2022/2023 Donor Report

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Donor Report

Men of Character

From Boys of Promise


In an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, and at a time when global data about the state of boys and manhood is raising alarms, Crescent School is more important than ever.

Crescent’s mission, Men of Character fromBoysofPromise, couldn’t be more timely. We are a school that helps boys discover who they are, the ways they can lead, and the kind of legacy they can leave behind. By imparting relevant and future-ready knowledge through a character-infused curriculum, we are developing well-rounded young men who will thrive in and positively impact our world.

And while the world needs better men, we rely on your support to help us deliver our mission. Thank you to the hundreds of families and individuals leading the way. This donor report acknowledges and thanks the many members of our community who have placed their trust in our school and the future of our boys.


“2022/2023 Highlights

>$1.2 million in Parent Annual Giving

>$2.8 million in Major Gift Commitments

>$4.8 million in Total Cash and Pledges

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Crescent’s mission, MenofCharacterfromBoysofPromise, is simple but not easy. Our ability to deliver our mission relies on many things: Masterful and dedicated educators who forge meaningful relationships with students; a modern and relevant curriculum that engages students and prepares them for an unknown future; a deliberate, systematic, and evidence-informed way to integrate character education that differentiates them as young men of character; and a world-class campus that inspires and supports our programs.

Equally important is a community that shares our values and partners with the school to achieve our vision. In this regard, Crescent has never been stronger. Crescent’s parents, alumni and friends are generous with their time and philanthropic support toward the school, and for this, I am deeply grateful.

Our Advancement Department underwent significant change during the 2022/2023 school year. Executive Director of External Relations John Lynch retired in February 2023. During his 17 years at Crescent, John left an indelible mark, raising more than $80 million to fund Crescent’s capital, programmatic, and financial assistance programs and growing Crescent’s endowment fund seven-fold. Crescent owes a debt of gratitude to John and Jill Cannon, Director of Advancement, who also left the school last year.

We welcomed the return of Jamie Lougheed ’87, P’18 as Chief Advancement Officer and Kathryn Foster as Director of Development. The new team quickly mobilized and maintained the momentum of our fundraising efforts. I am humbled to acknowledge over $4.8 million in charitable contributions in 2022/2023,

including over $1.2 million in parent giving. Our Parent Annual Giving program is the envy of the CAIS independent school network in terms of funds raised and donor participation, which helps support Student Financial Assistance and the capital projects of our Master Campus Plan.

Crescent pursues its mission with passion and commitment because the need for men of character has never been greater. I believe that Crescent is an antidote for much of what ails the world today, and feel confident that you share this vision. Working in partnership, we are achieving great things.

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Crescent School is built on the foundation of past donors and we are forever grateful that this spirit of philanthropy continues to ring true today.

I am one year into my role as Chief Advancement Officer at Crescent, a place that has been a home to me for over 40 years. When I walked through the Manor House door as a Grade 7 student in 1981, I didn't know the impact this school would have on me and my family. It is a privilege to follow in the footsteps of my predecessor, John Lynch, and former Director of Advancement Jill Cannon, who together paved the way to the success that we continue to benefit from today.

Our Parent Annual Giving program boasts over 70% participation, with families collectively donating more than $1.2 million last year. This program helps support Student Financial Assistance, allowing mission-fit students whose families cannot afford the full cost of tuition to attend the school and capital projects that are part of our board-approved Master Campus Plan.

Our Master Campus Plan development projects continue to be our fundraising priority with $2.8 million in major gift commitments made last year. In total, we raised over $4.8 million in 2022/2023. We have some very exciting projects on the horizon that will significantly enhance the Crescent School experience for our boys.

I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to thank our incredible Development Committee volunteers and my Development team who make our success possible. The campus and school experience our boys enjoy and thrive within today looks very different from the campus I walked onto many years ago. You, and all our incredible donors, made this transformational journey possible. We couldn’t do it without you! Thank you!




John Lynch P’16,’18, Executive Director, External Relations

Jamie Lougheed ’87, P’18, Chief Advancement Officer

Jill Cannon P’25, Director of Advancement

Kathryn Foster, Director of Development

Anna Melnychuk, Advancement Services & Database Coordinator

Leslie Pringle, Alumni Relations Officer

Barb Shearer, Advancement & Campaign Officer

Claire van Nostrand, Constituency Relations Officer

Marketing and Communications Team

Lynda Torneck, Director of Marketing and Communications

Kristin Foster, Marketing and Communications Specialist

Karenna Boychuk, Graphic Designer and Visual Documentarian

Enrollment and Financial Aid Team

Richard Vissers, Director of Enrolment and Financial Aid

Merrick David, Assistant Director of Enrolment

Brandi Parrent, Coordinator, Enrolment Associate

Beatrice Lee, Coordinator, Enrolment Associate

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Last year we saw a full return to in-person events and activities with our alumni community following several years of virtual events. It was good to see everyone in person again, kicking off the year with our Friday Night Lights soccer game and ending it with our Alumni Reunion. Here are other highlights of the year:

• Celebrating and honouring our 2023 Alumni Recognition Award Winners

‣ Alumni Excellence Award - Hessam Ghadaki ’99

‣ Young Alumni Excellence Award - Matthew Corolis ’13

‣ Community Leadership Award - Jamie Coulter ’87, P’21

• Inducting four new alumni to our esteemed Wall of Honour

‣ Kevin Abrams ’89, for his work and achievements with the New York Giants

‣ William “Bill” Greer ’37, for his accomplishments in architectural and heritage preservation in Toronto

‣ Dr. Niteesh Choudhry ’90, for his esteemed contribution to the field of medicine, health policy and healthcare delivery

‣ Dr. Gabriel Leung ’90, for his notable research and work in epidemiology of three novel viral epidemics, most recently COVID-19

• Hosting a number of events on and off campus

‣ Lawn bowling and family skate events

‣ Class of 2020 & Class of 2021 celebrations

‣ Midtown Alumni Social

‣ University branch receptions (Montreal, Kingston, Halifax, Vancouver)

‣ International branch receptions (Hong Kong & New York)

‣ Dentonia Luncheon

‣ Alumni Reunion

• Engaging our alumni with student life at Crescent

‣ American University Lunch & Learn

‣ Alumni Speakers on campus for HOSA, DECA, Careers classes, Middle School assembly, Film Club & Intersession Week

‣ FNL (soccer, basketball and rugby)

• Officially welcoming the Class of ’23 to the alumni community

While this report summarizes the many successes we celebrated over the year, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge some of the staffing changes. After seven years of supporting the alumni program at Crescent, Leslie Pringle left in the summer to join the team at The York School in her new role as Manager of Alumni Relations. Recently, we welcomed Wendy Jacobs as our new Associate Director of Alumni Relations. I would also like to thank the Alumni Executive Committee whose tireless work and commitment to building a strong and engaged alumni network is so appreciated and valued.

Thank you!





Andrew Norris ’03, Chair

Bruce Burgess ’57 (Dentonia Representative)

Clark Davis ’02 (Staff Liaison)

Tom Dobson ’98

Chris Hatsios ’12

Sean Hoff ’02

Aleem Janmohamed ’96

Lincoln Mak ’10

Jeff McFarland ’10

Ryley Mehta ’16

Farhad Shariff ’01

Myles Slocombe ’92 (Ex-Officio, Past & Present Representative)

Jason Steel ’93, P’32, ’32

Jon Telch ’05

Matt Wolfe ’08

Michael Yan ’05

Leslie Pringle, Staff Support, Alumni Relations Officer

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As of June 30, 2023, the value of the Crescent School Foundation stands at $24.5 million. Equities and bonds rebounded over the past year as markets responded favourably to the resilience of the major developed world economies. Bond returns were curbed by the prolonged restrictive monetary policy of central bankers who continued to increase policy rates to combat sticky inflation trends. Conversely, equities experienced much stronger returns with global equities skyrocketing over 22% in Canadian dollars. With a balanced portfolio of bonds and Canadian and Global equities, the Crescent School Foundation investment portfolio experienced strong overall investment returns for the year.

Our generous donors directed fiscal 2023 donations towards Student Financial Assistance, Headmaster’s Discretionary Fund, Robotics and Technology, Student Health & Wellbeing, and our Character-in-Action programs. A special thank you to the Class of 2023 parents whose class fund raised $35,986 in support of endowed Student Financial Assistance.

Over this period, the Foundation disbursed $718,454 to support various School programs with approximately 76% directed to needs-based Student Financial Assistance. This annual disbursement continues in perpetuity ensuring critical funding to key programmatic areas that directly benefit our boys.

The Foundation’s Directors assess financial reports on a quarterly and annual basis and establish and review various policies related to the Foundation’s mandate. This ensures the preservation and growth of the Foundation’s assets over the long term. Endowment contributions play a vital role in sustaining the School’s programs and we are deeply committed to responsibly stewarding these resources. We strive to maintain your trust and confidence in the years ahead.

As Chair of the Crescent School Foundation, I would like to thank the Advancement and Finance Offices at Crescent School for their hard work on behalf of The Foundation, and my fellow Directors for their diligence and commitment to preserving and growing the endowment.




Foundation Directors

Lesley Marks P’21, ’23, Chair

Dominique Barker P’25

Rita Caporiccio P’17, ’20

Liz Chow P’27

Sante Corona, P’19, ’23

Christopher John P’26

Bob Livingston P’02, ’05, ’07

Jay McConnell ’12

Jeremy Millard ’95

W. Ian Palm ’85

Jonathan Pollack ’89, P’23, ’25

Nicholas Warwick ’06


Jill Cannon P’25, Secretary, Director of Advancement

Kathryn Foster, Secretary, Director of Development

Andy Feng, Treasurer, Director of Finance


Michael Fellin P’24, Headmaster

Jamie Coulter ’87, P’21, Chair of the Board of Governors

John Lynch, P’16, ’18, Executive Director, External Relations

Jamie Lougheed ’87, P’18, Chief Advancement Officer

Arjuna Kadawathage, Chief Financial Officer

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Crescent tuition covers the cost of school operations, but it is our generous donor community that provides the much-needed support for new facilities and enhancements to our signature academic and co-curricular programs, and funds Student Financial Assistance. Our strong culture of giving enables us to grow and evolve with an emphasis on improving the experience for Crescent’s boys of promise.

We are so grateful for the ongoing support from Crescent’s current and past parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty and staff who believe in our mission and ensure that the school has the resources to develop Men of Character from Boys of Promise.

This year marked another very successful year of fundraising. Our Parent Annual Giving program, which raised over $1.2 million, continues to be the leading example among our peer schools in the GTA. Additionally, our Crescent community committed over $3.6 million in gifts and pledges for a grand total exceeding $4.8 million. All funds raised will support the Master Campus Plan and needs-based Student Financial Assistance.

A notable accomplishment for the school was the endowment reaching just over $24 million, allowing more mission-fit boys to attend Crescent regardless of socioeconomic background.

I am very proud to be part of the Crescent community which leads by example in their generosity, encouragement, commitment, and passion for the School’s mission and values. I see this in all aspects of the community including the Board of Governors as well as the various volunteer committees that support the advancement of the school’s objectives.

It is this deep pool of volunteers that affords me the great pleasure to pass the leadership of the Development Committee to fellow Governor, parent and alumni, John Reucassel, who will succeed me in 2023/2024 as Chair. I have no doubt he will bring an energized and engaged effort towards the Committee’s continued efforts to raise the financial support needed to maintain and advance the school’s strategic priorities for present and future generation of boys. I would like to express my sincerest thanks to all of our generous donors who assist in making Crescent the best place for our boys to learn and thrive.




George Mavroudis P’18,’26, Chair

Rose Campione P’23

Rita Caporiccio, P’17, ’20

Christene DeGasperis, P’24

Duncan McGregor P’00, ’06

John Reucassel ’87, P’19, ’24, ’27

Cee Cee Robertson P’20, ’28

Jonathan Pollack ’89, P’23, P’25

Henry Zhao P’24, ’25


Jamie Coulter ’87, P’21, Board Chair

Michael Fellin P’24, Headmaster

John Lynch P’16, ’18, Executive Director of External Relations

Jamie Lougheed ’87, P’18, Chief Advancement Officer

Jill Cannon P’25, Director of Advancement

Kathryn Foster, Secretary, Director of Development

Barb Shearer, Staff Support, Advancement & Campaign Officer

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Tom Dobson has remained engaged with Crescent School since his graduation in 1998. He has served on the Alumni Executive Committee and, since 2003, has donated annually and with increasing generosity to the Class of ’98 Fund in support of Student Financial Assistance.

Being inspired by the entire community of people in and around Crescent while I was a student makes me want to donate.

I believe education is one of the most important things we can give one another in life. I hope my gift helps deserving boys benefit from the experience I received—an experience that otherwise may not be possible due to their family circumstances.

When I see some of my favourite people—and former classmates—become teachers at the very place we went to school and grew up together, I want to be a small part of it. I encourage everyone in our community to help Crescent continue to positively impact boys’ lives like it did mine.

“I believe education is one of the most important things we can give one another in life.”
Tom Dobson ’98



Crescent’s annual Staff & Faculty Appeal invites employees to donate to the Staff Bursary Fund to support student financial assistance or other programs of their choosing. Participation in the appeal sends an important message: that they believe so much in Crescent’s mission they support the school philanthropically as well as with their time and expertise.

As a parent, I’ve had a chance to see what a Crescent experience has done for my son. I think many mission-fit boys out there would benefit from a chance to experience the same.

– Trish, Head of Libraries and Research

It’s important to support the different programmatic offerings at Crescent. These help our students thrive and build a better community for all of us. Every donation helps and makes our school stronger, even if the individual gift is small.

– Hassan, Learning Technology Specialist

I’m someone who benefited from a Crescent education. Even the little I can contribute over time can make a big difference in a student’s life. When I look back over what I hope will be many years at Crescent, I’ll have contributed to the experience of a deserving student. That’s a nice legacy.

– Charlie, Head of Interdisciplinary Studies (Grades 7–12)

“I think many mission-fit boys out there would benefit from a chance to experience the same.”
Trish Cislak P’17
“Every donation helps and makes our school stronger, even if the individual gift is small.”
Hassan Singer
“Even the little I can contribute over time can make a big difference in a student’s life.”
Charlie Mills ’99
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Crescent connections—and generosity—run deep on both sides of Bob and Vicky Macdonald’s family. Vicky’s parents established the Maria and Alberto Bacardi Family Bursary in support of student financial assistance in 2015. Bob and Vicky recently donated $565K to top up the fund to $1M, an endowment that now funds a year’s tuition for a Crescent student in perpetuity.

The school has played a significant role in our lives. Three of Vicky’s brothers attended the school, as did I. When I reflect on my years at Crescent, I can see its significant impact on my desire for lifelong learning. As parents, we know the school provides an extraordinary educational foundation coupled with a nurturing and caring environment.

I believe strongly in paying it back and paying it forward. Crescent played a role in my professional success, and setting other young men up for a similar experience or opportunity is the right thing to do.

The school provides a special type of education and experience for young men. It needs the support of the Crescent community to ensure this influence continues long into the future.

– Bob

“I believe strongly in paying it back and paying it forward.”
Bob Macdonald ’85
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Campus Plan
Crescent School Foundation
Crescent School Fund
31.9% The
22.8% The
0.5% Property
Based on Dollars


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5 Yr Overview to 2022/2023 Year End $6,318,652 FY23 FY21 FY19 $3,890,511 $19,791,522 $6,738,052 $4,872,208 $5,361,455 Fiscal Year Committed represents new pledges + outright gifts + Gift-in-Kind donations Total Received represents pledge payments + outright gifts + Gift-in-Kind donations Dollars Raised ($) 25 Million 15 Million 20 Million 10 Million 5 Million FY22 FY20 0 $3,073,920 $9,401,169 $9,444,442 $3,234,955


Based on Dollars Received in 2022/2023 86.2% Current Parents 0.1% Friends 4% Crescent Parent Association 6.2% Past Parents 3.2% Alumni 0.3% Current Faculty & Staff CRESCENT SCHOOL 22
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1913 Society

The following donors have generously committed $100,000 or more to Crescent School or The Crescent School Foundation over their lifetimes up to and including June 30, 2023.

Martin & Kim Abell

Sean Aylward & Sara Marino

The Alberto Bacardi Family

Egizio & Lori Bianchini

The Brigham Family

Bruce Burgess ’57

Patrick Burke

Theresa Burke

Richard & Cathy Carl

Brian & Janey Chapman

Brad Charlton & Carrie Russell

Mandeep & Jessica Chawla

Qiannin (Boyun) Cheng

Fred & Anne Conlin

Martin Connell & Linda Haynes

George & Tami Cope

Sante & Joelle Corona

Fabrizio & Nicole Cortellucci

Jamie Coulter ’87 & Yuri Ma

Richard & Sophia Crenian

Andrew & Hillary Cumming

The Curry Family

The Dalglish Family

Tony & Helga DeGasperis & Family

Michael Deluce ’96 & Laila Deluce

Leo & Sandra DelZotto

The Dembroski Family

Matt & Erin Devlin

Michael Donnelly ’88

Sam & Claire Duboc

Derek & Daryl Erdman

Philip & Sherry Evershed

The Fan Family

Bill & Sharon Fielding

Robert & Regan Fitzpatrick

Brandon & Jennifer Frankfort

George & Judy Frankfort

Jeremy & Judith Freedman

Trevor & Cindy Gardner

Mark Gaskin

Paul & Gina Godfrey

Barry Gordon ’87 & Wendy Gordon

Buzz* & Leslie Grant

The Greenwood Family & The Henry & Berenice Kaufmann Foundation

Fabien Guillon

Lyne Guillon

David Harquail & Birgitta Sigfridsson-Harquail

Marc Henderson & Mandy Scully

Trent & Lisa Henry

Clarke & Catherine Herring

Stanley Ho & Lucinda Laam Ho

Bill & Susanne Holland

Steven K. Hudson

Lily Hui

Henry & Margaret Hung

Jonathan Hunter ’87 & Nita Major

Eric* & Candace Innes

Liang Liang Ju & Marine Ma

Bryan & Carolyn Kerdman

The Kerr Family

Tom Kierans & Mary Janigan

Arnold & Carmen Kondrat

Alek Krstajic & Natalie Williams

Michael Latifi & Maria Helena Russo


Benny & Ruby Lau

Ming Wai Lau ’97

Michael Lay & Leagh Turner

Ethan Li & Meggie Zeng

James Liu & Cindy Zhang

Bob Livingston & Laurel Hobbs

Bill* & Joan Livingston

Ron S. Lloyd ’79 & Samantha Lloyd

Douglas L. Ludwig & Karen J. Rice & Family

Qing Bo Lyu & Yan Ling Wang

Bruce Macdonald

Jocelyn Macdonald

Robert Macdonald ’85 & Victoria Bacardi-Macdonald

Ian & Nancy MacKellar

Scott & Sheila MacNicol

Jason Marks & Alison Noble

George Mavroudis & Matilda Sos-Mavroudis

Martin & Clarie McConnell

Bob McFarland & Barb Black

Duncan & Lynn McGregor

David & Karen McKay

Eric & Rita Métiver & Family

Mark & Corrin Moness


The Monteith Family

William Morneau & Nancy McCain

Kevin & Brenda Murai

The Estate of Michael Nedham

Derek & Sherri Neldner

The Norris Family

The Edmond G. Odette Foundation & Family

Xiaodong Pan & Zhifeng You

Vijay Parmar & Doris Loo

The Pollack/Hayward Family

The Racioppo Family

Stuart & Tracey Raftus

The Reucassel Family

Bruce & Cee Cee Robertson

Graham Rosenberg & Audrey Newman & Family

Steven Rosenhek & Bonnie Burke

Greg Rudka & Sharon Westman

The Sauntry Family

The Schumacher Family

Paul & Angela Simcox

Colin & Deborah Simpson

Hugh & Katy Sisley

Connie Situ

Chris Slightham ’89 & Tia Slightham

Jeffrey & Stacia Slightham

Frank Song & Emily Wang

Tao Song & Jianru Wang

Paul Spafford & Jean Davidson

Yuri Stepanov & Katya Belilovsky

Daniel Su & Leona Li

Ximing Sui & Yanchun Yan

Kevin & Sandra Sullivan

Benson* & Joyce Sy

Justin Tang & Feifei Zhao

Kevin Teng & Claire Teng Chen

The Frederick W. Thompson Family

The Throop Family

Paul & Anne-Marie Tompkins

John Tory & Barbara Hackett

Greg Tsagogeorgas & Magda Koinis-Tsagogeorgas

Bill Volk* & Wendy Southall

Peter & Kimberlee Wallace

Frank Wang & Julia Zhou

Alisha Wang

The Wang Family

J. Greydon Watt ’20

The Wen Family

David White & Mary Jane Yule

Tim Wiggan ’90 & Shannon Wiggan

Donald & Sally Wright & Family

Chao Wu & Yan Bei

The Xu Family

Tommy Yang & Winnie Wang

The Ye Family

John Zechner & Lynn Porter Zechner

Xingfu Zhang

Yueliang Zhang & Qi Tang

The Zhao Family

Alvin Zhao & Aiyun Li

Feng Zhu & Yidan Jin

Roger Zhu & May Lee

31 Anonymous Donors

* deceased

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Students from Mackenzie House compete in House Day activities.



These lists represent donations received between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.


Robert Macdonald ’85 & Victoria Bacardi-Macdonald

The Reucassel Family

The Ye Family

J. W. JAMES COUNCIL$250,000–$499,999

Fabrizio & Nicole Cortellucci

Crescent Parent Association

The Fan Family


Barry Gordon ’87 & Wendy Gordon

The Kerr Family

Hugh & Katy Sisley

Justin Tang & Feifei Zhao

Kevin Teng & Claire Teng Chen

Alvin Zhao & Aiyun Li

1 Anonymous Donor

DENTONIA PARK - $50K–$99,999

Sherry Cai

Qiannin (Boyun) Cheng

Peter & Lynn Grosskopf

Haolin Li ’23

Connie Situ

Chao Wu & Yan Bei

William Young

The Zhao Family

6 Anonymous Donors


Mandeep & Jessica Chawla

Michael Deluce ’96 & Laila Deluce

Trent & Lisa Henry

Vincent Li & Annie Jiang

James Liu & Cindy Zhang

Derek & Sherri Neldner

Steven Rosenhek & Bonnie Burke

Paul & Angela Simcox

Tao Song & Jianru Wang

Fei Wang & Li Zhou

Kevin Xu & Cassie Liu

Chris Slightham ’89 & Tia Slightham

1 Anonymous Donor

FOUNDER’S COUNCIL - $10K–$24,999

Raj & Kin Babber

Shawn & Serena Beber

Jamie Coulter ’87 & Yuri Ma

Andrew & Teresa DeGasperis

Derek Flood & Michelle Lalonde

Trevor & Cindy Gardner

The Gooderham Family

Clarke & Catherine Herring

Vincent & Crystal Hsu

The Joshi Family

Dong Liu & Feng Wen

Eric & Rita Metivier & Family

Vlad Ovchinnikov & Lesia Menchynska

The Pollack/Hayward Family

Frank Song & Emily Wang

Greg Tsagogeorgas & Magda Koinis-Tsagogeorgas

Neal Walters & Catherine Brochu

Alisha Wang

The Wen Family

Wilfred & Alice Wong

The Xu Family

Tommy Yang & Winnie Wang

Yueliang Zhang & Qi Tang

Qi Zhong & Shuo Shi

1 Anonymous Donor

PARTNERS - $5K–$9,999

Christopher & Susan Adams

Shrirang Apte & Rachana Bhomavat

Baosen Bai & Yong Wei

Mike & Melissa Baldassarra

John Berry ’81

Grant & Andrea Bunker

Gabriel Chan ’97 & Joanna Tsang Chan

Paul & Shelly Chana

Charle Cheng & Sunny Song

Andrew Chow & Candy Chiu

Hugh Clark

Michael Craig & Rana Jin

Joe Dai & Anna Zhou

Tony & Jennifer DeCaria

Mohammed & Saadia Elahi

Mark & Lisa Ernst

Freeman Fang & Yuanyuan Cui


Robert & Regan Fitzpatrick

Mark Gaskin

Yang Gu & Hua Wang

Fucheng Guo & Ting Wang

Christopher Hetherington & Andrea DelZotto Hetherington

Tao & Yurao Huang

Yu Ping Huang

Vishal Joshi ’97 & Isabel Castillo

Graham & Virginia King

Peter & Susan Konigsmann

Michael Lay & Leagh Turner

Leida Inc.

Bailey Leung & Trinity Tan

Hua Li & Cheng Pang

Yauping Liu

Peter Loukas & Robin Clark

Steven & Rachel MacMillan

Peter & Jane Marrone

Daniel Martin ’95 & Raewyn Seaberg

Scott Merriman & Joanne Dufault

Rishi & Jenna Narine

William Ng & Danielle Low

Jun Qi & Lijuan Tong

Jianming Qiu & Dongyan Liu

The Racioppo Family

Zhiwei Ruan & Jie Lin

Ammar Shawkat & Redina Chadirji

Philip Shevelevich & Halyna Nesterko

Philip & Maria Smith

Joseph & Pamela Sulpizi

Jose & Charlotte Velazco

Andrew Vernon ’89 & Suzanne Vernon

Jianping Wang & Zhiying Zhou

Shuang Wang

Tat & Angela Wong

Robert Woo & Vivian Springer

Alex Wu & Sophia Jiang

Gang Wu

Pui Man Yu & Yan Jun Ni

Trueman Zha & Megan Zhang

Zhanwei Zhang & Xiaoli Liu

David Zhu & Rebecca Wang

7 Anonymous Donors

ASSOCIATE - $1K–$4,999

Kevin Abrams ’89

Ben & Patricia Alviano

Perry & Natasha Arzumanian

Chhad Aul & Shahrzad Esmaili

Dawei Bai & Lauren Liu

Song Bai & Feiyan Gao

Cory Basil & Cari Covent

Abdollah Behzadi & Shirin Oskooei

Bram Belzberg ’98 & Ilana Belzberg

Charles Benaiah & Rhonda Chiger

Ian Bendell & Catherine Shaw

Geoff & Catharine Bertram

Sarabjit & Jasminder Bhutani

Jonathan & Jessica Booth

Steven Braun & Aine O’Flynn

John & Robin Brent

Stephen & KB Brinkley

Jon Brown & Isabel Belen

David Bunn & Jennifer Li

Michael & Michaela Burns

Stewart & Rachel Busbridge

Maogui & Zhiying Cai

Pengcheng Cai & Hui Chen

Robert & Lesley Cancelli

Wayne & Christina Candy

Xinghe Cao & Fengqin Zhao

Harry Carmichael ’96 & Stephanie Carmichael

Mary Carrier

Jorge Cepeda & Paula Munoz

Gerald Chan ’99

The Chao Family

Bert Chen & Ms. Lulu Wu

Dianwei Chen & Betty Xia Wei Yang

Hao Chen & Weiming Cao

Jing Chen & Jiejie Cai

Julian Chen & Cynthia Shen

Oscar Fan & Maggie Yu

Kevin Chiang & Jackie Yau

Jerry Chien & Camille Tsang

Leo & Natalie Chiu

Samuel Chiu & Phoebe Choy

Ferdinand & Elsa Choy

Cameron Clokie & Winnie Lherisson-Clokie

Geoff & Andrea Cohen

Sandro Colavecchia & Christene DeGasperis

Sante & Joelle Corona

Craig & Rose Cross

William Cunningham & Candace Chan

Gordon Currie

Zachary Curry ’93 & Lynn Curry

Marcus Daniels & Annie-Claude Dupuis

Brian Denega & Cindy Crawford

Bozhong Ding & Fan Yang

Feng Ding & Lisa Chen

Huy Do & Chanh Leuangthong

Tom Dobson ’98 & Jennifer Dobson

Michael & Jacintha Doner

Changling Du & Xiaoning Fan

Robin & Janet Dunbar

Andrew & Janet Durnford

Derek & Daryl Erdman & Family

Zheyuan Fan & Xiang Zheng

Azim Fancy & Rima Al-awar

Mahdi Farhangdoost & Negin Zanjany

Hooman Farhangnia & Yasaman Zadeh

Michael & Heather Fellin

Suyan Feng & Xilian Wang

Jim & Michelle Filice

David & Tamara Finch

Edwin Fong ’96 & Tammie Poon-Fong

Eric & Angela Fong

Dongming Fu & Tracy Zhou

Guisong Fu & Monica Kong

Yu Fu & Christy Chen

Barry Fung & Olivia Chen

James & Frances Fung

Yonni Fushman & Betsy Klug

Reggie & Christine George

Hamid Ghadaki & Hedieh Ghanbari

Devon Ghelani ’00

Peter Giacomelli & Chanda Carr

Matt Gibson ’90 & Dominique Barker

Kalan Milley & Shanti Gidwani

* deceased

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George Gleeson ’08

John & Sarah* Gleeson

Blair Goulet & Camille Broughton

Jonathan Grant & Suzanne Clapp

Simon Gray & Tina Gnat-Gray

Ron & Jodi Green

Alden & Rebecca Greenhouse

Joseph & Lisa Grignano

Anthony & Christina Gueli

Luis Javier Guerrero & Patricia Monserrate

Hongyuan Guo & Hong Yu

Barclay & Dawn Hancock

David Harlock ’89

Jane Henderson

Mark Hendricks & James Davie

David & Kelly Hilborn

Michael Hilliard & Rosemary Cooke

Stephen & Josephine Ho

Brad & Nancy Hotson

David Howard & Daphne Myler

HaiGaoQiao (George) Hu ’23

Mustafa Humayun & Zehra Sheerazi

Chris Hunt ’95 & Jasmine Rana-Hunt

Song Huo & Pingping Li

Kevin & Dora Hutchings

Peter Imhof & Krista Mcclure

Sam & Honor Ireland

Adrian & Rachel James

Anthony & Carmine Jansen

Imraan Jeeva ’88 & Rabia Khan

George Jiang & Linzi Li

Christopher John & Shaheen Darani

Daniel Jolivet & Shelagh Lemke

Sri Kanagaratnaraja & Suhanya Bhuvanendran

John Kassis & Natalie Boucratie

Stratis & Janet Katsiris

Raj & Shivani Khanna

Richard & Grace Kim

Lennard Kipp

Simon & Blair Knowling

Christopher Koski & Eva Janssens

David & Rachel Lafond

Manfred Lam & Alexandra Nevin Lam

Nii-Apa & Olenna Lamptey

Bruce Langstaff & Kathleen Kent

Brett Laschinger ’87

Bahman Lashkari & Homeyra Farid

Nicholas Latifi ’13

Michael & Arlett Latimer

Clarence Lau & Ann Wai

Johnny & Judy Lau

Derrick Lee-Shanok ’96 & Margareth Lee-Shanok

Maxwell Leveson & Helen Lin

Campbell Levitt ’85 & Caroline Levitt

David & Dorothy Levy

Baoguo Li & Yan Gao

Cheng Li & Fei He

Weimin Li & Cicilia Qiu

Weiming Li & Faye Wan

Hongbin Liang & Lei Chai

Jianwu Liang & Zhiying Qian

Dan Lin & Yunhong You

George Lin & Elaine Yong

Hong Lin & Bin He

Hongming Lin & Pan He

Daniel Liu & Ruilu Zhao

George Liu & Jieying Wang

Gang Liu & Ding Yuan

Hong Liu & Jessie Zhang

Jian Guo Liu & Ying Wang

Lei Liu & Yeonhee Park

Thomas Liu & Helen Xu

Weldon Liu & Theresa Tam

Yan Liu & Eileen Lin

Mike Lord & Leah Temerty-Lord

Jamie Lougheed ’87 & Alana Lougheed

Graham & Jamesina Lowe

Grant Lu & Rita Ngo

Haitao Lu & Yao Mu

Yevgeny Lubman & Irina Mironova

Matthew Luo & Vera Wei Zhang

Chris & Julietta Lynch

Scott MacDonald & Lesley Smythe

Norm Mackie

Robert MacNaughton & Tracey Patel

Arden & Marla Majewski

Manor & Janet Haas

Zhen Mao & Bonnie Jiang

Patrick Marley & Jennifer Newman

Jeff & Andrea Marshall

Brad Mashinter & Sharmila Samuel

George Mavroudis & Matilda Sos-Mavroudis

Kevin McCafferty & Jill Cannon

Bradley McConnell & Helen Vokas

Duncan & Lynn McGregor

Ryan McNally & Martha Kerr

Drew & Andrea Mcreynolds

Geoff McTait & Bobbi Dodds

Stephen & Rachel Megitt

Zachary & Carly Michaud

Roberto Micucci & Irene Markus

Pat & Margot Mills

Matthew Milne-Smith & Carmen Tang

Razvan & Elena Mitulescu

Sunny Mo

Mark & Corrin Moness

Kelly & Melanie Morel

Brian Morgan ’93 & Lauren Swinburne

Jeffrey & Andrea Murphy

Afshin Nabifar & Solmaz Nikbakht

Jason & Tammy Neal

William Ng & Claudia Tsang

Nadir Nurmohamed & Leanne Jenkinson

Richard O’Brien & Jill Fraser

Paul & Joanne O’Hea

Jay Oelbaum & Sloane Litchen

Zhenxiang Pan & Yan Jiang

Christopher Parker & Lynne Lacoursiere

Christopher Pepper & Mary McKee

Adrian & Paulina Prenc

Amit & Nikki Puri

Wenhui Qi & Juan Liu

Jian Qiu & Yihui Xiang

Jian Qu & Yajing Zhang

Lorne Rabinovitch & Lisa Busgang

Conor Rankin & Sherryn Rambihar


Trevor Reichman & Ana Paula Reichman

Hao Ren & Lu Bai

Daniel Rethazy & Lauren Greisman

Gregory & Tina Riley

Giorgio & Amanda Riva

Bruce & Cee Cee Robertson

Stephen & Marion Robinson

Christopher Rowan ’00 & Lesley Rowan

James Roy & Alanna Fox

Joseph & Angela Salvaggio

Richard & Melissa Sellner

Jianliang Shang & Fengxin Gu

Alan Shen & Linda Xu

Hong (Jeff) Sheng & Zheng (Jen) Xi

Daniel & Lisa Shonfeld

Ari Silverberg & Sari Feldstein

David Singer ’97 & Karrie Singer

Scott Singer ’98 & Mia Kim-Singer

Thomas & Joanne Singer

Joran & Doris Siu

Gordon & Jackie Sklenka

Allan & Jennifer Small

Julian Smith & Katie Wilson Smith

Greg & Nicole Southam

Kenneth Scott Spencer & Gillian Whitebread

David & Catherine Staveley

Mark & Olivia Steedman

Amanda Stride

Christina Sun

Ying Sun & Rong Fu

Zhongdong Sun & Peining Han

Xin Hua Tao & Alice Zhang

Angelo Tsebelis & Maria Muraca

Serhat & Sinem Unsal

Shaun & Margot Usmar

Michael & Lily Uster

Steven & Melissa Uster

Tom Vandewater ’97 & Janice Lin

James William (Bill) Velos & Zenobia Omarali

Scott Wambolt & Jennifer Upitis

Chuanguo & Jin Wang

Minghua Wang & Ludan Zhang

Shuo Wang & Jing Li

Yi Wang & Jessie Zhou

Michael Warner ’96 & Julie Guarasci

Tim Watson ’01 & Caitlin Watson

Gordon & Andrea Webster

Jia Wu Wei & Liping Zhang

Colin Williams ’13

Dan & Donna Wilson

Kenneth Wong & Christina Cheung

Paul & May Wong

Steve Wong & Frances Chan

Tong Wu & Shuang Wang

Qing Xiang & Manlin Kong

Xinhua Xiao & Manqin Zhan

Wei Xing & Yan Shen

Jianxin Xu & Chunhong Geng

Richard Xu & Nikki Liu

Shijian Xu & Lanxin Deng

Xiangen Xu & Xinhua Shi

Yuklung Yam & Tracy Wong

Henry Yan & Liz Pan

Harrison Yang & Ashley Liu

Wei & Yolanda Yang

Zhichao Yao & Han Xu

Gilbert Yee & Angie Wong

Wai Man Yeung & Oradee Khaiyanun

Xiang Yi & Leilei Jiang

John You & Marie-France Jobin

Peigui Yu & Juan Lin

Hasan & Seema Zaidi

Chen Zhang & Michelle Wang

Hong Zhang & Yan Lin

Hongjun Zhang & Xuesong Li

Pu Zhang & Nan Feng

Tim Zhang & Kathy Zhou

Yun Lu Zhang & Xianxian Wu

Jun Zhao & Lei Qi

Zhe Zhao & Lydia Yang

Chong Zhou & Yixi Luo

Zhijian Zhou & Yang Shen

Zhenhua Zhu & Li Zhou

53 Anonymous Donors


Jordan Abramsky ’16

Jonathan Allion ’14

Osama Arafat & Aline Bardakjian

Mike & Maura Armstrong

Bill & Jennifer Arvanitis

Dustin Ashley ’11

Sean Aylward & Sara Marino

Azza & Nkiru Azza

Griffin Baker ’14

Brett Balcom ’16

Sal Barillari

Lee Barker ’58 & Judith Barker

Jeff Barton ’91 & Erin Murphy

Sarah Basinski

Robert Belmonte & Leonarda Ricciuto

Max Bennett ’18

Alan & Wendy Berger

Megan Berry

Fraser Bertram

Sandy Boyes

Kimberly Bradeen

Kevin Brennan & Leslie Williams-Brennan

Michael Brisbois

Liam Brown ’10

Griffin Bush ’06

Ivan Cai & Joanna Li

Joseph-Paul Campione ’23

Jake Cassaday ’06

Andrea Cerswell

Fraser Chapman ’93

Justin Chau

Gong Chen & Sherry Zhao

Christa Chisholm

Coutinho Chitnis

Nicholas Christodoulou ’12

Darren Chu ’10

Yunhao Chu

Gabriel Chua & Maggie So

Steve & Trish Cislak

Jeannie Clark

Christopher Clubb & Karen Eisen

* deceased

DONOR REPORT 22 / 23 29

Emilio Colalillo

Adam Conn

Glenn Connors

Kieran & Tamara Conroy

Brian & Stephanie Cooper

Matthew Corolis ’13

Richard Cotter & Ann Lockyer-Cotter

John & Alissa Crean

David Cronin ’09

Dale Dantzer & Lisa Cheng Dantzer

Merrick David

Jeff & Lisa Davidson

Clark Davis ’02

Sean DeZilva

Nathaniel T. Diakun ’15

Charles Dixon ’10

William Dobson ’99

Gordon Drake ’99

Ian Eatock

Michael & Nancy Elliott

Thomas Elliott & Jennifer Steckel Elliott

Matthew Erdman ’13

Tim Evans

Reza Farkhondehpay & Nazila Mirhadizadi

Sairah Fazil

Andy Feng

Marcella Fioroni

Ian and Rebecca Fisher

Jackson Fisher ’14

Dennis & Marry Fong

Timothy & Laurie Foote

Kent & Kathryn Foster

Kristin Foster

Kyle Fraser ’98

Bob Fraser ’99

Andrew Fullerton ’11

Justin Gadd-Thomson

Abbie Gagne

Alex Gerlings ’13

Shane Giddens ’99

William Gill ’16

Robert Graham & Karen Beatty

Chris Grant ’13

David & Sandi Grant

Adam & Danielle Greenberg

Max Greenwood ’03

Mark Griffiths ’99

Brian Groves & Karen Willox

Wilbert Guo ’16

Faisal & Rumina Habib

Tyler Hagan ’99

Cole Halbert ’14

Katharine Hancock

Christopher Hatsios ’12

Alicia Hawryluk

Jack Hayward ’13

Chase Heinemann Maze ’11

Faiz Hemani & Asma Panjwani

Colin Henderson

Kyle Henderson

Craig Hepburn & Charlotte Moore

Luke Hilborn ’23

Rodney Hill & Karen Rowe

Glen & Sofia Hirsh

Jason Huang ’23

David Hudson ’96

Ari Hunter

K. I.

Jon Itzkovitch

Hussein Jaffer ’04

Pearce Jarvis ’09

Stephen Jin & Renee Liu

Tao Jin & Jianhua Shi

Alexander Johnston

Paul & Heather Johnstone

Paul Joliat ’94 & Amy Joliat

Christopher Jones & Christine Williams

Brian Jue ’10

Arjuna Kadawathage

Carolyn Kanhai

Kasthuri Karunaratne

Gina Kay

John Kaye ’98

David Keating & Kimberley Skakle

Charis Kelly

Matti Keskikyla ’10

Adam King ’16

Matthew King ’23

Julia Knapp

Warren Kong ’10

Evan Kothari ’23

Jason & Allison Kotler

Nicholas Kovacs

Timothy Lane

Jeff Larcina ’03

Godfrey Kim & Godric Latimer-Kim

David Lay ’10

Eamonn Lay ’23

Ian & Courtney Lederer

Jason Lee & Bonnie Ng

Shawn Levine ’23

Jamie and Heidi Lewis

Freddy Jiaqi Lin ’23

Jianwei Liu & Lei Li

Philip Lloyd ’09

Ian Lo ’15

Stefan Losberg ’13

John Lynch & Cathy Yanosik

Anna MacInnis

The Mainprize Family

Lincoln Mak ’10

Sean Malone ’16

Jake Mandel ’12

Zubina Mawji & Tehseen Dahya

Michael McConnell ’09

Jeffrey McFarland ’10

Kate McGilvray

Scott McGregor ’06

Sean McKerroll ’10

Alex McRae ’13

Paulo Melardi

Timothy Melis ’14

Justine Melman

Anna Melnychuk

Jeremy Millard ’95

Rolston Miller & Kristi Herold

Charles Mills ’99

Marius & Magdalena Mocanu

John & Edrise Mueller

Gavin Muranaka & Liz Tolhurst

Sheryl Murray

Kody Neldner ’23

LeeAnn Newman


Andrew Norris ’03

Jonathan Norris ’07

Nadine Nunes

Michael Overvelde & Alison Smith

Gregory Peck

Samantha Pena

Max Pollack ’23

Leslie Pringle

Richard Prosser & Alexandra Rodney

Shawn Pulver ’97

Leon Rambarose

Derek Rambeau ’99

Alex Rasmussen ’10

Judy Rho

David Rogan ’87

Claudia Rogers

Graham Rotenberg ’12

Marjan Rouzbahman & Reza Mofid

Roger Rowan & Frith McCurdy

Rob Rutledge & Janet Bannister

Jay Shannon

Farhad Shariff ’01 & Nissa Shariff

David & Kelly Shaw

Barb Shearer

Wei Shen & Wei Gu

Rob Shih ’02

Blake Shyba ’16

Julie Simopoulos

Peter & Catherine Singer

Hassan Singer

Hugh Smith ’81 & Beverly Smith

Walied Soliman & Deena Thakib

Puneet Soni ’98

Mark J. Sorbara’ 98

Christina Sorbara

Brendan Spinks ’98

Sasha Sreckovic ’92 & Maria Sreckovic

David & Samara Starkman

Rita Starkman

Elliot Starr ’03

Austin Stein ’13

Aldonna Stremecki

Sara Suckstorff & Family

Edward Sun & Catherine Wang

Brian & Nicole Swales

Henson Tam ’11

Patrick Tan & Hao Nguyen

John & Anita Taylor

Jonathan Telch ’05

Joseph & Frances Telch

Kerim & Umit Terzioglu

Greg Tessaro

Gautier Thelliez & Stephanie Lheureux

John Theodoropoulos & Betty Psarris

Roger Thorpe ’89

David Tillmann

Helen-Claire Tingling

Caitlin Tino

Laura Tomori

Alexander Tompkins ’13

Lynda Torneck

George Tory ’06

Daniel Turk ’09

Kody Vaisanen

Peter Vaisanen & Kim Desrochers

Chris van de Water ’99

Kathleen C. van Nostrand

Glen Vance

David Varley ’63

Natalie Vera

Richard Vissers

John Vo

Vince Volpe

David & Helen Walsh

Nicholas Warwick ’06

Sean Webster ’13

Gaby Weitz ’10

Nicholas Wellner ’16

Greg Wells ’89 & Judith Wells

Jack Williamson ’16

Chris Winchell ’94 & Catherine Winchell

Matthew Wolfe ’08

Phoenix Wong ’23

Jason Wood

Gordon Wotherspoon

Harriet Wynne-Jones

Sean Xiao & Eva Yao

Yiyi Xu ’23

Michael Yan ’05

Brian Yeung & Linda Kim

Rob & Julie Yocom

Miriam Young

Danny & Kelly Zarif

Jack Zechner ’16

Zan Zhang ’23

Haiyan Zhao

Bo Zhou & Hedy Jiang

37 Anonymous Donors

* deceased

DONOR REPORT 22 / 23 31


In 2022/2023

The following funds were supported through charitable donations to Crescent School or the Cresent School Foundation between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023.

The Alisha Wang Scholarship

Alumni Athletic Fund

By Alumni, For Alumni Bursary Fund Biology Lab Updates Business Fund

Chawla Family Scholarship

Chris Gordon Prize Day Endowment

Pat Mills Family Class of ’87 Bursary

Alberto del Rosal & Rob Druzeta Class of ’89 Scholarship

Class of 1993 Bursary

Sacha Tehranchi ’96/Class of ’96 Bursary

Class of 1997 Bursary

Class of 1998 Bursary

Class of 1999 Bursary

Class of 2000 Bursary

Class of 2001 Bursary

Class of 2002 Bursary

Class of 2003 Bursary

Class of 2004 Fund

Class of 2008 Fund

Class of 2009 Fund

Class of 2010 Fund

Class of 2011 Fund

Class of 2012 Bursary

Class of 2013 Fund

Class of 2014 Scholarship

Class of 2015 Scholarship

Colin Lowndes Class of 2016 Bursary

Class of 2018 Scholarship

Class of 2019 Scholarship

Rob Cranston & Don Morrison, Class of 2021 Scholarship

Grant, Jansen, Porteous, Class of 2022 Scholarship

Class of 2023 Grads Fund

Class of 2023 Scholarship

CPA Centennial Donation

Crescent Parent Association

Centennial Scholarship

Crescent School Experience Fund

Crescent School Fund 22/23

Crescent School Fund 23/24

Crescent Staff Bursary Fund

The Deluce Family Scholarship

The Diversity & Tolerance Fund

The Erdman Family Fund for Diversity & Tolerance

The Eric Song ’19 Endowment Fund for Health & Wellbeing

The Eric Song ’19 Expendable Fund for Health & Wellbeing


Students participate in House Day activities.

Expendable Student Financial Aid

Experiential Learning

The Fraser Gooderham ’06 Scholarship Fund

Great Boys - Library & Commons

Gu Family Scholarship

Headmaster Discretionary PD Fund

Headmaster’s Discretionary

Expendable Fund

International Outreach Endowment Fund

James Ballard Memorial Fund

John Tansey Endowment Fund

The Ken Reucassel ’83 Family Scholarship

The Kerr Family Fund

The Luo Family Scholarship Fund

Lynch Family Bursary

Margaret Donnelly Library

Maria & Alberto Bacardi Family Bursary

Miscellaneous Gift in Kind

Our Way Forward Campaign - Crescent Student Services Fund

Our Way Forward CampaignUnrestricted Fund

Our Way Forward Campaign Student Financial Assistance Fund

Performing Arts Endowment

The Pollack/Hayward Family Scholarship

Racioppo Family Fund for Local Outreach

The Rosenhek Family Scholarship

Rumball Land Acquisition

The Slightham Family Scholarship

The Master Campus Plan Phase 1

The Wan Family Scholarship

Wen Family Scholarship Fund

William L. Burridge Bursary Fund

The Yu Family Scholarship

Zhang Family Robotics Fund

Zhang Family Scholarship

Zhang/Liu Headmaster’s Discretionary Fund

The Zhou Family Scholarship

33 DONOR REPORT 22 / 23


The following donors made gift-in-kind donations to Crescent School between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.

Simon Gray & Tina Gnat-Gray

George Mavroudis & Matilda Sos-Mavroudis

Kevin McCafferty & Jill Cannon

Anna Pascos

Greg Tsagogeorgas & Magda Koinis-Tsagogeorgas

1 Anonymous Donor

Toronto mascots visit Crescent School.


Between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023, gifts were made to Crescent School and the Cresent School Foundation in honour and in memory of the following people:


Eamonn Lay ’23


Alberto del Rosal ’89

Rob Druzeta ’89

Fraser Gooderham ’06

Jack Hogarth ’13

Sacha Tehranchi ’96

Ken Reucassel ’83

35 DONOR REPORT 22 / 23


Jamie Coulter ’87, P’21, Chair

Rodney Hill P’23 ’23, ’25, Treasurer

Janet Bannister P’23

Andrea Bunker P’20, ’23, ’25

Rita Caporiccio P’17, ’20

Mandeep Chawla P’27, ’29

Trent Henry P’24

Catherine Herring P’16, ’22

George Mavroudis P’18, ’26

Sherri Neldner P’23, ’25, ’28

Andrew Norris ’03

Paul Spafford P’18, ’22

Paul Simcox P’26, ’28

Kevin Teng P’23, ’24

Tim Watson ’01

Henry Zhao P’24, ’25

Ex Officio

Michael Fellin P’24, Headmaster

Carolyn Kanhai, Secretary, Executive Assistant to Headmaster and Board of Governors



Michael Fellin P’24, Headmaster

Nick Kovacs, Deputy Headmaster

Ryan Bell ’98, Head, Middle School

Sandra Boyes, Executive Director, Professional Learning and Research and Head, Lower School

Arjuna Kadawathage, Chief Financial Officer

Carolyn Kanhai, Executive Assistant to Headmaster and Board of Governors

Gina Kay, Executive Director, Crescent Student Services

Jamie Lougheed ’87, P’18, Chief Advancement Officer

John Lynch P’16, ’18, Executive Director of External Relations

Gregory Peck, Chief People Officer

Richard Prosser, Head, Upper School

Haiyan Zhao, Chief Operating Officer

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these lists. If you have a question or concern, please contact:

Kathryn Foster, Director of Development, at 416-449-2556 ext. 276 or kfoster@crescentschool.org


DONOR REPORT 22 / 23 37

2365 Bayview Avenue

Toronto, ON M2L 1A2

416 449 2556



of Character
Boys of Promise

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