To find outstanding terms and conditions of different companies who issue unit linked policies and market potential for unit linked policies.
EXECUTIVE SUMMERY After privatization and liberalization in 1991,private sector is growing very fast across wide spectrum of Indian economy. A major part of such liberalization process is finance sector. That is also applicable to Insurance Industry. Large number of multinational companies in collaboration with the Indian industries is competing the strong LIC. At the same time bank rates are going down. So investors are going for alternatives. They are investing in market for good returns. This report Comparison study of unit linked policies and its market research contains detail study of unit-linked policies and comparison study of different companies and also market potential in Bangalore. The main object behind taking this project is to find outstanding terms and conditions of different companies who issue unit linked policies and market potential for unit linked policies. At the same time we are interested to know 1. Whether people are aware about unit linked policies or not 2. What factor they are consider while purchasing unit linked policy 3. What is their expectation from unit linked policy 4. How much they want to invest in Life Insurance 5. In which type of fund they prefer to invest. Based on this questionnaire was prepared. Data collected through market survey and secondary data is also collected. The data is analyzed using code sheet, percentages, averages, sums and weightings.
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