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New Strategies for Improving the Sustainability of Breweries: Full Waste Recovery for Aquaculture Feed MAIN OBJECTIVE The aim of this project is to demonstrate the feasibility of an innovative, sustainable and integrated Valorisation Scheme to recover the brewer by-products in a representative EU producing region as case study, through their up-grading at full scale as aqua-feed ingredients.

WHAT FOR? • An increase in the Environmental Efficiency and Competitiveness of brewing sector by improving the image of environmental protection and sustainable use of resources and by minimizing costs of waste management. • An increase in the EU aquaculture Sustainability by providing 2 sustainable raw materials from spent grain and yeast for aquaculture feed which decrease the dependence of fish meal production. • Contribution to the Society Awareness towards the environmental protection and efficient use of the resources.

By-products Transportation Logistics

Meal Production

Aquaculture Feed Production

MAIN EXPECTED RESULTS • 2 new raw materials for aqua-feed (brewers’ spent grain and yeast). • An Exploitation plan to recycles at least 95 % of by- products in the case study region (Spain). • Replication and Transference to 2 EU regions for recovering at least 85 % of by-products. • Reducing 25 % of the environmental impact associated with aqua-feed production by replacing at least 15 % of the fish meal.

CONTACT Mail: David San Martín

Budget: 1,551,455 € ( 60 % EU Funds ) Duration: 01/09/2017-31/12/2020 Web: Twitter: @life_brewery


Coordinator: Partners:

The LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency programme is an European Union financial instrument to support environmental and nature conservation projects and promotes sustainable development.

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