Donghia 2008

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- a Company of the Rubelli Group -

- a Company of the Rubelli Group -

UPHOLSTERY pag. 14 CHAIRS pag. 50 Tables pag. 70 lighting pag. 76 Mirrors pag. 92

Angelo Donghia World known interior designer and founder of Donghia.


HISTORY Donghia has consistently reflected the dynamic and innovative approach to design that its founder, Angelo Donghia, was renowned for. Though born and raised in America, Angelo Donghia surely drew upon his rich Italian heritage in developing his inimitable design perspective. Angelo Donghia was a brilliant and sought-after interior designer in New York during the 1970’s and 1980’s. His client roster included many prominent celebrities and personalities, including Liza Minelli, Donald and Ivana Trump, Diana Ross, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren. Throughout his career, Angelo Donghia’s installations were featured in prominent interior and shelter publications and his products graced such landmarks as Trump Tower, Four Seasons Hotels, Hotel Plaza Athenee, Paris, Metropolitan Opera Club, New York and the Taj Palace, Dubai. Upon discovering a void in the market, Donghia’s entrepreneurial spirit drove him to enter the home decoration market by creating and marketing innovative products for the trade. His first such venture was the establishment of a textile firm - initially named Vice Versa and ultimately renamed Donghia Textiles. A few years later he established Donghia Furniture, a collection of upholstered furniture sold exclusively to the trade. Due to its generous, overstuffed proportions the debut collection was whimsically referred to as “fat furniture” by the press and was a great success. Subsequent collections evolved, and each collection captured attention with styling that seamlessly married the best of contemporary and traditional design. After a period of successfully selling textiles and furniture from his New York City showroom in the D & D Building, Donghia expanded his business to include current, cutting-edge designs from other emerging designers and firms. This new focus gave birth to Donghia Showrooms - broadening horizons and tapping into new markets by selling from his own showrooms across the nation. Angelo Donghia was a pioneer in the area of licensing, becoming the first interior designer to venture into a realm that had previously been entered into solely by fashion designers. The culmination of his diverse business ventures – from interior design to furniture design and licensing – was the elevation of the Donghia name to “mega star” status in the world of home furnishings. Designing with an eye towards glamorous – but never superfluous – Donghia’s unique style smoothly combined comfort and style, traditional and modern design. In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of interior design, in 1985 Angelo Donghia was inducted into the Interior Design magazine Hall of Fame. Mr. Donghia passed away that same year. From its inception to the present day, the brand Donghia has been consistently recognized by the industry for excellence in the areas of both product design and advertising. Some of the prestigious awards bestowed upon Donghia include: Interior Design Best of Year Award, 2007, Good Design Award for Lacquer Walls (Wallcovering) from The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design, 2004, Circle of Excellence Award for Product Design and Development from IFDA/NY, 2002 and Elle Décor’s International Design Award for Textiles, 2002. To this day, Donghia, Inc. maintains the design philosophy of its founder: elegant, contemporary and comfortable furnishings and accessories for both the residential and contract markets. Angelo Donghia’s vision lives on, not only through his design company but through the Angelo Donghia Foundation. Each year, the non-profit foundation provides scholarships to interior design students throughout the United States. In May 2005, Donghia was purchased by Rubelli. The Venetian established family business is a leading designer and manufacturer of high-end furnishings fabrics. While honoring the company’s rich history, Donghia moves confidently into the future. Buoyed by the excellent distribution of the Rubelli Group, efficient American management and the contributions of Creative Director Mr. Charles Chewning, Donghia is primed for further international development.



La storia Donghia riflette da sempre l’approccio dinamico e innovativo al design proprio del suo fondatore, Angelo Donghia. Nato e cresciuto in America, Angelo Donghia ha evidenziato nelle sue creazioni uno stile inimitabile e inconfondibile, senz’altro riconducibile alle sue origini italiane. Interior designer brillante e molto richiesto a New York negli anni ’70 e ’80, tra i suoi clienti Angelo Donghia annovera personaggi noti e star, fra cui Liza Minelli, Donald e Ivana Trump, Diana Ross, Calvin Klein e Ralph Lauren. Nel corso della sua carriera le sue realizzazioni sono state pubblicate sulle più importanti riviste di interior design e di arredamento e le sue creazioni sono state scelte per gli arredi di luoghi prestigiosi quali la Trump Tower, la catena alberghiera Four Seasons, l’Hotel Plaza Athénée a Parigi, il Metropolitan Opera Club a New York e il Taj Palace a Dubai. Grazie al suo spirito imprenditoriale e al desiderio di soddisfare clienti sempre più esigenti, Angelo Donghia fece il suo ingresso nel mondo dell’arredamento d’interni, creando e commercializzando prodotti innovativi per il settore. Per cominciare fondò un’azienda tessile, chiamata inizialmente Vice Versa e poi rinominata Donghia Textiles. Qualche anno dopo fondò Donghia Furniture, una collezione di mobili imbottiti venduta esclusivamente all’industria dell’arredamento. La collezione d’esordio fu apprezzata e capricciosamente definita dalla stampa “fat furniture” per le proporzioni generose e le imbottiture abbondanti. Ciascuna delle collezioni successive, frutto di un graduale processo di evoluzione, ha saputo catturare l’attenzione grazie ad uno stile che combina il meglio del design contemporaneo con quello tradizionale. Dopo un periodo di successo nella vendita di tessuti e di mobili nello showroom del D & D Building a New York City, Donghia ha ampliato le proprie attività inserendo creazioni attuali e d’avanguardia di altri designer e di aziende emergenti. Questo nuovo approccio ha portato all’apertura di showroom Donghia in tutto il Paese, con un conseguente ampliamento degli orizzonti e l’ingresso in nuovi mercati. Angelo Donghia è stato un pioniere nella concessione di licenze, essendo stato il primo interior designer ad avventurarsi in un ambito fino ad allora terreno esclusivo degli stilisti di moda. Le sue svariate attività – dalla progettazione d’interni alla creazione di mobili e alla concessione di licenze – hanno raggiunto il punto più alto quando al nome Donghia è stato riconosciuto il livello di “mega star” nel mondo dell’arredamento d’interni. Glamorous, ma senza eccessi, lo stile unico di Donghia ha saputo combinare in un perfetto equilibrio comfort ed eleganza, design tradizionale e design moderno. Quale riconoscimento per il suo eccezionale contributo alla progettazione d’interni, nel 1985 Angelo Donghia è stato inserito nella Hall of Fame della rivista Interior Design. Quello stesso anno Angelo Donghia morì. Dalla sua nascita ad oggi, il marchio Donghia è stato ed è riconosciuto incontestabilmente per l’eccellenza raggiunta nel design del prodotto e nella pubblicità. Tra i prestigiosi riconoscimenti conferiti a Donghia sono da ricordare: nel 2007 il “Best of Year Award” di Interior Design, nel 2004 il “Good Design Award” del Museo di Architettura e Design del Chicago Athenaeum per la carta da parati Lacquer Walls, nel 2002 il “Circle of Excellence Award for Product Design and Development” dell’IFDA/NY e, sempre nel 2002, l’ “International Design Award for Textiles” di Elle Décor. Donghia Inc. porta avanti tuttora la filosofia di design del suo fondatore: mobili e accessori eleganti, contemporanei e confortevoli, destinati sia al mercato residenziale che al contract. Filosofia che continua a vivere non solo attraverso l’azienda di design da lui creata, ma anche grazie alla Angelo Donghia Foundation: una fondazione non profit che ogni anno assegna borse di studio in tutti gli Stati Uniti a studenti di interior design. Nel maggio 2005, Donghia è stata acquisita da Rubelli, antica azienda familiare veneziana, leader nell’ideazione e la produzione di tessuti per arredamento di fascia alta. Consapevole del valore della propria storia, Donghia guarda con fiducia al futuro. Grazie all’eccellente rete di distribuzione del Gruppo Rubelli, ad un’efficiente management americano e al contributo del Direttore Creativo, Charles Chewning, Donghia è pronta a conquistare nuovi mercati e ad affermarsi sempre più a livello internazionale.


Angelo Donghia’s work, published on the most prominent interior and lifestyle magazines.




L’HISTOIRE Depuis toujours, Donghia traduit une approche du design, dynamique et novatrice, celle qui fit la célébrité de son fondateur Angelo Donghia. Bien qu’étant né et avoir été élevé aux Etats-Unis, Angelo Donghia s’est indiscutablement inspiré de la richesse de ses racines italiennes pour développer son idée du design, inimitable et incomparable. Au cours des années Soixante-dix et Quatre-vingt, Angelo Donghia a été un désigner d’intérieur non seulement très brillant mais très demandé de New York. Sa clientèle comptait nombre de stars et de personnages importants comme Liza Minelli, Donald et Ivana Trump, Diana Ross, Calvin Klein ou Ralph Lauren. Tout au long de sa carrière, les créations et les aménagements de Angelo Donghia ont été publiés sur les plus importants magazines de décoration d’intérieur ou de mobilier et ses produits ont enrichi et embelli des lieux tout aussi incontournables que la Trump Tower, la chaîne hôtelière Four Seasons, le Plaza Athénée, à Paris, le Metropolitan Opera Club, à New York et le Taj Palace, à Dubaï. Après avoir constaté un vide dans le marché, l’esprit entrepreneurial de Donghia l’a poussé à pénétrer le marché de la décoration d’intérieur en concevant et commercialisant des produits novateurs. Sa première grande entreprise a été de créer une maison de textile dénommée initialement Vice Versa et rebaptisée par la suite Donghia Textiles. Quelques années plus tard il a fondé Donghia Furniture, une collection de meubles rembourrés et capitonnés uniquement vendue aux professionnels de l’ameublement. En raison de ses dimensions généreuses et de ses super rembourrages, la première collection fut surnommée par la presse de façon fantaisiste “fat furniture”, et a été favorablement accueillie par le public. Les collections suivantes ont ensuite évolué et chaque collection a séduit le public par des lignes harmonieuses mariant constamment le nec plus ultra d’un design à la fois traditionnel et contemporain. Après une période de succès dans la vente des textiles et des meubles présentés dans son showroom new-yorkais situé dans le D & D Building, Donghia a élargi son offre en incluant des créations modernes et avant-gardistes d’autres entreprises et de designers émergents. Cette nouvelle approche a débouché sur la création des Donghia Showrooms - en élargissant les horizons et ouvrant de nouveaux marchés grâce aux ventes dans les showrooms de l’entreprise situés un peu partout aux Etats-Unis. Angelo Donghia a été un véritable pionnier dans le domaine des accords de licence, ayant été le premier designer d’intérieur à s’aventurer dans un univers qui, autrefois, était l’apanage exclusif des designers et des stylistes de mode. Le couronnement de ses différentes activités – allant du design d’intérieur à la création de meubles jusqu’à la concession de licences – a été d’élever le nom Donghia au rang de “mega star” dans le monde de l’ameublement et de la décoration pour la maison. Conception avec un penchant pour le glamour – sans aucun excès – est la meilleure définition du style Donghia : un style unique qui allie harmonieusement confort et style, design classique et contemporain. En 1985, en honneur à sa contribution exceptionnelle au design d’intérieur, le magazine Interior Design a inscrit Angelo Donghia au nombre des personnages majeurs de ce secteur. La même année M. Donghia est décédé. Dès sa création et de nos jours encore, la marque Donghia a été et est systématiquement reconnue pour l’excellence de ses produits tant au plan du design qu’à celui de la communication publicitaire. Les nombreux prix prestigieux qui lui ont été décernés, comprennent : le Prix “Best of Year” du magazine Interior Design, édition 2007, le Prix “Good Design” pour Lacquer Walls (papiers peints) décerné par le musée d’Architecture et de Design The Chicago Athenaeum, édition 2004, le Prix “Circle of Excellence for Product Design and Development” de l’IFDA/NY, édition 2002 et le Prix “International Design for Textiles” de Elle Décor en 2002. L’entreprise Donghia Inc. continue de suivre la philosophie du design développée par son fondateur : meubles et accessoires élégants, contemporains et confortables pour les marchés des particuliers et du contract. La vision de Angelo Donghia continue de vivre non seulement par le biais de son entreprise de design mais encore par celui de la Fondation Angelo Donghia. Cette fondation sans but lucratif accorde chaque année des bourses à des étudiants en décoration et architecture d’intérieur d’un peu partout aux Etats-Unis. En mai 2005, Donghia a été achetée par Rubelli, l’entreprise familiale vénitienne leader dans la création et la fabrication de tissus d’ameublement haut de gamme. Tout en rendant hommage à la grande histoire de l’entreprise, c’est avec confiance que Donghia se tourne vers l’avenir. Soutenue par l’excellente distribution du Groupe Rubelli, l’efficace gestion américaine et les atouts des idées du directeur créatif, Charles Chewning, Donghia est destinée à se développer ultérieurement dans le monde entier.


Upholstery A blend of sophisticated design, classical techniques and true comfort.




Island Sofa 60018 width: 255 cm (100.5”) depth: 122 cm (48”) height: 77 cm (30.5)


Island Sofa PetitE 60023 width: 210 cm (82.5”) depth: 109 cm (43”) height: 77 cm (30.5)



Serpentine Sofa 1303 width: 229 cm (90”) depth: 98 cm (38.5”) height: 84 cm (33”)


Serpentine Club Chair 1301 width: 81 cm (32“) depth: 98 cm (38.5”) height: 84 cm (33”)





Geneva Tete-a-Tete 50466 width: 249 cm (98”) depth: 109 cm (43”) height: 88 cm (34.5”)


Geneva Chaise 50465 width: 100 cm (39.5”) depth: 169 cm (66.5”) height: 88 cm (34.5”)


Geneva Ottoman

Geneva Club Chair

50461 width: 87 cm (34.25”) depth: 67 cm (26.25”) height: 42 cm (16.5”)

50462 width: 95 cm (37.5”) depth: 95 cm (37.5”) height: 88 cm (34.5”)


Geneva Sofa 50464 width: 223 cm (87.75”) depth: 95 cm (37.5”) height: 88 cm (34.5”)



Victoire Sofa 50204 width: 264 cm (104”) depth: 101 cm (39.75”) height: 88 cm (34.5”)


Victoire Club Chair

Victoire Ottoman

50202 width: 95 cm (37.5”) depth: 100 cm (39.5”) height: 86 cm (34”)

50201 width: 95 cm (37.5”) depth: 74 cm (29”) height: 44 cm (17.5”)





Victoire Daybed 50206 width: 215 cm (84.5”) depth: 96 cm (38”) height: 48 cm (19”)


St. James

St. James Ottoman

St. James Chair

50088 width: 74 cm (29”) depth: 53 cm (21”) height: 41 cm (16.5”)

50096 width: 83 cm (32.5”) depth: 91 cm (36”) height: 99 cm (39”)



Egret Wing Chair

Egret Ottoman

50402 width: 81 cm (31.75”) depth: 96 cm (38”) height: 113 cm (44.5”)

50401 width: 58 cm (23”) depth: 58 cm (23”) height: 43 cm (17”)



Shell Chair

Shell Ottoman

2441 width: 83 cm (32.5”) depth: 93 cm (36.5”) height: 88 cm (34.5”)

2440 width: 67 cm (26.5”) depth: 46 cm (18”) height: 41 cm (16”)



Noble Ottoman

Noble Club Chair

4600 width: 76 cm (30”) depth: 56 cm (22”) height: 41 cm (16”)

4641 width: 77 cm (30.5”) depth: 89 cm (35”) height: 80 cm (31.5”)


bond street

Bond street Sofa 50264 width: 245 cm (96.5”) depht: 121 cm (47.75”) height: 89 cm (35”)


Bond Street Daybed with 3 vents 50265 width: 252 cm (99.25”) depth: 89 cm (35”) height: 88 cm (34.5”)


Bond Street Coupe Club Chair

Bond Street Coupe Ottoman

50422 width: 88 cm (34.5”) depth: 105 cm (41.25”) height: 83 cm (32.75”)

50421 width: 61 cm (24”) depth: 58 cm (23”) height: 42 cm (16.75”)


Bond Street Chaise with vents 50266 width: 87 cm (34.25”) depth: 185 cm (72.75”) height: 88 cm (34.5”)



Villa Armless Sofa 0303 width: 231 cm (91”) depth: 102 cm (40”) height: 81 cm (32”)


Villa Occasional Chair 0341 width: 58 cm (23”) depth: 76 cm (30”) height: 81 cm (32”)



Panama Fauteuil 50134 width: 71 cm (28”) depth: 84 cm (33”) height: 85 cm (33.5”)


Panama Club Chair

Panama Ottoman

50132 width: 71 cm (28”) depth: 84 cm (33”) height: 87 cm (34.5”)

50131 width: 60 cm (23.5”) depth: 53 cm (21”) height: 39 cm (15.5”)





Gramercy Armless Section

Gramercy Corner Section

Gramercy End Section

1401 width: 65 cm (25.5”) depth: 93 cm (36.5”) height: 91 cm (36”)

1431 width: 93 cm (36.5”) depth: 93 cm (36.5”) height: 91 cm (36”)

1441 width: 84 cm (33”) depth: 93 cm (36.5”) height: 91 cm (36”)


Gramercy Sofa 1403 width: 223 cm (88”) depth: 93 cm (36.5”) height: 91 cm (36”)




ChairS A distinctive collection of unique style, comfort and quality.




Grand Soleil

Grand Soleil Chair 6731 width: 74 cm (29”) depth: 74 cm (29”) height: 98 cm (38.5”)




Anziano Chair 90002 width: 51 cm (20”) depth: 52 cm (20.5”) height: 81 cm (32”)



Leather Anziano Chair 90002 width: 51 cm (20”) depth: 52 cm (20.5”) height: 81 cm (32”)



Eaton Fauteuil

Grand Eaton

50030 width: 70 cm (27.5”) depth: 72 cm (28.5”) height: 86 cm (34”)

50028 width: 69 cm (27”) depth: 72 cm (28.5”) height: 90 cm (35.5”)



Eaton Side Chair

Eaton Arm Chair

50026 width: 53 cm (21”) depth: 66 cm (26”) height: 86 cm (34”)

50025 width: 63 cm (24.75”) depth: 64 cm (25.25”) height: 86 cm (34”)



Versailles Bench 7130 width: 99 cm (39”) depth: 61 cm (24”) height: 42 cm (16.5”)




Klismos Chair 7041 width: 56 cm (22”) depth: 66 cm (26”) height: 76 cm (30”)



Casper Arm Chair 50042 width: 63 cm (25”) depth: 63 cm (25”) height: 94 cm (37”) also avaiable Casper Side Chair 50043




DiLorenzo Side Chair 4211 width: 58 cm (23”) depth: 69 cm (27”) height: 113 cm (44.5”)



Serpentine Side Chair

Serpentine Arm Chair

1322 width: 52 cm (20.5”) depth: 66 cm (26”) height: 84 cm (33”)

1321 width: 62 cm (24.5”) depth: 66 cm (26”) height: 84 cm (33”)



Studio X

Studio X Chair 4811 width: 48 cm (19”) depth: 56 cm (22”) height: 83 cm (32.5”)


TableS Where lines meet with elegance.




Paris Card Table ROUND

Paris END Table SQUARE

50066 diameter: 107 cm (42”) height: 76 cm (30”)

50069 width: 61 cm (24”) depht: 61 cm (24”) height: 71 cm (28”)


Paris Coffee Table RECTangular 50078 width: 76 cm (30”) depth: 107 cm (42”) height: 43 cm (17”)



Torrey Table 60541 width: 65 cm (25.75”) depth: 65 cm (25.75”) height: 43 cm (17”) African Rosewood / Stone / Bronze


Pearl Street

Pearl Street Occasional TABLE 60401 width: 46 cm (18”) depth: 53 cm (20.75”) height: 46 cm (18”) Bronze / White Onyx



Lighting Seductive shapes, through attention to detail: chandeliers and lamps all handmade in Murano.



Stellare Grande 80029 diameter: 152 cm (60�) height: 147 cm (58�)


Stellare Piccolo

Stellare Chandelier Tall

80038 diameter: 71 cm (28”) height: 80 cm (31.5”)

80002 diameter: 121 cm (47.5”) height: 116 cm (45.5”)



Stellare Sconce 2 Arms 80030 width: 61 cm (24”) depth: 25 cm (10”) height: 47 cm (18.5”)


Luna Grande Chandelier 10 Arms 80056 diameter: 154 cm (60.5”) height: 117 cm (46”)


Luna Chandelier 7 Arms 80057 diameter: 114 cm (45”) height: 98 cm (38.5”)

Luna Sconce 80060 width: 55 cm (21.75”) depth: 25 cm (9.75”) height: 40 cm (15.75”)


Floor Lamps

Gigante Floor Lamp

Piroetta Bassa Lamp

80004 diameter: 38 cm (15”) height: 174 cm (68.5”)

80041 diameter: 34 cm (13.5”) height: 152 cm (59.75”)



Table Lamps

Increspato Lamp

Sirena Lamp

Bollicina Lamp

80008 width: 23 cm (9”) depth: 10 cm (4”) height: 66 cm (26”)

80010 diameter: 14 cm (5.5”) height: 79 cm (31”)

80013 diameter: 16 cm (6.5”) height: 76 cm (30”)



Mattone Lamp

Vela Lamp

Medusa Lamp

80025 width: 10 cm (4”) height: 69 cm (27”)

80026 width: 30 cm (12”) depth: 10 cm (4”) height: 67 cm (26.5”)

80027 diameter: 10 cm (4”) height: 70 cm (27.75”)


Piroetta Tavolo Lamp

Alba Lamp

Carosello Lamp

80040 diameter: 20 cm (8”) height: 77 cm (30.5”)

80043 diameter: 30 cm (12”) depth: 11 cm (4.25”) height: 53 cm (21”)

80053 diameter: 30 cm (12”) height: 45 cm (17.75”)


Athena Flussa Lamp

Athena Bassa Lamp

Athena Alta Lamp

80046 diameter: 36 cm (14”) height: 64 cm (25.25”)

80047 diameter: 17 cm (6.75”) height: 69 cm (27.25”)

80048 diameter: 18 cm (7”) height: 80 cm (31.5”)




MIRRORS Antique techniques by the finest Venetian craftsmen for timeless creations.



Contessa Mirror 8358 width: 86 cm (34”) height: 137 cm (54”)



Sylvan Mirror 8308 width: 100 cm (39.5”) height: 142 cm (56”)


Marchesa and DUCA

Marchesa Mirror

DUCA Mirror

8348 width: 90 cm (35.5”) height: 137 cm (54”)

8318 width: 107 cm (42”) height: 154 cm (60.5”)



USA DONGHIA INC. 256 Washington Street Mount Vernon, NEW YORK NY 10553 - USA Tel 1.914.662.2377 EXPORT RUBELLI SPA Via della Pila 47 Marghera, Venezia VE 30175 - Italy tel. +39.041.2584.411

© DONGHIA, 2008 Graphic design Studio Mario Milizia, Monica Lovati Styling Simona Sbordone Photo Donghia Archive Federico Cedrone Paolo Spinazzè Printing Grafiche Antiga

- a Company of the Rubelli Group -

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