Donghia Lighting and Accessories 2010

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a collection hand-made by Venetian craftsmen in Murano


Donghia’s exceptional glass collection is hand-made by Venetian craftsmen on the island of Murano, Italy. The centuries old technique of Venetian glass blowing produces singular works of art, with a consistent focus on original design and sophisticated artistry. A team of master artisans work together to produce every Donghia glass piece – blowing, turning, shaping and pinching molten glass to realize the shape of each design. The distinct color palette of Donghia glass is achieved through a secret combination of minerals, that when mixed together, form a color as unique as the form it will be molded into. From the texture of etched glass, to the illuminating effervescent specks of gold dust, the broad mastery of Murano technique is displayed throughout Donghia’s glass collection. Luminous in subtle tones, Donghia’s glass accessories reflect the signature colors and finishes found throughout its furniture and textile collections. Donghia’s collection of Venetian glass chandeliers captures the essence of grand style. Bold and striking elegant forms come together to create a majestic statement. That same sensitivity is honed in its selection of hand blown Venetian glass lamps. Donghia’s lighting collection balances function and design. Color, texture and detailing are at the base of the whole production. Like jewelry for an interior, these designs make an important, impressive statement wherever they are used - whether in a lavish foyer, dining room, powder room, ballroom, boutique or restaurant. The spirit of Venice continues in Donghia’s collection of Venetian glass mirrors and vases - blending modern sensibility with an ancient craft. The result of this combination is a collection with the patina and grandness of another age, combined with innovative proportions and designs for sophisticated interiors. L’eccezionale collezione Donghia è realizzata interamente a mano nell’isola di Murano da maestri vetrai veneziani. Dalla secolare tecnica veneziana di soffiatura del vetro nascono opere d’arte singolari che si contraddistinguono per design originale e creatività sofisticata. Tutti gli articoli Donghia sono il frutto del lavoro in équipe di una squadra di maestri artigiani che soffiano, curvano, modellano e assottigliano il vetro fuso per dare forma ad ogni singolo oggetto. La peculiare palette colori è il risultato di una combinazione di sostanze minerali (formula protetta dal segreto di fabbricazione) che, mescolate insieme, danno vita ad un colore unico così

come la forma nella quale sarà fuso. Nella collezione Donghia si rivela tutta la maestria della tecnica di Murano: dalla texture del vetro inciso alle vivaci e luminose pagliuzze di polvere d’oro. Luminose e dalle tonalità tenui, queste creazioni riflettono i colori e le finiture presenti in tutte le collezioni di mobili e di tessuti del marchio americano. La collezione Donghia di lampadari veneziani racchiude l’essenza della sontuosità: forme audaci e straordinariamente eleganti concorrono a creare oggetti maestosi, anche per le loro dimensioni. La collezione delle lampade

da tavolo e da terra, invece, è espressione di funzionalità e design. Colori unici, originali texture e cura dei minimi dettagli sono alla base della produzione di questi oggetti. Come gioielli per interni, queste creazioni versatili e senza tempo sono elementi che per il loro carattere peculiare contraddistinguono con forza gli ambienti in cui vengono inseriti: dal sontuoso foyer alla sala da pranzo, dall’elegante toilette per signore alla sala da ballo, dalla boutique al ristorante. Lo spirito di Venezia vive anche nella collezione Donghia di specchi e vasi

in vetro, dove la sensibilità moderna si fonde con una sapienza artigianale antica. Il risultato di questa combinazione è una collezione che ha la patina di un glorioso passato, mai disgiunta da proporzioni e disegni innovativi. La collection DONGHIA est entièrement réalisée à la main par des maîtres-verriers sur l’île de Murano. Cette maîtrise séculaire du soufflage du verre a ainsi permis de créer des œuvres d’art uniques, qui mettent l’accent sur un design original et un grand raffinement dans la création. Toutes les pièces en verre de la collection Donghia sont le fruit d’une équipe d’artisans verriers qui soufflent, arrondissent, dilatent, modèlent et affinent le verre en fusion, pour façonner la boule et donner une forme propre à chacune des pièces qui naissent à l’atelier. La magnifique palette de couleurs est obtenue grâce au subtil mélange de substances minèrales, selon une formule précieusement gardée secrète, qui permet de créer des colorations tout aussi uniques que celles des formes finales données aux pièces en verre soufflé. De la texture du verre gravé, aux paillettes de poudre d’or d’une luminosité étincelante, la collection Donghia est ainsi l’expression de la maîtrise de la technique de Murano. Lumineuses, aux nuances délicates, ces créations en verre offrent des colorations et des finitions typiques de l’univers créé par les meubles et tissus d’ameublement Donghia. La collection de lustres et appliques en verre saisit l’essence du grand style. Les formes audacieuses, d’une élégance remarquable, sont les atouts de ces articles majestueux. La collection de lampes préserve quant à elle l’expression d’une grande fonctionnalité alliée à un design intemporel. Couleurs uniques, textures originales, ainsi qu’une attention toute particulière portée aux finitions, sont les bases de leur réalisation. Tels des bijoux d’intérieur, cette gamme de luminaires Donghia apporte une touche finale d’un grand raffinement dans tous les lieux où ils sont placés, qu’il s’agisse de salons somptueux, d’une salle-à-manger, d’une chambre, d’un hall, d’une boutique ou bien encore d’un restaurant. L’esprit de Venise se traduit également au travers des collections d’accessoires Donghia, miroirs et vases en verre, où toute la tradition et le savoir-faire artisanal se teinte d’une exquise et subtile modernité. De cet esprit résulte une collection qui présente outre la patine et les splendeurs d’antan, des formes au design innovant pour des intérieurs raffinés.

Ing. As glass is a natural material, variations in colour are possible. All images are indicative of the color. Due to the handmade quality of the products, slight variations in dimensions may occur. IT. Essendo il vetro un materiale naturale, possono verificarsi delle diversità di colore. Pertanto tutte le immagini sono indicative. Trattandosi di prodotti fatti a mano, le dimensioni possono subire delle leggere variazioni. fr. Ces articles sont réalisés de façon artisanale, en verre soufflé, matériau naturel. De très légères variations de dimensions ou de teinte peuvent ainsi apparaître selon la fabrication de ces pièces uniques. Les images reproduites conservent un caractère indicatif.


Luna Grande Chandelier - 10 arm, graphite


LUNA GRANDE CHANDELIER - 10 ARM 80056 Ø 60,5” (154 cm) height: 46” (117 cm) graphite also available: sepia, gold dust


LUNA CHANDELIER - 7 ARM 80057 Ø 45” (114 cm) height: 38,5” (98 cm) sepia also available: graphite, gold dust


Luna Chandelier - 7 arm, sepia


Luna Piccolo, gold dust


LUNA PICCOLO 80068 Ø 40,75” (104 cm) height: 31,5” (80 cm) gold dust also available: sepia, graphite


LUNA SCONCE 80060 width: 21,75” (55 cm) depth: 9,75’’ (25 cm) height: 15,75’’ (40 cm) graphite also available: gold dust, sepia


Luna Sconce, sepia


Luna Grande Chandelier - 20 Arm, graphite


LUNA GRANDE CHANDELIER - 20 ARM 80065 Ø 61’’ (155 cm) height: 64’’ (163 cm) graphite also available: sepia, gold dust


REGINA SCONCE 80055 width: 7,25’’ (18 cm) depth: 10’’ (25 cm) height: 15,5’’ (39 cm) sepia also available: graphite, gold dust


Regina Sconce, sepia


STELLARE CHANDELIER SHORT 80003 Ø 47,5’’ (121 cm) height: 37,5’’ (95 cm) gold dust also available: fieno, lead


Stellare Chandelier Short, fieno


Stellare Chandelier Tall, gold dust


STELLARE CHANDELIER TALL 80002 Ø 47,5’’ (121 cm) height: 45,5’’ (116 cm) gold dust also available: fieno, lead


Stellare Grande, lead


STELLARE GRANDE 80029 Ø 60’’ (152 cm) height: 58’’ (147 cm) lead also available: fieno, gold dust


STELLARE SCONCE - (2 ARMS) 80030 width: 24’’ (61 cm) depth: 10’’ (25 cm) height: 18,5’’ (47 cm) lead also available: fieno, gold dust


STELLARE PICCOLO 80038 Ø 28’’ (71 cm) height: 31,5’’ (80 cm) fieno also available: lead, gold dust



lead, gold dust, fieno


GIGANTE FLOOR LAMP 80004 width: 15’’ (38 cm) height: 68,5’’ (174 cm) smoke also available: fieno, gold dust


Gigante Floor Lamp, smoke


GIGANTE FLOOR LAMP 80004 width: 15’’ (38 cm) height: 68,5’’ (174 cm) gold dust also available: fieno, smoke


Gigante Floor Lamp, fieno


PIROETTA BASSA 80041 width: 13,5’’ (34 cm) height: 59,75’’ (152 cm) gold dust


Piroetta Bassa, gold dust


Alba Lamp, acquamarino


ALBA LAMP 80043 width: 12” (30 cm) depth: 4,25” (11 cm) height: 21” (53 cm) tobacco, lead also available: acquamarino


ATHENA ALTA LAMP 80048 width: 7” (18 cm) height: 31.5” (80 cm) sheer grey also available: sheer amber


ATHENA FLUSSA LAMP 80046 width: 14’’ (36 cm) height: 25,25’’ (64 cm) sheer grey also available: sheer amber

Athena Alta Lamp, sheer amber


Athena Bassa Lamp, sheer amber


ATHENA BASSA LAMP 80047 width: 6,75’’ (17 cm) height: 27,25’’ (69 cm) sheer grey also available: sheer amber


Bollicina Lamp, ocean


BOLLICINA LAMP 80013 width: 6,5’’ (17 cm) height: 30’’ (76 cm) opalescent, champagne also available: ocean


CAROSELLO LAMPS 80053 width: 12’’ (30 cm) height: 17,75’’ (45 cm) clear/gold also available: clear/silver


Carosello Lamps, clear/silver


CORDA LAMP 80007 width: 7’’ (18 cm) height: 31’’ (79 cm) clear


FARO LAMP 80009 width: 5,5’’ (14 cm) height: 31’’ (79 cm) sangue, fieno


INCRESPATO LAMP 80008 width: 9” (23 cm) depth: 4” (10 cm) height: 26” (66 cm) breen, champagne


Increspato Lamp, champagne


Mattone Lamp, mustarda


MATTONE LAMP 80025 width: 4’’ (10 cm) height: 27’’ (69 cm) mustarda, fieno


Medusa Lamp, smoke and black


MEDUSA LAMP 80027 width: 4’’ (10 cm) height: 27,75’’ (70 cm) smoke and sangue also available: smoke and black


OBELISCO LAMP 80066 width: 5’’ (13 cm) depth: 4,5’’ (11 cm) height: 34’’ (86 cm) gold dust


Obelisco Lamp, gold dust


ONDOSO LAMP 80006 width: 7’’ (18 cm) height: 31’’ (79 cm) cognac, taupe also available: clear with gold


Ondoso Lamp, clear with gold


Piroetta, acquamarino


PIROETTA TAVOLO 80040 width: 8’’ (20 cm) height: 30,5’’ (77 cm) gold dust also available: acquamarino


SIRENA LAMP 80010 width: 5,5” (14 cm) height: 31’’ (79 cm) clear with gold leaf, smoke translucent also available: ocean translucent


Sirena Lamp, ocean translucent


TORRE LAMP 80028 width: 6,5” (17 cm) height: 23,25” (59 cm) amber also available: coffee, smoke


Torre Lamp, coffee, smoke


Torretta Lamp, gold dust


TORRETTA LAMP 80067 width: 4’’ (10 cm) depth: 4’’ (10 cm) height: 27,5’’ (70 cm) gold dust


Vela Lamp, breen


VELA LAMP 80026 width: 12’’ (30 cm) depth: 4’’ (10 cm) height: 26,5’’ (67 cm) oro, argento also available: breen


DUCA MIRROR 8318 width: 42’’ (107 cm) height: 60,5’’ (154 cm) bronze with amber pins also available: clear with pink pins


Duca Mirror, clear with pink pins


SYLVAN MIRROR 8308 width: 39,5’’ (100 cm) height: 56’’ (142 cm)


CONTESSA MIRROR 8358 width: 34’’ (86 cm) height: 54’’ (137 cm)


MARCHESA MIRROR 8348 width: 35,5’’ (90 cm) height: 54’’ (137 cm) clear with amber pins also available: bronze with amber pins


Marchesa, bronze with amber pins


JUNO MIRROR 90024 width: 39,25”(100 cm) height: 50,75” (129 cm) champagne/smoke also available: champagne/menta


Juno Mirror, champagne/menta


Gigante Shield Vessel, clear gold


GIGANTE SHIELD VESSEL 90028 Ø 13,25” (34 cm) height: 21,5“ (55 cm) clear gold


Cellini 90010 width: 16“ (40,6 cm) depth: 6“ (15,2 cm) height: 8“ (20,3 cm) clear with gold



ORO WOOD BLOCK 7” 99024 width/height: 7” (18 cm) depth: 4” (10 cm) gold 16k, gold 12k also available: 99025 oro wood block 12”, width/height 12” (31 cm), depth 7” (17 cm) 99026 oro wood block 20”, width/height 20” (51 cm), depth 11” (27 cm)


Oro Wood Block 20�, gold 16K


Donghia Shade Textile Offering

drum shade large - 80017



(27,9 cm)




” cm


4” (10,2 cm)

21” (53,3 cm)

3 ivory 4910 - 10 Palazzo Paloma

16 Safran 17055 - 13 Gabardine De Coton Safran

17 Olive 17055 - 08 Gabardine De Coton Olive

18 Noir 17055 - 21 Gabardine De Coton Noir

2 ivory 4910 - 10 Palazzo Paloma

20 Safran 17055 - 13 Gabardine De Coton Safran

21 Olive 17055 - 08 Gabardine De Coton Olive

22 Noir 17055 - 21 Gabardine De Coton Noir

1 ivory 4910 - 10 Palazzo Paloma

11 Safran 17055 - 13 Gabardine De Coton Safran

12 Olive 17055 - 08 Gabardine De Coton Olive

13 Noir 17055 - 21 Gabardine De Coton Noir

1 ivory 4910 - 10 Palazzo Paloma

10 SAFRAN 17055 - 13 Gabardine De Coton Safran

11 Olive 17055 - 08 Gabardine De Coton Olive

12 Noir 17055 - 21 Gabardine De Coton Noir

5 ivory 4910 - 10 Palazzo Paloma

10 SAFRAN 17055 - 13 Gabardine De Coton Safran

11 Olive 17055 - 08 Gabardine De Coton Olive

12 Noir 17055 - 21 Gabardine De Coton Noir

drum shade - 80018

1 11 4 ” (28,6 cm)

1 11 2 ” (29,3 cm)

13” (33 cm)

18” (45,7 cm)

drum shade large - 80019

(33 cm)


13 1 2 (34,2 ” cm)

14” (35,6 cm)

21” (53,3 cm)

small drum Shade - 80021

1 10 4 ” (26 cm)

1 10 2” (26,5 cm)

11” (27,9 cm)

15” (38,1 cm)

Cylindrical Shade - 80032



(25,4 cm)


(45,7 cm)



10” (25,4 cm)

(30,5 cm)

18” (45,7 cm)

(30,5 cm)

elliptical shade - 80033

1 ivory 4910 - 10 Palazzo Paloma

10 Safran 17055 - 13 Gabardine De Coton Safran

11 Olive 17055 - 08 Gabardine De Coton Olive

12 Noir 17055 - 21 Gabardine De Coton Noir

7 ivory 4910 - 10 Palazzo Paloma

9 noir 17055 - 21 Gabardine De Coton Noir

10 BISTRE 17161 - 14 Satin De Coton Bistre

11 PERLE 17161 - 3 Satin De Coton Perle

7 ivory 4910 - 10 Palazzo Paloma

9 noir 17055 - 21 Gabardine De Coton Noir

10 BISTRE 17161 - 14 Satin De Coton Bistre

11 PERLE 17161 - 3 Satin De Coton Perle

1 ivory 4910 - 10 Palazzo Paloma

7 Olive 17055 - 08 Gabardine De Coton Olive

8 Gris Fonce 17155 - 16 Gabardine De Coton Gris Fonce

9 Safran 17055 - 13 Gabardine De Coton Safran

10 Noir 17055 - 21 Gabardine De Coton Noir

1 ivory 4910 - 10 Palazzo Paloma

10 Olive 17055 - 08 Gabardine De Coton Olive

11 gris fonce 17055 - 16 Gabardine De Coton Gris Fonce

12 Safran 17055 - 13 Gabardine De Coton Safran

13 Noir 17055 - 21 Gabardine De Coton Noir

1 ivory 4910 - 10 Palazzo Paloma

10 Olive 17055 - 08 Gabardine De Coton Olive

11 Gris Fonce 17055 - 16 Gabardine De Coton Gris Fonce

12 Safran 17055 - 13 Gabardine De Coton Safran

13 Noir 17055 - 21 Gabardine De Coton Noir

Cylindrical Shade - 16” - 80051


(22,9 cm)

16” (40,6 cm)

Cylindrical Shade - 14” - 80052


(22,9 cm)

14” (35,6 cm)

chandelier - sconce Cylindrical Shade - 80061

1 7 4”

3 44” (12,1 cm)

(18,4 cm)

chandelier drum Shade - 80062

1 44” (10,9 cm)

1 44 ” (10,9 cm)

4” (10,2 cm)

5” (12,7 cm)

piccolo - sconce drum shade - 80063

1 44” (10,9 cm)

1 44 ” (10,9 cm)

3” (7,6 cm)

4” (10,2 cm)


NORTH & SOUTH AMERICA DONGHIA INC. 256 Washington Street Mount Vernon, NEW YORK NY 10553 - USA Tel. +1.914.662.2377

EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, OCEANIA RUBELLI SPA Via della Pila 47 Marghera, Venezia 30175 - Italy +39.041.2584.411

Graphic design Monica Lovati Photo Diego Lazzarini Paolo SpinazzĂŠ Donghia Archive Printing Grafiche Antiga -

Palazzo Corner Spinelli San Marco 3877 30124 Venezia, Italia t: + Donghia is a company of the Rubelli Group. 2010 Donghia. All rights reserved.

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