2 minute read
Introducing the Housing Heroes Hub
Consider the facts.
• More than $1 million raised in support of UMOMs,
SARRC and Autism Speaks.
• 38 rental properties reducing waste and fighting hunger through Move For Hunger food drives.
• More than 800 blankets collected for UMOM New Day Centers families
• More than 100 properties committed to reducing second-hand smoke and its negative health impacts.
• 145 communities dedicated to providing safety training for their residents and neighbors.
What do all of these good deeds have in common? They are all being selflessly performed each day by members of the Arizona Multihousing Association.
In an industry that is constantly battling stifling regulations and negative perceptions, these small but heroic efforts often go unnoticed. AMA wants our members to know that we see all that you are doing in support of your communities; from small to grand initiatives, they all deserve to be celebrated.
In that spirit, AMA is proud to introduce our new Housing Heroes Hub, an online platform which showcases the positive impact our industry is making on surrounding neighborhoods and the world at large.
On the Hub you’ll find: statistics illustrating the positive impacts our members are making in their communities, a running list of the philanthropic campaigns our members support, testimonials from those benefiting from member initiatives, resources for getting more involved in helping your communities, as well as a place for you to submit your companies own charitable efforts.
AMA members are encouraged to visit the Housing Heroes Hub here to glean inspiration from the positive impact their peers and colleagues are making in multi-housing and beyond. At the Hub you’ll find a place where you can submit your own company’s philanthropic activities.
Has your company participated in a charitable fundraiser? Collected goods for those in need? Does your company have a charitable match program for employees making personal donations to non-profits of their choosing?
Does your company allow for charitable time off? Has your company volunteered time at a food bank?
Tell us about all of the positive initiatives your organization is doing on the submission form found on the Housing Heroes page so we can showcase your company as a shining reflection of the generosity found in the multi-housing industry.
You are all doing AMAzing work to help make our communities better, and we look forward to showcasing your efforts on the Housing Heroes Hub. AMA is proud to celebrate you, our industry’s Housing Heroes.