EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Ballarpur Industries (BILT) is India’s largest exporter of paper with a significant presence in the manufacturing of various types of paper like writing and printing paper, industrial paper and specialty paper. The company is backward integrated and produces most of the raw materials required for manufacturing paper. It is India’s largest paper company, ranks among the top 200 paper companies in the world. The project tries to measure the economic value added at BILT. It also tries to compare the unit’s performance with the group. the comparison helps to ascertain the difference between the performances and gives an insight for the improvements. The project has been divided in to three parts and each part play an important role. The first part e deals with the company profile its potentialities and plans. The second part of the project deals with the calculation of the economic value added for the unit as well as the group. The third and the final phase deals with the comparison of EVA and the findings and suggestions.
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