Brush Mattress POLLUTANTS ADDRESSED: Sediments, Nutrients and Organics, Salinity
DESCRIPTION: A brush mattress is a mat of live branches of willow or similar tree species placed along the slope of an eroding stream bank to reduce erosion and to filter surface water flowing into the stream. To hold the mattress in place, the lower end is placed in a trench and anchored by bundles of cuttings (fascines). Further stability is achieved by securing the mattress to the stream bank with a grid of ropes tied to wooden stakes. Over time, branches will take root and provide long-term bank protection.
ADDITIONAL BENEFITS: Rooted plants protect bank from erosion. Brush mattresses help maintain natural channel configuration. POTENTIAL TREATMENT AREAS: Stream banks ALTERNATIVE MANAGEMENT MEASURES: Pole/Post Planting Vertical Bundle Willow Fascines Brush or Tree Revetment
LOAD REDUCTION MECHANISM: Organics/Nutrients Management - Nutrients and organics in water flowing across the land are taken up by plants before they reach the stream. Sediment Reduction - Dense matrix of willow roots provides cohesion for sediment, reducing erosion. Salinity Reduction – Dissolved salts are taken up by plants.
PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS: As required under Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act. Contact county regional flood control district.
LAND USE CLASSIFICATION: Agricultural and grazing lands where nutrients and organic materials may be carried into adjacent streams. Urban areas where organic pollutants may be released and where impervious surfaces increase runoff.
Arid Southwest BMP