A Project Report on Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:INDUSTRIAL PROFILE:The Indian sugar industry is a key driver of rural development, supporting India’s

economic growth. And sugar industries are rapidly growing in the year of 1950 139 industries are their but now the number of industries are increased as per 2008 574. The industry is inherently inclusive supporting over 50 million farmers and their families, along with workers and entrepreneurs of almost 574 mills, apart from a host of wholesalers and distributors spread across the country. The advent of modern sugar processing industry in India began in 1930 with grant of tariff protection to the Indian sugar industry. Total sugar industries in India are 574 out of which 67 are public sector companies, 157 are private sector companies and 282 are co-operative societies. Total sugar industries in Karnataka are 40 out of which 2 are public sector companies, 18 are private sector companies, 19 are co-operative societies and 1 is joint venture. Karnataka sugar industries raking 3rd in India. •


NIYAMIT, CHIKODI is a co-operative society registered under Karnataka co-operative society’s Act in 1969. The industrial license number of the factory is L-25/N-250/-LC dated 16/10/1970. The factory started on 5/3/1969 with initial Crushing capacity to the extent of 1250 TCD per day began during the year 1974 with total expenditure of Rs.337 lakhs. Company mainly producing sugar (white crystal sugar) and also producing by products like Rectified Spirit, Power generation, Organic fertilizers produced by the company. Now present Capacity 6500 tones sugar cane crashing / day, 20.7 M. W. Power Generation.,30 K.L.P.D. Rectified Spirit. Turnover 450 to 500 Crores / Anum. Total staff of the company is 775. Area of operation working field of the factory has been registered under the provisions of co-operative society’s law’s! The field of the factory comprises of 111 villages including 102 villages from Chikodi. Tq: 5 village from Raibag Tq: and 4 villages from Athani Tq: for the supply of sugar cane for a longer period the field was extended to Yadrav, Bhiradi of Raibag Tq: and to Tamadaddi village of Jamakhandi Tq: so the field of the factory extends to area larger than a district even more sugar cane supply was required with the extension of the factory

• Need of the study:Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi  To know the organization department function.  To know the functioning of various department.  To know the HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.  To know the present condition of organization.  To knows the employee remuneration and satisfaction system in the SDKSSKN.

• Objective of the study:

To understand the working of organization.

To understand the functioning of various departments.

To study on the Employee remuneration satisfaction in

SDKSSKN Chikodi.

• RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:Data collection method:Data collected by primary and secondary methods. Primary data:•

Discussion with staff members of SDKSSKN.

Through questionnaires.

Secondary data:•

Reference books

Company manual

Through internet.

Company annual book.

Sampling Techniques:1)

Population: SDKSSKN employee.


Sampling frame: It is the list of all employees.


Sampling unit: department wise employees.


Sample size: 100 employees.


Sampling method: Random sampling method.


Sample Plan : Personal Interview

Findings:Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 2

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi  The above table and chart shows that 27% of employees are feeling insecure always. 47% of employees are feeling insecure some time. And remaining 26% of employees are never feeling insecure regarding job.  The above table and chart shows that 62% of employees are satisfying with salary being paid by company. And remaining 38 % of employees are dissatisfied with salary being paid by company.  The above table and chart showing that 39 % of employees agree to canteen facility. 7% of employees are strongly agreed with canteen facility. 30% of employees are disagreeing with canteen facility. And 24 % employees are strongly disagreeing with canteen facility. Most of the employees are the disagree and strongly disagree with canteen facility.  The above table and chart showing that 26 % of employees are got transportation facility and remaining 74% of employees are not got transportation facility.


More attention should be given to increase the employee participation in the

management of the company. To give securing the job. •

On survey base 38 % of employees are dissatisfied with salary being paid by

company. Salary should be given on the basis of performance and qualification base. •

From the employee part of view 30% of employees are disagreeing with canteen

facility. And 24 % employees are strongly disagreeing with canteen facility. Most of the employees are disagreeing and strongly disagree with canteen facility. Company should provide basic need of good quality food in the canteen to increase efficiency of workers. •

Should make separate human resource development department.

Company should provide training for workers in their work field.

The factory must install new technology and fast machine in the production

process to move towards the quality policy “total customer satisfaction ”


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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi Shree Doodhaganga Krishna Sahakari Sakkare Karkhane Niyamit, Chikodi is a cooperative society registered under Karnataka co-operative society’s Act in 1969.


industrial license number of the factory is L25/N-250/70-IC dated 16/10/1970.Shree D.K.S.S.K.N. Chikodi is a co-operative unit. It is a situated near Nanadi village, at a distance of about 13Km from Chikodi town and the factory at present has an attractive campus with magnificent buildings over it.

The founder of the organization was Late Sri. Chidanand B Kore, an agriculturist and a co-operator, to establish this factory during 1972-73 with the financial support from cane growers of this area and the State Government. With an initial crushing capacity 1250 TCD and as a stand alone sugar industry, lour factory had faced a lot of problems all these years in coming out as a viable unit. Though this factory had emerged in this area with a meager beginning, it had not only provided a source of income for forming community but also created a sustainable employment opportunity in this rural area.

By conducting the organizational study it was found that all the departments were actively working towards the achievement of the goals and objectives of the company. The management is also efficient in the work, so the company is achieving great progress year by year. This project gave me an insight as to how the industry work and how important this sector is to the economy. This project gave me a thorough experience of the sugar industry. By organization study on the bases survey related to employee remuneration and satisfaction to know the remuneration system in the S.D.K.S.S.K.N. By studying this project report which related to the human resource management in DKSSKN, to know the functional departments and departmental activities towards the organizational aims and objective.

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi


INDUSTRIAL PROFILE INTRODUTION TO SUGAR INDUSTRY:The Indian sugar industry is a key driver of rural development, supporting India’s economic growth. The industry is inherently inclusive supporting over 50 million farmers and their families, along with workers and entrepreneurs of almost 574 mills, apart from a host of wholesalers and distributors spread across the country. The industry is at a cross roads today, where it can leverage opportunities created by Global shifts in sugar trade as well as the emergence of sugar cane as a source of renewable energy, through ethanol and co generation. While some of these opportunities have been well researched in the past, there was a need to assess the potential for India and to develop a comprehensive and actionable roadmap that could enable the Indian industry t o take its rightful place as a food and energy producer for one of the world’s leading economies. India is the second largest producer of sugarcane next to Brazil. Presently, about 4 million hectares of land is under sugarcane with an average yield of 70 tons per hectare. India is the largest single producer of sugar including traditional cane sugar sweeteners, khandsari, and Gur equivalent to 26 million tones. Even in respect of white crystal Sugar, India has ranked No. 1 position in 7 out of last 10 years. Traditional sweeteners Gur & Khandsari are consumed mostly by the rural population in India. In the early 1930’s nearly 2/3 rd of sugarcane production was utilized for production of alternate sweeteners. Gur & khandsari. With better standard of living and higher incomes, the sweetener demand has shifted to white sugar. Currently, about 1/3 rd sugarcane production is utilized by the Gur & khandsari sectors. Being in the small scale sector, these two sectors are completely free from controls and taxes which are applicable to the sugar sector.

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi The advent of modern sugar processing industry in India began in 1930 with grant of tariff protection to the Indian sugar industry. The number of sugar mills increased from 30 in the year 1930 -31 to 135 in the year 1935-36 and the production during the same period increased from 1.20 lakhs tones to 9.34 lakhs tones under the dynamic leadership of the private sector. SUGAR INDUSTRIES IN INDIA: Mostly








AandraPradesh. Karnataka and Tmilnadu Total sugar industries in India are 574 out of which 67 are public sector companies, 157 are private sector companies and 282 are co-operative societies. Total sugar industries in Karnataka are 40 out of which 2 are public sector companies, 18 are private sector companies, 19 are co-operative societies and 1 is joint venture. THE FOLLOWING TABLE SHOWS THE INDIAN SUGAR INDUSTRY AT GLANCE: - 2007-08

No of sugar factories established


Total capital employed

Rs 50,000 crores

Total annual turnover

Rs 25,000 crores

Total payment to cane growers

Rs 18,000 crores





exchequers Direct payment : rural educated

state Rs 2500 crores Rs 5.00 lakhs

Farmers/ families involved in sugar cane Rs 45 million

Sugar industries in Karnataka Karnataka Sugar Industry ranks 3rd in terms of its contribution of sugar in the total sugar production in the country. The Sugar Industry in Karnataka is able to manufacture

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi sugar in such huge quantities due to the fact that sugarcane is abundantly available in the state. In fact, Karnataka stands 4th in the country in the cultivation of sugarcane.

The Sugar Industry in Karnataka contributes around Rs. 36 crore per year to the state exchequer in central excise duty. It also contributes more than Rs. 900 crore in the form of turnover tax and sales tax to the state exchequer. The state government in an attempt to boost Karnataka Sugar Industry has set up the Karnataka Sugar Institute (KSI) which has emerged as a center for education and training for sugar technology. The Karnataka Sugar Institute also provides important support to the Sugar Industry in Karnataka by doing R&D in the various aspects of sugarcane processing and production. Karnataka Sugar Industry has contributed a great deal to India's total level of sugar production and thus has helped the country to meet its demand for sugar. The Karnataka state government must make more efforts in order to boost the sugar industry in Karnataka POLICY:The present policy of partial decontrol 10% of production by each unit is supplied for public distribution system i.e. as levy sugar at Govt. notified prices admittedly below 20% of the actual cost of production. The levy sugar is I to the public irrespective of their economic status. The balance 90% is sold in the free market against monthly\issued by the Government. This policy has been continuing since 1967-68 except for brief periods of de-control me during the years of surplus production and accumulated sugar stocks. Government announces the Statutory Minimum Price (SMP) for sugarcane every year based on recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP). In the year 3-04, Government announced Rs. 73.00 per quintal linked to a basic recovery of 8.5%. For every 1% increase in recovery, the grower gets a premium of Rs.0.85./qtl. In actual practice, the sugar pays much higher prices than SMP

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi


Name of the Organization


Shree D.K.S.S.K.N.-Chikodi.



Nanadi Village. Tal.-Chikodi, Dist: - Belgau Karnataka.

Redg. Office


Chikodi. Ph. No. – 08338-276931 To 35 Fax: 08338 – 276105 E-Mail – dksugar@sancharnet.com



Building Layout, Garden & Light




5500 tones sugar cane crashing / day. 20.7 M. W. Power Generation. 30 K.L.P.D. Ratified Spirit.



450 to 500 Crores / Anum.




Work Shifts


3 Shifts / 8 hours per shift (no Holiday)

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

BOARD OF DIRECTORS The following composition of directors on the board of Shree Doodhaganga Krishna Sahakari Sakkare Karkhane Niyamit, Chikodi Name



Sri Mahantesh .M. Kavatagimath



Sri .Ajit S. Desai

Vice Chairman


Sri S. B. Umarane

The Managing Director


Sri Annasaheb. S. Jolle



Sri Ashok .A. Patil



Sri Prakash. J. Patil



Sri Tatyasaheb .D .Kate



Sri Mallikarjun .G. Kore



Sri Amit .P. Kore



Sri Satappa. N. Saptasagar



Sri Parasagouda. I. Patil


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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

SHREE DOODHAGANGA KRISHNA SAHAKARI SAKKARE KARKHANE NIYAMIT, CHIKODI is a co-operative society registered under Karnataka co-operative society’s Act in 1969. The industrial license number of the factory is L-25/N-250/-LC dated 16/10/1970. Shree D.K.S.S.K.N. Chikodi is a co-operative unit. It is a situated near Nanadi village, at a distance of about 13Km from Chikodi town .and the factory at present has an attractive campus with magnificent buildings over it. Agriculture was continues to; be an extremely important sector in our country and cooperative system, as one of its main pillars providing vital support services, is crucial for the transformation of agriculture. It is how inspired our founder Late Sri. Chidanand B Kore, an agriculturist and a co-operator, to establish this factory during 1972-73 with the financial support from cane growers of this area and the State Government. With an initial crushing capacity 1250 TCD and as a stand alone sugar industry, lour factory had faced a lot of problems all these years in coming out as a viable unit. Though this factory had emerged in this area with a meager beginning, it had not only provided a source of income for forming community but also created a sustainable employment opportunity in this rural area. After a lot of dispute on location of plant, near Nanadi village, the construction work started in year 1971 and comp elected in the year 1974. The factory was inaugurated by Vicepresident Shri B.D Jatti on 6th November 1974. The regular production has been started from December 1974. The factory started on 5/3/1969 with initial Crushing capacity to the extent of 1250 TCD per day began during the year 1974 with total expenditure of Rs.337 lakhs. The area of operation covered 111 villages of which 102 villages are from Chikodi taluka, 5 villages are from Chikodi taluka, 5 villages are from Raibag taluka and 4 villages are from Athani taluka. At present total sugar cane supplied to this sugar industry is from 20,000 acres with average yield per acre of 25 MT.

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi The entire plant and Machinery has been supplied by m/s National Heavy Engineering Co-operative Ltd. Pune, A co-operative institution (for Rs. 1990 lakhs and 3500 TCD plant) has also been installed to meet the present requirement of the Crushing capacity. The DKSSK, at present is equipped with modern machines and skilled personals. Rs. 325 lakhs long term loan was borrowed from IFC, LIC, IDBI for original plant and First phase expansion and has been repaid as per their The crushing capacity was enhanced from 1250 TDC to 2000 in 1984-85 and from 2000 TCD to 3000 IN 1993-94. The factory house hold expenses of factory from 3500 to 5500 TCD. Every expansion was not easy and had created financial setbacks due to the lack of professionalism both in technical and financial managements. Thus over the period of two and half decades, the factory had grown only in sizes but not adopted the range of different bi-product activities and had suffered due to a weak governance on efficiency, effectiveness, adaptability and internal and external accountability in the management. These things have brought the factory almost to the brink of sickness. Besides resulting a huge negative net worth and ever-high accumulated losses, however this cooperative and rural based industry must succeed if the poor farmers and the rural unemployed youths have to be prosperous. AREA OF OPERATION Working field of the factory has been registered under the provisions of co-operative society’s law’s! The field of the factory comprises of 111 villages including 102 villages from Chikodi. Tq: 5 village from Raibag Tq: and 4 villages from Athani Tq: for the supply of sugar cane for a longer period the field was extended to Yadrav, Bhiradi of Raibag Tq: and to Tamadaddi village of Jamakhandi Tq: so the field of the factory extends to area larger than a district even more sugar cane supply was required with the extension of the factory. Being the higher competitive rules offered by our factory the villagers in the border area of Maharashtra Danwad, Dattwad, Rajapur, khidrapur, Shiradwad, Abdullat, Akkivat and sulkud and many more villages have expressed their desire to become members of our factory seeing their demand the managing committee to extend the field of the factory to the above mentioned villages has applied to the registrar,

Nature of Business: Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 11

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi Sugar sector is one of the large scale industries in manufacturing sector. Now a day the competition in sugar sector is very high. SHREE DOODHAGANGA KRISHNA SAHAKARI SAKKARE KARKHANE NIYAMIT, CHIKODI is a co-operative society registered under Karnataka co-operative society’s Act in 1969. The object of business is to encourage proper devolvement of agricultural industrial amongst members on co-operative lives by promotions of co-operative and joint forming methods so as to secure best merits of modern large scale agriculture production to the owners of the lands. The nature of business is to encourage self help, thrift and co-operate amongst members.

OWNERSHIP PATTERN: The authorized share capital of the Society shall be RS.15.20 crores divided in to total 38,000 shares of RS.4, 000/-each as under. A. Rs.14, 51,000 /-dividends in to 36,275 shares of the face value of Rs.4, 000/-each reserved for the grower members called as “A” Class. B. Rs.9, 00,000 /-dividends in to 225 shares of the face value of Rs.4000/-each reserved for Co-operative Institutions. Called as “C”Class. C. Rs.20, 00,000 /-dividends in to 500 shares of Redeemable preference share of Rs.4, 000/-each to be issued to Government of Karnataka/Maharashtra called as “C”Class. D. Rs.40,00,000/- dividend in to 1,000 shares of face value of Rs.4,000/-each reserved for non grower members called as “D” Class.


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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi The object of the society is to encourage proper development of Agricultural Industrial amongst members on Co-operative lives by promotions of principal and methods of Co-operative and joint forming methods so as to secure best merits of modern large scale agriculture production to the owners of lands and for this propose. •

To encourage self-help, thrift and co-operate amongst members.

To acquire lands either by way of purchase or otherwise for cultivation of sugar cane and other cost and for erection of building. Go downs staff quarters etc and for installations of machinery’s.

To manufacture sugar jogger and their byproducts out of sugar-cane grown and supplied by members of the society and other and to sell the same to the best advantage

To undertake such other activities as are identical and conductive to the development of the society etc

To acquire and install machinery for the utilization of the product and buy raw material and sell finished product is the course of utilizing and marketing the byproducts.

INFRASTRUCTURAL FACILITIES:  Nearer to raw materials.  Good transportation facilities.  Nearer to rivers place. (Krishna River)  Good networking.  Proper accommodation for its employees.

VISION AND MISSION:Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 13

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi


MISSION Encourage agro-based co-operative industry.  To develop co-operative movement in rural sector.  To encourage the farmers to grow sugar cane for production of sugar and its byproducts

SHARED VALUES Shared values are refers to company policies. In D.K.S.S.K Sugar Company limited the following policies are maintained.  Quality policies  Environment policies  T.P.M. policies (Total productivity management)

 QUALITY POLICY Quality leading to customer satisfaction shall be the top priority, this shall be achieved by complying with the requirements of the quality management system and continuously improve its effectiveness.

 ENVIRONMENT POLICY The DKSSK is committed to comply with the requirement of relevant environment regulation and standers by implementing environment management system and the continually improve its effectiveness.


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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi The DKSSK is committed in maximizing limited is committed in maximizing overall plants effectiveness to make My sore sugar company a world class company through total productive manufactured by  Promoting automates maintenance culture.  Involving all employees and building culture.  Minimizing the losses and reduced the cost.

ACHIVEMENTS/AWARDS Achievements • STAI, SISSTA & DSTA in their recent 8th annual convention at Hyderabad held on 1308-2005 have honored with the most prestigious award as the “THE BEST EFFICIENCY & PERFORMANCE SUGAR FACTORY” in the country for the year 2004-05. The award was given by Hon’ble Union Minister for agricultural, food & Civil Supplies, in presence of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh.

• The Karnataka State Co-op Federation Ltd. had adjudged as “The Best Co-operative Sugar Factory in the State” and AWARD had been given to us through Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka, on 14/11/2004.

• Energy Department of Government of Karnataka and KREDL have awarded us he “excellence Award” THROUGH Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka for having developed efficiently 20.7 MW Co-gen Power Project on the occasion of RAJIV GANDHI AKSAYA URJA DIWAS ON 20/8/2004


• The companies have the Honor of achieving the Highest Sugar Recovery @ 11.80% in Southern part of India for the year 2001-02. And 11.90% for 2002-03 also.


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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi The Karnataka State Cooperative Sugar Factories Federation Ltd., Bangalore had honored the company with the following awards for the:a) Highest sugar recovery in South India during 2001-02. b) The “Best Administration Award” to the Managing Director with a cash prize of Rs.10.000/- and a certificate. c) The Best chief Chemist Award” with Rs.5000/- Cash prize and a Certificate. d) Best chief engineer with award worth of Rs.5, 000/- cash prize and certificate.


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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

Staff Good hard working citizen play essential role in the development of nation. The employees are responsible for the success or failure of company. The company has totally 778 workers are working is the company. They are divided as follows No. of Workers 1) Permanent workers


2) Seasonal workers


3) Consolidated worker 4) Daily wage worker

TOTAL workers =

74 100


Company is paying salary of to Rs. 55, 00, 000 per month its workers

PRODUCT PROFLE:Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 17

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi The main and direct production of sugarcane is sugar. The factory has byproducts like distillery, co-generation, press mud and ethanol. FLOW CHART OF SUGAR MANAFACTURING

Sugar process flow chart


Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi


Co- generation boiler

Steam generation


Power Generation


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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi


Treated with yeast

Rectified spirit Treated with water Arrack

Press mud Treated with nature Compost

SUGAR:The factory crushing at the rate of 6500 Tonnes crushing per day (TCD).It is needless to emphasis here that this factory has its own credibility and enjoys its own sanctity in the industry.

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi The DKSSKN Chikodi produces the sugar which can be classified as shown in the table below. The sugar is divided in to three types based on the crystal size; they are large, medium, and small. The production of these is dependent on the crushing capacity of the factory. To produce large sized crystals it takes more time, which in turn affects the crushing. As the size increases the impurity increases and colour of the crystals decreases. Type of sugar produced in DKSSKN Chikodi

















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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi Years


sugar Production

1998 – 99 1999 – 00 2000 – 01 2001 – 02 2002 – 03 2003 – 04 2004 – 05 2005 – 06 2006 – 07 2007 - 08

cane in tones 833457 890709 720041 734954 805047 421461 494488 680884 934230 785050

Quintal) 738170 740086 614749 604005 660312 395310 534334 806859 1085700 921400

(in Average 11.28 12.01 11.7 11.8 11.9 10.2 10.81 11.85 11.5 11.6

Crushed sugar cane chart

Crushed sugar cane in tones 1000000 800000 In tones

600000 400000 200000 0

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 – 99 – 00 – 01 – 02 – 03 – 04 – 05 – 06 – 07 - 08 Years

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

Production chart Production (in Quintal) 1200000

in quintal

1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 1998 – 1999 – 2000 – 2001 – 2002 – 2003 – 2004 – 2005 – 2006 – 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 2007 08 years


Average of production chart 12.5 12 11.5 Average

11 10.5 10 9.5 9 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 – 99 – 00 – 01 – 02 – 03 – 04 – 05 – 06 – 07 2007 - 08 year

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi DISTILLATION: The unit uses molasses, which is waste, is the production of sugar, as raw material for distillation. This molasses has about 40% to 45% of sugar in it. The yeast strain used in fermentation process is sacchromyces uvarum. BY PRODUCTS OF SUGAR MANUFACTURER: The chief byproducts of sugar manufacturing are1. Bagasse: Bagasse is the by-product of sugar left behind after cursing of sugar cane. It is used as a fuel in the sugar factory boiler. Excess Bagasse finds use as raw materials in paper manufacturing industry. 2. Molasses: Molasses is a byproduct of sugar refining chiefly used for alcohol production. The entire molasses output is routed to the distillers unit, which is maintained by the organization. 3. Press mud: Press mud is the by-product generated by cane juice filtration during sugar manufacture, currently. Press mud is used as a fertilizer in sugar cane cultivation. 4. Co -Generation: Co-generation is the by-product of sugar cane by using of Bagasses to producing power.

PROCUREMENT The factory obtains the sugarcane, which is required from more than 1000 farmers and by the company farms and others raw materials which are required for the operation is Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 24

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi taken from the vendor there vendors will be evaluated on basis of price and quality and then the required raw materials will be taken for the efficient vendors. The transport of sugar cane from framers to the factory will be engaged throng Lorries, which will be taken through bidding at time of harvesting, and also farmers themselves supply by their own bullock carts or by tractors. CANE WEIGHMENT There are 12 outlaying weighbridges situated round about Chikodi for delivering the sugarcane from the farmers. Double check has been provided over the weigh of cane transported from out stations.

OPERATIONS The sugarcane, which is carried by Lorries or other, will be directly fed to the machine where the initial process starts. At the starting point these are knives which cuts sugar cane bunches into individual sugar care. This in the next step there are sharp cutter, which cuts the sugarcane, bunches into very small pieces. Then it will go to trade marbs (a series of rollers used for crushing purpose) for crushing. Then the juice produced will go for further processing and the Bagasse will be lifting out their it self. Then they add flocculent (used for mud setting) milk sanitation etc and then after it will go through pans and massecuite for this massecuite they will add sodium Hydro Sulphite ( to bleach the massecuite ) and it will be separated out and the molasses will be send to distillery and they white sugar will be bagged.


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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi Board of Management . Board of Director


Sale s

Chief Chemi s

GM (Dis t)

Dist Che mis

Engin eerin g


Store (Keeper )



Go down Sectio n

Office SPDT

Cane A/c

Chief A/C Office







EST sectio n

Meeting Section

Inward & Out Ward Section

Welfar e

Legal Section

Shar e Secti on

FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT: Finance plays a vital role in the functioning of all industrial units. Finance is the life blood of the organization. In sugar Industry Finance and accounts Department has very vital roles. The financial plan basically deals with raising and proper utilization of funds. The Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 26

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi funds can be raised by issue of shares as well as by raising loans various sources. The finance manager supported with accountant manager and an accountant assistant looks finance department

FUNCTIONS: They look after the overall financial requirements of the company.  They see that a proper inflow and outflow of income and expenditure is maintained.  Costing and accounting is framed and maintained.  Yearly budget is framed so that each department can meet their cash requirements.  Budget prepared is based on sales forecasting, expenses forecasting, cost forecasting, purchase forecasting etc. which submitted by respective departments.

Finance Department consists of following sub branches: 1. General Accounts Section 2. Cane Accounts Section 3. Sales Section 4. Cash Section


1. GENERAL ACCOUNTS SECTION: General Accounts are looking after the passing of bills and payments. Management is also done by General account section and preparation of financial statements i.e., Balance sheet, profit and loss account is attended by general accounts section. Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 27

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

2. CANE ACCOUNTS SECTION: The Bills and payment concerned to procurement of sugar cane, is attended by cane accounts section. Payments like cane bills, transport and harvesting bills etc., are prepared and passed in cane accounts section.

3. SALES SECTION: It is looking after sales of sugar and by products molasses, Rectified spirit and other scrap materials. It is keeping records of the concerned to all sales section.

4. CASH SECTION: It is looking after the payments of all general bills and salary bills apart from cane payment and it is also looking after receipt of cash and check payment. All accounts are maintained in usual manner. Various records and books kept are: A. General ledge B. Sub ledger C. Subsidiary D. Cash book E. Bank book F. Vouchers. Each branch prepares trading profits and loss account and Balance as on 31 st March every year. And the government Auditors audits the accounts.




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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

Purchasing procedure very concededly according to the needs of the organization and authority delegated to porches manager the successes of organization is based on effective inventory management system and interrupted production schedule this is achieved with adequate purchasing function. ďƒ˜ PROCEDURE OF PURCHASING 1. DETERMINATION OF PURCHASE BUDGET: In the beginning of the year the purchase manager, with the help of production planning department, prepare a purchase budget. This budget quads him in knowing what when he has to buy and also quality. Size and quantity product are purchase.

2. DETERMINATION OF QUANTITY: The stock availability in each location is determined and compared with the actual requirements. After receiving the sales order raw materials needed are scheduled according to these order level. The stock availability in each location is determined and compared with actual requirements these quantities to be purchased are determined. 3.


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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi After satisfy with the quantity of materials and reputation of the supplier, purchase order is send to the supplier. Purchase order contain includes the date of order, description of materials to be supplied made of supply. The companies of this send to the Head office, another to accounts departments and one copy send to the storekeeper. 4.

RECEIVING AND ISSUING RAW MATERIALS:The department heads and the storekeeper check the quality and quantity of raw

materials received respectively. The storekeeper enters the details of purchased materials in the store receipt book store receipt after the details are entered in the stared receipt book, the materials from the part of inventory. Then the general manager passes the amount for payment. OBJECTIVES 1) To receive purchase requisition from the stores department production centers or any other authorized sources. 2) To invite quotations from a number of suppliers. 3) To make arrangements for the purchase of appropriate quantities at any given times. 4) To ensure the purchase of the correct quality under trade or brand name by sample, description. 5) To follow up the orders placed. 6) To receive incoming suppliers, verity quantity test and inspect them. 7) To arrange for the stores and issue of materials.

MARKETING AND SALES DEPARTMENT: “Marketing” is a social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. American marketing association defines, “Marketing Management” as the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 30

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

ROLE OF MARKETING MANAGER: 1) To collect information for sales forecasting. 2) Pricing the products as per the demand. 3) To appoint new dealers and distributors. 4) To have full and perfect knowledge of marketing conditions and Policies.

FUNCTIONS OF SALES DEPARTMENT: 1) Sales officer is responsible for selling the products. 2) To look after dispatch of the ordered products. 3) Secondary sales are taken properly. 4) Suggestion, ideas, complaints, feedback from the market to the company. 5) Stocking planning in advance, Godowan maintenance in advance S & R.

SALES PROCEDURE Procedure adopted for sale of sugar rectified spirit and export of power A) SALE OF SUGAR

DOMESTIC SALE OF SUGAR: The sugar is sold in the domestic market through tender system sugar tenders will be called periodically from the various sugar traders. The leaders are intimated will in advance about the grade and quality being offered in tender. The sugar tender will be conducted at Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 31

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi Karnataka Sugar Institute, Belgaum. The representative of KSI will be present at the time of tenders. The rates will be collected from the various parties along with grade and quantity of sugar required by them. The parties who have offered higher price will be allotted the sugar and they will be interacted to take the sugar delivery within the stipulated period. The sugar will be sold against 100% payment. The rate of domestic price of sugar in the state and the rate of neighboring sugar factories will be selling the sugar tenders. EXPORT OF SUGAR: When the international price of sugar is encouragive compared to domestic price of sugar, we export some of the stock of sugar. The sugar export is mainly undertaken through the mercantile exports or through EXIM Corporation New Delhi. The price and the price being offered by various sugar factories for export of sugar once the rates are finalized, we will enter into agreement with the party. Then the party will obtain a release orders from chief Director of sugar, New Delhi and necessary excise bond from the concerned authority. After completing all the necessary formalities sugar will be delivered to the party for export against full payment of the consignment. After the export shipment is completed necessary documents in programmed of export of consignment will be collected from the parties the same will be submitted to the excise department.

B) SALE OF RECTIFIED SPIRIT:The Rectified spirit is sold to various parties through the Karnataka State Braveries Corporation Limited Bangalore. The price of the rectified spirit will be declared to the KSBCL every fortnight. The prices of Rectified spirit of various Distilleries in the state will be compared while finalizing the rates of spirit. Once the rate and quantity is finalized party has to obtain necessary allotment order from commissioner of state excise for issue of Rectified spirit and we will enter into forward agreement with the party as per the procedure laid down by the KSBCL. Before taking delivery of Rectified spirit, the party has to make payment to the KSBCL, in turn KSBCL will advice us to give delivery of Rectified spirit by Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 32

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi issuing “orders for suppliers’ then the spirit will be delivered to the party KSBCL will transfer us the entire payment once in a week for the transactions occurred during the previous week. C) EXPORT OF POWER TO THE KPTCL GRID:In addition to the above company is also receiving its revenue from its power plant. Company is having a power plant of 20.7 MW capacity. It is using about 5MW for its own/captive consumption; the excess power of about 15MW is being exported to the KPTCL.

ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT The most of work of the department is future planning as a standardization of time and work and dealing with other companies. The work of administration department is conceptual decision taking with the permission of Chairman, Director, M.D and senior manager.

RECRUITMENT The recruitment is the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications from which new employees are selected. Selection Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 33

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi is the process of packing individuals (out of the pool job applicants with requisites qualification and competence to fill jobs in the organization. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Recruitment of workers, the factory does not have a good procedure for recruitment. All the rights of recruitment are invested with the Board of Directors. The factory has good system of up grading. A promotion is given on the basis of experience, qualification. For upgrading the workforce a committee of Board of Directors is appointed. The up grading of workers is considered only when a vacancy exists in the higher grades, the factory instead of Recruiting people from outside gives preference to their own personnel on the basis of qualifications, experiences and performance. The possibility of promotion serves as incentives. Promotion is given to the workers of they are well experienced and also of good qualification. INTERNAL SOURCES: In DKSSKN Internal search is made to identify surplus manpower. So that manpower can be utilized elsewhere. This can be done through transfer and promotion to employees in their positions.

EXTERNAL SOURCES: Some time it may not be possible to find out right manpower within the company, especially in technical skill required jobs. Then they go for external sources. The major external sources used by DKSSKN are giving advertisements in news papers and other Medias through personal contracts etc., after identifying the sources, the requirement process and selection process starts. REMUNERATION SYSTEM: Remuneration to workers includes both monetary and non-monetary benefits. MONETARY BENEFITS:Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 34

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi  Salary.  Home rent allowances.  Dearness allowances.  Traveling allowances  Provident funds  Employee monstrance.  Festival advances Welfare facility: A. Statutory facility: Canteen  Washing facility  Facilities for storing and drying cloth  Facilities for sitting  First aid application  Shelter  Leave facilities  Bonus, incentive

B. Non -Statutory facility: Co-operative societies  Recreation and festival committee  Nursery, primary and high school  Community hall  Banks  Hospital

LABOUR WELFARE DEPARTMENT: This department is headed by labor welfare officer. To look into the welfare activities of the worker and solve the Labour problems. The factory provides all the necessary facilities. The purpose of providing welfare amenities is to facilitate the development of total Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 35

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi personality of working class for physical, mental, psychological, cultural, social, moral and intellectual development the factory provides well planned residential accommodation, medical facilities, educational facilities, drinking and washing water, canteen, cycle stand, library etc. In addition, the factory has following non-statutory schemes for workers welfare. Consumers society, uniforms to watchman production and engineering workers etc.

TIME OFFICE DEPARTMENT: Department is headed by head time keeper. To maintain the register of attendance of the factory staff to prepare the pay sheets and leave records and personal services register of the staff. Function: To recording the employees attendance.  To maintaining the salary register book (S.R A/C). ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE The office time is from 10.30 to 5.30pm The lunch break is from 1.30 to 2.00 pm FACTORY PREMISES Inside: from 8:30am to 5:30pm The lunch break is from 12:30 to 1:30 pm

PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT: Production management refers to the application of management principles to the production function in a factory. In other words production management involves application of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the production process. A well-organized production function can offer competitive advantage to a firm in the following areas.

 Higher quality  More inventory turns  Shorter new product lead time  Greater flexibility  Shorter manufacturing lead time Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 36

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi  Better customer satisfaction  Reduced wastage

PRODUCTION PROCESS: The main saw material in the production of sugar is.

Sugar cane. The raw materials has to go through following stages before it become finished

product. The process in each stage is as under:



The harvested and transported sugar can received is weighed on the weigh Bridge. It is unloaded and kept on the feeder tables. It is fed to the cane carrier as per the requirement.



This cane is passed through leveler and furzier by making the fine making the fine chips. It is crushed through series of mills. Imbibitions hot water is added prior to the last mill to extract more possible sugar. The bagasse from the last will is carried through bagasse conveyor and required quantity of bagasse is fed to the boilers and excess quality is sent for storage. STAGE:-3


The juice from all the mills is pumped to juice weighting scale. It is heated to about 70-77’o c in the juice heaters. It is taken to continuous juice sulphitor in which milk of lime and sulphur dioxide gas are adjusted to maintain ph 7.0. It is again heated in juice heaters to about 100 to 105’oc and sent to continuous clarifier. Clear juice is taken to multiple effect evaporators to concentrate up to 60oc Brix. Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 37

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

The settled mud from the bottom of the clarifier is taken to mud mixer to mix with beguile and taken to continuous vacuum filer.

The filtrate is transferred to raw juice

receiving tank for treatment. The adhered mud on the screens is scraped and sent out as filter cake, which will be used for composting the manure. STAGE:-4


The concentrated syrup from evaporator is taken to syrup sulpthitor to adjust Ph 4.8 to 5.2. This is stored in the supply tanks and fed to “A” masscult boiling by taking B-seed as a footing. It is concentrated to 92o Brix and dropped to the crystallizes. This masscult is purged in the centrifugal machines. The adhered crystals are scraped to hopper and treated with hot air and cold air blower. It is sent to grader the size for gradation. This graded sugar is stared in SILOS. Weighed and bagged sugar bags are transferred to respective go down’s for stacking.



While purging A- massecuite the A-light molasses received is sent to supply tanks and fed to ‘A’- molasses is sent to supply tanks and fed to ‘B’- masscult boiling with b-grain as footing. This is purged in the centrifugals. This sugar is used as B- seed and excess is melted and fed to ‘A’- masscult’s. White purging low purity B- Heavy molasses obtained is used for boiling C- masscult with C- grain as footing. This C- massecuite is taken for purging in C.F.W. Centrifugal machines. The final molasses is separated, weighed and sent to storage tanks. C.F.Magma is sent to melt supply tanks and fed to ‘A’ massecuite boiling. C-light molasses obtained is tired in supply tanks and used for C- massecuite boiling and C- graining also.


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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi This section headed by Godowan keeper. To record the stock inward and outward Godowan section main work is to maintaining stock register and report to organization in this section using FIFO and LIFO methods.

MANUFACTURE DEPARTMENT:This department is headed by Chief Chemist. To manufacture the maximum quality the sugar from the cane juice of superior ISI. grade minimize the sugar loses in bye-products to maintain the register and calculations of sugar entering in the house and production submit day to day report of production and recoverable sugar and excise matters in the season. In the off season maintenance of the boiling house plant. LABORATORY: The factory is having well equipped lab. And the main activity of the lab is to check the content of sugar cane and fixing the correct shape & size of sugar. The lab prepares hourly reports which advice on the other chemicals in production.

CHEMICAL SECTION: In the factory is having chemical section. Main activity of the chemical section milling stage to crystallization stage check sugar status and using chemicals to produce white crystallization of sugar,

MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT: This department is headed by General Manager and Chief Engineer. Maintenance of the sugar machinery and plant over having of the some in off season and to run all the sugar machinery and their devices properly and smoothly in the season and to extract cane juice for the cane in respect of less losses of sugar content in fazes that is more extraction. Functions:  To maintain performance of machines.  Installation of the machines.  Repair of the machines. Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 39

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi  Crystallizing drying and packaging the refined sugar.

STORES DEPARTMENT: This department is headed by store keeper. To keep the sores and required materials for the factory section wise in a proper way and to maintain their registers and big cards of indents (order goods) FUNCTIONS:  To make the material requisition for the purpose of knowing the quantity materials.  Receiving the materials  Unfolding the packing.  Takes entry in store receipt Book (SRB)  The main function of store department is to prepare a bin card.  Preparing bills after receiving quality memo back.  Stacking the materials.  Issue of materials to concerned sections as per their indents.  To maintain minimum level of materials.  Informing purchase department when materials require.

WATCH AND WARD: This department is headed by security officer. It provides Security of factory and control on gates and supervision day and night all over the factory area from security point of view. Functions: Gate passes checking.  Providing security to employee and organization.  Controlling the hazards.

AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT: This department is headed by Cane development officer. Cane procurement, harvesting (to reap) and development of cane. To make the provision of proper seed of cane to the cultivators, soil testing and proper guideline for measuring.

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi This department helps the farmers for the production of good quality of sugarcane. The total area of operation is covered 111 villages of which 102 villages are from Chikodi taluka, 5 villages are from Chikodi taluka, 5 villages are from Raibag taluka and 4 villages are from Athani taluka.

Varieties of sugar cane: Sr.no 1 2 3

Particulars Early Midlate Late

Variety of cane covered 671,94012,434,435. 86032,8021,7704,98071,95005. 8011,740,7527.

FUNCTION:  Issue of slips to the cane supplier, harvesting gangs and transport parties.  Arrangement of the vehicles to supply the sugar cane.  Cane registration.  It makes the arrangement for harvesting gangs and transport parties.  It solves farmers’ problems.  Improve cane quality.  It supplies cane seeds to farmers.  It provides fertilizers to farmers. Facilities provided to the formers:  Compost is provided to the farmers.  Pesticides are provided.  Agriculture development loans are provided.  Sugar is provided to the shareholders once in a year.  Recommendation letters to the banks to provide loans to farmers. Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 41

% 70-80 10-15 5

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

CANE YARD DEPARTMENT: This is one of the important department main function is to weighting the sugarcane, sugar, materials and other equipments are weighting in this department.

CIVIL DEPARTMENT: This department is headed by civil engineer. Construction of the roads for proper transport of cane in the area, civil works of the factory, maintenance of the factory building. FUNCTION: Planning for new projects.  Looking cleanliness of the factory.  Maintenance of factory building. 

Maintenance of roads.

CO – GENERATION:The SDKSSK has power generation plant with the capacity of producing 20.7 MW of electricity. The main activity in this plant is generation of electricity. Process: - The SDKSSK pump water from Krishna River to power generation. Then purification and filtration of the water made be the help of Cooler machine and chemicals. The pure water sends to Vacuum Tubes which are situated in boiler. In boiler by the help of bagasse hit that water more than 500° DC. To burn bagasse a fan is used called Force Deuce (FD) fan. Another fan used called Secondary Air (SA) to spread the hit at all corner in boiler similarly. The third fan called Induced Deuce (ID) to send out carbon air from boiler. The boiled water sends to turbine and thereby generates the electricity. About boiler: Producer: Wakhanaghar Industry Ltd., Pune.  Capacity: 125 tone per hrs.  Presser: 65kg per sqr. Cm.  Temperature: 495°C.  Production: 20.7 MW / 4, 98,000 units per day. Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 42

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

About turbine: Producer: B.H.E.L., Hyderabad.  Variety: Double extraction com cadency.  Presser: 65kg per sqr. Cm.  Temperature: 495°C.  Production: 20.7 MW / 4, 98,000 units per day.

DESTILLERY DEPARTMENT: The SDKSSK also has a distillery plant with the capacity of 30 TPCL in which produces the Alcohol and ethanol. At current the company only produces Alcohol. Process: - For the production of Alcohol the molasses (bye product) of sugar is used as raw-material. The molasses got in sugar production process store in a tank for one month. After one month the thick aspects in molasses are store at bottom and processeble molasses can be take which is upper side of tank. The thick molasses by mixing water also make processeble. Using propagation process the company produce East cells which are used in production of Alcohol. For this process only use East cells called ‘Pombo East’. In a separate tank the molasses and East cells are sends. The East cell eats sucrose in molasses and leave

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi waste. The waste of East cell is nothing but raw-alcohol. The tank temperature should kept 32°C to 35°C for proper generation of East cells. Then that mixture sent to filter in which the Est. cells and molasses waste separated and again sent to that previous process tank and by this got raw-alcohol. The raw-alcohol further process just like the process used in petroleum items production. It is 25 stages process. The raw-alcohol boil and in 18th stage we got alcohol and 25th stage we got ethanol. The whole process is called as Fragmentation Process

LETRATURE REIVEW:Need of the study:

To know the organization department function.

To know the functioning of various department.


To know the present condition of organization.

To knows the employee remuneration and satisfaction system in the SDKSSKN.

To know the facility provided to lab ours.

Objective of the study:

To understand the working of organization.

To understand the functioning of various departments.

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi 

To study on the Employee remuneration and satisfaction in

SDKSSKN Chikodi. 

To maintain discipline in the SDKSSKN. So, as to achieve


Scope of the study: The study on the employee remuneration and satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi.To knows the employee remuneration and satisfaction in the SDKSSKN.

Limitation of the study:  Time was a constraint for the study.  The study is restricted to this organization only.  All the respondents were not available at the time of survey.  Survey is based on primary data so accuracy is subject to responses received.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:Data collection method:Data collected by primary and secondary methods. Primary data: Discussion with staff members of SDKSSKN.  Through questionnaires.  By observation through get knowledge Secondary data: Reference books

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi  Company manual  Through internet .  Company annual book. Sampling Techniques:1) Population: SDKSSKN employee. 2) Sampling frame: It is the list of all employees. 3) Sampling unit: department wise employees. 4) Sample size: 100 employees. 5) Sampling method: Random sampling method. 6) Sample Plan : Personal Interview

THEORETICAL BACKGROUND EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION:INTRODUCTION Human resource management is the important management function which helps to managers in several ways. HRM is the challenging job to all the managers in an organization. HRM is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, Employee Remuneration, and obviously, Human resource management (HRM) is concerned with the people dimension in organization in HRM ‘Employee Remuneration’ is one of the important function performed by the HR Manger. Employee Remuneration is significant because of its contribution the cost of production beside: many battles (in the forms of strikes & lockout) are fought between the employer and the employees on issue relating to wage or bonus. Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 46

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi The HR specialist has difficult task of fixing wages or salaries and wage differently acceptable to employee and their leaders. Since Employee Remuneration is such an important subject, so which is a challenging job. Meaning of Employee Remuneration:Remuneration is the compensation an employee receives in return for his contribution to the organization. Remuneration occupies an important place in the life of an employee. His or her standard of living, status in the society, motivation, loyalty and productivity depend upon the remuneration he or she receives. Components of Employee Remuneration Employee Remuneration comprises both direct as well as indirect elements. A typical remuneration of an employee comprises the following components. •

Wages and salaries


Fringe benefits


Non- monitory benefits.

Wages and salaries:

Wages and salaries are the important monitory components of Employee Remuneration. Wages: Wages are the remuneration paid by the employers for the service of hourly, weekly, daily and fortnightly to the employee. Salary: Salary is the remuneration paid to the clerical & managerial personal on monthly basis or annual basis. According to DKSSKN factor affection, the wages and salary administration are as follows. •

Existing rate at comparable industries.

Firm’s ability to pay.


Government legislation.

Market for the product.

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

Incentives: Incentives are monitory benefits paid to workmen in recognition of their outstanding

performance. They also called payments by results; incentives are paid in addition to wages and salaries. They are defined as “variable rewards granted according to variations in the achievements of specific results”. Incentives generally vary from individual to individual, and from period to period for the same individual. The primary advantage of incentives is the inducement and motivation of workers for higher efficiency and greater output. Positive response will surely come when incentives are included as a part of the total remuneration. Incentives defend upon productivity, sales, profit, or cost reduction efforts. They arei)

Individual incentive schemes


Group incentives programmers.

Individual incentives are applicable to specific employee performance. Where a given task given task demands group effort for completion, incentives are paid o group as a whole. The amount is later divided among the group members on an equitable basis. •

Fringe benefits: Fringe benefits are defined as a range of benefits and services that employees receive

as parrot of their total compensation package…pay or compensation…is based on critical job and performance. Benefits and services, however, are indirect compensation because they are usually extended as a condition of employment and not directly related to performance. These include such employee benefits as a provident fund, gratuity, medical care, hospitalization, accident relief, health and group insurance, canteen, uniform, recreation. And employee benefits include any benefits that the employee receives in addition to direct remuneration. •


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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi These are allowed to executives and include company car, club membership, paid holidays, furnished house, stock potion schemes, and the like. Perquisites are offered to retain competent executives. •

Non monetary benefits: These includes challenging job responsibilities, reorganization of merit, growth,

prospects, compliant super vision, comparable working conditions and job sharing and flexi time. Non – monitory benefits are subsided food and recreational facilities to employees.

THERIES OF EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION In order to understand which components of remuneration are more effective, we need to understand the conceptual framework or theories of employee remuneration. Three theories are as follows. 1. Reinforcement and Expectancy theory 2. Inequity theory 3. Agency theory

1) Reinforcement and expectancy theory: The enforcement theory postulates that a behavior which has a rewarding experience is likely to be repeated. The implication for remuneration is that high employee performance fallowed by a monetary reward will make future employee performance more likely. The theory emphasizes the importance of a person actually experiencing the reward. Like the reinforcement theory, vroom’s expectancy theory focuses on the link between rewards and behavior. Motivation, according to theory is the product of valance, instrumentality and expectancy. Remunerating system differ According to these motivational components. Expectancy perceptions often have more to do with job design and training than pay system. 2) Equity theory: Adam’s equity theory posits that an employee who perceives inequity in his or her rewards seeks to restore equity. The theory emphasis’s equity in pay structure of employee remuneration.

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi Employee perception of how they are being treated by the firm is of prime importance to them. The dictum ‘a fair day work for fair day pay’ denotes sense of equity felt by employee. When employees perceive inequity, it can result in lower productivity, higher absenteeism or increase in turnover. 3) Agency theory: The agency theory focuses on the divergent interests and both of the organization’s stakeholders and the way that employee remuneration can be used to align these interests and goals. Employer and employees are the two stakeholders of business unit, the former assuming the role of principals and the latter the role of agent. The remuneration payable to employees is the agency cost. It is natural that the employees expect high agency costs. While the employers seek to minimize it. The agency theory said that the principal must choose a contracting scheme then helps align the interest of the agency with the principal’s own interest. These contract can be classified as either behavior – oriented (eg.merit pay) or outcome oriented (eg.stock option schemes, profit sharing commission).

Importance of an ideal remuneration system: •

Remuneration is the only HR activity which has its impact on all other functions regarding personnel.

An effective system of remuneration, it is useful to bring out the importance of an ideal remuneration system.

Employees get motivated perform better when their past performance is rewarded adequately. Employees set expectations about rewards and compensation to be compensation to be received, if certain levels of performance are achieved.

Factors influencing Employee Remuneration a) External factors b) Internal factors a) External factors: 1) Labour market. 2) Cost of living. 3) Labour unions Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 50

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi 4) Government legislations 5) Society 6) Economy. Factors external to an organization are labour market, cost of living, labour unions, and government legislations. The society and the economy. 1) Labour market: Demand for and supply of labour influence wage and salary fixations. A low wages and salary fixed when the supply of labour exceeds the demand for it. And vice versa. 2) Cost of living: This criterion matters during periods of raising prices and is forgotten when prices are stable and falling.

3) Labour unions: The

presence or absence of labour organization open determines the

quantum of wages paid to employees. 4) Society: The remuneration paid to employees is reflecting in the prices by fixed by an organization for its goods and services. For this reason, the consuming public is interested in remuneration decision. 5) The economy: The last external factor that has its impact on wage and salary fixation is the state of economy. For example, a depressed economy will probably increase in the labour supply. b) Internal factors: 1) Business strategy. 2) Job evaluation and performance appraisal. 2) Business strategy: The overall strategy which a company pursues should determination to its employees. Where the strategy of the enterprises is to achieve rapid growth, remuneration should be higher than what competitors pay. Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 51

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

3) Job evaluation and performance appraisal: Job evaluation helps establish satisfactory wages differentials among jobs. Performance appraisal helps award pay increases to employee who shows improved performance.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


21 25

21.0 25.0

21.0 25.0

21.0 46.0

DEGREE other courses

30 24

30.0 24.0

30.0 24.0

76.0 100.0






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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

Education of employees 32 30


28 26 24 22 20 18 P UC


other courses


Education of employees

INTERPRETATION: The above table and chart shows that 21% of employee’s qualification is SSLC, 25% of employee’s qualification is PUC, 30 % of employee’s qualification is DEGREE and remaining 24 % of employee’s qualification is other courses. So most of them SSLC and PUC qualified employees.

2) How good is SDKSSKN to work? TABLE NO: 2

Valid exceptionally good very good good satisfactory Total





39 22 23

39.0 22.0 23.0

39.0 22.0 23.0




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Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 16.0 16.0 55.0 77.0 100.0

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

How good is SDKSSKN to work 50






0 exceptionally good

very good



How good is SDKSSKN to work

INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that 16% of employee’s opinion that working conditions are good, 39 % of the employee’s opinion that very good, 22% of employee’s opinion that good, and 23% of the employee’s opinion that satisfactory with working condition.

3) Are you satisfied you’re Job? TABLE NO: 3

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent






no Total

13 100

13.0 100.0

13.0 100.0


Job satisfaction 100








no Job satisfaction

INTERPRETATION: The above table and chart depicts that 87% of employees are satisfied with their present job and 13% of employees are dissatisfied. So most of the employees are satisfied with job.

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

4) Do you feel insecure regarding job and salary? TABLE NO: 4 Frequency Valid

always some time never Total


27 47 26 100

27.0 47.0 26.0 100.0

Valid Percent Cumulative 27.0 47.0 26.0 100.0

Percent 27.0 74.0 100.0

Do you feel insecure regarding job and salary 50








some time


Do you feel insecure regarding job and salary

INTERPRETATION: The above table and chart shows that 27% of employees are feeling insecure always. 47% of employees are feeling insecure some time. And remaining 26% of employees are never feeling insecure regarding job.

5) Satisfaction with salary being paid to you Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 56

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi


Frequency Valid

yes no Total

62 38 100

Percent 62.0 38.0 100.0





62.0 38.0 100.0

62.0 100.0

Satisfaction with salary being paid to you 70 60


50 40 30 20 10 0



Satisfaction with salary being paid to you

INTERPRETATION: The above table and chart shows that 62% of employees are satisfying with salary being paid by company. And remaining 38 % of employees are dissatisfied with salary being paid by company.

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

6) Canteen facilities provided to you are good Frequency Percent Valid

agree strongly agree disagree strongly disagree Total

39 7 30 24 100

Valid Percent Cumulative

39.0 7.0 30.0 24.0 100.0

39.0 7.0 30.0 24.0 100.0

Percent 39.0 46.0 76.0 100.0


Canteen facility provided to you are good 50






0 agree

strongly agree


strongly disagree

Canteen facility provided to you are good

INTERPRETATION: The above table and chart showing that 39 % of employees agree to canteen facility. 7% of employees are strongly agreed with canteen facility. 30% of employees are disagreeing with canteen facility. And 24 % employees are strongly disagreeing with canteen facility. Most of the employees are the disagree and strongly disagree with canteen facility.

Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 58

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi 7) Satisfaction with other facilities TABLE NO: 7 Frequency Valid

yes no Total

95 5 100

Percent 95.0 5.0 100.0

Valid Percent Cumulative 95.0 5.0 100.0

Percent 95.0 100.0

Satisfaction with other facilities like 120 100


80 60 40 20 0



Satisfaction with other facilities like

INTERPRETATION: The above table and chart showing that 95 % of employees are satisfying with other facilities like safety measures given by the management and 5% of employees are dissatisfying with other facilities.

8) Medical facilities provided to you are good TABLE NO: 8 Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 59

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi







Percent 54.0 100.0

agree strongly

54 46

54.0 46.0

54.0 46.0

agree Total




Medical facility provided to you are good 60


50 40 30 20 10 0


strongly agree

Medical facility provided to you are good

INTERPRETATION: The above table and chart showing that 54 % of employees agree with medical facility provided by company and 46% of employees are strongly agree with medical facility. Most of the employees are the agreed with medical facility.

9) Fringe benefits given to you are good TABLE NO: 9

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi





strongly agree disagree strongly disagree Total



Valid Percent 58.0

Cumulative Percent 58.0





4 3

4.0 3.0

4.0 3.0

97.0 100.0




Fringe benefit given to you are good 70 60


50 40 30 20 10 0


disagree strongly agree

strongly disagree

Fringe benefit given to you are good

INTERPRETATION: The above table and chart showing that 58 % of employees agree with fringe benefits, 35% of employees strongly agree with fringe benefits, 4% of employees disagree with fringe benefits and 3% of employees strongly disagree with fringe benefits.

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

10) Family welfare scheme provided to you TABLE NO: 10 Frequency Valid

yes no Total

64 36 100




64.0 36.0 100.0

Percent 64.0 36.0 100.0

Percent 64.0 100.0

Family welfare scheme provided to you 70 60



50 40 36 30 20 10 0 yes


Family welfare scheme provided to you

INTERPRETATION: The above table and chart showing that 64 % of employees good with family welfare scheme provided by company and 36 % of employees are not good with family welfare scheme.

Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 62

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi 11) Any transportation facility provided by your company TABLE NO: 11 Frequency Valid

yes no Total

26 74 100


Valid Percent Cumulative

26.0 74.0 100.0

26.0 74.0 100.0

Percent 26.0 100.0

Any transportation facility provided by your company 80








Any transportation facility provided by your company

INTERPRETATION: The above table and chart showing that 26 % of employees are got transportation facility and remaining 74% of employees are not got transportation facility.

12) Your company credits your salary within prescribed time

Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 63

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi TABLE NO: 12 Frequency Valid

yes no Total

94 6 100

Percent 94.0 6.0 100.0





94.0 6.0 100.0

94.0 100.0

Your company creadit your salary within prescribed time 100






0 yes


Your company creadit your salary within prescribed time

NTERPRETATION: The above table and chart showing that 94 % of employees are getting salary within prescribed time and 6% of employees are not getting salary within prescribed time.

13) Your company paying bonus TABLE NO: 13 Frequency Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 64




Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi





Percent 100.0

Percent 100.0

Your company paying bonus 120







20 0 yes

Your company paying bonus

INTERPRETATION: The above table and chart showing that 100 % of employees are yes to all employees get bonus from company.

14) Do you have Leave Facility? TABLE NO: 14









Percent 100.0

Percent 100.0

Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 65

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

Leave facility 120




80 60


20 0

yes Leave facility

INTERPRETATION: The above table and chart showing that 100 % of employees are having leave facility.

15) Company encashing earn leave during last year TABLE NO: 15


yes no Total





77 23 100

77.0 23.0 100.0

Percent 77.0 23.0 100.0

Percent 77.0 100.0

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

company encashing earn leave during last year 100


80 60 40 20 0



company encashing earn leave during last year

INTERPRETATION: The above table and chart showing that 77 % of employees to enchasing by company earn leave. And 23 %of employees are not got earn leave during last year.

FINDINGS: The above table and chart shows that 21% of employee’s qualification is SSLC, 25% of employee’s qualification is PUC, 30 % of employee’s qualification is DEGREE and remaining 24 % of employee’s qualification is other courses. So most of them SSLC and PUC qualified employees.  The above table shows that 16% of employee’s opinion that working conditions are good, 39 % of the employee’s opinion that very good, 22% of employee’s opinion that good, and 23% of the employee’s opinion that satisfactory with working condition. Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 67

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

 The above table and chart depicts that 87% of employees are satisfied with their present job and 13% of employees are dissatisfied. So most of the employees are satisfied with job.  The above table and chart shows that 27% of employees are feeling insecure always. 47% of employees are feeling insecure some time. And remaining 26% of employees are never feeling insecure regarding job.  The above table and chart shows that 62% of employees are satisfying with salary being paid by company. And remaining 38 % of employees are dissatisfied with salary being paid by company.  The above table and chart showing that 39 % of employees agree to canteen facility. 7% of employees are strongly agreed with canteen facility. 30% of employees are disagreeing with canteen facility. And 24 % employees are strongly disagreeing with canteen facility. Most of the employees are the disagree and strongly disagree with canteen facility.

 The above table and chart showing that 95 % of employees are satisfying with other facilities like safety measures given by the management and 5% of employees are dissatisfying with other facilities.  The above table and chart showing that 54 % of employees agree with medical facility provided by company and 46% of employees are strongly agree with medical facility. Most of the employees are the agreed with medical facility.  The above table and chart showing that 58 % of employees agree with fringe benefits, 35% of employees strongly agree with fringe benefits, 4% of employees disagree with fringe benefits and 3% of employees strongly disagree with fringe benefits. Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 68

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

 The above table and chart showing that 64 % of employees good with family welfare scheme provided by company and 36 % of employees are not good with family welfare scheme.  The above table and chart showing that 26 % of employees are got transportation facility and remaining 74% of employees are not got transportation facility.  The above table and chart showing that 94 % of employees are getting salary within prescribed time and 6% of employees are not getting salary within prescribed time.  The above table and chart showing that 100 % of employees are get bonus in last year from company.  The above table and chart showing that 100 % of employees are having leave facility.  The above table and chart showing that 77 % of employees to enchasing by company earn leave. And 23 %of employees are not got earn leave during last year.

RECOMMONDATIONS:From this survey I have observed that some points discussed below, where there is need of improvements in the employee remuneration and satisfaction so that will lead to good performance of employees. And achieve the organization objective. •

In this survey 21% of employee’s qualification is SSLC, 25% of employee’s qualification is PUC, more preference should be given to qualified and experience persons.

More attention should be given to increase the employee participation in the management of the company. To give securing the job.

Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 69

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

On survey base 38 % of employees are dissatisfied with salary being paid by company. Salary should be given on the basis of performance and qualification base.

From the employee part of view 30% of employees are disagreeing with canteen facility. And 24 % employees are strongly disagreeing with canteen facility. Most of the employees are disagreeing and strongly disagree with canteen facility. Company should provide basic need of good quality food in the canteen to increase efficiency of workers.

By survey to recommend that 36 % of employees are not satisfied with family welfare scheme. The company should give more stress to improve the family and employee welfare scheme

• •

Company should make arrangement for the cab facility to employees. Motivate the employees by providing more bonuses and incentive schemes from the company.

Rewards should be given for efficient work.

Should make separate human resource development department.

Company should provide training for workers in their work field.

The factory must install new technology and fast machine in the production process to move towards the quality policy “total customer satisfaction ”

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

CONCLUSION: The object of the project is to study various departments and section of the SHREE DOODHAGANGA KRISHNA SAHAKARI SAKKARE KARKHANE NIYAMIT, CHIKODI. The company has number of department, viz., General administration, finance and accounts departments, Sale department, Store department, go-generation, distillation, Mechanical, Godawon and purchase departments, Labour welfare office, Time office, Watch and ward, Cane yard, Engineering department, Agriculture department. The focus is on human resource department the title being “Employee remuneration and satisfaction system�. By conducting the study can be concluded that these entire departments are actively working towards the achievement of the goals and objectives of the factory. The management Isalso efficient in the work, so the factory is achieving great progress in year by year.

Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 71

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi In DKSSKN employees get salary on monthly. Dissatisfaction towards canteen facility and family welfare scheme providing good canteen and family welfare scheme, cab facility providing creating awareness towards company to achieve goals. And utilization of the resources, because now they are being under utilized over the factory is doing well.

ANNEXURE: QUESTIONNARE:Dear respondents, Name:-____________________________________________________________ Year of experience: - _______________ Designation:-________________ 1. Education of employees 1) SSLC 3) DEGREE

2) PUC 4) other vocational courses

2. How good is SDKSSKN to work? Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 72

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

1) Exceptionally good 3) Good

2) Very good 4) Satisfactory

3. Are you satisfied with your job? 1) Yes 2) No

4. Do you feel insecure regarding job and salary? 1) Always 2) Some time 3) Never

5. Are you satisfied with salary being paid to you? 1) Yes 2) No 6. The canteen facility facilities provided to you are good? 1. Agree 3. Disagree

2. Strongly agree 4. Strongly disagree

7. Are you satisfied with other facilities like safety measures etc given by the management? 1) Yes 2) No

8. The medical facilities provided to you are good? 1. Agree 3. Disagree

2. Strongly agree 4. Strongly disagree

9. Fringe Benefits like hospitalization, accident relief and uniform given to you are good? Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 73

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi 1. Agree 3. Disagree

2. Strongly agree 4. Strongly disagree

10. Is there any family welfare schemes provided by the company? 1) Yes 2) No If yes, state what it is ? _________________________________

11. Is there any transportation facility provided by your company? 1) Yes 2) No 12. Does your company credits salary to your account within prescribed time? 1) Yes 2) No 13. Does your company paying bonus as per the bonus act 1963? 1) Yes 2) No If yes, state what is the percentage:- ____________ 14. Do you have leave facility? 1) Yes 2) No 15. Does your company encashing earn leave earned during last year? 1) Yes 2) No

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

DATA CODE SHEET Sl.no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

Q1 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 3 3 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 1 3 4 2 3 2 3 3 2 2

Q2 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 3 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 4 3 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 2 2 4 4 4 2 3 4 2 1 4 2 3 3 3 3

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Q4 3 1 1 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2

Q5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

Q6 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4

Q7 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Q8 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

Q9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4

Q10 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Q11 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

Q12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Q13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Q14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Q15 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

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Employee remuneration satisfaction in SDKSSKN Chikodi

BIBILOGRAPHY  Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations by P. Subba Rao  Marketing Research by Tull and Hawkins  Marketing research by A. Parasuraman 1st Indian adaptation, published by biztantra  Company annual book

 Oxford Dictionary



E-mail: dksugar@sancharnet.In

Babasabpatilfreepptmba.com Page 77

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