Season’s Greetings A Special Section
The Azle News Springtown Elementary Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. This is the firsr thing that I want, is a drum set. Then there is a skateboard I would really love to have. Then my cat Mia wuld like cat treats. And my dog Zeus would like a big bone for Christmas. I will leave you some cookies. Love, Brynlei
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
2nd Grade Letters to Santa Claus
me a Barbie doll van and a Barbie doll house and twenty barbies two boys and eighteen girls. I want a white surburbon with Barbie and Ken. What kind of cookies do you like and I’ll have the milk out for you. P.S. I love you Love, Tiffany
I love you, santa. You need a new suit. How old are you? How many presents will I get? My favorite song is jingle bell rock. Can I have a password-journal. When is your birthday. Can I have some Dear Santa, makeup? You are AWESOME! Am I on the good list? I hope You are nice. I am! If I am, can I have a dsi Love Kirstin please? If you give me more, how Dear Santa, many presents will you get me? Dear Santa, I am going to make cookies for you Am I on the noty list? How Also what kind of cookies do you and my mom is going to help me We are going to make five cookies. Can I have a go cart? Ho, Ho, Ho! Love, Courtney
Could you please tell me what your favorite cookie is? I have been pretty good this year. I would like to ask you for a special gift. May I pleas have a new disk for my karaoke michean and a new bike. May I have a new skate board. Your friend, Isis
Dear Santa, I’ve been really good this year!!! Can I please have a bb gun this year. With a tall scope on it? Am I on the good list. Ho Ho Ho. By, Mark
Dear Santa, How are you and Clasue? I want a toy. I want a North school. Can you bring me a toy elsa and anna frozen. Can you dreg me a clasp les and shoos and dress and pant and a bed and grass Friends, Jessica
list? How are you doing. I want a bike, remote control Lamborghini electric dirt bike you’re the best person and Mrs. Clause and elves. Love, Hayden
Welcome to our Season’s Greetings section! Once again, here’s our popular special “Season’s Greetings” section! It’s our annual Christmastime insert of letters written by Azle and Springtown second graders to Santa Claus. The letters are filled with wonder and joy and innocence – and sometimes you’ll find one that’s
a little heart-wrenching. We print them as written and ship them off to the North Pole in plenty of time for Santa to get them. Advertisers make this special section possible and it’s their way of wishing friends and customers a Merry Christmas. The businesses in this “Sea-
Dear Santa, I want a chocolate Box in my Stocking make it very Big and chocolaltey. Make sure the chocolotle Doesit melat. If the chocolate melot I Want a Different Present. Love, Camille
many presenst will I get? Can you give me a hug? You are great. I Love you. Christmas is the best. I want some Legos. May I haven an air plane? I really wont some more lecktronex! From, Aidan
Dear Santa, Do you like cookies? How many elves do you have? What Kind of cookies do you whant. Don’t teline one but I lov you. Can I have a IPhone 4 Ples. Love, Mcenze
The Springtown Epigraph
Dear Santa, So you like traveling around the world? What is your favorite Christmas song? My favorite song is Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer. Will you pleas bring me an Elsa dioll. And a Iphone 4. Love, Courtney
Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Are you going to get me a Elsa How many elves do you have? baby doll? If you do you’re the your suit is the best ever, and my best Santa ever I want you to get favorite color. Am I on the good
son’s Greetings” support this community and we encourage you to do business with them at every opportunity. May these letters make you smile and appreciate the magic of the season! From all of us at the Azle News and Springtown Epigraph – Merry Christmas!
Dear Santa, How do you feel on Christmas? How old are you? Will you get me a Leapfrog TV and Planetorium? You are better than the Easter Bunny. Merry Christmas. Sincerely, Cavan
Dear Santa, Am I a the Goodlist? Can I See you? Can you See Me? Can I have a bb gun? Can you ask Miss. Clas want? I love you Love, Kylie if I can have a laess? Can you git me swiset sen HoHoHo MereKriss I love you. Dear Santa, Love, Baylynn I hope you Bring me lots of Presents. And please bring me some of your cookies and you are Dear Santa, You are the best. How do the Awesome! I love you Santa Tell Mrs. Claus I Love her too! Ho Ho elf on the shelf’s work. I want a Ho Merry Christmas! an can I get a crazy cart. Merry Christmas Love, Riley Bigeye Pupy Dog and a 4 wheeler Love, Jada Dear Santa, What dose hohoho mean. Are Dear Santa, May you ples get me 5 monstr you real or not. Can I see you I hhiy dolls. And Schwoochy sand!! have two elfs. I have ten trees. I Thank you so so much!! I love made fred a stocking! I want a xbox 1 and a plane and a I phone6 you!! HoHoHo Marey Crismes!! Love, ???? Love, Kayla Dear Santa, how are you and the raeindeer? Dear Santa,
Dear Claus, how are you? Do you want penut btr cookies? Or chocolate cookies? Yes No boh horw are your Elves?!? Can I have a grand theft auto?????? And a MINECRAFT Love, David
Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus? And evreone else I want to ask you what is your favorit cookie? I have been good this year. I would like a lot of stuff I can’t really tell you what I want your very jolly. Your friend ,AJ Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claws and the rain der and the elvs. I been good this year I thank. Can I have a phone and I pad to and can I have a bike and swing set and a Bairbie doll house. Your friend, Bayleigh
Dear Santa, How are the Elves and the reindeer? What is your favorite kid of cookie? I like the way your beard looks. I have been good this year. I would like a normal Zoomer. Not a pup. I would also Dear Santa, like a my password journal. How are you and ms, cluse? Did Your friend, Madison you get new reindeer. This year I would like a set of paint. A space Dear Santa, How are you and mises Claus? station. A roodoff toy. And one of your evels. A set of tangrams. And I hope you had a great weekend? Could you tell me your favorite a amy set to. Your friend, Tanner cookies I hope you like my moms cook. Is North Pole cole? My papa livs by hou. How is the Elves? Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus? Good, bad circle the crect answer? I hope you have a nice summer A very Crismis a short. I like you vacation. Is it cold at the North my mom got to pay? I Pole? I will like the game am going to bay a big crismis tree. Skylanders Trap Team. I will like I hope you get me a xbox and a the guys Jawbreaker, Gill Runt, gocart and a D-S for crismis. I will Thupling, Full Blast Jet Vac, and like to get a per of glovs at Crimis. Is rubof a ranedeer yes, no cirle the Pet Vac. Tyler crect anser? How are the raindeer? My mom will like a 10 dolalr bill. I like you very much. I am gong to Dear Santa, How are you today? How are put ranedeer food out in the front the rainders today? What kind of yard! I hope you bring my dad 10 cookies do you want this year? bollar bill. I hope you bring my Are you going to get rodof the red rabbit a toy. My dog will like a nose raindeer? I rod on him last pese of torky. I hope you bring me a year. Canyou please give me a bascit full of toys. I will like it you frozen nail slpd a frozen set. I have bring me a fullwiller? I hope you bring me a bag of toys. I willy willy glasses now. Sarah love you Santa. Pleas bring my pest
Merry Christmas
from our place to yours
Ace of Azle
505 N. Stewart • 817-270-5600
Season’s Greetings 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
a toy. I love you!!! I love you!!! I Doll houses car. How’s Mrs. Clas. love you!!! I love you!!! I love you! How are you can I have an elf Love, Jonathan Kaylei Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs Claus. Dear Santa, How is the elf? Is it clode? I want Greeting I want a Iphone and a I lago minecraft and zomer and pad I hope you can get me this stuf. prarwggrs mr fre. And ten Kainites. I for got me and my mom whill put Your friend, Bryson some cuces and milk out for you. And tak December 1 tak sate on Dear Santa, the tolit and choclit in the toil and How are you doing I sent cod in Dolf. Tell 2 and a tramplen and a the North Pole? I hop you hav a nis new forwhelr and a boy frind. vacation I had ben good This year Layla Ples can I hav a per of boos Thac you Dear Santa, Your friend, Elanna Can I have a Dear Santa, How are you a Ms.Claus? I hope you had a happy summer vacation? Do you like Crismas? I want a new pair of earings. I want a new pair of high hells. I want a new doll house. I want a mer made famley dolls. d r t Love, Kaeeie bik. A lego batman, Dear Santa, game land 2, lego stawars legos. How are you. I am good well I And a indisnor litsaver. I have been just want you to no that I am good good! And a fone and a I pad and because I miss my elf but I am fin a jet pack. A puppey and a kitten ochd I want a toy I want a forweller and lego chimc and a direy and a and a phone armey set and a pet lisend with a Love you, Leighton cade. Your friend, AJ Dear Santa, Abigail Stoner and I ben very Dear Santa, good. I want a tramplen skooter I wata Ipade and I wata Cupooe new sister new drother Amirecah and I wat a moseor hiye and I dine girl doll a good girl and I hope you on’ls ?????? and I wat a play hase and I wat tow hafe in my socking a friendship Dear Santa, bras and I hope the rad is an bine I have bine a good gril I have good and I wat a raleo and a bine good I men it I have been toothbrush I love always good like you do you no that? Your friend, Kelbie How are you doing? I hope you are great? I am doing great. I hope I Dear Santa, got pasit. I wate a ipon t6 and I wat I have been kind of noty and a grgr for my 3ds kind of good. Some times my Love, Ellie brother bes mean and good. I am getting a lot of presents. Dear Santa, Your friend, Isaiah I want a iphone, ipod. I want a shoparcal one I mean it! I want my Dear Santa, nana truck I mean it! And a 3DS! I Would like a Lego Starwar set Your friend, Dakota this year, for Crisismas. Ive been exrtremly good, I would like a Dear Santa, little pet sea turtle. Also, and a ligt How are your rain deers. I’ve saber been a very good girl. Well you Your friend, Sean sould nou that because you can whath. For Chrismes my mom Dear Santa, would like some dimand earing. I was good and pleas have alote My dog would like a bon my dad of Barbeis. And I wan som frozen would like candy. I would also like stufe please can you get me some. some Moster High Doll Barbie And I aspecshly please can I have
a frozen bed set. Can I pleas I am Dear Santa, begging you please I love the way your home is. I Alysa hope you had a lot ufe café M.S Santa she love me. P.S. I love you. Dear Santa, This is wut I wnx Cmisms I wud I would like a under armour like a faslit a ptre dad and pite dog. outfit with pants we are going to I will live cakes and micl. P.S. I make you cookies this year I hope love you and Ms. Santa. you like are Christmas tree we did Scott the best we could do I have been supper good I hope you like the Dear Santa, cookies I might put the icing on Can I have a PS4. I wel lev your cookies I make thebest. cookies and milk. I wud appreciate for a bow n arrow. Can I have a t.v. Maddy Can I have sum games. Can I get a got cart. I ben vdr good. I help my Dear Santa, mom clen the room. My sister be nice to me I wot my sister gte Jose a I pad and a new grage andcedar Dear Santa, and I wot sutf for I hope you had a great time. I me like the old hope all the reindeer are doing batman umaglx good. I have been really good for me. this year. I did some chores. I hop Samuel you could get me an xbox 360. I really hope you can get a phone for Dear Santa, chrismas. And I really really would I want lps and mlp toy. Wnow like you to get me a bike. snowmaker I ben good 4 weelr You’re friend, Israel my sister has been mean I want the movie big hiro 6 I want a fish I want Elas and Ame set Your friend, Raegan Dear Santa, What I want for Chrismas is a bollhows and titolist petshop makeup set new skiny gens. I ben a litl bad and a little good. I like your sot same long slevs shrts lipstick fansy close. And your bere even rodof the red nos bere. Lorelei Dear Santa, I was a good girl this year. You can give me stuf. I like to do crafs. Canyou give me craf stuff pleas. Your friend, Kyrissa Dear Santa, I want a key bord. I tried to be nice. I also want a jinger bread woman and dolphin tail two and a frozen set. And a red angle fish a real one. My very own mister Phone. And a tablet. And a cookies and cream hershey’s bar. Love always, Jaiden Dear Santa, I hope you had a great summer because you are good for you everthing you did for me Santa, But you are great boy. I want a phone. Brooke
Sincerely, Mariah Dear Santa, I hop you had a great summer. I hope all the reindeer are feeling good if they are no felling good I will leaf sum food I have been rilly good, this year. I would lik a nife so on thanksgiving I am going hunting with unkle logen. And my dad. And my beruther to please please my dad would willy like a riffle becase we are going hunting and a gocart so I can ride it all summer. happy spering Santa. Sincerely, Josh
Dear Dad, think you four evrithing your done four me think you four helping me. I really want a xobox 360 becos I help you wene you need help. MOM I want to go to Mexico for free with out going to Dear Santa, the dentist it is boring. plos you I hope you have a graet winter don’t give me candy. next year. I have been really really Love, Alex good this year I have got good grades. This year I Really want Dear Santa, a Lego dinosaur Pleas. Can I get I hope you had a great spring. an Pleas can I get a Phone. I hope all the reindeer are doing Thank you for all the hard work good. I been goodmost the time. you have don for me. This year I would like the Elsa Love, Dylan and Ann doll. And a tublite and a phone. All so to see my uncle and Dear Santa, my dad. I thank you for all you I hope you have a great summer. have done. I will leave you a gift. I hope you have fun on your
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Dear Santa, I hope you had a great summer. I hope you find your love. I would like to get a I Pad fro Christmas. I would like to get a Big Scream tV for Christmas. I would like to get a Big Popcor Can Fro Christmas. I been good I wast my sister evreday vere gud. Love, Cailey
n s, a d r a Edw
! s ris tma
Hick s, Viv r, Kim ian Robl ow, Santa, Judy Butle
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Thank You & Merry Christmas!
n ,a s d aley ar C a rt Edw m i er, Cin dy Hicks, Santa, Judy Butler, K
! r w Y ea
Season’s Greetings 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 vacashene. I would like a psp and a I get Candy for Crismas? Say I Christmas I would like new shoes. iPad and a RS4. I have been really want lipstick. I want Evrything! I want a iPad. really really good at school and Love, Dancia Love, Kalan at home and on my bus and antes house. GOSHEN CREEK Dear Santa, Love, Jason I hope you’ve had a good year. I have been very good. For Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Christmas I would like minecraft I hope you had a great summer. I hope you have a good trip. Out for the computer and more reslers I hope all the reindeer are feeling of all the stuff I want a lego creator and stuffed animals that sing. I good. I have been really good this treehouse set. I want X-men days hope you can make it to my hosue. year. This year I wold like Infininty of the future past the movie and a Love, Trevor I would like Skylanders. I will leve rubix cube. you cookies and mil thak you Love, Jackson Dear Santa, Brenden I hope you’ve had a restful Dear Santa, year. I have been very good this Dear Santa, I hope you’ve had a restful year. year. For Christmas I would like a I hope you had a nce summer. I I have been very good this year. new doll. I want a pretty one with ben good so can I hae some thing. For Christmas I would like it if my sparkles. I would also like a ball So how are your elfs doing. And family would have a happy year. and a charm for my hand. reindeer. I will love to get Madden I will leave some cookies out for Love, Emely 15 game and a x-box 1 and a phone you and Rudolph. and so more microchargers. Thank Love, Ni’amber Dear Santa Claus, you for all you did. I will leave you I hope you’ve had a very restful som cookies and milk gust for you. Dear Santa, year. I have a big, big surprise Sincerely, Brysen I would like a I pad and I would for you and your dogs and your like a stufe for Christmas. rainders. I would like for you to Dear Santa, Love, Jaden get me a big dollhouse I hope you had a great year. I and barbies and a hope all the reindeer are felling Dear Santa, alive baby. great. I have been really good this I want you to have a good day Love, Gabriyear. I would like a phone this year and I want a x-box 360 and dog elle so I can talk to my and can i have a please. You have a good day! chalk bord please so I could draw From, Lucas Dear Santa, stuf on it and can i have a big chdle I hope you’ve had a pillow with reinder on it please Dear Santa Claus, great year. For Christmas I thank you for all you do. I will I want a pretty princess movie would like New dirt bike leave you brownies for Christmas and I want a gear, a bike a phone Love, Kamryn American girl Doll for Christmas. and a ipad. I hope you Love, Lilly have a great year. Dear Santa, From, Nichols I hope you had a great summer. Dear Santa, I have been very good I helped I hope you’ve had a great year. Dear Santa, my mom od laundry I folded the I have been very good this year. I hope you’ve had a clothes and I got paid 20 dollares For Christmas I would like a Nerf perfect year. I’ve been and so I will love the gift but I rebele gun. I would also like a new very very good this year. really really really wait a I paid Lego friends set. I would leave For Christmas I would and I will love it. your special cookies and milk. like a 2ds. I want it to be Love, Ayvarie Love, Jasmine Pink and I want a ipod charger. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Love, Audrey Can you please give me every I hope you had a peaceful life. dezining thing so I can disin real I have been very, very good this Dear Santa, stuff. Sana please give me magical year. For Christmas I would like I want toys and I want a puppy powers. Sant please give me a shopkin’s. If I can’t have that I but a boy and new clothes and a fairy wings. Santa please give me would like a new pare of shoes. pony. everything that emmenas. Santa Then can I have some chare’s for Love, Evelyn please give my neclase!!! Love, Faith Love, Jadyn Dear Santa, Do your deer eat carrots? I want Dear Santa, Dear Santa, a Mariocars 7 DS game. Has to brin a toy before you give I hope you’ve had a great long Love, Brandon me the like game fly game is sonic nap from all that work. I’ve been game in ball a big boll for train. good this year. I’ll like a boke for Dear Santa, Brown in toy frog big in car little Christmas. I’ll leave you cookies. I hope you’ve had a restful year. big ride I like to I pod now. Love, Brooklyn I have been very good this year. Bryan For Christmas I would like a snow Dear Santa, glow Elsa. I want a new phone and Dear Santa, I hope you’ve had a restful year. I want some toys. I love the way you treat me. Can I have been very nice this year. For Love, Chelsea
It Looks Like
Dear Santa, How have you and Mrs. Claus been doing this year? Have you been doing good or bad? I really hope the answer is good. Has Ruldolph played any fun Reinder games this year? Well Santa there’s this toy I’ve really been wanting this year. It’s My Life Doll Pony that my My Life Doll can ride. It is all white with black spots. I hope you can get it for me. Thank you Love, Temperence Dear Santa, Howe have you ben doing this year? I hop the rander have been eating well I hop you can make it to my haws this year. Has Ruldolph ben playing rander games. If you do make it to my haws I want a Minkraft torch. Love, Tyler Dear Santa, How have you and Mrs. Claus been doing this year? I bet you whil like My cookies and milk. How is ruldolph? Is he Being good? I hope he is. You are always nice. You are the nicest person ever. Please give me a remote control helicopter. ????? Dear Santa, I have been doing good. Have you? Oh, and have a safe trip and stay warm. P.S if you have spayse plese give my Dad a golden tower. Love, Darren Dear Santa, How have you and Mrs. Claus been doing this year? I hope Ruldolph learned new thagings. Am I on the good list? Can I please have hot wheels have a safe trip have a safe ride have fun droping toys to everyone and Have a good Chistmas Mrs. Clows Santa and the elves happy Christmas Love, Wade Dear Santa, How have the elvs bin an Mrs. Claus and the reindeer to? Are you having a hard time making all of those toys? By the way cud you get me a x box one plase. Tach you bye.
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really good grades in my 2st grade class. How is Ruldolph doing? Has he made a new game? Is Mrs. Claus having a good tmie baking cookies for you? Isa the slay still work for all those toys? Are you doing good or bad? I hope the answer is good. Love, Anna
Christmas in the Country
As we pause in our busy lives to reflect on our blessings of the past year our wish for each and every one of you is a wonderful gathering of family and friends to celebrate the
May visions of the holiday gladden your heart and bring you joy.
H ogle
Happy Holidays!
Howell’s Western Cafe
Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want to know how has Rudolph I do not have a lot of presents. I and Dash been doing this year? I wish a train and Legos. have been doing good. How have Love, Aaron you and Mrs. Claus been? How have the other reindeer been? Can Dear Santa, I have an Elsa doll please? I want a graveling book and Love, Rachel a dirt bike for my brother and a street bike. Dear Santa, Love, Trent How has Mrs. Claus been doing Has Ruldolph been good I hope Dear Santa, Ruldolph made new games I been I want a dirt bike. And a IPAD. good at home and school. I hope I And a brand new Phone charger. am at the good lest I want Legos And a bed for my cat. And a Plese remote control helicopter. Love, Daniel Love, Daniel Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How has Mrs. Claus been How have you and Mrs. Claus doing? I hope the reindeer have been doing this year? Have the been eating well. Who is the top elves done a good job? Make suce elf? Please eat my cookins and my all of the reindeers to eat. Just let ginger bread house. Can you bring no I have done my chores and my me an extra present? I want a Build homework. I want to no if I am A bear reindeer? I hop you can going to be on the good list or the make it to my house. Have a nice had list? flight and stay warm. P.S. Have a Love, Damaris Great Christmas. Love, Grace Carter! Dear Santa, How have Dear Santa, you and Mrs. How have you an Mrs. Claus Claus been been doing this year have a good doing this yrear. I have year I have been this can you Plese made A’s and B’s. I be careful stay safe please brinyee hope you eat cookies. me a lego set. How is Rudolph Thank you, doing? Can you Jacob get me two Wii games, Maden 15 Dear Santa, and Super Smash How have you and Mrs. Claus brothers. been doing I have a good football Love, Landon season and gues what? We got to the Supbowl and gist what I got to Dear Santa, buy toys Get us I try my bist have Hi! How are you a good trip and bring me a 100 of dewing? I hope you pokemon card and weel you bring ar getting rest and me dig bike for my Dad and my eatin helthee. I wud like mom and my bub and weel you for Crismes flanl peejay shorts. bring fishing game for me and I A Starbux gif card. A trip to the wait to be a geme for my xbox 306. beesh and to pareasale. I olso wunt Love, Josh a pet hamer hed shark name Wyatt an shark babys. I wunt a apartmet Dear Santa, an a milleyon dolers. I olso wunt I want a pair of socks. How a Wrek this Jurnel. I wunt anuther are you doing today? Are you frenned for Henry my dog. playing with Ruldolph? I hope Thank you, Santa and Merry the reindeers are not sick! PS. I Chrismes! got some thing to give to you on Amber P Crismis eve. Love, Laney Dear Santa, I want to ask you, How are you Dear Santa, doing? How are the elves? I have How have you and Mrs. Claus been very good. Since I have been been doing this year? And if you good I want an Elsa Doll. I want a come to my house you will see Zoomer dino. cookies and milk. I will love the Love, Payton prezents you bring me. My mom and dad said I have been making
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Season’s Greetings
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Season’s Greetings 2014 Sincerely, Logan
Dear Santa, How have you and Mrs. Claus been doing this year? Have the reindeer been eating well? I had a great year! I have been making A, B, and C’s! can I have a Monster High Castle? Who is your top elf How had he/she been doing P.S please give me extra presents! Love, Samantha Dear Santa, I hope you have a safe trip and a great year. Santa Claus you are the best guy ever and I wont an elsa doll ples. Thank you Santa Claus. PS Elsa doll Love, Kendall Dear Santa, What have been doing? I hope you can make it. Will you give me a light saver a double one? Will you give my cusen a present? Love, Nathan Dear Santa, How have you been at the North Pole this year? If you need help I will help you. How are the reindeers doing in the North Pole? I was very good this year. I got A’s and I helped with the Christmas tree. I was wondering if I could get a real puppy? Love, Estrella Dear Santa, How have you and Mrs. Claus been doing this yaer? If you need help at the North Pole I can help you.How is the reindeer? Is he ok? Can he fly? Has ruldolph played an new reindeer games? I have been doing good at school. I want for Christmas clothing and a Barbie house and a Barbie. Love! Celeste Dear Santa, How are you and the rain dear? I wonder if you can come to my house first? I wonder what I will get? I’ve been good this year. How do you fly? Is it fun or is it scary? Can you see planet Pluoto or the moon? How many elfs do you have? Love, Kenzie Dear Santa, How are you and the elfs? Hows Ms. claws? Let me gues AmAzIng!!! Are the elfs making toys or the elfs making B OYS!!! ha ha ha I meant!!! Sorry for eating your cookies and milk sorrey but they were good. yum yum yum! Love, Kasyn
time is hear. I hope you like the cookies and milk. Do you like my Dear Santa, christmas tree? How are you and the Elfs and Love, Sienna raindeer doing? Do you give lots of presents to kids? Do they give you Dear Santa, a present or a new hat or shoes? Do How is Mrs. Claus? Is your sled you like cookies and milk? just super sonick fast or holliday Love, Emily spirit if it is keep it. How od you deliver all the presents. How is Dear Santa, Rudolph is his Nose still glowing. Did you check your calender? From, Jake You are cool. I hope I am not on the bad list but the good list. If I am Dear Santa, on the good list, can I have a 3DS How are you and Mrs. Claus? with games? Is roodoff getting on the Shop? I Love, Shawn Wish I could see you. Where do you keep your reindeer? When you Dear Santa, fly do you git scered? My favorite How are the randear and Mrs. holliday is christmas. I hope you Claus? Let me guess, she is very have a wonderful Christmas good and the raindears are good Love Shyann too. How good are your elfs? Love, Alayna Dear Santa, How are you and Dear Santa, Mis Claus? I hope I’m How are you doing and your on the good reindeer doing? How do you fliy? list if I’m not I’ll Do you go Super Sonik fast? How be good. How are are your ElFS doing Aetney doig the elfs and raindeer? good? Are they Working? I hope you like are Love, Kylie cressmis tree. Love, Julie Dear Santa, How are the rein deer doing Dear Santa, today. How are the elFS doing XOXO Are today? Do you have pups? Are the alfs doing ok? they doing OK today? I will set Thay are being good? cookies and milk out for you. Is Mrs. Claus doing Love Madison good? Thanks about the presents last year. Dear Santa, I hope I’m on the nice How are you and Mrs. Claus? list I hope I’m not on the How do you no let us see you? I notie list. hope you feel good. How are your Love, Kaitlyn elfs? How do you fly so fast? Is it super sonic speed? I was being Dear Santa, espeshelly good! I will bake How are you doing today? I cookies for you! would like a makeup set and a Love, Aubree artset Also a computer I pad I phone. Also a country clothes and Dear Santa, also a free ticket to Luke Bryan How are your deers And Your concert. elfs and your wife? I hope I can Love, Madison see you When it is Christmas and you are the best! Christmas is My Dear Santa, favorite holiday. What I want is a How are you and Mrs. Claus and Dolphin Tale book the ran der? Who are your favorite Love, Ariana ran der? Who is your favorit elf? I want a fire truck and a trane. Dear Santa, Love, Isaac How are you and Mrs. Claus? How are The raindeer and The Dear Santa, elvs? Ih’ve been a great kid this I like wresling ring and a Hot year. Wheell track. I also want a max Love, Cash tow truck. Love, Hayden Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Cluas? Dear Santa, I hope you will make it to all the How are you and the elfs? How houses. I love when christmas much kids do you visit in one
Savor el saboR
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Wednesday, December 17, 2014 night? I’ll leave some milk and cookies. How many cookies does Mrs. Claus bake you? I hope I’m on the nice list. Plus I want to get coal so I can make a diamond so my mom can pay her taxes. Love, Eduardo Dear Santa, How are you doing? I was being very good this year. Can I pleas have ShoPKins, Crazy Knit art supplies, puppy, little Live Pets, frozen movie, clothing, a cat, Phone crazy loon, dressup dresses, razor bike. I would feel rilly good if you brought me this. Love, Olivia Dear Santa, How are you doing? Can I pleas have a xbox one and a AirHog? Aloso a max tow truck pleas? I have ben good. I also want a climging Hex bug. From, Raydon Dear Santa, How are you? I’ve been good this yeal. I want Big thero 6. I want Halo guys. I want hex Bugs. I would be really rally happy. Love, Ryder Dear Santa, I might Leave you a present I want a bow and arrow I also want Halo guys I will your deer some carrots and some Christmas cookies
leave and a dollar.
Love, Toby Dear Santa, Can I please have a good foot ball? Can I please have a good logo sete? Can I please have a bassball in a bat? Can I please have a Xbox 360? Can I please have a brite Bick in Metal in number 5? I will feel good Santa. Love, Jace Dear Santa, How are you doing? And our Elfs do great every year. Can I pleas have a X box 1, 1,000 puppy surprises, 100,000 stufed puppies, 100,000 Ms, Shaffer dolls, Bayler, Olivia, Kamden, James, Christian, Myranda, Skye, Shyann, Natalie, Adam, Kendell, Jace, Ethan,
Brydon, Lyra, Bailey, Matt M.K., Love, Natalie Toby, Grayson Ryber dolls. And this year I will give you a present. Dear Santa, Mary Cristmes. have I been good? I hope I have Love, Shila been good because I whant some presents. can I have a new baby Dear Santa. carseat for my baby dolls? I want How are you doing. I ant a a baby bath tub with a duck. How Kendall fire. I want a farot and a tv. are you this eve? I want a German sharepd. I want Love, Lyre airsoft BeeBs and a reigndeer. Blankes and pills. I want Halo 123 Dear Santa, for Xbox 360 and candy. How are you doing? I am Love, Matt doing awesome. I Relee want a Skylanders trap teme. I want the Dear Santa, Skylanders guys. I want a Big lego How are you? I have bin osme I boxes and the gus crusher, zook, want a x Box 3 60. A aldo want a chop chop and that is it. K nin ynite. Love, Kamden Bayler Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are you Doing? I want How are you? I would like cats. an xBoxone. I want Battalfilds I would like Monster High movie. Games. I want an Ipodtouch. I I woule like a computer. I would want an PS4. I want an dirt bike. like a dog. And a white boad. I want an four weler. I want all the Love, Shyanne nerf guns. I want all the logos. I want all the foot balls. Dear Santa, Love, Ethan I want a balloon I want a Boom Boom Balloon. I want a stuft pupy Dear Santa, I want rccar. I want rc helicpetr rc How have you been? I have tank. I know you like chocolate been very good. I just want color chip ccookies and Dr. Pepper. cords for a PS2. Love, Christian Love, Matthew Dear Santa, I want a NFL Football. I want to hav it becauae I wel Leave you a cookie. Love, Adam
Dear Santa, How are you! I was good! Can I plaease have a chiwawa? Can I plaease have a cotton candy? Can I plaease havea g playhowes? Can I please have a Wii U? Love, Myranda
Dear Santa, I waint stuff, and TMNT stuff, race cars, and wanted a xbox. I fell Dear Santa, good if you brought me all of this. I would like some Jewelry stones Love, James of the month. The Jewelry is going to please be rings and necklaces Dear Santa, with all the stones. The rings are I want a gocart. I wood be happy one for each month. I would like a if you got me all of this stuff. shiny trophy. I got A’s and E’s on From, Grayson my report card. I love your elves. Love, Jordan Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am probly Dear Santa, on the good list. I have been good. How are you? I want one of I want a Kiten. And a xbox 360. your elves. How have you been? I I want a halo lego set and A four miss you. I will give you cookies. weeler and a Dirt Bike. I want your elves to make me a toy From, Bailey so bad, please. Love you, Brannon Dear Santa, How are yo dowing? I was good Dear Santa, this year. I want a good Chrimis If I don’t have cookies, I will pleas. And a bike pleas, Santa. I have pizza. I have had all E’s. I love all of my friends and Santa. I want a new bike. My mom said realy want a bike. I’m good at football.
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Season’s Greetings 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Love, Hayden a lid and I almost crashed into a building. I’ve been nice to my Dear Saint Nick, friends. How are you doing today? What Love, Breyden is it like at the North Pole? I have one of your elves on the shelf. I Dear Santa, hope she’s having fun at my house How are you? I want a ball. I this year. I hope you enjoy my want a reindeer. Santa, why did the cookies and milk. Please don’t ring reindeer go to the farm? Hay! me many presents. I want you to Love, William have some of my presents for an award for being a nice man. Merry Dear Santa, Chistmas! How have you been? Thank you Love, Riley for letting Hart come back. That is fun. I like waiting to see you eat Dear Santa, the cookies. How are you, Santa? I’m good. Love, Abby Here are 2 things I want for Christmas, a glow-in-the-dark Dear Santa, cotton candy maker and giant How are you doing, Santa? I’m packs of EX Pokemon. doing good. I’m going to tell you Love, Carson a joke. Why did the skeleton not cross the road? Because he didn’t Dear Santa, have the guts! Can you bring me How are you? I would like a a card for Christmas? Please give pet. Merry Christmas, Santa. By me a gift. How does Rudolph fly? the way, my sister wants a stuffed Santa, just how does he? How do unicorn. How are you and the you fly in the sleigh and deliver reindeer and Rudolph and Mrs. gifts all over the world in one Claus? How are the elves? How night, Santa? old are you, Santa. Love, Trenton Love, Elizabeth Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are you and your wife I want one of your elves, please. doing? You are cool. I have straight I have been good this year. I will A’s. That’s why you should get me leave you some chocolate chip an x-box one. I have no cookies, cookies and I have all A’s. I love so I will leave pizza. How old are you Santa. I love you. I love you. you, Santa? I love you. You are the best person Love, Chantz in the whole wide world! Love, Marina Dear Santa, How are your elves and your Dear Santa, reindeer? What I really want for How are you at the North Pole? Christmas is an Xbox 360 gold. The thing I wish is to have a good I will leave you 5 cookies and a Christmas and I wish to have fun. glass of milk. I wish everyone would have fun, Love, Braxton too. I remember when I rode on
Dear Santa, I want a dragon movie that has the sheep game. How are you? Is Rudolph doing good? Love, Bodee
Dear Santa, Are you going to come to my mom’s work on December 19th? On Christmas Day, can you bring me a shooting bow? What are you going to bring me in my stocking? Dear Santa, Your elves are funny. I wish you How’s Rudolph the reindeer? weren’t old. Bring my brother a I had straight A’s I want a laptop special thing. and a new bike. How are you at the Love you, Aerial North pole? I have a note for you when you come to my house. You Dear Santa Claus, are special. How are you? For Christmas, Love, Mackenzie I would like a soccer bag with a bright soccer ball, please. Have a Dear Santa, good Christmas. Tell the elves to How are you? I hope you have a great Christmas. Tell them are doing good. I am glad for to be safe and work hard. December. I am so glad. How old Lvoe, Kylie are you? Love, Garrett Dear Santa, I work on trucks, cars, and Dear Santa, vans. I want five things, a car How are you? I would like a came, Battlefield Four Optimus pet shop. Thank you for all the Prime, Bumblebee, and all the hard work. I hope you will like my other Transformers. Please get my cookies. I love all my presents. I mom’s stuff, too. would also like a Mermaid Barbie. Lover, Gage Love, Emily RENO ELEMENTARY Dear Santa, How are you and your reindeer feeling? What I really want for Christmas is an ipad and one of your elves. I have helped my Mom a little. I will leave you three cookies and a glass of milk. Enjoy your Christmas. Your reindeer are funny. Your friend, Presleigh
Dear Santa Closs, Can you plese give me a bike Dear Santa, From, Wyatt I wut a concind makr and a ice crime makr. A les foor mi dog. Dear Santa, He is a boy. I dot no wut to git mi What I want for Christmas is Mom!!! So hap me thak. a new bike and makeup and a Love, Makenzee mermaid barbie doll and singing barbie’s. p.s. I bulive in you. Dear Santa, Love, Molly I will get you some cookies to you. You are the best You to God Dear Santa, and you Jesus. PS and I will get I want a WWE golden milk for you. champenship belt and a CJ Brocklesner and a woody and a John Cene and The rock with pants Dear Santa, and a T-Shirt and a UnderTaker I want a pokemon DS games and a Bumblebee with a Sam and and a DS. Happy Crimsmis. Santa a Hero Smasher named Doctor is Asome! Doom that you can take apart to Logan put on to a other body and the same with the other body. Dear Santa ????? Bring me lost and lost of toys. PS you are asum. Oh I well make Dear Santa Claws, sure I get escru cokes and milck. thank you for the note that you Roper gave me. I want a ipod. And a save Frankie Bed. And I likeChistmas Dear Santa, because I get to hold the baby Can you get me some nert guns Jessus. for my while family please so that Love, Saphira we can do nerf wards together and
Dear Santa, How are you? I hope you are doing well. I don’t want anything, but you can still stop by. I’ll leave some cookies and a Bible for you. P.S I love you. Love, Kennedy
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Season’s Greetings 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
comeback and you will get some Der Santa, money. PS my name is Vance. PSS I whunt a forwilla and a skatr I live on ???? road. and twhunt a moccnoi and I whunt Love Vance a pupy and I whunt a bick and I whant a Big robot Dear Santa, Daniel I what a snowcone maker and a cotton candy amker. And a Barides Dear Santa, doll. And a look alike a doll. And How have you been? My two I want a new rill dog plese I rilly bruthers whold like a gun. I whold want a dog. And a new Baride like a sockmonkey for my techer. house. And a Amarice gilel doll And for my mom some dragonfly Thank you. mangis also my aunt Sarah. McKynleigh Love, Rhylan Dear Santa, I wete a car for my sister a litte car. And a cookey make toy. And a pupey wife close and sose. And a brbie hawe wife barbies and close and sose. And a snow cone maker. Love, Valeria Dear Santa, Thank you for crismas. I whant a X box.I will make a cookie for you. Can it be the x box it will be a 360. Jaydn Dear Sant, I what a race track Aidan Dear Santa, What I want this Crismas is a cat a dog and a hamster. The torys I want is a skateboard & Zoomer pet I want it to be brown and a phone. Logan
dirt bike. I want a reolle conctoll xBox 360. Mip to preas bring me a car. I want a gocart. gokart. I would also like a hamster Love, Cade and a monkey. Lvoe, Isaiah Dear Santa, How have you be? My family Dear Santa, would like some toys. And I would How have you ben Santa for to. I loke comeputers. And I would Chrismas I want a big barbiey like one very much. And I would house. And a laptop. I allsow want like a four willer to. I like toys. Ho, a bed set. I want the best set to be Ho, Ho, pink and blak zebra. Love, Trinity Love Sarah
Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want a games and I want a blue How have the reindeer and elfs Dear Santa, hret and I wan xBox one. ben? Santa fore Chismas I wood How many toys have you made. Love, Adam like pac man games please. And Whah I Whah for Christmas I a go cart and a robot please can whan a bean bag chair. I whan a Dear Santa, you please get me a iphone 6. Will Cra-Z-Kina. I whan a phone. I Santa how many elfs do you you get me a laptop how is mis.,s whan a Laptop for my mom. have? Have you had a good year? Cloase doing. And how are you Love, Kyla This is what I want for Crismis doing. Ho ho ho. Merry Chrismas. Santa…I woud like madden NFL Sincerely love, Cooper Dear Santa, 15 and a play staccn 4. Thank How have you bin? My famule you. And I also want a call a duty Dear Santa, wuns to have will my bruthr Avants ware fare. And Destny. Hay Santa How are you. This wuns to have lagoe zoobys with How is Mrs. Cluas? year I want candy in my stocking a trak. And I wunt Shoppkins and Sincerely, Josh and for boys I want a toy that is mostrbie Kasol and frety to cum called Deh Vinci and another is back My sister wuns all the lip stik Dear Santa, Lalaoopsy Baking oven another frum the moll. And my dad wuns How have you Been. How have one cool bkaer wii frozen gummies golf klose. My momy wuns a lot your raindeer been. I would like a toy olaf that sings I love Christmas of klose. Love, Tatum
Azle Area Chamber of Commerce 404 W. Main St. Azle • 817-444-1112
Dear Santa, What have you been up to? I want three walky talky so that my friends can talk to each other. And I want a mip robot. And in return would you like a snowman poster. Your friend, Nickolas
Dear Santa, I wot a rmot candanojer. Can I hav a car. Can I have a drt bike. Dear Santa, Can I have a bike. I wot a taking How are you downg? I wont a car. Renow. tent can you bring food and sheltr Love, Brayden and watr to the homeless? Sincerely Love, Calvin Dear Santa, I want a remo kontrol robot that Dear Santa, is 15 feet tall. P.S. areu fale. Have you Helped the evls? I From, Jackson want a stuff bear and a x box and a nerf fun and my brother wants a
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have a Nice New Year. 2015 video box 360 Give my a present a my for wii. siter and my big bruther. Moter Love, Ariana bike at Walmart. Your friend, Arturo Dear Santa, How are you doing? Can I have Dear Santa, a xbox one for a famley preset and How are you doing? Can I have a betery pack chochubool? a Zomer pupey? And a Spongbob Sincerely, Gabryel Wii game and a new bike and a pupler dert bike? Dear Santa, Love, Melia How are you doing in your work shop? Santa I would like the Doc Dear Santa, Mobeyol. Also I would like the How are you doing? Can I hav a Doc Gete berter check up center. barbewehars. Can I hav a hras that And so I can check there eyes. can toc can my stras have a drau Can you plece bring me it. Wait and hras. my little sister wants Dora toys Sincerely, Montana and frozen toys. Your are the best Santa ever. Dear Santa, Lvoe, Johana I want a toy thas laegy site toys dinabot and I want a shipy fifd gun Dear Santa, to shot and snipr bebe gun every Are you real? Do you now bide and my classroom I sol you at Jesus? If you are real get me a x WaMart. And I want a mincarf toy
Season’s Greetings to all of our friends, family and good neighbors in the Azle Area. May your holiday be full of cheer and good tidings.
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Season’s Greetings 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 that I can bild. Love, Mason Dear Santa, Hi! How are you and the raindeer doing? I think your doing great! The northpole is cold and snows alot. For Christmas I want a zoomer dino, a call of duty lego set, and the third one a four wheeler the last one is an nerf pistle. Love, Xavier Dear Santa, How are you doing? Thank you for evry thing. Can I plesa have all of the pokemon card’s. And may I have all the Lego’s. Senserly, Matthew Dear Santa, Hi how are you’r elv’s doing? I want a xbos one. You’r frende, Trey Dear Santa, Hi! How are you doing? Are your Elf’s doing fine. Any notty kid’s yet? Are the deer’s okay. Is your wrork shop going great. Your friend, Gavin Dear Santa, Hi! How are you doing? What are all lv you doing today and how are your ders Doing today. But I want a Lot of uv toys. Your friend, Ley Dear Santa, Hi! How are you doing? How are your elfs and deers? I want to see all the cool toys you made and my sistr does to. Can I get a slidermen for Chrismas? You are very cool. Your friend, Amarah Dear Santa, Hi! How are your deer dowing? Thank you for the stuff last year. I got a lot of toys last year. Do you give kids cole alwas? I bet you only give cole to kids when they are bad. You are oesame. Your friend, Sophia Dear Santa, Hi. How are you doing? How are our elfs and deers? Thanks you for the stuff last year. I got a lot of toys. Do you fly ever Christmas? I want a D3S for Christmas. You friend, Aaliyah Dear Santa, Hi! How are you doing? How are your rainders doing? Have our rainders en sick? How are your elfs doing?
Your frind, Tatum Dear Santa, Thanks for evry think you get us Dear Santa, on Cressmess. Would you please Hi. How are you doing? Wold give me three yugioh card decks you please let me have some tools and the Muleneom puzzle and a for Crismes so I can take apart the transsmeter. engine. I love to take apart and Senserly, Mason reybild things! Cold I olso have a Cross Timbers Elementary I-pad miny? How are your elfs and raindeer? Dear Santa Claus, Your fend, Dayla Is Roodof sick? I hope he is not. Are the elves doing good macking Dear Santa, the presents? Are you and Mrs Hi how are you doing? I’v Claus doing okay with all that ben wondering how your elfs hav snow? Thank you for the American ben doing. I be ther doing god. Are Girl doll last year. It was amazing! you giting your raindeer retey to I hope you can give me a Aerican flie. I’v ben want a dert bike for Girl doll bed for Caroline because Crismis. she has no where to sleep. I hope Your frend, Jake you can give me socks because I can hardly find some in the sockDear Santa, basket that fit me.I will enjoy a Hi how are you doing? I’v bin chapter book.I hope you can give gud. How are the elvs doing? Kan me one.My brother Jacob he wants I ples hav a forwiler and ples kan I toy legos because he lost some hav a skoodr. under his. My dad needs a jacket Your frenid, Garrison because he only has one. But it has to last about a year. Happy Dear Santa, Cristmas! I want a sonic boom we you game. And a sonic boom DS gam. Love, And a Minecraft toy. I also want Klaire. C the gooey ooey game. And I want a Skylanders trep team. Deer Santa, Friend, Luke I hope your having a good time. How are you doing? How I the Dear Santa, cruew? Are they doing good? And Hi! How are you doing? How can you please give me a remote are your deers doing how are our control helacoptor? Also we would elves doing. I like your coat and I like you to try to help us get a like your black boots. tv because the tv is to big in are Love, your friend, Rose house.And the very last thing is a new job for my dad because he Dear Santa, works at night and day. And I hope Hi! How are you doing in your you have a good Crismas! wrk shop? Are your elfs werking Love, hard. I like your elfs. My favrit Gael G. coloer is Pink wat is your favrit coloer. And I like the coloer Dear Santa Claus, green and red liked green and red I hope you are doing fin. Is present.Your slae is prity. But I like evrybody doing good? I know you you the best. are bizy at the North Poll! Can you Lvoe, Abi get Cohen a game and any kind of game? Because he likes to play a Dear Santa, lot of games.Also can I please get Hi! How are you r elfs doing? bug jamas! I do not have any but How are you doing Santa? And one and it is a dress bud jama and it I relly want a coll bike and a is ugly and it is old. Can Haley get slingsoot socks because Cewy my dog likes Love, Jordan to chew on it and she does not like it at all. She is 13 years old. Can Dear Santa, you please give ne a jauket because Hi Santa. How ern you douing I have to use my brothers and I do Santa ern you douing good. not like it! I trided my best to find Your frind, Cason some but I only have one and it is not thick.Because it is a swuader Dear Santa, that is not fat and I do not like it! Hi! How are you doing? Can I Love, have a monstor art Godzilla. Madison. J. You frand, Ryder
With sincere gratitude from all of us this holiday season.
At the Holiday Season,
Dear Santa, How are the raindeer’s and how is the wether on the North pull? Is roodof sike? I hope he is not. Santa cude you pleas breing me a puppy? My other dog’s are getting old. Santa it wode be reale nise if you cude get me a new blankit because my old one has a rip. It wude be real nase if you colde make Olivia a blak belt. She is the best krote poersn. I need a new tv because it is cract. Dere Santa I hope you are being good. Love, Landin G.
year? I hope I can get presents for chrismas and I hope other do to! Is it snowing down in the Northpole? Are you having fun in the snow? Santa can you pleas get me a new jacket because I only have two jackets at school and it’s getting really cold now that it’s about to becrismas. Merry Crismas, Santa! I was wondering if you could get myfriend a orang kitten caus her brother ranouverher kitten. Love, Railey D
to Texas with me.
Querido Santa. Yo quiero una muñeca con ropa. Y que tenga un par de ropa para. Camviarla y que prienda. Y que chille y. Que tenga una mamila con.Lecha?Quiero yo un juge te que prienda y que aga ruido. Y un par de rapa para me? Yo necesito unos zapatos. Que priendan y que seun.Nuevos 2? La gente necesita covijas y rapay zapatos y chamarras Jennifer.
Dear Santa, How are the elfs and the snow?All I want for Crismas is markers because I don’t have many markers. The store marker cost lot of money.My sister wants Barbys for Crimtas becaues my sister doesn’t have many barbys and in the store they cost lot of money.I need Jounals for Crimtas because my other ones are wasting papers. My mom needs pens because my mom does not have a lot off them. Thats all I want for Crimtas.And Santa have a happy Crimtas! Love, Saul R.
Dear Santa, Are you realy marryd to Mrs. Claus? And is Roodoff’s nose red? By the way I’m a Star studint! Can you pleas give me a Ipod because my brother has the one my dad had thats why I want a Ipod. Also I would like a Ipad because I need to play games. And I need new crayons for home becas the crayons I have are broken. And Santa please please give the homles people food, colthsand, shoes By the way have a Merry Chrismas! Dear St Nick, Love, How have you been this year? Natalie E. I want a I pad Mini because my I phone 4 is getting old and boring.I Dear Santa, also need some Reebox Zig.zag How are the elfs and raindee\ars Alfa Runing Shoe. Because I only doing? Is it realy cold at the North have 4 pairs. I want a tramplen so Pole? I hope you could bring me I can jump. I need a threehouse so a toy. Could you pleasebring me I can hunt. a credit card because my mom Love, never gives me money. Could you Nathaniel B please give me a air hog because I don’t have any toys? Santa, can Dear Santa and MisClasy, you please give me a new house Will you please say helow to because My house is wreced? My roodof for me? I hope you do not mom needs a new job because my have a cold. If you can please make mom has a realy hard job. Thank me a new pere of brown boots. If you for listening. you look at Justis you could be Love, able to find some. I’m prity shor Bryan M. that my size is threes.I Also would in joy s new heart locket so I could Dear Santa Claus, put … My friends picher in side.I How is Mrs Claus and the elfs? would love some Justis gift cards Are you having fun too? I hope and Sonik gift cards. By the way you are fine this evening. Santa, I would like to know if you could I’ been good and really kind this just help my friend Riley that lives year! Have you been fine this in Ocuhlomeu. She wants To move
Dear Santa, Can you please get thes 4 itms? I want a new bike. My old one broke. Why? I can go my friends. I need more clouse because my old are shrenck lots of thim. My mom need a drake because she is rily tired. My dad wants a new backskachr because his old one broke. Can you please
Here’s hoping your holiday is blessed with the perfect combination of peace, harmony and joy. Thanks for making us feel so at home here. We look forward to seeing you again next year.
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Happy Holidays May the joy and wonder of the holiday season be yours throughout the new year.
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Dear Santa Clos, How are the rainbear are doowing? Can you pat one of the raindear for me, please? Can I please get a rele horse? I wish my hole Life for a horse. Can Gaeren have a new skooder? His is old. My mom needs a new sleeping sheet. I need a new bastceball I need it to play bastceball I been a liltle cind this year. Have a merry Christmas! Love, Sayge M.
Dr. Paul R. Farmer & Staff Azle Family Dentistry
Agency, Inc.
our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible.
Dear Stana Clos, How is Ruoff and you? Can I pleas have a stuffed pupy? My ather one got drity. My baby casens need toys. I need cloths because I am growing out of mine. My papa needs tools because thare broken. Have a Marry crismas! Love, Vanessa M.
our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible. Fidelity National Title
At the Holiday Season,
Love, Jadyn B.
Merry Christmas
Greetings Of The Season As another holiday season comes our way, We’d like to seize the chance to say, That one thing that we know is true, Is we owe our success to each one of you!
Commitment Runs Deep
Season’s Greetings 2014
get the 4 them?
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
this year? Love, Camrin S.
Dear December Clous, How is it up that? Are the Ellvs doing good? Have you enjoyed the snow up thar? I want you to know my Ellv on the shelf is easy to find. Can you make it harder to find Please? Thank you! Also I want a durt bike so I can play in the mud on the weekends. Also I want an Xbox 369 so I can play video game. I realy want an Ip ad so I will not get in truble. My mom also needs a ipad so she can work at home. Thank you! Love, Austin R
Your #1 Fan Taylynn.M. Dear Sant How cold has been in the North Pole? This year for christmas I really need a robot to help me do my homework. I olso would like some money for my sisters. My good friend really needs a car. Do you think I have been good Your friend, John H. Dear Santa Claus, Would you like cupcakes? One of the things I want is a Journey Doll That looks like me. The second thing I would like please is to have the doll dressed with a prom dress. I need a new coat for Colorado please. Also my bother needs a new pair of white base ball pants. What kidn of milk would you like with your cupcakes? Love, Adrianna W.
Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am fien. And how are the raindeer? Are they good?. What I want for Chrismas is a nerf gun becuse I have boring toys and I get very bord at my house. My bruther wants a Xbox One because all most all the game are all scrated up. The Last thing I want is Lego!! What I want is Lego Dear Best Santa, plane. How does Roudolph nose glow Love, red? I really want some new food. Grant. W. Also I’d like a new devis call the Mini ipad for me.My mom Dear Santa, could really use money How are the elves ? Are and food.I’m telling they making lots of toys? How is another question Ms.Clouse?Is Roudoff sick? I hope to you. Santa, he’s not! Santa can I please have a how do you robot puppy? I have not been too fin eight good but I will be. I would adoor reindeer plus a Barbie Dream House becouse it Roudolph? looks likefun and itisa big thing Sincerly, that I like a lot. Rally needs some Carlos G. money becose she dosent use her own money.Rally dosent have Dear Santa, enoghf money. Thank you for How many reindeer do you lisening. have? Can I have a video game Love, for my PS one and could I have a Olivia W. Tranformer. I need a shirt because I son’t have a lot and Could I have Dear Santa, a lot of socks because my sister How is the crue doing? I has pocked holes in mine. Did you hope the elfs are doing grate and like my letter? making gifts for chrismas. I need Love, shoes because I only have one par Jacob C. of shoes I want a new wii ramott because my wii ramott goes Dear Saint Nicholas, kookoo. My big didter needs a How long have you had your car because her car is broken. My reindeer? I,ve been thinking mom needs a jackit because she about what I want for Christmas.I only hase one Thank you decided what I want. Marker Love, Maker and a Cottencandy Miguel R. Machine. I need food and boots can you do that for me. How do Dear Sweet Santa, you make toys like a snowman? I How are you this year? For also have been wondring how old Christmas I want a pupy and some you are and your wife Mrs.Claus? pretty rainboots. I also need some Love, more socks. Could you please give Summer H. my mon some new socks too? What do you want for Chrismas Dear sweet santa,
Merry ChristMas
You are so sweet. What is your favorite kind of cookie? For Christmas I want a new bike because mine broke. Also I’d like a blue stuffed bunny. I need new tennishoes. My sister needs anew winter jacket Are you doing good at the North Pole sincerely, Berlyn D. Dear Santa, How many reindeer do you have? I really need some new shirts beacause I am running out. Can I please have a new fourwheeler? I would really wabnt a X box 360! How do your reindeer run in the air? Sincerly, Nathan Dear Wonderful Santa, How is it going at the workshop? For Christmas can I have a DS and lots of art supplies? Also I need two things for school, a clock and headphones. How could you get around the world in one night? Sincerly, Cienna
Dear Sweet Santa, What kind of cookies do you want for Christmas so I can leave them out for you? Santa I want a remot car and a bulldozer for Christmas. I wonder how you get into my house at night on Christmas Eve? Santa I need new pgs and my dad needs yards stoff also, Please! Your friend, Damian Dear Saint Nick, How many gifts do you make each Christmas? I would like a T.V. Please to put in my room. I also want my family to spend time together! My mommy needs a cuttingboard and my daddy needs a Radiers benee. I want the cuttingboard and the Radiers
benee for my parents. Why do you only come in December? Have a good Christmas! Sincerely, Destiny B Dear Santa, I love you so much! What time are you going to fly to Texas. I realy want a wach and some science kit. I need food and water my brother needs some new Hot wheels. Did you make cool toys for me this year. Love, Richard N Dear Santa, How are you? Does Dancer dance alot? Santa for Christmas I want a new chair and my trash can for my room please. My Mom needs a new pair of shoose, and my Dad needs a new tool kit. Are you excited for Christmas? I hope you have a great New year! Love, Allissa B. Dear Santa, I hope you don’t get so cold at night and I hope you have a very good Christmas. How is Rudolph and the crew? May I please have a sled for Christmas. I need a heavy coat to use when we go sledding. For my baby sister could you and my twin sister could you give them Tedd Bears. I would also like that you give my baby brother a Hot Wheel and my Dabby a gun. Santa I Hope you have a Merry Christmas! Love Shaylinn Dear Santa, Do you like your reideer? I want a real horse and an Elsa dress. My sister needs a new tak for our animals. My other sister needs a new jacket. Did you make new toys this year. Your Friend, Valencia M. Dear Santa, I hope you have a safe trip delivering presents. Is Rudolph going to guide the sleigh? Can I
With Bright Wishes at The Holidays
Wishing all our friends, neighbors, patients and associates a holiday season filled with lots of bright smiles and laughter.
please have a electric scooter and a pair of hunting boots. My brothers need some jackets My Dad could use a new pair of tenni shoes. What kind of cookies do you want? Love, Ian L.
Dear Santa Hoiy are you and mrs clase? Can you bring me a xbox360 kunet so me and my bruther can play on line? We can let my mom and Dad go to sleep wen they are sleep to. I need a pineol shapenr to sharpen my pensalat my hauese. Hav a save Dear Sweat Santa, chripe. How are your lovely reindeer. Love Santa? Sweet Santa there are Two Jairo G thigs I want for Christmas a Ping Ball Machine and a Four Wheeler. Dear Santa Two things for my parents. My I hope you get hear on Christmes Dad needs a new part for his car. Eve. I will ask my mom Jessica, if My Mom needs new stuff for our she can pot cocckeys and milk out. new house. How do you get around How is Dasher Dancer Prancer the whole world in one night? Rewdof too? Can I pleas have A Love, Ipad miny? Can I pleaes have my Jacob M. friend Emily som nell pallish? How is mis. Claws doing? I hope Dear Santa, yall are doing good. How are the reindeer? May I Love, please have a guitar because I like Cheyanne V. to play them. Also, I’d like a new mote control airplane. The two Dear Santa, things I need are a pair of Shoes Are you doing good this year? and some pants. How have you How are the elfs doing? I would been feeling? like Elsa doll for Christmas So I Love, can play with it. I need a dress to Brayden C. wear at church. I also want a lot of toys so I can play with them. Dear Santa, Libertie needs some newshoese so Are you reindeer fast? Can you if you could bring her a new pair please bring a Xbox for me? Also, that would be great. I’d like a pet gerbil. Can you please Love, give the homeless people food Elaina and water. By the way is Rudolph going to lead your way this year? Dear Santa, Thank you, Are the Raindeers doing ok Levi M. bucuse the Raindeers fly us the pressents? For Chrismas may I Dear Santa, have a tablet pleas and a robot? I Is there a elf named Eli, Santa? need a new pare of tenestoes pleas. I want a mip for Christmas, pleace. And Elijah needs a mip. Happy Can I have your left over cookies Chrismas Santa. pleace. P.s. Chandler needs p.js. Sincerely, Pleace bring him some. Chandler T LOVE, Elijah.C Dear Santa, How are you this week? I want
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Season’s Greetings 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 a tablet for Christmas so I can play on it. I need a bike because my is broken. My friend needs some new shoes his shoes are ript. Merry Christmas Santa? Love Jovahni Padilla
Dear Santa, How are you this year? And how are your raindeers? I want a ipad becase I can play on it. I need a jacket so I can be warm. I want a phone s I can play on it. Also need glovs becase I don’t have eny. Dear santa, Happy new years!!!! How is rodof the red nos randeer Love doing thes time of year? I want a Chaz W iPad for Christmas Because my sister has one. I neen new shoes Dear Santa, Because my shoes are old. I want How are you doing? I wood like a stuff cat plese santa-Because I a Amercan girl and a for wilr. I love cat’s/My friend Elaina need’s wood lik for Binly to get a I pad mitten’s, so pleas bring her some if Miny. I need a noow per a pans. you can santa. Delive presins to miny peiple. Love: Love Libertie Hannah.S Dear Santa, How are the raindeer doing? Dear Santa, How are you doing? Is there a elf How are you this year? I’, named Shane? What I want for wondering how you make toy’s. Christ mas is a nerf gun because Can I please have a Xbox 360 live it makes a funny sound. I need to play mincraft. I need to get my gloves to keep my hands warm. I teacher a gift for the holiday. want a ipad so I can play on it. My Love friend Chaz needs a jacket to keep MollyM. him warm. Love, Dear Santa. Shane. G Have you got hurt this year?Can I want a basketball this Christmas.I Dear Santa, need 20 bananas so I can stay How old are you? How old is healthy. And I want a hurmet crab. Mrs.Clous? Santa what I want My friend Ian needs a basket to for Chrismas is nail polish so I keep him strong and healthy. can paint my nail.s What I need Sincerely is gloves so I can stay warm on Jakob R. Chrismas day. Santa could I please have some pencils so I can do my Dear Santa, home work. What Astrid needs is How are you? I want a dirtbike some soft boots. for my birthday.Can you bringty love, m little brother some more new Emily pants.We woode also like a xbox to play together. Dear Santa, Love, How are your elvs? I want a Koby S. ipad mini – because I like to Learn new things.My friend needs new Dear Santa, cloths and Some paper to draw on. How are you and your elves I wood like a 4 welr because I like doing? I want a zomer dinow to rid a rawna in my bake yard because one of my Toys broke. I Love want a Zomer dog and a bb gun Cheyanne R and a paint ball gun. I love you Santa. I also want a marshmallow Dear Santa gun. Cole wants a mega man toy to How are you feeling This play with year? I what a dirt bike and a new Best wishes reemotcatirolcar. Eli wood like a Jacob L mip So cood you ples get him one. Love Dear Santa, Bryton B How are you and your elves doing? This year for Christmas,I Dear Santa, would like a Baymax mech flying Has rodof ben good? I want an I action figure. I want Lego Batman pad for Crismis. I need mechanical 3 so I could play with it and buy pencls. My friend needs new shos characters.For my sister Shelly and pagamus. Mary Cricmas Santa could bring her something like a clos. Batman thing.Could you bring a Love name tag for my dog and put the Brinley R name raph. O yeea buy the way I
need to say teo more things.The first thing is how are you and your elves doing? Merry Christmas. Best wishes, Daniel V. Dear Santa Claus, How are you doing? This year I would like you to pleas give Ariena a soomer suppy dog becase she thinks that her sister will have fun with it. I would like you to Give Skiceran x-box becase her friends have it. She also wants Just Dance and Just Dance Smurf. I need new curtens because I don’t have any and is hard to nap. I need new pillowes because mine are hard to nap and uncufterble and hard. I want a cotton candy machine becase I can eat candy all day long.I want new doll cloths becase she dosnt have a lot. Santa I hope you like my cookies. Abbey. P Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs Claues? I want a Zoomer dog becase my babby sister wount get it.,Sampoo becase I runote quikly. My friend Abbey needs a new back pack. She whould like to have one. My Nana whold like to have her dog back. We need more mony because we are pour. I hope you like my tree. Love, Ariona.L Deer Santa, I want a yu-Gi-oh moovy to share with my family. I need food to shayr with my family. I want my frind Daniel to have a turtletoy bucus he has ben nice to me and others. I hope you like the cookys and milk. I hope the raindeer like the cerets I left them. I hope the wether is okey for you this Christmis. Best wishes, Mark H. Dear Santa, I hope you are not too bisee on the toys, This year for Christmas I want a inotendo 3DS. I want a pupy becas my pupes got taken auay. My brother wants a toy car. My mom wants lots of mony becase she dusnot have lots of mony. I need toys so I can play. Thank you for the presens. Best wishes, Willian C. Dear Santa Claus,
Smile “MOORE”
for the Holidays with Dr. Terry Moore
I hope there is not a storm because I don’t wunt you to get hurt. I wunta soomr supy puppy. I can taick it for a wock. I will love a x-box. I can play a dancing game. I need new bapack. My mom and dad need muny. I love Santa for ever. Love Skiler K Dear Santa Claus, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I need bigger soft boots because the ones I have are too small. My brother wants a zoomer dineo because he loves dineos. I want a Amarican girl doll that looks just like me because I could play with it. I want a Elsa and Anna doll because I want one for my baibes. Thank you Santa for giving the world presents. I hope you like my cookies Santa. Best wishes, Haley C. Dear Santa, How are you doing? My mom and dad need a new truck because the other truck makes a bad noise. We need a brand new Tv so we can put it in my room. I want a new 3ds and a bike. My family wants a ipad. I need my ipad because I do homework on it. We need new shoes and socks so we can where them in school. Have a nice Christmas. Best wishes, Pablo N. Dear Santa How is Rudolph the red nose raindeer? I like your red and white soot and your hat. I like your beard. I like Rudof the red nose raindeer. Santa can you bring me a terminator toy and I need marbles. I need a new aquarium. I need a compter. I think it is cool you can fly. Best wishes Cole. O Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Clous doing? For Chrismas I need a new pair of boots because mine don’t fit any more. For Chrismas I want a Zoomerdino because it would be cool to be chased by a Zoomerdino. My dogs needs a new sweater becase the one she has dosnot fit any more. I hope you like the cookies. Best Wishes,
Cory K. good. Dear Santa, Hope you are having a fun time at the north pole.If an elfe is reading this hope your not swety from the hard work. I sincerely want call of daty world of War Zombes,Second I want Plants vs Zombes garden warfare because I like that game so much. I need a big tv at my gemys. Can you please get my cousin something. Best wishis Peyton Dear Santa Claus, How are you doing? I need a new dog for Christmas because mie ran away after my cruze. I want a Amarican girl doll because I aready have one at my mims house. Could you bring my little sister a zoomer zuppy puppy because when I bring mine home from my mimis house she fights me for it. I don’t like it when she fight me. Thank you for all my things. I love you Santa. Love, Brooke Y
Love, Dylan B Dear Santa, How are the dear doing? I need some money for Christmas to buy my family gifts. I want for my mom some shiny earrlings and I want for my dad a pair of pants. I have been helping my mom so can I have a dirtbike and a par of pants. Also, I want a remote control car. I want a ride in your sleigh. Love, Skylar, Paxton, Jobe Dear Santa, How are thing’s at the North Pole? I have been good by doing chores around the house and I pick up all my stuff in the room. I also make 100’s on most of my AR tests. So I need more sweters for the winter and I want a phone so I can play Five Nihgts at Freddys. Can you please bring my sister a new laptop because she emails my mom for me. Thank you Santa for my gifts. From, Sandy F.
Dear Santa, You are the best guy ever. Can you git me a dsi? I want a dsi because my dsi will not work. I want a new cat. I want anew cat because my cat needs cupuny. I need a new home. I need a new home because my home is cold at nigt. My techer needs more pincil. I hope you git the message. Love, Bryce G.
Dear Santa, I hope you aren’t getting cold in the North Pole. I have been good this year. So I hope you can get me a magic book and two Ex Pokemon cards. Their names are Deoxys and Rayquaza. In case my house gets caught on fire I need a Android phone. There is a boy from my Mom’s work that needs a toy for entertanment. Thank you for everything you’ve done Santa. Dear Santa, Love your friend How are you doing? This year Nolan G for Christmas I would like crayons. I need crayons for my coloring Dear Santa, book. I want a book about kittens. How are your elfes and rain I wood like to leran about kittens. deer? I have been good this year I wood like my brother to have a because I gave my dad a poster for bone for he’s og. My brother’s dog his birthday to hang in his office need’s a new bone. I wonder how at work. This year I want a new cold it is in the north pole? How is bike and a phone. But I need a new Mrs.Claus is doing? pair of school shoes. My cousin Best wishes, Luke needs a new jacket to keep Destiny S. him warm. Thank you for all the presents last year for Christmas. Cross Timbers Elementary Love, Garrin G. Dear Santa, Is the sleigh ready for Dear Santa Claus, Chrishmas? This year I need food How is Mrs. Claus doing? Are for my family. We like mac and your elfs tired? Does Rudolf really cheese. I would like an ipad. I have a red nose? I’ve been really would also like a presidents book good. I have done my homework, with 44 presidents because my old brushed my teeth, and been patient. book has 42. Washington-Clinton. What I want for Christmas is a My mommy needs money to pay zoomer shadow pulley and crazy rent. Thank you for not giving me sand. What I need is cool shoes, coal for years. I have always been food and some shirts. My brother
Wishing You
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10C Season’s Greetings 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
wants a toy-remote car and a big truck. My brother needs shoes, too. Have a good winter Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus. Love, Odes G.
big brother Garett. Remember, I have been good by helping my dad with Christmas lights. Thank you for theses gifts I love you love, Conner M.
Dear Santa, How are the elfs doing? I have been good this year. I have worked hard at school. I need some clothes because I’ve grown. I would lile to have a dirt bike, but no pink pleaes. My sister Summer needs some shoes. Can I have a iPhone and a mini iPad, too? I would Play music and I would Play games. Do you like music? Thank you for my gifts. Love, Payton H.
Dear Santa, Are you happy for Christmas? Are you comeing to town? I want an ipad because I want to oplay games. I want a toy car. I want a bow for my hair. I need clos like pants. I am going to give a toy to you. Thank you for Christmas, Santa Love, Emily M.
Dear Santa, Are you ready to go? I have been good this year. I want a puppy and a Elsa doll. I need some blue pants and beans my sister loves Elsa too can you Bring her Elsa Shoes? I hope you Love me. Love, Olivia, H Dear Santa, Are you ready for christmas? I have been nice to my brother this year and my brother has been nice to me this year. Can you give me a soccer ball and a Magic Tree House book to read and a Big Note book to read. If you can I also want some dryfit shirts nad pants. Can you bring my mom a new pear of boots and some workout cloths. Thank you forever thing. Merry Christmas, Jordan J. Dear Santa, I hope you have a great Christmas? I was hoping you could get me a Anna blanket for Christmas. I loke it because it is from my favorite move Frozen. It would help me sleep on story nights. Can I have a Mickey Mouse blanket for Dylan my little brother. He is a fam of Mickey Mouse. I realy need new clothes. My big brother needs new pants. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Your friend, Katlyn J. Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? I have been good this year. I would like a new cat because 1 has died and 1 ran away. I would also like a CB radio. So, I can talk with my dad. My handle would be Texas Ranger. Could you also bring some harry potter books for my
Dear Santa, How are you doing at the North Pole? Can you bring me a remote control car and a lazer? I would also like a ipod and new nike shoes, size two. Can you bring Jordan my friend a bike? Can you bring Mrs. Richards a clat that’s red? I really need a binder because mine is ripped? Thank you. Merry Christmas Love, Isaac Q. Dear Santa, I am 8 and I would like some lipstick this year. My sister wants Safia the first. My little brother wants a car and a truck. My mom and Dad want a tablet. Dad likes fames and mom reads the news. My friend Emily needs a few toys to play with. Thank you for toys. I love you Santa. Love, Taylor R. Dear Santa, I have been wondering how do your rain dears get food? I have good behavior in school. So I want Littlest Pet Shop toy, the house and accesores that go with it. I would also want a tablet with the game 5 Night at Fredd’s 2 on it. One thing I need is chap stick for my lips. Do you lips get chap in the North pole? My sisters would also want a tablet and Littlest pet shops. Thank you I think thats all. Love your best children, Kristyn S.
Liberty Elementary
to talk to you. For pretest i want a xbox360 wii soso Mrs.Claus I real Tractor, a real Garbage truck a voe Gakoda? I love you and Ms. Dear Santa, real ford Truck ViZio TV, and a pur Clause. I would like a X box 360 and a. eya kinde tire 5 And I Love You Love New bike and Some video games From: Gakoda for the X box 360. I missed you Gabriel and how are you’re raindeer doing. Dear Santa, Are you feeling well? Dear Santa, I’ve been want you to bring me Love thank you for bringing presents. bore hams for Christmasplease.I Riley I would like a xbox 360 and a bike want a Stuff anamil deer. Can you and I would have a cumuter? bring me a merken bolls please Dear, Santa Love Santa. Elfo in Shelf princess. I’ve missed you and may I Cameron Love have a new bike? and a motercycl Caitlynn please. Santa is Mrs Clause doing Dear Sentue, well? and how many presens have I’ve been plaing.I what is a Dear Santa, you dliverd? and may I have a ps4? PuPPy. What Do PuPPys Do? Do T Love you and I like you. I and may I have a xbox1? PuPPys Drik mikl? Do Dogs Drink like you giving us prezit. I Love Love milk? What DO Dogs Do? Christmas? I love snoo? I Love Cash Love ChRistmas chrees. I like for Sean Christmas big roobot? Dear Santa, Love You are the best because you Dear Santa, Leedon give us presets at night then in the How was your summer? Thank morning when i whack up we have you for the Elf. I wold like a bike Dear Sata, presents. or a monster high hair colore. How have you ben and reindeer Love willow Love and Mrs.Clause and elves ben? Lexy May I have for Chrismas? May i have a xbox one LaLaLoopsy baking oven? Dress Dear Sata, Dear Santa, up kit? Go Go puppy? Hide away How is your sleah? I would like I Love you Santa. I would Love pet small? bunny? Amarican Doll? a map. How is your reindeer? How a bick for Christmas. I would Love Love, is evles. How has your day been? a doul for Christmas to. I’ve misse Danica And I would xbox 360 and a Ps4 you Santa. I would Love toy for Your firend, christma to Santa. Dear Santa, Nolan Love I hope everything is going great Cristal in the North pole. I have been a Dear Santa, good girl for you and I hope I could How are your reindeer and you? say some things I would want from you This christmasl please. I would like som shoes fromyou and another dog. Love. Hannah.
Dear Santa, How are you? Are you ok? I would like to play football and a nerf gun, and I love you. Love John Thanks for the Elf on the Shefe. How are you fillin? I Love you becus you are nise. I would like a Kinde fire #5. I Love you. siney Landon. Dear Santa, How are you And Mrs Clause Dooing I wood like a wiiu and a X box one I Miss you So So Much Your randeer are cool My faffrit is Roodolf the red nose Rendeer the elfves are funy do you have a elf named bubby Love DuB
Dear Santa, I like for chrismas is a bike. Is your reindeer ok? How good is your elves? Are you feeling well? Are you gowing to be here for chrismas? Love: Samantha Dear Santa, Can you bring me a Ds, some books, A hat and some glovs too, A elf on the shelf, A sout. A bater life. How are you? How are your ranbeer? Love Mikel
Dear Santa I want a dirt bike so I could ride around with my Dad. My sister wants an I Phone and she needs a pair of shoes. I would also like to have a DS with games. Are your elves ready? Love, Dear Santa, Dear Santa Summer T. I’ve missed you for the whoel How are you and Mrs.Clause? week. I Love You And I can what doing in Noth I wunt a BeBegun,
North, south, east or west... We’re sending you our very best Plus a heap of thanks and glad tidings, too.
At The Birth of Our Saviour Wishing you and yours exceeding great joy as we enter into this holiest of seasons. Merry Christmas, Everyone!
To let you know how much we appreciate you!
Dear santa, How are you doing? I hope you are having fun. I wish you could get me a couple of things for Christmas. I would like some new clothes. I would also like some gloves. Have a good trip to my house. Love, Kenneth Dear santa, How are you Santa? Are you ok? I would like to play football, and a nerf gun, and I love you. Love, John Dear Santa, How are you doing? I would like to ask you a question, how do all of youre reindeers fly? Do they have magic dust? So, I would like to tell you a couple of things I want like a Na by Big tab. Well that is all. Love: Sara Dear Santa, Are you feeling good? I hope you feel good. Well this is my Christmas list. A toy truck and a toy helicopter. That is it. I hope you get to My house. Love, Sammy
Dear santa, How are you? Santa I hope you are doing great. I will like something for Christmas this year please. This year I will like a dog and a Skylanders Trap Team game. Please. Dear santa, Love, How are you? I have been a very Anthony good boy this year. Have a safe trip to my house. This is what I want Dear santa, for Christmas, a Logo City police How are you? Are you doing station. Thank you santa. good at the North Pole? Well I Love, was wondering if I can get some Brayden toys for Christmas. Well can I have a spy gear, an ipad, a ps4, a Dear santa, sky landers trap team game, all
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Dear Santa, How are you? I hope everything is great in the North Pole. I have been a very good boy this year! This Christmas I was hoping that I can get a phone. Love Dragan
Dear Santa, How are you? I hope everything is great in the North Pole. I have been a very good boy this year! This Christmas I was hoping that I can get some thing from you. I really would like some new shoes. Love, Carter
Invites you to join us for new year’s eve
Lakeside Church of God
Dear Santa, How are you? I am a big girl and can I have an ipad and can I have a pigy bank. I miss you very much. And how do your reinDeers Fly? Love Madison
How are you? Hope everything is doing fine in the North Pole. There is a few things that I would like for Christmas and it is a new little trampoline And a kitty. Love Noah
Like Us
604 S.E. Parkway
Season’s Greetings 2014 11C
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 the nerf guns, a piggy bank, and a control race car? Thank you santa. Love Elijah Der Santg, How are you? what do your elves do at your workshop. I really Hope That you can make it to my home. have good Trip. LovE Jordon Dear Santa, How are you doing? I would like to ase you a question. Do you know what I want for Christmas I want a bike for Christmas Love, Nathaniel Dear Sant, I hope that you are safe in the North Pole. I was wondering how you make your reindeers fly? I was hoping if you could get me a new pet for me please and one for my sister Bella and my brother Mario too. Love. Guadalupe Dera Santa, I would like a Dress for
Christmas. I hope you will get a horse for me. I hope you will get a horse for me. I hope you will have a wonderful Christmas. I Love you Santa. Love Mackenzye Dear sanat, How is Comet? Will you please bring a red bike and an Iphone 5. Love, Josh Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. Can you please make me see my brothers Brady and Pax. Im in 2nd grade can I please have a star wars action figures. Love, Kadin Dear Santa, How are you doing? Are your reindeers doing good. I think i have been good. I would like to have a Hello Kitty make up set. I would like to have a touch screen phone for Christmas. Love, Hevenli
May i have a toy panda Bear. May i have a toy hourse. I hope you snd the elfs have a good chrismas. May i have a neclis with a houseshoo and a houseshoo Braslit anb ring. May i have a horn frog stuffed animal. Love Hannah Dear Santa, Have you been okay? You are the best Santa ever! I need a pink Jaket for My sister. Please please with Sparkles on top. Can I have a four wheeler? Love, Lucas Dear Santa and Mrs. Claus How are you and Mrs. Claus can I ples Have a computer Can I Ples Have a bike? How is Rudolph and comet? Love Evan Dear Santa, How have you been? Santa are you going to send us an elf on the shelf? Merry Christmas. How is Mrs.Claus? I bet your getting Rudolph ready for Cristmas. Can
Make All Your
s a m t Chris Dreams Come True
I please have an xbox one Love Aiden Dear Santa, How is Mrs. claus? How is Ruddolph and the other reindeers? Can I have some Legos and a dirtbike? Love, Caleb Dear Santa Claus; How have you been? I have the best I could be. I just love Christmas. Could I please have a Bible and a toy angel? Love, Elizabeth Dear Santa, How are you? Do you love Christmas? How’s Mrs. Claus doing today? I am doing good. and I would like a 3DS because I thik I have been good. Love, Tyler Dear Santa! How have you been santa and Mrs Claus? How are the reindeers? doing and rudolph i
want a dirk birk at my dads. house a i want a Phone fo chirstmas love caden M. Dear Santas, Have I been a good girl? How has your year been? Are you going to bring Rudolpg? Can you bring me a birtbike that is a KTM and a Nabi2? Love Jacee Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? How are you and Mrs. Claus? I am good. Are the elves good? May I have an Ipad? May I have an Laptop? I hope you have a good Christmas! Love, Larissa Dear Santa, How have you been doing? I have been a good boy. Do you have a new reindeer? Is Rudolph a good reindeer? To have? Have a good Christmas. Love, Andrew Dear Santa
How is your family doing? How is Rudolph? How many elvs do you have? Can I have a xbox and mincraft? Love, Joesph Dear Santa, How are you doing? How are your reindeers? How are you and Mrs. Claus? Does Rudolph still have a red nose enymore and is Rudolph allright? How is Comet? I have been a good girl so can I have a barbe and a doll for Chritmam? Love, Natalie Dear Santa, I want aiPhone forchristmas. I want a Ellsa Barbie too.I want my own iPad. I want a iPod Pleace. how are you? Love, Emma Black Dear Santa How are you and Mrs Claus! I cant wait for ChritMas I hope you hav a good time. Love Corbin P
Bank of Azle wishes you a
MerryandChristmas a Happy New Year
Wishing you a holiday filled with magic, wide-eyed wonder and excitement. We hope you enjoy every minute of it... straight through the new year! Thanks for being a faithful friend and customer.
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Wise Regional Health System
In this
blessed season
in Alliance
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Merry Christmas,
and Have a Happy and Healthy New Year! Follow Us Online:
As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, we recount our many blessings and your kind friendship is at the top of the list! Merry Christmas to all and many thanks for helping to make this past year a fruitful one for us.
From all of us at 817-238-7827
M ay the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the holy spirit you may abound in hope.
Romans 15:13
Season’s Greetings 2014
you have a good year oh and i Dear santa, Dear Santa, wuant more eroses. How are you. How are your der. Hoe are the reindeer? I have Jake I have been good. Can i please been good. Have you been good? I have new bike and a iphone 6+. would like a puppy for Christmas. Dear Santa, Sincerely, Your friend, How are you? I am fine. How Nathan Chandler are the elves? You are great. Do you think you can bring me a Dear santa, Dear Santa, phone? How are you? I want a ipab for Who is your favorite reindeer? I Thank you, Christmas! I also want the box car have been good. I want a computer Ethan A children! for Christmas. Love Thank you Dear Santa, Savannah Ryan S How are you? I have been good. How are Dear Santa, Dear Santa, the reindeer? I wan’t How are you? I have been good. How are you? I been good for an American doll. I What I want for Christmas is Christmas. I hope you are doing wan’t an ipad. Willow’s toy dragon. good. I have been nice. I am going Love, Sincerly, to bake you cookies. I want a Elsa Kallie S Elizabeth A. doll. Thak you Santa, Dear Santa, Shaeli Walnut Creek ElemenHow are you? I’v been good. tary I want a teddy bear. Can I have a Dear santac Dear Santa, car? I like to go on a trip How are you? Are you feeling I want a fourwiller, flying air Your friend good? All I want is a bike and a plane, football, and and a bike. Shane B lamp. Love, Sincerely Ethan Dear Santa, Jaycie S How are your elves? My family Dear Santa, has been very good this year. How Dear Santa, I want an x-box one and lego are you this year? Can I have some How is Mrs. Claus? I have been Batman 3 and Lego Batman. math books. And Science stuff. good. I wish for a MyLife as adoll. Love, Thank you, I wish for a puppy. Aaron D Kyle L Love, Kyla D Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would like a new puppy How are you? I have been good. Dear Santa, because my other puppy ran away. I would like a toy car for Christmas I want three pairs of high heels I I need new close because my old please. Can I have some gloves? want three high heel boots. close are to tight on me Sincerely, Love Love, Emmaleigh Savannah L Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. I want a nobi for Christmas. Love, Brookln D
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Alyssa M
Haden A
Dear Santa, I Love you Santa. anD you Are the Best Santa in the holly wiyD World i Love you Sow Mosh. Love, Danielle
Dear Santa, I want a monster hie doll for chrismes. And a freeky fuoson doll too. And a bright eye blakent too. And I want a huble whuble ball. Love, Emma
Dear Santa, I Love you. I can’t wait for the presents on chrismes. We have our Chrismes tree up. I am going to only tell You 3 things to get me. But only at home because it is a secret. fine I will only tell you one thing ok. I want a xbox 360 Plese. Love, Ariel
Dear Santa, I want a Minecraft Steve action finer with diamond armoer. I want a ps3. I want a muedhon steve action figer whith a chest and a sorwd and a pikaxe and a red. And a crating table. I want a remote cantrole fihtingrobot. I want a pig stouf animal that looks like patrike and spongebob. I want baace off. Love, Diesel F Dear Santa, I want to no why does Your Magik go a whay is it cause People tack pichrs of you thay see you how fast Do You go haw come whin Your Bag is litile and in sied it is big. Love, Devon A
Dear Satna, I want an xbox one please. I want a nerf gun. I want laser tag. I would want a kindle fire. I want a nabi I want a computer. Love, Keagan
Dear Santa, I loke you, Santa pecas you are the best person ever. Love, Alex L Dear Santa, DIRT BIKE NEW BIKE IPOD DRIFTER Four WHEEleR NeW XBOX Game WWe BaseBall Many IPad Love, Konner
Dear Santa, I love you. and I Love you
Dear Santa, I wont a bik. and i wont swets.
Dear Santa, I weant Xbox 1 and the Hola 5 The mastder chef cletshon and A old penny Bank and Hershe’s candycane chocolate and The Lego Star destroyer and The Lego BoBa Lego and a telecope. Love,
Wishing you a Merry Christmas …
Dear Santa I hoye ar you i want Lord of the rings sets and a novae kor things and the halo set eveas Last stand and sume one doller bills. PS hope
Azle Paint & Body
Bringing presents. Will you ever Die? are you magik? I Love you I will Love my toys and Santa Be cefl when you cun in my room I Love you toys Love, Cadlie
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and a joyous New Year. May the joy of the season make all your wishes come true. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL ME TODAY.
From our families to yours
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May peace, harmony and joy resound throughout the holiday season.
Merry Christmas and many thanks from
Christmas Is in the Air Everywhere you go, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, and we can’t think of a better place to celebrate than right here at home with all of you. Your friendship and goodwill means so much to us, and we feel deeply blessed to be a part of this community. We wish all of you a merry, bright and blessed Christmas. With Thanks and Best Wishes From Our Entire Team
HEALTH CARE & REHAB Please give Kinny Pack a call at 817-444-2536 721 Dunaway Lane · Azle, 76020
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Season’s Greetings 2014 13C
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 and a ipod and resbens and i wont Maden 15. and i wont a fotoboll. Santa my elf hin the Kenbnet. Love, Leavy
Dear Mrs. & Mr Santa Clus, I want Add the Amircin girl doll and a pair of Clothes, a Jombo monkey stuffed animle, and you should get a letter in the mail from me! Merry Christmas I blevie Dear Santa, in yall Mrs & Mr Clus! And a How old are you? Do your elfs dareway. Please Santa? always listen to you? What’s your Love, faverit Color? Do you always eat Chloe S and drink cookies and milk? How much toy’s DiD your Elf’s make? Dear Santa, Love, I want a dart bik for crismis it ADDy S will be fun. I will be good. I would be happy for that. And thak you!! Dear Santa, And mery crismis!!! ho, ho, ho!! how does your elfs work? Love, Where do your elfs sleep? What do Anthony your elfs do after tha work? how did your elfs resh the talbe? Dear Santa, Love, I wish for a…loooo wight army Wyatt gieer. olso a odmiht makine ckit. olso a big candy cane. A pool Dear Santa, owsom very cool. olso a set of I what a rmult control Jeep That paper. olso a set of pen sils. olso gos 20 miyls and a sirsoft gun. and set of craons. olso a little tree. a rmult control helucolpter. Love, Love, Gregory Brendan Y Dear Santa, Dear Santa, WasI good? I hope I was. If I I have 3 things I whant for was good I want stuffed Animals. Chrimas is tode good and everyone And a pillow pet. Also a new lava to stop being so rued to me and lamp mine broke. I droped it on everyone elasa and a rodot puppy acsadent. And the last thing I want called a zoomer. Plese Plese oh is a seat pet. please. and I have 2 more Christmas List Love, at home. Merry Chrimas Kaily H Love, Hannah Y Dear Santa, Santa was I bad. I hope I wasn’t. Dear Santa Claus, If I was good. I want a boom.Co What I want for Christmas is rifle ans a blaster. I would a Xbox 360 And Minecraft And also like halo lego’s. that is all I A bRand new toy car And A star want for Christmas Wars Mask And I want a new game Love, And A Pla Staton 3 And I want a CJ New Ipad And I want A new Ipod Love, Dear Santa, Jacob Can I have a electric scooter. And a hard drive. And can I have Dear Santa, that nerf gun. And the videos I would like a bike if you cant games. And a tranplene. And get a get it can you get me roolrskats pc for my dad. I know I can trust plees Dear Santa. you Santa. Love, Love, Emma Christian L Dear Santa, I have been a good Girl. I hope I am on good list. I would Relily would like to have a D.S. And can I PLees have a Phone. Love, Olivia
Dear Santa, This s what I want for Chismis. 1st I whant a Dirt-Bike. 2nd I LOVE! Tablet. And a comphooter. And any THIng eles! Love, Jordan
Dear Santa, what i want for chrismas is earings what kind of earings is Thanksgiving earing, Vallintimes earings, 4th of July earings, ester earings and dolls that are monter high cbd, halleen, clodeen, Drackielora and some cranos, and markers, coloring pages. Love, Kaitlynn Dear Santa, I whuntith a shopkin I whun a my little pony toy I whun Frozen coler chenching doll I whun a chresmis toy I whun my own snow glob and Frozen Elsa Anna loyoll sister doll. Love, Joanna Dear Santa, I want a Bear that you corle on. on crimis i want go to odasu to Salrdia crimis weth my famley. Love, Sun H Dear Santa, How are you doing? I want a getar. I also want a Christmas doll. How is Mrs. Clous? I would like a jurnel. How is Rudof? I like Christmas. I want a sowing kit please. Can you make Christmas better?
three DS. That is all. One thing I toys? what to tell you is I want to see Love, you. Blake Love, Zoey Dear Santa, How are you? For Chrismas Dear Santa, I want a big ball, 3 toy ponies, A How are you doing? I want big pony house, 4 pony movies, cretur powrsuit. And some traps. bog toy horse, toy dog, and 7 And I want a nitro Cripking dog books. How do you make the Skylander. And the sidekicks. presents? And the skylanders. How can you Love get around the earth if your slay SaraBeth is not an online ship? How many presents do you diliver? Dear Santa, Love, How are you? What I want for JT Christmas is a phone. I want a new game. I want a ball. I want a base Dear Santa, ball. I want a room. I want a play How are you? for Christmas I groud. I want a book. Do raindeer Want a cotton candy Machean and eat apples? a snow cone Machean and I also Love, want More books for me. How do Kelton they make the sled? Love, Dear Santa, Gracie How are you doing? I want a gun, nerf gun, Minceraft toys, nerf Dear Santa, bow, play bow, cars, figrenst, xbox How are you doing? I want to ask 360 games, and books. I think you you for some thing for Christmas. are real. But are you real? yes or no I would like the Iphone 6 with a Love, Els phone cas. And a cotton candy Jo’sia S maker. The last thing is the pant crayolamaker. What do you want Dear Santa, for Christmas? How are you today? I want a Love, baby sister and books. I want some Hanna lego gues. and some hero factry. Are you real? Love, Lincoln
Dear Santa, How are you today? I want a baby sister and books. I want some lego gues. and some hero factry. Are you real? Love Lincoln
Love, Saralynn S Dear Santa, How are you doing? I want a Dear Santa, pare of boots. And a new stroller. How are you doing today? I And some playdoy pluse. And a would like a Phone and a kitty. Amrcin girl salon set. And a bicke. a lego Starwar ship. and a scech And a new phone charger. And a book to draw. and an udate for new night light. Do you get tierde? Minecraft, and 1 more prest a Love, book. Do you like pumkinpie? Gracie M Love, Vander Dear Santa, How are you doing at the North Dear Santa, poll? Is comet doinng ok? Santa How are you? I am doing fine. theres a Lego toy that I Love. It’s I like to have a three DS and Lego camow and it’s a army one. and friends and a Frozen game for the snomusin. How do you make the
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Dear Santa, I want a phone and a doll. Santa do you have a wife? Do you have a dog. Dear Santa I want an America doll. I want an I phone. I want a Dog. Santa do you get a gift on Christmas? Love, Dimahndi Dear Santa, Hoe are you doing? I want a baby AlsVe for ChRiStmas. I want a new puppy. I want a new baby dal. I want a new stuft anml. I want a new barbey doll. I want a new Jackit. I want new clos Am I on the good list? Love, Adyson
Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.
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Dear Santa, How are things going? How is Mrs. Claus? I want a cool baker I want a grace. I want a melted-mold factry. I want a makeup maker. I want nail art. Do you Love Mrs. Claws? Yes or no Love, Jhariah
Peace & Blessings Be With You
123 Hwy. 199 E. • Springtown, tX 76082
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Dear Santa, How are you? I want a Amarican doll. I want a power skuter. I want a new born baby doll. I want a carset. I want a stroller. I would like a real computer I want a sowing kit please. Can you make chrismas cookies? Love, Ashlyn
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like my LittLe Pony blind bag, Frozen Castle shopkin 12 pack IPS frozen dolls ol beez IPS blind bag frozen cd. Love, Harley Dear Santa, My name is Laney. I love Dear Santa, horses. I like Chrismas. Because Can I have the New Batman I like the gifts. How do you make videogame and a Nerf gun? It can your raindeer fly? For Chrismas I be any Nerf gun and a New disney would like a Amaircan girl doll tha inefetey? Santa, How do you get t looks like me. in the house with owt setting off Love, the alarm? How did you get the Laney raindeer to fly? Love, Dear Santa, Devin My name is Ella. I Love your wife she is pretty. your bred is Dear Santa, fluffy. haw does all of the toys fit How are you doing? This is in your sack? I wunt a easy backe what I want a football-robot. Anf ofen. P.S. say Hi to the elfs for me. the elecherk scooter. A bike, and Love, a puppit. Some baseball toys. The Ella
May God Bless You and Yours and Many Good Tidings!
smack down toy. A 3DC. A iade. And the Dinusor that you can train. Is Rudof real our is he a mith? Love, Grayson
Luke 2:14
1150 Hwy. 199 W. • Springtown • 817-239-1670
From my family to yours,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Salon Allure
411 NW Pkwy • Azle • 817-444-3851
Joy To The
‘Tis the season, for family, friends and festivity, and to let you know how much we value your friendship. With best wishes for a harmonious and meaningful Christmas to all of you.
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14C Season’s Greetings 2014 Dear Santa, My name IS Cole. I relly like Christmas. I relly think raindeer are cool. How do you go around the wold? When will my elf on the shelf come? thes are a few things I want: a telescope and a trampalin. Love, Cole Dear Santa, My name is Dylan. I am 7 years old. I love Christmas. Your beard is soft and your awesome. How does your slea fly? How does Rodoph’s noes glow? For Christmas I want a Razor Flasbrider 360, a foosball table, a hocky table, a snow coat, and a bike helmet. Love, Dylan
Baby dog. And a nerf gun that is a cS-6. Love, Ethan Dear Santa, Hello I’m Parker. Thank you for all the work youve done. You are the best! Whats it like in the north pole. I would like a new nerf gun and a lego set. Love, Parker Dear Santa, My name is Brooklyn and I am 7. You work very hard and I appreciate it. I beleave in you. Can you say hi to Freddy? For chrismas can you get lego mall and Build a Bear stuff & Santa hat with Sparkals for Beauty? Love, Brooklyn
Dear Santa, My name is Katelyn. My fravift holiday is Chrismas. I love Chrismas. haw Did you name Your ran Dear I want a giant Stuft Pingwun. Love, Katelyn
Dear Santa, im Christian and I live in azle texas. how old are you. what does rain deer poop tast like i want T-Rex Tack Down i want a pet Baby graet whit shark i want scwarpe in tack down. i want call of Cuty BLaCK Ops II I want 2 Dear Santa, BaBy hamer head sharks i want a Hoell my name is Jared I Love new tub for my Bike tier your beerd. It is so fluffy. White is Love, my secet favert coler. Hear are sum Christian things I want for chrismise Love, Dear Santa, Jared You are vary nice to me. and Dear Santa, Zipe is vary nice haw Does avrey My name is Deacon. I like thing work. a remot SPeePBot and Your beard and you do you have a tull Bench with tulls. a kid. How miny elfs Do you have? Love, I want a i680 I want dog. Brayden Love, Deacon Dear Santa, My name is Taylor. I live in Azle Dear Santa, Texas. You are handsome, sweet, My name is Anna. Santa you carring you have Joy in your hart make crismis fun.Santa you are and Christmas in your hart and nice. Haw doyou deliver presies? in your blud how do you fit Wat I Want for crismis is reces nuff all the presens ans selvs stuff, thank you Santa in your bag? Close. I hope you have a mary how old are you? chrismi to. S a n t a Love, can you Anna give me these thangs. OPhezze Luxxry spa, Dear Santa, Bardie dolls a boy My names is Cheyenne. I Live doll Barbie Baby in Texas I am 8. Thank you bring dolls Doll LoLe! I Love you verey much! M a S h i n e Can you lat me babsit Rodof and S t u f Clris prit ples? animal puppy. Love, Love, Cheyenne Taylor Dear Santa, I love you Santa. I love you becus you are joy do you love me? Cinu fan cat droom sochis riBim Juni B woch stachoo BigBar sufee metl trofee Books Deis culrsPisls moosck box culrsPisls moosckbox Santa Pichrs camru roolr IPaD Love, Willow Dear Santa, My name is Brennan. How do you go so fast? How do you get the presets? Mae I have a puppy dog on a trisickl. Can I have a bdmI cord. Can I have a silly book. Can I have a board game. you are cool. Love, Brennan Dear Santa, My name is LeighAndra I love you Santa. and you are nice Santa. are you rilly Jolly. Wat does Mrs. Clos te. An Ankra P.J. and a.J Cloose and toys. Marerry Crismis. HO HO HO! Love, LeighAndra
Dear Santa, My Names is RJ. Fred my elf on the self is funny this year. I hope you have a grat time. Haw do you fliy. A droon and legos I want. Love, RJ Dear Santa Claws, My name is Sayler I like your hat an beard because it is so fluffy. And I like your shiney boots. How many elfs do you have? How many randeer do you have? I want a baby german sheper and stuff to bild a America girl doll house and a four weeler. Love, Sayler Dear Santa, How is your day Santa? I hope you come to my house on the day of Christmas please Santa and please please bring my famiy a present please Santa and my dog a treat please and I hope you have a good Christmas cheer. Santa We love you! merry Christmas Santa Clause. Love, Lilley L
Dear Santa, Hello my name is Ethan. Say hello to Ellfs for me. How do you Dear Santa, get through the chimney. How do Please give me a dirtbike. And the raindeer fly I want another what food does raindeer eat and
If home is where the heart is, we know that our’s resides with all the kind folk who’ve made us feel so welcome here. Thanks, everyone!
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Wednesday, December 17, 2014 drink? what do elf eat and drink? Mrs. claus and Santa claus is the niceis people I every met. Love, Korbin P Dear Santa, On Christmas day please can I have a rael bow. Do you like cookie? It is hard to hohoho. Santa you are nice. On Christmas can you please bran me a present for my cat and mom and brother. Thank you for the presents from when I was 3 4 5 6. Love, Sara H Dear Santa, Can you give me a Ipad and puppy and my sis wants a toy butter scoch my mom wants a pretty necless my dad want a go cart. Jet my Dog wants a Big Bone my cats wantitwomy rat wants rat
I want a drum and a elf and a wii I want a hudge motentrole car, I want some hotwills and 3 tracks, I and the games for Chismas. Love, Dear Santa, want a hotwill boat with a cran on Liz thank you for the candy and toys. it and a hotwill dzine! I love you because your nise and Love, you give good toys. Santa I want Garrett Dear Santa, I want a sled, tennishoes, clothes to know how you make toys. What hair stuff and fake mustaches! do you feed your reinder? Santa Dear Santa, Love, can you please give me a bird that I want a new srit then i want a Kaylee I talks? Thank you for the gifts that skat shoes and I want a new clock you gave me for Christmas. Thank and a new scarf and I want a new Dear Santa, you. bow and I want a ear muff. I wood like a flite and a yo-yo Love, Love, Olivia S Chloe C and cood your elves make me some pretty hair bows? Love, Dear Santa, Amy Please bring me a ipod, ipad, Dear Santa, phone. I want to sit on your lap, 4 things i want for Christmas are plese can I sit on your lap? Can 1 Nerf 2 Pokemon alpha Saphire 3 Dear Santa, I would like a camo t.v. and you bring me a puppy Spries? My Minecraft foam diamond sword 4 mom wants a new phone case that Minecraft foam doamind pick axe skylanders trap team and bowl’s with lid’s. is blak, white, green. My dad wants 5 Nerf Zombie strike Love, a candy thing it is wite. What do Love, Jacen you feed the raindears? Do you Jack feed them raindear food? Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would like a nerf gun. A I would like nerf gins. And I would like a beebee gun with football. A baseball glove. Halo coper head bullets. And I would legos. A 25 dollar ituns card. 2 like Anki Drive. And I would like basketball goles for my room. Xbox 360 games. A camo green video games for my Xbox 360. Love, Xbox controler. Love, Ian Cash Dear Santa, This is what I want for Cristmas. Dear Santa, I would like nerf guns. And Two battle Borgs. A red and Black Love, Bike. When I am programming haylo legos. And little big planet for ps4. And 5 cowboy tickets. Sarah D mod Pleas make JAVA happy. Love, Mary Christmas. Love, Dear Santa, William Case I wish you can get me a Dirt bike and a motercicle and a fourweeler Dear Santa, and a car. Are you cool? Are you I will like to have a ipod. A Dear Santa, I wan’t a Xbox 360 with nfL 15 Magic? Are you Awesome? easy bake oven. A xbox360. New Love, shoes size 2. A Amerci doll and and a basket ball and concret and Jaxxon Y make it look just like me. Cloths a now Ipod screen and the Bigest from Justice. Abike A stuff olif. I Nerf gun. just whant to say Merry Christmas Love, Dear Santa, Carsyn Can I have candy canes in a Ho Ho. Oh ya and a bee bee gun. bag “one hundred” please for Tell all the Elfs Hi for Me and Mrs. Dear Santa, Christmas? I been really good all Claus! Love, I would like an easy Bake oven, year! Can I have a fire tek bow too! Kody B grill egos. an baby live. tecif to the Can I have an Xbox 360 and xbox TCU game, picture of you. xbox 1! Are you magic? 360, an ann Love, Love, Elijah F Dear Santa, I want a fozen radeo. I want a Grace G. Fozen toothbrush I want a Fozen Dear Santa, I want a fish for Christmas and toothpast. I want radeo. I want a Dear Santa, I wunt a cputer with Minecraft can you get my mom a dog for playhouse. I want a chairle trofe. Love, on it also I wuntt cude wolrd on it Christmas and I when get You a Mirand too and a dog too and a bick too. new dog for Christmas. The rezin I and a nrf gun not relr. will get you a dog is because I love Love, you Santa and can you tell Mrs. Dear Santa, I want a ipad mini, angry birds, Lucas Clase I love her too? I hope You have a Merry Christmas and Mrs. posters, nerf guns, lego set, halo figures, stuffed animals, and Eagle Heights Elementary Clase too! Love, Xbox1 Love, Dear Santa, Celeste G Isaac I Will give You cookis and hot choclet. And I like Your Suit. How Dear santa, much reindeer’s do you have. Santa Can you pretty please get me Dear Santa, This year I would like a can I Please have a computer. and an ipod? Here is my real question what do you feed your reinder zoozoo pet, a zoomer, a mip. A a ds. one more thing, crasycraft. I and what do you do when it is not Doodle bear, a migthefineglass, a have been good me dya M. Your frend, Christmas? Do you go to the pool? tellascope, a I Pad mini monster Noah G Do you go to Sixflags? Please can high stuff, a X box1, a helicopter you get me a new bike and a fish. that’s moteconchroled, a car that’s Dear Santa, Loive, mote conchroled. Love, Thank you for The candy in my Callie B Allison O stocking last year. How have you been? Is it cold at the Noth Pole? Dear Santa, This year I would really like a Can I plese have a 3dS and 2dS. Dear Santa, Ples can my mom have a ring. Love, Christian H Aubrey J
Dear Santa, I want a sled, tennishoes, clothes, hair stuff and fake mustaches! Love Kaylee
trets. What I want is for everyone to have a happy Chistmas!!!!!!!! Love, Edith M Dear santa, Can I have some prents for Christmas? Can I get s leterech dirt boke for a gift? And a big min yohes? And a Cuputer with mine craft? And a Minecraft lego mine ples? Can I have it? I hope you have a good Day! Love, Wil W Dear
Santa, After you get done sending all the presents you can come to my house because you mite get a cold. Can I have a pocket nive? How o l d are you Santa? I can fix your hat Jaket and boots. Can you Give my brother a Lege army set. Can you Give my sister a Lego friends set. We love you Santa. Happy Chrimas! Love, Noah S Dear Santa, How do you not get seen. I love Christmas! Thank you for giving presints. Is Rodoff Rell Santa? Is mis. Claes Cookes good? I hope I was good this year. Love, Gaige P Dear Santa, pleeeeeeeeeees give my mom a ring. I love you so mush I do not care wat I get. I like your wite beerd and I think that Christmas is awesome! I like your suit. Love, Grayson D Dear Santa, I wold like a liitel sevesorden. I hop you hav a nic chrismis. I hop you mak it sno. Love, Seth W Dear Santa, for Cristmas I Would like a real bow and airoe and my sister too. What do you do in the simmer and Spring and fall? Do you realy have magic? May I have real reinder food thank you. Love,
Dear Santa, I want a computer and a ipad and a minecraft foam Sword and a mine craft foam sword and a pokemon Alpha Saphire for Chrismis. Love, Isaiah Dear Santa, I want a i-pad and a dall and mice crafte and Hollow Kitty and a barby and a tea Set eles and Anna. Love, Grace C Dear Santa,
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Season’s Greetings 2014 15C
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Brather. And I want a sister. I have been good to my techer this year. Dear Santa, Your friends, Thank you for the presents. Is Jaime R it cold at the north pole? I would really like this year is a spy kit and Dear Santa, a pair os sticky gloves. I have been Thank you for the candy. What nice. is your rendeer’s name? I want a your friend, new game and Computer. I have Evan E been good this year. Your friend Dear Santa, Aza R How old ar you? I am very happy because You gona go to my Dear Santa, chimeni. I have been a good student Thank you for the movie last and very nise. For Chrismas I want year.I loved the movie. How have cloused, biuteful shoes, and a you been? Is it cold at the North dress. Also, I want a doll. Pole? This year I would really like Love a 3ds and an I pad and a tablet. I Michelle have been very nice this year. And I didn’t fight with my Dad. You Dear Santa, rock Santa. You too Reinniders. Thank you for giving kids olots Your friend, of presents I cant wait to see your Alexander A presents you give me I wish for a moder skooder and a pistel I’ve Dear santa, been nice I want a par of stiky Thank you for the nice presents gluvs and shoos you have gave us. Is it cold over Your friend ther. For Christmas I want stufft Davy animals and a I Pad. But i do Not want cold. I have ben good Dear Santa, Love You jingl roke! Santa! how is Evian N the faktry going good or bad? Is it cold santa at the noth pole! Brrr it Dear Santa, is cold here! tell your elvs to ceap Thank you for the My little pony on working! ok last year. How have you been.Can Phoenix W I have a lego set and a fliter by fairy? I have been very nice. Dear Santa, your friend, You are cool. Does your wife Kyndal R deliver peresint too? I want girly legos and a robe. Santa I was really Dear Santa, nice and good. You Rock, Is it cold at the North Your friend, Pole? I want hiyheels and Scot. I Hailey R hav Been nice. Lov your friend. Dear Santa, Trinity B Thank you for Christmas. How do your deers fly? How do you Dear Santa, elves do presents. This year I will Thank you for all the presents really like a cotton candy maker last year. How is it at the North and some new ear phones, and a Pole? This year I will want a doll case of makers and colored pencils house playset and some legos and and crayons. I have been good. an oven. I been so nice. Love Love, Arely L Anahi D Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How many toys can you make Thank you for the candy in my in a day? I want a bike. I like stocking. What are you doing this presents. I am nice. year? I would like a 2-23 Rifle and Love, a forwheeler. I have been very nice. Jose Your friend, Ethan H Dear Santa, I want an american girl Doll Dear Santa, Monster high Doll Santa am I on Thank you for the candy in my the nice list? How many elfves do stocking last year. how have you you have? Santa I Love you very been this year? I would really want much a ps-3 and football pads and a Love, helmet. I have been really nice this Maddison year and have a safe trip. Tarek B Dear Santa, I wish I can see you right now. I Dear Santa, wander how many elves make toys. Thank you for all the candy What do the elves get for doing last year. How hard is your job. I work. I have been nice. I have been want a ps 4. And Xbox 360. And very good. for Christmas I want minecraft for Xbox360. I was nice little Hot Wheels and a Phone. to Evan and Tarek. Love, Your friend Claytin Nathan C Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Have I been nice? Why do you Thank you for the legos. It was Wear White and red? You’re nice. so fun playing with the legos last Can I have an electric scooter and year. Is it super cold in the Nort a Power rider 360. Pole? I want a camo suit and a Love, machine gun beebee gun to protect Colten my self. Your friend, Dear Santa, Yahir S Thank you for the gifts last year
Love evrey Christmas Eve. How do you C.J. go around the world in one night? I have been very nice this year. Dear Santa, love You are so nice! May I have Sage Rudolph? I have been nice. May I have a dolphin 3DS and a dolphin? Dear Santa, Love I hope you enjoy the cookies and Ryllon milk. I hope I’m on the good list. May I have legos and transformers. Dear Santa, What is your favorite cookie? Thank you for the toys last year. Miller How do you get around the world in one night? Am I on the naughy Dear Santa, or nice list? I want a new phone What are your favorite cookies? and a 3DS with the sky landers I like you reindeer Rudolph. I’m game. nice I would like roller skates and Love, an ipad mini. How do reindeer eat? Jack G Love Carla Dear Santa, Dear Santa, You are so nice! Why do you I love you. You are the best and wea white and red? I an America you are so nice. How many elves Girl Doll and a knobby Big Tab. do you have? Can I have 36t Shark you’re SO awesome Why do you ride and 3DS. give children toys. I’ve never Love, moved my clip in school. Jacob love Mattie Dear Santa, You have a nice fluffy beard. Dear Santa, Are your helpers opers or elves? I How many elves do you got? I would like a ticket to Hollywood love you you are the best. Have I and one for my parents, and a My been nice? I Want a Hot Wheel car little pony sake. I am really nice. Love love, Cameron brandon Dear Santa, I hope you come to my house this year. I wish I had a tablet. You are nice! I want a Jacket. What are your favorite colors. I had moved my clip.
Dear Santa, How is rudolph? I really want a x-box. I thing you give present to everyone in the United States. Your friend, Matthew P Love, Evelin
Dear Santa, How I think you’r reindeers are very have cute. Is it cold in the North Pole? May I wish I can have a phone. How is Trap Mrs Santa Clas? I think your outfit is nice. Love From your friend Aidan Breanna B
Dear Santa, I like your beard. You’re nice! Why do you give children toys? How many elves do you have? I’m nice because I play with the new kids at school. I would like to have a Halo set and a skateboard. Love, Eyvindr
How Many elves do you have? Why do you give children toys? How do you make it around the world in one night? Can I have a toy monster truck and can I have a race car?
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Dear Santa, I like Rudolph. How Big are your reindeers? I would like a toy Plane And a Helocopter. I have been nice. from Collin M
Dear Santa, How is rudolph? I really want, a x-box. I thing you will give presets to everyone in the United States. Your friend Matthew P
Dear Santa, Dear Santa, thank you for my Legos last yer. Do you get sick of eating milk if i was you i wood I want a titanic how miny rander do you hav. I modle. Good by my frend Santa I wont a rc car for crismis this yer. Love haft to go now I like your hat. Isaac S Frend Jakob C Dear Santa, Thank you for the blanket. How Dear Santa, You look nice today and what many elves do you have at theNort I want is a ds I relly like you Pole? Santa I want a ipad ror becomes you sall presents and I Christmas. Your frend like your hepers the elfs they are Tacoma R fonny I like the north Poll and everywone ells. Your friend Dear Santa, Thank you for my bunny last david year. Am i on the good list. I want one more bunny. Dear Santa, Love You look nice Santa. Is Rudolph Garrett the red nose ran der reel Santa? Santa do now what I won’t? it is a baby Alire and really want to see Dear Santa, Thank you for my xbox 1 last you Santa. Your friend, year.Are you human? What I want Crystal S for Christmas this year is metal gear solid 4. Sincerely, Dear Santa, Davis B I’m sure you look nice today. I wont a X box wont for Christmas. How are you and Mrs. Santa And Dear Santa, Thak you for my bike last Rudolph? Wouts yor favorit coller? Your friend, christmas! Do you fly? For Giovanni M christmas I want a nerf gun Love Caleb J Dear Santa, What does it look like in the north pole? I would like a computer Dear Santa, I relly think you are asome. for Christmas. I bet you will give presents to evry one in the world. What are your ranedeers names? your friend What I want for crimes is to see Caily H you. Love Dapi T Dear Santa, You are nice It’s Is it cold Santa? Dear Santa my big wish is Dear Santa, Thank you for my toys last a toy puppy. your friend name year. How amny elfs do you have Colby H working? I want a american girl name kit. Love, Dear Santa, Keira What is it like in the north pole? I think you are kind to evrebody so I’m going to be kind? How are Dear Santa, Thank you for my bike last year. the randirs is rudolph sick?i want a huge barby house it cost more thin How meny elvs do you have at a 100 dollars I wander if it’s going your workshop. I want A nerfe gun to snow last time it was ies on the for this cristmes. rods my dad omost fell my step Love, sisters came biggest Ashley midil Leighton Melleny litelest Baly your frind Dear Santa, Galilee R Thank you for my IPod last year. How many places do you go to? Dear Santa, Can you get me a puppy? I want a Walky takie for Love, Christmas and Santa do you love Aundrea cookies with miLk yes or no? I Love cookies with miLk and I love Dear Santa, you. Thank you for my toys last year. your friend, How fast can your sleigh go? This Stephanie M year I want a ipad Your friend Dear Santa, Peter I think reindeer are cuite. I wish I can have an LPS house. How Dear Santa, cold is it in the North Pole? How Thank you for My kittin? Am are you and Mrs. Santa I will give I on the notty List? I wish for a you cookes I wish I can have a puppy beeny boo. Love, your friend Ethan A.M. Marylin R Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I loved the color book you got I’m going to ask you if your me last year. How many rain deer reindeers are eatin good and if they do you have at the noth pole? Santa also redy for Christmas? I want a IPad Yu’r sow nies I want to go with you. your friend Bryan M
Dear Santa, What is it like when you give presens to the kids? Santa what I Dear Santa, want for chistmas is a picture of I liek your elves. How do you you. santa I bet all the kids love make toys? Am I on the nice list I you even I Love you. want a Nerf gun and Legos. Your friend Love Chloe.H Landon Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I wish I can have a new You’re awesome! Why do you computer. Do you like cookies? give children toys? I’ve never Is it fun up there? Chrismas is my moved my clip in school before. favorite holiday. Does Mrs. Santa For Christmas I want a huge like cookies? How is rodoph. unicorn pillow and roller skates. Your friend Love, Marlee H Glyn Dear Santa, You are really nice to give people toys. Are you magic? I would like Dear Santa, You look nice I want a hart Legos for Christmas. Your friend transplant for my grampaul. How Hector are you’re raindeer? I like you’re raindeer they are so alsome. How is Mrs. Clase? I wish my grandma Dear Santa, You are nice. Is it fun up there? woukld not be so sad all the time. for Christmas I really want Xbox How fast does you’re slay go? you’re friend one. Jake M Your friend, Aeden M Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Thank you for the present santa Thank you for all the gifts. I Dear Santa, really like them and you. Christmas What do you feed your reindeer wat do elvs do I want a stuff anumol. is my favorite holiday. I really like I wont a toll helicopler. Love Jingle. He comes to my house Your feinde
Dear Santa, I like Rudolph. How Big are your reindeers? I would like a toy Plane And a Helocopter. I have been nice. From Collin MP
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Love, Mark.
Dear Santa, Please I hope I am nice. shiny is Rudolph’s nose? I been pretty good this year. I have the game skylanders Teem.
Dear Santa, How are you doing at the North Pole? How old are you? This year I would like a call of duty mask, a BB gun Mushiean gun and a uniform! I have been a very good boy this year. Your friend, Ryder C
Any way you slice it, we hope your holiday is a happy one!
Dear Santa, Have I been good or bad? I really want to see your reindeer and elves can I have a ipad and a knobby Big tad your elves are Pretty cool at making toys
Jones D
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16C Season’s Greetings 2014 I want my own Ipad. Love Dear Santa, Olivia M I love you. what’s your favorite toy? Pleas bring me a lego nija Dear Santa, turtles and a toy gun. I have been Thank you for the nerf gun last nice. year. How old is Tulla? This year Ariel I would like a puppy surprise for Christmas. Love, Paige M Dear Santa, Thaks for my bike last year. How do you make the toys so fast. I would like a X box1 for chrismes? By, Brayden E
Dear Santa, You are the best! which raindeer do you like? I want an iphone and a violen I have been nice. Love, Tegan Dear Santa, Christmas is the best day of the year. Is it true that you have 9 randers? I would like an I-pad and a I-phone 5. I think I was nice. Love, Luke Dear Santa, You are a nice guy. How many cookes do you eat? I want my Life boll set to it. and a ds and a lot of the games. I deen nice. Am I on the nadgnty List or the nice List. and a fon plec can i. and a we. Love Kailyn
nuther yellow Humer because my uther one broke. Reid A. Dear Santa, A orbery char and mis ka7- and a xsbox and I wunt to Get my mom a sowing mshen and a deisue pol
Dear Santa, I like my present from last year. how old are you? I would like a horse and a sadil. and a cowgirl hat. Am I on the nice list or the nodey list? Love Brylee
Dear Santa, Thank you for my army set last Christmas. What would you bring me this time? .pc. I want a Dear Santa, dog. Hi santa. how old are you? Pless Sincerely give me video e games and star Koltyn C wars toys. Am I good? from Dear Santa, Steven Thank you for my football this year. How fast do you go all Dear Santa, around the world? I want a Xbox You are awesome. I want a laser one for Christmas this year. pointer and a pen. How do you love, make toys? I have been nice. Jayden Love Isaac Dear Santa, I love it wend’s you are fast. Do Dear Santa, you have 501 Elf’s? I will like a I love you Santa. How old ipad. are you Santa? please bring me From, a Xbox1 and a dog. I have been Kayden good. from Dear Santa, Desmond Thank you for my toy car. How many rainbear do you have? I Dear Santa, would like a Amrakin doll Santa you are nice. How old Love, are you? will you please bring me Emily B a snow glowb and a kindel. This year I have deen nice. Dear Santa, Love, You are nice. Are you going to Natalie my home? I wish for a bee bee gun. love Dear Santa, Jacob M I love you Santa. how old are you? I have been nice this year. Dear Santa, will you pleace bring me chalk and You are a good friend you are play dough. nice be cause you give kids gifts. Love, I want a skylanders named L-chop Kyleigh chop and Lava Bor for apto I have been nice. Dear Santa, Love I love you. haw old are you? list Ryner 1 thing I want even things frozen toys. I have been nice this year. Dear Santa, Love I love you Santa. how old are Lexie you? please bring me Xbox 360 and a pogo stick. I have been nice. Dear Santa, Love, I really like my toy you brought Ryken me last year. Hwo old are you? I want a dog for christmais and a Dear Santa, violen. I have been very good this You are very nice. I want a Phon. year. and a lego robat for Christmas. and Love, an xboxsone. I had been nice. How Addyson many renderders do you have? Love Dear Santa, Ricardo I like my present from last year. Dear Santa, how old are you. I would like a I liked what you got me last horse and a sadil. and a cowgil hat. year. Which is your favorite rane Am I on the nice list or the nodey dear? This year I want a Lego lone list? ranger train and I want the Lego Love batmobl. I have been very good Brylee this year. Love, Dear Santa, Noe I like my present from last year. How old are you? I would like a Dear Santa, spy grear and a x Box three sixty. I You are very sweet and nice. I have been good. would like to ask you a Questionif Love you wernt santa what would you Ramses like for Christmas? Can I have an electric car for chistmas? and Silver Creek spy goggles. I have been nice and Elementary good. Love Dear Santa, piper I want my Dear Santa, I Love you. How many raindeer do you have? Will you plees bring me a build a bear and a kindle. I have been naughty and nice. Love, Kalista Dear Santa, Thank you for the presents you gave me the past few years. How many raindeers do you have? Oh Santa, may I please have a pup zoomer and a water bottle with you on it? I was very good this year. Love, Addison
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
grandmall to be at our Chrismas. I mis my grandmall I wish she was here with use. I can be safe with Santa. I want Santa to be at my sisters Birthday. I relly want to meet Mrs. Clas. Can you give me a gitare? I want some Barbieys. I want monster high dolls. I will be nice so I can get presineias. Emery O Dear Santa, Chismas is my favint time of year. I have quetins to ask you… Why are you fat? Why do you Where black and red? What kind of toys do you make? I wont a nerf rebelled. I wont a puppy so much. I wont you Santa. I’m responsible for a puppy becsae I won’t hurt it/ I wont you becsae Santa I love you. Clara W Dear Santa, I want Minecraft. A wooden bat. Broncos shirt. Hary Poter. I wont mony$$$$. Legos. I won’t new book. New toy cars. Grayson A Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year a mote-conholler hellocopter and a dubboll Loop Hot Wheels track. A
and a playhaws. Abby Dear Santa, I want a X-box 360 for christmist Santa and a arsoft gun and a Pistorl and new spurs and two arsoft guns Dillon C Dear Santa, I want a Elf on the shelf and dert bike. I like you you are nice not mean nice I want x box Braden Dear Santa, i wiLL Be good aLL Year LoNG i Love you Santa Frome Hope Dear Santa, I want a skate bord, A Xbox360 game, A New Football. Ashoot’s an latter bord game, And a bebe gun, and a air sort gun. Aidan. H Dear Santa, I wish you a happy Christmas and for Christmas I want a easy bake oven and a new tablet and I hope your elfs have a happy christmasto and santa have fun flying in your slae and I wish I can ride in your slae with you santa Have a happy Christmas to all. Kinsley O Dear Santa,
Christmas is a speshial time of the year Santa for Christmas I want to ask you some questions. One how do your raindeer fly? Two why does roodolf have a red nose? Three can you make kids presens? Now some things I want from Christmas is a 3DS. I want a kitty and some games for my Xbox 360. Why I should get it I’v been good this year I really like 3DS. I’m like a kitty at home and I really want Dear Santa, Christmas is my favorite time one. Merry Christmas of year. I have some questions for Randee L you. why do you where red? Why does Rodalph have a red nose? How many cookies a day do you Dear Santa, Santa Clas can you give me eat? Also I have a list of tings I want a Kidall or a Gittar. I want a exbox oune with mine craft them to lern music and to have fun. pleae? Can you give me money pleas? Could you give me tetey I love Christmas. Adam K bar pleas? Could you give me a pack of crowns pleas? Santa do you now how to cook? My cusan Dear Santa, How bo your randeers fliy whith Lucas loves chrismas and is loking old that wate that the elfe presents? forord to it he loves presons and Whut bo the elfes bo win thar ban? his brother loves presont to. Angel J Whien you are dun I wood wunt to now how mainy cookies you eat and I wood like a X box so I Dear Santa, I have bin good. I will be so so can play scilinds trap teems. Then I wood like a go-crte so I can play good cus I want prezins for crismis. with my frend. I wood like a DS I want a race car for crismis. Will so I can play moreeow-cort on it. I you brig a raes car. Caden W have ben good omast all year. Sam L
Dear Santa, Chismis is my favrit time of year. I don’t care abut the presitns. I care abut lafter, family, joy, and you. I was hoping you can git my mom and dad some thing I wuld rely upresheat it play model paingwon dvd Jrasik wild pet baby titl pet baby buny Harley S
Dear Santa, I want a Ifone. I wish my mom and dad will get back together. Chrismis is fun with my famley. I like Chrismise Chrismise is the funest! I want a I pad. I want a I pod. Haw do you fit thoow the chimney? Haw are you doing? Wate do you do? love Kyle W Dear Santa, Chrismas is a special time of year. there are many things that I wonder. Why doyou where red pants? How do you come down the shimni when you dilliver toys? why do you where a hat for Chrismas? I want a Xbox 360 and a madden game for the X box and a tablet. I should get a X box 360 because ive ben good. I want a madden game becaus I allwas wated won And I should have tablet because
Dear Santa, How do you go around the world? I would liken a phone. Fire HD, BB guns. How do your reindeer fly? I savd a bird falling from a tree. Justin I want roller blads and a scooter and a fone and a new sweing set and a baby puppy that my cat’s will like and a cat bed and a nother won and a dog bed and some shoes and bots. Pleas that is all I rember so fare and little bit of stuff under my tree. Ali Dear Santa, Is your beerd long? Are you fast? Are you cool? Are you slow? I want a gun for food. I want a soft air gun to play with. I want a bike to ride. I want a football to throw. Hagen H Dear Santa, What do you do in the Noth pole. I want a Ipad and a new 3DS And a new bike that is blue and a 4or willer for Christmas From Triniti Dear Santa, Can I have fake stiky nales and I.pad I love you. yore so nice. Shyann M Dear Santa, I want a batman for crismes. Whei do you war red? Whyei do you eat cookes? Whyei are you fat? Can I have a halk for crisme? Can I have a batman? Can I have a Spidrman? Prestin B
I forgot my password. Then in the Chrismas day it turd to be a grate day Jesus L Dear Santa, Why do you wear a hat? How do you give gifts? Why do you wear red? Theses are things that are important to me, cheerleading clothes, A bike, a tricycle of frozen, two dolls of frozen, and a I pad, I’m Good at school. I’m not a bully. I like to be nice. Me and my sister like echother. Ledith S Dear Santa, Have I been good? I have quetins to ask you. why do you wher red? Why do you wher a hat? Why are you big? How do you fit down the chimnie I would like a pig. I would like new boots. I would like a kite. I am responsible to have a pig. I would like new boots mine are old. And I would like a kite my mom sold mine. I hope you have a good Chrismas too. Sharon H Dear Santa, Have I been good this year? why do you wear red? How do you fit down the chimeney? I would like a warrior. I have never had one. Can I get a skelotor? Skelotor was a good toy long ago. I want a remote control airplane. My dad has some. I think I deserve these things because I have been good. Britt H Dear Santa,
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is your mustash? How big is your coat? Id like to tell you what gifts I would like. Id like a dirt bike, bow end arrow a target, end a bike ramp. I think thet I should get these gifts because id like to hov them and I have ben nice. Kasen C Dear Santa, Wiy do you et our loo coocys on crismis ev. How did you met mis is clos. Wiy do you wer red all te tim I hav bin good all yir. I want shopkins A bike A Americn Girl doll A Par uf bots shopkins Bakre. Rachel R Dear Santa, How have you been. What I would like for Christmas is a pet rabbit, zoomer dog, wii U, Dallas Cowboy hat football, ATM football hat, 4 weeler, kindle fire HD, Dallas Cowboy Jersey throwback Jason Witten #82, Under armor sunglasses. Thank you, Merry Christmas. Canaan K Dear Santa, How old are you? how many elvs do you Hav? Wene is your Birth Day? I hav ben helping my sister. I have ben good for my
Dear Santa, I will Be good aLL Year LoNG I love you Santa. From Hope
Dear Santa, Chrismas is my favrit time of the year. I love Chrismas because of Joy. How do you fit down a chimney? What time do you go house to house? Can I have a Ipad? I wish you a Murry chrismas. Haylee H
mom and dad. I was kind my ant. Ples will you get me a pet shop camping van. Thank you Santa. Breena D
Dear Santa, I wut a American Girl doll? I bin rile good to my siste and my mom and my Dad. Santa of Christmas. Dear Santa, Thak you Merry Christmas. It is going to be a great chrismas. Braylee M I wood like to now some things! Like how many cookeis do you Dear Santa, eat? Also why do you fo down the Who is your favorite Raindeer? chinmy? Also wat do your raindeer How are you doing? I want a fly with? It wood be awsom if you Zoomer dog for Chrismas. Do you brot me a wiiu. I have ben very have a best frend? Do you have a good. Theres a game named spore real dog? but it cost a lot. It is great to spend Thank you Merry Christmas! time with my family on chrismas! Logan A. Ryan L Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are you dowing tis I want a good Chrismas. who are Christmas? I have a list of tangs your elfs? Do you like being jolly? that I want. I want thes tigs because What Do’s ho ho mean? I wan’t a I I have bin good this year. I have Pad for Chrismas. I wan’t a X Box bin good and helpful and nise. I 360 for chrismas. I like a phone wont a snew sock mace plse, sum for Chrismas. I have been good snow plse. this year. I Like these toys. I have Thank you, Merry Christmas. been so good this year chrismas is Matthew F a good time of year Ethan S Dear Santa, Are you felling good? thank you Dear Santa, for evering. May I have a… frozen Christmas is a wonderful time castle, frozen clothing, frozen of year but I’ve wondered… How snow globe, frozen Halloween do you deliver toys all in on night? costume, frozen crayolas, frozen Why do your raindeer fly? What olof, frozen art kit, frozen skooter, does ho ho ho mean? What I want frozen kite, frozen shoose, frozen for Christmas is a mini pillow pet blanket. dream light because I’m scared Jaiden L with the light’s off. I want just dance 2014 cause I like to dance. Dear Santa, Merry Christmas How old are you? how do you Scarlett H get down the chimney? I was good. I was kind to my mom and Dad. I Dear Santa, have ben kind this year. I want a I will mis my cusins as you xbox one, mine craft card, 4 weele, saw I wish I cold live with them PS3, Baby cat, skateboard. so then Carlen wold be born first Thanks you Merry Christmas. then emilee then me and Joey. I Lucas B wins I cold spend chrismas with my cusins. I whant a trampleen for Dear Santa, chrismas why i do is becus i whus Why do you have deer? Why good. do you whaer red? Why do you Jimmy say hoa hoa hoa? So I cood get red worded and because I love my Dear Santa, family. Santa I wunt sky landers I have been very good this year! and I wunt bey blaeds and I wunt this year I want for Christmas is a bey wheel. necklu ier mirror choun playhouse, Thank you, Merry chrismas. monster high key, wand and Ryan J another pet. Merry Christmas Dear Santa, Ariam How have you been last Christmas do you like the cookie’s Dear Santa, we made I hope you liked the Will you answer some Questions cookie’s. how have you elf’s and for me? How old or you? how big reindeer ben? How has Mrs. Santa
1010 East Hwy. 199 Springtown, TX 817-220-7815
“Merry Christmas & May God Bless You” to all our friends and customers from M & D Tire.
Season’s Greetings 2014 17C
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 been is she sick or is she good. Have you hade a good summer been. How doing have you been alive? Thank you Merry Christmas. Tristan C Dear Santa, Please give me this stuf if I have been good if I was this is a few things I want. A pet rabbit, anki drive Mario cart 8 and and bounce off. Thank you, Merry Christmas. Mason J Dear Santa, How cold is it in the north pole? How have you ben in the north pole? I have ben good this year because I help clean the house. I woud like my life locker, my life school girl, boots, camera, new scoote, drumse, a stuft santa, a stuft randeer, new headphone and my two front teeth. Thank you, Merry Christmas! Karli H Dear Santa, How old are you Santa? Wy do you wear red? How is Rudolph? How are the elfs? I woulds like a Xbox3601. I would like a under armer shirt. I would like a ds. I would like a 4-wheeler. Thank you Merry Christmas Jacob K
get down the chimney? I help my dad making the gravey. I share the fribeese to juddson. I been so good. may I have Rio 2, Peabody and Sherman, American girl doll, skate board, Lego Frends, Elsa and Anna ice skaters, cloudy with a chance of meat balls 2 and a American girl mermad. Thank you, Merry Christmas. Mollie M
I’m nice to my sister.
would like for Christmas is Halo Keri legos I would also like dodge balls, a basket ball hoop, and a Dear Santa, RC plane please. I work very hard How do you know good/bad to be a good student I am nice I list? What is your Christmas I treat people the way I want to be wuld like Barbie set, BB Gun in treated. I have good grades and I pink, monster high set, Hello Kitty listen have fun flying! set. I was good this year I am nice. Luke P I work hard a t school. I am respectful Dear Santa, to others. Why do you have a beard? Do Shyyou get presents? I want to be nice ann A and say this will you please get me a American girl doll a sewing D e a r machine ands a Barbie house and Sancan you please get me Isebell ta, I really want a maching outfit. Really bad. Dear Santa, Carley T Do you have Do your elvs make the presents? kinds? I have brothers, and a sister What food do you like besides Dear Santa, Do you have any pets? I have a cookeis? For Christmas I want a Why do you shout ho ho ho? I dog For Christmas I would like iphone5, high heols, make up, the have bin good because I have bin a iPhonec, books, and a zoomer Frozn movie. I have been patient, nice. I want a skateboard Please. baby. I’ve done lots of good thinds good, calm, quiet. Thank you Merry Christmas this year. I put the Plates up I put Nicole S Ronan S the books away I cleaned my turtles. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Alex M How do you go around the Do you ever go on vacation? world? I would liken a phone, Fire Do elfs ever get sick? How do you Dear Santa, Hd, B.B guns, toy guns. How do keep up with all the children for How cold is it in the North Pole? your reindeer fly? I savd a bird Christmas. I would like a Lego set. How many elfs do you have? falling from a tree. Plant vs zombis warfir, call fo Daty What’s all your elfs names? How Justin ghost, and Lego Batman game. do you make the elfs? What I I have ben good, I have worked hard, whin I was at my grandmas her dog got away I got it. Seth S
Dear Santa, How dus your raynder flie How dus your raynder to ce. I wod like a ipad, 2 transformers, batman 2, 4-wiler/ BMZ Bike. Dear Santa, Thank you/ Merry Christmas How do you go all ovor the state Nolan J in one night do you have kids what do you eat besides cooik where Dear Santa, do you go on vacation I want for Have you been boing great. How Christmas a kindle Hb7 printer a are you. how are your elfs. Are you pokemon ex, and iphone6s I found boing. I’’v been good. I’v been a dog I keep my kindle for a long sweet. I’’v been helpfue, I want a I time pad, legos, a dirt bike, WIIU With Tristan D batman three. Big remote centroll car. Dear Santa, Thank you, Merry Christmas. Why can you stop eating Jaritt R cookies? For Christmas I wan a Monster High doll, a robot pupt Dear santa, and dancing robot I work hard with How old are you? how do you my mom I helped olcrate the tree.
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Dear Santa, How do you make toys? what do you eat? Do you have a bag? When do you sleep? For Christmas I wouls like a baby zoomer, books, ball, and car. I have been kind to my mom, dad, sister, brother. I have been grateful. I will play with my brother and sister. Kourtney
Dear Santa, How do you keep track of all the kids? Where did you find your reindeer? This year I would like a bunk bed, boots, pokemon cards, and a punching bag. I should get it because I am responsible for what I have to do. I am respectful to my parents and my teacher. Merry Christmas! Nathaniel W
Dear Santa, Where do you swim? What do you eat except cookies? For Christmas I would like a ipad, Nerf gun, phone, and cat. I wouls like it because I help mom. And play outsid. Matt W
Dear Santa, How mane elfs do you have I want fun games and a ipad. I Feed my pets. So haw do you learn to make toys? what do you do for fun? So how do you fly at night? Zoee
Dear Santa, How do you kepe up with the bad and the good people? What is your favorite holiday instead of Christmas? How do you keep up with the Elfs? How do you make the elf on the shelf? Please can I have a gocart, some work out head bands, Under Armour botte? Am very helpful and I am nice and responsible. Olivia M
Dear Santa, What do you eat? How do you know whare people live? I want a Bat-man lego set, a Spider-man lego set, lego Marvle Super Heros, Eart to Eko. I should get the stuff because I clean out the litter bow, I rake when no body tells me to. Caleb E Dear Santa, What kind of food do you eat? Do you have a dog? What time do you get up? I would like a TPad, books, minecraft toys, max tow truck. I’ve done lots of good things
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Season’s Greetings 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
this year. I rake leaves. I clean my I love you Santa! room. I fold towls. I claen up. Jessie W Be safe flying arourd! Cole S Dear Santa, Can you bring bake shadow. I Dear Santa, want a lololopse ese baklac ofin How do you keep track of the and a Americn girl doll and bitty kids that are bad/goo? How do the baby acssesorys and a stuft dog elfs make all the toys? santa what that looks like shadow and a Phone is your favorite holiday? Santa I Emery F would like a xbox 360, Iphone5s, ipad apple/ mega ex pok’emon card. I feed my dog every day and Dear Santa, I help my pareints. This Christmas I want a zoomer Grayson V dog I want it because I do not have a dog I have some more Dear Santa, things which inclue a phantom Do elves get sick? What is your of the opera action figure I want favorite holiday besides Christmas? it because I love the movie and For Christmas I want legos, paint, v for vendetta the movie I would Rudoph the Red Nosed Reindeer watch It every day and a new bb stuffed animal, earrings. I should gun because the other get these because I try new food one is getting old. and do chores around the house. And I have a few Ryann B questions I have four of them forst Dear Santa, one is… have Santa I went a Rudolph toys. people ever santa I want a TMNT move. I caught you on went a Santa toys. I wunt a sild tape? Second move. Is Rudolph boing fin? bo one is… how you celebrate Easter. Halloween? do you eat so Santa are the Reindeer? Santa can many cookies? you make my bab happy? I am Third one is… respectful? I bo the bishis? I git a do you have any chan efrey day? I ask for efrethag. kids? Is so how many.fourth Hunter one is… has Rudolphs nose ever staped glowing? Thats all Dear Santa, for now write to you later. Does elf’s help you? how you Hannah S make toys? do you bake cookie? I hope you have a mamy Christmas? Dear Santa, How do you go fast all around How are you? are yore elvs bir the would Dear Santa I want a or small? do you now how many faify’s doll’s. Santa does you presents I have? Am I on the noty help Elf? I want a faify’s doll’s or nice list? How old are you? how and CandyCane hand Sanitzer for many elvs do you have? What are Christmas. Why I sould get them yore elvs names? Do you have a big because I help my Mom every day. house? And I whant a puppy. And
a drum set! And a Jet pack. And I in Santa And I have a heart and deserv it becase Im respnseble and Because I am sweet. I wan’t to fly and I wan’t to be a Alaina C drum best. Aoyn P Dear Santa, How do your Reindeer;s fly? Dear Santa, How old are you? I want a dirt bike How do your raindeer’s fly? and gear and iPhone 5 or 6 and Star How old are you? I want an Ipad Wars? I am good and nice? Are you and a Spider-man bed and $100 magic or are your elf’s or none of anda new dog and a note from yall? I celebrate your birthday? Do Santa. I hope I was good this year. you celebrate chistmas? I want a Do you celebrate Christmas? I dinosaur? Do you live in the north wasn’t a zoomer Dino. pole? I want a robot? I want a Jet Parker boat? I want a privet Jet? Because I am nice and good. Dear Santa, Jaydan M How much ELFs do you hav? I want some head phons. And wy I Dear Santa, shold get it cuse I do dishes. Does I whant s tuey. How old are you. your raindeer help? I wont my how munch kides do you have. I mom to get a watch. Thaku for whant a elfs on the shelf. You are my ELF and I Love you. What fun. Is the north Polel cold. What Raindeer was in the do you do. Is it fun. front? Shayna N Keaton B Dear Santa, I want an Amaerican doll. How Dear Santa, I want a elf on the shelf. do you make toys? dose the raindeer I tHink I Deserve it. I want a disturb you? how many presents do pet claree c. I like her name. you have? Do you have many toys? can you take me to the north I want big babies that are Twins. I Pole? How many toys Do want little babies. I also so so much you have? How many elfs A TV? I think I deserve it because I’m good all year. Do you have? Tairyn H Jackson S Dear Santa, I have a few questines to ask you. are you nice to your elfs? How old are you? do you smail Like raindeer? What do you do why your elfs are gone? How many elfs do you have? What I want for cirstmas is a x box 360. And aDrum-set. And a IPad 5. And a Amarican Dall set with Baby Care. I shold get theses things Because I help PePle. I Love PePle. I Belive
s a m t s i r h C y r r e M appy Holidays
Dear Santa, I wont a Dirt bike because I wont to do what My Dad never got to do. Who really maks the toy’s? the elvs or you? how fuzzy is your beard really? How big is the presnt bag? how many hats do you have? I want an DS to play angst frends. Blaze Dear Santa, I have a few questions…How do you make your toys? Do you use tools or magic? Do you sleep all year except for Christmas time or help make the toys? Are some other elfs going to come to my house or is it just Egger this year? Do you celebrate other holiday or just Christmas? Do you elfs help you make you toys or just come to peoples houses? Do you celebrate Christmas for Jesuses birthday? I would like the mall lego set to build with my dad, Bedoas, and a Basketball goal. And does Rudolph guide your sleigh? Corynne B Dear Santa, I have a questions for you Do you have any kids? Do the elfs like you? All I want for chirstmas is a Amican girl doll and barbies and toy horses and a dog. I should get it because I’ve been good and I deserve it. Does Rudolph have a red nose? How do you make toys? Do the raindeers disturb you? do you have many presents? How many elfs do you have? Is chirstmas fun for you? I hope you stay safe Denali R
Dear Santa, I want a American girl doll at my Dad’s house. I want a X box one at my mom house. I want some wii game’s at my Dad’s house. How many reideer do you have? Were does Rudolph live? Do you have Kid’s? how big is the Noth Pole? Will you get my mom a iphone 6=. To be nice to my Mom and get a Dear Santa, bigger screen. How bo you make toys? how Cooper Y many elfs bo you have? Does
Rudolph still lead the sleigh? How many presents bo you have to make? Is it cold in the noth Pole? Do you have a kid? Are you hapy? I wont a elf on the Shelf, I wont a bick. I wont a Drum Set. I am good. I am respobol. Gavin S Dear Santa, I have a few questions…Do you really wear Red and White? Is it cold in the North Pole? Does Rudolph still guide your sleigh? Do you Celebrate other holidays? Do you Celebrate Christmas for Jesus’s birthday? I want the Barbie glam camper van, american girl dolls, say ahh to the spa, Blythe’s house, pet day camp and an elf on the shelf. Monica M Dear Santa, Win will snow flak come bak. Santa ols I wata lolon casil cacel? How odl are you? how meny cids Do you hav? Dus rooph gid yor slay?!. Nat Dear Santa, Is it cold at the North Pole? How do you work? What do you eat? What is your favorite drink? Tablet mask soldiers. Here is mt list of gifts. I have been good. I heop with laundry. Matthew g Dear Santa, How did you get your reindeer? Does Rudolf have a red shiney nose? For Christmas I was an American doll. I want picture frames. I want a dog toy and a cat toy. I have been good girl. Love, Kya C
To All Our Customers
& Ha
Rejoice... in the Spirit of the Season! Christmas...a special time to remember those who have touched our lives with warmth, kindness and have blessed us in so many ways. Warmest wishes and heartfelt thanks from all of us, to all of you.
Bright Wishes and Warm Regards Sleigh bells are ringing, and we’re filled with good cheer, when we think of our friends, old and new we hold dear. And we’d like to extend to each one of you our very best wishes and gratitude, too!
Tire & AuTomoTive Shop 11480 FM 730 S • ( 2 miles south of Azle) 817-444-1301 • MON. - SAT. 9-6
With Our Thanks For Your Loyal Patronage
405 Commerce St. • Azle, Texas 76020
Merry Christmas!
Front Row -Rhonda Herriage, Baylee Davis, Sarah Hicks Back Row-Diana Rust , Jill Goen, Jessica Corley, Steve Parker, Carissa Widner, Bobbie Baldwin
& WELLNESS CENTER, L.L.C. 237 W. Main St. • Azle 817-444-2170