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Silver Linings
Happy 2022. For me, it feels like 2021 came and went very quickly and was a year where we all thought life would be getting back to normal, which was unfortunately not the case. I am very excited to be moving on to a fresh new year and a fresh start. It’s so easy to get caught up in the stresses of work and life that we forget to simply pause and appreciate the new beginnings.
I always like to look for silver linings, and while we can look back at 2021 and feel the weight that it put on our collective shoulders, it’s also important to look back at how it might have transformed us for the better. The past couple years have shown us just how quickly we’re able to adapt and grow. Whether it’s new business strategy, new priorities, or an entirely new enterprise, the pandemic has shined light on many positives that many of us were not anticipating and created opportunity for those of us willing to embrace those changes.
At Modern Luxury, we looked at the exploding real estate market and saw that there was an opportunity to serve the people of the East Valley the way we had been with Scottsdale, so we launched Modern Luxury East Valley. This new publication, born from the pandemic, has been embraced by the readers and I can confidently say that we probably wouldn’t have jumped on the opportunity as quickly if it wasn’t for the pandemic.
We wrapped up 2021 on a high note. The Holiday Show House in Paradise Valley, which took decking the halls to new heights, was gorgeous and a huge success. Modern Luxury and ASID partnered together and raised $20K for CASA, a non-profit that supports specially trained community volunteers appointed by Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Judges to speak in the best interest of children who are brought before the court for reasons of abuse or neglect. A huge thank you to the homeowners for giving us full access to their incredible property.
I hope that 2022 brings you much happiness and success and that when the year comes to a close, you find your silver linings among whatever hardships you might encounter. Who knows, it might become your best year yet!
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