A Project Report on Consumer Satisfaction Level towards Nadini Shubham Milk in Dharwad-Hubli City

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To Study on Consumer Satisfaction Level towards Nadini Shubham Milk in Dharwad-Hubli City

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction . The dairy Industry is the most important sector in the Indian economy. India is emerging as a mega dairy market of the 21st century. The dairy industry provided the income as well as the employment to the people. The growth of the Indian Dairy Industry is 4.42 in the year 2004.india produces 100 million tonnes in the year 2006 and has 15.53% of the world’s milk production The National Dairy Development Board is formed in 1965.NDDB began its operations with an objective of making dairying a means for a better future for the millions of the milk producers at the root level with its consistent efforts. It started the Operation Flood Program to construct a bridge between urban users and rural producers through a network of cooperatives. And it also fills the gap between formal dairy and sector and rural producers by developing gradual and concrete slabs of o-operatives in India. Karnataka Milk Federation is one of this cooperative.

Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF). is a co-operative apex body in the state of Karnataka representing dairy farmer’s organization and also implementing dairy development Karnataka activities to achieve the dairy objective. KMF has 13 milk unions and Dharwad Milk Union is one among 13 unions. It produces the product under the brand name of NANDINI. I consider the Dharwad Milk Union for the studying the consumer satisfaction level towards the Shubham milk in Dharwad- Hubli city. The project involves three main aspects namely industry profile, company profile and analysis part. In industry profile about the Indian Milk industry, in company profile the history of the company and in analysis part, objective and data collection method, sample design, sample size, sample method and mainly I have analyzed the collected primary data using SPSS, the primary data have been collected through questionnaires. Finally findings and suggestions, limitation and conclusion are derived.


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