AMXY_Regenerative Landscape_Bartlett B-Pro Urban Design RC17

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REGENERATIVE LANDSCAPES UCL - Bartlett School Of Architecture 2013 - 2014

Research Cluster 17 Mitali Kedia Xinyao Xiang Azmil Zakri Yari Jin Tutors: Maj Plemenitas Ulrika Karlsson


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and deep regards to our head tutors, Ulrika Karlsson and Maj Plemenitas, for their exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course of this project, as well as all the other tutors, lecturers who have been very supportive and helpful. We also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of appreciation to the Bartlett School of Architecture and University College London, for their cordial support, valuable resources granted to us as well as access to the facilities that made this project possible.




Last but not least are our esteemed colleagues and the people of Manaus in Brazil, who have been kind to us and welcomed us into their city to study the sites and materials for our research project.









Regenerative Landscape Project


Site Conditions






Informal Settlements


Bio-degradable enzymes


Flow Patterns


Material Study




Heterogeneous Material


Influence of Time


Various other materials


Digital Study


state changing particles and behavior patterns


Cross scalar & state changing simulation


Form generation


Influence of Time


Flow integrated design


Cross scalar material transition






End Notes





University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014



University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

In recent years, the focus of urban development has slowly shifted towards an ecological model base, as more and more people have gradually realized that the deterioration of environment should not be ignored. Urban Ecological Design, is a design practice which integrates site, landscape, and people. As a global emerging issue, the urban ecological design pays more attention to the concept of recycling. In the energy shortage today, this seems to be more in line with the new pattern of world development. Peg Rawes defined Relational Architectural Ecologies as the system that “ Examines the complex architectural and ecological relationships which constitute modern human cultures and environments” (Rawes P, 2013 pp1). Her book “ Relational Architectural Ecologies” aims at three key points- first objective is to evolve the architecture thinking regarding ecology beyond the limits of ‘Sustainable Architecture’, Green Buildings’ and ‘Environmentally Responsive Designs’. Second, to create an interdisciplinary relation between the architecture practices and theories and the disciplines outside of architectural frame, mainly visual arts, medicine, social sciences, law and humanities. The third argument is regarding the importance of relations between spatiotemporal and socio-political values as they contribute towards environmental and human-made crisis that inevitably affects our cities, towns and homes. Thus, “The definition of architecture presented here is not directed exclusively towards professionals who design our built environments, instead the term ’architecture’ encapsulated a broader set of environmentally focused question about the value of the social and material formation of our ‘built’ environments for all”.(Rawes P, 2013 pp1).



University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

STATE-CHANGING HETEROGENEOUS STRUCTURE Addressing Urban Ecological Design through a project includes three key area: Ecological Infrastructure The science of ecology has a variety of methods of use in the study of a city. One of the focus is how to apply the landscape ecology and conservation biology in the urban infrastructure design strategy. We are looking forward to finding a new way to organize and guide the flows of organisms, materials, and energy which pass through a city. A fundamental change happens in the process of urban infrastructure design although it continuing encompass enhancing the health, safety and welfare of humans in the early 20th-century urban goals. Culturally-Based Place-Making The culture plays an incredible important role in the process of our perception and understanding of the place. It is a product of various social, cultural, political and economic force interaction in the environment. The culturally-based place-making respect the fact, and also include the voice from individual and community in the design decision to show the diversity of our communities. The approach recognizes all forms of diversity and be a bridge of the artificial environment and natural environment. Design for Ecological Literacy The ecological literacy includes the connection of environment, such as a natural and cultural system and the knowledge to reveal and regenerate them. We see the design as a powerful process which have a strong ability to develop the ecological literacy. The design of ecological literacy probably incorporates participatory design process which always build upon the current knowledge of citizen, and action in a particular landscape in an urban area. The point of the factor is how to improve and reveal the urban environment through design forms, elements, and materials. The improvements and technological advancements in the field of computational design: data gathering, formula or algorithm based programming methods, multiple dimensional modelling simulation studies, among many others, has led to a myriad of cutting-edge exploratory research in the field of architecture and urban design. While urban design has been around for quite some time, it is arguable that there was an appropriate era in which it flourished. Now more than ever, with the available tools such as digital simulating machines and programming softwares to name a few, seems like the right time that researchers can delve into and develop forms of design methodologies and urban morphological studies, which may lead to discoveries of new types of urban typologies or improvements on the existing, current types of morphologies that are being used for design.


The urban design research project that our group has embarked on is grounded upon an intuitive design making process, based on complex material understanding and development of design methodologies centered around computational logic that also takes into account the surrounding existing environment or ‘atmosphere’ of the context, in order to explore and discover new types of spatial urban typologies. The project started out with a question: what kind of effect can we create that may influence global phenomenon issues that was affecting people and the environments that they are in? Our project is predicated around developing systems which engage in both functional and aesthetic aspects of a design. The project looks into the process of fabrication which involves creating self-evolving, regenerative landscapes. This research, through the use of computational means and physical experiments, will help inform us in developing a design at cross scalar systems that are inter-related with the context it is placed in and also study various material processes, which would not only act as the standard building system but will be the generative drivers in the design process. The state changing, heterogeneous material structure that we have proposed refers to a new way of re-using existing raw material available by changing its properties and ma9

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

nipulating the states that they are in, in order to generate new forms of complex spatial designs. This type of design may be used to enhance the current situation that are already existing in any type of context or conditions, whether it be in cold climate, tropical conditions, or ever-present hot environment, and it may may also be utilized to regenerate or alleviate deep urban issues such as poverty, overpopulation, economic assistance, or theoretically anything else that may relate to the general wastage of raw materials that could be present at any particular place. The regenerative landscape project aim is to provide a potential alternative solution within the context of urban design, by taking pre-existing raw material such as waste and exposing their innate potential and re-using them as part of the design venture. Using computational design methods, the input and output is essential in the formation of the structure, and this relates to the context of the site that the project is placed in, whether it be in Manaus or London. The generative design logic, or mechanism for generating the structural appearance, is collectively tied to the contextual factors such as availability of materials, topographical terrain, flow, depth, velocity, and most importantly, the factor of ‘time’. The aspect of time plays an important role in the development of the structure’s outlook. while the specific details of this process of regeneration, decaying and re-synthezation of the structure will be explained in depth later on, time is an a integral part of the apparatus, as the agents that will be utilized largely depends on its ability to grow and extrude, and the time also plays a part in determining the changes in water level during wet and dry seasons, as well as the changes to the velocity for flow and depth. All of the factors mentioned above are essentially part of the design generator for the project, and it would provide a contextual element to the project as no two places exhibit precisely similar factors, meaning theoretically, structures placed in any two places at the same time will have markedly differing appearances, even though both will utilize the same computational design methodology derived from the project. In addition, the time element will also add a dynamism to the project, ensuring that the look and feel of the structure will change year to year, and the component of flow will allow the structure constant shift positions based on the patterns of flow of the sites.



University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

MANAUS For the purpose of field study the site chosen lies in the heart of Amazon forest- the city of Manaus. The city is not only the river port but also the capital of state of Amazonas, overlooking the river, it is transversed by several side channels called igarapes (canoe paths) which are spanned by bridges and divides it into separate compartments. Manaus is located in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, and access to the city is primarily through boat or aeroplane. This isolation helped preserve both the nature as well as the culture of the city.

History of Manaus is defined best by the rubber boom which took place in 1890s. The city flourished as the town came to possessed a harbor, thus giving rise to the river trade and also this period marked a regional economic boom based on the production of natural rubber. Manaus declined in th 1920s, when the price of natural rubber collapsed on the World market. Although its economy strengthened somewhat during World War II, Manaus did not prosper significantly until after it was declared a duty-free zone in 1967.

Figure 1.1: Territorial Scale of the Amazon River in direct relation to the city of Manaus



University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

The confluence of Rio Solimoes and Rio Negro, popularly known as “meeting of the water”, serves as the opening of the main Amazon river. The Rio Negro has dark colored water, called such because of the water’s color, however the Rio Solimoes has murky brown colored water due to its mineral content. Both rivers carry with them fragments from the upper parts of the Amazon basin making it rich and a good mix for the wild life and vegetation in the lower parts of the Amazon river. These two rivers and the port where they meet also gives shelter to various fishes, some of them found only in the Rio Solimoes and Rio Negro confluence. The Rio Negro has dark colored water, called such because of the water’s color. The Rio Solimoes however has murky brown colored water. Both rivers’ water flow downstream for almost 6 kilo meters without mixing which in itself a marvel, and has become a famous attraction. But science has an explanation; both waters have different temperatures and speed. They also have different densities, not to mention the debris that both carry. Rio Negro flows slower at a speed near 2 km per hour with a temperature of 28°C. However the Rio Solimões is much colder at 22°C flows faster, 4 to 6 km per hour. Both rivers carry with them fragments from the upper parts of the Amazon basin making it rich and a good mix for the wild life and vegetation in the lower parts of the Amazon River. These two rivers and the pout to with they meet also gives shelter to various fishes, some of them found only in the Rio Solimoes & Rio Negro Confluence.

Figure 1.2: Meeting of the two rivers- confluence of River Negro and River Soliomoes (Source: Bespoke Brazil 2013) 16


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014


Figure 1.3: Map of flooding levels in the Amazonian Basin around Manaus (Source: Chu 2012)

In the Amazon, there are two seasons: wet and really wet. Each season lasts approximately six months. During the rainy season, heavy rains causes the river to overflow and flood the surrounding land, six months later, the rains let up and the flood water recedes. This annual flood cycle is the source of the floodplain’s great riches- fish, fruits, crops and an astonishing variety of plants and animals. Since Manaus lies on the edge of the river Negro it faces its major problem of flooding, since river Negro floods seasonally. The Amazon basin floods spectacularly every year. The rise and fall of water is an integral part of the unique rainforest ecosystem. But not every flood is the same in mid-June 2009, water levels on the Negro river in Manaus reached their highest in 56 years. These floods give rise to many problems in Manaus, one of the major problem caused is the pollution of the igarapes and the rivers, which creates an accumulation of human made pollutants. These pollutants are widespread in Manaus, and are very clearly visible on the stretches of the rivers and the riparian edges. 18

Figure 1.4: City of Manaus (Source

Manaus straddles two watersheds: the São Raimundo and the Educandos-Quarenta, which have areas of 10,625 and 3,834 hectares, respectively. Approximately 580,000 people live in the Educandos-Quarenta watershed (the most densely populated), where the heart of the city, the oldest part of Manaus, was built. The urban area of Manaus is crisscrossed by streams called igarapés. The igarapés drain into larger tributaries or directly into the Negro River and are affected when the Negro River rises. When heavy rainfall causes the Negro River to flood, water levels can rise up to 14 meters. The highest levels occur in June and July, flooding the lower reaches of the igarapés. In the Manaus area, the heaviest and most frequent rains fall between November and May, when the level of the Negro River is low to moderate.


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS The informal settlements developed in Manaus can be categorized into two forms: First, the houses are constructed on stilts called “ Palafitas”, Second, the houses which are constructed in a way so that they can float on water and hence are called “Floating Houses”. Almost all the homes in the at-risk areas have unreliable access to electricity and water services and most connections to these services have been illicitly rigged. Raw sewage and some garbage is dumped directly into the ‘igarapes’, hindering their drainage capacity. Families not dislocated due to flooding suffer the negative effects of humidity, rotting garbage and a proliferation of mosquitoes and rats. Almost all the homes in the at-risk areas have unreliable access to electricity and water services, and most connections to these services have been illicitly rigged. Raw sewage and some garbage is dumped directly into the igarapés, hindering their drainage capacity. Area families not affected by the flooding suffer the negative effects of humidity, rotting garbage, and a proliferation of mosquitoes and rats. As a trade-off, these families live in homes in the heart of the city, close to jobs and public education and health services. Figure 1.5: Available Materials near informal settlements of Manaus (source: Dialogo Americas 2012)

The major problems in Manaus result from informal settlements established in the ravines and creeks that drain the city. From the city’s perspective key problems include: higher than average incidence of wastes and odors in the settlements and surrounding neighborhoods; discontinuities of street structure resulting from many settlements situated in the right of way of planned roads; overcrowding of downtown urban ser vices by the settlers.

Figure 1.6: Raw Materials that can be gathered on site (Source: Dialogo Americas 2012) 20


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

BIO-DEGRADING ENZYMES Our growing plastic production and waste, the obstacles to recycle and properly discard plastic products, and the sharp rise in the number of ships and coastal developments, are all leading to an increase in the number of plastic items being lost or discarded at sea. A pioneer study analysed six plastic pieces from the North Atlantic and found a diverse and complex community of microbes. The researchers called this realm of life the “Plastisphere”. These plastic-dwellers seem to play important roles in determining the fate and impacts of plastic pollution. For instance, they appear to modify how fast plastics break down and the buoyancy of plastics. Pathogens such as viruses may also inhabit debris and infect animals that ingest the plastic.

Figure 1.8: Plastic eating fungus (Source: Strobel 2000)

The pollutants in and around river waterways are easily available, and they cater as raw materials for our design process. These type of material can be segregated based on their respective internal parameters of densities, rigidity, melting points, temperatures and their floating or sinking properties.

Figure 1.7: Microbacterial agents (Source: MicrobeWorld 2011) 22

Since the amount of these pollutants have been readily increasing, our researched led us to the polymer bio-degradable enzymes which can be found in nature or added to the site without disturbing the ecosystem of the area for the purpose of speedily decomposition. Among many others, a few types of such enzymes are FLAVOBACTERIUM, BACILUS SUBTILIS, and PESTALOTIOPSIS MICROSPORA- these are anaerobic bacteria’s which work in under water conditions and readily change the state of plastic without completely dissipating them. 23

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

Figure 1.9: Micro conditions surface conditions that bacteria dwells on (Source: MicrobeWorld 2011)

Figure 1.10: Multiple types of microbacteria that can be genetically engineered with different properties, parameters, etc (Source: MicrobeWorld 2011)

These enzyme agents will be used to create and produce a type of polymer called Polyhydroalkanoates, or PHA for short. PHA material is a form of bioplastics that are created through the process of bacterial fermentation, where the enzymes can be designed through bioengineering processes, to produce PHA through biosynthesis that may have properties that we will require, such as thermoplasticity- a state of polymer that changes state to become pliable in certain temperature, and then returns to a solid state.

Studies on the available raw materials within the riverways of Manaus also yielded substantial data regarding the type of possibilities and potential material that can be utilized for processing and in later stages. These types of informative and specific data can be collected and stored in order to inform our decision making process, regarding the types of surface condition that we may work with, as well as the type of materials that the enzyme may come into contact.

While these types of resources already exist, the commercial usage of these bacterial enzymes are still in its early stages, and would perhaps require more time and effort in terms of development, to make them more readily available for commercial usage, or for a project proposal of this magnitude. 24


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

Figure 1.11: Matrix of Materials commonly available in rivers with a general overview of their different properties 26


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

FLOW PATTERNS The timeline variations in the level of water was mapped at different scales to get a better understanding of the surface conditions, the speed and directionality of water when it flows through the site. Based on these flows we were able to identify the the collection points of raw materials which were introduced into these riverways, and hence locate the possible points of interception for the placement of the fabrication.



University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

Utilizing modelling simulation tools, the site study also included observational studies of the water flow patterns through the rivers and igarapes during flooding and non-flooding seasons. By creating these site specific simulation studies, these works inform us on the projected path and progression that the structure will be subjected to during its time-based growth. While the simulation studies may or may not be completely accurate or reflective of the actual current flows on site, what this particular endeavor does is help inform of us the potential variations that may occur during the form generation process, and what the effects of flow may have on an established structural form- for example, where and how will the flow affect the secondary tier of form generation after a specific period of time.

Figure 1.14: Water level during dry season

The flow and undercurrents in a specific body water are dependent on many different factors, and one that we choose to focus on is the underwater surface conditions. Based on our studies, the points or areas that are not completely affected (or less affected) by the water flows may also be essential in that it could potentially become anchorage points or fixed points of the structure which could help form clusters of surface conditions that could be utilized for multiple purposes.

Figure 1.15: Water level during flooding season 30


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014



University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

The process of Materialization, Digital Simulation and Digital Fabrication collectively provide us with the basis for Form Generation. The material experiments conducted were to initialize the understanding of particle behaviour under varied conditions and parameters, and this heterogeneous understanding of state change in particles was then elaborated through various simulations in which the input for the study were similar to the input in the material experiments, however the outputs differed by a huge range. This was possible by amplifying the values to retrieve exceptional outcomes. The simulations were further developed to test the limits of the particles and to attain their full potentiality, this led to the process of form generation. Hence, the shape of form is precluded by material, and the generation of design forms is obtained through material properties as they become the driving force in providing the function of structure and environmental performance to the form. Form generation and materialization are always inherently and inseparably related, this suggest that the technology has the potential to unfold an alternative approach to design one which derives both morphological complexity and performance capacity without differentiating between form and material application. Architecture in terms of material practice has an impact on social, cultural and ecological attributes of a society. Thus our thinking of architecture is based on how we conceptualize these material interventions. Form generation and materialization are always inherently and inseparably related, this suggest that the technology has the potential to unfold a different outlook to design one which deduces both morphological complexity and performance potential without differentiating between form and material application.

“Material-based Design computation is developed and proposed as a set of computational strategies supporting the integration of form, material and structure by incorporating physical form-finding strategies with digital analysis and fabrication� (Oxman, 2010).

Figure 2.1: Surface conditions of Material experiment models 34


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

Figure 2.2: top view of Material experiment model C


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

Materials play a crucial role in the design process. It includes organic (biotic) and synthetic (abiotic) material, which are not just autophagy but also translate into new viable materials. Organic materials have been widely used in the design process. Based on its ability to self-repair and rebirth, the organic materials are suited to use in the regenerative design. On the other hand, the synthetic materials have two ways to achieve regeneration; one is the properties of materials change through the chemical change. Thus, it has translated from one substance to another. However, the process of this translation is always associated with great use value. This is so-called “waste rebirth.� Another way seems much easier for designer to handle, with just change the physical states of the materials. This is a more flexible processing technique than the previous method. Especially, for some materials, they may have a variety of physical forms, even dozens, it gives designers much more space for design development.


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

FLUIDS Our material analogue starts with the study of various properties of water- which includes- hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties, changes in the rate of absorption with the change of materials and state changing behavior of water from one state to the other. All these properties are tested individually first to understand their individual effects. For hydrophobic and hydrophilic experiments the parameters depended on the type of surface or the surface condition used and the strength of the repellent applied on it. The rate of absorption was determined by the different sizes, shapes and amount of grains that were used as the medium to absorb water. And for the state changing behavior water was used in the form of dew droplets and hence how the density of water changed when it was subjected to different mediums.


Figure 2.3: Dew Point experiment- Materiality study on the influence and relationship of factors such as time, forces, size, velocity, and many others

Figure 2.4: Granular Material absorption coefficient- Material experimentations conducted to test the effectiveness and rate of absorption for different types of materials, as well as the effects of different organization and arrangement.


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

HETEROGENEOUS MATERIALS Model A The combination of these material experiments led to the development of a material system which consisted of the properties extracted from all the three tests. The goal of this material process was to combine the hydrophobic, hydrophilic and fluid dynamic properties of the particles to create a heterogeneous model which represents hierarchy, heterogeneity, directionality, difference in densities, spatial qualities and porosity. The most interesting aspect of this process is to study the state changing behavior of the particles which can be used to attain various spatial qualities and dynamism in a design.

Figure 2.5-2.7: Overview of large, heterogeneous material model sample A- The models were systematically synthesized with a combination of materials that were converted to another state, fused together with other materials that has properties of other states.


Sugar was the first material used to achieve all the above properties, the ability of sugar to change its state under high temperature and change its state again under low temperature was very close to how water reacts to changes in temperature, hence the models created from these experiments consisted of many properties that led to form fabrication in the latter stages, as well as becoming the basis for simulation development.


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

Model B

Model C

Model D

Figure 2.11: Micro scale view of surface conditions of respective models

These state-changing, heterogeneous material models illustrates the multitudes examples of surface conditions that are of utmost importance to the project, where they served as a catalystic inspiration to help advance the project and laid the foundational basis for the development of the digital simulation works.

Figure 2.8-2.10: Overview of sample B, C, D- Control experiments with various dffiference in model-making process resulting in various types of surface conditions 42

The models were formed based on a system driven by logic and protocol, where the mixing of materials from different states were regulated based on periodic intervals, similar to an algorithm-based simulation scheme, where a set of rules and finite procedural steps are generated in order to solve a specific problem or arrive at a solution. 43

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

INFLUENCE OF TIME Model A As previously stated, the concept of time plays a key part in the development of the structural outlook. The thought process behind the decision making of implementing time as part of the design, is the notion that with a structure that will continue growing and developing over time as more and more materials become available, there must be a point where the structure does not overwhelm the sites it is in, and it should also not be a deterrence to the public or restrict vehicles from moving freely. Hence, limitation to the ‘age’ of the materials that become part of the structure became necessary in order to ensure that the structure itself does not become monolithic or a hindrance to the general public. By observing some of the results and comparing the differences between the original, casted model and the recent, decaying model, we can infer a few interpretations which can demonstrate the long term effects of the Regenerative Landscape structure. The decaying models show structural deformations- where previously accessible surface conditions within it (such as rough, smooth, grainy, etc) are not visible anymore, the decaying models shows a restructuring of and re-generation of different types of surface conditions in new areas within the model itself.

Figure 2.12: View of Model A after a period of time going through a process of decaying

Figure 2.13: Micro surface conditions that bacteria can thrive on 44

From these models, we could determine that within a particular unit of structure, the effects of time could lead to the creation of new surfaces could become a key feature of the project, while at the same time it satisfies the need for a regeneration factor that allows for the structure to continually redevelop itself by synthesizing the parts of the structure that will decay over time.

Figure 2.14: Top View of Model A 45

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

Model B

Model C

Model D



University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

VARIOUS OTHER MATERIALS Various different types of materials were used as part of an accumulation of experiments to identify a suitable material to be used for further exploration, among them being Silicon, wax, and several different types of granular soils. Several attempts to create amalgamations, or combinations of multiple kinds of materials were also conducted which resulted in a mixture of results. Silicone are a polymer based, synthetic compound material used for a variety of purposes. These material are typically water repellent, and display a strong bond usually not associated with liquid type materials, and thus usually used as sealants and adhesives. Silicone has an intrinsic unique properties of elasticity and thermoplasticity, and it can also be welded into thin fibrous layers. This property helps us in attaining different densities and hierarchies within a single model, as some of our experimentations with this specific type of materials yielded results that informed us of behaviorial patterns that can be replicated within a digital simulation context. The experiments that were conducted for the silicone material focused on investigating the effects of flow, an element of design that can influence the end product’s appearance. Through rigorous and methodical tests created, the project was able to incorporate the knowledge gained from these research and integrate them into the simulation studies, where the information regarding site flow patterns will help shape the contextual aspect of the project.

Figure 2.15: Various other types of experiments with different materials 48

Figure 2.16: Studying effects such as flow on the spatial outcome of silicone material in water environment 49

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

Figure 2.18: Outline of digital fabrication processes

A few of the other materials that were experimented upon, such as wax and granular soil (clay) also exhibited similar properties that were significant to our studies. While material such as wax had the appropriate feature such as being water repellent, others such as the clay displays others such as able to change state through minimal changes in temperature or by being mixed with other forms of materials.

Figure 2.17: Material based experiments on the behavioral patterns of logic for different materials 50

The material experiments were informative and helped in focusing our research to an appropriate level, by narrowing down to specific characteristics such as the effects and influence of flow, as well as forming the basis and groundwork for our context specific digital simulation studies as well as the form generating exploration. 51

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

Frame 1

Frame 50

Frame 100


Frame 200 Figure 3.1: Early simulation studies on the effects of particle interaction causing surface deformation

The early stages of the simulation studies were relatively grounded in the basic experimentation of how aspects of digital integration can be utilized as tools of design making. They were done in conjunction with the material experiment work on repulsion properties of water, which emulates the effects of water on specific surfaces that has hydrophobic materials applied to it. Further experiments were then used to inform the simulation studies and they were used as the basis for development of the coding and particle behaviors that become integral parts and features of the project moving forward. State changing is a term given to describe when matter changes their physical state from one to another. This usually means that a particular material will change its properties from their original state of being ‘solid’, ‘liquid’, or ‘gas’ to something else. The molecular particles of the aforementioned ‘matter’ are in effect moving (vibrating) or interacting with each other with a specific type of property and behavior; for example, solid particles are closely linked to each other, having hard, strong bonds with one another and thus giving matter a distinct shape that are defined by their surfaces. Internally, at a micro level, the relationship between these particles are important in that the particles are interacting with one another, and more importantly, the particles also demonstrate an internal force that can affect the surrounding particles. The particles in matter moves with specific types of velocity, acceleration and speed in a specific range that are unique to its particular state. Solid particles moves slowly and thus making it very stable with specific shapes and surfaces, liquid particles are in between in that it has a shape, yet no particular surface, whereas gasses moves really fast and has no definite shapes nor surfaces. These states can change from one to another by processes that affect the internal temperature of the particles. By heating up solids past its heating point or limit (melting), thus increasing the speed of the particles, the solid object will turn into a liquid form, and heating liquid past its critical temperature will cause the particles to move faster, and changing the state from liquid to gas (vaporization). The process can be reversed by reducing the temperature, or cooling. Through condensation, gas can be turned into liquid, and freezing will turn liquid into solids. Understanding these processes is critical for the direction of the project as a cross-scalar approach will be needed to fully maximize the potential of the material research and provide insight for the form generation process. Similarly, an understanding of the state changing process is valuable in order to inform the digital simulations as these cross scalar interaction between particles forms the basis or framework for the digital simulation work. 53

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014


Frame: 500

Frame: 1500

Frame: 2500

Frame: 3600

Frame: 4500

These particles are designed to change states when they enter specific areas within a surface; the particles color changes when it comes into contact with or on the surfaces. Some of the simulation studies demonstrates some of the capabilities and potentiality of the system, where particle interaction with surfaces can cause changes that we can deformation, demonstrating the particles ability to shape particular materials, or it may change it’s behavior according to the pattern of the surfaces. These simulation studies initially helped formalized and illustrate to us as researchers how the particles system can be used as part of a design generating system.

Frame: 5000



University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

Frame: 100

In the simulation study, the particles were also designed to exhibit ‘Parent-child’ behavior, where the ‘child’ are born from the reaction that the ‘parent’ had with its interaction to the surface that it is running through. These parent and child particles are also both designed to have specific behavior that are independent of each other. Improving on the Parent-child behavior simulations study, the particles were designed to exhibit similar ‘Parent-child’ behavior, but with the added capacity of the ‘child’ particles to have state changing properties as well, and works across different scales within the system that it is in. These parent and child particles would also be able to interact with each other, in that both would provide input for each other’s movement. Early simulation studies were conducted to establish the premises for a form-generation method. Some of the early experiments with the digital work were carried out with specific goals in mind, such as ‘how will the particles move surface A to surface B’, or ‘what are the effects that the internal forces will have on neighboring particles within a specific distance from nth particle’. For the latter stages, a lot of the digital experimentation work is heavily focused on creating independent behaviors for the particles to function on its own, yet there is also an emphasis to let the independent particles work with the pre-existing conditions within a specific site, mainly in our case, the existing directional flow and height level changes within the area. Over time these simulation studies and experimentations were deliberately and gradually increased in complexity and details, to reflect and build upon the findings and outcomes of the previous explorative attempts.


Frame: 500

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

Frame: 600

Frame: 1000

figure 3.2: Simulation study on multiple extruder movement and coagulation patterns

Frame: 2000 57

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

Frame: 63

Frame: 130

figure 3.3: Simulation study on the effects of particles moving through different types of surface conditions and terrains

Frame: 150

The simulation for state changing particles is an experiment to design ‘behaviors’ for particles that interacts with its surrounding environment. These particles are equipped with state changing capacity that are triggered based on its positioning, speed, age, and direction within their frameworks. The particles are designed to go through different stages, and the irregular shapes are formed from the particles inherent properties that we assigned to them when they are at the different stages.

Frame: 300


It is essential to design behaviors with specific functionality, but it is also imperative to keep in mind the context that the particles are supposed to work in. With digital simulation studies, it is relatively easy to create environment that is suitable for the particles to perform its functions, yet it is more conducive for the behaviors to be designed that it may work in similar conditions which can be found from the context. 59

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

CROSS-SCALAR & STATE CHANGING PARTICLES SIMULATIONS In these particular simulation study, the particles are given inherent capacity of self-governance, with looping parameters based on particles age and the capabilities to interact with one another. The residual effect of particles trajectories are indicators of the patterns that the particles are capable of producing within a specific framework that the system is placed in. As an extension of the previous cross-scalar, state changing simulation, the next step of the study was to introduce another dimension to the particles behavior; by adding parameters for the particles to move in the vertical axis, a sense of depth and triangulated positioning was seen growing with the system. The movement of particles in multiple axis creates 3 dimensional figure that can be utilized in further experimentation with advanced simulation studies.

This simulation studies were designed with a constant state-changing process happening over certain period of time. What this theoretically mean is that the ‘object’, or ‘structure’ being created by the state changing particles simulation work is in constant flux and is rapidly changing states from liquid to solid and is continuously changing and adapting itself to the rate of emission that is set. This creates dynamic shapes that can be interpreted in any number of ways, whether they be the initial framework (skeletal structure of the surface) or parts of the fibrous connection at a micro level.

figure 3.4: Simulation study on the movement patterns of cross scalar particles changing through different states over a period of time



University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

The looping property of the behavior for the particles also gave rise to the idea of the structure being a regenerative, self-integrated, self-sufficient entity. The raw material being processed can grow with the structure’s mechanism, over a period time the material will decay (through an accelerated process), and then return to the original, initial point and then become part of the structure again. This initial concept of a regenerative structure formed parts of the basis for the project’s direction and helped shaped visually how the structure will somehow look eventually.

figure 3.5: Simulation study on the patterns of movements for cross scalar particles in different states, in 3 Dimensional space 62



University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

While simulation studies instructed us on the basis of logic and understanding of digitally controlled design, the next appropriate step that was undertaken involved creating spatial outcomes, to invent new spatial organization based on topological rather than through a typological basis. To this end, using particle-centered simulations as the source, primitive connections were linked as to create ‘surfaces’ that has certain types of conditions which were useful in our studies of spatial consequences. Using tools such as 3D printers and devices that were manually constructed, the simulation works eventually steered us towards the field of form-generation.



University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014


Digital technologies are changing architecture in ways which we could have never anticipated. In contemporary architecture the focus of form generation has been diverted from its visual appearance to its performance, digital media is no longer used as only a representational tool for visualization instead it is implemented for the derivation of various forms and its transformations. The process of form generation for our project is hence derived with the help of animation and performance based simulations. The simulations are based on various systems developed through the study of state changing behaviors of the particles. And hence analyzing them under various parameters with different conditions and surfaces. 70

We started our design process by creating a mechanism which would transition the raw materials in three stages. The process involves Selective Interception- Localized Processing and hence forth heterogeneous Selective Manufacturing. This process of manufacturing or fabrication is carried out with the help of extruders, which were designed to create differences in densities, hierarchy, thicknesses and spatial quality. 71

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

These extruders were then replicated in digital form, to simulate fabrications of spatially sound ‘structures’ that can represent the project visually. Some of these early attempts consists of exploring the effects of creating multiple extruders observing the changes and fluctuations of the formed structure, and how alterations can be made in order to viably insert the other defining factors to become part of the design process. After conducting many trials with the digital and material process of fabrications we were able to narrow down our structure properties and we finally attained a structure which consists of various qualities to indulge with the raw material. It presents differentiation in densities, hierarchies, spatial qualities, complexities and surface conditions. In relation to our material studies, some of the effects and behavioral pattern of the extruded structure also reflected several of the qualities that we wanted to extract from specific materials, and also applied the contextual factors such as flow as part of the design consideration. The transition of the structure in terms of difference in densities and hierarchies can be compared with the properties of the materials, enzymes and the raw polymer materials discussed earlier. This comparative analysis demonstrates how different polymers react to form different kind of surface conditions which are then acted upon by different kind of enzymes. The different types of surfaces essentially become forms of boundaries that can regulate how the enzymes will interact with, and this will allow for a highly complex and controlled formation of structural outcome.

figure 4.1: Particle movement generating forms - depth of complexity from only 1 extruder 72

figure 4.1: Particle movement generating forms - depth of complexity from only multiple extruder 73

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

INFLUENCE OF TIME The structure has a timeline of 9 months. As it is intercepted by the raw material the structure grows and reaches its full potential within 9 months and grows up till the length of 10 meters. The length of the structure varies with the changes in the amount of raw material it deals with. In an ideal scenario when the structure deals with 100 kilograms of raw material it achieves the full length of 10 meters. The process of evolution of structure is accelerated with the help of the enzymes. The structure starts decomposing when it reaches the 12 month mark giving its place to the new structure to grow and hence the annual cycle continues.

figure 4.3: evolution of structure through a set period of time (9 months) 74

figure 4.4: Evolution of structure through a set period of time - level of complexity is amplified with the use of multiple extruders 75

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014


Flow plays a very important role in the development of the structure, as it provides the structure with directionality and structural differentiation. The change in the speed of the flow and the turbulences caused by water provides more complexity to the structure. The flow is also part of the contextual influence that will infuse a unique, localized touch to the structural formation, making it highly personalized where no matter where the structure is initiated, whether it is in Brazil or anywhere else in the world, none will look exactly like the other, as each local context will have key differences based on the conditions that are pre-existing within the site, such as the topography of the river, the speed and velocity of the river’s water, the height and levels of the water, the river’s underwater surface, current, and the available raw material already present or to be produced by the area’s population. The amount of available raw material within the site can become one of the defining key feature for that site’s structure, as more material will result in a larger, denser structure compared to an area that is relatively limited in resources.


figure 4.5: Evolution of structure through influence of flow - the patterns of flow affects the structural growth in a linear manner

figure 4.6: Simulation study of the progression for water flow going through the structure and how it is affecting the shape of the structure 77

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

Figure 4.7: illustrations through the use of simulations of the effects flow has on the directionality of structural growth and expansion. The studies also demonstrates the level of complexity and density of structure, as well as how the flow may assist in the selective process; where it can direct materials into the configured surfaces that it is suitable for. 79

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

Figure 4.9: Top view - illustration of how structure can be used to intercept the materials when it is flowing near

The development of the structure will be based on the interception of raw materials with the structure; where different sizes and shapes of the raw material will help form multiple surface conditions. The primary surface mesh is created by interception with the largest sized raw material, whereas the secondary smaller particles form the intermediate fibrous part. The tertiary, the smallest particles, will form the extremely fibrous part of the structure. The garbage is segregated on the basis of the size of the particles. The larger particles are intercepted at the surfaced part of the structure whereas the medium sized particles are intercepted by the transitioned part of the structure and the smallest sized particles are intercepted by the porous fibrous part of the structure. Pocket structure provide the possibility to intercept material passively. The materials which are not intercepted by the structure instantly are collected by this structure for fabrication at the later stage.

Figure 4.8: Sectional view - Example of how structure can be used to intercept material and stored for later use


The interception of the structure with the pollutants (specifically the small, organic food leftovers, etc) flowing in the river is quite important as well, the enzyme that will be introduced is relatively dependent on certain types of organic material (glucose, protein, etc) that they will need in their processing phase, where these types of material will be utilized by the enzymes in order to break down and change the states of the raw material into something that the structure can then extrude according to its capabilities. 81

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014

Ensuring the renewability of the structure is the most important target. So in this part, we melt and take parts of the raw materials to cast the nozzles and extrude them with other processed raw materials. With the nozzles being extruded with the fabricated raw material, the position and direction is random in the structure. It means some of the nozzle can work for extrusion when new materials come through, and some of them would be blocked by fabricated raw material and lose ability to extrude. The available nozzles can extrude the secondary structure to combine the primary structures, hence creating a self-organizing system. The raw materials floating in and around the structure will ideally be pulled into the structure to be incorporated into the structure through the usage of passive systems. the passive system that can be utilized will take advantage of the flow patterns within the site context, and through the identification of the density, size, mass and velocity of the materials, will be able to selectively sort through the materials and place them near the surface conditions that are suitable for them to be processed and use in the latter stages.

figure 4.13: illustrations of the microscopic view of raw materials being integrated into the structure

figure 4.10: different types of surface conditions that the bacteria will live on and process the materials from 82

figure 4.12: Different size and shapes of raw material, indicated through the use of different colors in our simulation studies, are shown here to be intercepted will be attached to different surface conditions after being sorted by way of of its properties (mass, size, density, etc) 83

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014


figure 4.13: speculative diagrammatic study of the possible surface conditions that specific types of bacterias will work on

The connection between the material’s surface condition and the agents acting upon it, in our case the bacterial enzyme and the processes that take place between it and the surface, is an essential study for the project as it allows us to create comparative analysis which demonstrates the different potential surfaces that the polymers may have on its theoretical terrain. The transition of the structure can be compared with the properties of the materials, enzymes and the raw polymer materials discussed earlier. This diagrammatic comparative analysis illustrated in figure demonstrates how different polymers react to form different kind of surface conditions which are then acted upon by different kind of enzymes. This allows us the ability to properly coordinate, as well as design specific behavioral patterns for the bacteria to follow upon, a guideline for how the enzyme will act and interact at a micro level which thus helps design and generate the structural look of the project. 84

figure 4.14: Transition between material surface conditions and the bacterial processing agents acting upon it (source: Reiser & Shaw 2014) 85

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin - 2014


The core idea of regenerative design is to take back existing material and reuse them again and again at a later time. It has essentially different point from the concept of sustainable development which we often mentioned; in a sustainable system, once the ecological systems are lost, they cannot be returned to existence. On the contrary, those lost systems can be “regenerated” back into existence within a system that promotes regenerative construction. In comparison to a sustainable development system, regenerative system is more plausible and appears to be grounded on realistic progression. Even in the linguistic scrutiny, the “sustainable” focuses on the ability to be patient and tolerant of the system, instead of the ability that focuses on self-renewal. A real sustainable development system have an efficient ability of sustainable recovery, where it can maximize and extend the serviceable life of different types of materials. However, the regenerative system has more innovative significance in the use of materials. It is younger, and more creative than the previous one. Theoretically, it has the ability to remodel and transform, but its ability is limited by the raw materials that it can process, where these raw materials must have the renewable property, otherwise, the system may not work. In any case, this is a tempting new field with unlimited potential, especially in a world with limited resources. The materials gain new value during the process of regeneration, and this makes the system much closer to being “ecologically profound”, which has been mentioned frequently in the new stage of urban design. 87

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

As mentioned by Madge in 1997, not just design critics, even the designers are increasingly emphasizing the design process should involve ecological approach which have potential to let people recognize the status quo and improve it in an ecological way (Madge, 1997). In this context, design could play a fatal role to achieve sustainability and to solve environmental problems as well. In some regions of the world where dominated by humans, the landscape design could have significant and positive effect to the environment (Helfand et al., 2006). The value of ecological design of landscape architecture has increasing in academia and practice within aggravation of environmental problems. Ecological design has become a model of ecological processes and functions, and at the meantime represent the function of circulation and regeneration. The movement of circulation and regeneration in today tends to address design problems. Design, similar to a scientific endeavor, has a similar way to generate knowledge, therefore both of them, have creative contribution. In general, scientists solve problems through inductive method, which summed up the general principle through specific observations. However, designers usually utilizes general theories to create special effects. Hence, science has the unity property whereas design are unique. However, all the design can’t exist individually without principles associated to science, and many innovations are based on scientific research and technology. Design is a platform to display human beings creations, and this is fully embodied in the ecological and regenerative design field.

figure 5.1: plan view of structure in context 88

figure 5.2: section view of structure in context showing expansion of structure into the depths of the river with the assistance of flooding levels 89

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

Our project is based on highly specific and contextualized design research that focuses on creating a system of design, or research methodology, that combines indepth investigation and experimentation of higly complex materials, with simulation studies grounded on the contextual and behaviorial parametric factors in a cross scalar manner, where any input at a microscopic level may have an impact at an urban level as well, and vice versa. Without any prior intent of creating new type of spatial typologies, the project nevertheless makes an attempt at introducing a typology that is dynamic, in the way that the concept of time may produce varied and atypical look throughout its lifespan, and its functional purpose may also change over time. Utilizing contextual factors such as the geological data, topographical information, weather patterns, and underwater current flow among many others, the structure will have different structural formations no matter where it is placed in the world. The dichotomous nature of the project can present somewhat of a dilemma, however, it can also be turned into an asset. Considering that the project initially sets out to respond to a global phenomenon such as re-using existing material that can be found in and around rivers,



University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

there is a strong link between the project and the scale of contextual factors. Looking at these forms of cross-scalar relationships; from a territorial level perspective, materials may flow from different parts of the river (outside of the Amazon Basin), from a different area. region, or even country. At the mezo-level perspective, the materials from in and around the city of Manaus may become part of the structure. From the smallest, microscopic particles and organisms perspectives, in theory, the structure can provide a new living environment that are established based on their abilities. Thus, some of the main question that needs to be resolved is; who does this structure ‘belong’ to? the aspect of ownership would need to be addressed, as the concept of public space versus private space comes into play, especially since the structure is constructed within a zone that noone can theoretically belong to everyone and noone at the same time. If the project becomes institutionalized under the local government, what happens when the structure moves itself out of the region it is under? Again, if the raw materials that are being used and become part of the structure are from another territory, should it be placed only under the care of certain people, or should it belong to everyone?



University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

Ambiguity could become a powerful tool to initiate conversations between different parties, and also bring people together. While the project itself could potentially solve the problem of unused raw materials within riverways across the globe and reduce the risk of diseases, however, introducing a new way of organizing space by way of changing urban methodology through materiality, our proposal for a new urban design methodology through dynamism of material assemblages, that folds together technological, biological and sociological domains, may open the door for a discussion on ownership of public social spaces. “I’ve heard about something that builds up only through multiple, heterogeneous and contradictory scenarios, something that rejects even the idea of a possible prediction about its form of growth or future typology. Something shapeless grafted onto existing tissue, something that needs no vanishing point to justify itself but instead welcomes a quivering existence immersed in a real-time vibratory state, here and now. Tangled, intertwined, it seems to be a city, or rather a fragment of a city.” - Social Protocol (R&Sie(n), Durandin, 2006)



University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014


University College London - The Bartlett School of Architecture - RC17 UDII - Maj Plemenitas & Ulrika Karlsson - Regenerative Landscapes - Azmil Zakri, Mitali Kedia, Xinyao Xiang, Yari Jin- 2014

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