A Project Report on Awareness and attitude of consumer towards HCL Infosystems office automation pro

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Awareness and attitude of consumer towards HCL Infosystems office automation products and market potential

EXECUTIVE SUMMAY Project Title: “Awareness and attitude of consumer towards HCL Infosystems office automation products and market potential in Hubli and Dharwad” 1. Statement of the problem. To identify the new potential customer for LCD Projector, Plasma TV, Digital copiers & Duplo digital duplicator and to measure their awareness and attitude towards the above products. Development of an effective business strategy Demand Information regarding the Customers, their behavior, the dynamics of the purchase attitude towards the purchase etc. therefore, the area of study includes,  Understanding the product/ technology,  Identifying and studying the domain of the product.  Analyzing their need for the product  Identifying the various targets segment and opportunity. 2. Need for study: As the market of HCL office automation products is very potential, to check out the demand for the product in future, analyze the need for the product , to check the awareness and attitude of the customers towards office automation products and to know and understand who are the new target customers 3. Study Objective.  To identify the key purchase drivers  To understand the satisfaction level of the customers.  To identify the new potential customer.

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