EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Indian stock market is growing at a faster rate. This growth has attracted many investors to invest in stock market. With the growth the stock market also showed high rate of risk. Risk is the major factor influencing the investor’s return. It is necessary to manage the risk to achieve a balanced return. Ups and downs, bullish and bearish phases are in integral part of share markets with out this feature share markets will be with out life and charm. Slow and steady behavior of the market is often a wishful thing. Movement will be up and down in a big way. It is a difficult task to value shares at any movement for decision making for purchase or sale of shares. This calls for study of various analyses of Nemours factors relating to individual company and relative performance of the market and on the other verity of factors relating to the individual company and relative performance of the market and on the other verity of factors on the national economic developments. Globalization means inflows and outflow of investment funds causing instability to the share market, if there funds are sustain, even political factor influence share prices, this this callas for a tremendous amount of research work, analysis if data, besides careful deterrents on current developments, Going in for shares for relatively large companies, established by companies with excellent managerial reputation, and investing in projects in existing as well as new companies, is the safe policy.