correa, Nathan Crutchfield, Breckon Davis, Lauren Davis, Braden Decoopman, Caden Dixon, Brailee Eckenrode, Alexi Estrada, Owen Evers, Savannah Faughn, Decon Flowers, Hailey Fox, Mateo Franco, Michael Gancar, Ashlyn Gechter, Matthew Gonzalez, Kaitlyn Gulley, Vance Guthrie, Jesse Hemmerling, Harrison Higgins, Kamryn Hill, Kylee Honea, Preston Johnson, Ryon Keil, Savannah Lefan, Zakary Lucas, Morgan Mask, Ryan Newman, Jacob Norman, Ariah Odom, Courtney Olmos, Emily Osborn, Kean Overby, Savannah Pender, Brandie Phillips, Jacob Ramsey, Koen Remley, Amber Ryerson, Jayden Sanders, Korbin Smith, Yulissa Solis, Sara Sorrells, Hunter Steinmann, Mason Thomas, Edgar Valles, Colton Vaughn, Emmylia Vickers, Natalie Wasek, Reese Wethington, Raegan Williams, Kiara Wright

Walnut Creek 1st Grade A Honor Roll Ella Arellano, Jack Arneson, Rylie Auvenshine, Lilyanne Barton, Halo Claxton, Jayce Crawford, Logan Dixon, Emma Flavin, Ayden Guardiola, Collin Helmick, Bridger Houghton, Brylee Kittrell, Noah Kovach, Emily Maggio, Sierra Martin, Kade McGinlay, Baylee Meadows, Taylor Merrill, Lillian Phelps, Jhakyre Randle, Colton Ripple, Bronson Sambrano, Chiara Taylor, Matthew Turdo, Mallory White, Brady Young 1st Grade A/B Honor Roll Caylee Aubrey, Nekoda Averitte, Trinity Babcock, Sarah Barrett, Madison Basye, William Bedard, Emma Biehle, Zoe Bronikowski, Lexy Brown, Jonah Buckner, Jake Burdett, Alleigh Cazares, Abigail Chrisman, Amaya Courtney, Nicholas Crowe, Kaidence Escoto, Hunter Forte, Gabrielle Garcia, Olivia Garcia, Maverick Garrett, Jacob Gatlin, Evan Gibson, Dax Harbour, Kahnon Herron-Arellano, Edward Holt, Knox Houghton, Brittley Howell, Kaden Jones, Chloe Judkins, Jake Kuhn, Adrian Magana, La-Ong Miller, Hayden Newhouse, Jordan Schulz, Amelia Sepulveda, Hayden Shafer, Rylee Shaw, Kyle Smith, Lilly Spradley, Brody Steele, Gage Stratton, Destinee Tiger, Dylan Ward, Zoey White, Kimber Woolley, Kaleb Wyble 2nd Grade A Honor Roll Cael Allen, Wakely Autry, Kyler Betz, Sophia Black, Cayleigh Carter, Conner Davis, Preston Dixon, Danika Fergerson, Matthew Gilmore, Hannah Griffith, Rhian Hamilton, Trinity Lawson, Emily Middleton, Kolby Moreland, Tucker Oliver, Camila Recendez, Kaitlyn Rhodes, Zoe Robinson, Carson Romer, Brooklyn Sharp, Emmanuel Silva, Will Stroud, Adeline Stults, Emma Sustala, Jax Thomas, Avery Thompson, Sophie Weger, Zeya Whiteker, Aria Williams, Tierney Withrow 2nd Grade A/B Honor Roll Ra Sean Anderson, Lily Brown, Salia Buenrostro, Kinzlynn Camarillo, Brodie Clark, Hannah Coe, Dalton Davis, Arionnah Derting, Piper Duddles, Zachary Eudy, Ryan Flores, Austin Fought, Jonathan Frias, Taylor Gorski, Lila Harden, Brooke Hardesty, Aurora Heckert, Aaden Holder, Mason Holleman, Berkley Huffaker, Cameron Lamb, Elizabeth Legan, Jaclyn Martin, Jack McCandless Brown, Sophie McIntyre, Ashton McLemore, Christian Mendoza, Kyle Dow Morgan, Raecee Morgan, Oswaldo Najera, Tyren Osment, Gage Payne, Sawyer Price, Grayson Ramon, Lane Reger, Shayne Richards, Tierney Rodgers, Anthony Sheffield, Sydney Shepherd, Jieli Shinsky, Ashlyn Skinner, Jovie Smith, Dalton Steel, Chloe Steiger, Dustyn Still, Kami Swain, Rebecca Trammell, Kohyn Van Komen, Austin Wantland, Makayla Willett 3rd Grade A Honor Roll Ella Arneson, John Atwell, Ian Catano, Catherine Crowe, Laney Fisher, Keagan Flynn, Sayler Gilbreath, Hanna Goodrich, Cheyenne Gray, Kaily-Shay Hodge, Parker Huffaker, Kaylee Iglesias, Gregory Johnson, Lilley Langeberg, Christian Legan, Dylan Maines, Craig Martinez, Graciela Monterroso, Case Moore, Cash Moore, Cole Peninger, Gaige Pennington, Madison Perrin, Sara Slimp, Chloe Stephens, Xavier Stinson, Amy Wang, Brooklyn Young 3rd Grade A/B Honor Roll Devon Anderson, Haden Ash, Jordan Ashcroft, Miranda Baker, Ethan Bartlett, Jo’Sias Luke Baza, Lincoln Berg, Vander Blancher, Kody Bryant, Jacen Buckner, Grayson Chancellor, Joanna Chen, Gracie Dickey, Aaron Dixon, Emma Duncan, Sarah Dustin, Diesel Fields, Sara Floyd, Adyson Fomby, Elijah Forte, Jared Gilbreath, Ariel Granado, Ethan Herfkens, Jordan Jackson, Aubrey Judkins, William Kisner, Ashlyn Lenard, Kaori Macklin, Dimahndi McCandless, Alyssa Miller, Kaitlynn Murphy, Brennan Murray, Leavy Owens, Kyra Parsley, Jhariah Randle, Daylinn Rios, Reagan Roark, Robert Rutledge, Kallie Schmachtenberger, Addison Schmitt, Olivia Schmitt, Taylor Schocke, Kelton Schott, Isaiah Simpson, Deacon Stephens, Isaac Stolarczyk, Noah Summers, Katelyn Thomas, Jack Wallace, Devin Wingfield, Wil Witherspoon, Jaxxon York 4th Grade A Honor Roll Alysia Baugus, Gillian Brentz, Aiden Buscay, Shaylea Cassel, Peytie Chambers, Brady Conway, Benjamin Derting, Alex Doggett, Emma Gable, Krista Glass, Kylan Hankins, Emory Hann, Alan Hard, Reese Hughes, Patrick La Morte, Jonathan Miller, Holland Morris, Shree Patel, Anna Preston, Sadie Pyle, Bradyn Rager, Bryan Rager, Destiny Shupe, Dylan Smith, Jacob Sparks, Faith Summers, Morgan Terrell 4th Grade A/B Honor Roll Michael Alexander, Royce Baker, Rylee Barrow, Reeslyn Bice, Alexander Boddie, Katie Burleson, Tristin Crosby, Jacob Davis, Chandler Doggett, Ava Duncan, Landen Earle, Jacob Freeman-Ward, Myah Garcia, Danny Gonzalez, Marissa Gonzalez, Kaytin Greeson, Enoch Griffith, Linda Gulbrantson, Logan Harrison, Brayden Hayman, Gabrielle Heckert, Jonah Hernandez, Zackary Hicks, Zaiden Hill, Bayleigh Howell, Cheyenne Jackson, Hannah Johns, Avery Jones, Andrew Larson, Yeonwoo Lee, Madison Lottman, Tera Lynn, Danny McCommas, Daniela Najera, Savana Panter, Zane Polser, Ethan Rankin, Gabriel Rios, Kasen Scarlato, Luke Sipe, Chase Sutton, Carlton Thomas, Madeline Thompson, Ashley Trapp, Arrissa Webster, Audie Westmoreland Flores, Michaela Williams, Brenan Winfrey


Wednesday, October 28, 2015


EDITORIAL Kudos to the 1st AISD Athletic Hall of Fame project

That’s why the quarterback gets the big, big bucks


playbook inside and out because He designed it, and sends in the plays to the huddle that I am supposed to call. There is some coaching that is a part of what I do, but it is only to encourage and empower others in their execution of the Coach’s game plan. • It is not my role to be the only one communicating with the Coach. He can send the play to the huddle with any player on the team. My role as QB is to execute the Coach’s game plan, not my own. • My objective is to help the team succeed by executing the Coach’s game plan, not to enhance my reputation by doing something spectacular. So, what is your role in your church, organization, or business? Are you the QB? Then how will you contribute to your team’s success through your play calling? Is someone else the QB? How will you cooperate with his play calling so that the team succeeds? How we execute as a team matters to our Coach.

he Cowboys lost again 2. The guy responsible for managwith another quarter- ing the team’s offensive attack. back. I miss you, Tony I think every church, organization, Romo. or business has a QB. When I was It’s tough being the a pastor, that’s how I saw my role. quarterback. Everybody Whether it was Trinity Baptist Church loves you when the team in Tucumcari, New Meico wins – except the haters or Eagle Mountain Bapwho say the team won “in tist Church in Fort Worth spite” of you. With a loss, when a conversation hapyou get more than the lion’s pened about the church, share of the blame. my name almost always In fact, the only player came up. whose won-loss record is I was “the face of the mentioned is the quarterfranchise,” if you will back. Can you imagine: (whether I liked it or not). “Billy Joe Bigboy is 2-4 at It’s still true in my current right offensive guard this ministry. season.” So, in my role as QB, In 2013, Sports IllustratI understand several ed reported the NFL’s av- LIFE MATTERS things: erage salaries by position. • It is my role to call the Lowest were tight ends at Gerry Lewis play in the huddle. The $1.4 million. Highest were only way to make sure that quarterbacks at $3.8 million. I have a we are all moving in the same directheory why the QB gets the big bucks tion is to make sure that the play call– and it’s not because his execution on ing is clear and that everyone knows any given play is more important than their role. anyone else’s. • It is not my role to be the Head He gets the big bucks because he Coach. According to several passages is: in the New Testament, Jesus Christ is 1. The most prominent face of the the Head of the Church. He is the One team. who sets the game plan, knows the

Azle resident Dr. Gerry Lewis is director of missions for the Harvest Baptist Association, which is headquartered in Decatur. He writes a blog at

October 24 was a special, one-of-a-kind night that was more than a year in the making. Plenty of schools have Athletic Halls of Fame. Azle ISD Athletic Director Scott Anderson decided it was time for AHS to have one, too. Through the decades, Azle has seen some talented athletes come and go – it was time to acknowledge the efforts of the cream of the crop. A committee examined scores of nominations; I was on it, and I can attest that plenty of arguments were made for multiple athletes and teams. Finally, we settled on seven, a septet that embodied the goal of the committee: to honor the efforts of former athletes and their contributions on and off the field, while at Azle High School and afterward. Six nominees made the trip – sadly, Chelsa Holder died in 2012 – and that meant traveling from the East and West Coasts for a couple of inductees. Considering the stormy weather, that was quite a feat. After a flurry of behind-the-scenes activity, the big night finally arrived. And that’s when we saw what a big deal the Azle Athletic Hall of Fame truly was. The joy of seeing former teammates reconnecting – some dating back more than 50 years – was heart-warming. Every nominee had a different story, from playing on national championship teams to being in other Halls of Fame to excelling in their chosen fields long after their playing careers had ended. And each nominee said two things. One, they marveled at how impressive the AISD facilities were – both athletic (this was the first substantial event in the new gym) to scholastic (many marveled at the Career and Technical Center that opened this school year). Two: Every inductee was absolutely thrilled and excited to be remembered and honored. It was a memorable evening. After the speeches and awards were passed out, the honorees hung around, reveling in the glow of not only being acknowledged for their hard work and determination, but surely showing thankfulness to return to Azle – where, every winner said, coaches and teachers molded them into successful adults. The second class will be installed next fall. You should be sure to get a ticket. MKC

First all-weather cross-country roadway – Bankhead Highway – passed through area


he nation's earliest allweather transcontinental highway began in Washington, D.C. and ended in San Diego. Nearly one-third of it was the route across Texas, which became Texas Highway No. 1. It was also called the Bankhead Highway. However, this was not the very first highway to cross the nation east-west. The Lincoln Highway from New York City to San Francisco was established in 1913 and paralleled the later southern one, but wintertime bad weather sometimes closed it. The story of the Bankhead began with the Federal Aid Road Act of 1916. Counties and states had been building their own roads, but something needed to be done to connect them so people could travel all the way across the U.S. The federal act, when passed, gave funds for the first time to states to help them build and maintain good roads. However, if constructed using federal money, the roads had to be a part of a national system of highways, and the states involved must create a state highway commission. New Jer-


sey in 1891 was the first state to have such an agency, and nearly all states adopted similar legislation in the next 20 years. Texas was one of the final ones, creating its Texas Highway Commission in 1917. The Senator heading the Senate Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads was John H. Bankhead of Alabama. Because he wrote the bill and urged its passage, he became known as “The Father of Good Roads.” Folks called the bill at various times, the Bankhead Bill, the Good Roads Act, and the Federal Road Act of 1916. Dan L. Smith has told the story of the Texas portion of this highway in a recent book, Texas Highway 1 The Bankhead Highway of Texas. I owe thanks to him for most of this information. With war brewing in Europe, the idea of better roads for military purposes took hold. Army bases and airfields were planned in the U.S., and the War Department needed to transport men and equipment on the nation's roads. As soon as the bill passed, Texas officials learned that their state would receive more federal money for build-

321 W. Main Street Azle, Texas 76020 (817) 270-3340 MEMBER 2015

ing roads than any other state because of its size, its population and the many miles of post roads (roads needed to deliver the mail.) In addition to the supof Senator PAGES FROM port Bankhead for WESTERN better roads, named HISTORY aAsamanRountree, J’Nell L. Pate also from Alabama, became the driving force behind the Bankhead Highway. Part owner of a newspaper in Birmingham, he used his position to publicize the need for better roads. He earlier in 1913 became secretary of the U.S. Good Roads Association, and organized their annual convention. He later was executive officer of a Bankhead National Highway Association. A military convoy followed the proposed route of the Lincoln Highway



(northern route) in 1919, and the military followed the Bankhead route in 1920. Rountree traveled with the latter group to show the way. They hoped that the “speed contemplated of fortyfour miles per day can be maintained.” A particularly wet season made the dirt roads quagmires in some places or completely washed them out in others. Often bridges had to be repaired. A 66-mile trip from Fort Worth to Mineral Wells took twelve hours. Sand in Arizona proved more troublesome than the mud in Texas and the South. The entire trip from D.C. to San Diego took 111 days. Finally, by 1931 a good, hard-surfaced Bankhead Highway was almost completed across Texas. Citizens had to pass bond issues to combine with the federal money. Soon rest stops, tourist camps, service stations, restaurants, and farmers selling produce could be found along the highway. As of 1926 the Federal government gave the Bankhead Highway from Savanna to San Diego the designation of US 80. Some supporters later in 1928 called it the “Broadway of America.” As years went by, Interstates cov-

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ered up the old Bankhead Highway. The longest section that still exists in Texas is between Aledo and Weatherford in Parker County. In Fort Worth Camp Bowie Blvd. had been part of it, as was Lancaster to the east side of Fort Worth and on through Arlington to Dallas. The route across Texas began at Texarkana and ended in El Paso. To commemorate the Bankhead Highway, a modern-day convoy of 40 old military vehicles followed the complete route from mid-September to mid-October this year and stopped in Fort Worth Oct. 4-5. Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price presented them with a proclamation. I grew up in Fort Worth in the 3800 block of Camp Bowie Blvd. in the 1940s and 1950s. Little did I know that the tourist court across the street accommodated the increasing travel through Texas on the very first allweather, transcontinental route across America! Retired history professor J’Nell Pate of Azle hasauthoredseveralbooks,manyofwhich are on sale in the lobby of the Azle News.

Letters to the Editor policy Letters to the editor are welcomed, but are printed on a spaceavailable basis and may be edited for space or style requirements. Letters must be signed and include an address and the writer’s phone number. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters should be brief (300 words or less), typewritten or emailed. Letters endorsing political candidates, third-party letters, and letters that have appeared in other newspapers will not be published. Writers are limited to two letters monthly. The deadline for letters to the editor is 5 p.m. Monday. Mail letters to: Editor, 321 W. Main Street, Azle, Texas 76020 Email letters to:


Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Azle News

So is Halloween good or evil? Let’s discuss


ull disclosure right off the bat: I love Halloween; it’s my favorite holiday after Christmas. I’m also a deacon at a conservative Baptist church – not exactly a group that trumpets the holiday as

great fun. (We meet it halfway with a Trunk or Treat where you can wear kinda scary costumes.) I grew up on the magazine Famous Monsters of Filmland and watched every monster movie that was ever made – from silent film days to today.

Halloween was tailor-made for my mentality. (And it also explains why I’m such a devotee of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, much to the horror and confusion of my Sunday School classmates.) You can find all sorts of Halloween “Good or Evil” battles

on social media. And, of course, you can discover a slew of people who will – with impeccable documentation – validate and prove their argument. Both sides. For instance, one piece on Facebook blares: “Why Christians Should Absolutely Not Celebrate Halloween.” The article is filled with Scripture: • Put away deeds of darkness – Romans 13:12 • Touch no unclean thing – 2 Corinthians 6:17 • Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness – Ephesians 5:11 The hammer blow for the anti-Halloween group is that the holiday “does not bring glory to God.” No true Christian will ever celebrate the heathen holiday, some churchgoers insist. It’s clearly the celebration of a pagan event, they say. Of course, other devout Christians make the same argument about Easter and Christmas. The former had ancient roots as a celebration of “Eostre” aka the goddess of Spring. For the latter, mid-winter celebrations heralding the winter

solstice were around to Scripture, is to long before Christ. In jeer and flout him, fact, for a while there because he cannot in the 1600s, Puritans bear scorn.” banned the celebraWe haven’t abantion of Christmas – a doned Easter or trait that is carried on Christmas despite by some today. their pagan origins, (“You know,” a so why should we fundamentalist friend shun Halloween? once told me, “if you goes one argument. rearrange the letters There are some ON YOUR Scriptures in Santa you get Sato comMARK tan.” I didn’t get him bat the anti-Hala gift.) crowd, too, Mark K. Campbell loween For the hard-core like: Every day is anti-Halloween-ists, made by the Lord having a Fall Festival or Trunk and we should rejoice in it. – or Treat is no better than cel- Psalms 118:24 ebrating Halloween since it “Having fun is not a sin,” “sends mixed messages about one pastor noted on Facebook. the holiday to children.” “Don’t let anyone rob you of Proponents of Halloween that.” (and Easter and Christmas) take I have no problem with Halanother tact: By acknowledg- loween. If walking neighboring and taking over these holi- hoods – then a Trunk or Treat days, Christians have wrenched – with a two-year-old Gru, a away the paganism from them three-year-old “happy witch,” and converted them to the light. and an eight-year-old Link Halloween is a good time while dressed as the 1966 to mock Santa, I mean Satan. Adam West Batman (the only After all in The Screwtape Let- real Batman!) is evil, then I’m ters, beloved Christian author straight-up evil. C.S. Lewis quoted Martin Luther, “The best way to drive out Mark K. Campbell is the News editor the devil, if he will not yield and will probably sing “Time Warp,” too.

State: Funding to Planned Parenthood will be cut


he state Health and Human Services Commission notified Planned Parenthood affiliates in Texas on Oct. 19 that state funding they have been receiving through the Medicaid program would be cut. The letter from the HHSC’s inspector general’s office said the termination of all Planned Parenthood affiliates would not affect access to care “because there are thousands of alternate providers in Texas including federally qualified health centers, Medicaid-certified rural health clinics and other health care providers across the state that participate in the Texas Women’s Health Program and Medicaid.” According to the governor’s office, the action is based on evidence of Medicaid program violations. Citing widely publicized videos reportedly exposing the harvesting and sale of fetal body parts by abortion providers, Gov. Greg Abbott

said, “Texas has stepped forward and shown its unyielding commitment to both protecting life and providing women’s health services.” STATE Abbott CAPITAL said the action is HIGHLIGHTS consistent with Ed Sterling his LIFE initiative that calls for changing laws to stiffen penalties against abortion providers, improve availability of adoption services, eliminate funding to abortion providers and eliminate and criminalize any sale or transaction involving fetal tissue by an abortion clinic. On Oct. 22, HHSC’s inspector general agents, acting on subpoenas, seized records at

Planned Parenthood-affiliated clinics in Dallas and other cities. Planned Parenthood national headquarters posted the following statement on social media: “We will not be bullied by Texas extremists (and) we won’t stop fighting. Take note: Planned Parenthood is not going anywhere.” Planned Parenthood has one month to deliver a legal response. Emergency forces lined up Just before Hurricane Patricia hit the west coast of Mexico and headed north toward Texas, Gov. Abbott on Oct. 23 announced the activation of the Texas State Operations Center. Abbott also approved the use of state resources for rapid deployment as needed to assist local officials “during this significant weather event.” “The State of Texas stands ready to provide support to communities as needed,” he said. The State Operations Center coordinates emergency respons-

es with the Texas Department of Transportation, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas A&M Forest Service, Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service/Texas Task Force 1 and Texas Military Forces. Texas joins suit to stop EPA A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rule to reduce carbon emissions from electricgenerating plants by 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 is the target of a lawsuit filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by 24 states, including Texas. Under the rule, Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act, the EPA establishes guidelines and states design programs that fit in those guidelines to reduce air pollution. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Oct. 23 said “to achieve these reductions, EPA will require states to shut down coal plants prematurely and invest billions of dollars in new renewable generation." Paxton maintains that the

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Letter Nice job on the Hall of Fame

EPA doesn’t have authority to enforce the rule, and said the goal of the lawsuit is “to prevent massive increases in elecIt was such an honor to attend tric bills that would hurt hardthe first ever Hall of Fame Banworking families, the elderly quet and see seven of Azle’s and the poor.” finest inducted on Saturday night in the high school’s beauWeek’s focus: student safety tiful new gymnasium. Safe Schools Week was obI must say that I was very served in Texas, Oct. 18-24. proud to be an Azle graduate Under state law, each school and to have stayed in Azle for district is required to adopt a 40-plus years and watched the multi-hazard emergency operagrowth that has taken place here. tions plan. Each athlete was given ad“Every student in Texas equate time to give us some should be confident that they are interesting background of just being provided an education in how they became the role moda safe environment,” Texas Edel that they are and why each ucation Commissioner Michael deserved to be inducted into Williams said Oct. 19. Azle’s Hall of Fame! I espe“Safe Schools Week is an ancially appreciated Stan Maulnual reminder to everyone in dan, who gave all the credit of education of our need to plan his success to Jesus Christ who and prepare for whatever powas his role model. tential situation might arise on Congrats to all and thank school campuses,” he added. you to all who took part in the planning and implementation Veteran state reporter and legislative of what turned out to be a real analyst Ed Sterling is member services director for the Texas Press Association, class act. A proud Azle grad whose 518 member newspapers have Gaye Ash combined circulation of 3.7 million.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Contest: Only 1 miss allowed

The Cowboy-Giant tie-breaker game (27-20 = 47) decided who got the money from a trio that missed one game apiece. Hitting it right on the nose at 47 and winning $20 was Kevin Wilson. J. Handl wasn’t too far off at 45 on the tie-breaker; he won $10. John Hagerman, 41, took third and won $5 with a guess of 41.

Stellar Tennis Effort

In Azle’s final district match against Denton, Hornet Cody Cook earned kudos from AHS Coach Lisa Helm for his play in an “intense” singles match. Cook came out on top – “fighting for every point' – in a 6-4, 7-5 victory over his Bronco counterpart.

Hornets race to 9th at Region I

By MARK K. CAMPBELL An exceptionally successful cross country season ended for the Hornets when Azle finished ninth out of 24 teams at the elite Region I meet. Competing at Lubbock’s Mae Simmons Park – the traditional venue – AHS was led by Christian Gill. He sped over the challenging three-mile course in 16 minutes, 20 seconds. Just five seconds behind Gill was Julian Hernandez in 16:25. Cody Drolet finished in 16:34 giving the Hornets three racers to make the route under 17 minutes. The Azle scoring was completed when Haygen Holbrooks (17:24) and Brandon Wolfe (17:25) crossed the line. With 257 points, AHS was just three points from eighth. Also racing at the regional event were Eloy Martinez Hornet Christian McGill (45) was the first Azle finisher (17:33) and Trevor McIntire (17:58). in Lubbock at the Region I meet. Photo by Mark K. Campbell


Lubbock October 24, 2015 VARSITY BOYS Racer (181)

Christian McGill Julian Hernandez Cody Drolet Haygen Holbrooks Brandon Wolfe Eloy Martinez Trevor McIntire

Place, time

27, 16:20 30, 16:25 40, 16:34 106, 17:24 107, 17:25 112, 17:33 142, 17:58

Team (24): 1. Grapevine, 65; 2. Canyon, 80; 3. Burleson Centennial, 177; 4. FW Arlington Heights, 181; 5. El Paso Austin, 212; 6. El Paso Eastlake, 226; 7. Plainview, 248; 8. El Paso Clint-Horizon, 254; 9. Azle, 257; 10. Canyon Randall, 298; 11. Aledo, 313; 12. El Paso Bel Air, 347; 13. Cleburne, 351; 14. Canutillo, 347; 15. El Paso Chapin, 375; 16. Chisholm Trail, 376; 17. Birdville, 397; 18. Dumas, 442; 19. Lubbock, 427; 20. WF Rider, 474; 21. FW North Side, 543; 22. San Angelo Lake View, 559; 23. FW Western Hills, 574; 24. FW Carter-Riverside, 631.

Junior HigH ScHool Volleyball Forte played at Springtown. The 8th A lost despite a “hard fought match.” The 8th B fell in a “very competitive game against a good Springtown team.” The 7th A tumbled despite “a lot of great serve receives and one player really using her head.” The 7th B lost but displayed “great resiliency in a second match rally,” Coach Clifford Nance said. The squads headed to the district tournament afterward.

aiming for the top spot. Eighth grader Dalton Hevel focused on becoming the individual champion and he did just that, covering the 2-mile course in 11 minutes, 35 seconds. That was a personal best and “so close” to the AJH standing record, Coach Amy Thompson noted. The Hornets finished second overall thanks to the efforts of Nicky Quevedo, John Jackson, Lucas Martin, and Reagan Poe. The seventh grade team was led by Kaleb King who finished second overall and Jacee Dinkins who The Forte 8th grade B took consolation in a tourney. took seventh. They are: (l-r) Kilian McDonald-Boyer, Chelsea Rodri- Cross country Coach Thompson said she was Azle Junior High school headed guez, Haliegh Rogers, Sadie McCambridge, Katie Ropto the district cross country meet proud of all of her runners. er, Allie Wood, Jasmine Anderson, Megan Rodriguez.

The AJH cross country team: (front, l-r) Joe Aquilar, Austin Lloyd, Peyton Kirby, Dalton Hevel, Lucas Martin, Tyler Smith, Nicky Quevedo, John Jackson; (middle) Gabriel Jimenez, Gunnar Lefever, Reagan Poe, Garrett Drolet, Karl Taylor; (back) Ethan Davis.

Azle vs. Brewer AZLE VARSITY

2015 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE 08-28-15 09-05-15 09-11-15 09-25-15 10-02-15 10-09-15 10-16-15 10-23-15 10-30-15 11-06-15

7:30 7:30 7:30 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00

pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm

@ Granbury @ Waxahachie Cleburne Boswell @ Saginaw Wichita Falls @ Chisholm Trail Denton @ Brewer Rider


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Seth Bell


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Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Azle News

Denton rains down points on Azle, 56-14 Hornets control playoff destiny by mark k. campbell Rainy fall weather messed up everything for Azle when the Hornets hosted Denton in a crucial 5-5A game Oct. 23. The game began late because of lightning then got delayed again soon after both teams scored. After the involuntary breaks, the Broncos bolted away, changing a 7-7 contest into a 56-14 blow out. Azle (5-3, 3-2) saw Denton not only unleash mighty Xavier Scott as expected, but Bronco quarterback Colt Atkinson threw for four touchdowns. AHS Coach Devon Dorris said a long run by Scott – 73 yards – “took the wind out of our sails.” After the Hornets had tied the game following a big pass from Nick Davis to Chase Smith for a 50-yard TD, AHS drove back into scoring territory. Facing a third-and-1, Azle jumped offsides. That brought in a field goal attempt by talented Alex Quevedo. But his 47-yard attempt on the wet turf hit the upright then fell straight down. On the very next play, Scott ran 73 yards to paydirt and the roof fell in. The game – slated for a 7 p.m. start – was delayed until

5-5A DISTRICT Team Boswell Denton WF Rider Azle Brewer Saginaw Wichita Falls Chisholm Trail

W-L 4-1 4-1 4-1 3-2 2-3 2-3 1-4 0-5

around 8:30 then again until 9:20. Halftime was shortened; bands did not play. “It was quiet and surreal, a different atmosphere,” Dorris recalled. There was no time to ponder the loss. “We have to get up to play Brewer,” Dorris said. “We’re not going to feel sorry for ourselves.” Azle still has a chance to win the district. At the very least, the Hornets are primed to make the playoffs. “All our goals are in our hands,” Dorris said. “We’ll tell our story.” In fact, the entire district’s four playoff qualifiers could be decided by late Friday night. Or, if things go wacky, possibilities are varied – including three-way ties and point differential tie-breakers. One thing is for sure: An Azle win propels AHS back to the playoffs and ends the Bears’ hopes. But Brewer will be playing for its very 2015 life and that doesn’t even figure in that it’s a big rivalry game. The playoffs beckon for both.

2015 Schedule 8/28 9/5 9/11 9/25 10/2 10/9 10/16 10/23 10/30 11/6

at Granbury 49-7 at Waxahac. 21-66 Cleburne 38-7 *Boswell 34-24 *at Saginaw 27-35 *Wichita Falls 27-23 *at C. Trail 24-0 ^*Denton 14-56 *at Brewer ~*WF Rider

*District ^Hall of Fame Induction ~Senior Night

Denton 56 Azle 14

Denton 14 21 7 14 .......... 56 Azle 7 0 0 7 .......... 14 Scoring summary D – Xavier Scott 14 run (Robert Reyes kick) A – Chase Smith 50 pass from Nick Davis (Alex Quevedo kick) D – Scott 73 run (Reyes kick) D – Lynn Brice 41 pass from Colt Atkinson (Reyes kick) D – Emerson Espinoza 15 pass fro Atkinson (Reyes kick) D – Chris Miller 28 pass from Atkinson (Reyes kick) D – Scott 7 run (Reyes kick) D – Devin Coker 3 run (Reyes kick) D – C.J. Herrera INT return (Nate Tseng kick) A – Davion Jones 31 pass from Justin Miller (Quevedo kick) Team statistics D A First downs 23 11 Rushing yards 46-326 32-81 Passing yards 239 142 Caught-att.-int 11-18-0 8-17-1 Punts, avg 2-25 5-32 Fumbles-lost 0-0 0-0 Penalties, yds 5-36 3-15 Individual statistics Rushing – Denton: Xavier Scott, 25236; Adrian Wilson, 4-40; Devin Coker, azle quarterback Nick Davis, with teammate chase Slack (72) looking for a bronco 6-20; Caleb Osuofa, 5-15; Emerson to block, breaks free on the soggy turf. Photo courtesy Richard Spraggens, Azle Sports Photography Espinoza, 1-12; Victor Marquez, 1-6; Colt Atkinson, 1-3. Azle: Justin Miller, 5-26; Nick Davis, 8-23; Chase Smith, 10-14; Jacob Tallant, 2-9; Sean Townsend, 3-8; Clayton Wilkinson, 3-6; Trey Ramos, 1-(-5). Passing – Denton: Atkinson, 10-17-0223; Eddy Vasquez, 1-1-0-16. Azle: Davis, 7-13-0-111; Miller, 1-4-1-31. Receiving – Denton: Miller, 3-106; Espinoza, 2-57; Lynn Brice, 2-42; Micah Gray, 1-16; Scott, 2-12; Adrian Wilson, 1-6. Azle: Smith, 2-55; Aric Brazell, 2-41; Davion Jones, 1-31; Xavier Gomez, 1-8; Bryce Gum, 2-7. Sacks – Azle: Paul Livingston, Seth Bell, Dakota Bartley, Gabe Davidson, Ortega, 1; Moore, .5 Tackles – Azle: (total: solo/assisted) Seth Bell, 14 (8/6); Sean Townsend, 13 (6/7); Trey Ramos, 13 (6/7); Thomas Widder, 11 (5/6); TJ Buenrostro, 9 (7/2); Zach Petter, 9 (5/4); Seth Ortego, 7 (4/3); Andrew Lutz, 7 (3/4); Jac Clay, 5 (4/1); Gamble Moore, 4 (3/1); Gabe Davidson, 3 (1/2); Kole Taylor, 2 (2/0); Davion Jones, 1, (1/0); Dakota Bartley, 1 (1/0).

Next up Brewer

It’s win or the season is over for the Bears. “They’ll play us tough like they always do,” Azle Coach Devon Dorris said. The Bears rush the ball often – about 80 percent of the time. “We’ve got to stop the run,” Dorris said. The primary Brewer ball carrier is Jameson Carson (No. 7). “He’s like [Hornet] Chase [Smith]; he’s quick and hits the holes hard.” And Brewer will pop up and throw to a talented receiver at times, Dorris added.

Hornet Seth Ortega (27) takes a shot at stellar Denton runner Xavier Scott as azle’s Zach petter (10) readies to help out. Photo courtesy Richard Spraggens, Azle Sports Photography

First Volleyball Match in New Gym

The lady Hornets did not win the first official volleyball match in the new gym. but azle – including blocker logan Graham (left) and hitter kaitlyn Ford – scrapped with azle’s Gabe Davidson wins the battle in the trenches against a big bronco. a win visiting Denton. Photos by Mark K. Campbell over brewer locks in a playoff berth. Photo courtesy Richard Spraggens, Azle Sports Photography

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Corner FM 730 S. & Veal Station Rd. Sunday School ......................9:45 am Morning Worship .................10:50 am Evening Worship ....................6:00 pm Wed. Prayer Service...............7:00 pm Pastor: Jay Ditty Minister of Music: David Musick Church 817-444-2325



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Pastor: Paul Brownback 817-444-1211 10400 Jacksboro Highway Morning Worship ....................10:30 am Wed: Youth & Family Night ......7:00 pm

Corner FM 730S & FM 1886 Sunday School .......................9:30 am Worship Service ...................10:30 am Wed. Prayer Service...............7:00 pm 817-270-8476 Pastor - Jon Baker Music Minister - Lloyd McCarroll, Jr. Transporation Available


1020 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-237-4903 Sunday School .......................9:30 am Morning Worship .................10:30 am Sunday Evening Serv. ............6:00 am Wednesday Evening ...............7:00 pm Pastor: Tim Stevens



Pastor: JoAnne Swehosky 4795 E. Hwy 199 - Reno 817-221-HOPE Sunday School .......................9:00 am Traditional Service ...............10:00 am

7200 Robertson Rd. • Ft. Worth Sr. Pastor Frank W. Briggs 817-237-2758 EAGLE MOUNTAIN Classic Service ..........................8:30 am UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Contemporary Service 9:45 & 11:15 am 7955 Reed Road, Azle Lighthouse Christian Academy: Directions: FM 730 N., 5 miles to Reed Preschool, Private Kindergarten FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Rd. - turn & go 1/2 mile - church on right 200 Church St., Azle • 817-444-3323 Pastor, Nancy Nold Morn. Worship 8:30, 9:45 & 11:00 am GOOD SHEPHERD Ch. 817-444-0226 Sunday School ........ 9:45 & 11:00 am LUTHERAN CHURCH Morning Worship .................11:00 am Youth (UMYF) .........5:00 p.m. Sunday 1313 S.E. Pkwy, Azle Sunday School .....................10:00 am & 6:30 p.m. Wednesday 817-237-4822 • Missouri Synod “Open hearts, open minds, open doors” Pastor: Dr. Scott Youngblood Worship Service ...... 8:15 &11:00 am CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday School .......................9:45 am COMMUNITY BIBLE 2233 Hwy 199 E. • Springtown FELLOWSHIP CHURCH “Christians growing in Jesus, sharing His 817-221-LIFE (5433) 1405 Reynolds Rd., Azle • 817-444-7117 love with all” Sunday School ...................... 9:00 am Directions: 730 N. to 1542 .5 mi. right Sunday Worship Service .....10:00 am on Cardinal, left on Reynolds ST. THOMAS Sunday Evening Worship ......6:00 pm Pastor - Rev. Fred Weaver 817-444-3181 CATHOLIC CHURCH Wednesday ...........................7:00 pm Rev. Faye Mote 817-220-5734 2920 Azle Ave. • 817-624-2184 Sunday School .......................9:45 am HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH Daily Mass - Mon., Wed,, Thur., Fri..8 am Morning Worship .................11:00 am Reconciliation .... Sat. 3:30 or by appt. 800 Highcrest Dr. - Azle - 817-444-3063 Sunday Evening .....................6:00 pm Sunday Mass ........................9:00 am Weekend Masses .......... Sat. 4:00 pm Wednesday Evening ...............7:00 pm Wednesday Mass ...................6:30 pm SUNDAY ...... 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 noon First Friday ..........................6:30 pm Sunday Night Youth ..............6:00 pm & 1:30 pm (Spanish)


(Disciples of Christ) 117 Church St. • 817-444-3527 Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Alan Lobaugh Youth Minister, Will Ryan Sunday School .....................10:00 am Morning Worship .................11:00 am

ST. ANNE’S CHURCH (Episcopal/Anglican) 6055 Azle Ave., Lake Worth 817-237-1888 Pastor, The Rev. Dr. Roger Grist Early Worship w/Communion... 8:00 am Sunday School (Adults-Jr.H.). ....9:15 am (Nursery Available) Choral Worship w/Communion.....10:30 am Children’s Church ..........................10:30 am

A church alive is worth the drive! For more information or rates on listing your church, Call Johnna at 817-270-3340


Movie Man

Azle News Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Oh, it’s defi nitely theLast Witch Hunter all right While the Movie Man often just $1.8 million while being references box offi ce results shown in 2,012 theaters, the because it’s a blatant indicator movie became the fi fth worst of a movie’s acceptance, a fi lm opening ever for a 2,000-plus can be good – even great – and theater release. draw far fewer viewers than a Fortunately for Kasbah, Jem crappy one that’s popular. arrived the same week. Despite Looking at the pure numbers a built-in audience of thirtycan be misleading; however, something women and their litlast week’s box offi ce was like tle daughters, word got out that no other before – and The Last the entire premise of the 1980’s Witch Hunter was part of it. cartoon had been altered into some kind of coming-of-age, About the film modernized tale. That enraged All new releases/expanded the fan base and cyberspace releases last week tanked big was fi lled with demands for a time. That allowed The Mar- boycott. tian (Movie Man No.1159, 8) It must’ve worked; Jem made to return to the No. 1 spot after a miniscule $1.3 million in a dropping out for a week. That’s whopping 2,413 theaters. That a relatively rare occurrence, but averages to a mere $547 per it happens – just like a Top 40 theaters – catapulting the dud to song might dip for a week then the fourth worst opening ever. return to No. 1. (In case you’re wondering, But the big news was the the three movies that performed failure of a quintet of movies: worse are: No. 3 – Saw 10th Steve Jobs, Rock the Kasbah, Anniversary in 2014 [$650,051 Jem and the Holograms, Para- opening, $315 per theater]; No. normal Activity: The Ghost Di- 2 – Delgo in 2008 [$511,920 mension, and Witch Hunter. opening, $237 per theater]; and Steve Jobs had been perform- No. 1 – Oogieloves in the BIG ing well in a limited release, but Balloon Adventure [$443,901 it cratered as it went into more opening, $206 per theater].) theaters and will soon be gone. The real loser in the long run, Paranormal Activity: The however, is likely Witch HuntGhost Dimension was part of er. The other misfi res of the a unique experiment; it’s the week didn’t cost much to make; fi rst movie in an agreement while Witch Hunter wasn’t a between a studio and theaters mega-expensive fi lm, it ended – when PA:TGD drops below up being around $80 million 300 auditoriums, it will go to VOD (video on demand) yet theater owners will still get a cut of the profi t. Last week, the movie performed more poorly than any other in the series hisFRI. 10/30 - THUR. 11/5/15 tory by far, so that means it will Burnt R show up on home screens much Our Brand is Crisis R R earlier than fi gured – costing Rock The Kasbah The Last Witch Hunter PG-13 some folks big bucks. Jobs R However, the movie was Steve Goosebumps PG made for very little, so while its Crimson Peak R initial big screen foray won’t be Bridge of Spies PG-13 a monster, PA:TGD will still be Woodlawn PG a financial success. The Martian PG-13 The real fl op tales belong to Hotel Transylvania 2 PG Rock the Kasbah and Jem and the Holograms. Kasbah, starring Bill Murray, expanded from a soft opening and absolutely tanked. Making

The Last Witch Hunter Doesn’t cast a spell Starring: Vin Diesel, Michael Caine, Elijah Wood, Rose Leslie Directed by: Breck Eisner Rated PG-13 for: violence, gore email:

4 ... on a scale of 1-10

Movie Man and only took in about $11 million its fi rst week. And it’s not exactly lighting up foreign box offices either. The bet was that fans would follow Vin Diesel after his huge successes in The Fast and the Furious series and his cult following as sci-fi crusher Riddick. It didn’t happen, making Witch Hunter, clearly hoping to position itself as a franchise, possibly the biggest loser in a week filled with them.

cursed him with immortality; if her heart keeps beating, Diesel will remain alive. So her heart is secretly stashed away. In modern day, witches live clandestinely and govern themselves with Diesel taking out some bad ones and others being thrown in a hidden prison. Since being immortal, Diesel has had religious handlers, Dolans. The current one, No. 36 (Michael Caine), is old and want-

ing to retire. His replacement is ous reference late that earns a chuckle. No. 37, Elijah Wood. After a bunch of fi guring out of ancient spells and visit- Best scene (spoiler) The Witch Queen returns ing creepy, underground venues, Diesel is joined by Wood to power. She unleashes the and dreamwalker Chloe (Rose plague which is carried by Leslie) to hunt down the evil fl ies. Humongous swarms of heart before large minion Be- the insects – blackening the sky lial (Olafur Darri Olafsson) can – rise amid the scores of New get it to the rejuvenating Witch York skyscrapers, ready to do Queen (Julie Engelbrecht) who damage. When the Queen is thwarted, remains determined to set loose the bugs fall dead from above. another plague. One still living slips under the window where Caine has What works Diesel has one mode – dull been watching the proceedings yet menacing – and his Kaulder from inside a tall building. He is perfect for that. He can wield PLEASE SEE FIRST, PAGE 5A. a mighty sword and his presence can fill the screen. Caine is kind of slumming here. Still, in his late career, he always manages to make a movie better than it deserves. 817-238-8300 The universe set up by this 3980 Boat Club Rd Lake Worth movie is super. The CG is as SERVING FOOD, BEER & WINE good as any you’ll see anyShOWtImES FRI 10/30 –ThuRs 11/5 where. The literal creation of $5 MATINEES, ALL MOVIES BEFORE 6PM MILITARY, SENIORS & STUDENT DISCOUNTS the underworlds and olden days TUESDAYS, ALL MOVIES, ALL DAY look real and deep. WITH 2 FOR 1 PIZZAS There’s a sly Fast and FuriBurnt R



Fri - Sun: 10:45, 1:00, 3:30, 7:15, 9:40 Mon - Thur: 1:00, 3:30, 7:15, 9:40

The plot In the Middle Ages, Kaulder (Diesel) helped attack a Witch Queen who had unleashed a black plague on humanity. He appears to slay her. However, she not only struck him, but

Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse R Fri - Sun:10:45, 1:00, 3:15, 5:25, 7:30 9:50 Mon - Thur: 1:30, 4:00, 6:45, 9:30

Jem and the Holograms Let Us Cater For Your Next Event Call for estimates

Plaza Cinema IV SMALL TOWN FEEL WITH AN UPTOWN LOOK! Friday 10/30- Thursday 11/5

Tickets Now On Sale! Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Pt. 2 For the Nov. 19 Showing at 7 p.m. Star Wars: The Force Awakens For the Dec. 17 Showing at 7 p.m. Spectre Nov. 5, 7p.m.

TueSday-FRIday (Choice of chicken, cheese or beef)


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Dinner eNChilada Special (Choice of chicken, cheese or beef)




The Last Witch Hunter


Fri - Sun: 11:30 AM, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 Mon - Thur: 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:45

Paranormal Activity:The Ghost Dimension R Fri - Sun: 10:45, 1:00, 3:10, 5:25, 7:35 Mon - Thur: 5:25, 7:35 Paranormal Activity:The Ghost Dimension Fri - Sun: 9:50 3D R Mon - Thur:1:30, 9:50

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Fri - Thur: 4:30

Bridge of Spies


Fri - Sun:10:40 AM, 1:35, 4:30, 7:30, 10:20 Mon - Thur: 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:50





Fri - Sun:10:39, 12:52, 3:05, 5:20 7:35, 9:50 Mon - Thur: 2:00, 4:30, 6:45, 9:00

Springtown Location Only

407 Old Springtown Rd • 817-523-7278

Fri - Sun:11:00 AM, 1:45, 7:00, 9:35 Mon - Thur: 1:30, 7:00, 9:35

The Martian


Fri - Sun:10:40 AM, 1:35, 4:35, 7:30,10:20 Mon - Thur: 1:00, 4:00, 7:00,9:50 ND = NO DISCOUNTS OR PASSES *3D TIMES IN bOLD

Live Auction

Saturday, October 31, 2015 9:00 am - 2:00 pm 404 W. Main St. Azle, TX 76020 Wild Bill 72 Auctioneer & Liquidations TX Lic# 17568 along with Dot’s Locker.



Up To 5 Meg/2 Meg .....$39.95 Up To 10 Meg/2 Meg ...$69.95

Up To 5 Meg/2 Meg .....$59.95 Up To 10 Meg/2 Meg ...$79.95

Indoor auction with tables and chairs for comfortable seating. Café 10:31 will be open for food and drinks during auction. There will be coloring station for kids. NASCAR and John Deer memorabilia, guns, ammo, sports cards, tools, antiques, furniture, engines, headers, auto parts, appliances, fishing poles, construction stuff, kids items and so much more. Children Auction where every child is a winner! 15% buyers premium is in effect. Save 5% off buyers premium if paid in cash. All items are as is, where is. All sales are final. No warranty implied or given. All items to be removed at conclusion of auction. For any questions, please contact Bill at 817-907-0852



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Has began again this year!

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Now through November 9th For every 5 items of food donated, receive $3 off any vaccine. 724 E. Hwy 199. • Springtown • 817-523-7210

COMMUNITY Wednesday, October 28, 2015

BY MARK K. CAMPBELL Halloween is coming – a time for spooky creatures and scary goings-on. In Texas, you can fi nd plenty of haunted places: old hotels, mental hospitals, and even an aircraft carrier (the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi). Closer to here, the abandoned Baker Hotel in Mineral Wells is a well-known place where things have gone bump in the night for decades, including orbs and “phantom aromas,” according to It’s the second most haunted site in Texas, the website notes. In Fort Worth, Thistle Hill is one of a slew of haunted places in Cowtown. The mansion houses a ghostly woman who appears atop the grand staircase and a dead man in tennis attire. Mysterious music and footsteps echo there, too. In Weatherford, Angel’s Nest Bed and Breakfast on the west side of town has had items strewn about and footsteps coming from rooms with no one in them. Nearby creepiness Just down Highway 199 is the Lake Worth Castle. Supposedly roaming the grounds of the abode – which looks like a castle, kinda – is a ghostly bride and an apparition of a man wandering in and out of the residence on the shores of the lake. Recent personal tales are documented on the web site, including one where a car wouldn’t start and another where the bride was seen in the dead of night last July. There’s a report of a haunted place in Poolville; reports of electrical malfunctions, a screaming child, and a guy who looks like Abraham Lincoln have been reported on Clover Drive.

man in the room adjacent to her living room. A later sighting had and follow its meanderings for a while. the man holding the hand of a small child. The visions were givSoon, on your left, you’ll come upon the only remaining building her daughter nightmares, the woman said. However, they do ing where the town of Cartersville once stood – a church. not fear the spectres. Markers note that as many as 80 people once lived there. But it has a deadly past. A little girl was killed in an Indian raid Azle apparitions there and a gun battle between rival cattlemen resulted in a death. The old Kmart building, now Beall’s, has a history of creepiThe area is famed among paranormal aficionados for activity. ness. Workers back then reported radios turning off with no one The voice of a little girl has been caught on tape. near them and phones mysteriously ringing with no caller on the Footsteps are heard pacing from the front of the church to the other end. A stocker said he got shoved in the back over and over; PLEASE SEE BOO, PAGE 2B. he eventually refused to go to the back storeroom. In another incident, one woman had just moved into her grandmother’s old home and heard laughing and voices from the back room. Upon investigating, she said a “shadowy fi gure” stood and stared at her, freaking her out so badly that she raced out of the house and called the cops. Police found no intruders. When selling the home to another family, they detailed their other experiences of shadows and voices to the potential buyers. Still, the newcomers bought the place – and lasted only two weeks before fleeing. The house remains vacant. A woman who moved into a trailer house had her bed kicked and moved on her fi rst day in it. Then a cold descended upon her. People reported seeing a man peering at them from the corner of a church on Timberoaks. He fl ed when approached, so two people resolved to come both directions at him to trap him. When cornered, the man faded away. Off Sandy Lee Lane, a woman said she has seen three shadowy shapes hover over her at night before ascending into the ceiling. The same woman said she lived off Poe Street once, next to a purported haunted house. Old gardening tools were moved from there and locked up in the woman’s house. The next day, the tools were discovered back at the scary home. A woman said a little girl with pigtails disappeared after playing with puppies in the laundry room in her Azle house. In a wooded area of town near Tumbleweed Court, some folks have reported drumming in the middle of the night. A boy in red shorts who appears dirty has shown up off Dunaway Lane near the old roller rink. He was spied on the roadway before fading away. All these incidents are recorded at

Springtown spectres A woman reported that in her house on Browning Drive in Springtown, she kept hearing footsteps in the middle of the night. After a ghostly woman bent over a newborn’s crib and things began disappearing, the family could take no more and moved away. On West 4th Street, the owners suspected their home was a onetime site of devil worshiping; pentagrams were etched on walls and burn marks charred the fl oor. Their dog barked incessantly at the ceiling and disembodied voices were heard in neighboring A haunted church rooms. Perhaps the most haunted place in these parts is south of Spring- Why is there mysterious drumming heard in the dead of It got so bad that a radio was left on continuously, playing town, off Carter Road. night in the woods near Tumbleweed Court? Christian music non-stop. Finally, the family fled. Photo by Mark K. Campbell In one house in town, a woman said she saw the fi gure of a tall Head south on Highway 51 then turn west onto Carter Road



For each pound of Halloween candy you bring into


ROUNDUP Sponsored by

November 2nd 3 pm - 6 pm

Azle Dental Care, you will receive one dollar.

Azle Dental Care Kids wear your costumes one more time & get dough back for your halloween candy.*


Plus, Dr. Porter will donate an additional dollar to the Azle Community Caring Center. Drop your candy off at Azle Dental Care, 912 Boyd Road across from Subway

Call 817-444-1763 for more details. REGISTER TO


WIN to

Need not be present to win. Drawing held 11-03-15 at 6:15 pm. Winner notified by phone 11-03-15.

*Cash back is for kids only. Limit of up to ten pounds for each child

Collected candy will be donated to Azle Community Caring Center.


Nov. 14th • 7 pm “Night at the Museum” Admission is

MOVIE in the PARK Central Park Amphitheatre 263 West Main Street • Azle



Bring your lawn chairs and blankets to relax under the stars and enjoy a great movie with FREE popcorn! Presented by the Special Event Advisory Board


Fithteenth Annual


Wednesday, October 28, 2015



back. A man in a Quaker-style hat has been spied in the church shadows. Several photographs taken through the years have shown orbs or unknown steaks of light. Blue lights have been seen popping up in the brush near the church and, in the nearby tree stands, shadowy fi gures lurk. Heat has been felt rising over an ancient burn pit. And a “stern” man named Lily has been seen and felt inside the church. Today, formerly boarded up windows have had the wood ripped away – presumably from the outside – allowing This derelict church off Carter Road south of Springtown is considered one of the most haunted structures not only in North Texas but in the bold mortals to peer inside the entire state. Phantom footfalls, glowing orbs, and unearthly shadows lurking in nearby woods have been documented. Photo by Mark K. Campbell haunted structure…if they dare.

Parker Co. grand jury indicts 7 from area stance in penalty group 1, one to four grams, a third-degree felony. • Charles David Graves, 51, of Azle, was indicted on a charge of possession of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Leonel Vilchiz-Montoya, 35, of Azle, was indicted on a charge of tampering with or fabricating physical evidence, a third-degree felony. • Gayla Eugenia Hammons, 55, of Springtown, was indicted on a charge of manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, less than one gram, a state jail felony. • Nathan Bradley Strub, 35, of Springtown, was indicted

on a charge of theft of property $1,500-20,000, a state jail felony. • Victor Louise Soria, 54, of Poolville, was indicted on a charge of driving while intoxicated, third or more, a thirddegree felony.

Brandon Austin Graves

Lake Report

Charles David Graves

Current Status

Lake Arlington 550.00 549.32 (-0.68) Lake Benbrook 694.00 687.91 (-6.09) Lake Bridgeport 836.00 831.45 (-4.55) Cedar Creek Lake 322.00 322.17 (0.17) Eagle Mountain Lake 649.10 647.42 (-1.68) Lake Worth 594.00 592.90 (-1.10) Richland-Chambers Res. 315.00 315.92 (0.92) *Data provided by USGS Oct. 27



Current Level

Gayla Eugenia Hammons

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er SS

Conservation Level

Leonel Vilchiz-Montoya

Victor Louise Soria

Se z

A Parker County grand jury met Oct. 22 in Weatherford to consider evidence in criminal cases presented by Parker County District Attorney Don Schnebly. The grand jury returned 43 indictments against 39 individuals; of those indicted, four live in Azle, two in Springtown and one in Poolville. • Robert Jay Cook, 27, of Azle, was indicted on a charge of manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in penalty group 1, one to four grams, a second-degree felony. • Brandon Austin Graves, 22, of Azle, was indicted on a charge of possession of a controlled sub-

Show Dates and Times:

HWY 199

ASE Certified

FRIDAY & SAtuRDAY Nov 6 & 7 ............... 7:30 pm SuNDAY Nov 8 ...................... 2:30 pm Nov 15 .........2:30 & 7:30 pm

ADMISSION Adults $12.00 Students & Seniors $10.00 Sunday Matinees $8.00

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

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This devotional and directory is made possible by these businesses who encourage all of us to attend worship services. GRACE BAPTIST POOLVILLE UNITED METHODBRIAR CHURCH of CHRIST APOSTOLIC

3 miles N. of Springtown on Hwy. 51 across from Radio Tower HERITAGE BAPTIST CHURCH 3577 FM 51 N., Weatherford 817-564-3946 HILLTOP FAMILY CHURCH 1227 Old Cottondale Road, ASSEMBLY OF GOD Springtown, 817-220-7177 FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD LAJUNTA BAPTIST 114 Porter Drive, Azle 5207 E. Hwy. 199, LaJunta 817-237-4903 817-221-3989 FELLOWSHIP OF LAKE WORTH IGLESIA BAUTISTA 4024 Dakota Trail, Lake Worth Nueva Jerusalen 817-237-9433 6640 Midway Rd., Springtown NEW BEGINNINGS CHURCH 817-694-0444 810 Goshen Rd, Springtown INDIAN OAKS PRIMITIVE 817-523-4462 BAPTIST CHURCH OUTREACH OF LOVE 3229 Shawnee Trail, Lake Worth Hwy. 199 W. at FM 2257, Azle 817-237-8441 817-221-2983 / 817-221-5760 LAKE WORTH BAPTIST BAPTIST 4445 Hodgkins, Lake Worth ASH CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH 817-237-4163 300 South Stewart, Azle LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST 817-444-3219 6409 FM 730 S., Azle AGNES INDEPENDENT BAPTIST 817-444-4311 350 Agnes N., Springtown METROPOLITAN BAPTIST 817-523-7271 6051 Azle Ave., Fort Worth BETHEL MISSIONARY BAPTIST 817-237-2201 408 S. Ash St., Springtown MIDWAY BAPTIST 817-220-4238 4110 E. Hwy. 199, Springtown AZLE AVENUE BAPTIST 817-221-LOVE 2901 Azle Ave., Fort Worth NEW HOPE BAPTIST 817- 626-5556 782 New Hope Rd., Reno area BRIAR FIRST BAPTIST 817-221-2184 West of FM 730 N. at sign, Briar NORTHWEST BAPTIST 817- 444-3484 5500 Boat Club Rd., Lake Worth BROOKSHIRE BAPTIST 817-237-6063 or 817-270-8476 114 Brookshire Ave., Azle SILVER CREEK BAPTIST 817-237-0892 730 S. & Veal Station Rd., Azle CALVARY HEIGHTS BAPTIST 817-444-2325 1 block off Hwy. 199, NEW BEGINNINGS BAPTIST east of David’s Patio, CHURCH Springtown, 817-221-2241 3605 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle CENTRAL BAPTIST 817-707-2741 4290 Old Agnes Road - 817-594PLEASANT GROVE BAPTIST 5918 FM 2048 and CR 4677, Boyd CHRISTWAY BAPTIST 940-433-5477 7673 West Hwy. 199, Agnes PRIMERA IGLESIA BAUTISTA 817-220-9133 or 817-220-3581 301 S. Stewart, Azle CLEAR FORK BAPTIST 817-523-0074 Corner of FM 730 & Ragle Rd., SPRINGTOWN BAPTIST Weatherford, 817-594-1154 TEMPLE COTTONWOOD CREEK 201 J. E. Woody Rd., Springtown BAPTIST 817-523-0376 10905 Jacksboro Hwy., Fort Worth UNION BAPTIST CHURCH 817-238-8269 817- 237-8113 3451 Sarra Lane, Springtown EAGLE MOUNTAIN BAPTIST 817-613-1441 8780 Eagle Mtn. Circle, Azle WALNUT CREEK BAPTIST 817-237-4135 220 W. Reno Rd. in Reno FAITH BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP 817-221-2110 1411 Carter Road, Springtown WEST PARKWAY BAPTIST 817-220-5828 836 NW Parkway, Azle FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST 817-444-3752 CHURCH BIBLE 171 Green Branch Road, Weatherford COMMUNITY BIBLE FELLOW817-454-4582 SHIP 1405 Reynolds Rd., Reno FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF 817-444-7117 AZLE 1017 Boyd Road CROSSING FELLOWSHIP 817-444-4828 1177 Southeast Parkway, Azle FIRST BAPTIST CASTLE HILLS 817-381-5888 · 817-381-5808 401 Beverly Rd., Azle NORTHWEST BIBLE CHURCH 817-237-3891 5025 Jacksboro Hwy., Fort Worth FIRST BAPTIST LAKE WORTH 817-624-2111 700 Charbonneau Tr., SOLID ROCK BIBLE CHURCH west side of Effie Morris Elementary 591 S. Reno Rd., Springtown 817-237-2624 817-221-3444 FIRST BAPTIST LAKESIDE CATHOLIC 8801 Jacksboro Hwy., Lakeside HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC 817-237-8113 800 Highcrest Dr., Azle FIRST BAPTIST BRIAR 817-444-3063 6 miles N. of Azle on FM 730 CHRISTIAN 817-444-3484 FIRST BAPTIST COTTONDALE THE CHURCH AT AZLE 1 block N. of FM 2123, Cottondale 1801 S. Stewart, Azle 817-444-9973 940-433-5539 AZLE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP FIRST BAPTIST PEASTER 35 West Forty Estates., Azle FM 920 in Peaster 817-688-3339 817-596-8805 GREATER VISION FELLOWSHIP FIRST BAPTIST POOLVILLE 1801 S. Stewart St., Azle 1 block W. of FM 920, Poolville 817-825-0485 817-594-3916 FIRST BAPTIST SPRINGTOWN THE ABBEY CHURCH 10400 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle 5th & Main Street, Springtown 817-238-1404 817-523-7011 VICTORY CHRISTIAN CENTER FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST 801 Friendship Rd., 9½ miles S. of 737 Boyd Rd., Azle 817-444-LOVE Springtown off Hwy. 51 S. CHURCH OF CHRIST 817-594-5940 or 817-599-4917 AZLE CHURCH of CHRIST FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST 5th & Main in Springtown 336 NW Parkway 817-523-5477 817-444-3268 CORNERSTONE APOSTOLIC CHURCH 1801 FM 730 N., Azle 817-400-0612 HARVEST TIME APOSTOLIC 1 Block N. FM 2048 in Keeter 817-433-8220

109 W.N. Woody Rd. (½ block west of FM 730 N. in Briar) 817-444-7102 MIDWAY CHURCH of CHRIST 6400 Midway Rd. 817-221-2107 NEWSOME MOUND ROAD CHURCH of CHRIST 1460 Newsome Mound Rd. 817-677-3290 NORTHWEST CHURCH of CHRIST 6059 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-237-1205 POOLVILLE CHURCH of CHRIST West of FM 920 in Poolville 817-594-4182 SOUTHSIDE CHURCH of CHRIST 130 W. Bradshaw Lane, Springtown 817-221-2799 SPRINGTOWN CHURCH of CHRIST Just west of Hwy. 51 North 817-523-4419 TRI-COUNTY CHURCH of CHRIST 525 Hwy. 199 W., Springtown 817-538-8209


ABUNDANT LIFE CHURCH of GOD 4800 East Hwy. 199, Suite 7 Springtown, 817-677-3208 CHURCH OF GOD of LAKESIDE 9500 Confederate Park Rd. (FM 1886) 817-237-5500 or 817-237-7837

DISCIPLES OF CHRIST AZLE CHRISTIAN 117 Church St., Azle 817-444-3527 CENTRAL CHRISTIAN 1602 S. Main St., Weatherford 817-594-3043 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 4th & Main, Paradise


ST. ANNE’S ANGLICAN EPISCOPAL 6055 Azle Ave., Fort Worth 817-237-1888 PROVIDENCE REFORMED EPISCOPAL 405 Bowie Dr., Weatherford 817-596-7476 ST. ELISABETH EPISCOPAL 5910 Black Oak Lane, River Oaks 817-739-0504


CENTRAL FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP 3009 Delaware Tr., Lake Worth 817-237-7919



GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN (MISSOURI SYNOD) 1313 SE Parkway, Azle 817-237-4822 HOPE LUTHERAN (ELCA) 4795 Hwy. 199, Reno 817-221-HOPE


BOYD UNITED METHODIST FM 730 North in Boyd 940-433-5334 EAGLE MT. UNITED METHODIST 7955 Reed Rd., Azle 817-444-0226 FIRST UNITED METHODIST 200 Church St., Azle 817-444-3323 LIGHTHOUSE FELLOWSHIP 7200 Robertson Rd., Fort Worth 817-237-2758 SILVER CREEK UNITED METHODIST 2200 Church Rd., Azle 817-444-1382 FIRST UNITED METHODIST Hwy. 51 N & 3rd Street, Springtown 817-523-7874 GARVIN UNITED METHODIST 3 miles West of Boyd on C.R. 4699

IST 1 block W. of FM 920 (behind Poolville Post Office) 817-599-3601


GRACE CHAPEL UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 3508 Shawnee Trail, Lake Worth 817- 237-4844

113 Denver Trail • Azle 817-444-3249 Fax 817-444-3275 STUDIO - 1 bath , 350 sq. ft. ONE BEDROOM - 1 bath, 450 sq. ft TWO BEDROOM - 1 bath, 642 sq. ft.

636 Profit St., Azle, Tx

45 Years of Quality ISO 9001:2001 Compliant Check us out on our web site

GRACE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 606 Mockingbird Lane, Weatherford 817-594-2744 ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF FORT WORTH Meeting at Northwest YMCA 5315 Boat Club Road, Fort Worth 817-989-9800

Phone 817-444-2533 B.J. Clark

Azle Vision Source

Specializing in Family Eyecare Therapeutic Optometrist

Dr. Michael D. Conte


601 B NW Pkwy • Azle

489 Hwy. 199 Springtown 817-220-2499


CLEANERS Brookshire’s Shopping Center

Thank you for your support! Celebrating over 25 years in business

CONVENANT ORTHODOX JOHN KNOX PRESBYTERIAN 4350 River Oaks Blvd, River Oaks 817-642-9265


BETTER LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH 3131 E. Hwy 199, Spt 817-677-2300 CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH 2233 Hwy 199 East, Springtown 817-221-LIFE (5433) FAMILY CHURCH 9 miles S. of Springtown on Hwy. 51 817-599-7655 GRACE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 2964 W. Hwy 114, Paradise 940-969-2427 THE HOUSE OF PRAYER 1356 Reno Rd., Springtown 817-221-2551 POWERHOUSE OF PRAISE CHURCH 1649 S.E. Parkway, Azle 817-319-7364 BRANDED CROSS COWBOY CHURCH 3282 FM 2048, Boyd 76023 940-636-9158 SECRET PLACE MINISTRIES 112 Optimist Rd., Springtown 682-229-1433 GOSPEL GATHERING FELLOWSHIP 7315 Silver Creek Rd at Flatrock Rd, Azle 817-313-1793 LIGHTHOUSE HARBOR CHURCH 1960 Long Circle, Pelican Bay 817-444-3547 NEW LIGHTED WAY 624 Harbor Dr. Circle, Azle 817-444-1577 NORTHWEST TEMPLE OF PRAISE 6781 Jacksboro Hwy., Lake Worth PRECIOUS FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH 8601 Hwy. 199 @ Vance Godbey’s THE HOUSE OF PRAYER 1356 Reno Rd., Springtown 817-221-2551 THE RANCH COWBOY COUNTRY CHURCH 14600 FM 730 North, Azle (Briar) 817-909-5627

REAL FAMILY FELLOWSHIP 202 Pearson Lane, Azle 817-677-5963 SOULS HARBOR 11701 Jacksboro Hwy., Azle 817-726-2065 WESTERN HARVEST FELLOWSHIP CENTER 6577 Old Springtown Rd., Weatherford 817-523-2855 or 817-995-9087 SHEPHERD’S HEART CHURCH 14435 FM 730 N • Azle 940-577-1954


817444-HELP (4357)

Rodney Gatlin, D.C. 400 Boyd Court

Get your business



Call Johnna to reserve this space.

Want readers to


Place your ad here!

Call 817-270-3340

Call Johnna for details


WESTERN STAR COWBOY CHURCH 790 CR 3696 • Paradise 76073 817-688-6887


Lic. #4346 & #6537

1227 Old Cottondale • 817-220-7177

“Caring about what Jesus cares about... You!”

Garrett’s ngtown i r p S Drug

“Serving Springtown Since 1977” NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE 817-523-7227 Metro 817-220-7927

Commercial & Residential

Experienced & Competitive Prices Repair & Installation Landscaping Sod/Hydromulching

Drains Rock & Stonework Landscape Lighting

817-270-3340 or 817-220-7217

Your Ad

Family Owned & Operated Since 1989 SENIOR DISCOUNTS • FREE ESTIMATES

817-270-0544 • 817-379-0545

Compliments of a’s arc&iAUTOMOTIVE GTIRE SHOP Rural Gas Supply “Celebrating 15 years serving Azle area”

11480 FM 730 S 2 miles south of Azle


Se habla espanol Mon.-Fri. 9-5 Sat. 9-3

• New & Used Tires • State Inspections • Roadside Assistance • U-Haul Rentals

Joe Rider


140 W. MAIN ST.


“In business since 1946”

Our family serving your family since 1908

Propane, Inc.


Clarks Precision Machine & Tool


THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 1010 Timberoaks, Azle 817-237-5075





Call Johnna for details TODAY

817-270-3340 Cliff’s AUTO SERVICE CENTER

302 Palo Pinto 1088 E. Hwy 199 Weatherford Springtown 817-594-3888 817-220-5959 Left to Right: Richard Woodman, Jim Cleaver, Andy Browning, Jillian Johnston, Anita White, Bob White, Kari Drake, Bruce Duncan & Robert Sheffield

Full Service Funeral Home Cremation Services • Pre-Need Plans Azle • Springtown • Mineral Wells • Weatherford 817-444-3211 •

“Not Just a Tire Store” Complete Automotive, Light Truck & Diesel “We are making drivers smile”


Wednesday, October 28, 2015




Wednesday, October 28, 2015




817-270-3340 - Azle - classifi 817-220-7217 - Springtown -

Ad Classifi cation 1. Air Condition/Heating 2. ......................Antiques 3.................... Appliances 4..........Appliance Repair 5.....................Arts/Crafts 6............. Asphalt Paving 7........................ Auctions 8................ Autos, Trucks 9..... Auto Repair Service 10.........Backhoe Service 11............. Boats, Motors 12...............Bookkeeping 13..................... Business Opportunity 14........ Campers/Trailers 15...........Carports/Patios 16...... Equipment Repair 17............ Carpet Service 18 ......................Catering 19...............Cement Work 20.................Ceramic tile 21................... Child Care 22................... Cosmetics 23...Computers/Services

24................... Electrician 25............... Equipment & Tool Rental 26 ................. Excavating 27............. Exterminating 28 ........ Farm Equipment 29 ...................... Fencing 30 .................... Firewood 31 .............................Free 32 ...................... For Sale 33 .................... Furniture 34.............. Garage Sales 35 ......... Garden/Mowing Service 36........................ Hauling 37...............................Hay 38.............Health/Fitness 39 ............... Help Wanted 40 ...Home Improvement 41 ..........House Leveling 42.......... House Cleaning 43.................. Income Tax 44....... Janitorial Service 45................. Job Wanted

46........... Looking to Buy 47.............. Lost & Found 48 Maintenance/Repairs 49... Masonry/Stonework 50 Mobile Home Service 51................ Motorcycles 52.........................Movers 53.. Musical Instruments 54........... Music Lessons 55.............Miscellaneous 56..................................... 57........... Pets, Livestock 58..............Piano Service 59................Pool Service 60................Professional Services 61...................... Personal 62.....................Plumbing 63...............Public Notice 64............... Photography 65........................Printing 66........................Roofi ng 67.................... Recycling 68........................Storage

001 Air Conditioning/Heating 008 Autos, Trucks AIR WORKS BY SCOTT. A/C & Heating Service and installation, residential & mobile homes, Honest and Fair. TACLB017017E. 817-7248680 Boyd, TX.


69................ Sand/Gravel 70................Septic Tanks 71..... Sewing/Alterations 72.............Sewer Service 73......................TV/Radio 74........... Tractor Service 75.................. Upholstery 76....... Vacuum Cleaners 77........................ Wanted 78.................Well Drilling 79....................... Welding 80.............. Lots/Acreage 81.................. Business & Commercial Property 82.......... Resort Property 83.......... Houses for Sale 84............. Mobile Homes for Rent 85............. Mobile Homes for Sale 86.... Mobile Home/RV Lots 87...........Rent Furnished 88....... Rent Unfurnished 89 .......... Wanted to Rent

008 Autos, Trucks

Drive-on Wheelchair Van, wheelchair included, 5K miles, $33,000; ALSO FOR SALE: Electric wheelchair. Folding ramp included, $850. 817-270-0107. Call after 7PM.

Over 16 words, add 20 cents per word • Discounted rates for additional insertions available if no weeks are skipped and words do not change

(All ads must be paid in advance unless you have previously established credit)


Juan Tellez, Mecanico En General 5210 E. Hwy 199 • Springtown


026 Excavating  

2012 Nissan Rogue, fully loaded, leather seats, Bluetooth, sunroof, backup camera, AWD, excellent condition, one owner, 48,000 miles, asking $16,800/OBO. 817270-0835.


Dump Truck Hauling

37’ Fleetwood Pace Arrow w/1 slide, Ford Titan 10 w/ Banks System, EXCELLENT CONDITION. LOW miles, NEW tires, NEW generator, inspection and more. In Azle. $19,500 FIRM. 817-239-1271.

Nobody does it better!


Oil Change • Brakes • Tune Up Transmission Work


Most ads require payment in advance, but we do accept VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER OR AMERICAN EXPRESS by phone.

Reach more than 8,000 households with combo advertising in the Azle News and the Springtown Epigraph.

• Boxed display ads also available

Import and Domestic Free Engine Diagnostics



All types fences and metal buildings built and repaired. Portable welding. 817-444-6461. RESIDENTIAL FENCE REPAIR 30 Years Experience Affordable Pricing Call Pat 817-676-2171

030 Firewood FIREWOOD. $80/truck load, $95/8 ft. bed, 80% split Oak. Your truck, I load. 817-495-6157. LEON’S TREE SERVICE. Split Oak, Pecan wood. Pickup or delivery. 817-371-8597. Oak firewood, ½ cord, $150. 817808-2873.


For Sale

6 year old 2-person hot tub, Dream Maker brand, $600/OBO. 817-4449548.

TOM'S BOBCAT SERVICE 444-5069 • Small jobs accepted • Rough landscaping • Jobsite clearing

Chevy 4 6-lug aluminum mag wheels, 16” and hardware, $100; 700 ct. king size bricks (multi color), $200; 10’x4’ trailer, $200; Sears Craftsman 5HP wood shredder, $150. 682-239-4060.

ALL TYPES OF EXCAVATING 2008 F350 King Ranch Crew Cab Dually, diesel engine, 151K, new tires, current tags & inspection, clean, good condition, $17,900. 817-271-2075; 817-221-4300.

Bishop’s Wise Car

& Truck Co.

101 Southeast Parkway • Azle

817-444-5074 2012 Ford Focus 4-door, dark gray, good condition, everything works. Asking $13000. 682-4290305.

Combo (Azle & Springtown) Only $8.00!

Juan’s Auto Repair

2002 Chevy pickup, 4.8 liter, V8, auto, regular cab, short bed, 124K miles, $4,500/OBO. 817-542-3358. Extremely nice 2001 Toyota Avalon, fully loaded, new timing belt and water pump. May need tune-up. $2,850. 817-932-9006.

Up to 16 words, first insertion:

Auto Repair Service

2007 Chevy Silverado 4x4, 4.8 liter V8 w/121K miles, $13,000. 817-948-2645.





Wild Bill 72 Auctioneer & Liquidations, TX License #17568 at 404 Main Place located at 404 W. Main Street in Azle on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31ST from 10AM-2PM. Preview starts at 9AM. Indoor auction with access to Cafe 10:31 for food and drinks. There will be plenty of sitting room and a kid’s area. We will also be having a Kid’s Penny Auction. We will have items for everyone. NASCAR and John Deere memorabilia, guns, ammo, NASCAR bar stools, sports cards, tools, antiques, furniture, appliances, household items, vending machines, Christmas items and much more.

Springtown Epigraph THE



014 Campers & Trailers

Tanks • House Pads • Clearing

Sand • Top Soil • Gravel

019 Cement Work Allen Chesney Concrete All Types of Concrete Work Residential - Commercial Foundations, driveways, sand, gravel, demolition, haul-off, retaining walls 817-271-4541

• Lot Clearing • Driveways/Parking Lots • Pasture Mowing


J.A.M. Concrete

All Types of Concrete, Building Pads, Driveway, Patios, Walk Jim McKiel 30 yrs. exp.


Kiley Chesney Construction

Aries Spa, rebuilt with warranty, pump, blower, LED light, cover, nice cabinet, $1,200. 940-2101583 or 940-255-5763. 2-speed powerglide transmission, working. $800. 817-944-3450.

Demolition Lot Clearing Gravel Roads Driveways

Multi Family Inside Sale, rain or shine. Furniture, household goods, quilt tops and misc items. 275 E. Bradshaw, Springtown, ThursdaySaturday. Estate Sale - Indoors, Saturday, 10/31, 8A-1P, 432 CR 3690, off 51 north of Springtown. Fine housewares, collectibles, books, sewing machines, furniture and holiday goods.


MANDO’S TREE SERVICE. Take downs, trimming, lot clearing, haul offs. Senior Discounts. Save Big Money! Call 817-808-2873. 20 year expert. K&T GREEN WORKS. Hydromulch, Landscaping, Irrigation Installation & Repairs, Drainage/French Drains and Dirt Work. Free Estimates. Contact us at 817-994-8233. License #0008871.

LEON’S TREE SERVICE Expert take downs Stump Grinding Residential/Commerical

Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates



38 years serving Azle & Springtown

Friday, 8A-3P; Saturday, 8A-12P, 100 Milton Drive. Full-size fridge/freezer, Christmas tree, kid’s clothes/items, etc.

035 Garden/Mowing Service

Freeman Construction Top Soil Rough Landscaping Rock Work

Basset Club Yard Sale, 3 miles west of Azle, 2nd road to the south after the Antique Mall. 125 Shadow Lane, Saturday, 8A-5P and Sunday, 10A5P, October 31st & November 1st.

9 miles west of 199/51 on 199, left on Poolville Cutoff

817-523-7248 • 817-239-6215 Bobcat & Tractor Service

Huge Yard Sale Saturday-Sunday, 8A-5P, 11175 FM 730 N. (Always Super Save).

Dishes, Pictures, Furniture, Cast Iron

Also .. 18 ft. trailer. Perfect for lawnmowers. $1,000. 817-2375360 or 817-444-7171.

034 Garage Sales VENDORS WANTED! Hope Lutheran School will be having a Vendor Sale Saturday, Nov. 14th. Vendors, craft vendors or anyone wanting to sell their own treasures are welcome. Space will be available to rent in the parking lot for $25/ space. Call for more information 817-221-4673.

Hal Freeman - Owner

RNA Lawn Services

Fall is here!

Call me for any and all of your fall yard needs (fertilizing, trimming, etc.)

Dirt & Concrete Work Driveways • House Slabs • Garages • Add-ons Small Land Clean-ups • Gravel Driveways Kiley Chesney, Owner Springtown, TX • Mobile 817-846-6645

1993 Ford Explorer 4x4, needs some work, 125,401 miles, $1,500. 817-901-4321.

16 ft. trailer. Double back door & single side door. 7,000 lb capacity, spare tire. Like new. $4,800. 682-309-5525 or 432935-1432.

LOOKING TO PURCHASE CLASSIC VEHICLES 817-944-3450 1994 Chevrolet pickup, long bed, V6, white work truck, $1,200 or best offer. 817-565-5254.

ARK CHRISTIAN LEARNING CENTER is now participating in the Texas School Ready Pre-School Program. NOW ENROLLING! M-F, 6A-6:30P, 3 meals & 2 snacks included. Drop off and pick up from Azle & Reno schools. 817-237-3711 or 817-994-5228.

2005 GMC Sierra, 157,700 miles, runs good and in good condition, $4,900. 210-825-8397. 40 foot 2008 Montana 5th wheel. Non-smokers, kept under carport. Has four slides, comes with hitch. New 42 inch flat screen TV, king size bed. $22500. 817-444-5376. 817-992-2806. 817-229-4605.

024 Electrician BULLDAWG ELECTRIC CO. All types of electrical services and MH hook-ups. Free Estimates. 817-675-4921 TECL#25253. USA A BETTER ELECTRICAL SOLUTION, INC. Commercial, Residential, Industrial NO JOB TOO SMALL Emergency Service Service & Repairs Licensed & Insured TECL 20822 817-849-1534

Advertising Works! 035 Garden/Mowing Service

021 Child Care

Cub Farmall Tractor for Sale, $2,500/firm. 817-237-5360 or 817-444-7171.

029 1996 Sportsman Camper, 33 ft., 2 slideouts, good condition. $8,000. Located in Azle. 817229-0287.


028 Farm Equipment


KILEY CHESNEY CONSTRUCTION All Types Fences - Tractor Work 817-846-6645 BOBBY’S FENCE. All types, free estimates, over 23 years experience 817-444-3213. RAY’S FENCE CO. Free Estimates, 817-444-2146, raysfencecompany@


Garden/Mowing Service continued next page...

Chad's Tree Service


Trimming • Removals - Stump Grinding Systemic Feeding • Brush Chipping • Cable Bracing

817-221-2201 • 817-246-5943 Insured for your protection

Firefighter Tractor


Tree Service

All work is done by off duty professional firefighters

Tree Removal & Trimming · Brush Hog · Box Blade Front Loader · Tiller · Truck & Trailer for Hauling

Saul SalinaS All Types of Fencing Farm and Ranch

940-577-6781 • 940-393-9754

Jon Reed, Owner Call, Text 817-291-3955 or Email


817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 035 Garden/Mowing Service

Serving the Metroplex Since 1975 Family Owned• FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED FALL DISCOUNT 10% OFF

817- 220-1141 817-444-9574

STUMP GRINDING Don’t dig it! Grind it! 1 or 100 - We can do it. $65 minimum


Irrigation Repair Licensed Professional Services include Wire & Valve locates, Pipe repair, Head adjust or replace, System Design



Help Wanted

Parts Drivers Needed Must have valid driver’s license and be dependable.

Mando’s Tree Service Take Downs, Trimming, Lot Clearing, Haul Offs

Senior Discounts Save Big Money!

Call 817-808-2873 20 year experT

Lube Tech Must be dependable with good driving record. Auto Sales Consultant Seeking dependable professional that enjoys working with the public. Unlimited earning potential and benefits available.

Karl Klement Properties, Inc. No Positions Available at this Time For consideration of all positions apply to:

Jodi Dusek, H/R Director

605 N. Business 287, Suite 102, Decatur, Texas


We offer paid holidays, vacation & training.

L aundry HeLp 9A-4P Tuesday-Friday Every Weekend Off New Pay Scale

Unwanted debris removed at a reasonable rate. Call Tom 817-4488578. MCNEELY’S DEMOLITION & CLEANUP SERVICE Tear Down, Removal, Haul Off, Storage Buildings, Fences, New/Old Construction Debris Free Estimates 817-996-7887 Hauling, cleanup, tear down trailers, haul off trash and junk. Free Estimates. Call 817-304-6401.



TRIPLE K SERVICES, LLC Custom Cutting & Baling Light Tractor Work Insured Hay for Sale 817-401-6306 Fertilized Coastal Horse Quality Hay 4x5 Round Bales $60 each, Will deliver Springtown/Azle Area 940-389-1936 Fresh Coastal Hay Horse Quality Herbicide & Fertilized 4x5 Round Bales $65 ea. Discount for 20 or more and Free Delivery 817-221-3320 Coastal round bales, horse quality, fertilized, no weeds, $55. 817-4752313. Round Bales horse and cow hay for sale. 817-334-0050.


Help Wanted

LVN & CNA needed for Lake Worth Nursing Home. 817-237-7184. NOW HIRING: 2 Openings at group homes located in Azle. 1 parttime & 1 full-time position. Both positions require working weekends. Must have clean criminal & driving records. Training will be provided. Please text or call 817-443-2494, Monday-Friday, 9A-5P. Now hiring Class B-CDL Mixer Drivers. Production & Safety Bonuses paid monthly, Employer Matching Retirement Plan available. Apply in person at Wise Ready Mix, 1349 NW Parkway, Azle. MAINSTREAM (group home for adults with developmental disabilities) is hiring part-time Direct Contact Staff for 17-hour weekday shifts (2nd & 3rd shifts) or 24-hour weekend shifts. Paid training, starting pay is minimum wage. Good potential for full-time employment. Call Sandra or Carole at 817-2702747, Monday-Friday, 9A-3P. Springtown ISD is accepting applications for Bus Drivers and Monitors. Training available. Contact Jodee Gilbert-Uhlman 817-2201418. WANTED: Experienced Kitchen Staff, Full-time, Long Term. Apply in person at El Paseo Mexican Restaurant in Azle.

Help Wanted continued next column...


ACROSS 1 early TX explorer: Cabeza de ____ 5 TXism: “_ ___ dance to that tune” 6 Linden is seat of this country 7 newspaper in Eden 8 this Dallas park has large cattle sculpture (2 wds.) 17 TXism: “___ like red ants out of a burning stump” 18 annual “Viva! El Paso!” canyon 21 ex-Cowboy star RB, Emmitt (init.) 22 “___-_-Honey” candy 23 TX-born Annette who was Martha Kent on “Smallville” 24 TX Lefty Frizzell’s “Always Late With Your ______” 29 this Guthrie has played in several Farm Aid concerts 30 this Brandon pitched for the Astros (2010-12) 31 dir. from Friona to Plainview 32 co. that produced TV series “Texas John Slaughter” 34 Boerne festival: “___ ‘_ Ewe and Lamas Too” 35 T. Boone Pickens founded Mesa, ___ 36 Bosque Co. seat 37 transgressions

38 TXism: “if he ____ giddyup, you better go” 39 welcome sight for herdin’ cowboys in early West TX: (2 wds.) 41 in Hidalgo Co. off 83 42 2,000 lbs. 43 “summa cum _____” 44 top jailer in a TX prison 45 ex-Astro manager, Howe 46 nat’l gun grp. 47 “Lake O’ The _____” 24









5 6

by Charley & Guy Orbison


Copyright 2015 by Orbison Bros.








48 horse 40 39 transporter 50 TXism: “_ ____ 43 42 knocker” (scary) 46 45 51 “days of ____” 52 TX “Spanky” show 48 “___ Gang” 53 Colorado Indian 13 Galveston-moored 50 DOWN Elissa is oldest ship in this Register 1 TX John Nance 14 in Hidalgo Co. on 107 Garner’s job in 15 Jerusalem mount FDR’s 1st 2 terms 16 TX Kenny Rogers’ 2 Big Bend trees “Twenty Years ___” 3 TXism: “____ __ 19 Van _______, TX the barrel head” 20 TXism: “I need that 4 Jones Co. seat like a duck ____ 27 9 this Morgan is said __ umbrella” 28 to be the “Yellow 22 Walter of 1938 film Rose of Texas” “The Texans” 29 10 “outer” prefix, as 24 Keenan of 1979 film used in science “Sunburn” with TX 11 TX Howard Hughes Farrah (init.) 30 owned this film 25 TX Lyle Lovett studio (1948-55) tune: “Here _ __” 33 12 physical training 26 “a whole ____” (a lot) in school (abbr.)

Call Daniel 1-800-448-6323

Experienced Cabinet Builder needed. Apply in person at 1800 N. Main St., Weatherford, TX 76085. Are you an OUTSTANDING BOOKKEEPER/TAX PREPARER ready for a short commute and a family friendly office? Then this is the place for you! We are a local CPA firm seeking a solid bookkeeper/tax preparer with a working knowledge of all QUICKBOOKS platforms to step into this established, tenured team. Ultra Tax experience is a plus. Your dependability and strong work ethic is what we are looking for! You will have varied responsibilities of payroll and sales tax reporting, GL’s, JE’s, bank recs, account analysis, strong understanding of debits/ credits and trial balance and federal income tax preparation. Email your resume and salary requirement today to vicki@ We are looking to interview NOW and get a new team member in place ASAP! Diesel Truck Mechanic needed. At least 5 years experience. Must have own tools. Pay based on experience. Call Garry at 817-846-6730 or apply at 14025 US Hwy 287, Fort Worth, Texas 76179. The City of Springtown is now accepting applications for a parttime Librarian, $10.08 an hour, 16 hours per week. Open until filled. Applications may be obtained at City Hall. 102 E. Second Street, Springtown, Texas. E.O.E. Must have a high school diploma or GED. Hope Lutheran School now hiring Teachers. 817-221-4673. Drivers: Dedicated Home Weekly! CDL-A, 6 months OTR, Good Background. Apply: www.mtstrans. com or 800-305-7223. EAGLE CREST VILLA Assisted Living NOW HIRING COOK. 11A-7P Company Benefits. Apply in person at 113 Denver Trail, Azle. HOUSEKEEPING: Need a stay-athome Mom who could spare some mornings, as needed, for relief shift. Extra money for you or kids! On days to work, start at 7:45...usually home by 2:00. Requirements: Enjoy cleaning and helping others, auto and auto insurance, driver’s license and social security card. We will train those who meet our basic needs. Position not suitable for one with financial needs. 817-237-9848, leave message for return call. Experienced Rider needed part time for boarding and training stable. Interview will be in saddle. Call Forest for details 903-497-0648.

Advertising Works!

BOBBY MCWILLIAMS PAINTING 817-821-6377. Interior/exterior painting, tape, bed, texture and faux finishing. 38 years experience. www. AZLE HOME REPAIR & REMODEL. No job too big; no job too small. 30 years experience. Contact Doug Batey 817-361-2361.

PAINTING, REMODELING, CARPENTRY. Home Improvement Special: $100 off any job of $1,000 or more. Painting, carpentry, sheetrock, storage buildings, porch covers, decks. 36 years experience. Call Bill Rosser now for a Free Estimate. 817-374-2566; 866374-3559. www.billrosserpainting. com. NOW ACCEPTING VISA & MASTERCARD. Before you buy vinyl siding or windows, call Jimmy for a free estimate 817-444-5270; 817-2967567. WILLIE SIMON TILE & WOOD. Shower, Tub Surround & Backsplashes. 817-366-4555. DEVIN’S HANDYMAN SERVICE. Carpentry, cement, rock, granite, tile, painting, siding, insulation, kitchen/ bath, roof/gutters, powerwashing, decks. FALL SPECIAL: 20% Off w/ this Ad! 817-629-9608. Brick, block, stone and rock work & repairs. Mailboxes, planters, cracks in walls, chimney sweeps. Very Reasonable. 682-239-4060.

HANDYMAN We Cater to You

“Texas sTyle” Tile • Fencing • PainTing carPenTry • BaThrooms kiTchens • moBile home rePair We Do IT all No Job Too small

Gary 817-550-7776

ROBERT’S HANDYMAN SERVICE • Additions •Kitchen & Bathroom Remodels •Ceramic Tile •Foundation Repair •Painting •Pressure Washing •Roofing •Fencing & Decks Call for Free Quote • 817-964-2562

38 41 44 47 49


34 former Astro pitcher, Darryl (1991-97) 35 High_____, TX 37 TXism: “__ ____ ___ couldn’t find your nose with both hands” 38 more painful 40 TXism: “wouldn’t ____ _ flea” (kind) 41 native of Denmark 44 “____ _ Coyote” 47 Galveston’s Lafitte pirates: Jean & him 49 TXism: “cold as __ ___house seat in January”

51 52 53

layers of rock VIP at the Polk County Enterprise TXism: he couldn’t drive _ ____ into a snow bank” TXism: “hook, ____ and sinker” polite address: “yes ___”

Devin’s Handyman Service

049 Masonry/Stonework Azle, TX

• Insulation Fall • Kitchen/ SPECIal Bath 20% OFF • Roof & with Gutters this ad! • Powerwashing • Decks



commercial • residential

Landscape Designs, Patios, Outdoor Kitchens, Retaining Walls, Mailboxes Free All Types Stone & Brick Work New Construction • Remodels Estimates

Cell 817-308-6512 Home 817-444-3806 email


• Retaining Walls • Patios • Water Features • Outdoor Kitchens • Decorative Concrete

Anything with Stone • Free Estimates

214-603-6866 817-243-1020

Call Devin at 817-629-9608

LOCAL HANDYMAN SERVICE & REMODELING. No job too small! Kitchens, bathrooms and all tile work. 817-404-2927. PYRAMID CONSTRUCTION. TILE: Bathroom Shower, Floors; PAINTING: Interior, Exterior, Tape & Bed, Texture, Popcorn Ceiling; Stain Fence; PRESSURE WASHING; ROOFING & More! FREE ESTIMATES. 817-944-7658.



Tommy Russell, Sr. • 817-444-6505 or 817-291-6364 • Fax: 817-444-2206 P.O. Box 224 • Azle • AZLEREMODELING.COM

• Carpentry • Cement • Rock • Granite • Tile • Painting • Siding

Mr. Sweeps

Chapman Carpentry

Chimney Cleaning Service

Off-Duty Firefighter Professional & Dependable

Keep your home safe. Call Parker/Wise County’s oldest chimney sweeping company, Mr. Sweeps.

817-946-6787 817-444-4198

ask for Doug

Special: $150 LOOK Vinyl Siding: Insulated Replacement Sebastian Enterprises CUSTOM HOME BUILDING Since 1995

817-239-9571 817-237-9571


Many Happy Local Customers Since 1978


Windows: Complete Remodeling Lowest Prices: Best Material Free Estimates: Since 1963 817-991-6815


House Cleaning

Your Cleaning Service Professional Cleaning since 1989 Phone hours: Mon thru Fri 7 am - 1 pm: 817-237-9848 PLEASE LEAVE VOICE MAIL

2000 Harley Sportster, red/white/ blue, 10,000 miles, $7,700 817228-2255.


House Cleaning

TAWNYA’S CLEANING SERVICE. Cleaning done the way you want. Affordable, Reliable, 20 years experience. Call for Free Estimates 817-333-8786. NEWFANGLED CLEANING. Old-Fashioned Cleaning DONE BY OWNER ONLY! Residential cleaning, clean-outs, move-ins & make-ready. 25+ years experience. Now Accepting Most Major Credit Cards. Call or text Beth 817-3612182 for more information.


Job Wanted

Available to assist with your temporary or part-time Office Administration/Customer Service needs. 40+ years experience. Local references. Shirley 817-220-5302.

Music Lessons

Guitar Lessons, $15 per ½ hour. For more info call or text Beth 817-3612182.



Backgrounds Checked









Last Puzzle Solution E R P L A C K E L L T O O T O L Y O K I D N S I N S O L E D D E WA A P I N R A I L E K N E E Y O R E O U R U T E



We furnish Tools & Chemicals

Hospitality Guarantee “Your Way”

One time - Monthly - Bi-Weekly - Weekly, or as needed

You’ll love the care you get!


Lost & Found

FOUND: Prescription eye glasses on Williams Road. 817-444-1394.

Classified Ad Deadline:

Mondays by 5PM 057


Will pay top dollar for grazing and hay leases. Call 940-389-1936.


Millie’s Have BrooM .... Will Travel Have References Tracy 682-582-7371 Millie 817-771-5541



U.S. Army Retired-but not tired! Careful moving-Cheap. Call Big Jim @ 817-237-5151.

our pros may be out chasing fairy dust



exterior & interior remodeling, patio covers, drywall repairs

817-692-5624 Chimney & Dryer Vent Cleaning



Your Hunt For Quality Is Over


Poolville ISD accepting immediate applications for school bus drivers. Contact Patsy Pennington or Alice Flowers 817-594-4452.



Home Improvement

Azle Manor, INC

Keith Hays Construction Company. All types cement work, carpentry, roofing and metal buildings. 817-220-7201



Home Improvement • General Contractor • New Construction Additions Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling Architectural Planning and Design “No Job Too Small or Too Large”

Home Improvement


Commercial • Residential

with 2 years experience





Paid Weekly, Insurance, Aflac, Paid Vacations and much more

WANTED: CARPENTER’S HELPER. Based in Springtown, working all over metroplex. Transportation and hand tools required. 817-691-6617. Please leave name, number, brief message.





Class A CDL Drivers



T.R.D. Construction, LLC




Oilfield/Environmental Construction Transportation

721 Dunaway Lane • Azle



Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday

Residential • CommeRCial tRee Removal • topping pRuning • Feeding



Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Friday, Nov 6, 2015 - 6:00 PM Hwy. 281 N. - Stephenville (254) 646-3161 or 968-4844 On-Site EIA Test - $20 16 words for only $8.

A great way to raise extra money! Call today for more info. Azle News 817-270-3340 Springtown Epigraph 817-220-7217

Red River Horseshoeing 30 Years Experience & Certifi ed Steve Sewell 940-366-1485



Wednesday, October 28, 2015

817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown 059

Pool Service





As the leaves fall, we’ll be there to catch them all. GANNON SWIMMING POOL SERVICE. 817230-3838. THE POOL WRANGLER POOL SERVICE Serving Springtown/Azle. Call Mike at 817-771-7257. Free advice anytime!

060 Professional Services LONE STARR STEAMER PROFESSIONAL CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING. Basic Package: 3 rooms and a hall, $89. Call 817-361-2361. A Geological Report for your farm or ranch (maps, cross sections, soils, nearby oil & water wells). $300 $600 each. 817-246-5477.



Have your wedding in the privacy of your home, small or large. Minister will come to your house. Call 817532-7021.




Plumbing Repairs Drains Cleaned

We’ll be here after the storm. 068

Innerspace Storage Hwy 199, Springtown. Now renting all unit sizes, 24-hour access. 817-6774050.


A sphAlt & G rAvel




Slab Leaks

817-444-3054 M10078

Well Drilling

Need a quality water well at a fair price? Also pump sales and installation. Kelvin’s Pump and Well Service, 817-221-4300.


GRAHAM PLUMBING CO. “The Solution To All Your Plumbing Needs”



Metal Building Erectors

• Pre-engineered Weld-up • Barns/Shops • Arenas/Hangars • Fencing

1220 E. Hwy. 199 • Springtown

CommercialResidential Serving Springtown, Azle, Boyd, Weatherford Area

817-220-2469 066


Ray’s Roofs & Repairs Free Estimates


   Insurance Claim Specialists  


817-220-2150 owner Rodney Vick 817-220-3044 fax 817-523-7639 cell 817-253-1614


stru E ctio R& n Metal Building Specialist • Weld Ups/ Bolt Ups • Pipe Fencing • Concrete • Horse Barns • All Types Fencing • Metal Roofs

Compare Pricing NO JOB TOO SMALL

Find it in the Classifieds


Roofing & ConstRuCtion inC.

Commercial • Residential FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED Repairs • New Construction 36 Years in Azle



Certified PREFERRED CONTRACTOR State Applicator #106

Commercial & Residential

426 E HWY 199 • SpringtoWn Hail in This Area Has Caused Damage that Cannot Be Seen From the Ground.

S h o p L o c a l - D o n ’t g e t s c a m m e d by out of town roofers. In business since 2008

P l e a s e G i ve U s a C a l l fo r a Fr e e R o o f I n s p e c t i o n .


Here Before The Storm, Here Long After.

Mobile Home/RV Lots

12667 FM 730 South • 1 mile south of Azle

RV Spaces by Day, Week or Month

Convenient Location

Corner of Main St. & Locust • Azle


We now have Pull-Throughs!

STORAGE UNITS West Side 1350 Liberty School Rd, Azle

5x10 $25/month


Storage 70

-16 -239



Our Business is Metal Buildings - And We’re Good! DESIGN



art METAL Coz BUILDING SYSTEMS Fabrication and erection of quality metal buildings at reasonable prices, any size - any design Office




7-2 • 81


6 Months ... $125 817-246-4646


Driveway gravel, top soil, septic rock. Tandem dump trucks. Grady Mansell 817-713-7495.


Pecan Acres RV Park Inc.

Ash Creek Storage


Seal Coating, Pot Hole Repairs, Crack Filling 817-907-7410 • 817-221-2125

Water Heaters


ROOFING & METAL BUILDINGS 817-220-1794 817-304-4224 Tired of always replacing your roof? Call us for a metal roof quote.


Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday

Now Leasing Storage Units 085 Mobile Homes for Sale We buy used mobile homes with clear titles. K&P Homes, Inc. 817-677-3446.

• • • • •

Large Shaded Lots Nice & Clean Electric, Water & Sewer included Laundry Room & Shower Facilities Wi-Fi

817-846-8190 Call for Rates - 817-291-4679

Springtown RV Park

295/mo Includes Water/Trash Service Wi-Fi & Electricity (Electricity up to 70) $



817-220-4678 • 3080 W. Hwy 199

Fax 817-237-0904

Mark Cozart 817-233-6668


Jeremy Cozart 817-237-2028


FOR SALE: 0.15 acre lot in Azle (1908 Gale Drive). Has electric, city sewage, gravel driveway and includes gas lease royalties. 817237-5118. 32.84 acres of land, Gilliland Road, Springtown. 2 ponds, big trees, $6,400 per acre OBO. 817-3124759. FSBO. ¼ acre, city lot. 113 Chisolm Trail Court, Springtown. $15,000. 817-901-4321.

081 Business/Commercial Professional Office Space For Lease: 1230 E. Hwy 199, Springtown. Suite 103, 1,100 sq. ft., individual offices; Suite 104, 800 sq. ft. 817-220-2150. 40x50 building for rent 3 miles west of Springtown 817-713-7495. Great building for lease in industrial area in Azle. Building is 2,400 sq. ft. (1,200 office/1,200 shop), has bathrooms, A/C and heat and plenty of parking. Great building for any business. $1,300/mo. $1,300 deposit. For information call 817360-3627. 40x40 Shop for Rent. 817-313-7821. FSBO Commercial .596 acre PRIME AZLE MAIN STREET LOCATION with 1,216 sf house, grandfathered. Can be residence with business. For more info call 817-249-7446.


Houses for Sale

1704 Scotland Avenue, Azle. 3-22 brick home w/upstairs loft on 2.3 acres. Completely remodeled. Bobby 817-727-1100. House and 1.29 acres FSBO. House needs work. Property zoned residential or commercial use. Located right on FM 51 N., Springtown, Texas. Good location, investment property or new business. For more info 817-3190577. For Sale or Rent with Option to Buy. 2½ acres, Reno. Small 2 bedroom house, 30x40 shop and 30x40 barn, stock tank, fenced for horses, $87,500. Possible Owner Finance, 15% down. 817-781-3316.

084 Mobile Homes for Rent

OWNER FINANCED 3-2 SW on 1 Acre No Credit Needed Low Payments 817-994-3730 Hablamos Espanol 817-696-6443

Sell It In The Classifieds! 088

086 Mobile Home/RV Lots

Rent Furnished

Tiny Houses and RV rental. Azel RV Park 817-677-2160. Tiny House and RV for rent at Heritage RV Park. 817-444-3760.


Rent Unfurnished

3 bedroom 2 bath, 1 acre in Azle, refrigerator & stove, CH/A, free water service. 817-602-9519. FIRST MONTH FREE with a 3-YEAR LEASE! Units starting at $450/ mo.; trailer spot for $250/mo., background fee required. 817-2213112. 3 bedroom mobile home in the Poolville area. 918-843-2575.

PLACE AN AD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS TODAY! 817-270-3340 817-220-7217





APARTMENT 700 JARVIS • AZLE 817-444-1712

1 & 2 Bedrooms • W/D Connections • Swimming Pool • Water/Trash Service Furnished


1 & 2 Bedroom Unfurnished Rent based on income. TDD:

800-735-2989 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

SPRINGTOWN APARTMENTS, 624 East 3rd Street. 2 bedroom 1 bath, clean, new carpet, $650/mo. includes water, trash service & basic cable, $500 deposit. 817-657-9591. RENT SPECIAL! 2-2 4-PLEX, IN AZLEWOOD. $750/$600 security deposit, WBFP, walk-in closets, box windows, large kitchen w/pantry, new flooring, 1,100 sq. ft. 817-3603039. 3-2 Country Setting, 1,400 sq. ft., 2 story on ½ acre, AISD, non smoking. $1,050/mo. $850 deposit. 817-2213659.. 3-2 brick home in Springtown. NO PETS, NO SMOKING. Background check required. $975/mo & deposit. 817-929-9323. 817-935-9527. PELICAN BAY: 1836 CORAL ROAD, 3-1-1, $735/$400 deposit; 1819 PELICAN OVAL, 2-1-1, $625/$400 deposit. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817-246-4646. gtatx. com. Hablamos Espanol. *** ASK ABOUT OUR MOVE IN SPECIAL *** 3 BR 2 BA Home for Rent, open floor plan, split bedroom layout, great backyard, quiet neighborhood, 5 minute access to Hwy 199, $1,100/mo. Call Lindi 916295-3318 or 916-780-5444. 2-1 duplex in Springtown. $675/ mo. includes water & trash service. Deposit $675. Non smoking, no pets, background check. Call 817382-7179.

Duplex Homes For Lease 2 & 3 Bedrooms • 2 Bath • 1 Car Garage Stewart Bend Court, off South Stewart Street close to Cross Timbers Golf Course in Azle

(817) 444-2362;

Crestwood Apartment Homes Fabulous Floor Plans

To Fit Your Every Need and Lifestyle! New Appliances, FS W/D Connections, Water/Trash Service Included, Warm Colors, Brushed Nickel Hardware and So Much More! Beautiful Pool!

Call for Details 817-444-0030

2 & 3 BR mobile homes for rent, Springtown and Azle ISD, no pets. 817-980-3066. 3-1 mobile home, $550/mo. plus electric & propane. $500 deposit, CH/A, Azle ISD, No Pets, 1-year lease application required. 817-2705682; 817-501-2238.

Rent Unfurnished


Upstairs Efficiency Apartment for Rent, $775/mo. All Bills Paid. 817925-4343.

PELICAN BAY: Mobile Home Lot for rent 1708 Gale Drive, $155 Mo., $50 Dep. Gene Thompson & Associates, 817-246-4646. gtatx. com. Hablamos Espanol.


Rent Unfurnished


525 Commerce Street • Azle

Whatever you need to sell, advertise it in The Community Classifieds.

Azle News

Springtown Epigraph

321 W. Main Street Azle

109 East First Street



On The Square



Wednesday, October 28, 2015

817-270-3340 - Azle 817-220-7217 - Springtown


Get a spook-tacular deal and run your ad in the Azle News and Springtown Epigraph Classifieds for 3 months

3-Month Special

Scary Good dealS! $ 95 Only 19

Classifieds real estate

Deadline: 5:00 PM Monday

All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD tollfree at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1800-927-9275.

Private Party & Dealer Vehicle Ads – Autos, RV’s, ATV’s, Trailers, Tractors, Campers, etc.

Real Estate Deadline Monday by 12:00 PM


511 W. MAIN ST. • AZLE 817-444-2555 Each office is independently owned and operated.



1338 James C Rd - Great family home with 5 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, large den & kitchen with granite. Lots of extras! 269 S Natural Springs Lane -Immaculate custom 5-3-3 home in Azle ISD!! Too many features to list. 124 Hidden Forest Lane - Duncan Custom home on over an acre! 3-2-3, open floor plan in this brand new home! 1205 Oak Harbor Blvd - Wonderful Oak Harbor home with 5-3.1-3. 1710 Rhonda B - One of a kind home. Build your dream home while you use the shop as your living quarters. 153 Bridlewood - Pretty 3-2-2 home is better than new. Large eat in kitchen, split bedroom arrangement and more. GOLF/LAKE COMMUNITIES 2428 Bent Green Way- 4-4-3 home with saltwater pool on hole 10 at The Resort Golf Course. 8505 Cascade Ct. - Very light and open with lots of windows. 12 ft. ceiling in the living and dining rooms. Hand scraped wood floors in master bdrm, living, dining and study. Split bedroom arrangement with jack and jill bath. Wonderful master bath 22x13 and master closet 9x14, any womans dream!! Outside deck 44x19 with awesome view of the countryside. Note the lot is over half an acre with 30 plus crepe myrtle trees. Extra storage under the dining room.

276 CR 4773 - Country serenity! Long covered porches greet you into this 4-2-2 home. Gated community, huge living area and much more! 192 Clemmer - Lovely maintained doublewide on 1 acre lot with covered parking. Huge kitchen with island. Springtown ISD. SPRINGTOWN AREA 932 Earp - 4-2 Peaceful country retreat with loads of character & potential. Recent upgrades include a spacious covered front porch. 128 Howard Newby Lane - CUSTOM everything! This house has 2 bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen that is separated from the rest of the home by a beautiful sunroom. This would be great for kids or inlaws. Other 2 bedrooms are separate from the master and a gameroom is the only room on the 2nd story. Recently GREEN updated with solar panels! Detached workshop with huge mature oaks and beautiful landscaping. Security, sprinklers on the well-this is IT!

M OV I N G ?

Tracy Sutton

Real Estate Specialist

Azle: 817-270-3340 Springtown: 817-220-7217

Raise some extra money through the Community Classifieds with a Moving Sale. 16 words for only $8.

Azle News 817-270-3340 & Springtown Epigraph 817-220-7217 Hometown Papers!

511 W. Main • Azle, TX 76020 817-946-6650 cell & text 817-270-2030 fax

Spotlight Listings 128 Howard Newby Lane, Springtown, 5 Bedrooms, 3 and a Half Baths, SHOP, Highly desirable neighborhood. Custom One of a Kind! $369,900

TexSCAN Week of October 25, 2015

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Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less AVERITT EXPRESS - Start Pay: $0.40 than 4 inch step-in. Wide door. Anti-Slip floors. to $0.435 CPM + Fuel Bonus! Get Home American made. Installation included. Call EVERY Week + Excellent Benefits. CDL-A req. 1-800-606-8052 for $750 off. Recent Tractor/Trailer School Grads Welcome. FINANCIAL SERVICES Call Today: 1-888-602-7440 OR Apply @ EOE/AA including Veterans RECEIVING PAYMENTS from real estate you and Disabled. sold? Get cash now! Call Steve: 1-888-870-2243

276 CR 4773 Boyd, 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath,1 Acre Great Views, gated entry! Great layout! $249,900

SUPPLIES EMERGENCIES CAN STRIKE at any time. Wise Food Storage makes it easy to prepare with tasty, easy-to-cook meals that have a 25-year shelf life. FREE sample. Call: 1-800-716-0841

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $4397.00 - MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship! FREE Info/DVD: or 1-800-578-1363 ext. 300N

Run Your Ad In TexSCAN! Statewide Ad .................. $550 288 Newspapers, 844,050 Circulation

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Find your “New Best Friend”

Azle News

817-270-3340 Springtown Epigraph 817-220-7217

1710 Rhonda B. Road Azle, 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath, .6 acre 23 Oak Trees! $55,900

in the Community Classifieds!

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