Impact in the effectiveness of the Supply chain Integration of HUL
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The nature of competition is rapidly changing, and with this change comes the need to redefine and reappraise the modes of management prevailing, so as to equip us with more appropriate ways to manage in the 21st century. Supply chain is the field of study that is still evolving. As of now there are no agreed definitions, concepts or a conceptual framework. However it is imperative for business to realise the importance of this concept and not lose time awaiting the evolution of formal definitions. Supply chain management is a customer-oriented approach, designed to deliver maximum value to the customer. It is basically oriented towards the control and coordination of three flows i.e. Material Flow, Information Flow and cash Flow.Previous survey and research findings indicates that purchasing and supply management in India lack strategic direction and focus, while by their very nature these are essentially strategic activities, requiring top managements time and involvement. It is therefore possible for company’s that recognise and act on this need to gain competitive advantage over companies that do not. The global competition environment has made reduce costs, improved quality, improved responsiveness and customer service, flexibility and better product availability a top priority agenda for business. In meeting this challenge, a business can no longer expect that the objectives can be meet just by becoming efficient in itself. The situation requires therefore value to reach the customers, this efficiency be evident even in the suppliers, the distribution channel, and all associated activities and partners. Competition is no longer between individual businesses but between groups of companies that are linked together in a chain for delivering customer value. Business is no longer a gladiatorial combat, it is a team game. This engenders the need for supply chain management to ensure that all the elements participating in the