OXFORD BUSINESS PARK Oxford, OX4 2JZ TO LET 4,000 sq ft – 25,000 sq ft New contemporary refurbished offices with exposed services and a dedicated concierge service providing an inspiring working environment.
13A & 14A STATION FIELD Kidlington, OX5 1JD TO LET 3,927 sq ft – 8,529 sq ft Warehouse/Trade units fully refurbished. Station Field is an established commercial location offering a mix of trade and industrial users.
1-5 WITAN PARK, AVENUE TWO Station Lane, Witney, OX28 4YT TO LET 4,915sq ft – 72,173 sq ft Extensively refurbished and ready for occupation, located on the popular Station Lane commercial/trade estate. Units available individually or combined..
14 FENCHURCH COURT Bobby Fryer Close, Oxford, OX4 6ZN TO LET 2,593 sq ft Refurbished 50/50 building with main road frontage, close to Oxford Ring Road, Mini Factory and Oxford Retail Park.
unrivalled local and regional expertise Richard Venables rvenables@vslandp.com Tom Barton tbarton@vslandp.com Duncan May dmay@vslandp.com