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R & R
B4 Berkshire It’s New Territory for B4 we Have Received a Warm Welcome and Fantastic Early Support
The Bottom Line So You Want to Get Involved? See B4 Rates for On and Off Line Presence Inside
Olympic Sponsorship and Going for Gold Leading Berkshire Law Firm, Pitmans, Gives B4 Readers the Inside Track on Sports Sponsorship
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Reading Offices: 47 Castle Street, Reading Berkshire, RG1 7SR Tel: +44 (0) 118 958 0224
www.b4-business.com Contacts If you want to contact B4 Magazine Telephone: 01865 742211 info@b4-business.com Publisher B4 Magazine is published by Designs On Ltd, The Firs, Headington Hill, Oxford, OX3 0BT Chairman Colin Rosser colin@designs-on.co.uk Editor Richard Rosser editorial@b4-business.com Art Editor Keith Simpson artwork@b4-business.com
Contents Page 4 How Can I Connect With B4 Berkshire? Page 6 B4 Berkshire Page 8 Reading College Is Changing Pages 9, 11 Magazine Rates Page 10 Launchpad Page 13 The New B4 Berkshire Website Page 14 Web Rates
Welcome to B4 Inside Five years ago we launched B4 Magazine in Oxfordshire. The Magazine has established itself as the leading free distribution business magazine in the county, giving businesses of all sizes a regular platform to raise their profile. Operating alongside our website and regular events, B4 is facilitating business to business contact at all levels. Moving to a new county presents us with a fresh challenge, but we have already received a fantastic welcome in our preliminary discussions with leading businesses in Berkshire who have demonstrated a very real appetite for B4. We know we can deliver and we know we can make a difference. But, the hard work starts now. It has been fantastic to secure the support of many leading businesses already in the area, not least Reading FC and Chairman Sir John Madejski’s wholehearted support for B4. We have also established an excellent working relationship with Reading College and Principal Lesley Donaghue. Read more about how we will be connecting with Reading College on page 8 of this brochure.
Page 18 The Vineyard
For free Subscription, please contact: Telephone: 01865 742211 info@b4-business.com Subscriptions For free Subscription, please contact: Telephone: 01865 742211 info@b4-business.com Each business with a Berkshire postcode is entitled to one free copy per issue. For additional copies and for businesses outside of Berkshire, there is an annual subscription charge of £25.
© Designs-on Ltd and B4 Magazine. Whilst every attempt has been made to ensure that the content of this publication is accurate and correct in every way, the publishers cannot be held responsible or liable for any inaccuracies or errors within the publication. Information reproduced from this publication is permitted with the express permission of the publisher and the advertiser, where relevant. All information is correct at time of going to press.
B4 Oxfordshire and B4 Berkshire are printed by www.stonestheprinters.co.uk
We have been busy laying the foundations for B4 in Berkshire
Ruraigh Whitehead, General Manager of Millennium Madejski Hotel, has also been a great supporter of B4 and I would like to thank him for his generosity in hosting the launch at Cilantro. We look forward to working with Ruraigh on a number of B4 initiatives in the future. Our first committed Platinum Ambassadors were leading Berkshire law firm, Pitmans LLP, giving us a tremendous boost early on in our discussions with local businesses. I would like to extend my thanks to Christopher Avery and his team for showing such faith in B4. Read an introductory article from Pitmans on page 16. The list goes on, but thankyou to everyone who has helped get us to this stage, from those who have helped introduce us to new contacts to our six hundred Twitter followers - we value your assistance and look forward to working with you.
Page 16 Pitmans
6. B4 Berkshire
I would also like to mention our preferred charity for 2012, Launchpad. We actively promote all charities in B4, offering complimentary charity memberships to any member of B4 who would like to give their preferred local charity a complimentary membership. However, in Oxfordshire we nominated Macmillan Cancer Support (for whom we hope to have raised over £25,000 by the end of the year) as our preferred charity for 2011 and Oxfam will fill this role for 2012. Launchpad will be our first preferred charity of the year for B4 Berkshire and we look forward to working with Colin Wallace and his colleagues in 2012. We sincerely hope that B4 Berkshire can make a real difference to you and your business and value any feedback, good and bad, about what we are doing - it’s the only way we will improve.
13. B4 Website Providing the third element of B4’s platform alongside the magazine and quarterly networking events.
16. Going for Gold Leading Berkshire Law Firm, Pitmans, give B4 readers the inside track on sports sponsorship
Richard Rosser Editor
B4 Magazine was originally established to provide Oxfordshire businesses with a clear voice to raise their profile and to help businesses connect. Direct mailed to three thousand business decision makers in Oxfordshire every quarter, B4 is regarded as Oxfordshire’s leading free distribution business publication. B4 Berkshire is our first venture outside of Oxfordshire and we hope it will be the first of many B4’s in counties throughout the UK. B4 is funded by paid for display advertising and editorial, although some editorial is granted without charge at the discretion of the Editor. Please call us to find out how you can get involved. WHY NOT FOLLOW B4 MAGAZINE ON
18. The Vineyard Executive Chef, Daniel Galmiche, regarded by many as ‘the king of contemporary French cooking’,
HOW CAN I CONNECT WITH B4 BERKSHIRE? We’re very good at sending out information at B4 but sometimes you can’t see the wood from the trees with all of the info we beombard you with! So, we’ve surpassed ourselves this time and laid out an easy guide for you to see how you can connect with us at B4, and, more specifically, B4 Berkshire. If you have any questions, we’re always available to discuss your requirements, so call us on 01865 742211 or e-mail editorial@b4-business.com.
We know that you must be asked to sign your lives away on a regular basis, but we want you to commit and, more importantly, benefit from B4 for the long haul. We believe in long term working relationships, and so we’re asking you to let us prove ourselves to you and your colleagues by taking out a no obligation B4 trial membership. It’s free until the end of the year, and there’s no catch. So, if you don’t feel the benefit, you don’t need to sign up for the annual membership. But, we hope you’ll like what you see.
We can either accept editorial direct from you, with accompanying hi res images, or, we will interview you, in person or on the phone. Articles are then proofed for your approval, tweaks made and more proofs sent through – the record is 17 drafts so please don’t try and beat it! You’ll see the final version exactly as it appears in the printed magazine, so no surprises!
All Berkshire based businesses are entitled to one complimentary copy of B4 Berkshire every quarter. If you need multiple copies, please contact us on 01865 742211 or e-mail editorial@b4business.com and we can discuss your requirements. We do deliver bulk amounts of B4 to selected outlets and we could well be interested in delivering to you at no charge. It just depends on where you are and how much traffic you get through your business. Hotels and Conference Venues are great, for example.
We actively promote members, press releases, articles and events on our B4 Twitter account for Oxfordshire, Facebook pages and LinkedIn. This will happen automatically for B4 Berkshire, so why not join us? At the time of going to press we already have over 600 Twitter followers for B4 Berkshire, not far off the 900 for Oxfordshire so there’s some genuine interest in what we are doing - and we haven’t even got started yet!
We are offering early discounts for commitment to memberships, so if you want to go ahead and sign up for our 12 month membership, please take advantage of our discounted rates for those signing up before 31st December, 2011. We invoice you when you committ, but you still get the rest of this year free and your membership starts from 1st January, 2012 for 12 months. If you’re reading this after 1st January, your membership will be invoiced and start for 12 months from the date we get your request – we can action memberships in 24 hours. ADVERTISING WITH B4 BERKSHIRE See our rates on page 9. We provide a complimentary design service so if you need help designing your advert or re-creating a logo, please don’t hesitate to ask.
SIGN UP TO OUR E-NEWSLETTERS We regularly send out e-Newsletters promoting B4 members, including press releases, special events and B4 articles. So why not sign up on the site to make sure you receive our general B4 eNewsletters and dedicated member e-Newsletters delivered to your in box?
WHEN ARE THE B4 EVENTS? In the planning stage to be honest! We will be announcing events beyond our launch events on 18th and 19th January at Malmaison early in the new year, if not before. WILL WE BE HOLDING MORE EVENTS? Yes, we will be organizing monthly workshops as previously stated. More details to be announced soon. WHERE DO I FIND ADVERT SPECIFICATIONS? All of these are on the site but please call if you can’t find them. www.b4-business.com/berkshire
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS DO I GET EDITORIAL IN THE MAGAZINE AS PART OF MY MEMBERSHIP? Unfortunately, no. Membership gives you the membership benefits only. You will need to discuss magazine presence with us direct. CAN I ADVERTISE MY BUSINESS IN B4 OXFORDSHIRE? Again, no. Unless you have a business physically based in the county, we can’t accept your booking. I know it’s strange to turn down business but we firmly believe that if we accepted bookings like this then there’s no point in two magazines. We need to respect the geographical boundaries and those businesses that have been supporting us for five years. It works both ways. I WOULD LIKE TO OFFER MY SERVICES TO B4 AND THINK YOU B4 COULD BENEFIT FROM
WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER That’s great! Let us know what you think you can help with and we can have a chat about working together. HOW DO I FEATURE ON THE COVER? We have four lead articles in the year and part of this package is for the lead article company to feature on the cover. See our rate card for more details.
Images have to be hi res – if it looks bad to us, we won’t run it – it’s a bad reflection on your business so please don’t be offended if we reject images. We’ll help you sort out alternatives where we can.
It’s not as difficult as you might think. There’s a User Guide which appears on the site once you are logged in. But always feel free to call us and ask us for advice. In Oxfordshire we have been holding monthly workshops to help demonstrate how the site works, and we have built in other Member presentations alongside this. We will be starting these in Berkshire, most probably in the new year. We will be promoting the workshops through eNewsletters and our social media channels.
WHY IS IT GOOD TO BE AN AMBASSADOR? DO WE RUN FEATURES? You become a face for your business, a visual point of contact. We charge a premium for this so that we aren’t flooded with Ambassadors. It’s a valued title and we know it’s working for B4 Oxfordshire Ambassadors. Rate as per rate card – fixed irrespective of number of employees at £500+VAT per annum.
JUST A FEW HOUSE RULES! We are obviously happy to promote your business in B4, but please don’t put down your competition.
No logos in editorial. If we had a £1 for every time someone asked for a logo to appear in their article, we’d have enough to buy a small house. If you want your logo to appear in B4, you need to do it in an advert. Contact details in editorial – just websites I’m afraid. All contact details go to the back of the magazine.
As a rule, no, but that’s not to say this won’t change. We do publish supplements in Oxfordshire such as our Venues Guide, Celebrations Supplement and Education Guide. Let’s get the magazine bedded down first and we’ll look at publishing these later in 2012.
“We Look Forward To Working With You” 5
B4 BERKSHIRE The success of B4 in Oxfordshire has undoubtedly helped us gain a secure foothold in Berkshire and obtain the backing of some of the county’s leading businesses. The ‘model’ we have established in Oxfordshire, with printed magazine, web based business directory and quarterly Ambassador events, is the model we will establish in Berkshire, but, in reverse. We will also be running monthly workshops which have been so well received here in Oxfordshire . The website will be launched in October following a drinks event at Millennium Madejski Hotel at the Madejski Stadium, followed by the magazine launch in January, which will be at two open drinks evenings at Malmaison in Reading on 18th and 19th of January. We are also enlisting the support of Reading College and students working on related courses who will be supporting the production of B4 Berkshire. By working on a live publication, students will be able to demonstrate their skills in design, photography, journalism, admin and even sales, whilst at the same time gaining credits for their courses. “It really is a very positive scenario for everyone.” Commented Jane Slade, the College’s Programme Manager for Visual Arts. “B4
approached us back in April with an idea to allow students to work on the new B4 Berkshire Magazine. The students see the opportunity of working on a real publication as an invaluable experience which they simply cannot afford to miss out on, and we are looking forward to not only the students working with B4, but it’s also an excellent opportunity for the College to connect with Berkshire’s business community.” We are also hoping to announce the appointment of a B4 Berkshire Operations Manager shortly who will be the face of B4 Berkshire and co-ordinate sales, production and the B4 Berkshire events. Having secured the support of Reading College, we have since received confirmation of support from Reading Football Club, Malmaison Reading and The Millennium Madejski Hotel. A key supporter of B4 in Oxfordshire has been the Institute of Directors, and we are delighted to have enlisted the support of the IOD in Berkshire, through Chairman Ross Wilson. Ross is also the Chairman of his own firm of Business Consultants (Wilson Partners), and has been very supportive of our plans to launch. “As Chairman of the Institute of Directors for Berkshire with strong links to my fellow Chairman Ian Wenman in Oxford, it is clear that B4 Business
has already done much in helping business people in Oxfordshire to build relationships with each other. This is of course a crucial ingredient in business and particularly in the challenging environment in which we now operate. “As Chairman of Wilson Partners Limited, which specialises in the SME sector and specifically helping growing businesses with their business journey, I welcome anything which might give businesses an even greater voice and a platform through which they will be able to raise the profile of their businesses for their own benefit as well as that of our collective business community. “I eagerly look forward to seeing Berkshire benefitting from B4 being launched in our area.” Leading Thames Valley law firm, Pitmans LLP, were next to committ as B4 Platinum Ambassadors for Berkshire, and Managing Partner, Christopher Avery, commented as follows on the forthcoming launch. "Pitmans LLP are excited about the launch of B4 Magazine in Berkshire. We firmly believe that it will fill a much needed gap in the market - bringing venues, businesses and clients together. We look forward to the first edition and to seeing B4 build bridges in Berkshire".
As B4 celebrates its fifth birthday this issue, we have been busy laying the foundations for B4 in new territories. B4 Berkshire will go live in January 2012, preceded by a new B4 Berkshire website in October, unveiled shortly after a launch event at The Millennium Hotel, Madejski Stadium, on October 6th. Here we give B4 readers a taste as to how B4 has been received in Berkshire. Lloyds Commercial Banking has enjoyed excellent profile in B4 Oxfordshire, and Thames Valley Senior Business Development Manager, Derek Beards, gave his thoughts. “B4 has already achieved a great presence in the Oxfordshire business community, with highly successful networking events, a fantastic business magazine and website. I am looking forward to seeing B4 achieve a similar presence in Berkshire. Lloyds Commercial in Thames Valley are pleased to be considering working as a partner with B4 Berkshire to help demonstrate our commitment and support for the SME community locally.” Michael Stace, Partner with Morgan Cole, also gives his support. "The Partners and staff at Morgan Cole LLP wish B4 every success with its new venture into Berkshire. We are certain that the magazine and the B4 events will become regular fixtures amongst the business community as they have done so in Oxfordshire. The excellent network is beneficial to the business community and will be a welcome addition for those of us in the Berkshire region." The host of our first ever B4 Berkshire event in October, Ruraigh Whitehead, General Manager of Millennium Madejski Hotel, recognises the very different proposition B4 offers. “It is normal to receive countless approaches from various media
chasing advertising spend. But B4 is very different in many ways. B4 oozes quality and its track record is impeccable. However, what is unusual and particularly refreshing about B4 is its approach in terms of giving complimentary memberships and earning a reputation for wanting to prove itself in a new market. It is obviously a well respected magazine in Oxfordshire and we greatly look forward to its launch in Berkshire. We are certainly looking forward to the launch event for the website in October at our Cilantro Restaurant.” Jonathan Read, Director of Sales & Marketing at Penta Hotel Reading, worked with B4 during his time at The Belfry in Oxfordshire. “I changed companies in 2009 to head up sales and marketing for a new and exciting hotel chain just coming to the UK called Penta. Obviously this required and still requires us to be active within the local area to help establish the product. There are plenty of newspapers and journals in the Berkshire area but none that create the look and feel of B4 which I became so used to whilst based in the Oxford area. B4 uniquely offers a range of products that gives the readership good quality, newsworthy items that are unbiased but at the same time giving companies the opportunity to leverage their loyal readership by engagement through sponsorship and advertising. This worked well in Oxford and I
am keen to be part of B4 Berkshire!” The last word goes to Reading FC’s Commercial Director, Pat Coyne. It is a wonderful endorsement of B4 Berkshire that such a high profile business has seen fit to back our expansion plans, and we look forward to launching the website at the stadium in October. “It is vital that Reading FC embraces the business community as well as the wider community of Berkshire. This is why we are supporting B4 Berkshire and wish the B4 team every success in launching what is already a first class magazine in Oxfordshire. We have every confidence that B4 will prove to be an exceptionally useful tool in helping Berkshire businesses connect and raise their profile.” Do you have a presence in Berkshire and want to be involved? Call us now on 01865 742211. Interested in helping B4 to launch in other counties? Call us now or e-mail editorial@b4business.com.
READING COLLEGE IS CHANGING Since 1954, the college has trained thousands of young people and adults who now work not only in Reading, but across the world. You might be one of them.
Last summer, TVU divested its FE provision and once again, Reading College was established; now with a new vision and a new mission. The mission is to create a college, which is entirely responsive to the needs of local employers and local communities. A significant strand of this development is the focus on employability. Lesley Donoghue, Principal of Reading College, said, ‘I have spoken with many employers in Reading, who are committed to contributing to the local economy not only through investment in their businesses, but also through employing local people. To do this, potential employees must be trained in the specific skills required and equipped with the attitudes and behaviours, which will help their businesses to thrive.’ The college is developing a major programme which will ensure that those employability skills are embedded throughout the college provision. A significant aspect of this programme is the involvement of local employers in its development. The partnership, which has been established with B4 is a good example of how student skills can be developed.
Graphics and Digital Arts and progress onto employment or Higher Education. Students will be involved in all aspects of the magazine, from design and photography to transcribing articles and sitting in on interviews with clients. ‘I am delighted with the opportunity, which has been given to our students by B4. They have had real life experience of working to deadlines and having to produce industry standard materials. This is invaluable and will give the students a competitive edge when applying for jobs locally,’ said Lesley. The college is working with key economic partnerships locally to inform its direction including; Reading UK CIC, the Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership and the Reading Chamber of Commerce. The curriculum is wide ranging and trains young people and adults for employment in construction, business and finance, service industries and technology; from foundation level to apprenticeships and, from September 2012, to higher education level. ‘We are currently identifying employers in every vocational area who are willing to support the college in identifying the current leading edge professional standards in their fields which we want
“...Students will be involved in all aspects of the magazine...” Richard Rosser, the Managing Director of the In Oxford Group and Editor of B4 Business Magazine, has offered students at the college the opportunity to have a significant role in the production of the B4 Business Magazine. They will not only gain a brilliant work experience opportunity and a taste of what it is like in real work situations, the project also helps students achieve the outcomes of their nationally recognized BTEC Level 3 qualification in
students to achieve. Through B4, we have introduced this in our media and visual arts area and gone a step further. I would be interested to hear from any other employer who would like to be involved.’ lesley.donoghue@reading-college.ac.uk Lesley Donoghue - LinkedIn
B 4
Magazine Rates
B4 R&R
• All rates are quoted ex VAT which is 20% • All editorial is proofed to you for your approval prior to printing – so no surprises • Subjects of two, three and four page features are invited to visit our preferred studio for a professional photo shoot, at no extra charge
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John most respe sive insight ell, Seni wonderful Director) and is for grant Manager). Malmaison into one organisat ial and the cted and Paul Hors achieved and Hugo of us take There will staff. ions. of as a wet Commerc globally B4 has Sintes and his ut for be a Q&A like-minded well as which many ing of what recognised LloydsTSB (EDP to link you ble turno informal re prais session avours outset and those of unbelieva Hear from ‘networkin at the end Oxfordshi graciously gies to ing close wher d our ende re and promote quite an g’ Apolo senio think sessi rd. was behin r to It Oxfam quick ons at Oxfo highly innov chat with e attendees fully rdshi staff mem the night in fully the in Oxfo key Oxfam ess. with a ative and will get bers Thursday underpin e, but hope do busin businesses a chance staff. d to you es to queu large parts commercial appro about the Com place to rs to atten got your badg who had are work as a great of our work plimentary aches that ing wine waite before you . Discover wine be provi of the wine community closely with the how we ded throu , soft drinks and glass of Oxfo to respo Oxfam's canapés welcome gh the alleviate nd to globa rdshire busin b the pain. local corpo generosity will poverty ess to num l catastroph helped rate supp in some challenging of one es and orters. of of the environm The IoD world's ents. will be dona most from the ting a sum Presentatio attendanc of ns will money e proce be charg to Oxfam be given eds, as ed £20 IoD by Jane and nonors and for the members members will Cocking evening. Ambassad guest. e note, £25 per a person place. Pleas welcome to bring you are rm your most is that F1 confi of B4 are guests t as a Williams Members , the policy on an even by RBS ber note along to our next a Mem invited Please to come been e to stage must be . sday welcome after, you We have re in Grov on Thur along again a most ce Cent , but there le to come with them This is Conferen guest once or to be eligib event 8pm. to dors see and 6pm ty to Ambassad Ambassa bership ber, from great opportuni ction in or the B4 Mem The Festi a on on 28th Octo about e and secti Prix Colle ve ls g d seas venu detai rtisin on is soon your party stunning Williams F1 Gran the Adve ite. For full upon us frocks te ors, see jackets so prep and dust om webs the priva Ambassad in prep are with . usiness.c off your t list, aration Festive a class all its glory the gues for your dinner www.b4-b Dinner. ded on Branch’s then company ic jazz quar tet be inclu We will annual and bonh d like to d.com. accomplis of some of omie in Join fellow If you woul il Jenny@inoxfor the hed and Oxfordshi e IoD mem e-ma reception personable College, re’ most bers and £35, mad please followed the ue for their gues The by a sump residents. A wine and Friday 10th fifth oldest ts at your cheq B4 Magazine, drinks of Oxfo tuous dinne coffee at Decembe or send will be rd's colle Oriel care, flair the centr , to us r includ prepared r interest from aison ges and atten ing 0BT. e of Oxfo on mal and serve to Malm rd OX3 tion to rd city, and 7-11pm. Situa and attrac an infor r. payable d with detail. ted in n Hill, Oxfo tive estab regarded us for Wondering Headingto 1326 by Decembe on – who lishment, as a friend go Firs, an join to 20th g a how to King Edwa Oriel was day ly or alon in The ng on entertain you mean colleague rd II. on Mon Come founded week as your custo are putti two after Lunch s this Chris in for (not Christmas have a drink or mers, client Expect mem Christmas 1pm, Malmaison £35 a head tmas Enter t bers ? For just an even s at and £80 and For more we migh £75 per ing of further l for just Starting for nonassadors knows, infor!mation exception than Oriel head se mea even members B4 Amb on all these tbooRoom al enter . three cour - look no Open to Visitors kings.sout tainment ts. events, drink). h@iod.ne please their gues including t or onlin contact only and your e at www the Instit register Members 9 .iod.c ute of om/sout d.com to Directors www.b4-b h y@inoxfor Event Book usiness.co e-mail Jenn ings, on Please m 02380 266548 or ema il:
Why no t Pub Hu join us at ou r month b? ly
Oxford, Oxfam
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012 35
skin’ of their clients.
que Bouti areer The C e Palac heim Blen ege ll e Co brok Pem Why
and there’s about building up a trust, out of thin air just to fill point plucking a candidate any It doesn’t do our client a role if the fit isn’t right. won’t endear The Career favours and it certainly Boutique to our client.”
ww w.s tud io-
a role at Oxfordshire In particular, Sarah enjoyed in Association, working Citizens Housing project managing thecommunications department, , once again working at all of their communications and the Chief Executive a high level with She then went on to enjoy Operations Managers. and local construction firm, a period working for a a first cut her teeth in it was there that she she explains. rolededicated to HR, as
sales, administration and Sarah’s focus is on filling suits her particular career marketing roles which experiences. “It certainly background and own our clients are looking helps me to identify what roles before myself. I for, having worked in these sat on the other side of have the benefit of having an advantage.” the fence, and it’s certainly
t pr t e th at co ie e findi ndid mar The ne m er to oc yo d ha ions st rs ar job ris es k of ng th ates ket Car ight say se u te ve th is ba invo e on is ea s is in ee co ll do to lv no e rig co O to nd thos e in d en ed ly tw sier fraug t fin ht min xfor r Bou . It’ a pe iden and e terv ou in pl o of said ht ding pe g in dshi tiq s a rtine tif rs ev who iew gh, ac th th w ue y so on bu ing e pr an do ith pr fo re, w nt the en ha s, Th m r qu rig third ve rem t then an oble ne oble eo for th ea e es ch th e ca ne tio ht pe roun not em e nd yo adve ms . Em ms. .” e jo an on n? id be ber u ha rt that be Id rson d b en do d th es, th ate Je ? D interv en su who ve and, com llish tif es en e ky o iew cc yo to co sifti e ed C ying Sa tu on ll an yo to th V’ s. es u -o ng u an rah rn up es ha Do sful have rdin th min s an e th d Hyd ythi ge W ve ro d. d yo he ng t do with at ar e’ u ho and, seen ate in ugh The th ap n s . e wn e ha a , m te tim ne po th be pliers you to hang pure ve e to stly tent ak rview e th wha lieve , w are e ov as all be e ad do have ially, su s rig er th an t ou the e kn ve it is th ha re ht on e dr en to d ow we r cl ones th rtising on th e sk ve es the iven your e m ill ha ient os “P s fo first sn of ut ve s ar who e as m or r th w on tin ow fices a go e e do ho an e day to the g th . ha y jo job? of in od look n’t e an You ca get th line, wro inst ing thin ve bs “E wor in kn nd xp ow te inct for. k w appl as w whe id roug so ng er k. So rvie , ie W . ienc ob n ates h. belie pers e kn e w d be e ar w e, Th it ill e how ou jectiv co in to er ve on ow re fore we m r ex ity m or inte e ar me, forw wha mem (a kn e e pe an es ard t to be nd ow Th rtise d im to rvie obvi we w pu to hi look r) an you the is e co pa gh th ou ou is t w se ce rtial pr ese sly so up r cl utili obvi ntin ou d w ou rial rta of a ui t fo e ldn’ inly ity in ile days me fairl ient co sing ousl ty r on know t wor the role , pa very y st s pu on nfirm The y ha of pr s, rti ts CV’ ef iff th us for s. “Y Car ving ovid whi proc I fir cula fect test ou s ing on es ee qu in iv le. ess mly rly fo r repu us e re we r Bo ite g cl ” r ca be th e of , an as Sitti ut an ient se lie roug way nd tatio on have ique d Ka ng lect ve h th s of idat n effe s w re or ha th ith be yo w co io re ge es n, u e hi m anot d qu hen ct, su cr er m an ne web tting ag uitm ine nd th with cc en her ite ed d D en th inve so , bu ding th a fe ey th a essf cy en ales e su t en nu ul w is t m , th stin me “I us cc m ap ca H em do ho ac g in to ll us R M selv ber plic wn hi e re ess de ne an es of ants th of to ne. al gr dica stly eir in th ag m ow he Sa pa The fo ov HR ei er re Oxf in ted don’ r un rah ssio C plac r ne s w e on Man r ro an aree n incr ords g Th d t kn fath is em wwrowho ha , as ag les pa ow ed hire e om in no behi r B en le w.T ss Sa ers ible nd ou ts.” s to ve h ab an Caree iona how m e rah Ka . le doub th tiq d pr co ov 19ue Car te sh ha is ther ntin ed ov r Bou ab e do t th is in rd ine so is e idin ue erB go m wor at crea th ou ig g he tique t th es it. ou thin ing eone nite k. the sing e in to tiq r cl , m eir I ha an g or pl I lo d m su ly po imita ient ak bu ve ue cc d an ov two . U ok y de es wer ble .co s w ing sine neve er to s of fu si ss ith “K it m r ag abou ndau fo re athe a fiv the . Her met th l ain. ot t st nted r en to w e he rin e st le or ay co so to r ag e ing an ergy k fo ar adin mm meo ou none en mak se focu d dy an r Th itm ne rvic g cies es r ta se na d in e C e is agen ent so rget and in su m d, sp w with ev re w ab no ic, .” cy to ira aree w so er t lo sh e ar tio r Bo w.t in Ka yt lu e’ n sing s hec tely th hing e di ut w er ww ar ho certa hen ique ine w ffe ee w.b pe inly th an at e do rent rb an in 4d , th ou d de taug gs bu sh e . We that tiq he sine ht aren e liv ue. lm all kn we erin m ’t ss ar ,w co .com g, e a e ow e se m ov are ou t ap er wel r serv ar l on ice t fro co is se m th ur se cond e to hit th
8.c o.u k
all Sarah Pomeroy knows As a mother of two, cups on the end of very about balancing fragile taken to working for long sticks and has recruitment agency Oxfordshire’s most exciting oodles of experience like a duck to water. With on where she has behind her, Sarah elaborates and her colleagues are been, and where she aiming to get to.
Double page Single page Half page Quarter page Back Page Inside Front DPS
Th e Ca pri re d pe es it er B rso self out n it iqu has al re on e wit latio the with n h Ou clie so its ships r re ris nt th me clie on stre k w at w role pu are ngth e ar e ha s, bu n t p t a s. rofe ge en e w ve t, gi ro tio int le ill s m , w tting its ing done ven n eg uc ou th h hich mor foot to is rity ssion grea m e ho take r be e ch Th ter, akes and ld on , an st oice rig e who and alism built an th mor the d, than , w e se ht pe le d th e ria elim chan e su recr an hope wou tim l jo rson recr tru , kf ui inat ce itabl uitm ully so ld ap e an b ap for tm s t. es s of e ca en , as meo pref th en pl d an plic
own career Richard Rosser about her Boutique, talks to B4’s Oxfordshire consultant at The Career keeps this incredible Sarah Pomeroy, a recruitment refreshingly different and for The Career Boutique Emma-Louise Pritchard. and what makes working Oxfordshire. Article by course to be the best in recruitment agency on
experience in office management positions,getting companies, adding to a range of large and small they ofcompanies and how my overall knowledge
are identify what our clients in looking for, having worked these roles before myself. I have the benefit of having sat on the other it’s side of the fence, and ge” certainly an advanta
Ph oto gra ph y:
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years ile nce Robert enabling High Definition with the laun Ayres, ch of business (HD) Voice of Rayc trialed era in es to bene service, HD ox Turf, mob said. “Hav impresse Voice for a num clarity and ile communicatio fit from the d by the next ing ber of the filter ns. Incre weeks, difference calls. The makes ing out ased call I was ability to it made important of back to my phon regardless ground have a possible, business faultless noise no matt e of wher call expe conversa business er whe e I was, rience, re they tions conversat are cond meant Call clarit ions that made important I didn’t ucted. y has eme much have space to to worry businesse easier rged as and make any about being a nece s. Rece ssity for nt resea calls.” shown in a quiet many that 75% rch* from Martin of busin call quali ess owne Orange has Stiven, ty to be VP of the most rs belie Everywh mobile Business ve clear important ere, the device; at Ever company with 33% added. aspect struggled ything of their “HD Voice which runs saying to they routi businesse noisy envir hold phone conv Orange is going UK, s nely to onment ersations business are able to comm change the neither they work due to way a noisy mobiles, the unicate in. With work envir that were from cond throu the office HD Voice onment not previ ucting calls gh our are barri , or being hear emo ously poss customers ers in place out of tions in ible, to , colleague to a successfu s bring ing the abilit people’s l call with s or supp y to people voices. liers. closer does just We’re Orange together, about that, maki HD Voice and HD if they’re ng busin distance also elimi Voice spea ess between nates the colleague king face love the the emo callers, perceived to face. s feel as clarit making tions in People it easie people’s noise. Once y of calls and are going research, r to the lack voices. to this is you’ve According hear of back it.” seen as business used it, ground to the you will owners crucial want to stating with 80% hear peop that keep it is very of le’s emo HD Voice conversat important for busin ion. Almo tions when Nokia conductin to admitted ess is st one E5 and g a that they in five the Sam now available handsets (18%) misunder had lost on the even with more sung Omnia standing a deal follow in because couldn’t Pro B735 over the HD enab the comi hear what of a 0 led hand ng mon was being phone, as sets to ths. they said. For more HD Voice informatio also open please better ways n on HD s up new visit: www Voice for opportuni .orange.co benefiting of working in ties for business. .uk/busine business industries *Research In addit ss/hdvoice noise, with signi like cons ficant back ion to truction 13/08/20 conducted arrival grou by Reds and man of HD 10 and Voice hift betw ufacturing nd business 18/08/20 broadcas een , the owners. ting indu is hotly antic 10. Sam ipated service stry, whic ple: 1,000 by the could h belie HD Voice ves that ISDN lines reduce both its relian runs on the and the ce on WB-AMR the 3G for interv need to network (Wideban iews. ferry gues expensive and uses codec. ts to studi This provi d Adaptive Multi the os des exce -Rate) a wide The BBC speech llent audio r spee is ch band quality compare alternative trialing the width due to solution d to the of 50–7 as codec of contributio to the tradit current ional meth a low cost 300–3400 narrowban 000 Hz n for both Adaptive for gues ods of d spee its repo Multi-Rate Hz. The WB-A ts, and ch live rters MR and, to impr sound ) delivers breaking (Wideban potentiall ove the quali significant d news y, sound resources. ty while utilis reports, ly enha achieved quality ing the nced which using a for same netw will often mobile phone. ork be www.oran ge.co.uk/ business
Reading Offices: Our Servi 47 Castl ces: e Banking Berkshire, Street, Reading & Corporate, Finance, Comm Tel: +44 RG1 7SR ercia (0) 118 Defendant Crime, Debt Reco l, 958 0224 Employme Insurance, Dispu very, The Anch orage Technologynt, Environment, te Resolution 34 Bridg , e Intellectua , Insolvency & Information Berkshire, Street, Reading Restructur & Enter l Property, Matri ing, Tel: +44 RG1 2LU tainm monial, (0) 118 ent, Pens Private Media 958 0224 ions, Tax Residentia & Family Busin Planning, London ess, Real l Developm Office: Estate, 1 Crown ent, Spor Cour t t. Associate 66 Chea pside Amsterdamd Offices: London, EC2V 6LR Copenhag , Antwerp, Barce Tel: +44 lona, Belfa (0) 20 7634 Lisbon, en, Edinburgh, st, Ljublj 4620 Glasgow, Paris, Porto ana, Madrid, Leipzig, Munich, , Reading, Rome and Nicosia, Zurich.
sts ntre ho rence Ce F1 ConfeEvent lliams rs RBS Wi Ambassado next B4
& Innov ation: Ox fam
House, Cowley
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LAUNCHPAD Supporting charities is important to B4 and we are pleased to offer charities and not for profit organisations with complimentary B4 Memberships and have been instrumental in partnering charities with local businesses for their mutual benefit. 2011 marked the first year B4 Oxfordshire had a preferred charity, Macmillan Cancer Support. We hope we will have helped Macmillan raise in excess of £25,000 by the end of this year. Preparations for our 2012 preferred charity are well underway and we are delighted to be supporting Oxfam in their 70th anniversary year. We will be providing local businesses with a wide range of ideas to help raise funds for
will be B4 Berkshire’s first preferred charity for 2012, and Launchpad’s Fundraising and Communications Co-Ordinator, Colin Wallace, explained more about the great work Launchpad do. “Launchpad works to break the cycle of homelessness and overcome social exclusion by providing affordable, well maintained and safe supported accommodation which can offer the stability needed to give our clients a real chance of succeeding. “Launchpad (formerly the Reading Single Homeless Project) started off as a soup kitchen in the 1970s and was formally registered as a
However, we recognise that just providing a roof over someone’s head is not always enough to give them a realistic opportunity to progress on to independent living and a sustainable tenancy. We also provide support for rehabilitation alongside vocational, recreational and therapeutic opportunities such as healthy living initiatives, substance misuse counselling, practical skills and assistance with the more complex aspects of modern life. We are committed to helping our clients restore a sense of pride and independence by offering the chance of a fresh start in a safe and supportive environment.” We are working towards a fundraising target of
“...Launchpad works to break the cycle of homelessness and overcome social exclusion...” Oxfam, and four of us at B4 have committed to ride from Paris to Oxford next June for Oxfam, joined by at least 11 other cycling enthusiasts. We are pleased to announce that we have already agreed that Reading’s largest independent housing charity, Launchpad, 10
charity in 1979 and we are looking forward to continuing the crucial work we do for many years to come. We have bed spaces for up to 100 people across several properties in Reading ranging from shared accommodation to one bedroom flats. We can also offer support for up to a further 50 people at any given time.
£25,000 for Launchpad in 2012, so please do what you can to help us reach this goal. www.rshp.co.uk
B 4
Magazine Rates
6. PLATINUM PACKAGES Only 50 Platinum packages are available: • Two pages per edition to be used as you see fit • Banner on B4 website (non home page) • One Platinum Ambassador • One other B4 Ambassador • B4 Membership • Logo included in Platinum Ambassador logo page in 4 editions of B4 • Invited to one Platinum dinner in the year as our guest £5,000 + VAT per annum
Platinum Package DPS
7. B4 WEB RATES Banners: Home £200 per month Others £100 per month
Bloxham Schoo l Succe
£2,000 per annum £1,000 per annum
Louise Ashby Joins
One of the students commented. “We went to tell the Prime Minister all about our Young Enterprise scheme that we have been participating in throughout the academic year. Our project has been about creating an advertising directory distributed to school to be parents and the local residents, which allows local businesses to create a profitable link with the parents and supporters of the pupils who attend Bloxham School which distributed in the will be popular with students.” bills at the end of this term; and a selection of jewellery created with a variety of scrabble pieces attached, which “The experience have proved very is one which we have all really enjoyed, and would definitely recommend to any
Unlock the door to great savings within the walls of Oxford Castle. Oxford Castle is offering B4 members the opportunity to provide their staff and colleagues the chance to with take advantage of all of the promotions, fun, and frolics that Oxford Castle has to offer – EAT – DRINK – ENJOY!
, g y Road Carnival, The Oxford Castle announce Key Card entitles holders to some great discounts s a atser the various restaurants ppointments for attractions on the and Oxford Castle site. this year’s even Details of offers, plus terms and conditions can t on be found on our 2-3 July Cowley Road and website www.oxfo South Park, Oxfo rdcastle.com. rd. New recruits for
8. SECTION SPONSORS B4 News page: Banner running underneath news pages (at least 3 pages) £750 Contact details: Banner running underneath contact details pages £750
Anya Fox isCowley Road Works, appo organising charity inted Cowley Road Carnival, Carni of for activities,ucer: including family announces a seriesval Prod appointments activity areas, key entertainers Road for this year’s event ProcessionCowley park and the traders’ on village. and , respo in Richmond Road and nsible South Park, Oxford. Event Manageme for2-3 July artist the tender to ic manage direc the infrastructu tionnt has Carnival proce ofwonthe Anya Fox is appointed legal, safety and insurance requiremen re, layout, Carnival Producer: ts for all elements Road and Carnival Procession, ssion responsible ,for programm of the in 2011. The artistic direction Carnival procession, of the ing activicompany, which has organisedof Carnival onCarnival ties programming of nationally-renowned for activities for Cowl events such as on Cowley Bristol Balloon eyRoad Road and as the main Fiesta, is in the and with community interface process as of building anthe Oxford-base main groups, traders d core team interf with comm and other the to support participants. ace Carnival in coming unity group s, tradersmonths.and Lucy Barrie joins participantPark other Road Carnival attracts s. and Stalls, the team as Carnival Producer: -Cowley over 35,000 people one overseeing programmin g for Park
of the biggest audiences in the calendar. Details Oxford of sponsorship packages are
Carter Jonas
Carter Jonas is strengthening services to clients across its business divisions with the appointment of Louise Ashby as Client Services Manager. Louise will coordinate relations with clients who work with multiple divisions, and ensure that all clients are kept aware of the firm’s services and activities. Mark Charter, Partner and head of the Carter Jonas Oxford office: “As a multi-divisional property firm, we
SpecialEffect aspiring business minds in the 5th form when the opportunity is presented to them at the start year.” of next www.bloxhamschool. com
Oxford Castle Key Card
Web Banner
On Thursday 10th March, Bloxham School’s Young Enterprise team, consisting of; Rebecca Jardine, George Adams, Henry Woodward, Alice Wood, Matt Cooper, Jon Cooper, Kirk, Jack Inchmore, Ben Emily Carvell Adrienne Poole, and travelled to Witney the Prime Minister to visit – David Cameron.
Oxford Castle are happy to deliver a stock of Key Cards to your business in Oxford for distribution amongst your staff. We would ask in return only that your staff sign up to our e-newslette r (they can unsubscribe to the e-newslette r at any point if find that they no they longer wish to receive the news). This will allow us to contact them (roughly once a month) with updates of the offers available as providing information as well about forthcoming Oxford Castle. events at
SpecialEffect is a charity dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for young people with disabilities by enabling them to enjoy computer games and other creative leisure through cutting pursuits edge technology rehabilitation, - for inclusion and fun! Based in Charlbury achievements in our short history include the creation of the world's first accessible games fully suite at Helen and Douglas
available on cowleyroa dcarnival.co.uk info@cowleyroadwor or email ks.org
Lucy Barrie joins Cowley Road the team as Carn 47 Castle Street. ival Producer: Tel: +44 (0) 118 Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7SR Park and Stalls, 958 0224 www.pitm - one overseeing progr of the ans.com amming for Park calendar. De
Contact Louise Ashby on 01865 511444 or louise.ashby@carter jonas.co.uk.
House Hospice and award winning roadshows for disabled groups throughout Oxfordshire. SpecialEffect's own Centre was recently opened by Prime Minister David Cameron. Its games library helps many people - from soldiers injured in Afghanistan through to young people with degenerative conditions who can no longer any other way. play in www.specialeffect.or g.uk
Britain From The
Air at Oxford Castle
The Royal Geographic al Society (with the Institute of British Geographe geography. rs), one of the leading geographic world’s al societies, in collaboration with Wecommu This street gallery nic8, the award exhibition was exhibition delivery winning first staged in the heart of the city company (responsib of Bath, where internationally le for the it has been seen an estimated 4 acclaimed ‘Earth by million people from the Air’ photographic since its launch September 2010. exhibition), have in ‘Britain from the created ‘Britain from the Air’, an Air’, comprises over 100 photograph aerial view of Britain ic street gallery for the 21st century. The exhibition panels and comes to Oxford is intended to in June this year enthuse and inform inspire, as the first leg in proposed national about Britain’s a tour. extraordina diverse human and natural landscapes rily through them, and, For more details tell the stories please contact of our history Alasdair and Macleod at a.macleod@rgs.org or 020 7591 3015.
For more information on receiving your Oxford Castle Key Cards please contact Sophie Egleton on 01865 201657 or email oc@topgroup.co.uk
an Carn organis Bristol Ba an Oxford the coming
are entering a new phase of growth and provision of service to our clients. This appointmen t allows us to ensure that all of our clients are fully aware of what we can do for them. Louise has a great deal of experience in the wider commercial community as well as in property and we are delighted to welcome her to the team. ”
Blenheim Buys Windrush Indus trial
Blenheim Estates has purchased Windrush Industrial Park, a 28-acre industrial estate in the heart of Witney in a deal which has been declared a vote of confidence in the town’s economy. The estate is a base for 17 businesses, including multi-national packaging company Smurfit and furniture producers Kappa Corndell Furniture. Roger File, property director of Blenheim said “We’re locally Estates, based and we have been looking
to expand our commercial property portfolio while, waiting for for a the right opportunity . For us it was the logical place, on our doorstep, and we could see a lot of potential. Our current plan is to hold it for the long term and to invest in the site as opportunities present themselves.” The Windrush Industrial Park will be managed the Blenheim Palace by Property team from its at
Blenheim Palace base in Woodstock from where the team already manage a substantial mixed portfolio throughout property Oxfordshire. See page 45.
47 Castle Street. Tel: +44 (0) 118 Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7SR 958 0224 www.pitm ans.com
Sponsor Strip
9. B4 INSERTS All single sheets, maximum 200gsm per sheet – for inserts with multiple paginations, please enquire for rates. Rates are a guide only and we reserve the right to quote higher rates to factor in postal rate increases and magazine pagination increases. A3 (folded) A4
£200 per 1,000 £175 per 1,000
A5 A6
us up h sets ge deal whic e stran to do the by som . be able forward to, if, question ses, to er this can look busines to answ a plethora of of our what we d than most er of ght a success ts. So is this the own equippe er of a and brou nigh better mention seen it nomy, humding e sleepless ejski is the eco , not to n there, make a Mad mor on to bee Club no l John tbal worries, ld all like us? Sir John has s and opinions ding Foo lity, Sir We wou more money to happen to his view n of Rea and hospita r No into irma eve ht life. e ia Cha for insig wer ge a stran er and erty, med Rosser an fate, it a however, quirk of Auto Trad lishing, prop Richard le advice. ts. It is, receiving pub der of shown on coun ‘text luab gives B4’s s opini rests in As foun he was full of Sir John’ cial inte Here, he us all some inva mentary, of a room him, but t that 4 docu commer full of t-shirts. rs ge in front and applaud is no doub g the BBC nt Colle e ur There and offe receiving of that, durin Manageme there to hono ely inadequate wardrob and football, home paradox from Henley duals who n e Stadium, felt strang They were of indivi educatio way? “I penthous group Madejski fellowship students. and they
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ted do in his e’, The Madejski’ business Man’, a very talen of time what they his ‘hous book’ ” it the ‘John in front of a Man, Poor amount n’t do e irony. John at they do I was ficant I could ed Sir a strang would I saw ‘Rich a signi a relax ship. There ring me, but certainly was OBE DL. spends there that I met oning . It that fellow g up, admi Madejski it was FC. He his burge m have done Reading g Reading, and life of Sir John ary gave . c oto is adding to arguably, his do as I were lookin the document before ess wouldn’t in the overlookin mentary on down s i n ct aversion of an offer for, him, probably , nothing docu b ua distin winding I last met n John courting BBC 4 the to start b 4 -has thirty years jot since s know Sir. John Although His open ghts his desire for over that ww ed one Trader. I had alway neither the portfolio. Sir John One thingw had chang and Trader). Club, highli the next Auto known company alone e that he prising Auto Football Having for character, eighteen to believ nable ssion. That Reading than look rtment. shing (com and perso by and joy, rather me cause as much that impre Publi d depa sts, ed pride ers, and Hurst to earth iew, altere who has enjoy ess intere yet out in that down he sold the receiv um had t interv his busin jaws of inly not t a man engaging, the subsequen jski Stadi is certa from the as an nor know abou in their s Made flame 1990 to ary, in Club’ otion rn FC the prom document you all you need Reading recently deep conce injection, first ever tell , and was his purchased £25 million Sir John. for the should sell e the club’s the top flight Sir John his however, would 0e’9as cations secur ing chanc he 0 to chat, e to , his impli 2 ry our follow seats ble ‘bonn helping before listen to 1998, year histo 38,000 clear from TER the possi ing. Talking Despite ed, ‘I’ll dantly sion to planning thirty five WIN rienc omy and e abun usly quipp been built. Whoever m’s expan granted 13 becam red and g famo apply.’ e to the econ of us are expe was stadiu not of E hund havin What , the ents, U d schem one all s need the state plans for ISS his y that came along Millionaire Developm -million poun about only. qualified proposing the right man uncertaint firm, Sackville a multi if ent billionaires n, Sir John Reading, continuing that’s the tomorrow n Hill in but from developm ing Statio ing, and ing, offers, property to revamp Statio around Read to anyth g anyth sensible area m line lt valuin permission no botto it is very difficu ‘bottom’ of this run-down is the called ent, there we are, then redevelop the so e the mom e will have e tenur know wher ve until we reach fears. “At million le decad Until we of £6.6 near doub really impro problem. profits at £100 John’s ng can pre-tax valued ing Sir and nothi achieved s follow tly been The Club the reign has recen resources. takes over 2007, and be significant g in June would osed to to have year endin then I is supp the tax pockets, might economy during ously deep comes in, they deep that the . million. hearing with enorm if someone g his the wane it’s on we keep out there we start underlinin knows, hear ugh and body we g John, Who Altho Sir so is some minute as that. trough. starts easin There are way.” Says “If there simple the club. , the next until it ing. , it’s as of a in some value to frankly, ct anyth recovering editor step aside be involved took over could bring and, quite difficult to predi being the is to ? know I when he of flux and it is very want me the Club. “I novice must know in business, st his peers is a state sion, it football with lf again le “There not , as you very best the reces relative affinity see himse Club. We are out of out there to lots of peop just doing their was a he be ng to ages John does movi talk have mess le are ssion, where a well run g the Club mixed do. We You must of them. Peop we are ago, so own admi many one puttin football have to fact that By his for all r cond magazine. those years my we all ted in the I would neve Park all business challenging time that’s what regards – at Elm is reflec a And as to e rule! ibution reckless nges, and obviously tion has term gain. ining the offsid “My contr is going to be the challe the ques of short that recent to meet style S when expla t that, but a Club the sake turn and positive. t abou EW le. my own it in some rdy for totally this down are in troub no doub now hold in jeopa • N , we did there is , I can between banks time Y flight in 2006 E L S to an end, RtheT top time the knowledge on. This m difference T E this rely to come ss.co O P to icant state H is that usine “It will signif tions R Ootion in the d prom ienced, • n’. The e, institu inated www.b4-b • P ence.” nTwe gaine be ‘whe that I have exper in my lifetim this has culm OY “Whe ous differ solid ENJ le, and GH an enorm recessions always been • TLI dependab and makes have PO IT been so Banks factor • haven’t mental • S T N the banks This is a funda E in. ME TIO • stepping MO
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“….the person to fear than the is the entre corporate, preneur slow in because rather moving….” the corpo energetic, rate is far losing young n, too businesses with out last seaso “Start off Play Offs, missed fascinating in a small in the ideas even which will come traction. narrowly succeBurnl way, test ssful.”ey up Once you B4 SPO However, and becom the marke gone. We tual winners rest on you start e hugel have that, TLIGHT all of us. t and their laurel evenget allers tend too big, y blow for you keep out to r Sir al footb willing to s, where you can it’s a roll up was. a majo thatJohn as those profession flounder and itgoing will no I just think their sleeve make it without e. quite quicklI doIfthinkyoung stal, doubt hope “When sters pede happen, s and get are we starte they receivthat comintion though y. selve s on a as they interviewed stuck in d Auto Acade single cost adula g through forget some of the feel they and Trader, of the in Readi put them mustn’this perso ce my control have to. am I going people in the ng will quen these rs, we used to there was. we looketo blame nally funde d at every be past who excitin I’ve caree al conse and open nine r d g short natur The new finge at the ent helm of ask me best way to do for them big comp youth of to five, we would some of what essesInher , which point thebusin allers have easily Monday anies this operate otion. , “I fully ,endor isn’t really employer. to approach to FridayFootb can about gcount hear ry, but, until nine to four us prom me or se the at times , and so the sadly, and we I know at week gettin on week the play, that, all any that not to negat that too societ in ive aspec in their often for y ends. poten days and at my Acade competition comes today We did you players and, of rs come . We contr theten my, every tial did, but and is good through that schoo our youth about only olseem ts that the cal facto more. That’s every thing child first, and thethey feral can at some person in l gate has our ologi youthsthemselves to hear and to find why I alway physc to fear thing. are even than the a and an talent that and put It is up is the entrep absolute drinking read s say not corporate, get that to the teach they will multitude louts, but Because young reneur, which onsci slow in ous,peop because child to my there ers rather the corpo moving. pursue al. le who really of incredibly dedic somebody opinion is that e who,natur that talent rate is far sub-c only amounts They have as grand once you It is wher ated are is good . too of meeti as this like footbfitall.for purpo find out at, and at it and ngs in order to have copio that’s whereas may sound they se and what In most can do if you us business to chang it, you have know they are collide. , will ysave forever. have an gate, decide no other e anyth good That then football captured the entre ing, “There is or the factor going to determines that perso the ess and your work at instantaneo change direct preneur, they becom n can showbusin , that’s whether ion e feral or usly. They , you leave all, it’s 24/7 they are November whether don’t need just like that, they are businesses to wait with footb implement board meet going to until the ing befor whereas anything.” m, e they .” jski Stadiu can difference Made on the Starting es of focus a busin t lights ess in a projects are world. the brigh nerve than recession Sadly, Traffic fromthey exciting s most takes even and Away just “Clearview which are recession would normally John’ don’t press Sir ins. more explaget enougstuds be requir has one ofto demo to as he are. No which have, forced busin ed, but sequel e how red road h public studs, nstrat doubt esses to the powe road are the ity that be ur time, but solar cut numb Theythey will happesun.good businesses in turn, metam reallyconto part of the huma orphisised ers, wecing . I asked by the n in the the linear , thus shoulred are all good n race, becauseprodu powe that the d alway into start Sir John highlightfullnesst of part of lights they are recession s encou up whether 100% the system as they if you can at some things going for stree andto had stimu cutting’ he thoug needrage . We youth n that the and bad be find out in busin lated long e the pathfi ht cat’s eyes, reduc at others whate also show, what you esses With regard nders natural overdue , and .” of fatal roadver it is at a consequenc , and what arch has the road, ’fat young age, can do, and the Sir y. Rese did he 70% who must ofs to talent recession e of this spotti feel the boxes.”future.” up to then it bodes hone ng eand would be? have g mone is actua reduc all of the as some interviews, savin condu lly excitin but it Not only well for “I think cted could do tick g for that will the does studs years ago, really fair share sixone Succenow Sir JohnThey his gut instin businesses we see ineffic very reaso ents. makethe ct, or accid company of jobyears. It is ssful delegation iencies n. , appoi is he a consequen ten cut away true’ CV? ntme e for over ‘dinosaur’ but we will also for is, there sucke ng nts within ce of on tial upsid for a ‘too fore, as runni businesses John took rbeen see Sir John’ y a natura goodthe poten by-product disappear, a lot of the old s mant of his had alread wide and to be ra, a natura l to be replac himself thinking. “In my to recog opinion, expanding world John, is vast. Did ed by l he find you’ve and did which nise what I find that and Sir it hard either he was view, got anies he those whoClear good and ‘it’ or you was startin fail to delegate n comp have got sixtee bad at haven successfully g out in ’t. qualif another ication business? when he he has s tend to 47 Although “At the begin everything ning, I thought I was the on the list. You best at anybody doing are also do anyth too scared ing becau screw it up. But to let se you think they the only delegate, will way to and you expand we starte have to is to appreciate d to replic me all ate Auto that. When trying Trader, we had Some would to produce do it poorly the perfect Auto ten of and some Trader. would actua , some would the whole be lly do it better, whichaverage improving package more makes the attractive good earnin product throu as I was gh deleg g mone ation. It money, y, you is no and have got delegating. you can only make mone to make y if you start “Delegation is the key frees you in my opinio up, it gets n. It not people more done. you only You have it up, you are entrusting to give some replace person. them until rope. If they mess You you find you won’t have to empo the right wer peopl move forwa e, other rd.” wise With a lifetim inconsidera e of rich exper iences ble amou Madejski nt of hard and after a not is certai work, Sir nly well questions John placed we all want to answ worries answers er the pale and to. Do the sleep thing of the mone the past? less nights y “Good all have becom God worries. ea It just depen no. It’s all relativ them.” e. We Learning ds how to cope you cope the battle with our with , but retain proble humility, ing like Sir John, a sense of persp ms is half well to ective and is some aim for. thing we would all do
“….the on
ly way to expand delega is to te….”
A4 Article reproduction (4 page A4) Your main article image inserted into the current issue’s cover including strapline with article reproduced across centre pages. Why not add your Advert on the back page?
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The Premier Experience Still a great family day out Still unlimited food and soft drinks Still fantastic
Now even better value! Only ÂŁ75 adults and ÂŁ25 16 years and under To book call 0118 968 1010 or email hospitality@readingfc.co.uk Prices include VAT. Alcohol is available to purchase at the bar.
THE NEW B4 BERKSHIRE WEBSITE Providing the third element of B4’s platform alongside the magazine and quarterly networking events, the B4 website has been steadily improved over the past five years and the launch of B4 Berkshire coincides with a brand new look for the B4 Oxfordshire and Berkshire websites. B4 have been evolving their web presence ever since the first B4 Oxfordshire site was launched in 2006 and operated as, essentially, a holding page for the electronic version of the magazine.
encourage Twitter followers, Facebook friends and LinkedIn contacts to find out more about our network,
Version 2.0, if you like, provided B4 customers with a platform to promote themselves online, with direct access to a customer’s own page to amend content or, more importantly, upload press releases, event details, offers and job vacancies.
So we come to B4 Web version 3.0. With a fresh, more grown up look, the new site has been designed with the key aim of simplifying the content and providing a bulletin board of latest news for our visitors. Our home page has been condensed and the latest information provided in a much clearer format.
With increased functionality came improved traffic and add to that over 700 articles which have appeared in B4 Oxfordshire cut and pasted into the site, and you have a web presence with masses of content and useful information for local Oxfordshire businesses to find out about!
We’ve retained all of the existing functionality but added in some extra touches, such as enabling members of staff to feature on company pages, providing more of a staff contact directory within the site. You can also switch between sites and, who knows, we may be adding to the list of B4
We welcome any advice as to how we can improve the site, as that’s the only way we will be able to deliver what our customers want. If members struggle with the site, we’re always on hand to help and there’s a handy guide explaining how to put up press releases and other forms of uploads. B4 Oxfordshire has seen the launch of monthly workshops where we demonstrate how to upload content to the site and explain more about the benefits of B4 Membership, to existing members and those looking to become members. We have also opened up these sessions to members to present their businesses and these are becoming more and more popular as an additional outlet for face to face business promotion. Look out for similar monthly workshops in Berkshire.
“...the new site has been designed with the key aim of simplifying the content...” Alongside the website, we have been busy improving our social media activities. We’re all beginners, let’s face it, but social media is certainly providing us with an excellent outlet to promote the press releases on the site, talk about great articles and just tell the local community who’s joined and www.b4-business.com
territories you can visit later in the year. It’s all part of the plan to facilitate business to business contact between territories, but we will maintain each site and each magazine as being populated only by the businesses with a presence in those territories.
If you have any queries about the site, how it works or how you think we could improve it, call us now or e-mail editorial@b4business.com. www.b4-business.com/berkshire 13
B 4 Web Rates BERKSHIRE WEB MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS & RATES MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS: 1. Presence on the B4 Berkshire website in your preferred business category 2. Contact details in four quarterly editions of B4 Berkshire 3. Invite to four B4 Ambassador events in the 12 months of your membership 4. 10% discount on quoted B4 Magazine advertising and editorial rates Additional benefits of being a B4 Ambassador (you will be known as a Founding Ambassador if this is booked before 31st December 2011):
a Photo alongside contact details in B4 Berkshire Magazine a Details in Ambassador section of B4 Berkshire website
a B4 Oxfordshire Ambassadors receive invites and special offer opportunities from other Ambassadors and members on a regular basis and we imagine this will also be the case in Berkshire.
All rates quoted net of VAT at 20% Please note that the discounted rates apply to businesses committing to annual membership before certain dates, however, the charges apply for the period 1st January to 31st December 2012. So, commit to B4 for a 21 to 50 employee membership on 18th November 2011 and we will invoice you for £375+VAT on 1st December 2011 (terms, 30 days) but your membership will be valid from 1st December 2011 to 31st December 2012.
RATES: Number of Employees
Rate for membership per annum (rate available for bookings placed from 1st October to 31st December 2011) £
Rate for membership per annum (valid from 1st January 2012) £
1 to 5
6 to 20
21 to 50
51 to 100
Over 100
NB Ambassador rate is consistent at £500+VAT per annum
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Combine award winning fine dining with luxury overnight accommodation.
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From just £47.50 per person, based on 2 people sharing a twin or double room on Friday & Saturday only, subject to availability. All prices exclude VAT. Tuesday –Thursday available at a supplement. Call Reservations on 0118 9253500 reservations.reading@millenniumhotels.co.uk Cilantro is open for residents and non residents every evening (Tuesday - Saturday) and available every day for private bookings.
OLYMPIC SPONSORSHIP AND GOING FOR GOLD With the Olympics nearly upon us, how do you align your brand with, arguably, the greatest show on earth? Robert Jarrett and Jeremy Summers of leading Berkshire law firm, Pitmans, explain more about the challenges, the pitfalls and the costs of getting your brand associated with London 2012. After years of preparation, the 2012 Olympic Games are now fast approaching. As one of the few truly global events, which reaches billions of people in around 200 countries and territories, businesses are keen to be involved. Businesses are paying significant sums of money to sponsor the Olympic Games and get access to certain exclusive rights. From a sports sponsorship perspective, the Olympic Games are unique. They have a strict ‘clean venue’ policy. This means that any type of commercial branding is prohibited inside an Olympic venue in view of the cameras. Athletes are also restricted in what they can do and can wear. For example, they are forbidden from having any sponsorship or commercial branding on their clothing – other than a small trade mark of the clothing or footwear manufacturer. Given the global television audience for the Games, and growing commercial pressures, it is impressive that the International Olympic Committee has maintained this policy. As a result, sponsors of the Olympic Games have to work harder (and spend more) to promote their association with the Games. Whilst sponsors will have access to tickets and hospitality which may be used for consumer and B2B promotions, to get value for their sponsorship they must rely on external media. This will include promotion on
billboards, TV and radio advertising and through other ancillary events. Not surprisingly, with the eyes of the world on London and the UK in 2012, other businesses will look at opportunities surrounding the Olympic Games to raise their profile. LOCOG (the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games) will be taking active steps to prevent so-called ambush marketing. Ambush marketing is an attempt by a non-sponsor to associate itself with the Olympic Games without sanction of LOCOG or the IOC or without otherwise contributing to the event. LOCOG has been given a wide range of powers to prevent ambush marketing including new rights granted by legislation. The use of the words “Olympic”, “London 2012” and “2012 Games”, the Olympic rings and other combinations of words are restricted. Encouraged by its existing sponsors, LOCOG will take all steps it can to enforce its rights and prevent such ambush marketing. Therefore, it can be risky for a company to try to associate itself with the Olympic Games. Any business trying to do so should take formal advice in relation to what is or, more importantly, is not permitted. However, there are still many sponsorship opportunities for businesses in 2012, some of which will enable to the sponsor to bask in the
reflective glory of the Olympic Games. In addition to the many events taking place that year, businesses could consider sponsoring individual athletes. And it need not be prohibitively expensive. Clearly costs will depend on the profile and previous success of the athlete. However recession induced economic restrictions and uncertainty about athlete selection for Olympic teams means many athletes are still actively looking for sponsorship. Sponsoring an Olympic athlete will not only enable the promotion of a company’s brand (albeit with certain games time restrictions), but may also assist an athlete in achieving their dream to participate in the Olympic Games. Robert Jarrett and Jeremy Summers. Jeremy Summers was an in-house lawyer on the Sydney Olympic Games dealing with sponsorship, amongst other issues. Pitmans will be holding an event in its London office to explore maximising sponsorship investment on 9 November 2011. Jeremy Summers, Partner, Pitmans jsummers@pitmans.com 020 7634 4622 Rob Jarrett, Trainee, Pitmans rjarrett@pitmans.com 020 7634 4618 www.pitmans.com
“Not surprisingly, with the eyes of the world on London and the UK in 2012, other businesses will look at opportunities surrounding the Olympic Games to raise their profile...” 16
B4 R&R
THE VINEYARD We last featured The Vineyard in Issue 9 of B4, almost three years ago, so a return visit was long overdue. In the very capable hands of Executive Chef, Daniel Galmiche, regarded by many as ‘the king of contemporary French cooking’, we knew we could expect something out of the ordinary. By Richard Rosser.
Next time we’ll be looking for a sign above the table – ‘Official B4 Review table’ – given this was our third visit and third time at the same table. As for the experience? Well, it just keeps getting better at The Vineyard. Our guests, Steve and Zoe, were new to The Vineyard and weren’t quite sure what to expect, but we’d tried to reassure them that the seven course Tasting Menu wasn’t a quick way to increase the wasitline but an incredible and intoxicating journey through a mesmerising array of tastes, textures and colours. With Tina and Zoe celebrating their birthday, it was a celebratory experience in more ways than one. As we arrived at this fabulous five star oasis, just outside of Newbury, in Stockcross, the enormous pond which forms the epicentre of this magnificent 18
retreat was lit by a striking fire display, controlled I hasten to add. It was a wonderful site in the setting sun of a late July evening. A glass of champagne to celebrate the, ahem, thirty year olds’ birthday seemed in order, and what better place to toast than a table aside the impressive pond. We’d briefed our guests not to indulge too much during the day, so having devoured the olives which accompanied our champagne, and an exchange of presents, we were led by our waiter to the dining room. As you would expect from a five star hotel, luxury abounds and the walk through the tastefully decorated bar precedes the entrance to what is most certainly a breathtaking setting for any restaurant. You almost feel as though you are flowing down a corkscrew on to the restaurant floor, where a handful of tables are spaciously arranged, adjacent to the pond where the faltering light
served to enhance the dancing flames. Five star hotel, seven course tasting menu, superb surroundings. You’d expect a polished performance wouldn’t you? Those who haven’t had the good fortune to visit before now might presume dining at The Vineyard would be a slightly overpowering and intimidating experience. Don’t. It’s relaxation personified. Staff are engaging and warm but still unbelievably knowledgeable and keen to enter into conversation, not only about the food or the wine (whichever is their speciality), but also about them. When you are educated about a wine which accompanies a particular course of a seven tiered menu, it is interesting to learn about the education of the sommelier and the route they have taken to your table. I don’t think restaurants can afford to employ www.b4-business.com
“The food? You only
have to glance at the Tasting Menu to understand why this is all so special.”
DE-VINE Crab scented with light lime mayonnaise and tomato jelly Wine: L’Apres Midi, Peter Michael Winery, CA, 2009 ~ Caramelised foie gras and mango terrine, mango chutney and coconut foam Wine: Mon Plaisir, Peter Michael Winery, CA, 2006 ~ Scallop soufflé, wild mushroom sabayon Wine: Ma Belle Fille, Peter Michael Winery, CA, 2007 ~ Steamed fillet of sea bass, mussel broth infused with lemongrass, braised leeks Wine: La Carriere, Peter Michael Winery, CA, 2007 ~ Slow cooked fillet of Scottish beef, oxtail stuffed potato, light red wine sauce, bone marrow Wine: Le Caprice, Peter Michael Winery, CA, 2007 Les Pavots, Peter Michael Winery, CA, 2007 ~
robots, staff need to enhance the experience, and The Vineyard has it spot on. Staff know when to let the table breathe and when conversation is required and it’s a balance they all execute to perfection. The food? You only have to glance at the Tasting Menu to understand why this is all so special. If you are a fussy eater, you simply can’t be persnickety when entering into a Tasting Menu. You have to invest, in more ways than one I hasten to add, in the experience. You have to give yourself to those that know best, and that definitely means leaving the wine choices to the sommelier. Don’t necessarily look at The Tasting Menu. Let it surprise you, listen to what your waiter is telling you that you have been served and then enjoy. Obviously, if you have any particular allergies, that’s not necessarily the best www.b4-business.com
course of action, but this is one more example of the diligence of The Vineyard as all guests are asked at the time of booking if they have allergies. The tasting menu is fabulous and priced at £99, however, The Vineyard also offers a great value set lunch menu for £23. Dive in, immerse yourself in the experience. It’s one you’ll never forget. A special occasion isn’t the only reason to visit The Vineyard, in fact, it’s probably best not to go for a special occasion, as the experience will soon make you forget why you went there in the first place (I forgot the cake!) www.the-vineyard.co.uk
Roasted apricot with rosemary, iced nougat, peach coulis ~ Dark chocolate layers, caramel mousse, passion fruit jelly, caramel ice cream Wine: Point Blanc, Peter Michael Winery, CA, 2007 or Seasonal farmhouse cheese platter, quince jelly, fig cake, raisin and hazelnut bread Wine: Point Blanc, Peter Michael Winery, CA, 2007
£99.00 19
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