at Gadag Co-Operative Textile Mill
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INDUSTRY PROFILE Textile co-operative is being important tradition cottage industries play a vital role in meeting the clothing requirements of the people. The handloom industry is meeting nearly 1/3 of clothing requirements of the country’s population. The government of India assigned to the handloom sector the task of increasing the handloom production year by year. COMPANY PROFILE The Gadag Co-Operative Textile Mill was established in the year 1972 with a project cost of Rs 220 lacks and commenced its trial production in April 1973 we have a feather in the cap for having installed 25000 spindles capacity mill in a record time in the entire country.Late Shri K.H.Patil , a son of soil and veteran Co-Operator devoted his time fully for the establishment of a Co-Operative network around Hulkoti providing various amenities and scope for development of farmers which went ahead against all odds both traditional and political, till he transformed a vision into a reality . This endure has transformed into worthy institution located on either side of highway number 63 between Hulkoti and Gadag.
NEED FOR THE STUDY To become a sound person and get the practical knowledge about the industry study on inventory management carried in the organization
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