TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INDUSTRY PROFILE The Indian sugar industry is a key driver if rural development, supporting India’s economic growth. The industry has inherently inclusive supporting over 50 million farmers Total sugar industries in India are 596 out of which 67 are public sector companies, 157 are privet sector companies and 282 are cooperative societies. Total Sugar Industries in Karnataka are 39, out 2 are public sector companies, 18 are private sector industries and 19 are co-operative societies and one is joint venture. Government enacted the Sugar Development Fund Act and Rules, which provides for levy of per quintal of sugar known as Sugar Development Fund (SDF). COMPANY PROFILE Name of the company THE UGAR SUGAR WORKS LTD.Ugar Khurd.It was established on September, 11, 1939. First crushing was started on April, 21, 1942. Location of the unit
: THE UGAR SUGAR WORKS LTD. Ugar Khurd -59131 Dist Belgaum, Karnataka. E-mail:
WORKING STAFF Workers of the company are divided as fallows. Permanent workers.
Seasonal workers.
Total working staff. Government apprentice trainees. Total staff
1400 53 1453
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Researched has used the following research tools to collect primary & secondary data. The data collected through the sample of 100 respondents. The selection of the sample is purely done on the basis of list provided by the personnel department. The sample researcher used simple random sample techniques to select the above sample OBJECTIVES The report studies the different departments of USW Ltd. and the functioning of each department. Hence the objective of this study is: 1. To see the impact of Training & Development in the organization 2. To know how the training & development programme by improve efficiency of the employees. 3. To identify the training and development needs given to Employees. 4. To identify the methods of training and effectiveness of training. 5. To know whether Training has been provided at right point of time SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study of TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD. Source of information collected will be the information provided by the HR department as well as the survey and the observation made there on. Scope of the study is restricted to the employees of Ugar Sugar Works, Ltd., Ugar Khurd
LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY There are certain limitations occurred during the work which are as follows 1. The information is based on sample selected for the study. It is not based on the entire population 2. Some employees felt unwilling to reveal the opinion about certain issues 3. The top managers did not share the confidential data from the management point of view 4. The industry worked in day & night shifts. The researchers could not contact and collect the information of employees in the night shifts 5. The summer inplant training period of 60 days was short for detailed study 6. Since the sample size is only100, which is not true representative of the population as a whole 7. Level of accuracy of the results of research is restricted to accuracy level with which the employees have given their answers and accuracy level of the answers cannot be predicted FINDINGS
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD 1. Majority of the employees are satisfied with the training they receive for their present job. 2. The courses of training are relevant to the needs of the employees. 3. Employees are getting the training at the right time required. 4. There is a system followed to approach to the higher authorities when they think there is a need for training. 5. Training helps to built up interpersonal relationship between superior subordinates. 6. The USW Ltd. has arranged various types of training programs for the employees i.e. on the job training and off the job training. 7. It was observed that the lectures, conferences, workshops, seminars, group discussions etc. were used as training & Development needs for employees. CONCLUSION In this study it has been analyzed that there is a feeling among many employees that the training program in the organization is inadequate. The training program is not only to make the employees aware about the job but also helps them to be more creative and proactive in their work which results in the organizational developments.
The training program also helps the
employees to develop their inter personal and intra personal skills. The training program is to be provided to each and every employee by identifying training needs scientifically & it should be always proactive.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY The skills or knowledge required to do a particular job is developed in the human being with the help of training only. The trained employee is an asset to the organization & the employer. The training is valuable to employee because it increases his efficiency & he gets greater opportunity for advancement through promotion. The development includes the improvement in the technical knowledge and skills, ability to solve problems etc. Management is the development of people and not the directional of the things. Management & personnel, administration are one and the same thing from the very beginning, labour had been important factor of production. Even today technical development could not under mine the place of labour in industrial field. The important reason behind is that the labour is the active factor of production which only can use the other factors in the best possible manner, otherwise no production is possible. The perfect knowledge & skill which can be acquired through the best source & that is training. When the most suitable person is selected in the organization through the application of the scientific selection process after that the next important function of the personnel management is to arrange for their training. Every organization must have a systematic training programme.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD The Indian sugar industry is a key driver if rural development, supporting India’s economic growth. The industry has inherently inclusive supporting over 50 million farmers and there families, along with workers and entrepreneurs of almost 500 mills, apart from a host of wholesalers and distributors spread across the country. The industry is at a cross roads today, where it can leverage opportunities created by global shift in sugar trade as well as the emergence of sugarcane as a source of renewable energy through ethanol and cogeneration. While some of these opportunities have been well researched in past, there was need to access the potential for India and to develop a comprehensive and actionable road map which could be the Indian industry to take its rightful place as a food and energy producer for one of the word’s leading economies. India is the second largest producer of sugarcane next to Brazil. As per last year data, about 4 million hectors of the land is under sugarcane with an average yield of 70 tones per hectare. India is largest producer of sugar including traditional sugar sweetener, Khandasari and Gur equivalent to 26 million tones raw value followed by the Brazil in the second place of 18.5 million tones. Traditional Khandasari and Gur are consumed mostly by the rural population in the early 1930’s nearly 2.3rd of sugarcane production was utilized for production of alternate sweetener, Gur and Khandasari. With better standard of living and high income, the sweetener demand shifted to white sugar. About 1/3rd of sugarcane production is utilized by the Gur and Khandasari sectors. Being a small sector, these two sectors completely free from govt controls and taxes, which are applicable to the sugar sectors. The advent of modern sugar industry began in 1930 with grant of tariff protection to the Indian sugar industry. The number if sugar mills increased from 30 in year 1930-31 to 135 in the year 1935 and the production during same period increased from 1.20 lakh tones to 9.34 lakh tones under dynamic leadership of the privet sector. There are of planning for industrial development began in 1950 and government laid down to targets of sugar production and consumption licensed and installed capacity, sugarcane production during each of the five year plan periods. The targets and achievements various plan periods are given bellow.
No of factories in
Installed capacity
Sugar production
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD 1950-51 1955-56 1960-61 1965-66 1973-74 1978-79 1985-86 1990-91 1995-96 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
139 143 174 200 229 299 339 377 415 423 437 433 453 461 506
16.7 17.8 24.5 32.3 43.1 59.1 72.7 98.5 127.6 161.8 168.2 176.8 180 185 197
11.0 18.9 30.2 35.4 39.5 58.4 70.3 120.5 164.3 182 185.1 185.3 201 170 175
The small size new units licensed by the government were supported by a scheme announced on 25th November 1975 known as same path community incentive. It provides percentage of free sale quota to both new sugar factories and expansion of existing unit. This is a mushrooming growth of relativity of small sized sugar industries in the country. Under the policy if licensing, government initially permitted small sized new units of 1250TCD capacity and later on increased the minimum economic size of plant to 2500TCD, similarly the capital expansion initially allowed up to 3500TCD, were subsequently raised to ITCD and finally those expansion limits were withdrawn in 1990. As a result the industry had grown horizontally with all India per unit average capacity of 500TCD. As against this, these have been consolidation and move towards larger per unit capacity all over the world, which is evident from the following table.
Sugar mills with cane crushing capacity and sugar production per unit in various countries Country Thailand Australia Brazil South Africa Mexico Colombia Cuba Hawaii Mauritius
No of units 45 28 213 13 67 10 156 09 16
Avg cane crush per day 1037 9216 9168 6877 4749 4590 4229 4111 3195
Avg prod per day 140540 183321 64018 137769 71015 214900 45538 44111 42970 6
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD India
Total sugar industries in India are 596 out of which 67 are public sector companies, 157 are privet sector companies and 282 are co-operative societies. Total Sugar Industries in Karnataka are 39, out 2 are public sector companies, 18 are private sector industries and 19 are co-operative societies and one is joint venture. Government enacted the Sugar Development Fund Act and Rules, which provides for levy of per quintal of sugar known as Sugar Development Fund (SDF). The SDF is utilized for granting term loans to sugar mills modernization and grant for research projects in the sugar besides creation of buffer stock as and when required to ensure price stability. Government de-licensed sugar sector in 1998. it is now open to entrepreneurs to set up mills without license but at distance of 15kms away from the existing factory. Sugar units free to expand capacity and also put up high capacity new units. This should help to consolidate and expand their capacities and also put up high capacity wherever cane potential exists.
: September, 11, 1939
First crushing
: April 21, 1942
Location of the unit
: THE UGAR SUGAR WORKS LTD. Ugar Khurd 59131
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Dist Belgaum, Karnataka. Concern financial institutions
: Central Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, Union bank of India, United Western bank ltd, ICICI, IDBI, UTI, Rabo India finance Pvt. Ltd.
Address of the correspondence
: THE UGAR SUGAR WORKS LTD. Ugar Khurd 59131 Dist Belgaum, Karnataka. Ph.(08339)272230 Fax.(08339)2732232
Registered office
: Mahaveer Nagar, Sangli, Maharastra phone.(0233) 2623717 fax.(0233) 262321
THE UGAR SUGAR WORKS LIMITED, UGAR KHURD HISTORY, ACHIEVEMENTS AND PROGRAMMES About sixty seven years ago Ugar K h u r d was a small hamlet in the erstwhile princely state of Sangli. It was however blessed with two great advantages, on its south, flowed the perennial r i v e r Krishna and on the north was situated the Railway station of Ugar Khurd. On the meter gauge line between Miraj and Bangalore, Now changed to broad gauge. Conditions were ideal for somebody harness the two advantages and exploit the fertility of the loamy soil. An abortive attempt was made in late thirties to start a sugar industry. After that, then the ruler of Sangli invited Late Dr. S.R. Shirgaokar who had previous experience of setting up a Sugar Factory at Kolhapur, to embark on the unexplored venture which did with great dexterity and slumbering village of Ugar-Khurd was transformed into humming Industrial Township in few years. Dr.S.R.Shirgaokar deputed his competent nephew Shri V.S. Shrigaokar to purchase a sugar pl an t from Mohali Sugar Factory in Sitapur District in Bihar and install it at Ugar-Khurd. The Ugar Sugar Works Ltd has found it ablest navigator in its Late Shri V.S. sShrigaokar. The 500 TCD plant was purchased installed and the first crushing season was started on
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD the 2 1 of April 1942. Ugar Sugar Works Ltd passed a remarkable milestone in scoring the highest st
recovery in unpartitioned India-13.46%. After there was no looking back and the sugar m i l l registered a rising graph and the rise upwards in c o n t i n u i n g even, to t hi s year. Starting with modest crush of 3875. Tones in crashing season of 1942; it w i l l probably crush over 1.4 mi l l io n tones in the crushing season of 1998-99. The mi l l crossed million tones of cane mark and million quintals of plantation white sugar 7 times till 1998-99 grinding season. In 1995-96 seasons the mi l l crushes the 1.393 million tones of cane and stood first in Southern India. Along with sugar production, distillation of molasses to produce Ethanol was started in 1964. The present capacity of distillation unit is 45000 TRS of rectified spirit per day. The liquor section was started in 1968 and right now the I M F u n i t is producing several brands of alcoholic drinks, some of them earned countrywide reputation.
ACHIVEMENTS AND POWER GENERATION PLANT Recently the USW have commissioned the 1 s t phase of production of power through co generation to produce 28 MW/ day electricity to run the mi l l & to supply the electricity to KPTCL. The total power production would be 28MW. When completed out of wh ich 10 MW power w i l l be consumed for in house work. And 18MW power would be supplied to the K.PTCL. Sugar Industr y since it started using high pressure boilers and effecting steam economy to they have a large reservoir of surplus bagasse and convert this plentiful bagasse into electrical energy in their co-generation u n i t from 2003 production capacity has been increased to 44 MW/ day. To control air emissions from chimney's of boilers as per Karnataka State Po ll ut io n Control Norms, wet scrubbers are also installed in 2000-01. Other than Sugar Cane, The USW is fortunate in getting cooperation of the state department of Agriculture. Indian Agricultu re Research Institute, New Delhi. CJMMYT in Mexico, Agriculture Institute from Pune, University of Agricultural sciences, Dharwad and Bangalore, Inora from Pune Who sponsor organic farming. The result ova all this agricultural research was production of high qua li t y cane as also remunerative rotation crops.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD One of the most outstanding achievements of the R&D Section was imparting seed of 'coc67T from Cuddalore, Tamilnadu in 1982 & getting a record recovery of sugar 12.74% in 1992-93. When the USW stood 2 n d in entire I n d i a and recorded 15.65% poll. In carte during peak period. The break through prompted the R&D personnel to experiment with other several combater strains such COC-92061, CO-89014 & CO-92020 etc. This timely step not only proved beneficial tothe Ugar Sugar Works Ltd, but to several other factories in Karnataka & the neighboring state of Maharashtra also. After all the progressive nature of a sugar Factory can be gauged by the speed of adoption of new technology in order to1. Increase the yield of Sugar by introducing new high sucrose varieties. 2. Improve the quality of sugar so that if could become exportable. 3. Start by product industries so that nothing goes waste. 4. Use maximum percentage of installed capacity of sugar manufacture, distillery, cogeneration of power etc.
LIVE AND LET LIVE: One of the main advantages of symbiotic living between a sugar factory and the cane growers is that both derived advantages from each other. "Live and let live'" has been the guiding principle. A small hamlet like Ugar Khurd was grown into Industrial Township with all modern day facilities. It can be said with great pride that the cane growers have become affluent and there standard of living has gone up.
HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY: The Ugar Sugar Works Ltd Believe that even in an age of fast changing values. "Honesty is the best policy." At the same times they are convince that the "Early Bird Gets The Warm." & have accordingly tried to be as innovative as possible, as early as possible.
AWARDS: National Safety Award 1984 for largest Accident Free Period. Shri S.V. Parthsarthy's Award for outstanding performance in sugar industry for the season 1984-85.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
DISTILLERY & INDIAN MADE LIQUOR BOTTLING: Along with Sugar production Distillation of molasses to produce alcohol was started "in "1964TThe present capacity of distillation unit in 75 KPLD. In distillery section, Rectified spirit, Extra Neutral Alcohol, Malt spirit, Grape sprit, Fuel ethanol, denatured alcohol are produced. The liquor section (Bottling U ni t) was started in 1968 & right now the I M F u n i t in producing several brands of alcoholic drinks, some of their brands have get countrywide reputation. The production of l i q u o r is approximately 1500 cases/day, which is dispatched to several parts of India. I M L u n i t of the USW Ltd. Produces 25 different brands of liquors of popular of which is old castle whisky, Gagarin Vodka, Hawk Gin, xxx Rum and Doctors Brandy. Because of their excellence, Ugar Liquors were the 1 s t to be granted the prestigious I.S.I, mark. For treatment of distillery effluent and zero discharge of effluent from digesters, evaporation and drying (SSP) Plant was established in 2002-03. Greenbelt development was also undertaken since 1999-00. In 1999-00 IMW per day power generation plant was commissioned to generate power from Biogas.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
MODERNISATION: A l l efforts are' made to modernize every department of the factory an d di st i ll e ry in order to maximize efficiency. Infields, attempts are made augment the photosynthetic potential of the sugar plants by introducing new high yielding, high sucrose varieties. In the factory, attempts are made recovered maximum amount of high-class sugar from the cane by improving m i l l efficiency and boiling house efficiency.
INFRASTRUCTURE LAND AND BUILDING : The existing factory is situated on non agri land approximately of 110.16 acres N.A. Lands, These lands are acquired by the company in 1939. The total bui lt up area of factory is 15262 sq.Mtrs. The Company has Godowns to stock sugar. The Godowns, Distillery, Molasses Tanks, Staff Quarters, central office are admeasure 21760 Esq. The present land and the existing b u i l d i n g is sufficient for carrying out the present activities and also for modernization cum expansion project of increase in capacity from 7500 TCD to 10,000 TCD. '
MANPOWER: The company has 893 skilled and semiskilled workers for both sugars and distillery. The total numbers of the employee of the company are 1453 (permanent & seasonal including) employed in Head Office, Administrative Office. The approximate manpower required for co- generation w i l l be 50. The required semi-skilled and skilled workers are transferred from existing manpower available in sugar factory. For co-generation company has appointed 7 engineers, a draftsman and cad operator.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD The company has existing qualified experience and trained staff which have been transferred from sugar factory to co-generation and 7 more engineers have been appointed for cogeneration project. The existing staff is sufficient to undertake modernization cum expansion project and no new employment is envisaged for modernization cum expansion project.
NATURE OF BUSINESS The main businesses of the parent company manufacturing products are, Sugar. Power. Indian maid foreign liquor. Industrial and potable Alcohol. Ethanol.
POMOTERS OF BUSINESS Mr. Rajendra V. Shirgaokar (Chairman & Managing Director) A well know industrialist in the sugar industry, Mr.R.V.Shirgaokar has been serving the organization for the last 41 years. He graduated with B.Sc. (Honors) and B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from a London University.He has been instrumental in developing the Distillery and the IML section of the Ugar Sugar Works Ltd. He is also actively involved in the strategy and new projects evaluation of the organization.
Mr. Prafulla V. Shirgaokar (Executive Director) An eminent industrialist, Mr. Prafulla Shirgaokar has over 37 years of experience in the Sugar Industry. He has completed a Masters Degree in the field of Science. He
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD has keen interest in the administration and cane development activities of the organization. He has developed the Ugar Niravari Scheme and is the Chairman of the Ugar Niravari Sangh. Mr. Shirgaokar has worked as a President of the South Indian Sugar Mills Association (SISMA). He is also a member of the Board of Directors of The S.B. Reshellers Pvt.Ltd.
Mr. Shishir S. Shirgaokar (Whole time Director) A Science graduate from the Fergusson College, University of Pune, Mr. Shishir Shirgaokar is a well known industrialist with vast business experience. He is an active member of The Ugar Sugar Works Limited for over three decades. He has primary responsibility of taking care of the financial interests of the group. Other areas, where Mr. Shirgaokar has been involved include strategy, banking, new projects execution & growth and inventory control.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Shri. R.V. Shirgaokar.
Chairman/Managing Director
Shri. V. Balsubramaniam.
Shri. M.B. Karmkar.
Shri. S.N. Inamdar.
Shri. B.N. Kalyani.
Shri. D.B. Shaha.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Shri. M.G. Joshi. : Director Shri. M.R. Desai.
Shri. A.B. Kage.
Shri. B.S. Patil.
Shri. P.V. Shirgaokar.
Executive Director
Shri. S.S. Shirgaokar.
Whole Time Director
WORKING STAFF Government intelligent and hard working citizens play an essential role in the development of the nation. The employees are responsible for the success or failure of a company. Workers of the company are divided as fallows. Permanent workers. 1. Seasonal workers. Total working staff. Government apprentice trainees. Total staff
800 600 1400 53 1453
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
WORKERS SHIFT SYSTEM Sugar manufacturing process is continues it needs employees to take care of the operations 24hours. So company employs its workers in 3 different shifts and also provide weekly off on routine basis. The shift system of the company is as fallows.
04:00am to 09:00pm
09:00am to 09:30am
09:30am to 12:00pm
12.00pm to 03:00pm
03:00pm to 03:30pm
03:30pm to 08:00pm
08:00pm to 04:00am
12:00am to 12:30pm
12:30pm to 04:00pm
General and Administration 08:00am to 12:00pm
12:00pm to 01:00pm break
01:00pm to 05:00pm
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
Central Office 10:00am to 02:00pm
02:00pm to 02:30pm break
02:30pm to 05:30pm
FUTURE PLANS OF THE COMPANY Ranked in the top 5 sugar produces in India. Continue to remain the largest sugar in southern India. Looking at achieving group turnover, crossing INR 750 cross (season 2009-2010) with strong bottom lines. Annual crushing capacity exceeding 3000 TCD. Active participation is manufacture and supply of Ethanol to major refineries in the company.
PRODUCT PROFILE The Ugar Sugar Works Ltd. is the manufacture of the “White Crystal Sugar”. Along with sugar some other main products are manufactured in Ugar Sugar Works Ltd. are Power Distillery products Other by products Bio-gas SUGAR The Ugar Sugar Works limited is the largest ‘single location’ manufacturer of sugar in southern India with a licensed capacity of 12000 TCD. Ugar Sugar manufactures more than 15 million bags of
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD sugar annually. The main product of sugar manufacturing process is “While Crystal Sugar”. This White crystal sugar is manufactured in the following grade. Grades
%produced in last season
1400 micron
600 micron
800 micros
Quality of sugar is measured with the help of four important parameters, Namely Sugar Poll, Moister, Temperature and color. The sugar is said to be good quality when it have Sugar poll 99%, moister 0.4, temperature bellow 40 for bagging and color 100-120 (bellow for export).
POWER The Ugar Sugar Works Limited has been successfully operating its 44 MW Biogases based Cogeneration Power Plant- the single largest power plant of its type in the country for several years. Additionally, as part of our expansion plans, we are setting up two more Greenfield power plants of 15 MW each. Ugar Consultancy Ltd. (UCL), the subsidiary of The Ugar Sugar Works Ltd is offering full time consultancy services in the area of Cogeneration Power Projects. DISTILLERY PRODUCTS The Ugar Sugar works Ltd. has two distilleries with a total capacity of 75000 bulk liter per day. Some of its well known brands in the market place are Old castle Premium Whiskey, Old castle Rum, US Rum, Vetted Malt Whiskey, Sandpiper Whiskey, Gentlemen’s Whiskey, Ugar Directors Brandy, Gagrin Vodka and US Gin. The primary products coming out of the distillery are
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) Ethanol Rectified spirit Malt spirit Industrial Alcohol (Extra neutral Alcohol) BY-PRODUCTS BAGASSE Bagasse is a residual material left the extraction of juice from sugar cane. In Ugar Sugar, it is capital used as a fuel by which the industry is self sufficient for its fuel requirement. The excess is saved to the tune of 5% of weight of the cane crushed the saved bagasse can be selectively used as fuel in the lean period / off-season or sold to the interested parties.
BIO-GAS The company’s 1 MW Bio-gas power generation plant for utilizing biogas available form Distillery Effluent Treatment plant jointly set up with Indian Institution of Science Bangalore and National Bio-energy Board. FINAL MOLASSES It is highly viscous left over material containing sugar / reducing sugar and organic / inorganic impurities. It is a raw material for distilleries of our organization. FILTER CAKE
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Filter Cake commonly known as Press Mud is the suspected impurities separated during the process of cane juice clarified by the sulphitation process. The material is used as manure and the factory managers to sell the filter cake to the cane growers at concessional rates and achievers recycling of the matter back to fields. The fermentation sludge is dried and separated. If is used for poultry feeds. Fusel Oil is separated from the distillery section (Mixture of High Alcohol) and used for Amly Alcohol / perfumes. Carbon Dioxide is also produced in the fermentation process. It is scrubbed and filled in the Cylinders. It is used for Industrial purpose.
FUNCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS PERSONNEL/ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT In USW Ltd, to look in to the welfare of the employees and their problems there is a department called ‘personnel department’. The personnel department is concerned with recruitment, selection and training of the employees. It tackles with needs the necessities of the workers. The main of this department recruits the candidates, train them place right person at the right jobs. The personnel department helps the management in securing, using and developing appropriate manpower to achieve the objectives of the organization.
Labour Welfare Activities in USW LTD: Medical Facilities.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD The company has provided various medical facilities to the employees in order to keep them healthy. Workers are required to undergo medical examination after every month especially workers working in the Bagasse section, sulphur section, alkali section and sugarhouse. Other employees also undergo medical examination regularly. There are first aid facilities within the factory premises the medical examination regularly. There are first-aid aid facilities within the factory premises to help the situations of accidents. In case of major accidents, the company compensates the medical expenses and holidays with pay are provided up to the recovery. The factory has established its hospital from which the employees will get service in case of need. Hospital is well equipped with modern technology, modern operation theater, X-ray and accommodate 30 patients.
Housing Facilities. The USW Ltd. has provided good working facilities to the works usually on the basis of seniority. The HRA (Housing Rent Allowance) is also applicable for some employees having the grades along with good housing facilities, recreational, medical, sports and education facilities also provided. Company has 4 modern quarters for employees by name ‘Vinayak Smruti’ each building consist of 100 family, new colony and quarters by name ‘X’,’Y’. Education Facilities. The company has provided education facilities to the employees and also for their children. Company have been arranging basic computer course to the employee in its own ITI. Primary and Secondary schools, PU college, Arts and Commerce Degree college, ITI and nursing courses have been started to benefit employee’s children and the whole society. Good Working Condition.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD The company has provided good working condition with perfect light and proper ventilation through out the plant. The working hours are flexible. As per the emerging trend of HRM worker safety is gaining more importance. Company has provided all employees with shoes with steel toe safety belts, hand gloves oxygen cylinders, earplugs etc. special protection have been provided to the employees working in boiler section by providing them masks, hand gloves and cotton uniforms etc. Transportation Facilities. There are transportation facilities provided for the workers, who are coming from far distance from the factory. A van is provided for this purpose. Company arranges vehicles for all villages at the time of flood, for the convenience of employee and villagers. In addition to this cycle allowance is also given on some condition. For all these Purpose Company is having separate section called Motor department.
Payment of the Bonus to the Workers. As we know non-payment of the bonus to the workers is one of the causes of industrial dispute. The govt. of India appointed a Bonus commission to study the entire issue of Bonus. The govt. ceiling is, i.e. if a worker is getting the salary below Rs. 3500/- should get a minimum bonus of 8.33% of the wages. But this ceiling is not applicable to USW Ltd. because the minimum salary in the company is Rs. 4500/- So the company is not bound legally to the Bonus Act. Even the company gives 20% of wage as Bonus every year to each worker. In addition to this company provides necessary food grains like Rice & wheat on the occasion of festival of Dipawali. Holidays. The company provides 28 days of holiday in week. There will be 10 casual leaves and 12 sick leaves for those workers who actually present on the work more than 240 days in a year. Trade Union.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD The trade union is an association of workers in one or more occupation carried on mainly for the purpose of protecting and advancing the members economic interested in connection with their daily work. The company presently has two unions, 1. Factory workers Union 2. Ugar Sugar Karmik Association
.Accidents and Safety policy Accidents: The main causes for accidents in the organization are, There are some workers, prom to accidents e.g., electric job, Boiler section jobs, chemical section, work on automatic machine, and work by inexperienced workers. These workers are risky and therefore there is always possibility of accidents deposit of all precautions. Defects in machines and plants cause accidents. Majority of accidents are due to transmission machinery such as gears, belts and metal working machines. Some time work environment causes for accidents e.g., darkness, excessive. Safety Policy
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD USW believes that accidents are preventable and training and re-training of employees can minimize health hazards. USW are committed to provide safe machinery, methods, equipments, tools, etc., and to continual improvements in health, Safety and Environment performance. USW will comply all the legislation and rules regarding safety and health. USW policy is to maintain beyond compromise. USW believes that rules are sacred and must be observed. While on duty USW concentrates on company job. Care and caution is company guide in the life. Safety, security and punctuality always keep the company happy. Company motto-No accidents due to human failure. ISW employees are more valuable than anything and company expect the employees to follow safety, health and environment norms
Duration 3 year
1year 13
2 year
1 2
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD 3
Mechanic PASS
Boiler Attendant
9 10
Steam Turbine Motor
02 01
Rs.1090 Rs.1090
Rs.1240 Rs.1240
Rs.1440 Rs.1440
mechanics 11
Vehicle Diesel Mechanic
PURCHASE DEPARTMENT Purchasing is very important and significant part of any organization. Purchasing is the task which to be performed very cautiously. It functions on the principles of “Money saved in the purchase is the money guide in the sales�. Profit can also be earned in the purchasing process of the organization. But the important fact is that the quality of the output is depends upon the quality of raw material purchased and used. Thus, purchase manager has to process the knowledge or entire marketing. Purchasing procedure very continuously according to the needs of the organization and authority delegated to purchase manager. Success of the organization is based on effective inventory management system and interrupted production schedule and this can be achieved with adequate purchasing function.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
STORE DEPARTMENT: In USW Ltd. store department plays role of centralized purchasing department. It purchases all consumable goods, all raw material except Sugarcane and Personal protective equipments. Generally it purchases Chemicals, Bearings, Cements, Steel, Hardware items, Lubricants, etc. the store department of company keeps mere 1300 verity of goods as stock and issues to all departments as per the necessity. To carry o purchase and issue store department receives indents from different departments for there requirements. In stores the purchasing department except Sugarcane purchases the material. After receiving the requisition (Indent) from department it checks the availability in stock and provides the required material. If the materials are not available, it sends the list of required materials to purchase departments. After the purchases, goods are weighted in stores and supplied to the concerned departments. The store record is maintained in computer using Fox-pro software. And the stock is arranged in way easier to find any goods immediately.
CANE PURCHASE DEPARTMENT As the name indicates the cane purchase department purchases sugarcane from the farmers. This department records plantation date of sugar cane in the nearby fields and fixes the harvesting data on the base of prioritized harvesting list. Usually they prefer sugarcane of 12 months if there will be a shortage, they purchase it from nearby states and the transportation charges will be born by the factory only. They even observe the quality and varieties of sugarcane. The cane purchase department deals with registration of sugar cane with growers, good quality maintenance, developing high yield varieties and also terms loans and subsidies to the farmers who are growing sugarcane for their company and gives seeds of sugarcane to grow varieties
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD CANE DEPARTMENT PROGRAMS The unit is undertaking cane development programs which will be a part of its activities they are, Canes are provided to farmers to take up new variety of cane activities. Subsidies are provided to farmers. Presumed and by products supplies to farmers on fertilizers free to work. BILLING SYSTEM Billing is made to sugar growers is in two types in a month i.e. total cane of first 15 days of the total cane of the month and second 15 days of the month. TRANSPORTATION Cane is purchased on the field. The transport cost of the cane to the factory is paid by the company when the location is under 65 kms. to the factory above 65 kms. the transport change will be charged to cane growers.
MECHANICAL DIPARTMENT This department purchase machineries and their spare parts. This department prepares comparative charts, which contains tax, price, quality and quantity of the product to be purchased. This department is responsible for the purchase decision of major technology and latest machinery. It also takes care of sufficient stock of required for the machineries.
Functions of machinery department: Purchasing materials of right quality and quantity on proper requisition To place order after comparing received quotations.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD To place order with right suppliers. To make an arrangement for prompt payment to the parties. To tale care of machineries and providing with service and timely repair. Maintenance in off-season. Supporting the production by providing adequate mechanical force in process.
FINANCE DEPARTMENT As we all known success of any organization department depends on the efficient financial agreement. Taking this point in to consideration Ugar Sugar Works Ltd. have well structured systematic finance department with a well qualified personnel. USW Ltd. have got manager finance, who heads account officer, account supervisor, clerks, cashier and office boy.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Manager Finance
Company Secretary
Accounts Officer
Accounts Supervisor
Office Boy
FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE COMPANY: The Ugar Sugar Ltd. Company’s growth in term of turnover and profitability besides investment in black assets and working capital has been satisfactory over a period of time. Unless proper accounting of the various transactions of the company taking place out systematically, the real control on the functional areas of the company will be lost to management. All the transaction of the company will be accounted on the accrual basis only, except where deviations are permitted by the management through its accounting policies. The company has issued 9 corer equity shares to the public. The face value of each share is Rs.1/-. The USW Ltd. is public sector ownership. At present the paid up capital is Rs. 9 corer. The family of the company owner holds about 43.8% of shares. To improve its market liquidity company recently spitted its 10 rupee face value share of 1 rupee. The market price of the company share as on 30, July 2008 was Rs21/- Per share. On the same date company market capitalization was 117 corers. The fixed capital of the company is 187.11 corers and the working capital is 160 corers. The company pays 35% of tax in the income and 2.5% of success.
Following are the various banks & financial institutions are the sources of the company. ďƒź Central Bank of India.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Bank of Baroda. Union Bank of India. United Western Bank Ltd. IFCI ICICI The company was registered under company’s act, 1913. But now the company’s Act 1956 is applicable to the organization. The company gives advance salary to the employees to provide financial assistance to them. In addition to this the company pays 20% of bonus every year..
COSTING DEPARTMENT Costing is very essential activity of any organization. Costing has got different method depend on the nature of the organization. In USW Ltd. manufacturing of sugar is a seasonal process and thus process costing method is employed to determine the cost of production of the Sugar. Cost audit maintained in respect of production of Sugar Alcohol Power The boards of directors have appointed Shri V.V. Deodhar, Mumbai, as cost Auditor for the year 2008-2009, on the approval of central government. The internal cost auditor is Shri N.C. Maiti.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Internal Auditor HOD
SUGAR PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Process of Sugar production The Sugarcane is harvested and the clean cane is
loaded in the
vehicles and brought to the factory. The gross weight is
taken and the
cane is unloaded on the feeder table with an electric
crane. The tare
weight of the vehicle is taken to arrive at the net weight of cane. The cane is fed to the cane carrier from the feeder table. The preparatory devices viz. the kicker, cutter, fibrizer etc. are installed on the carrier for the preparation of cane. The prepared cane is taken to the mills by the second carrier, where the juice is extracted using the compound imbibition process and hot water is applied to it for maximum extraction before the last mill. This process is called masceration. The mixed juice is strained and sent for processing. Water for imbibition and mixed juice are both weighed in automatic weighing scales separately. The Bagasse obtained after crushing from the mills (residues of cane after juice extraction) is used as a fuel for the boiler and the surplus bagasse is baled & is sent for storage.
The mixed juice is clarified by the sulphitation process by heating at 70ยบC in a juice heater. Phosphoric acids, milk of lime and SO2 gas as produced by burning sulphur are used as clarificants.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD This helps in removing the impurities. These ingredients are thoroughly mixed in the juice sulphiter. Then the sulphited juice is heated to 105ºC in another juice heater. This juice is passed on to the continuous clarifier through a flash tank for settling. The settled mud is filtered with the help of a vacuum filter where the filtrates are separated and sent to the clarification treatment plant. The washed filter cake with minimum sugar content is sent out as by-product. Decanted clear juice from clarifier is taken to evaporators (multiple effects). The concentration here is increased to syrup consistency. The heat required for heating and evaporation is used from the exhaust steam and the bled vapours from the evaporators. Exhaust steam is obtained from the primemover turbines and this steam is used for the process in the boiling house. Further clarification treatment is done in the integrated SCFC plant. (Sugar Clarification & Filtrate Clarification plant) The sugar is produced from further concentration of this syrup & sugar melt by evaporation in a vaccum pan. The necessary seed crystals are taken into the pan and boiled with the syrup at about 60ºC. This gives 'A' massecuite. The 'A' massecuite from the pan is discharged in to the crystallizers. Then the sugar crystals are separated from the surrounding film of mother liquor in a centrifugal machine. The seperated liquor is called as ‘A’ Heavy Molasses. The sugar is well washed and dried with super heated water and then, it is dropped on to the hopper from the centrifugal machine. The sugar is conveyed onto the hoppers and is then elevated to the top of the grader by a bucket elevator. It is graded according to the size & bagged in 'A' Twill bags‘A’ Heavy Molasses is subjected to second boiling to get ‘B’ Massecuite thereby producing ‘B’ Sugar and ‘B’ Heavy Molasses. ‘B’ Sugar is used as seed or melted. ‘B’ Heavy molasses is subjected to a third boiling to get ‘C’ Massecuite and thereby producing ‘C’ Sugar and Final molasses. ‘C’ Sugar is melted and used. The Final molasses is weighed and stored in storage tanks.
Sugarcane Quality Parameters:
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD 1) Juice Brix: Juice Brix refers to the total solids content present in the juice expressed in percentage. Brix includes sugars as well as non-sugars. If HF values are ranging above 20o brix, then usually the cutting orders are issued. 2) Juice sucrose percent: Juice sucrose percent is the actual cane sugar present in the juice. Sucrose percent and pol percent for all practical purposes are synonyms. 3) Purity coefficient: Purity refers to the percentage of sucrose in the total solids in the juice. A cane crop is considered fit for harvest if it had attained a minimum of 16% sucrose with 85% purity. 4) Reducing Sugar It refers to the percentage of other sugars such as fructose, glucose etc. in the juice. A lower ‘reducing sugar’ value indicates that much of the sugars have been converted into sucrose. QUALITY POLICY USW Ltd. is engaged in producing White Crystal Sugar, Industrial Potable Alcohol, Ethanol and power from no conventional sources. USW strive to be at forefront of Indian Sugar Industries by adopting latest technology, disciplined qulity system and continues improving products quality. QUALITY OBJECTIVES Producing efficiently best quality sugar satisfying domestic and international norms. Maximization of power generation through non-conventional energy source for self-consumption and to support to rural power supply through grid. Producing best quality sprit suitable for Industrial Potable Ethanol. Bringing overall productivity and efficiency through out the organization especially by value addition of its products in sugar, effluent waste, etc. Motivation through training and retraining of the employees fo improving operational performance.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
DISTILLARY DEPARTMENT The Ethanol, being manufactured by the sugar industry in Brazil and other countries has been successfully mixed up to a certain percentage with petrol. This is a relatively new area of business for the sugar industry in India. We are happy to let our shareholders know, that we have started the production of Ethanol-Bio Fuel in March 2003. The Ethanol plant has been commissioned by Messrs. Associated Engineers. Gujarat and the plant have a capacity of producing up to 20,000 LPD. The Ethanol production is based on the Azeotropic Distillers method in which Benzene is used as an entariner. The Ethanol plant is having two columns. One is a dehydration column which is having 48 plates and 1200mm diameter, rectified spirit is main raw material for ethanol. Ethanol of purity 99.6% is tapped from the bottom plates of the same column. The possible losses of Benzene & Rectified Spirit during the distillation column are recovered through the recovery column and are again fed to the dehydration column. The Ethanol of purity 99.6% thus produced is stored in to the air tight receivers. We would like to proudly mention, that we have started the issuing of ethanol i.e. Bio Fuel to the Petroleum Companies like IOCL, BPCL etc., for 5% blending with petrol. Rectified Spirit: The Ugar Sugar Works Distillery division is producing Rectified Spirit of ISI grade, first and middle grade alcohol. The licensed capacity of Rectified Spirit is 75,000 Litres per day.
Malt Spirit:
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD They are Producing Quality Malt Spirit for the last 20 Years. It is produced with good quality malt grains, which they are bringing from the state of Haryana. Malt grains are crushed (powdered) properly to the required size and the powdered malt is slowly added in to the mashing tank along with the hot water of temperature 67 degree C (maintained constantly). Then the cooled malt liquid of bricks 15o is fermented into pre-cleaned sterilized fermented by adding yeast and enzymes. After completion of the fermentation reaction, the final bricks are about 0.5 to 0.0 and the fermented malt liquid contains about 5 to 6% of Alcohol. It is then distilled in well equipped pot stills maintaining proper temperature and pressure. Thus the good quality malt spirit is produced and is stored in stainless steel receivers. The same malt spirit is matured in oak tree wooden vats and casks in well moisturized warehouses. The matured malt spirit is used for blending of there own IML Brands and also it is sold to outside parties. ENA Extra Neutral Alcohol is used for production of various types of IML products. As per ISI requirements, we are having 2 ENA plants at the Distillery Section of capacity 10 LPD and 6.5 LPD respectively. By Products and Their Usage:The fermentation sludge is dried and separated . It is used for Poultry feeds. Fusel Oil is separated from the distillery Section (Mixture of Higher Alcohol) and used for Amyl Alcohol/Perfumes. Carbon Dioxide is also produced in the fermentation process. It is scrubbed and filled in the Cylinders. It is used for Industrial purpose.
Market Share:
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Our Marketing area covers the following States: Karnataka Kerala Maharashtra Andra Pradesh The Marketing of the IML Brands are being done by MSIL (Mysore Sales International Ltd.), a Government of Karnataka undertaking firm. We are having a full fledge effluent treatment plant for treating waste of the distillery Bio-Digester followed by SSP. The gas evolved in the digester is given to the gas engine to produce one MW of power. This electricity is used for Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) Plant.
MARKETING DEPARTMENT The main product of the USW Ltd. is Sugar. As Sugar comes under essential commodities, there is no need of marketing for it. Thus, in USW Ltd. marketing is done only for products of distillery unit i.e., for liquors. The IMFL (Indian Made Foreign Liquor) section produces mainly five types of liquors viz. Whiskey Brandy Rum Gin Vodka The products are sold to KSBCL (Karnataka State Beverage Corporation Ltd.) at a 7.1% commission. Then KSBCL distribute the products directly to the retailers. Price will be fixed by the government &it is mandatory to print MRP price on each and every Bottle. The company has 10 brands serving the market and all are well accepted by the customers. Bottling of liquor take place in there standard sizes.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Size of the bottle
No. of bottles in case
Bulk liters
750 ml quart size
375 ml pint size
180 ml Nip size
Company tied-up with Green Label and Tilaknagar Industries Ltd. for the productions of IMEL products. The company has currently bottling the well known ‘Mansion House Whiskey’ and ‘Senate Premium Whiskey’ brands at Ugar Distillery for Tilknagar Industries Ltd.
Area sales Manager
Marketing In charge
Office Staff
Sales Representative
Company has got its marketing activities in the state of Kerala, Maharastra & Karnataka. Company has well established marketing team with e experienced leaders and excellent marketing representatives. Company sells 75000 cases per month and got an average turnover of Rs. 10 corers. And due to ban on Arrack by government demand for liquor is increasing day by day.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
Following are the popular brands of the company. Old Castle Premium Whiskey Sandpiper Whiskey US Whiskey Milan Whiskey Milan Deluxe Whiskey US Brandy US XXX Rum US Gin Gagarin Vodka Hawk Whiskey
DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY Technology is changing with every breath we take. It is necessary that the organizations should update themselves to survive in this competitive area of business. To overcome these hindrances of rapid technological growth company has got a well structured IT department with latest means of communication and experienced team to meet the needs of the organization. As of now the company uses computers in all key departments like, finance, HR, store, purchase, and Internal Auditor & CPU. All above departments using the in-house programs developed by IT department of the company. Only finance department is using the programs brought from one of the
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD ERP vendor from Hyderabad. IT department take care of necessary steps to taken to integrate all functioning departments of the organization.
Hardware Engineer
Junior Hardware Engineer
Computer Program Analyst Assistance Computer Programmer
Assistance Hardware engineer
The aim of the IT department is to automate the organization, thereby manage the operations and increase the efficiency of the organization. The accounting departments like Purchase, Inventory Control, Finance, Marketing< Personnel (time keeping department) are also automated. We have also established a 44 MW bagasse based power plant. For all the boilers, wet scrubbers are provided to reduce the air pollution. The collected ash is used for the brick manufacturing process and is sold as manure to the farmers. For the entire environment management of the sugar, distillery and co generation unit, the factory has established a self-monitoring system with excellent laboratory and modern equipments. Approximately Rupees Eight Crores have been spent for environment management.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Now, the company is installing a new effluent treatment for the spent wash of the distillery i.e. Five Effect Falling Film Evaporator with Thermal Vapour Compression (TVR) system for zero pollution. The organization is certified with both ISO 14001 (Certification for having the best environment management system) and ISO 9001 (Certification for having the best quality management system).New Distillery Effluent Treatment System setup for the first time in India as a Zero water pollution technology:
ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Conduct our operations in an environment friendly manner and to comply with the relevant regulation and prevent pollution. Strive for continuous improvement in our environmental performance by setting challenging targets. Conduct necessary programs to enhance environmental awareness amongst our employees and the general populace around plant and site. Strive to conduct our industrial and commercial operations in such a way that the quality of the environment now and in the future is preserved. Conserve all natural resources used at various process and we shall make wastes and effluents a value added products in environment friendly atmosphere. Demonstrate our commitment through involvement of all employees for achievement of environmental performance.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: Training and Development is an activity that is desirable but also an activity that an organization must commit to it is maintaining viable and knowledgeable work force. It is a systematic process of enhancing the job-related skill, attitudes and knowledge of employee and organization performance. It is a fundamentally important for the continued growth and development of both the individual employee and the organization. Effective training enable employee to learn to do their job better and perform more proficiently with increasingly advance technology. Continuous training is essential for success of the organization. Companies should provide opportunities for the continuous development of the employee in their present jobs as well as future job, Training shortens the time required for employees to reach peak efficiency levels. The cost of training is considerably lees than the cost of gaining experience particularly in context of advance technology and expensive equipment training improves quality and quantity of work process. Reduces waste and ideal time increase productivity reduce employee turn over and absenteeism. Improve human relation.
TRAINING Every organization needs to have well-trained and experienced people to perform to activities that have to be done. If the current on potential job occupant can meet this requirement, training is not important. But when this is not the case, it is necessary to raise the skill levels and increase the versatility and adaptability of employees. Inadequate job performance on a decline in productivity on changes resulting out of job redesigning on a technological break through require some type of training and development efforts. As the jobs become more
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD complex, the importance of employees development also increase an activity that is desirable but also an activity that an organization must commit resources to it is to maintain a viable and knowledgeable work force. Training is the process of transmitting arid receiving information related to problem solving skills. Educational programs transmit information for their own sake, with no expectation of how and when the information wii! be used. The specific purpose of training is to communicate information that is applicable situations. After training, trainers should be demonstrating changes in behaviour on performance that contributes to their ability to deal skillfully with specific problems. Training is an organized activity to increase the level of knowledge and skill of the employee for better work performance. Training is usually provided to blue collard workers. DEFINATIONS According to date. S. Beach the training is "The organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and/on skill for a definite purpose." According to Michael. J. Juices, "The term training is used here to indicate only process by which the aptitudes, skills and ability of employees to perform specific jobs are increased."
SCOPE OF TRAINING Every company or organization should have well-established training policy. Such policy represents the top management and comprises rules and procedures governing the standard of scope of training. Training is necessary for following reasons. a) To indicate a company's intention to develop its personnel to provide guidance in the framing and implementation of programme and to provide information concerning them to all concerned. b) To discover critical area where training is to be given on a priority basis and. c) To provide suitable opportunities to the employees for his own betterment.
To impart new entrants the basic knowledge and skill. To assist employees to function more effectively in the present position. To build up a second line of competent officer and prepare them to occupy, the more responsible positions. To broaden minds of personnel.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD â&#x20AC;˘
To impart customer education for the purpose of meeting the training needs of corporation, this deals mainly with public.
PURPOSES OF TRAINING Increase ProductivityIncrease performance and productivity because of training are most evident on the part of new employees. Who are not yet fully aware of the most efficient and effective way of performing their jobs?
To improve qualityQuality improve may be in relationship to a company product or services or in reference to intangible organizational employment atmosphere.
To improve health and safetyProper training can help prevent industrial accident. A safer work environment leads to more stable mental attitudes on the part of employees.
To increase profitInstruction can help employees increase their \eve\ of performance on their present assignment. Increase human performance often directly leads to increased operational productivity and increased company profit.
Increase efficiency of employeesProper training can help to increase efficiency of employee and work in more effective way, to reduce training time, reduce supervision time, reduce waste and spoilage of raw material and produce quality goods.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING The importance of training of industrial workers cannot and should not over looked by the management. As we have discussed in the earlier question that management has no choice of whether training should be given to workers or not, but the choice is that of the method. If no systematic programme of training is established, the worker will learn by trail and error on the job. Which is rather costlier. The management should therefore evolve a systematic programme of training workers, which will help in turn the management a lot. • Increase productivity means more output at lesser costs. • Trained employees will be able to make better and economical use of material, machines, and equipments. • Training reduces supervision and direction. • Training heightened morale of employees. • Training help in spotting out promising men and removing defects in the selection process. • Training helps standardization of methods of performing the job for all employees. • Training reduced learning time. • Training improves relations between the employer and employee. • Training reduces accidents. • An effective training programme will assist the management in maintaining higher standard of quality. • Training can help an employee to develop his ability to learn.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
STEPS IN TRAINING PROGRAMME Identifying training needs1. List of duties and responsibilities or tasks of the job under consideration using the job description as a guide. 2. List the standards of work performance on the job. 3. Compare actual perform against the standards. 4. Determine what parts of the job are giving the employee trouble. Where is he falling down in his performance? 5. Determine what kind of training is needed to over come the specific difficulties.
Getting ready for the job Under this step, it is to be decided who is to be trained the newcomer or old employee or the supervisory staff or all of them selected from different department. The trainer has to be prepared for the job for he is the key figure in the entire programme.
Preparation of learnerAs in interviewing, the first step in training is to attempt to place the trainee at ease most people are somewhat nervous when approaching an unfamiliar task. Thought the trainer may have executive this training programme or procedure many times he or she never forgets it newness of the good trainer.
Presentation of operation and knowledgeThe trainer should demonstrate or make use of audio visual aids and should also be encouraged to ask questions in order to indicate that he really know and understands the jobs.
Performances try outAs a continuation of the presentation sequence given above, the trainee should be asked to start the job or operative procedure. Some trainers prefer that the trainee explain each step before doing it, particularly if the operation involves any danger. The trainer through repetitive practices will acquire more skill.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
Follow-upThis step is under taken with a view to testing the effectiveness of training efforts, this consist in. a) Putting a trainee "on his own". b) Checking frequently to be sure that he followed instructions and. c) Tapering off extra supervision and close follow-up until he is qualified to work with normal supervision.
TRAINING METHODS I) On the job trainingEvery employee from the clerk to company president gets some on the job training when he joints a firm. Learn the job by personal observation and practice. It is learning by doing.
a) Vestibule trainingIt is a classroom training, which is often imparted with the help of equipment and machines, which are identical with those in the place of work.
b) SimulationTrainee interest and employee motivation are both high in the simulation exercises because the action of a trainee closely duplicate, real job conditions.
c) ApprenticeshipEach apprentice is given a programme of assignments according to predetermined scheduled which provides for efficient training in trade skills II) Off â&#x20AC;&#x201C;the job training Off-the-job training methods are extensively used for Management development, since on the job method may not always be convenient very often on the job training is augmented by off-the job. It may include briefing the executives on the company polices and plans, developing tools for managerial effectiveness, counseling and human relations skills, and management seminars and so on. Off the-job training program can be effective if they are drawn on actual company problems, resource person from within the organization should be developed to be trainers, and there must be permanent training system in an organization. However, in order to supplement the internal resources, professional traders may also be used form outside the organization. Off-the-job training methods for management development may include.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
Lecture Method : It has been most popular method to train and develop People traditionally. There has not been any other method used as extensively as lecture for educating people. Through one-way communication is generally the crux of a lecture session interesting to the Learners by ensuring their participation.
Simulation Method: It includes broad range of technique in which trainers and Participants try to replicate a part of an organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s operations in order to arrive at realistic conclusion it involves learning by doing, it refers to the process of and a model of the real word situation and using experimentation to determine how the real situation takes place.
Problem solving conferences: Management development and executive development, which increase organizational capabilities, must result in simulating and increasing the problem solving ability of an organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s manager sand executives. Problem solving conferences aim at identifying solutions for common problems by managerial participation Under he leadership of an experienced and capable conference leader, managers jointly apply their minds and arrive at solutions for specific problems.
Case Study Method It provides the details of a business problem, the way to Tackle a problem, the method to analyze the problem situation, the way to identity alternative solutions and to choose the best solution. This widens the horizon of thinking.
Business Games. It is more improved version of role instead of one Decision at particular point of time, the participants are required to take a series of decisions at
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
Like many other human resource activities, employee development is a process consisting of several interrelated phases or steps. The process begins with a series of ongoing analysis to determine the extent and nature of an organization employee needs. With these needs clarified, it is then possible to put together an employee development plan that shows overall objectives, programme priorities, and resource allocation s, and indicates who will be trained in what, by whom, and when. Each potential trainee can then be matched with a training opportunity, which might be occurring on the job or off. As each programme is developed, consideration is normally given to the instructional objectives that should be met, programme constant, and the delivery system to be used. Then actual training takes place. Finally there is evaluation. It is necessary to know first if the various training programmes instructional objectives and at what cost and then to know if the total efforts was successful in fulfilling the overall objectives that were set up in the employee development plan.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Identification of training needs in Ugar Sugar Works Ltdâ&#x20AC;?.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD The identification of training needs in the organization has several steps involved in operating a training development system that can be shown in the diagram it is as follows:
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
Methodology Random Sampling According to parting “Random sampling is the form applied when the method of selection assures each individual or elements in universe an equal of being chosen
Sampling methodology The term Research methodology denoted the techniques and methods that are adopted the resources has for undertaking any research study methodology tried to stick to the principle of research for the press study also. The methodology is the way of collecting information about the company and the project Research design is a plan for the collection & analysis of data in a manner that at maximum relevance.
Data is collected through: Observations Survey through questionnaire Personal Interview
Data Source: The sources of data collected are: Researched has used the following research tools to collect primary & secondary data. The data collected through the sample of 100 respondents The selection of the sample is purely done on the basis of list provided by the personnel department. The sample researcher used simple random sample techniques to select the above sample
Primary Data: The primary data collected through survey method on employees &
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Interview schedules personal observations made by researcher & well structured questionnaire method. The questionnaire is based on various aspects of training & development of the employees.
Secondary Data: Secondary data consists of readily available information on various authentic digital
lab, j-gate,
and Magazines, various books, Journals & company database. And also Data was collected wherever necessary from, annual report & other office records of a study of training & development of the Ugar Khurd Works Ltd.
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Table No.1- Satisfaction regarding Training and development program in USW Opinion
No. of respondent
Percentage (%)
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Highly Satisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Total
50 20 25 5 100
50% 20% 25% 5% 100%
Chart -1 60%
50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
ie d
d is s
at is f
tis f ie Sa
Sa t
rti al ly
ig h
sa tis
fie d
is fie d
Interpretation: In the above diagram 50% of the respondent say that they are highly satisfied with the training & development programme.20% of the respondents say that they are partially satisfied with the training & development programme. 25% of the respondents say that they are satisfied with training & development programme. 5% of the respondents say that they are dissatisfied.
Table No 2:- Opinion about the Training & Development department has previously used to conduct training program in USW. Opinion Good Average
No. of respondent 60 35
Percentage (%) 60% 35%
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Poor Total
5 100
5% 100%
Chart-2 70%
60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
Po or
e ra g A ve
G oo d
Interpretation In the above diagram 60% of the respondents say that. Training & Development department has previously used to conduct training program is good. 35 % of the respondents say that. Training & Development department has previously used to conduct training program is average. 5% of the respondents says that Training & Development department has previously used to conduct training program is poor.
Table No.3- The Training & Development helps in performing efficiently the task. Opinion Always Most of the time Some time Not at all Total
No. of respondent 50 25 15 10 100
Percentage (%) 50% 25% 15% 10% 100%
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Chart-3 60% percentage
50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
ll ta N
So m
ot a
tim e
e tim
of th e
os t
ay s
Interpretation: In the above diagram 45% of the respondent says that the training
& development always helps in achieving their tasks. 15% of the respondents say that the training & development programme regularly helps in achieving their tasks. 10% of the respondents say that the training & development program sometimes helps in achieving their tasks.
Table No.4- Training is a good platform to acquire good job knowledge. Opinion Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Cant say Total
No. of respondent 48 30 10 2 10 100
Percentage (%) 48% 30% 10 2% 10% 100%
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD 60%
50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
ro St
ly ng
e re g a
e re g A
s Di
e re g a
ng o r St
s di
e re g a
ts n ca
Interpretation: In the above diagram 48% of the respondent strongly agree with training is good platform to acquire knowledge.. 30% of the respondents say agree with training is good platform to acquire knowledge. 10% of the respondent disagree with training is good platform to acquire knowledge 2% of the respondents strongly disagree. 10% of the respondents are cant say.
Table No.5- opinion about Training &development helps you to develop your career. Opinion Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Cant say Total
No. of respondent 40 40 10 00 10 100
Percentage (%) 40% 10% 40% 00% 10% 100%
St ro n
sa y an t
gl y
St ro n
gr ee is a
gr ee A
gl y
di sa g
45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% ag re e
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Chart-5
Interpretation: In the above diagram 40% of the respondents say that they are strongly agree with Training & development programme. It helps their as per their growth in career is concerned. 40% of the respondents agree. 10% of the respondents say that they are disagree with Training & development programme. It helps their as per their growth in career is concerned. 00% of the respondents disagree. 10% of the respondents cant say.
Table No.6Opinion about regularity of conducting training programs.
sa y
Percentage (%) 30% 35% 20% 5% 10% 100% Chart-6
an t C
gr ee
gl y
St ro n
St ro n
di sa
is a
gr ee
gr ee
No. of respondent 30 35 20 5 10 100
gl y
ag re e
40% 35% 30% Opinion 25% Strongly agree Agree 20% Disagree 15% Strongly disagree 10% Cant say 5% Total 0%
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
Interpretation: In the above diagram 30% of the respondents are strongly agree with regular training program concerned. 35% of the respondents Agree. 20% of the respondents disagree. 5% of the respondents strongly disagree. 10% of the respondents cant say.
Table No.7- Change is experienced after the training program.
60% No. of respondent 55 20 25 5 5 100
Opinion 50% Strongly agree Agree 40% Disagree 30% Strongly disagree Cant say 20% Total 10%
Percentage (%) 55% 20% 25% 5% 5% 100% Chart-7
ts ay
gr ee
gl y
St ro n
St ro n
di sa
gr ee
Ag re e
is a D
gl y
ag re e
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
Interpretation: In the above diagram 55% of the respondent strongly agree that the change is experienced after the training programme. 20% of the respondents are Agree. 25% of the respondents are disagree. 5% of the respondents strongly disagree. 5% of the respondent cant says that the change is experienced after the training programme
Table No.8- Employees opinion about training & development programme improving the efficiency of the employees.
60% Opinion 50% Highly improvement required 40% Little improvement required 30% Normal improvement required 20% No improvement required Cant say 10% Total 0%
or m al
Li t tl e
ig h
an t
sa y
Percentage (%) 50% 20% 20% 5% 5% 100%
re im q. p N r .. o o ve im m pr en ov t. em .. en tr eq u. ..
em en t
im pr ov
im pr ov
en tr e.
No. of respondent 50 20 20 5 5 100
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
Interpretation: In the above diagram 50% of the respondent say that Training & development program required high improvement. 20% of the respondents say that little improvement required. 20% of the respondents says normal improvement required. 5% of the respondents say no improvement required. 5% of the respondents cant say.
Table No.9- Opinion about Training has been provided at right point of time.
Opinion Yes No Total
No. of Respondent 75 25 100
Percentage (%) 75% 25% 100 Chart-9
80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
Yes No
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD In the above diagram 75% of the respondents say that yes. Training has been provided at right point of time. 25% employees say that Training has not been provided at right point of time.
Table No.10- Getting Training on the required topic Opinion Always Most of the time Some time Not at all Total
No. of respondent 30 50 20 00 100
Percentage (%) 30% 50% 20% 00% 100%
60% percentage
50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
ll ta ot a
e So m
tim e
e tim
of th e
os t
ay s
opinion 60
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
Interpretation: In the above diagram30% of the respondents say that they are always getting training on the required topic. 50% of the respondents say that they are regularly getting training on the required topic. 20% of the respondents say that they are getting training sometime. 0% of the respondent getting training not at all. Table No.11- Employees opinion about increase level once under go development activities conducted by USW. Opinion Yes No Total
No. of Respondent 85 15 100
Percentage (%) 85% 15% 100
Chart-11 90% 80%
70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes
Interpretation: In the above diagram 85% of the respondent says that there is increase once under go development activities conducted by USW.15% of the respondents says that there is no increase once under go development activities conducted by USW. .
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
Table No.12- Employees feeling about Training &development programme. Opinion Very interesting Very helpful Ok Waste of time Total
No. of respondent 40 40 10 10 100
Percentage (%) 40% 40% 10% 10% 100%
e tim
O as te W
Ve ry
in te re st in Ve g ry he lp fu l
45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
Interpretation: In the above diagram40% respondents feel that Training &development program is very interesting. 40% of the respondents feel that Training &development program is very helpful. 10% of
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD the respondents feel that Training &development program is ok. 10% of the respondents feel that Training &development program is waste of time.
Table No.13- Employees expectation from Training programs Opinion No. of respondent Improvement of skill 40 Understand responsibility of 30 various areas Increase the moral 20 Increase the job satisfaction 10 Total 100
Percentage (%) 40% 30% 20% 10% 100%
pr ov nd em er en st to an fs d re ki ll sp on In si cr bi ea In li. cr se . ea t he se m th or e al jo b sa tis fa ...
45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
Interpretation: In the above diagram40% respondents feel that Training &development program is improvement of skill. 30% of the respondents feel that Training &development program is understand responsibility of various areas. 20% of the respondents feel that Training &development program is increase the moral. 10% of the respondents feel that Training &development program is increase the job satisfaction.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
Table No.14- Workers expectation in future training program Opinion Different method of training Different way of training More external trainers should be adopted Total
No. of Percentage respondent 40 40% 30 30% 30 30% 100 100%
iff e
re nt m et D ho iff d er of en t.. tw . ay M of or tr e ai ex ... te rn al tr ai ne ..
45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
In the above diagram40% respondentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s expectation in future training program is Different method of training. 30% of the respondentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; expectation in future training program is Different way of training. 30% of the respondents expectation in future training program is more external trainers should be adopted.
Table No.15.- After conducting training program in USW usefulness of the training
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Opinion Good Average Poor Total
No. of respondent 50 40 10 100
Percentage (%) 50% 40% 10% 100%
Chart-15 60%
50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
Po or
e ra g A ve
G oo d
Interpretation: In the above diagram50% respondents feel that Training &development program is Good. 40% of the respondents feel that Training &development program is Average. 10% of the respondents feel that Training &development program is poor.
Table No.16- Training program providing to meet workers needs for current job Opinion Yes No Total
No. of Respondent 80 20 100
Percentage (%) 80% 20% 100% 65
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Chart-16
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Yes
Interpretation: In the above diagram 80% of the respondents say that Training program providing to meet workers needs for current job. And 20% of the respondents say that no.
Table No.17- If no why Opinion It was just a refresh for training program Training period was too short Training given was not sufficient Total
No. of respondent 5% 5% 10% 20
Percentage (%) 5% 5% 10% 20% 66
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD Chart-17 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0%
w It
a st
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as w
.. .
Interpretation: In the above diagram 5% of the respondents say that Training program was just a refresh for training programme. And 5% of the respondents say that Training period was too short. And 10% of the respondents say that Training given was not sufficient.
FINDINGS& SUGGESTIONS â&#x20AC;˘ FINDINGS Training is the basic requirement for every employee when they join any organization to get adjusted with the work performs as well as to improve skills and techniques to the assigned job. It is the responsibility of the company to provide training to the job. 1. Majority of the employees are satisfied with the training they receive for their present job.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD 2. The courses of training are relevant to the needs of the employees. 3.
Employees are getting the training at the right time required.
4. There is a system followed to approach to the higher authorities when they think there is a need for training. 5. Training helps to built up interpersonal relationship between superior subordinates. 6. The USW Ltd. has arranged various types of training programs for the employees i.e. on the job training and off the job training. 7. It was observed that the lectures, conferences, workshops, seminars, group discussions etc. were used as training & Development needs for employees. 8. 50% of the employees say that training & development programme satisfied in the USW. 9. Training & Development department has previously used to conduct training program at 60% of the employees say that is good. 10. 48% of the employees say that training is good platform to acquire the knowledge. 11. 40% of the employees strongly agreed that training & development helps their carrier. 12. 55% of the employees strongly agree that change is experienced after the training programme. 13. 50% of the employees agreed that getting regularly getting training on the required topic. 14. 85% of the employees agree that level of increasing in undergoing for development activities conducted in USW. 15. 40% of the employees agree that training and development programme is very helpful.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
â&#x20AC;˘ SUGGESTION 1. The management should identify the training needs and they should prepare & design training program 2. The program schedule and the training policy should be displayed on the notice board 3. For designing training program trade union should be consulted 4. At the end of each training program opinion about the training programs should be taken from the participants 5. The trained employees should be given some sort of incentives 6. As far as possible training program should be arranged outside the factory campus 7. Training should be provided based on the job profile and the knowledge gap identifying by conducting training need analysis. 8. The training program should be designed not only for increasing their knowledge & skills but also to make them more creative for the development of the organization 9. The training programs can be made more effective, by organizing those programs, which would beneficial in work place and applicable in day today work life.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
â&#x20AC;˘ CONCLUSION In this study it has been analyzed that there is a feeling among many employees that the training program in the organization is inadequate. The training program is not only to make the employees aware about the job but also helps them to be more creative and proactive in their work, which results in the organizational developments. The training program also helps the employees to develop their inter personal and intra personal skills. The training program is to be provided to each and every employee by identifying training needs scientifically & it should be always proactive. Finally project really helps to us in knowing the practical things of the corporate world. Really I enjoyed this project work in its real spirit.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
Name of the Respondent…………………………………………………………………
Employee Code No……………………………………………………………………
Sex: Male
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
1) Are you satisfied with Training & Development Programme? a) Highly Satisfied
b) Partially Satisfied
c) Satisfied
d) Dissatisfied
2) What the training and Development department has previously used to conduct Training programs in USW? How it is? a) Good
b) Average
c) Poor 3) Does Training & Development help you in achieving your tasks? a) Always
b) Most of the Times
c) Sometimes
d) Not at all
4) Do you agree that Training is good platform to acquire required job knowledge? a) Strongly Agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly Disagree
e) Cant Say 5) Do you agree that training & Development helps you to develop your career? a) Strongly Agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly Disagree
e) Cant Say 6) Do you agree that Regular training programs should be conducted in USW? a) Strongly Agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly Disagree
e) Cant Say
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
7) Change is experienced after the training programme. Do you agree with this? a) Strongly Agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
c) Strongly Disagree
e) Cant Say 8) What is your level of opinion about training & development programme improving the quality & quantity?
a) High Improvement
b) Little Improvement
c) Normal Improvement
d) No Improvement
e) Cant Say 9) Whether Training has been provided at right point of time? a) Yes
b) No
10) Are you getting training on the required topic? a) Always
b) Most of the Times
c) Sometimes
d) Not at all
11) Do you think there will be an increase in your level once you under go development activities conducted by USW? a) Yes
b) No
12) How do you feel about your training programme in USW? a) Very Interesting
b) Very Helpful
c) Ok
d) Waste of time
13) What do you except from training program? a) Improvement of skill
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD b) Understand responsibility of various areas c) Increase the moral d) Increase the job satisfaction 14) What do you except in your future training program in USW? a) Different method of training b) Different way of training c) More external trainers should be adopted 15) After conducting training programme in USW what is the usefulness of the training? a) Good
b) Average
c) Poor
16) Does the Training programme providing to you meet your needs for current job? a) Yes
b) No
17) If no why? a) It was just a refresh for training programme b) Training period was too short c) Training given was not sufficient
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
BIBLIOGRAPHY Collections of primary data through questionnaire & secondary data collected from department & library Subba Rao, Human Resources Development, Ii Edition, Pp.249-279 Maggineson David et al, Human Resource Development New Delhi, Crest 2001 Ashwatthapa Website
Human Resource Management
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD
Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
Q1 1 1 1 4 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4
Q2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1
Q3 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3
Q4 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 1 1 5 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 3 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 5 2 5 1 5 2
Q5 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
Q6 1 3 2 1 5 3 3 3 2 5 1 1 5 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2
Q7 1 3 5 1 1 5 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2
Q8 1 3 3 2 3 4 3 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 4 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 5 2 1 2
Q9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
Q10 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 3 2
Q11 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Q12 2 3 4 4 3 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 4 3 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 1
Q13 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 3 4 3 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 3 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 4 2 1
Q14 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 3
Q15 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1
Q16 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
1 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 4
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TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT was conducted at The Ugar Sugar Works LTD 95 96 97 98 99 100
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