BBTS: a digital strategy Project partner
BBTS: a digital strategy We speak to BBTS CIO, Alexandre Souza da Conceicao, regarding his various roles executing digital transformation within the Brasilian banking sector‌
Written by
Andrew Woods
Produced by
Craig Daniels
B BTS: a digital st rategy
lexandre Souza da Conceicao is
BBTS, pretty much overseeing the overall
moving onto pastures new, but
operation of the company in terms of IT
his love for his sole employer,
processes and systems development. “I’m
up till now, is palpable. “A job at Banco do
enhancing and improving the digital solu-
Brasil is something really desired by the
tions we are offering, not only to Banco do
Brasilian population,” Conceicao explains.
Brasil, but to other banks and companies
“You find one of its branches everywhere
in the market too,” he explains from its
you go in this country. It’s a big company
Brasilia headquarters.
and one of the best places to work. The
BBTS is a solutions provider primar-
company’s very kind to employees and
ily focused on the banking industry.
everyone loves working for BB.”
“Because that’s pretty much our DNA,
BB Tecnologia e Serviços, BBTS is a Brasilian state-run technological solutions provider controlled by Banco do Brasil (99.97%). Focused on information technology outsourcing (ITO) and business process outsourcing (BPO), BBTS was founded in 1974. Alexandre Souza da Conceicao has been working for BBTS and its controlling owner for some 35 years, the outgoing CIO at BBTS having joined Banco de Brasil in 1985, as an office-boy in a local branch when he was just 14 years old. His entire career thus far has been working for the same company and during those 35 years, he has delivered numerous innovative projects across the bank, its numerous business units and now its subsidiary, BBTS. Conceicao’s final role for the bank – and the one he is about to depart – placed him in charge of the technology, directory and digital products and services at B BTS: a digital st rategy
“ Every time I had a meeting or a conversation, I found an opportunity to push for a better way of doing things. It was a very interesting time, and by the end of 2019, we were already able to deploy a brand, new platform that was capable of automating the decision-making process” — Al exa n d re C o nc eic ao C IO, BBTS
right?” Conceicao explains. “A lot of our time is spent in the banking industry just serving Banco do Brasil, since the bank is really big. We serve the organization all over the country and through that work we developed the muscles to support any bank, because Banco do Brasil is pretty much the largest banking branch network we have in Brazil.” BBTS has 35 regional technical assistance units that provide services for over 3,500 Brasilian municipalities, including equipment installation, corrective and preventive maintenance, monitoring and equipment support. It also offers security equipment such as CCTV surveillance, revolving doors with metal detectors, access control, and alarms, as well as our own PSIM (Physical Security Information Management) software to monitor all the security alerts as an integrated solution. BBTS also offers contact centers, collections center, helpdesk and telemarketing services, as well as document management and printing, software manufacturing and testing, phone system outsourcing with telecom management
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including mobile and telephony services billing. When Conceicao stepped into BBTS for the first time in 2019 – having departed a role in IT for the bank – his biggest challenge was to push the company towards innovation and change. “There was a lack of transition or transformation, let’s say, to a more digital operation,” he says. “It was a technological environment, developing products and serving customers with technology and yet, the company
Alexandre Conceicao CIO, BBTS
itself was not so invested. They didn’t push so hard. It was much more geared towards the demand of the customer, but not for themselves, or the internal units and departments.” Alex sparked an immediate sea change at BBTS and pushed towards digital solutions. “Every time I had a meeting or a conversation, I found an opportunity to push for a better way of doing things. It was a very interesting time, and by the end of 2019, we were already able to deploy a brand, new platform that was capable of automating the decision-making process. Instead of getting everything written on paper and getting things signed, we created a digital workflow where at the different levels of the organization, we could interact to get the right approvals from
Alexandre Conceição leads the IT area and ITO business as CIO in BB Tecnologia e Serviços, a fully controlled subsidiary of Banco do Brasil. He formerly headed the software development unit in Banco do Brasil for operating efficiency as IT General Manager. He joined BB in 1985 and his last 32 years were dedicated to the IT field and digital transformation. He held several positions in BB, starting as an office boy and having served previously as BB’s IT Manager for North America region, in New York. Alex had established the sponsor partnership with the MIT/CISR and had worked as the liaison between Banco do Brasil and the Center for Information Systems Research, pushing forward the digital transformation journey of the bank. He is also contributing with Ativos Gestão as a board member of its Fiscal Council and as a member of Audit Committee in Cielo. Alex is Graduated in Data Processing with specialization in Distributed Systems with Object Oriented Programming by Finatec/UnB. He is certified in Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT) by ISACA and holds a MBA Degree by NYU Stern School of Business.
every department and back to the board.
With this movement, I could expedite and
Banco do Brasil’s sponsorship of the MIT
increase the speed of the decision-mak-
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
ing processes in the company. In fact, that
CISR (Center for Information Systems
was key to helping us during the pandemic
Research), which fosters and promotes
this year.”
the digital transformation of organizations.
Conceicao has overseen major digi-
They do a lot of research and share expe-
tal transformations at Banco and BBTS
riences and use-cases. They come out
having cut his teeth in IT while working
with a dozen of frameworks on how you
in North America for the bank in 2007.
could apply a digital strategy, right?”
Alex spent six and a half years in the
In 2013, Conceicao returned to
US – in New York – helping to establish
Brasil with the knowledge and exper-
a stronger US presence for BB. “During
tise garnered from his time in the US.
that time, I had the chance to establish
“When I came back, that’s when my
B BTS: a digital st rategy
digital transformation approach became
One of the key challenges Conceicao
stronger within the bank, because I came
faced when returning to BB in Brasil was
back to the IT area as a general manager
altering the mindset of the board and its
to promote a better IT governance
executives. “Most of them came from a
process and mitigate the risks of IT, while
different time when everything was trans-
increasing the value delivery. I pushed
actional and mechanical,” he explains.
harder in terms of digital transformation,
“There was no economic explanation
cultural change, new methods of develop-
or understanding of how digital could
ment and applications redesign. Lean IT
promote exponential growth for the bank.”
and agile methods were the key method-
Conceicao created a workshop for the
ologies I implemented, to make IT leaner
executive board, so they could under-
and lighter while making the value delivery
take a journey in terms of understanding
stronger for the bank.”
use-cases of other banks from around
“ One of the contracts BBTS implemented for Banco do Brasil was a customer collection center, offering a multichannel interaction process, which helped BBTS choose the best approach to reach customers through a variety of channels” — Al exa nd re C o n c e i c a o CIO, BBTS
the world, and uncover what the bank should be doing to push further in its digital transformation. The workshop was co-created by Peter Weill, the Chairman of MIT’s CISR. One of the biggest projects Conceicao undertook at the bank was the Technology Transformational Program; a group of projects that reconstructed the platform of the bank through the applications, and the creation of components that could be regrouped to a more scalable architecture. “That’s what the market called SOA, or services-oriented architecture,” Conceicao explains. “We pretty much pushed that approach forward so that everything would be based on the customer journey. Instead of delivering a product based on the capacity or char-
develop. The first initiative was pretty
acteristics of the product, we changed
much the credit or loans and how we
the approach, and created a customer
served customers with loans that used
journey, and said, ‘What would be the
this new architecture we deployed. We
point of access of the customer with the
put those in different tracks although
organization, and how can we enhance
we could reuse the components every
that experience?’”
time we had to go back to a new project.
“Using those components, we broke
This was giving us speed and reduced a
them apart, and put them back together,
lot of effort in time and cost and in terms
in a way that could deliver a better expe-
of the development of other products.
rience. We put everything in a brand,
That happened during 2014 and 16’, and
new web interface, which was much
‘17, ‘18, I had the chance to transition to
more friendly. Then, we created a certain
other units fostering the bank’s efficiency
architecture of reference that searched
with projects for internal processes, cost
for every other product we started to
reduction and better backoffice support,
B BTS: a digital st rategy
until I joined BBTS, in 2019.” When Conceicao joined BBTS in 2019,
multichannel interaction process, which helped BBTS choose the best approach
he faced similar issues to that of the
to reach customers through a variety of
bank. The structure at BBTS was the
channels including an automated text
same as the bank before, with no agile
assistant, called VIC, which uses artificial
methods being employed. “We pretty
intelligence to interact with the customer,
much had to start something very similar,
and negotiate condition for the payments
but I could make it faster, because the
of debt. “We could really increase the
company is much smaller. I could push
speed of the communication to the
the culture to change a little bit more
customer and enjoy a greater precision
intensely, because there were fewer
in terms of approach and interaction,” he
projects than at the bank.”
says. “Out of more than 400K custom-
One of the contracts BBTS imple-
ers contact during the last two quarters
mented for Banco do Brasil was a
of 2020 VIC was effective in more than
customer collection center, offering a
46% of the times she’d interacted with the
customer, avoiding the need of human support. And we are working to make it even higher.” Another big project Conceicao has overseen at BBTS is Hiveplace, which allows BBTS to serve consumers and suppliers of banking or data services making an easy, simple and cheaper integration. It’s focusing to adapt to the regulations of open banking and the data protection laws pushing the banks to create APIs, to ensure that they can be connected to any other institution that would like to share information – or if the customer requests to get their data back to another company or bank. “The financial organizations are really pressed by the law, because they don’t own the data,” he explains. “The data belongs to the customer. And for many years, they (the banks) believed that the data belonged to them, and they could use the data by themselves, or just for the benefit of the business. But that’s actually the other way around. It belongs to the customer and so they have to have consent to use that information in any way, from the customer. With that law in place, the landscape changed completely. Now, you need to interact with multiple companies, banks, or fintechs, so the data belonging to the customer can flow into that organization as the customer requests.” B BTS: a digital st rategy
Alex and his team developed a part-
are scaling it, so we are connecting more
nership with Skilltech to build the digital
companies, establishing agreements and
ecosystem Hiveplace that could be offer-
creating ample use. We are a subsidiary of
ing single integration with multiple peers.
the bank, and we are working with many
According to Conceicao, a bank that’s will-
different business fronts of the bank, but
ing to offer a product like a loan would be
also offering this platform to the market.
a provider in this hub. But a credit fintech,
From a security perspective, for instance,
say, would be consuming that API, while
we could check the records from a data-
also connected. “Hiveplace reduces a lot
base of customers as a proof-of-concept
“ I truly believe that banking-as-a-service will be a new frontier. You have to understand banking-as-a-service and foresee a forgo of the building full of bricks, with a safe inside. That cash handling may be quite down in the next coming years” — Alexandre C onceic ao C I O, B BTS
of the effort and time to integrate multiple
experiment just to be sure that we can
institutions. It’s a single integration that
double check the data. We connected to
you have with your product. Let’s say you
11 bureaus of databases of customers,
have an investment fund; you can make
and we check that data against the data-
that fund available for investment from
base the bank has sent to us. They started
multiple customers, allowing any fintech
with 5,000 customers just to check how
to connect. It’s a single integration instead
many we could confirm are positive and
of developing the integration to each one
authentic records, rather than fraud or
of those fintechs or start-ups. The plat-
the result of misleading information in the
form was launched this month, and we
records. We found almost 10% of it was
fraud and we gave that back to the bank. And they liked that. It’s a good sign as it shall become a product or business in Hiveplace in a way that they could benefit from.” You don’t spend your entire career, with a single employer, unless something is working for you and with his time at BBTS and Banco drawing to a close, Conceicao is foreseeing new market opportunities within the openbanking space. “This is the future of the financial system and there will be many services, creating multiple lines of revenue,” he says. “With very low interest rates, banks are not making money as they used to do and that’s the biggest challenge. Banks’ payroll is still a high-cost item in the financial statements and we may see a reduction as they push to the digital landscape. Banks won’t be able to charge services as they used to do. “I truly believe that banking-as-a-service will be a new frontier. You have to understand banking-as-a-service and foresee a forgo of the building full of bricks, with a safe inside. That cash handling may be quite down in the next coming years. And that’s certainly how I see my next challenge and the next transition in terms of the business, and technology.”
B BTS: a digital st rategy