SLES manufacturing in Uganda, today..

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24 months (2022-2024)/ 5,000 US Dollars)


Project/Program Concept Paper

05, DEC, 2022,

Applicant Information




Telephone +256758314586

Watsap +256770833485





1.1 Country UGANDA

1.2 Title


1.3 Region(s)/Location(s) NAMANVE INDUSTRIAL PARK – Bbuto road

1.4 Duration 24 months (2022-2024)

Budget (total) US$ 5,000

- KOICA funding US$ 4000


- Partner government funding US$ 1000

- Other donor funding US$ 10

1. Becoming a main / major supplier of SLES in the country, East African countries and Africa at large.

1.6 Objectives

2. Providing employment opportunities in the country, in a long run, the company will employ over 500 workers hence kicking out poverty in the country.

3. The government will be earning tax from the company and product manufactured. Beneficial to the country still.

- Local natives (both genders).

1.7 Beneficiary

Implementing organization

- Government of Uganda

Name : Mwiru Holdings Smc Ltd

Please check a type of the implementing organizationintheboxes.

- Type


- Major functions

Central/national government

Provincial government

Public organization

Others………………………… [please specify]

Employment opportunities

Government Revenue through taxation


- Annual budget 5 Millions

- Number of staff 20

1.9 Is this a resubmission of a previous PCP?



Objective/Outcome/Output: Please outline the objectives, the expected outcomes, and outputs of the Project Please provide the detailed information as an annex 2(Project Design Matrix) If relevant, gender equality/women’s empowerment can be manifested as one of the objectives or sub-objectives.



From a little research, it shows that in Uganda over 8 companies for detergent and cosmetics arise almost every year, meaning a great need for the raw materials mostly surfactants for the production of the products. For most of the raw materials are just imported from the already industrialized countries, where SLES is one of the major raw material needed. Calling for a high demand of the material. So based on this reason and the objectives as stated below, the project will be valid:

Main objectives include:

1. Becoming a main / major supplier of SLES in the country, East African countries and Africa at large.

Secondary objectives

2. I. Providing employment opportunities in the country, in a long run, the company will employ over 500 workers hence kicking out poverty in the country.

3. II. The government will be earning tax from the company and product manufactured. Beneficial to the country still.


Activities: Please describe what will be carried out in terms of planned activities, their timing and duration, and who will be responsible for each activity. It should indicate the sequence of all major activities and implementation milestones. Please provide the detailed information as an annex 3(Project Work Plan)


“Best description is in annex 3 – project work plan”


SI SITUATION ANALYSIS: Please provide a brief introduction to the current social and economic situation related to the Project (geographic region and beneficiaries, etc.)


Currently the project is under research and development and soon to be implemented as per work plan. But planned to be in a strategically geographic area, creating minimal fumes, no air pollution and solid wastes. Produced wastes, treated before disposal.

PROBLEM TO BE ADDRESSED: Please describe the problem or critical issue which the project seeks to resolve, how the problem was identified, and how will the Project address the problem. If relevant, analysis on gender equality needs to be described.



. From a little research, it shows that in Uganda over 8 companies for detergent and cosmetics arise almost every year, meaning a great need for the raw materials mostly surfactants for the production of the products. For most of the raw materials are just imported from the already industrialized countries, where SLES is one of the major raw material needed. Calling for a high demand of the material. So based on this reason and the objectives as stated above, the project will be valid. Hence this project is solving a problem of inadequate raw materials for cosmetic production and also creation of jobs for the people.

COUNTRY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES AND POLICIES: Please describe how the Project relates to other relevant national development strategies and policies, and provide the ongoing status of their implementation, results and effects, if any.

 Here are some of the National Development Strategies (NDS) 2022;


 Promote equality and empower women, to develop global partnership for development, to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger are ones related to my research project, eradicating poverty through job creation to the natives. Giving a chance to also female gender to work to improve their lifestyles, a plant is set to improvise job opportunities to 50% ladies. Hence promoting equity and empowering women.

JUSTIFICATION FOR INTERVENTION: Please describe how the need for the Project was determined, and what the rationale/justification for the Project (why the Project is considered to be the most effective way the problem is resolved.).


1. We look forward to partnering with you to provide a technological innovation, research has been made in the country that there is a great need of the raw materials for detergent and cosmetic industries. Among the raw materials we pointed out SLES as a potential raw material to be manufactured in the country. SLES as a raw material has become one of the best and most needed raw material in the cosmetic and detergent industry, where by in the formulation almost 30% in the detergent based products. From research, SLES is being manufactured from industrially



grown up countries such as Malaysia, India, far away from the East African countries. Hence a project of establishing a SLES manufacturing pilot plant would be the best project in East Africa.

2. This research project is cheaper in cost of production and easily applicable in the laboratory and industries. The low cost of production leads to high revenue to the manufacturer and the country since the product is expected to be exported.

LESSONS LEARNED: Please describe what lessons Partner Country has drawn on (from Partner Country’s own and other’s past experience) in designing this Project.

From the leading Manufacturing countries of SLES, ie CHINA, MALAYSIA, INDIA I have got knowledge of new technology and skills on how to produce good quality product, I have attained this through connections with my fellows from the manufacturing agencies through LinkedIn and twitter, attained skill through internet research and also the experience through making trials guided by my tutor through online class. With the partner countries I have managed to get the production formulation and mixing procedure.


TARGET BENEFICIARY: Please describe the following information: a) direct and indirect/wider beneficiary group, b) number of beneficiary, with gender segregation if necessary (e.g. 300 children rather than children in 3 schools), c) how the target group was identified, d) why they were selected as target group, e) how intended beneficiaries have been involved in Project design, and their expected role in Project implementation and evaluation If relevant, the target group needs be disaggregated by sex.


The target beneficiaries are the youth specifically, here includes 50% opportunities for the ladies who are both skilled and unskilled and same to the gents. The research project for implementing this plant targets the so group because it’s on record that many youths are unemployed and have the ability to work whence development of the country. The targeted group have been involved in the project where some are involved in the laboratory analysis of the product, (SLES), some will be involved in the market



research and some will be involved in the massive production. During the implementation and evaluation of the project, the targeted group will be involved in the setting up of the pilot plant, installation of the equipment and also purchasing of the materials used for the production.

OTHER STAKEHOLDERS: Please describe other stakeholders (e.g. partner government agency, international organization, NGO, donor agency, etc ), if any, including a) name/group, b) respective role(s) and cooperation/coordination mechanism, etc.

Currently I have not been partnering with any government agency or NGO except at Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI) where I was getting an opportunity to do analysis on my products. (Testing product)


PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Please describe a) who will be responsible for planning and management of the Project operations as well as coordinating other bodies and organizations associated with the Project, b) what arrangements will be established to ensure that there will be effective coordination with other relevant programs and activities


Me personally, I have got some skills and experience in setting up such projects with knowledge from the classroom. We have develop a project work plan and target to follow it to establish the project. Also looking forward to coordinate with any organization for the arrangements to bring the project to existence.


MANAGEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION WORK (IF ANY): Please specify purpose of the building, total

floor area, site location, estimated construction duration and budget and O&M plans.

Planning to set up a pilot plant at Namanve Industrial Area (Mukono district). Construction is set to last for approximately one year, and budgeted to consumed 15,000 US Dollars. The purpose of the building is for under taking production and laboratory analysis, partnering with the industrial research labs. Then the Operations and Maintenance were approximated to consume 1500 US Dollars per annum.


Please describe whether Project operations are expected to continue, or expand to other areas or sectors, once the current phase of assistance is completed. This could include plans for introducing self-financing provisions to ensure continued viability of operations on Project completion


Yes and very true, the project operations are expected to continue as soon as the operations kicks off, this is because the workers (youths) will retain their jobs and will continue to work. The project will continue to grow and introduce a company-financing provisions to ensure continual existence of the operations of the project until its growth to self-supportive.


Please include proposed mechanisms and procedures for monitoring of Project operations to ensure that activities occur as planned, that they remain directed towards stated objectives, and that appropriate corrective action is taken if required. Specifically, please indicate who will be responsible for preparing periodic Project progress and final technical reports and for the accounting of expenditures, if needed, as well as how intended beneficiaries will be involved.


Daily up checking on the work done as per project work plan to evaluate the progress of the work. And this task will be performed by my coworker with the help of me so as we prepare technical reports and also account for the expenditures.




Please identify and list the major risk factors that could result in the Project not producing the expected results. These should include both internal and external factors. Please also propose risk mitigation measures to address the potential risks.

Risks; One and a major one is inadequate raw material to be used in the production processes. The supply or source of the major raw materials such as palm related byproducts may be low in supply since no SLES manufacturing facility has been purchasing them.

Secondly, high taxes and tariffs by the government on raw materials and finished products to be exported, this affects highly a starting up organization due to it has to break the even.

To the less extent, infrastructure also determines the rise or fall of the project, on here I mean roads, utilities, services. Mitigation measure; need to grow more palm plantations, for the easy sourcing of the raw materials.

Construction of roads to transport the materials and product easily. Reduction on the taxes, tariffs for existence of growing up business, this can give a room for selling of the product at lower price as compared to the one imported.

The following documents as annex, are required to be submitted with the PCP. (Project cost plan)

Annex 1. Project Location Map

2. Project Design Matrix

3. Project Work Plan

4. Estimated Budget Sheet

5. Environmental Screening Checklist

6. Gender & Development Screening Checklist

Annex 1. Project Location Map


Annex 2. Project Design Matrix (PDM)



Impacts     Outcomes     Outputs     Activities Inputs  

Annex 3. Project Work Plan (Sample)

Signing R/D

Establishment of Project Implementation Plan

Project management

Selection of PC and dispatch of PM

1.Strengthening capacity for health providers

Activity 1:

Activity 2:

2. New infrastructure and essential equipment and supplies for MNCH established

Activity 3: : Renovation of health centers

Activity 4: Provision of medical equipment and supplies of MNCH

Activity 5: Provision of essential medical kits for EmONC and essential newborn care

3. Systematizing Referral system

Activity 6: Provision of ambulances and essential equipment

Description Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Activity 7: Support for management of ambulances

4. Management of health information system is strengthened

Activity 8: Equipping record media (books, records, files PV, card RV, etc.)

Activity 9: Provision of support on management of DHIS2

5. Positive health behaviors on mother and child health adopted among community

Activity 10: Workshops with community leaders

Activity 11: Campaigns in the communities through mass media

Project management

Activity 12: Monitoring and evaluation


Annex 4. Estimated Budget Sheet


 Breakdown of Project Cost

 Dispatch of Experts: Costs for sending experts to recipient organizations for technical cooperation and capacity building. (including reimbursable expenses such as on-site operationalcosts)

 Construction:Costsfordesign,construction,supervisionandConstructionManager(CM),ifthe projecthasanactivitythatinvolvesconstruction.

 Equipment:Costsforprovidingandinstallingequipment,includingeducationcosts.

 Invitational Training: Costs for capacity building activities in which partner country officials areinvitedtoKoreatolearnaboutKorea’sdevelopmentexperiencesanddrawlessonsfortheir country.

 Informationalization: Costs for business process reengineering and information strategy planning (BRP/ISP), system development and supervision, if the project has an activity that involvesinformationalization.

 Project Management: Costs for performance management, risk control, monitoring and evaluationandcontingencies,whichshouldbedirectlymanagedbyKOICA.

 Information provided by the partner Item Necessary information


▷ Expert’stechnicalgrade(Junior-level,middle-level,senior-level)

▷ Expert’sinput(inM/M)

▷ Building’ssizeandspaceandprojectedcosts




▷ Costsofsimilarbuildings

▷ Itemandnumberandwhetheritcanbeboughtinthepartnercountry

▷ Equipmentspecification

▷ Typeofcourses(manager-level,working-level,others)

▷ Numberofparticipants

*Please,notethatinvitationtrainingcanaccommodatemaximum15participants percourseduetologisticalconstraints.

▷ Informationsystem’smainfunctions


▷ Expert’sinputtocompletesystemdevelopment(inM/M)

 After reviewing the description above, the Estimated Budget Sheet should be filled out in consultation with KOICA country offices.

 CalculationBasisdescribeshoweachitemoftheBudgetSheetiscalculated

Item Cost

Dispatch of Experts

Junior-level Expert

Middle-level Expert

Senior-level Expert

Reimbursable expenses








Invitational Training

Management-level course

Working-level course

Other special course


Calculation Basis

Insert Expert’s grade and time input (in M/M)

Insert the size of building and cost per m2

Insert item, number and specification (Equipment may be listed in a separate sheet if there are too many)

Insert courses and the number of participants

Insert system’s main functions and expert’s input (in M/M)



10% of total project cost TOTAL

Annex 5. Environmental Screening Checklist


□ Prepared on: 20 – 02 - 2022

□ Prepared by: WALAKIRA BRUNO


-Position: CHEMIST

-TEL/FAX: +256770833485


Walakira bruno (Signature)

1. Preliminary questions

[1-1] Is this a development consultation project?

□ Yes □ No

[1-2] Does this project include facility/infrastructure construction?

□ Yes □ No

☞ If your answer to [1-1] is “yes” and your answer to [1-2] is “no,” please do not proceed to No. 2.

2. Project overview

2-1. Location or address of project site


2-2. Basic information related to project including scale (e.g. facility production capacity, etc.)

Planned to have a piece of land in the industrial park of Namanve – Mukono, and set to sit on a land size of 50 ft by100ft, small owing to a pilot plant but with time; expansion,growth anddevelopment is in plantoreachacapacityofsupplyingEast Africa and Africa at large, meaning there will be purchase of more machines and expansion on the production rooms, stores and offices. Expecting to begin with a facility producing 1000 kg of SLES / 6 drums of SLES a day.

□ Drawing/satellite photo (check if attached)


2-3. Major impacts caused by project

① Does the project include construction of a new building, extension of an existing building, or repair of an existing building?

□ Yes (Land size: ) □ No □ Unknown

② Will the project cause a change in topography or land use?

□ Yes (Land size: ) □ No □ Unknown

③ Will the project include development or use of water resources?

□ Yes (Amount: 1000ltrs per day ) □ No □ Unknown

④ Will the project cause occurrence of waste?

□ Yes (Amount: appx 20kg per day ) □ No □ Unknown

⑤Will the project result in involuntary relocation of local residents?

□ Yes (Number of people: ) □ No □ Unknown

⑥ Is the project likely to cause complaints or disputes with local residents?

□ Yes (Reason: ) □ No □ Unknown

3. Assessment of whether project is subject to recipient country’s requirements for environmental impact assessment, etc.

3-1. Does the recipient country have laws or regulations related to environmental/social impact assessment?

□ Yes □ No □ Unknown

3-2. Is the project subject to environmental/social impact assessment or other relevant impact assessment under these laws or regulations?

□ Yes □ No □ Unknown

☞ If your answer to the above question is “yes” and the recipient country separately categorizes laws or regulations to deal with environment and society, please state the relevant category.

its yes, this is because the production is on a small scale with little or low emission of fumes and dangerous wastes, ie: water pollution and air pollution is at minimal

3-3. If the project is subject to environmental/social impact assessment and environmental/social management plan, please mark where applicable.


4. Project location features and project type

4-1. Is the project site located in or adjacent to an area listed below?

□ Yes □ No

☞If your answer to the above question is “yes,” please mark all applicable

□ Virgin forest or tropical forest

□ Ecologically important habitat areas (coral reef, mangrove wetland, tidal flats)

□ Habitat of rare species protected by domestic laws or international treaties

□ Areas with risk of soil erosion on large scale

□ Areas with notable desertification tendency

□ Government-designated reserve area such as national park

□ Archaeologically, historically, or culturally valuable areas

□ Living areas ofethnic peoples, indigenous peoples, or nomads who retain a traditional lifestyle

□ Adensely populated area that poses a risk of large scale involuntary relocation of people

□ An area with special social value

4-2. Does the project fall under one of the categories listed below?

□ Yes □ No

☞If your answer to the foregoing question is “yes,” please mark all applicable

□ Hydropower, dams, and reservoirs

□ Roads, railroads, and bridges

□ Water supply, sewage treatment

□ Stream and erosion control

□ Mining development

□ Tourism

□ Forestry

5. Environmental/social impact

□ Urban development

□ Airport/port

□ Solid waste treatment

□ Power transmission and distribution lines

□ Industrial development

□ Agriculture involving large-scale land clearing or irrigation

□ Fishery

17 □ Completed □ Under way □ Scheduled □ Not Completed (date/time: planning to )

1. Is the project likely to have an impact on a nearby ecologically important or sensitive area (e.g. wetland, stream, coast, mountain, forest)?

2. Is the project likely to have an impact on nearby natural scenery or geographic feature?

3. Is the project close to a culturally or historically valuable area?

4. Does the project considerably encroach on an area that needs environmental consideration or require the alteration of surface texture or physical properties ofthe nearbyland?

5. Does the project require a large amount of water or energy during construction or operation?

6. Will the project require water supply, sewerage, or transportation that current infrastructure facilities cannot provide?

7. Will the projectproduce a large amount of waste, particularly of hazardous or toxic nature?

8. Will the project produce a large amount of drain water or air pollutants?

9. Will the project have a serious impact on a nearby important body of water?

10. Is the project likely to have a serious impact on surface/underground water in terms of amount or quality?

project is more of lab work and production.

11. Does the project require lodging facilities or other accommodations for workers during construction or operation? yes A few workers need to stay nearby.

Yes No Unknown
no The
wastes are first treated before release
no Strategically
planned to be on a stable permanent land surface
no Located
in industrial
no Land already leveled
yes One of
for production
the raw materials
no Waterservicesandother
utilities are available
no No.
less than 2% wastes generated
no Air
and water pollution are conserved
no Wastes
treated before discharged,

12. Does the project require using a large amount of fertilizers or pesticides?

13. Does the project include introduction of foreign species of wildlife to the area?

14. Does the project involve any risk of turning the area into a habitat for pests or animals carrying infectious diseases?

15. Will the project cause harm to people in a nearby densely populated area due to air pollution, noise, vibrations, or stench?

16. Will the project cause serious soil erosion or degradation due to its location (e.g. steep slope or vulnerable soil area)?

17. Will the project cause an influx or relocation of a large number of people in the area?

18. Will the project cause involuntary relocation of a large number of people elsewhere?

19. Will the project cause a change in way of life for local residents?

20. Will the project have a negative impact on cultural heritage objects/sites in the area?

Yes No Unknown Remarks
no Industrial production
no No wildlife needed
no Industrial processing and production
unknown Will
the machines used
no Indoor production
no No pollution and small area needed for production
no No relocation planned
yes Positive changes by locals getting employed (jobs)
no No cultural changes will occur

Annex 6. Gender & Development Screening Checklist

Question1. Women/Girls as beneficiaries or participants




Does this project include women or girls as a target group as direct or indirect beneficiaries?

□ Yes □ No

Do women or girls participate in implementing process as one of the decision makers?

□ Yes □ No

Did this project proposal complete based on the needs assessment of men and women/boys and girls?

□ Yes □ No

Question 2. Relevance to women’s empowerment


What are the key gender issues in the sector/subsector that are likely to be relevant to this project or program?

both gender based


Does the proposed project or program have the potential to make a contribution to the promotion of gender equity and/or empowerment of women by providing women’s access to and use ofopportunities, services, resources, assets, and participationindecision making?

□ Yes (→2-2-1) □ No


If yes, what measures are included in the project design to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment

□ Genderactionplan □ Otheractionsormeasures □ Noactionormeasure


Can the proposed project have an adverse impact on women and/or girl or widen gender inequality?

□ Yes □ No

Indicate the intended gender mainstreaming category*:


□ GEN (gender equity) □ EGM (effective gender mainstreaming)

□ SGE (some gender elements) □ NGE (no gender elements)

(note: my work addresses gender equality because it empowers women to be part of the project)

GEN : Gender Equity

- A project is assigned GEN, if the project outcome directly addresses gender equality and/or women’s empowerment by narrowing gender disparities through access to social services(e.g. education, health, and water supply/sanitation); and/or economic and financial resources and opportunities (e.g. employment opportunities, financial services, land, and markets), and/or basic rural and urban infrastructure(e.g. rural electrification, rural roads, pro-poor energy distribution, and urban services for the poor); and/or enhancing voices and rights(e.g. decision making process and structures, political empowerment, and grievance mechanisms); and, the outcome statement of the project design and monitoring framework(DMF) explicitly mentions gender equality and women’s empowerment and/or, the outcome performance indicators include gender indicators.


○ EGM : Effective Gender Mainstreaming

- A project is assigned EGM, if the project outcome is not gender equality or women’s empowerment, but project outputs are designed to directly improve women’s access to social services, and/or economic and financial resources and opportunities, and/or basic rural and urban infrastructure, and/or enhancing voices and rights, which contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment.

○ SGE : Some Gender Elements

- A project is assigned SGE, if it meets either of the following:

(i) byits natureit islikelytodirectlyimprove women’saccess to social services; and/or economic and financial resources and opportunities, and/or basic rural and urban infrastructure, and/or enhance their voices and rights(e.g. education, health, rural development, microfinance, water supply and sanitation, food security, and emergency food and rehabilitation assistance), but that included little, if any gender analysis and few or no specific design features; and did not meet the EGM criteria, or

(ii) is unlikely to directly improve women’s access to social, economic or financial resources or opportunities, but significant efforts were made during project preparation to identify potential positive and negative impacts on women. Some gender features are included to enhance benefits to women(e.g. targets for employment of women in project construction work, provision of equal pay for equal work, information campaigns on HIV/AIDS risk, gender training of executing/implementing agencies, and adherence to core labor standards, esp. child labor); and where resettlement is involved includes attention to women in the mitigation/resettlement plans(such as compensation payments to both men and women, jointownership of replacement land/housing, restoration of livelihood initiatives for women, and so forth).

○ NGE : No Gender Elements

-AprojectisassignedNGE,whenit doesnotincludeanygenderdesignfeatures (e.g.noindicator or goal for gender equality, no women’s participation or empowerment, no resource or no opportunity for women, etc.).

*Sourced from ADB(2012)GuidelinesforGenderMainstreamingCategoriesofADBProjects



1. MR. WALAKIRA BRUNO - industrial chemist

 BSc. Industrial Chemistry; Makerere University Kampala

 Certificate in project planning and management

 Certificate in lean management

 Experience in project management, quality analysis and manufacturing start – up.

 WATSAP: +256770833485

CALL: +256758314586

ADDRESS: Namanve industrial area, Mukono.

 Email :





Quality l Value
Fig 03 Mr. Walakira Bruno

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