The Crescent Centre for Boys’ Education
Research Report 2019-2020 @CSBoysResearch
Discovering How Boys Learn Best
OUR PROFESSIONAL RESEARCH NETWORK The Crescent Centre for Boys’ Education
Discovering How Boys Learn Best
International Boys’ National Association of Schools Coalition (IBSC) Independent Schools The IBSC has been the springboard for much of our (NAIS) work with the CCBE. Michael Fellin serves on the Board of Directors, Sandy Boyes is a member of the Research Committee and Trish Cislak has served as Team Advisor for nine years for the IBSC Action Research Program. Important and vital network opportunities have been created through our association with the IBSC and we are honoured to acknowledge schools with research centres who came before us and generously shared insights as we built our centre: Eton College, Windsor, United Kingdom, Scots College, Sydney, Australia and St. Christopher’s School, Richmond, Virginia.
Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS) CAIS supports the development and promotion of independent schools in Canada. Trish Cislak sits on the Research Innovation Grant steering committee and advises schools as they conduct research that can benefit schools across Canada. Rich Prosser has completed a two-year research cycle and Ian Eatock will complete his second year in 2020-2021.
NAIS supports independent schools in the US and abroad. This year, Patricia Aliviano was published in the Fall 2019 edition of Independent Teacher (link above). We will continue to connect with NAIS to share our expertise.
The Centre of Innovation, Research, Creativity and Leadership in Education (CIRCLE) Led by Dr. Philip Cummins and Brad Adams, CIRCLE has been a champion of the research that we are involved with at Crescent. Their consulting and guidance as we build the CCBE have been invaluable and we are looking forward to continued support and success with CIRCLE.