Banco Bradesco - Brochure 2021

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Diversification through Procurement

Project partners

Diversification through Procurement Manoel Guedes (Procurement Director) and Douglas Klimak (Head of Procurement Transformation), look at how procurement can prove essential to Bradesco’s future...

Written by

Dale Benton

Produced by

Richard Deane

D i versi fi c ati o n through P rocurement



s one of the leaders in Brazil’s private financial sector, a procurement transformation

for Banco Bradesco carries with it a responsibility to unlock real change for procurement throughout the country. Maturity, particularly in procurement, is a key goal that underlines procurement transformation for many organizations and for Bradesco this is no different. Look across the procurement arena across Brazil and the picture is somewhat different when compared to procurement in Europe or the US. For Douglas Klimak, Head of Procurement Transformation at Banco Bradesco, he recognizes the significance of his company’s transformation in moving the procurement needle further to where it should be for both the company and wider Brazil. “I do feel that we have a huge opportunity to elevate procurement function

Procurement, as we know, has spent

in Brazil,” he says. “All businesses are

the best part of the last decade trans-

being transformed aiming to be more

forming in the eyes of the board into a

innovative, digital and cost effective, and

more strategic function that aligns with

Procurement has all tools and disciplines

(and sometimes dictates) the broader

to play a protagonist role in that scenario.

strategic roadmap for organizations the

As a result, Procurement acting strategi-

world over. Klimak has seen this first

cally will drive a more mature education

hand and recalls his earlier days where

process for procurement professionals

he was almost admonished for electing to

in the country. We face a long path ahead

follow a career in procurement. “I’ve been

of us in the next few years to truly elevate

working for a business area and was told

the procurement function in Brazil.”

previously that procurement was a back

D i versi fi c ati o n through P rocurement

office area inside a financial organization

where increased competition (such

with no protagonist,” he says. “It wasn’t

as fintechs) and a changing customer

until I was inside the function myself that

behavior has forced a rethink as to what,

I began to understand just how important

and how, banks can provide for their

it is for a company and I believe that this

customers. Diversification is not a new

importance continues to grow year by

concept, but diversification through

year which provides huge opportunities to

procurement is most certainly the

establish a protagonist career,” he says.

way forward for Bradesco and this is

For Bradesco, and banking in general,

because procurement is moving away

procurement transforma-

from cost reduction and avoidance

tion is born out of an

and focusing on adding value to the


Business and their strategies. 5

Rethinking the future of Procurement for the new needs

imposed by key business imperatives The role of the procurement executive is changing and all over the world, the maturity of procurement is an evolving conversation. In areas such as the US and UK, procurement sits in a significantly elevated position within an organisation, with a broader and more strategic scope of action. In others, such as Brasil, the procurement maturity conversation to beyond transactional scope, is only just beginning. “The role should be much more strategic,” explains Rodrigo Damiano, Partner, PwC. “Procurement must be the main element of the whole digital transformation that companies are partaking in right now, but with a completely different role, a completely different way of interacting, and way of proposing alternatives to the business.” In Brazil, most of the procurement fuctions is still structured and focused on cost, control, compliance and risk. Procurement is designed to keep the transactional engine running. PwC Brasil is supporting Bradesco’s procurement transformation to become a key cog in achieving innovation and growth.

In order to transform procurement in such a huge organization, a strong partner is required. The first step that was taken together, was a step towards benchmarking. Bradesco and PwC looked across the globe at leading procurement functions in order to truly understand what the company wants (and needs) its procurement to be. In doing this, visiting international companies and assessing Bradesco’s existing infrastructure, PwC and Bradesco identified a vision. The challenge comes from bringing about real change while maintaining business continuity. Disrupt the cog in the middle and the whole system falls apart. To overcome this, Damiano believes that knowledge and level of specialization of the personnel are key. “It’s about possessing a deep knowledge of the business, the pain points and complexities across the business - which procurement is in prime position to possess,” he says.

“Combine that with experience of the categories and the deep knowledge of the suppliers’ market and then you generate great value for the business.” “And then there’s the data, which we use to support the discussions, the prepositions and everything that is part of the life cycle of the procurement. By accessing and understanding quality data, procurement can spend quality time focusing on strategic and tactical discussion, using deep business knowledge, the experience of the suppliers’ market and backing it up with the data.

“Procurement must be the main element of the whole digital transformation that companies are partaking in right now, but with a completely different role, a completely different way of interacting, and way of proposing alternatives to the business.”

Bring challenges. Take trust.

“It doesn’t matter what kind of transformation you have, or what kind of operating model you design, it’s not possible to have the benefit if you don’t change the way, the direction and the board thinking.”

Rodrigo Damiano Partner, PwC Brasil Supply Chain Consulting leader

For me, if we combine these three elements, we can have a procurement function that is well positioned and takes real value to the business.” Change management; two words that can make, or break, a transformation and yet change management is a key part of the way transformation provokes the organization. In procurement, leaders need to communicate this to the organization and show in a structured way that it is generating results. “You are helping the business generate results, to create or increase the business and to meet strategic targets,” he says.

PwC Brasil


“Change management needs to be aligned to everything that the procurement is promoting, creating and discussing during the transformation.” With the larger, legacy-laden organisations, global benchmarks and/or partner/consultants can prove key to provoking the conversation. “It doesn’t matter what kind of transformation you have, or what kind of operating model you design, it’s not possible to have the benefit if you don’t change the way, the direction and the board thinking,” he adds.

PwC Brasil


PwC Brasil

“Everything should start from the beginning. Start from a maturity understanding, look at the process, organization and technology. Bring in global, local and industry specific benchmarks and look at both the qualitative maturity level and what your current KPIs are. Then you can see what the main areas of opportunities are, what’s the size of the expected benefits, how long the whole transformation roadmap will take and how to prioritize your movements in order to begin achieving the wins required to gather momentum”, ends.


PwC refers to the PricewaterhouseCoopers Brasil Ltda. member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see structure for further details. © 2021 PricewaterhouseCoopers Brasil Ltda. All rights reserved.

“We are the main link between the company and the market,” explains Klimak. “We should have a clear view of business needs and what the market is offering to bring innovation for the company. To achieve that, Procurement should be at a good mature level with a close relationship with business areas. Right now, we are reshaping procurement by looking at the end to end journey, considering all aspects of the change: people, process, governance, structure and system. Not only looking for the purchase side but also establishing demand, contract and supplier management disciplines, procurement is increasing the risk coping in Bradesco. I’m seeing firsthand just how much the procurement department function can add value to the company.” Procurement is the main link between the company and the market, as Klimak highlights, but to think of it as simply like

challenging the way that we have

that possibly reduces the true poten-

done our job and we are willing to do

tial and scope of the function. Manoel

it far earlier. This way, we can start the

Guedes, Procurement Director, believes

procurement planning sooner and

that the procurement area must be part

find out how we can better support the

of the very first moment when businesses

business needs.

are discussing the needs. “In sticking with a traditional view

Guedes continues: “We’re also challenging ourselves to go further. Not only

of procurement, our scope of action

looking at the pricing dimension, but

has been limited and, consequently,

the services that are actually delivered

the added value,” he says. “We are

and the quality of them. This journey is

D i versi fi c ati o n through P rocurement

about looking at how we can improve the role of procurement and bring more value to business.” So Bradesco is on a procurement journey, one that will see procurement walk hand in hand with all areas of the business and their strategies and be the key cog in achieving innovation and growth. Klimak outlines it as such: when other business areas think about their strategy, procurement needs to participate and play an active role in that strategic discussion. For him, if Procurement departments achieve that level of recognition, it means that the transformation is succeeding. “We are moving closer to the business to add value to their strategy,” he says. “By doing this, we take the company to another level with regards to costs and revenue, innovation and customer experience.”

“ We are moving closer to the business to add value to the strategy. By doing this, we take the company to another level with regards to costs and revenue, innovation and customer experience” — Do u g l as Kli m a k Head of Procurement Transfor m ati o n , B an c o B rade s c o


Challenge number one is identifying

broken? Bradesco has a strong legacy

the why, which Bradesco did and so chal-

of successful operations and Klimak

lenge number two becomes: how? What

says bringing best practices from the

does it look like and how is the company

hub of Procurement was very important

going to get to where it needs to be?

because it allows people to learn from the

This is where Bradesco worked closely

best of the best and to see for themselves

with PwC as Klimak recognizes that in

the true benefit that will come from the

order to transform procurement in such


a huge organization, a strong partner is

“This benchmarking allowed us to

required. The first step that was taken

understand what are the best world

together, was a step towards benchmark-

class procurement standards and the

ing. Bradesco looked across the globe at

principal issues that will be addressed in

leading procurement functions in order

the next future.

to truly understand what the company wants (and needs) its procurement to be. In doing this, visiting international

It’s not only about bringing more efficiency or cost reduction, but actually boosting the innovation process of our

companies and assessing Bradesco’s

organization. Procurement as a strategic

existing infrastructure, Bradesco iden-

part in order for us to add more value in

tified a vision. And Klimak speaks of

our operations and best services to our

another key benefit that comes from

clients,” adds Guedes.

striking a key relationship with a strong

A common challenge that many

partner. “Simply put, it brings a good

procurement professionals face is:

sense for the project,” he says. “What I

procurement knows procurement, but

mean is that I can show the business that

other business areas and disciplines do

we have a strong partner, that we are

not. Klimak is all too aware of this chal-

bringing the best practices in the market,

lenge and that notion of credibility helps

and we know that it works. It solidifies

communicate the value of procurement to

credibility for the project.”

those who simply do not see it for what it

This credibility proves crucial in an

is. But the key for him is recognizing one

organization that has operated success-

thing. “We are specialized in procure-

fully for a number of years. When trans-

ment, but we are not specialized in other

formation enters the conversation, the

business matters,” he laughs.

first question is often why fix what isn’t

“As part of that international

D i versi fi c ati o n through P rocurement

Manoel Guedes, P r o c u r e m e n t D i r e c t o r, Banco Bradesco


“ ...if we aren’t a collaborative department, and if the business doesn’t understand our idea or how we can help them to achieve their goals, it means they don’t believe in us...” — D o u gl as Kli ma k Head of Procurement Tra nsform ati o n , B an c o B rade s c o

benchmarking we looked at how those

In order for Bradesco to do this, Klimak

companies moved Procurement from a

speaks of how this movement can only

transactional role to a strategic one and

come once procurement has reached

we saw that all of them even though they

that higher strategic level in the company.

are in a high mature level they are still

“To create that environment where busi-

running long transformation journeys.

nesses understand the Procurement

Also, we looked at how procurement

importance, Procurement should be

works closer with the business and to

customer oriented. What I mean by that

do that they put in place a strong talent

is, all pillars of procurement (people,

management and also create an envi-

process, governance, structure and

ronment to establish the procurement

system) should focus on how we can

business partner role which has a strong

make the business grow. Working with

knowledge about the business and make

this mindset Procurement will become

a link between those areas. Increasing

a more sexy area mainly for talent (both

the business knowledge inside procure-

existing and future talent)”.

ment and having strategic discussions

“Another important aspect that we

with them, the businesses start under-

mapped during benchmarking even

standing how much value procurement

though we are talking about Procurement

can bring to their operations.”

4.0, focusing only in technology doesn’t

D i versi fi c ati o n through P rocurement

increase the procurement maturity level

waves: fundamental changes – rede-

because it doesn’t solve all procure-

sign the operating model, consolidation

ment problems, especially relationship

– automation; and then evolution – new

matters – firstly it is important to focus on

techs (AI, Blockchain, etc.).

organization redesign, people upskilling

In transformation and change, results

and culture change – those items play

speak the loudest and for Klimak and

an important role to put procurement in

Bradesco these results will continue

another level. When procurement already

to define the road ahead for procure-

defines the business model, technology

ment. While this procurement journey

should come to support that operation

has certain KPIs that are unique to

and of course bring automation, effi-

Bradesco, such as cost reduction or risk

ciency and time to market.”

mitigation, the one overarching achieve-

In order for Bradesco to follow those

ment is that move towards becom-

good practices, Klimak says that the

ing a true business partner. Achieving

transformation is established in three

that status is the key to enabling true 13

innovation, increased revenue and reducing the costs of operation. In the quest to achieve this, Klimak is

reach their needs,” he says. “Our people are really committed to the Transformation Project. We take

quick to highlight that this isn’t HIS story.

good care of communication, what we

Nor is it Bradesco’s story. It’s the people

are doing and goals. We all share the

who make up procurement and those

same desire to elevate our procurement

collaborating and driving the movement

area to a world-class level. Sharing this

forward. This transformation is nothing

journey with our team has been the best

without the people. “When we talk

part of this project.”

about transformation, we are not just

A collaborative culture is all well and

talking about process, system, govern-

good, but it needs to be built on honesty

ance, or structure. We are talking about

and transparency. Procurement sits in

culture,” he says.

a very strong position within the busi-

“We are transforming our procure-

ness, but it’s also a very challenging one.

ment culture, increasing the scope of our

Procurement is an orchestrator for busi-

day-to-day activities. We are working

ness continuity and a conduit which all

very hard in branding our transformation. It’s easy for us to say: ‘This change is good so get on board’ so it’s very important that we take care of the communication and work very closely with our teams, and our people, to help them understand just how key each and every one of their roles are in all of this.” As Procurement Director, Guedes knows full well just how important people are. For him, Procurement will always be a job where people add the greatest value. “We must automatize processes and operational acquisitions, but the value that people add is incredible. People always bring the knowledge about markets, suppliers and the best way to D i versi fi c ati o n through P rocurement


Douglas Klimak Head of Procurement Transformation at Banco Bradesco Douglas has 14 years of experience working for Financial industry, leading transformations in a diversity of disciplines such as Business Intelligence, CRM, Digital Channels, Information Technology, Procurement and Retail Banking. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, a MBA in Project Management, a Master’s degree in Lean Six Sigma and an International Executive MBA with extension classes at University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University.

D i versi fi c ati o n through P rocurement

business areas run through. Procurement has a connection like none other and it’s important that when it engages with the business it can tackle the key issues that the business is facing. “As a cross-functional team, we should engage other areas on sourcing/purchasing discussions, creating an environment of cross-boundary ownership of tasks and problems and make all involved move to the same direction,” Klimak says. “We are involved in a hard scenario internally; if we aren’t a collaborative department, and if the business doesn’t understand our idea or how we can help them to achieve their goals, it means they don’t believe in us and they won’t open the space or the subject that we need to

“ Seamlessly working with the business to participate in their strategies and add value to those strategies is the best possible KPI we can achieve. If we keep this mentality, then I have no doubt that we will succeed” — D o u g las K limak H e ad of P ro c ure m e nt Tran sfo rm ati o n , B an c o B rade s c o

address value to them.” Guedes reaffirms the significance of

A procurement transformation is a

working closely with the business. “It’s

never-ending process of continuous

extremely fundamental. It’s impossible to

improvement, continuous challenge

add value to our internal clients if we are

and continuously pushing the bound-

not close with them,”

aries of what’s possible and while

“We are implementing business part-

Klimak and procurement at Bradesco

ners to our internal clients to better

are working hard to achieve consid-

understand their needs since the very

erable successes to date, tomorrow

start and manage it through the process.

is a new day. Over the next 12 months,

To do it, we have to be there from the

procurement activities will continue to

very beginning till the end. If we are

accelerate as Klimak looks to continue

distant from our internal clients, we will

to reshape the collaboration between

not be able to reach their needs, and the

procurement and business, implement-

organization will suffer.”

ing a new procurement platform and 17

D i versi fi c ati o n through P rocurement

looking at how the procurement model

value to those strategies is the

can continue to inform and influence the

best possible KPI we can achieve.

future of the business.

If we keep this mentality, then I

For Klimak, when he started working on Procurement Transformation, he did

have no doubt that we will succeed.” Guedes adds: “At the beginning of this

so with a single belief that he consid-

journey, we knew that it was necessary

ers one key KPI for the transformation

to have a view of the best purchasing

success. He hopes this is a belief that

practices, the potential for the evolution

many others share.

of these functions and the value that

“Procurement, broadly speaking, has become so elevated that it finds

we could add to our organization. Now we know that our main objective

itself involved in the important discus-

is to implement an environment, where

sions because they have a policy in the

our people could continually improve

company, or they have the documents

the pillars of efficiency and innovation,

that make the business involve procure-

through agile and effective purchases.

ment, but I don’t believe that is the best

This journey is like a wheel that we will

way to be involved in Business matters,”

keep turning because procurement will

he says. “I don’t want to be involved

always evolve, but we have gained the

because it’s an obligation. I want to be

hearts of our people and are working and

involved because I add value to you.

we are committed to deliver a world-class

Seamlessly working with the business

procurement function that will play a key

to participate in their strategies and add

role in the future of the organization.” 19

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