Architectural portfolio 2022

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Portfolio Shiqi Zu 2018-2022



I. Milanese threshold


II. The continuous monument


III.Rolling ramp


IV.Mountainside theatre




Other works





Corso Buenos Aires, 9 20124, M i l a n o . I TA LY.

Contact + 8 6 1 5 6 5 9 3 5 5 1 5 9 / + 3 9 3 4 8 0 5 6 5 649 wechat @azu_zzzu

EDUCATION Po litecnico di Mil an o. Mil a n o, It al y. M as ter o f Archite c t ure - Buil t e n viron me n t in t e ri o r s - Ta u g h t i n E n g l i s h

2 0 1 9- 2022

Hunan Univ ers ity. H un an , C h in a . B acho lo r o f Archit e c t ure - Arc h it e c t ure

2 0 1 4- 2019

Nanping No .1 Middl e Sc h ool . Fujian , C h in a .

2 0 1 2- 2014


Sof twares SketchUp / Rhinoceros 3D / AutoCad / Adobe Indesign / Adobe Photoshop / Adobe Illustrator / V-ray / A rchicad / 3ds Max / Mic rosoft / E c ot e c t Languages C hines e E nglish I talian


Research: The Threshold of Milanese Residential Housing Workshop: Playground Urbani

workshop: Milan International Architectural Design Workshop - Olympic Games and The City Workshop: Preservation & Design of Arsenale di Venezia

2022.2 2021.4 2020.7 2019.9

HONORS&AWARDS Graduation thesis awarded outstanding diploma thesis Silver Prize in the Workshop Playgroun Urbani

Works exhibition as "Rationality, Critisism, Sustainability, Cooperativity, Interactivity: Student work in Politecnico di Milano" in Long Museum, Shanghai Individual Scholarship in the academic year 2016-2017

Third Prize , The 7th National Green Buildings Design Competition

2022.4 2021.4 2 020.10

2 017.12 2 016.10


01 M i l a n e s e T h re s h o l d

Re se arc h on Mi l a n e s e t h r e s h o l d a n d D e s i g n o f t h e c ol l e c t i v e h o u s i n g p r o j e c t

2021.6-2022.4 Site: Milan, Italy Tutor: Carles Sole Muro Group work

Every day we pass many different boundaries and go through one zone to another. When we enter a particular building from the city, the space we pass through can be understood as a threshold. In Le Corbusier's work, the threshold is represented as a revealing and enigmatic space that defines the relations of the limit or boundary, the separation, and the union between the buildings and the urban spaces, and the space that defines qualifies and characterizes the minimum condition of urbanity of any work of architecture, irrespective of its use or scale. In other words, we can consider the threshold as an important parameter that affects the relationship between cities and architecture. On the background of the frequently remote and physical working exchange, the project explores the new combination of personal life and work for contemporary people living in the city. As for contemporary people, it is reasonable to develop an apartment with a lengthening gradient between public and privacy. Simultaneously, the project takes into account the time. The new mode of living with work in the city has the advantage of transforming into other kinds of use after the pandemic.


Living in the City: Threshold as a Buffer Every day we pass many different boundaries and go through one zone to another. When we enter a particular building from the city, the space we pass through can be understood as a threshold. In Le Corbusier's work, the threshold is represented as a revealing and enigmatic space that defines the relations of the limit or boundary, the separation, and the union between the buildings and the urban spaces, and the space that defines qualifies and characterizes the minimum condition of urbanity of any work of architecture, irrespective of its use or scale. Therefore, the threshold can be understood as a transition space with depth. Under its influence, the architecture and city can form a friendly relationship. In other words, we can consider the threshold as an important parameter that affects the relationship between cities and architecture. Research and analysis of thresholds can help us think better about how we link architecture and the city together. However, in modernism, the notions of space have a particular influence on the perception of transitions. More and more modern architects refuse to connect spaces in an additive way and instead design a space continuum. They tend to reduce the threshold and connect the spaces more directly, and the threshold space appears flat. Under this trend, the relationship between architecture and the city is fragmented, and urban space and architectural space are no longer in a state of blending with each other like in the Middle Ages. In the early to mid-20th century, with the influence of some movements in Milan, such as Novecento and Continuity, a group of architects from the urban perspective appeared in Milan. They rethought the relationship between architecture and the city, and thus also had an impact on transition space. Therefore, we focus on the research and analysis of thresholds in this period to inspire the thinking of the relationship between architecture and the city. As the preface of the functional space, the threshold space can lie primarily outside, between inside and outside, or entirely inside. Both entering a space and leaving a space are key moments in experiencing spaces, threshold spaces are perceived in terms of accelerated or decelerated movement.

Milanese Threshold

In the urban scale, the threshold space together with the urban context creates the intermediate area, most of which is the half-open space, that connects urban space with the space that is less public and affected by the architecture itself. In most of the cases, the transition between interior space and exterior spaces is the most crucial node of the threshold space. The changeover of the spatial experience provided by the porch, door, stairs and canopy gives people a 6

variable and perceptible ambiance. The act of crossing a threshold space can be consciously perceived when there is a noticeable contrast between spatial atmospheres. The position of locks, obstructs, opens, invites, extends, or limits determines the accessibility of the spatial experiences. For the interior space, the small-scale transit situations can arise inside a space and develop out of various spatial functions. The delicate difference of privacy inside of the building can provide distinctly different spatial experiences, regarding to not only the space structure, but also the light, material, sequence and dimension of the spaces. For example, materials, furniture, and forms that are normally found in exterior spaces can be used in an interior space to create an outdoor mood. Due to the impact of modernism, there was an intense shift in the spatial perception of transitions at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. Modern architects refused to connect spaces in an additive manner and instead design a spatial continuum. The tendency to reduce threshold space and sacrifice the hierarchy and length of the space sequence to achieve the "transparency", cause the lacking of transition and brought ambivalence about the openness of the space and the desire to protect the private interior space. The relationship between city and architecture became rough and unrelated. While for the city of Milano, there has been a viewpoint that took the radical social and physical transformations of the Italian postwar city as the point of departure for assessing the legacy of modernist urbanism. That is, during the postwar period the architects started to think about the city evolved within a specific historical context and perceived the discipline of urbanism.1 Architects were advised to think in terms of ‘‘architectonic planning’’ and to consider architecture at the scale of planning. Therefore, a number of urbanism architects emerged, and simultaneously, plenty of projects that responded to the urban contexts and considered the exterior spaces brought a new scale of threshold spaces into existence.

1.Til Boettger, Threshold spaces: Transitions in Aarchitecture Analysis and Design Tools. Basel: Bukhauser, 2014. 2.Cino Zucchi, Nina Bassoli, Grafting. Venezia: Marsilio, 2014. 3.Koetter Fred, Notes on the In Between, Harvard Architecture Review, 1980. 4.Lisa Desarger, Lisa Janssens, Ingressi Milanesi: Designing the In-between. Ghent: Vandenhove, 2021.

Complex on Corso Italia 22 (1957-1961) Luigi Caccia Dominioni





Milanese Threshold






1.Orthogonal Axonometry with Surroundings 2.Orthogonal Axonometry of Volumatric Slices 3.Building Volume Axonometric Explosion Drawing 4.Decomposition of Threshold 5.Decomposition of Threshold 6.Unfolded Passage Plan 7.Unfolded Passage Section 8.Diagram of Degrees between Public and Privacy 9.Axonometry with Elements


Milanese Threshold


8. 8

Element Lexicon *w: wall, c: column, d: door, s: stairs, ce: ceiling

Milanese Threshold




Milanese Threshold

0 20


Milanese Threshold

Site Plan



Milanese Threshold

Site Plan

0 4


Milanese Threshold

Ground Floor Plan



Milanese Threshold 14

2nd Floor Plan


6th Floor Plan


7th Floor Plan


Section 1-1


Milanese Threshold 15

Milanese Threshold

Extration of Passage and Privacy Analysis


Private Mode

Simi-Public Mode

Public Mode

Doors: the Elements Impact to the Spatial Experience Milanese Threshold 17


02 THE C O N T I N U O U S M O N U M E N T

Urban regeneration & architectural design on Milano P or t a R o m a n a O l y m p i c v i l l a g e

2020.9-2020.12 Site: Milan, Italy Tutor: Guya Bertelli Group work

What is the proper solution when facing a plot that linking the old city center with the developing neighbourhoods, an abandoned piazza that crossed over by the railway, a boulevard that as a part of the urban green belt, a futural olympic village that open its arms to the international tourism? The complex context has illustrated the exceptional status of the project. The traditional language of european urban spaces has limited the high-density and continuity of the northern neighbourhood, while the other site is faced with the rural constructing fragmented area mixed with industry and residence. In that case, the project seeks the solution to break the traditional rules that extend the urban language, but has an exceptional attitude to face with the complex urban fabric. "Continuous monument" is one of the utopian conceptual urban designs by the Italian rationalist architectural trend in the 20th century, intended to strike a balance between the classical and industrial urban models.Similarly, "Bigness" is also Koolhaas's point of view of architecture disadapted to the urban fabric and "anti-context". That is, the city is not the carrier of architecture, architecture occupies the city, even, architecture is the city itself.


The Continuous Monument is one of the most ambiguous urban tales ever produced by so-called radical architecture. Provocatively affirming that it is in search of a “moderate utopia” for a “near future in which all architecture will be created with a single act”, Superstudio seems to show interest here in a semiserious rediscovery of the ancestral power of architectural archetypes in an effort to “realize cosmic order on earth” and “affirm humanity’s capacity for acting according to reason”.

The continuous monument

This self-inscription within the realm of utopian projects, or negative utopias, led to an instant


and almost automatic success of the Continuous Monument as a prominent example of conceptual architecture – an architecture made of ideas that are organized in a demonstration ad absurdum and are to be conveyed by an utterly beau-tiful and utterly neutral image in which everyone can see their own ideas reflected, together with the clouds of the sky above. However, contrary to many other utopian projects developed in close cultural, political and generational proximity, it is impossible to imagine the Continuous Monument outside of its context. 1.Superstudio, “Discorsi per immagini”, Domus, no. 481 (1969), 44–45.

Agriculture green A

Urban tissue

Agriculture green B

Homogeneous settlements

Agriculture green C

Building facade

Agriculture green D


Agriculture green E

University building

Urban green

Museum building

Water grace

Agriculture business building

Void The continuous monument 21


The continuous monument



The continuous monument

Master Plan



ometric view

The continuous monument

Axonometric View


The continuous monument

Section Slices




The continuous monument



0 5 26


Floor Plans

The continuous monument

Zoom-in Plan



03 R o l l i n g R am p

Arc h it e ct u r a l d e s i g n f o r h o s p i t a l i t y

October 2019-February 2019 Site: Pagano, Milano, Italy Tutor: Fabrizio Leoni Group&Personal work

Hospitality of the cities can be differ due to the characteristics of their culture and context. Nowadays it is not only a place welcoming tourists to stay, but also a platform for the city to present themselves to the world. Here in Milano, a city not only with fashion but also with variety of food, has an opportunity to welcome the food lover and food scientists all over the world. On this basis, the project introduce a new type of structure that has the irregular arrangement of column grid to reshape the space by the structure itself. Above this, the residential spaces are affected by the exceptional columns that can act as the support of the additional layers or furnitures.


Rolling ramp

Ground Floor Plan


General Floor Plan

Rolling ramp

0 2



Rolling ramp

Exonometric Explosion Diagram 32

0 1

Rolling ramp

Perspective Section

5m 33

Rolling ramp

Plan of Type 1


Plan of Type 2

Plan of Type 3


Rolling ramp


5m 35


04 Mou n t a i n s i d e T h e at re

L arg e - span s t r u c t u r e a r c h i t e c t u r a l d e s i g n

April 2018-July 2018 Site: Changsha, Hunan, China Tutor: Jing Qi Group work

Inspiring from Chinese traditional stilted building in Hunan Province, the design combine curbed sloping roof and the varians of elevated bottom, representing the connection between artificial space for students and natural mountainside environment. There are various of open space on the edge of the complex building designed for University students, aiming to guide students around the site to enter the building and to promote activities happen in the building. When waling through the building, the complex measures of building will create affluent visual experience about the building and natural environment.


Mountainside theatre

The student theatre is located between mountains and connect seperated parts of teaching building in the university, which shows the significant point of the design: accessibility for students to go through and capability of natural sightseeing. What's more, there is a special road for student go to and leave teaching buildings situated on the east of the site.


aling the private road. Affected by the axises of existing buildings and roads, we intend to set a aggregation space inside the building, for students and citizens to gather.

To comply with the intrinsical road network, we create a new route acrossing the site, aiming to leading more people into our building to activate the place where is cold and cheerless nowadays.

In contrast to the usual design procedures of complex building, we firstly divide the block into several part by different function to increase the block into several part by different function to increase the availability for visitor to enter the building and create different routines acrossing the plot.

There is a main sqare in the northwest corner of the plot to adapt social visitors for the theatre. Meanwhile, the opposite of the plot is the smaller square for students, who is also capable to reach the building by the little entrance

To adapt the natural scenery and meet the crowd in a reasonable way, the functional cubes are revolved in a small angle. The huge consecutive roof covers relational cubes and ensures the integrity of the whole building.

Mountainside theatre



Mountainside theatre

Mountainside theatre




Master Plan



Mountainside theatre



Mountainside theatre




Mountainside theatre

Mountainside theatre



Mountainside theatre





Mountainside theatre



05 R e t ra c t -l i g h t

P e r for ma n c e i n f o r m a t i o n m o d e l i n g f o r u l t r a l ig h t w e i g h t a r c h i t e c t u r e

February 2020-July 2020 Site: Porta Genova, Milano, Italy Tutor: Alessandra Zanelli; Giorgio Novati Group work

The project intends to dig the designing of the “temporary architectural objects” that might have a dual use along the time, as sport facility and/or as cultural event attractor. The Milan metropolis will be the real context where students will be able to experiment and develop a novel design-simulation-construction process. To adapt to the requirement, the project introduce a temporary alterable system that can be folded and extended according to the circumstance the place faced with. A group of alterable units are placed into the plazza that can hold the activities such as fashion shows, sport meetings, common aicizen acitivities and so on. The project follows the concept of pro-environment and recycling, to reuse the waste steels of the previous train rails into the new membrain structures.




Site Plan 0




F rame facility R 6m H 10m Use steel frame to build a swinging facility for citizens to play and climb.

L ighting tent R 2m H 3m Adopt steel frame with membrane cover to build a tent for kids and lights as well as night.

M arket


R 6m H 6m R 3m H 3m Build some markets for neighbours around with the same system providing a place for citizens. 51



Day time

Around playing

Sports facilities


River markets




Section of the unit

Night time

5m 53


Process of membrane system


Instruction book


... ... 55

其他作品 (2017-2021) O t h e r work ( 20 1 7 - 2 0 2 1 )


2 0 1 7 . 9-2017.12

2017.9-2 0 1 7 . 1 2

2 0 1 8 .3-2018.7

2018.9-2 0 1 8 . 1 2

2 0 2 0 .3-2020.7

2021.2- 2 0 2 1 . 4

To be continued...


Shiqi Zu 2018-2022

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