Givaudan - Brochure 2021

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Procurement with purpose

Project partners

Procurement with purpose How procurement is critical in allowing Givaudan to be a force for good while leaving a lasting positive impact on the world around us...

Written by

Dale Benton

Produced by

Heykel Ouni

P ro cure m e nt w i th p ur p ose



y its own definition,

“Procurement organisations

Givaudan is committed

have proven that their contri-

to growth, with purpose.

bution to company growth is

A global industry leader creat-

paramount,” explains Willem

ing game-changing innovation in

Mutsaerts, CPO and CSO of

food and beverages, and inspiring

Givaudan. “They’ve also proven

creations in the world of scent

that involving them early in the

and beauty, Givaudan’s herit-

product development cycle is crit-

age stretches back over 250

ical – as a business with custom-

years. The company has a long

ers at its core, we have a vital role

history of creating and innovat-

to play here as we grow together.”

ing scents and tastes, and acting responsibly. As a company driving purpose-

“Over the past few years, sustainability has become increasingly important for

led, long-term growth, Givaudan’s

Givaudan with clear and bold

intention is to increase its positive

company objectives. It is fully

impact on the world by innovating

embedded in our corporate strat-

sustainable solutions while show-

egy and company purpose.”

ing its love for nature and leading

One of the first things notice-

the way to improve happiness and

able about Mutsaerts' role is

health for people.

its duality. Mutsaerts sits at the

Procurement, it goes without

executive table on behalf of both

saying given its position in the

the procurement function and

broader supply chain ecosys-

sustainability of the organisation.

tem, plays a pivotal role in this and

From this position, he can ensure

while sustainability is not exactly

that procurement truly influ-

a new topic for the procurement

ences the company’s strategic

professionals of the world, in

decisions while also being able

recent years it most certainly

to work with suppliers on their

has risen to the forefront of busi-

sustainability best practices and

ness strategy.

drive real lasting change.

P ro cure m e nt w i th p ur p ose

Willem Mutsaerts Chief Procurement & Sustainability Officer at Givaudan Willem Mutsaerts joined Givaudan in 1989, initially with responsibility for sales in Benelux. He moved on to become Regional Account Manager for the APAC region in Singapore before being appointed Head of Global Purchasing for Fragrances. In 2001, he took commercial responsibility for Fragrance consumer products in the EAME region, and in 2007 was appointed Head of Global Operations Fragrances. Willem was appointed Head of Global Procurement and a member of the Executive Committee in October 2015. He took on the additional responsibility of head of Givaudan’s Sustainability programme as of March 2017. Willem has a degree in international marketing, and is the holder of an MBA obtained at Golden Gate University in Singapore, and postgraduate certified in Sustainable Business by the University of Cambridge.



Given the dual nature of his role, Mutsaerts’ represents something of an exception in the procurement space. “I often go to global external or sustainability meetings where people envy the positioning of procurement and sustainability at Givaudan as others sometimes depend on the chief financial officer to make a decision or they must work with the global supply chain manager to influence change," he says. “In my case, I have overall responsibility. Being able to see the manoeuvring and transparency on everything and being able to set the priorities and decide on that in line with the executive committee strategy is a great advantage for a company to progress and accelerate decision making. This makes a lot of sense as everything we buy (Scope 3) represents approximately 85% of our total GHG impact. So there is a clear natural overlap.” As Willem has already noted, doing business in a more sustainable way is at the heart of the company’s purpose. Much of this is being increasingly driven by a customer base which has access to more information about an organisation’s carbon footprint and sustainable best practice than ever before. So what about the how? How is Givaudan driving sustainable best practice across its entire P ro cure m e nt w i th p ur p ose

“ Collaboration is essential in delivering on our bold ambitions and a transparent dialogue with our suppliers is vital to ensuring the long-term sustainability of our supply chain” — Wi llem M u t s aer t s Chief P ro c ure m e nt & Sustai n abi l i ty Office r at G i vaudan

operation and embedding it within its global supply chain for direct and indirect materials and services? By 2030, Givaudan will look to have cut carbon emissions across all of its operations by 70%, supply chain emissions by 20%, replacing single-use plastics with eco-friendly alternatives across its sites and operations. By 2050 Givaudan will be a climate positive business. Focusing on the here and now, Givaudan recently introduced its Sourcing4Good programme which has been co-created with customers, specialists and internal stakeholders. “It represents a strengthening of our work in responsible sourcing as we continue to deliver on our ambitious goal to source all materials and services in a way that protects people and the environment by 2030,” he explains. “Sourcing4Good is an important 9

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P ro cure m e nt w i th p ur p ose

step-change in our approach as we strive to be a force for good and create for happier, healthier lives with love for nature. It is strongly tied to our purpose goals and bold ambitions to become a B Corp certified company in the years to come. As the first in the industry to have a published Responsible Sourcing policy, we have always shown leadership in this area.” Elsewhere, Givaudan has redefined how it works with its supplier base in order to standardise sustainable best practices throughout its entire supply chain ecosystem. Through a combination of a dedicated sustainability team working on its scope 3 roadmap together with procurement, Givaudan has trained its buyers to better understand what's at stake as well as setting defined sustainability objectives supported by a global Vendor Quality Organisation. “Since recently, we also work with organisations like Together for Sustainability (TfS); a global sector supply chain initiative,” adds Mutsaerts. “Collaboration is essential in delivering on our bold ambitions and a transparent dialogue with our suppliers is vital to ensuring the long-term sustainability of our supply chain. “As we take the next step in our responsible sourcing journey with the launch of 11

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P ro cure m e nt w i th p ur p ose


our new Sourcing4Good programme, the

programme where for selected supply

additional knowledge and insight our TfS

chains Givaudan has “feet on the ground”

membership will bring will be invaluable in

to assure best practice and to protect the

helping ensure we can continue to accel-

environment and the communities.

erate our progress as we grow together with our customers and suppliers.”

“As the world changes, so does procurement,” says Mutsaerts.

So it’s clear just how integral procurement and the supply chain really is for sustainability and for Givaudan, but this is not a dynamic that happened overnight.

“ As the world changes, so does procurement...”

The evolution of procure-

— Wi llem M u t s aer t s

ment is a tale well told,

Chief P ro c ure m e nt & Sustai n abi l i ty

but it’s also a tale that

Offic e r at G i vaudan

continues to gather pace. As organisations the world over invest in their supply chain and

“Procurement had to evolve and adopt

procurement functions, Givaudan has

innovative and smarter ways to digital-

spent the better part of the last decade

ise the supply chains and unlock new

implementing the infrastructure neces-

growth opportunities. From Procurement

sary for the company to continue oper-

1.0 (focus on price and seen as mainly

ating to the best of its abilities again and

a negotiator), Procurement 2.0 (focus

again. “Suppliers are also an important

on total cost of ownership and acting as

part of our success. For this the company

strategic collaborator), Procurement 3.0

has developed the Connect to Win initi-

(focus on value and acting as a trusted

ative which is a dedicated platform for

advisor) and lately to Procurement 4.0

suppliers to work with Givaudan on its

in line with Industry 4.0 with a focus on

unmet needs.”

digital where procurement is seen as an

Another important activity that contributes to the increasing demand from

innovation catalyst.” In 2015, Mutsaerts spearheaded a

consumers for transparency and showing

new procurement direction, connecting

love for nature is Givaudan’s Origination

procurement to all functions across all 13

levels of the organisation. This

Sustainability: procurement as

strategy, which ran from 2015-

key contributors to Givaudan’s

2020, saw procurement move

global sustainability ambitions

from cost control to value crea-

by leading the way in supplier

tion and increased collabora-

engagement and scope 3

tion. Establishing procurement

“The past cycle was our strong

as a key stakeholder involved in

foundation to be well equipped to

the market strategy, procure-

overcome the many challenges

ment needed to be an agile team

in procurement and sustainability

that seeks alignment with inter-

we have to face,” he says. “Our

nal customers and stakeholders

new strategic direction takes into

ensuring continuous support to

account the fast-moving external

divisional and corporate strate-

developments, the evolving busi-

gies. Procurement, as we know,

ness needs and also the lessons

cannot stand still. As Mutsaerts

learned from the past. It also

noted, the world changes and as

takes in account internal devel-

we speak today Givaudan has

opments such as our company

embarked on the next stages of

purpose and the corporate,

its procurement evolution. One

divisional long term strategy as

that will focus on 5 key pillars:

everything we do in procurement and sustainability is in response

Fuelling Performance: gener-

to an overarching clear business

ating value beyond savings and

ambition and need.”

fuelling growth of the company

The continued evolution of digi-

by driving innovation

tal procurement, which over the

People: empowered and

last few years has accelerated

engaged people with the right

exponentially, cannot go unno-

skills in the right place

ticed. While technology does not

Simplification: a continuous

define the procurement story, it

improvement mindset

certainly enables it in a way like

Business Continuity: striving

never before. Procurement is a

not to lose business opportuni-

function which relies on informa-

ties caused by supply disruptions

tion and so technology has vastly

P ro cure m e nt w i th p ur p ose


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improved the way in which an organisation both captures and understands data which for an enterprise looking to improve its environmental impact, can and very much does make all the difference. As Mutsaerts notes: “The current technological evolution is enabling databased decision making, lower costs, enhanced faster delivery, improved level of service and increased automated processes (i.e. invoicing).” “This is a journey, we still have quite some complexity to manage due to the challenges of the industry we are in and the complexity of the raw materials and services we buy, but we are confident that in the long run, technology can help organisations like ours be more efficient. It is key for our decision making processes to rely on data.” He acknowledges that where procurement once found itself struggling to access the right information, it now exists in a world where information is more accessible than ever before. Over the coming years, Givaudan will continue to adapt its interfaces and simplify its processes to ‘drive adoption of new ways of working”. “Only good adoption will allow us to fully grasp the opportunities that can come with the technological advancements we continuously integrate in our organisations,” he adds. 17

“ We see many opportunities; to do things differently, to push ourselves to go further and to contribute to tackling the big challenges for society. These are exciting times for us all” — W i l l e m M u t s a er t s C hi ef P ro cu re ment & Sustaina bility O ff i c e r at Givau dan

P ro cure m e nt w i th p ur p ose


Looking back over the last five years, Mutsaerts has great pride in the work that he and his team have done in bringing procurement to the fore and significantly improving the way in which Givaudan operates. A humble man, Mutsaerts is a firm believer that where he and the procurement function are today is a culmination of incredible collaboration - he does not see himself as the key to any of the successes achieved. He is but a harbinger for procurement’s true value. He recalls a time where, at the start of this procurement journey, he gathered his team together in a hotel as part of a strategic exercise. “A procurement strategy has to be owned by the decision-makers and not by somebody who writes it for somebody else,” he says. “We as a team went to a hotel and said: ‘We don't come out of here until it's done and we're all aligned.” He continues: “It was tough because everybody had different ideas from people who were interested, but strangely enough, the outcome of a four-day intensive discussion was a one pager. Everybody knew exactly every word, what it meant, why it was there and why some other things were not there. It gave us a lot of clarity on decision making, what the priorities are and how we want to work together as a P ro cure m e nt w i th p ur p ose

high-performing team and to this day, it’s worked out pretty well.” With procurement now well and truly recognised by its business partners, Mutsaerts and his team are shaping its maturity from version 1.0, which focused solely on price to version 4.0; utilising big data, leveraging digital processes and tools, enabling meaningful partnerships to address top line challenges, and sustainability topics as part of the company's 2025 vision. The duality of Mutsaerts’ role is not the only unique thing about him. Where we often hear of procurement professionals overseeing a transformation project before moving on to new chapters in their careers, he has had the luxury of working with Givaudan for more than 25 years. Over the course of that time he has worked in sales in Paris, customer relationships in Singapore and headed global operations for fragrances based in Switzerland. He is a successful example of how Givaudan grows its leaders having been exposed to many facets of the business from sales functions in various regions to leading a development center and heading global operations for fragrances. This gives a unique set of skills and credibility to bridge the business with procurement 21

P ro cure m e nt w i th p ur p ose

and sustainability for both divisions.

local producers and their communities

As he stands today as CPO and CSO,

truly benefit from working with us.”

Mutsaerts shares his passion for

“Challenges bring opportunities for us

procurement and how it is a passion

to innovate. We want to capitalise on our

shared across his team. A passion that

innovation programme (Connect to Win)

shows no signs of fading away.

to work together with a selection of our

“I really enjoy the journey together with all my team members. In both procurement and sustainability within

suppliers to find innovative solutions for our unmet business needs.” Every day is different and on a daily

Givaudan, you can make a real impact,”

basis you have to work with internal

he says. “Currently we buy over 13.000

and external stakeholders across the

raw materials from rare natural ingre-

globe which is really enriching. We see

dients to large bulk commodities and

many opportunities; to do things differ-

also a large variety of Indirect Materials

ently, to push ourselves to go further

and Services with increased complex-

and to contribute to tackling the big

ity due to the many acquisitions made

challenges for society. These are excit-

during the last several years. Our team

ing times for us all.”

of approximately 200 global category managers and procurement business partner teams based in all regions of the world and supported by our 3 Global Business Supports (GBS) centers work closely work closely together with the rest of the organisation to ensure that products are responsibly sourced and secure a stable supply to make sure that


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