Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:INDUSTRIAL PROFILE:The Indian sugar industry is a key driver of rural development, supporting India’s
economic growth. And sugar industries are rapidly growing in the year of 1950 139 industries are their but now the number of industries are increased as per 2008 574. The industry is inherently inclusive supporting over 50 million farmers and their families, along with workers and entrepreneurs of almost 574 mills, apart from a host of wholesalers and distributors spread across the country. The advent of modern sugar processing industry in India began in 1930 with grant of tariff protection to the Indian sugar industry. Total sugar industries in India are 574 out of which 67 are public sector companies, 157 are private sector companies and 282 are co-operative societies. Total sugar industries in Karnataka are 40 out of which 2 are public sector companies, 18 are private sector companies, 19 are co-operative societies and 1 is joint venture. Karnataka sugar industries raking 3rd in India. •
NIYAMIT, CHIKODI is a co-operative society registered under Karnataka co-operative society’s Act in 1969. The industrial license number of the factory is L-25/N-250/-LC dated 16/10/1970. The factory started on 5/3/1969 with initial Crushing capacity to the extent of 1250 TCD per day began during the year 1974 with total expenditure of Rs.337 lakhs. Company mainly producing sugar (white crystal sugar) and also producing by products like Rectified Spirit, Power generation, Organic fertilizers produced by the company. Now present Capacity 6500 tones sugar cane crashing / day, 20.7 M. W. Power Generation.,30 K.L.P.D. Rectified Spirit. Turnover 450 to 500 Crores / Anum. Total staff of the company is 775. Area of operation working field of the factory has been registered under the provisions of co-operative society’s law’s! The field of the factory comprises of 111 villages including 102 villages from Chikodi. Tq: 5 village from Raibag Tq: and 4 villages from Athani Tq: for the supply of sugar cane for a longer period the field was extended to Yadrav, Bhiradi of Raibag Tq: and to Tamadaddi village of Jamakhandi Tq: so the field of the factory extends to area larger than a district even more sugar cane supply was required with the extension of the factory
• Need of the study:Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com
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