Cross-Vane Weir Diversion POLLUTANTS ADDRESSED: Sediments
DESCRIPTION: The cross-vane weir is a diversion dam intended to channel water to an alternate waterway such as an irrigation canal, another stream, or a water spreading system. It is built in a V-shape and angled upstream.
LOAD REDUCTION MECHANISM: Sediment Reduction - Diverts stream flow while maintaining the transport of flood waters and sediments. The geometry increases flow and velocity in the center of the river maintaining sediment transport.
ALTERNATIVE MANAGEMENT MEASURES: Grazing Management Water Facilities Irrigation Water Management Irrigation Pipeline
LAND USE CLASSIFICATION: Disturbed areas Agricultural lands Grazing lands
PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS: Permits are required under Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act. Water diversions are based on a water right administered by state and/ or federal agencies. Contact ADWR for additional information.
ADDITIONAL BENEFITS: The weir helps stabilizes the stream channel.
Arid Southwest BMP