To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
Executive summary Introduction The aim of marketing is to meet and satisfy the needs and wants of the customers. India has long-term potential to become a significant vehicle market. It has huge population of nearly one billion people (of which 150-250 million are middle class), and a current vehicle population of 3.5 million (equivalent to only 3.4 cars per 1000 people). In spite of numerous market deterrents, the Indian automotive market has become the focus of attention as several major auto manufacturers have announced large capital investment plans to be carried out in the near future. Prior to the early 90’s there were only four car companies manufacturing and selling cars in India. Foreign investment was effectively banned and foreign technology transfers were subject to government approvals. By 1993 the Indian government deli censed the Indian car industry, which eased other foreign auto manufacture’s entry into the market first under joint partnerships, then wholly owned subsidiaries. Currently, India is in the midst of an economic-recovery where vehicle sales rose 47 percent to 73,000 units in March 2000, up from 49,410 units in March 1999. The Indian passenger car industry has grown more than ten times in the last ten years with sales increasing to more than four-lack vehicle. The global automotive car market is growing at a rate of only 4% per annum. Fortunes of the automobile industry will continue to hinge on him large, price sensitive customer, who will take time to graduate to the higher end of the market. Unite then the small car will continue to drive demand. And that is the eventuality that most of the car-manufacturers are gearing up for.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
Contents Project details
Rational behind the choice of the project
Utility of the project
Methodology adopted
Data collection method
Sampling process.
Sample size determination.
Findings and conclusion
Recommendations & suggestions
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
Rational behind the selecting of the project & Need for the study Recently launched the Skoda Fabia is a brand of Skoda Auto it’s a hatch back car introduced in the Indian market. Its sales are not as good as compare to other hatch back cars in India, as in India it is in the penetration stage. Comparing with other players of this segment the sales of the Skoda Fabia is not up to mark looking in the Indian hatch back cars with other brands as the booking it self is the data which gives the post sales of Skoda Fabia. According to data provided by the dealer of twin city (Mahanth Motors) only few vehicles have been sold and very few booking for the purchase of Skoda Fabia. Hubli is a major commercial center of Karnataka after Bangalore and there are lots of potential customers who can purchase Skoda fabia.the tendz in the mind of the customer is changing and the interest level in the buying of passenger car is very vastly increasing. The consumer wants luxury, comfortable, status and one of the symbols of living this owes a passenger car. So this has been objective behind selecting the topic. This will tell the company officials why exactly the sales and the purchase order is in slow process comparing to the other hatch back cars.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
Utility or Proposed out comes and benefits of he study This project was an opportunity for Skoda Fabia will help the company at various information regarding.
Awareness of Skoda auto brands in twin city and also the awareness of Skoda Fabia.
Importance given to aesthetics while purchasing the car
Importance given to brand name while purchasing.
Importance given to the price while purchasing a car.
Impact of Advertisement while purchasing a car.
Influence for the purchase of a car.
Importance given to mileage, safety, power, color etc while purchasing a car.
Interested customers for Skoda Fabia.
Customers willing to have test drive of Skoda Fabia.
Customer satisfaction level with the existing product.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
Benefit to Academics: It will help me in understanding and learning
The market for hatch back cars in general and market of twin cities.
Customers Decision Making Process while purchasing hatch back car.
Customer’s preference of brands while purchasing hatch back cars.
It will help in improvements & in creating a market for Skoda Fabia. The experience and learning gained during this study will provide as a tool, which
can be applied in future for undertaking of similar kind of projects & targeting the market.
Research Title “To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City”.
To find the importance of Advertisement and promotional Activity by the company.
To find the importance given to different attributes while purchasing car.
To find the awareness of Skoda Fabia.
To study the decision making process while purchasing hatch back car.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
Research Approach Exploratory research Exploratory research is concerned with discovering the general nature of the problem and the variable that relate to it. Exploratory research is characterized by high degree of feasibility and it tends to rely on secondary data. During this study, exploratory research is carried to identify the variable like, customer satisfaction level, basis of purchase decisions, important of brand name, customer opinion regarding various preferred feature, the innovative advertising strategies used by the companies, which decides the strength of the company to be in the customers mind and also to grab the major portion in the market. After discovering the general nature and the variable relating to it, with the help of exploratory research, a descriptive research will carried out during the study for the purpose of accurate description of variables.
Data collection approach To carry out this research, primary data and secondary are collected.
Methodology adopted: Sources of data Data are facts, figures and other relevant materials, past and present, serving as bases for study and analysis. The data serves as the basis for analysis without an analysis of factual data no specific inferences can be drawn on the questions under study. Inferences based on imagination or guesswork cannot provide correct answers to the research questions, the relevance, adequacy and reliability of data determine the quality of the findings of a study.
For the purpose of present study, data from two
sources have been collected namely primary and secondary data.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
Primary data Primary data are the data that are collected to help solve a problem or taken advantage of an opportunity on which decision must be taken. The main method of collecting primary data is survey method, there are different types of survey techniques for example personal interview, mail survey, Internet survey and telephone survey. Primary data is first hand information that has been collected by the researcher from the respondents of twin city through personal interview method with the help of questionnaire. Analysis, interpretation, summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations are completely based on primary data.
Secondary data Secondary data are data that were developed for some purpose other then helping to solve the problem at hand. After identifying and defining the research problem and determining specific information required solving the problem, the researcher’s task is to look for the type and sources of data, which may yield the desired results. Secondary data in this research references made by the researcher with the other published sources. The present research will not be complete without the complete reference to the relevant secondary data.
Measurement Technique:In this project following measurement techniques are use to collect information.
Questionnaire:For the purpose of this project self-administered questionnaire to potential customers and for standard commercial business enterprises located in Hubli Dharwad city.
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Analysis of DATA Data are useful only after analysis. Data analysis involves converting the series of data recorded observations into descriptive statements. The survey will carried out in Hubli-Dharwad city, and the sample size was 100.The information gathered is transferred to a SPSS coding sheet, interpretation.
Sampling process Sampling Population: All the consumer using hatch back segment cars and the consumer who can afford a hatch back segment cars located in Hubli-Dharwad.
Sampling Frame: List of hatch back segment car user in twin city and list of people who can afford hatch back segment cars.
Sampling unit: Customers using other branded cars in the hatch back segment.
Sampling Method Non probability convenient method. Data collection method To collect the data we used both primary and secondary methods.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
Findings According to 96% of the respondents they are aware of hatch back cars. Only 4% of respondents are unaware of the term hatch back car. Many say that they are satisfied with their present car’s performance and utilization where as only 15% say that they are not satisfied with their present car. As Skoda is a luxurious automobile maker and has a good response from the INDIAN market so most of the respondents are aware of Skoda automobiles. The hot news some time back in the automobile sector was the small car from Skoda auto which was about to be launched in INDIA. Many automobile crazy people were curious about this car and even non crazy people too. According to the survey done only few are unaware of Fabia from Skoda auto. These are some of the influential factors which are considered by all individuals before buying a car for self. There are many benefits been offered from the company to the customers like mobile servicing facility any where in INDIA at your door steps. Many of the respondents say that they have not seen Skoda Fabia only 36% of the respondents say that they are aware of the car. These are some of the sources from which the respondents have got the information about the Skoda. Media has maximum contribution towards being word of mouth. As automobiles are expensive commodity so many people consider the brand name before making buying decision.
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Power is not much preferred here in INDIA as people here are much concern to mileage. Safety is the first priority for safety aspects. The data shows that the people are much concerned regarding safety and have given much importance. The people are not much concerned about the special features as it includes ABS braking system, fog lights, rare vipers etc. as they have to pay. These are the product which involves high cost investment so the brand is the thing which is considered by almost all individuals so people give much preference to brand. Many people prefer to change car in future, it is a good sing for all auto makers. Almost every one is eager to test drive the Fabia. People are not interested in buying as the price quoted on the Skoda Fabia is high comparing to other hatch back cars in India.
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RECOMMENDATION & SUGGESATIONS Create more awareness of the Skoda Fabia. Company should concentrate on the marketing aspects of Skoda Fabia. Local dealer should conduct demonstration and Test drives for existing car owners and potential customers. Dealer should co-ordinate with company to conduct exhibition for all types of Skoda manufactured car in local market. Create more awareness of the dealers in the located city. Comparing the price factors the Skoda Fabia is too high from other hatch back cars so company has to take some actions for the convenience of the customers. Create more advertisements in the local market. Maintain Customer Database and follow-up for the new products launch and promotion activities.
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Conclusions The s tudy helped me gain valuable ins ights in O pportunit y Anal ys is and Cons umer Behavior, tow ards potential for S koda F abia. This proj ect titled has been a know ledge gaining experienc e for me. B y interac ting w ith the res pondents and mak ing vis its to the cus tomers . I have been able to unders tand that unders tanding cus tomers is an art and it takes a very s trong brand imag e for a co mpan y to retain its elf in the market. The res ults of the surve y proved to be both encouraging and partl y dis couraging too. The res pondents w ere not ver y pos itive about Skoda F abia, w hich w as quite dis couraging and a negative s ign for the comp an y. The s egment for w hich Skoda should cater to is a price s ens itive s egment, s o as the organization s hould focus on highlighting the additiona l perquis ites that the y would provide w ith the car, it is going to bond w ell w ith the targeted mark et. Though there are man y compe titors in the marke t for this s egmen t, the compan y has an advantage, but s till it cannot rule out the local dealer s . But I believe that S koda auto has w hat it takes to beco me a name to reckon w ith in the market and I offer my bes t w is hes for the s ame and hope that my work w ill be of s ome us e for the compan y. The
res earch
w as
s cope
auto mobil e indus tr y. Thus the S koda auto differentiated thems e lves from there co mpeti tors to promot e their products and try to mak e their mark et monopo l y in the hatch back cars . The res earch s hows the people are interes ted to know about the car. The potential for Skoda F abia in tw in cit y. This indicates an opportunit y for S koda auto in the Indian auto mobil e indus tr y. The S koda autos have to concentra te on promot ional activit ies and differenti ating their product. S chemes & offers given by the comp an y influence the cus tomer to change their decis ion.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
History of Cars One of the greatest creations of man, the "Automotive Car" or popularly known as the "Car" is a result of man's consistent efforts and perseverance. Over the years, the automobile industry has evolved as one of the main revenue generators, provider of employment
Though the credit for the modern day automobile goes to Karl Friedrich Benz (from Germany), the first theoretical plans for a motor vehicle were conceptualized by both Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci. Some of the major breakthroughs in the automobile history are as follows. 1769: Nicholas Joseph Cugnot (1725-1804) from France built the first self-prOpelled road vehicle (military tractor) for the French Army. It was a three-wheeled vehicle with a maximum speed of 2.5 mph. • 1832-1839: Robert Anderson, from Scotland built the first Electric Carriage. • 1885/86: Karl Friedrich Benz (1844-1929) from Germany built the first true automobile. This three-wheeled vehicle was powered by an internal combustion engine. The engine was a four-stroke one and it formed a single unit along with the chassis. • 1886: Gottileb Wilhelm Daimler (1834-1900) and Wilhelm Maybach (1846-1929) built the first gasoline powered, four-wheeled, four-stroke engine which is also known as the Cannstatt-Daimler. • 1876-95: George Baldwin Selden (1846-1922) combined the internal combustion engine with a carriage. This vehicle was also powered by gasoline.
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1893: Charles Edgar Duryea (1862-1938) and his brother Frank (1870-1967) from United States built the first successful gasoline powered car. This car had a 4 HP, 2stroke motor. He is also credited with the setting up of American Car Manufacturing Company. As time passed by more and more developments came in, that finally saw through after many experiments. Even now, various R&D efforts are being carried on by al the global auto majors. Their objective is to make the car more fuel-efficient and dynamic while ensuring that it suits all budgets and become easily affordable. Today, with the help of latest technologies like GPS navigation system, power windows and locks, the automobile industry is touching the sky and this trend is here to stay. With more technological improvements in the offing, one can only hope of better and more advanced cars becoming a common sight across the globe in near future.
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Automobile Industry In India there are 100 people per vehicle, while this figure is 82 in China. It is expected that Indian automobile industry will achieve mass motorization status by 2014.
Industry Overview Since the first car rolled out on the streets of Mumbai (then Bombay) in 1898, the Automobile Industry of India has come a long way. During its early stages the auto industry was overlooked by the then Government and the policies were also not favorable. The liberalization policy and various tax relief’s by the Govt. of India in recent years has made remarkable impacts on Indian Automobile Industry. Indian auto industry, which is currently growing at the pace of around 18 % per annum, has become a hot destination for global auto players like Volvo, General Motors and Ford. A well developed transportation system plays a key role in the development of an economy, and India is no exception to it. With the growth of transportation system the Automotive Industry of India is also growing at rapid speed, occupying an important
Today Indian automotive industry is fully capable of producing various kinds of vehicles and can be divided into 03 broad categories: Cars, two-wheelers and heavy vehicles.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City •
The first automobile in India rolled in 1897 in Bombay.
India is being recognized as potential emerging auto market.
Foreign players are adding to their investments in Indian auto industry.
Within two-wheelers, motorcycles contribute 80% of the segment size.
Unlike the USA, the Indian passenger vehicle market is dominated by cars (79%).
Tata Motors dominates over 60% of the Indian commercial vehicle market.
2/3rd of auto component production is consumed directly by OEMs.
India is the largest three-wheeler market in the world.
India is the largest two-wheeler manufacturer in the world.
India is the second largest tractor manufacturer in the world.
India is the fifth largest commercial vehicle manufacturer in the world.
The number one global motorcycle manufacturer is in India.
India is the fourth largest car Segment Among the two-wheeler segment, motorcycles have major share in the market. Hero Honda contributes 50% motorcycles to the market. In it Honda holds 46% share in scooter
40% of the three-wheelers are used as goods transport purpose. Piaggio holds 40% of the market share. Among the passenger transport, Bajaj is the leader by making 68% of
Cars dominate the passenger vehicle market by 79%. Maruti Suzuki has 52% share in passenger cars and is a complete monopoly in multi purpose vehicles. In utility vehicles
In commercial vehicle, Tata Motors dominates the market with more than 60% share. Tata Motors is also the world's fifth largest medium & heavy commercial vehicle manufacturer. Market in Asia - recently crossed the 1 million mark.
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Automobile industry The first auto vehicle rolled out in India at the end of 19th century. Today, India is the 2nd largest tractor and 5th largest commercial vehicle manufacturer in the world.
Industry investment On the cost front, OEMs eyeing India in a big way to source products and components at significant discounts to home market. On the revenue side, OEMs are active in the booming passenger car market in India
Industry growth The passenger car and motorcycle segment in Indian auto market is growing by 8-9 per cent. The two-wheeler segment will clock 11.5% rise by 2007. Commercial vehicle to grow by 5.2 per cent.
Vehicle production India is the 11th largest Passenger Cars producing countries in the world and 4th largest in Heavy Trucks. Maruti Udyog Ltd. is the leading 4-wheelers manufacturer. Hero Honda is the leading 2-wheelers manufacturer.
Auto exports Passenger vehicle exports have grown over five times and two-wheeler exports have reached more than double. Exports of auto components, whose manufacturing costs are 30-40 per cent lower than in the West, have grown at 25% a year between 2000 to 2005.
Auto companies
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City Hyundai Motors India is the second largest player in passenger car market. Tata Motors is the fifth largest medium & heavy commercial vehicle manufacturer in the world.
India automotive In the global market, the Indian automotive sector has carved a niche for itself. Major European and US automotive giants, such as BMW and Daimler Chrysler, are recognizing and giving due importance to the Indian vehicles and components. Increasing disposable incomes of the young professionals coupled with low EMI values are providing the required impetus and making these vehicles more affordable for the common masses. As the global players are largely investing on passenger vehicles, the Indian counterparts are trying very hard to be in the business by investing huge on R&D and working towards overall growth and efficiency. In this regard, the honorable Prime Minister of India, Mr. Manmohan Singh has detailed that all the necessary measures would be taken to make India the world's manufacturing hub. Furthermore, the Ministry of Heavy Vehicles has come forward with its plan for the period of 2006-2016 which is expected to Revamp the automobile industry and increase its turnover by fourfold. This mission plan would take into its consideration all the sectors of the society while giving more importance to the lower sections in rural India. In the recent past, more than a dozen multi-national firms have shown their interest to enter the Indian territories. While most of them have chosen to strike the right notes by forming joint ventures with the Indian firms, there are some like Hyundai and a few others which have decided to remain fully owned units. Having an exponential growth potential, the Indian automotive industry is expected to witness more mergers between the auto component manufacturers and suppliers in the coming years. On the flip side, most of these new entrants might not enjoy the kind of relationship with suppliers and scale economies that Maruti does, so they have decided to keep aloof From waging a war with Maruti's $5,500 small car segment. Rather they have shifted their focus on producing high end vehicles between the price ranges of $20,000 to
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City $50,000. However, the toughest competition is expected to come from the mid-sized car segment (1300 cc and above), where many Indian and foreign automobile giants are planning to lock horns. Although the planned capacities of these companies exceed the projected demands and the cars are ranged competitively at nearly $12,000, the multinationals are surely betting on the growing disposable incomes of the Indian middle class. For example, Daewoo's Cielo which is priced at $15000 and has been produced in association with DCM (an Indian firm), drew 76,000 advance bookings last year which is an indication of the growing demand that is taking its roots in the Indian automotive industry.
Car Models As a means of conveyance and communication, cars have become probably one of the more popular means around the world. And to accommodate all kind of needs and specifications, different Car Models have been introduced. From small passenger cars to compact cars, mid-sized cars to full size and sports cars, from sports utility vehicles and convertibles to mini vans and luxury cars, there are a range and variety of choices as far as New car models Small Passenger Cars are the ones that have four or five door and are designed as such to seat four passengers comfortably. Some of the latest car models in different car segments are discussed here  Usually, 4000 mm long some of the popular small cars of this category are Ford Fiesta, Fiat Uno, Maruti 800, Nissan Mirca, Hudai Santro and the like.  Compact Car models refer to the cars usually of 4250-4500 mm with the engine capacity between 1.6 liters to 2.2 liters. Such cars can accommodate about five adult passengers and are quite popular all around the world. The leading names in the Segment includes Ford Focus, Honda Civic, Tata Indica, Ambassador, Toyota Corolla, Maruti Swift and others.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City  mid sized cars usually have six cylinder powerful engines. The specifications though vary from region to region with Europe being particular on a length of 4700 mm while in the US and Canada, it is more than 4800 mm long. While in Europe such cars are called "Large Family Cars", in Australia they are termed as "Mid Sized Cars." The popular names in this category of cars include Ford Monedo, Indigo, Hyundai Accent, Maruti Esteem, Opel Astra, Ford Ikon and few others.  Full size or large cars are the ones with a length ranging in excess of 5000 mm. Such cars provide for ample space and accommodate usually five or six adults comfortably. Cars like Chrysler 300, Maruti Baleno, and Toyota Avalon belong to this class of car. Sleek looking and lightweight cars often used for car racing and sporting purposes are the sports cars. Lotus Elise, Porsche 911, Mazda Miata are the renowned sports cars. In keeping with the changing times, expectations and needs of the consumers, the automobile companies are coming up with variety and newer feature on cars. And one thus can hope to witness even newer auto models on Indian roads in not so distant future.
List of Car Manufacturers Porsche
Mahindra & Mahindra
Audi India
BMW India
Hindustan Motors
Hyundai Motors
Honda India
Nissan Motors
Skoda Auto India
Tata Motors
Toyota India
Fiat India
Ford Motors
Fiat India
Maruti India
General Motors
Demand-Supply Scenario and Exports Demand
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City The demand for cars in the past was supply driven as demand did not match supply. This led to high premium and long waiting periods for the cars. But change in government policies coupled with aggressive capacity additions and up gradation of models by MUL in the early nineties led to increase in supply and subsequently reduced the waiting periods for economy cars. The demand for cars was suppressed by various supply constraints. The demand for cars increased from 15,714 in FY60 to 30,989 in FY80 at a CAGR of only 3.5%. The entry of Maruti Udyog Ltd (GoI-Suzuki JV) in 1983 with a "peoples" car and a more favorable policy framework resulted in a CAGR of 18.6% in car sales from FY81FY90. After witnessing a downturn from FY90 to FY93, car sales bounced back to register 17% growth rate till FY97. Since then, the economy slumped into recession and this affected the growth of the automobile industry as a whole. As a result car sales remained almost stagnant in the period between FY97 and FY99. CAGR recorded during the FY94-FY99 period was 14.4%, reaching sales of 409,624 cars in FY99. However, during FY2000, with the revival of economy, the segment went great guns posting a sales growth of 56%yoy. The table below indicates the past sales trend for cars -
209,203 264,822 345,486 410,992 417,736 409,624 638,815 27.0 27.0 30.0 19.0 2.0 -2.0 55.8
Growth %yoy The demand for cars is dependent on a number of factors. The key variables are per capita income, introduction of new models, availability & cost of car financing schemes, price of cars, incidence of duties and taxes, depreciation norms, fuel cost and its subsidization, public transport facilities etc. The first four factors viz, increase in per capita income, introduction of new models, availability & cost of car financing have positive relationship with the demand whereas others have an inverse relationship with demand for cars.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City The demand for cars in the future can be estimated with the help of making use of macro economic variables like growth in GDP, per capita income etc. or house hold penetration technique. An attempt is made to estimate the potential demand for passenger cars based on the household penetration level of passenger cars as explained in Annexure 4 of the report. The demand for cars in the future is expected to come predominantly from the existing two-wheeler owners who will be upgrading to a four-wheeler, due to rising income and necessity of car for personal transportation purposes. Therefore, excluding the owners of mopeds, the potential demand for cars in the next fifteen to twenty years can be taken as 50% of the existing two-wheeler population of around 28mn units. But with the release of new models in the higher end of the economy segment, the supply of second hand economy cars is expected to increase substantially, which will be costing just about two times the price of premium range two-wheelers. This could affect the demand for first hand/new cars. Also, with cross demand from utility vehicles, availability of finance and other factors the above mentioned potential for cars will be difficult to realize. Growth in the segment thus is expected to hover around 15-20%yoy. The dominance of economy segment will continue in the future as it will provide large volume to Indian car industry. This is because a majority of customers for cars will graduate from two-wheelers. The demand for mid-sized and premium cars is expected to rise as new models enter the market, income levels rise and present car owners upgrading from the economy segment to higher end cars.
Supply The supply of cars in Indian industry till 1991 was dependent upon the production capacity of individual players. The production of cars has increased from 42,475 units to 181,420 units from 1981 to 1991 respectively. The growth in production of cars has varied in the last three decades from just 1% in 1970-80 to 21% in 1980-90
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City and above 15% in 1991- 96. The table below gives the production numbers of passenger cars in the past few years.
FY95 FY96 FY97 FY98 FY99 FY2000 264,468 348,146 407,539 401,002 390,355 577,243
207,658 27.2 27.4
Growth %yoy The major increase in production of cars in the 80's was due to the entry of MUL in 1983, which helped increase car production by 20,000 to 30,000 cars per annum till the early nineties. With the entry of MUL, the face of the passenger car industry changed forever. Existing producers who had operated in a protected, high margin environment faced the prospect of not just diminishing market share, but a shift in focus from producing vehicles to selling them. But MUL made use of the opportunity open to its technologically superior product and increased its capacity from 100,000 cars in FY90 to 240,000 cars in FY96 and 350,000 cars in FY98. The opening of economy in 1993, attracted world majors who joined hands with existing auto majors, to start their operations at the earliest. The first ones to enter the field were Mercedes Benz in joint venture with Telco to manufacture E220, E250D models, Peugeot in JV with PAL to manufacture Peugeot 309L, Fiat in JV with PAL to manufacture Fiat Uno. This has helped in increasing the number of models available to the customer from 8 to 30 and hence provided a wide choice to him. This has also helped in reducing the zaverage waiting period and premium on cars, which were a part and parcel of car cost in the eighties.
Market share The market shares of leading players for the month of May 2000 are as given below.
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Market Share
Maruti Udyog
Hyundai Motors
Daewoo Motors
Hindustan Motors
Ind Auto
Honda Siel
MUL has lost market share during the past two years. From a high of around 80%, it has now come down to 62.2% in FY2000. Offerings from new players like Ford, Hyundai, Daewoo and Telco have captured a substantial market share from MUL. PAL Peugeot and Fiat India, which have commanded a good part of the market in FY97, have now fallen back on hard times. During FY2000, the passenger car rally was as usual headed by the economy cars. Maruti which is facing a constant threat from Hyundai (Santro) and Daewoo (Matiz) came out with Japan's largest selling model Wagon R. Also, the mid sized segment saw some action signifying its growth potential. The car market which had witnessed
a flurry of new launches in the economy segment in FY99, was now party to sleek entrants in the mid sized segment from Hyundai (Accent), Ford India (Ford Ikon), Daewoo (Nexia) and Fiat India (Siena). Also MUL (Baleno) and GM (Opel Corsa) belonging to the higher end mid sized segment also hit the ramp. The constantly escalating competition in the economy segment forced the players into further price
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City cuts. Recently, Maruti lowered the prices of its economy cars by as much as Rs40,000. Capacity The present production capacities are detailed in the table below. This has increased from an estimated 600,000 units in FY98 to the present 727,000 units in FY2000.
Car Capacity
Maruti Udyog
Ford India
Fiat India
General Motors
Honda Siel
Hindustan Motors*
Thus, capacity utilization in FY2000 stands at 79.4%. This is still better than utilization levels the world over which stands at around 40%. Production capacities are expected to increase in the next two years as players introduce new models. The major increase in supply, as was witnessed in FY2000, will be in the mid-size and
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City Luxury segment. The supply in the future, taking into account the plans announced by the car majors are expected to grow to 1,070,000 cars by 2002. The segment which has seen a number of new entrants in the recent past will see two new models from the stable of Maruti namely the 'Alto', which will be available in the 800cc and 1000cc configuration. However, industry sources have indicated that after the hectic action of the past two years, this segment will slowly witness some stability in terms of sales volumes and prices. The entry of new players is expected to create a marketing warfare in the car industry. A start has already been made by sharp reduction in prices of Daewoo 'Cielo' and Maruti 800. Lately, the price of Wagon R was also lowered by MUL to face the intensifying competition. However, with manufacturers having to comply with Euro emission norms, car manufacturers have sold their products at lowered margins. This is expected to effect their ability to reduce prices in the future. Increased support through finance from auto manufacturers was quite evident in FY2000. This has and will in the future induce existing owners of cars to go for technologically superior products in the same segment leading to sharp drop in prices of second-hand cars. This will also create a platform for up gradation of existing twowheeler owners to four-wheelers. The luxury segment will see more new entrants namely Toyota of Japan, Skoda of Czech Republic and Proton of Malaysia in the years to come. Recently, companies like MUL, GM and Hindustan Motors have come out with new models to cover the present gap in the segment. Therefore, the customer will be having a wider choice to choose depending on his specific needs.
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Exports The passenger car exports in the eighties and early nineties had been very negligible as the companies were facing capacity constraints that were not even sufficient to supply to the domestic market. The poor quality of cars compared to international standards led to poor quantity of exports from the country. In 1985, MUL started exporting cars to neutralize the impact of foreign exchange outflow. The exports of MUL increased from 100 cars in FY87 to 6,000 cars in FY90. The exports witnessed further momentum in the nineties to reach a volume of 37,161 in FY97. But from FY98 onwards, a southward trend was witnessed with declining sales of 20% yoy to 29,747 vehicles. The same continued in FY99 with a further drop of 14%yoy to 25,464 units. FY2000 too saw lackluster exports with a 9% fall in export sales which touched 23,271 units. The reason for sharp drop in car exports has been a drop in MUL exports, which now accounts for 90% of the country's total exports. However, exports are expected to increase in the near future as for the first time, new entrants like Daewoo, Hyundai, Honda Siel, GM and Ford are busy investigating options in the world markets. Daewoo has already made a beginning by exporting its small car Matiz to Italy. Also GM has commenced exports to Nepal and is further considering Sri Lanka as a potential export market. Further Ford is scheduled to commence exports by the end of the third quarter of the current fiscal. In the longer run, as the industry matures, exports should increase as manufacturers strive to attain economies of scale, which will not be possible given the relatively small size of the domestic market.
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The Indian automotive industry is the 2nd fastest growing in the world. About 8 million vehicles are produced annually in this country toady. During 2005-2006, India has emerged as the 3 rd largest market in the Asia Pacific Region. With various car manufacturing companies setting up their units in different parts of the country, the production of the cars will increase at a very fast rate. The car statistics indicate that India will soon become one of the top 10 car manufacturing countries , leaving behind the U.K. Car statistics also show that by the end of the fiscal year 2006-2007, the car production capacity in India will exceed the mark of 2 million. Thus, the production of cars will increase by 70% from the present capacity of 1.2 million.
The domestic sales of passenger cars have increased significantly over the years. A graphical representation of the domestic sale of cars will give you an insight about the present market situation prevailing in the country:
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In the recent years, India has emerged as one of the major bases for manufacturing small passenger cars. At present the Indian automotive industry boasts of being the 3 rd largest manufacturer of small cars. According to the car statistics almost 70 % of the cars sold in this country come under the segment of small cars. A number of car manufacturers like: Maruti Udyog, Tata Motors, Hyundai, Honda, Ford, Hindustan Motors, Fiat, General Motors etc offer various new model of cars now and then. It is expected that the various automobile manufacturers will be investing about $ 5 billion in India, between 2005-2010. As per the car statistics, export of passenger cars from India has also grown considerably over the last decade. A graphical representation of car export trend will help you to make an in-depth analysis of the present status of the Indian automotive industry:
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With new strategies being implemented and more investments being made in Indian automotive industry the production as well as the domestic sale and exports will increase substantially. A graphical representation of the total sale trend of passenger cars (including the domestic sale and exports) is given below:
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To know more about car statistics and matters related to automobiles, do browse through the pages of India definitely is shining; with a GDP that is sparkling at over 8 per annum the country certainly is on the right course. The automobile exports are at an all time high as was indicated by Society of Indian automobile Manufacturers in a report released in 2006. According to the report, the passenger car segment saw a rise of 9% in
The following table will provide a clear picture of the rapid rise of automobile Export in India. Types of Vehicle
Passenger Vehicles
Utility Vehicles
Multipurpose Vehicles
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Analysis of Indian Exports: Strengths •
Cost competitiveness in terms of labor and raw material.
Established manufacturing base. Economics of scale due to domestic market.
Potential to harness global brand image of the parent company.
Global hub policy for small car like Hyundai, Suzuki, etc.
Weakness •
Perception about quality.
Infrastructure bottlenecks.
Opportunities •
Huge export markets such as Europe, America, Africa, and others for Indian cars.
Threats •
China, Malaysia, Thailand, etc.
Many other countries also have strategies for export promotion.
Export Imperatives: Internal Factors: •
Attaining high quality for global standards.
Continuous cost reduction for global competitiveness.
Supply chain management (logistics).
Attaining economies of scale & scope.
External Factors: •
Improve infrastructure (ports, roads, etc).
Improve EXIM regulations.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City Industry analysis using porter’s five force Porters “five force of competition” model views the profitability of an industry as determined by the five source of competition pressure.
Theses five force of
competition include three source of “Horizontal” competition – competition from substitute, the threat of competition from entrants, and competition from established producers – and two source of “vertical” competition – the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers. The following write-up is a view of the Indian passenger car industry from these five angles leading to the expected changes in the coming years in the underlying structure of the Indian passenger car industry. Competition from substitute
Inadequate Public Transportation System: In developed nations city planners
have tried to relieve congestion and pollution by creating an efficient public transportation system. However, they have been remarkably ineffective in encouraging motorists to forsake their cars for buses or subway. The public transportation system in India is not only extremely inadequate, it is notably poor in quality. This scenario is not expected to change drastically in the next ten years.
Electric cars: All the major car manufacturers in the world are currently
developing electric cars or hybrid cars to reduce pollution in the coming years. However, these technologies will require considerable length of time to become commercially feasible in developing nations. The lack of inadequate public transportation system coupled with the fact that the electric or hybrid cars are still in the developmental stage means that the Indian car industry faces minimal competition from substitutes.
Treat of new entrants
Economies of scale: in the automobile industry, economies of scale act as a
significant entry barrier since it is a capital-intensive industry. Globally, it has been witnessed that car manufacturers with low volumes find it extremely difficult to survive given the high per unit cost. The acquisition of Rolls Royce, Jaguar, Rover,
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City and AMC/jeep are a testament to this. On the other hand by entering on a large scale, one runs the risk of drastic under-utilization of capacity as observed by Daewoo’s experience in India. Since the economy segment cars are expected to drive volume growth in India in the coming years, it is extremely important for a manufacturer to have a model in this segment to reduce his per unit cost.
Government policy: the license-raj of the Indian government toll 1991 acted
as a significant barrier for any new entrants in the passenger car industry. Moreover, the government’s perception of the car being a “luxury “rather than a modern “necessity’ resulted in this sector being labeled as “low priority.” However, the liberalization of the Indian economy has removed this hindrance.
Huge capital Costs: Huge capital Cost act as significant entry barrier and
only established companies with deep pockets possess the resources to enter the automobile industry. Significant costs are involved in the development of a new car as can be seen by Telco’s Indica car which has incurred an expenditure of Rs.17 bn.
Absolute cost Advantages: Maruti’s presence in the car industry since 1984
gives it considerable cost advantage over the new entrants. Not only are its plants highly depreciated and its cars highly indigenized as compared to its competitors, it has a wide distribution and service network which will require mammoth resource to replicate. Absolute Cost Advantage: Maruti’s presence in the car industry since 1984 gives it considerable cost advantage over the new entrants. Not only are its plants highly depreciated and its cars highly indigenized as compared to its competitors, it has a wide distribution and service network which will require mammoth resource to replicate. Although liberalization of the Indian economy has reduced the impact of government policy as an entry barrier, the car industry still enjoy high entry barriers due to huge capital costs involved in setting up efficient plants and numerous cost advantages enjoyed by Maruti. The recent pull-out of Peugeot is an example that even a global automobile company could find it extremely difficult to operate in India if it faces labor trouble and Rivalry between Established competitors.
Highly Concentrated Industry: The Indian car industry is highly
concentrated with Maruti itself accounting for about 80% of all sales. The lack of
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City competition in the economy segment to Maruti 800 has given the company considerable power. Its dominance in this segment gives it the power to cross subsidize its models in the other segment. However, this scenario is expected to change drastically over the next three years with a number of new models being launched to challenge Maruti 800s dominance the scenario in the economy segment could be similar to that in the premium segment currently with intense price competition. The slashing of cielo`s price by 25%has led to ford and opel introducing cheaper models
Diversity of competitors: 1984 and 1993 have been land mark years for
the Indian car industry. The entry of Maruti in 1984 changed the complexion of the industry as for the first time Indian had opportunity a buy a car which was comparable to the Japanese automobile. 1993 was a historic year as the industry was deregulated an India become the latest battlefield for global auto majors. The last few years have seen the industry integrate with global automobile industry and evolve into being extremely competitive. For the first time, Maruti’s position as the leader of the car industry will be severally challenged especially if three new cars (Tata Indica, Daewoo, D’Art, and Hyundai Santro) in the economy segment can deliver the promised performance.
Product differentiation: One of the key trends observed in the car industry
during the last decade is that the products of different companies have become increasingly similar especially in the economy and mid-size segment. There is a perceptible shift towards “car” being treated as a commodity rather than as a consumer good. In the premium car segment in India, differentiation between different models is declining as companies strive to increase volumes by cutting prices. Even Opel Astra has decided to introduce a new model without any frills to reduce its prices by Rs.10 million.
Excess Capacity and Exit Barriers: The entry of numerous players in the
car industry can lead to significant over-capacity. This is likely to lead to significant price cuts (as seen by Daewoo’s recent price cut of Cielo) as companies will need to generate volumes to cover their fixed costs. The car industry faces high exit barriers in India due to various government laws, which make it difficult for a company to shutdown and fire its entire employee. Also many of the new players have invested heavily to set up plants and develop the ancillary industry close to its manufacturing
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City location. This means the companies will suffer from high exit barriers and might be forced to continue operations even if they do not generate enough volumes.
Increase in Working Capital Needs: The intense rivalry between the
automobile companies will mean that the companies would have to give longer credit periods to its dealers. The substantial over-capacity in the industry will lead to increased inventory holding. These two factors point towards an increase in working capital needs of car companies.
The competition between firms in the car industry is expected the
intensify considerable as never companies will start reducing Maruti’s dominance of the market the expected significant over-capacity in the industry, increasing working capital needs, and high exit barriers coupled with low differentiation between models especially in the economy segment will put downward pressure on price and profitability of companies.
Bargaining power of Buyers •
Buyers price Sensitive: Car buyers in India are extremely price-sensitive especially in the economy segment. Although it is too early to judge the three new small cars and Maruti response to it, we can expect the price competition to intensify since buyers would e more willing to switch while intense competition among the companies would require them to generate volumes.
Relative bargaining power: Gone are the days when the India car buyer had to buy one of the 30,000 Ambassadors or Fiate, which were produced. The penetration of satellite television has globalized the Indian customer. Car companies have seen forced to revamp their dealer network. From a small shed for a dealership, the shift is towards huge dealership that not only offer complete range of services for the car but also makes sure that the customer has a replacement vehicle so that they may not become immobile.
Availability of Easy financing: the entry of numerous car companies has brought along with it a massive increase in the availability of cheap finance for the Indian consumer. This hassled to fierce competition among the car companies and has even led to free gifts being doled out to buyers to lure them to purchase a particular car.
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Used car market: the used car market is still in the nascent stage in India as compared to the developed nations like United States which have a thriving used car market. A thriving used car market reduces the ownership period of cars and help in increasing demand for new cars. The entry of global car manufactures has transferred the balance of power into the hands of the buyer. Indian buyer is not only extremely priced conscious, but also wants the highest value and service.
Bargaining Power of Suppliers Diminishing Supplier Power: one of the key trends observed in the global auto industry is the significant increase in outsourcing of car parts. In India, the development of the auto ancillary industry has also brought in this phenomenon. However, the large number of competitors for supplying each part implies that in the coming years, supplier power will diminish to a large extent except for suppliers who have almost monopolistic power like Mico-Bosch. Also, there is an increasing shift towards reduction in vendor base for a company which means that the chosen suppliers also have to make substantial financial investments to enhance the quality of their products. Supplier power in the automobile industry will diminish greatly in the coming years due to the large number of competing supplier, threat of cheaper and better-quality imports, and an increasing trend towards reduction of a car company’s vendor base.
Growth rate Potential entrants-threat of entry Demand Capacity Outlook Manufacturing process The body panel and engine constitute a major portion of the total cost of car manufacture. A typical cost structure for car is as given below.
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Parts/assembly Glass Brakes/wheels/Tyres Interiors Transmission system Ignition/exhaust system Steering/suspension Comfort fittings Engine Body Others
% of total cost 5 6 7 8 8 9 11 16 18 13
Car manufacturing is basically assembly of components procured from ancillaries or auto component manufacturers. Nearly 80% of auto components are outsourced by the car manufacturers. This helps in reducing the capital cost needed to setup a car manufacturing plant.
About Skoda auto History The origins of Škoda go back to the early 1890s where, like many long-established car manufacturers, the company started out with the manufacture of bicycles. It was 1894, and 26-year old Václav Klement, who was a bookseller by trade in Mladá Boleslav, in today's Czech Republic (which was then part of Austria-Hungary) was unable to obtain the right spare parts to repair his German bicycle. Klement returned his bicycle to the manufacturers, Seidel and Naumann, with a letter, in Czech, asking for them to carry out repairs, only to receive a reply, in German, stating: "If you would like an answer to your inquiry, you should try writing in a language we can understand." A disgusted Klement, despite not having any previous technical experience, then decided to start his own bicycle repair shop, which he and Václav
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City Laurin opened in 1895 in Mladá Boleslav. Before going into business partnership with Klement, Laurin was an already established bicycle manufacturer from the nearby town of Turnov. In 1898, after moving to their newly-built factory, the pair bought a Werner "motorcyclette", which was produced by French manufacturer Werner Brothers. Laurin & Klement's first motorcyclette (which was powered by an engine mounted on the handlebars driving the front wheels) proved dangerous and unreliable - an early incident on it cost Laurin a front tooth. To design a safer machine with its structure around the engine, the pair wrote to German ignition specialist Robert Bosch for advice on a different electromagnetic system. The pair's new Slavia motorcycle made its debut in 1899. In 1900, when the company had a workforce of 32, Slavia exports began, with 150 machines shipped to London for the Hewtson firm. Shortly afterwards, the press credited them as makers of the first motorcycle. The first model, Voiturette A, was a success and the company was established both within Austria-Hungary and internationally. By 1905 cars were being produced by the firm. During the First World War Škoda was engaged in war production. After WWI it began producing trucks, but in 1924, after running into problems and being hit by a fire, the company sought a partner. As a result it merged with Škoda Works, the biggest industrial enterprise in Czechoslovakia. Most later production was under the Škoda name. After a decline during the economic depression, Škoda was again successful with models such as the Popular in the late 1930s. During the World War II Occupation of Czechoslovakia, the Škoda works was turned into part of Hermann Göring Werke serving the German World War II effort. At the beginning of December 1895 the mechanic Václav Laurin and the book-seller Václav Klement, both bicykle enthusiasts, started manufacturing bycycles of thein own design, patriotically named Slavia in the nationalist atmosphere of the ond of the 19th century. A few years later, in 1899, the Laurin & Klement Co. began producing motorcycles, wich were soon succesful and gained several racing victories. After
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City initial experiments at the turn of century, producing of motorcycles was gradually replaced by automobiles form 1905 onward. Like the motor cycles, the 1st Laurin & Klement automobile, the Voiturette A was a full success, later becoming the archetype of Czech automobile classic. It soon formed a stable position for Company in the developing international automobile market, so that the Company could soon start operating on a wide scale. The volume of the production increased and soon exceeded the potential of a private enterprise, and in 1907 the founders of the Company initiated conversion to a joint-stock company. The international character of Škoda’s operations became increasingly important. The production facilities were extended constantly and after 1914, Škoda took
Due to the country’s economic development, the joint venture with a strong industrial partner became essential in the nineteen twenties in order to strengthen and modernize the Company, which was at that time producing numerous types of passenger cars, trucks, busses, airplane engines and agricultural machinery. In 1925, fusion with the Pilsen Škoda Co. was accomplished, marking the end of the Laurin & Klement trademark. In early 1930s, the automotive business was again organized as a separate joint-stock company within the Škoda Group (Automobile Industry Co., ASAP). After the crisis, the Company achieved a break-through with the Type Škoda Popular. The German occupation in 1939 to 1945 caused a considerable disruption in the history of the company, which was integrated into the industrial structure of the German Empire. The civilian production programmed was immediately limited and production
In the course of a large-scale nationalization which began immediately after the end of the war, the Company became a national enterprise named AZNP in 1946. Within the political and economic changes of that time, it acquired the monopoly of passenger car production. Based on the traditional production processes and past success, the Czechoslovak economy managed to maintain a relatively good standard in the post/socialist period for several decades, in spite of the changes brought about by planned economy and efforts at unduly rapid growth. This standard only became questionable towards the
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City end of the nineteen sixties due to development of new technology in the western world. The permanent stagnation of the economy started after the seventies, also affecting the Mladá Boleslav automobile manufacturer in spite of the company’s leading position in the East Europe marker. Production grew again only when the model range Škoda Favorite went into production in 1987. After the political changes of 1989, under the new market economy conditions the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic and the management of Škoda began to search for a strong foreign partner whose experience and investments would be capable of securing long-range international competitiveness of the company. In December 1990, the Government decided on cooperation with the German Volkswagen Group. The Škoda – Volkswagen joint venture began to operate on 16 April 1991 under the name Škoda, automobile As., becoming the fourth brand of the Volkswagen Group alongside VW, AUDI a SEAT.
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The Škoda 110R in 1980. An outline similar to the Porsche of the time, but at one tenth of the price When, by July 1945, the Mladá Boleslav factory had been reconstructed, production of Škoda's first post-WWII car, the 1101 series began. It was essentially an updated version of the pre-WWII Škoda Popular. In the autumn of 1945, Škoda (along with all large manufacturers) became part of the planned economy, which meant it was separated from the parent Škoda company. In spite of unfavorable political conditions and losing contact with technical development in non communist countries, Škoda retained a good reputation until the 1960s, producing models such
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City as the Škoda 440 Spartak, 445 Octavia, Felicia and Škoda 1000 MB. Škoda has always been known internationally for building very tough and reliable cars. In the late 1980s Škoda (then named Automobile závody, národní podnik, Mladá Boleslav) was still manufacturing cars that conceptually dated back to the 1960s. Rear engine models such as the Škoda 105/120, Estelle and Rapid sold steadily and performed well against more modern makes in races such as the RAC Rally in the 70s and 80s. They won their class in the RAC rally for 17 years running. They were powered by a 130 bhp, 1289 cc engine. In spite of its dated image and being the subject of jokes, the Škoda remained a common sight on the roads of UK and Western Europe throughout the 1970s and 80s. Sport versions were available for the Estelle and earlier models using "Rapid" as the version name. Soft-top versions were also available. The Rapid was once described as the 'poor man's Porsche' and had significant sales success in the UK during the 1980s. "Of course, that the Škoda became such a figure of fun was in part due to its ubiquity on Britain's roads. The company must have been doing something right." extract from BBC report on Škoda sales in 1980s The turning point came in 1987 with the Favorite model. The Favorite’s appearance was designed by Italian design company Bertone. With some motor technology licensed from western Europe, but still using the Škoda designed 1289 cc engine, Škoda engineers succeeded in designing a car comparable to western production. The technological gap was still there, but began closing rapidly. The Favorites were very popular in Czechoslovakia and other Eastern Bloc countries. They also sold fairly well in Western Europe, especially in the UK, being regarded as solid and reliable, as well as a good value. Their trim levels continued to improve and they were sold until the introduction of the Felicia in 1996. Subsidiary of VW AG The Velvet Revolution brought great changes to Czechoslovakia, and most industries were subject to privatization. In the case of Škoda automobile the government
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City brought in a strong foreign partner. Volkswagen was chosen in 1990 and in April, 1991, Škoda become the fourth brand of the Volkswagen Group. VW was pitted against French car maker Renault, who lost because its strategic plan did not include producing high value models in the Czech factories (The Renault Twinge city car was set to be produced in the Škoda factories.) At the time the decision was made, privatization to a major German company was somewhat controversial. The subsequent fortunes of other Eastern-Bloc automobile manufacturers such as Lada-AutoVAZ and Zastava, and of Škoda works itself, once Škoda auto's parent company, could be argued to suggest that this was not necessarily a poor decision. Backed by VW expertise and investments the design — both style and engineering — has improved greatly. The 1994 model Felicia was still based on the floorpan of the Favorit, but quality improvements helped and in the Czech Republic the car was as popular as it was value for money. The subsequent models Octavia and Fabia finally made their way to the demanding EU markets. They are built on common VWAG floor plans. Octavia is based on Golf floorpan, and Fabia is based on the A0 floorpan. This is interesting, as it came out a year before VW released the new Polo that was also based on it. The perception of Škoda in Western Europe has changed completely. As technical development progressed and attractive new models were brought to market, Škoda's image was initially slow to improve. In the UK, a major turnabout was achieved with the ironic "It is a Škoda, honest" campaign which was started in the early 2000s. In a 2003 advertisement on British television, a new employee on the production line is fitting Škoda badges on the car bonnets. When some attractive looking cars come along he stands back, not fitting the badge, since they look so good they cannot be Škoda’s. This market campaign worked by confronting Škoda's image problem headon — a tactic which marketing professionals regard as high risk. If the Fabia and Octavia had been anything less than excellent cars the campaign might have backfired badly. By 2005, Škoda was selling over 30,000 cars a year in the UK, a market share of over 1%. For the first time in its UK history, a waiting list developed
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City for deliveries by Škoda. Škoda owners in the UK have consistently ranked the brand at or near the top of the J.D. Power customer satisfaction survey during the 2000s. Škoda now has several manufacturing and assembly plants including one in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Škoda also has an assembly plant in the city of Aurangabad in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. Škoda was a participant in the World Rally Championship with Škoda Fabia WRC until 2005. The 2006 season saw Škoda represented by a private team. In 2006, Škoda presented its brand new model Roomster, which is a small MPV with a unique design, which reflects future trends. At the end of December 2006, Škoda also released the first official pictures of the new Fabia, a model that will replace Fabia in 2007. A new concept car was presented at the Paris Auto Show in September 2006. The concept was called Joyster and is a three-door compact car intended especially for young people. In 2005 the company produced 494,637 vehicles, and on November 22, 2006 produced the 500,000th vehicle of 2006, the first time in Škoda's long history that this target had been reached. By the end of 2006, over 550,000 vehicles had been produced. Volkswagen AG's Australian arm, VGA (Volkswagen Group Australia), recently announced that they will be returning Škoda to the Australian car market in October, 2007. Škoda vehicles were last sold in Australia in 1983. Currently only the Octavia and Roomster are available in Australia, with the Fabia to join later on and the second generation Superb to join in 2009. Models
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Current models
Concept cars
Fabia 2007 - (MK2)
Fabia Super (2007)
Octavia/Laura 2004 - (MK2)
Joyster (2006)
Roomster/ Praktik 2006 -
Yeti II (2006)
Yeti (2005)
Roomster Concept (2003)
Tudor (2002)
Fabia Paris Edition (2002)
Ahoj (2002)
Felicia Golden Prague (1998)
783 Favorit Coupé (1987)
Superb 2002 -
Previous models 1900s •
Laurin & Klement A (1905-1907)
Laurin & Klement B (1906-1908)
Laurin & Klement C (1906-1908)
Laurin & Klement D (1906-1907)
Laurin & Klement E (1906-1909)
Laurin & Klement B2 (1907-1908)
Laurin & Klement C2 (1907-1908)
Laurin & Klement F (1907-1909)
Laurin & Klement FF (1907)
Laurin & Klement FC (1907-1909) [1950s
Laurin & Klement HO/ HL/HLb (1907-1913)
Laurin & Klement BS (1908-1909)
Laurin & Klement FCS (19081909)
Laurin & Klement G (1908-1911)
Laurin & Klement DO/DL (1909-
1930s •
Škoda 633 (1931)
Škoda Popular (1934)
Škoda Rapid (1934)
1940s •
Škoda Tudor (1946-1952)
Škoda 1200 (1952-1956)
Škoda 440/445 (1955-1959)
Škoda 1200|Škoda 1201 (19561961)
Škoda Octavia (1959-1964)
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City 1912) •
Convertible &
FDO/FDL 1960s
(1909-1915) •
Laurin & Klement EN (1909-1910)
Škoda Octavia Combi (1961-1971)
Laurin & Klement FN/GDV/RC
Škoda 1202 Combi (1961-1973)
Skoda Felicia convertible (19591964)
Laurin & Klement FCR (1909)
Laurin & Klement L/LO (1909-
Škoda MB1000/1100 (1964-1969)
Škoda 1203 (1967-1981)
Škoda Winnetou (only prototype in
1910s •
1968) Laurin & Klement ENS (1910-
Škoda 100/110 (1969-1977)
1911) •
Laurin & Klement K/Kb/LOKb
Škoda 110R Coupé (1970-1980)
Laurin & Klement LK (1911-1912)
Škoda 1100 GT (1970)
Laurin & Klement S/Sa (1911-
Škoda 120S Rallye (1971-1974)
Škoda 105/120/125 (1976-1990)
Laurin & Klement DN (1912-
Škoda 130 RS (1977-1978)
1915) •
Laurin & Klement RK (1912-1916)
Laurin & Klement Sb/Sc (19121915)
Laurin & Klement
(1913-1915) •
Laurin & Klement MK/400 (19131924)
Laurin & Klement O/OK (19131916)
1980s •
Škoda Garde (1981-1984)
Škoda 130/135/136 (1984-1990)
Škoda Rapid (1984-1990)
Škoda Favorit (1987-1995)
1990s •
Škoda Felicia (1994-2001)
Škoda Octavia - first generation (1996-2004)
Laurin & Klement Sd/Se/Sg/Sk (1913-1917)
Laurin & Klement Ms (1914-1920)
Laurin & Klement Sh/Sk (1914-
Škoda Fabia - first generation (1999-2007)
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City 1917) •
Laurin & Klement T/Ta (19141921)
Si/Sl/Sm/So/200/205 (1916-1924) •
Md/Me/Mf/Mg/Mh/Mi/Ml/300/305 (1917-1923) 1920s •
Laurin & Klement MS/540/545 (1920-1923)
Laurin & Klement – Škoda 545 (1923-1927)
Škoda 422 (1929)
Image gallery
Škoda 1202
Škoda Bus
Škoda Škoda Truck
Coupé (1974)
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Škoda Estelle 130Škoda LSE (1988)
Škoda (2002)
Škoda (1960)
Superb Skoda
OctaviaSkoda Octavia -
vRS (2004)
police car (2006)
Coupé (1980)
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Awards Our cars look good, have good handling and are reliable. The awards they have won confirm this. In addition, the Škoda Auto is also successful. Best cars 2007 Škoda cars did well in the Czech round of the largest European readers’ poll Best Cars 2007 in the value-for-money category. The Octavia was chosen as the best car with a price of up to CZK 650,000, Superb in the category cars with a price of up to CZK 1,000,000 and the Roomster won the category for spacious cars. Manager of the Year 2006 Former Chairman of the Škoda Auto Board of Directors Detlef Wittig won the Manager of the Year award 2006 in the fourteenth year of this prestigious competition, which rewards capable and inventive personalities in Czech management. Car of the Year 2007 The latest Škoda model, the second generation of the Fabia hatchback, was rewarded with the prestigious title of Car of the Year 2007 in Serbia, in a traditional poll that takes place around the time of the Belgrade Motor Show. The Roomster was also car of the year in Estonia, Finland and Bulgaria Family Car of the Year 2006 - 2007 The Roomster enjoyed success in the Family Car of the Year competition – it won this award in Belgium in 2006 and repeated the success in Sweden in 2007. Best Looking Car in the World 2006 The German magazine Auto Bild ran a best looking car in the world competition in 2006 and the Škoda Roomster finished third in the minivans and large cars category.
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Red Dot 2006 The Octavia Combi won the prestigious European Red Dot award in 2006 Auto Trophy 2006 In 2006 the Škoda Roomster won the Auto Trophy award in the minivan category. 1st Place in Czech Top 100 (2000 – 2006) Starting in 2000 we finished first in the Czech top 100 for 6 consecutive years. Czech Exporter of the Year (1993 – 2006) In the Exporter of the Year competition we finished first fourteen times in a row in the Volume category, making us the largest Czech exporter of the year.
Automotive Directory :: Skoda Auto India
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City Popular Skoda Cars available in India Skoda cars drive the luxury car market with their value-for-money premium Skoda sedan and Skoda wagon cars. Skoda, the European brand, is a part of the international Volkswagen group. Skoda cars in India began their journey in 2001 from their plant at Aurangabad, and within 5-6 years achieved more than a quarter share of the market in luxury cars in India. Skoda Auto India has launched twelve luxury models including Skoda Superb, Skoda Octavia, and the immensely successful Skoda Laura. Cars from Skoda Cars from Skoda : •
Skoda Fabia (Hatchback)
Skoda Octavia (Sedan)
Skoda Laura (Sedan)
Skoda Superb (Sedan)
Skoda Octavia (Wagon)
Skoda (Hatchback) Popular Skoda Fabia models range in on-road price from below rupees seven lakhs to a bit above rupees eight lakhs, including Skoda Fabia (Hatchback) Skoda Fabia is luxurious hatchback model from the world class Skoda collection now available in India. Its style and substance make it a sure competitor to other C segment Sedan cars in the market. The Skoda Fabia offers an on-road price range between rupees seven and eight lakhs. Skoda Fabia is available in different engine specifications like diesel and petrol. The Skoda Fabia variants include
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City Fabia
Skoda Fabia Classic is revolutionary model born in the Skoda hatchback family is available at a showroom price of around Rs.6,67,191 with an on road price of around Rs.7,30,786
charges. (Diesel)
Skoda Fabia Ambiente gives tough competition to sedan species in the market with its superior looks and striking features. New cars have a show room price of around Rs.7, Fabia
Skoda Fabia Elegance TDI is a luxury hatchback packed with excellent features and born with diesel engine. At the showroom, this car costs around Rs.7, 92,686 with an on-road Fabia
around (MPI)
67,462. (Petrol)
Skoda Fabia Elegance MPI is a luxury hatchback packed with excellent features and born with petrol engine. At the showroom, this car costs around Rs.6, 99,932 with an on-road price of around Rs.7, 66,510. Skoda cars have been recognized for their style, and technology. Skoda Laura won the "Most Technologically Advanced Car" award in 2006 from CNBC-TV18. Skoda Laura also won the "Automotive technology of the Year award from OVERDRIVE in 2006. The future of Skoda cars in India is already secured and growing brighter.
Skoda Auto India Pvt Ltd. Czech Republic based Skoda Auto Company is one of the popular brand name in the field of automobile industry. It is a part of the international Volkswagen Group. Skoda Auto introduced itself in Indian market in November 2001. Its dealership network covers Mumbai and Delhi region. It has its Greenfield plant in Aurangabad. MODELS OF SKODA CARS MODEL
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City Skoda Octavia Classic •
Skoda RS 1.8 Turbo
Elegance 1.9 TDI
Rider 1.8 Turbo
Rider 1.9 TDI Skoda Octavia Combi
• •
RS Skoda Superb • •
2.8 litre Petrol
2.5 litre Diesel Skoda Laura
Skoda Laura Ambiente Skoda Fabia
• •
Skoda Fabia Launched recently, the Skoda Fabia is Skoda’s first small car in India. It is based on the Volkswagen platform and is priced somewhere around Rs. 5, 90,000. It has been popular world-wide and now has come to India to zoom in its magic. This car will definitely be popular among those who look for practicality, durability apart from style and affordable price. This hatchback offers more than just appealing looks. It offers a decent driving experience, great levels of refinement and versatility.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
Skoda Fabia has been launched in both petrol and diesel variants. The 1.4L TDI PD (Turbo Direct Injection, Pumpe Deuse) diesel engine produces a maximum power of 68 bhp at 4000 rpm and a maximum torque of 155nm at 1600-2800rpm. The 1.4L MPI petrol engine on the other hand, delivers a maximum power of 85 bhp and 132 Nm of maximum torque. The mileage is said to be above 16 kmpl, but that depends on your driving conditions and requirements. The driving is absolutely smooth as butter and you are sure to have a great time hitting the highways. The car catches a speed
time! Exteriors
The Fabia is available in six colors - Corrida Red, Satin Grey, Brilliant Silver, Magic Black, Candy White and Cappuccino beige. The features that Skoda Fabia is equipped with include dual front air bags, alloy wheels, parking sensors, ABS, MSR and Dual Rate-Brake Assist, auxiliary audio input, electric sunroof and dual tone interiors. The boot space is around 300 liters and there is enough of headroom and rear legroom. The cozy interiors make sure you are comforted throughout your drive and it proves to be a pleasurable experience instead of a stressful one. Features of Fabia
Skoda Fabia Ambiente 1.4 PD TDI
Features Air Conditioner Power Windows Power Door Locks Power Steering Anti-Lock Braking System Traction Control
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City Air-Bags(Driver | Passenger) Immobilizer Cup Holders Folding Rear-Seat Rear Wash Wiper Alloy Wheels Tubeless Tyres Central Locking Remote Fuel-Lid Steering Adjustment Tachometer Child Safety Locks Front Fog Lights Defogger (Rear) Leather Seats Power Seats AM/FM Radio Cassette Player CD Player Sun-Roof | Moon-Roof
Skoda Fabia Love at First Drive European Car maker Skoda Auto India Private Ltd. through its Indian Arm Skoda India will soon launch Skoda Fabia in the premium hatchback segment of India. Dynamic looks and fresh design of Fabia gives it outstanding presence on road. Skoda Fabia will guarantee world-class luxury, with smart technology and
There will be two versions of all new Skoda Fabia: - the 3 cylinders/1.2 litre engine
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City in Petrol and 3 cylinders/1.4 litre engine in diesel version. Flourished with new design Skoda Fabia is equipped with appealing external colors and high-quality material in the interiors. The sale of Skoda Fabia car may start by end of 2007. Priced between Rs.5-6 lakhs, the Skoda Fabia will be true traveling comfort and will sell like hot cakes.
Company Name Skoda Auto India Private Ltd.
Car/Hatch Back Performance Ratio.
Striking Features of Skoda Fabia •
Available boot capacity of 300 when the rear seats of Fabia are folded down, it will increase to 1163 litres.
Larger legroom for all passengers making it true traveling comfort.
For a wide and much better view the seats are at high position for driver and the front passenger.
High end audio-system enabled for external attachments like MP3 and I- Pod.
The external measurements of Height, Width & Length make this car the largest in its segment.
Effective usage of the space in the Front and Rear Seats.
Comfort & Safety
The Fabia is armed with state-of-the-art safety features, have a look: •
Side air bags to reduce the risk of injury for the passengers on the front and the rear seats.
Electronic Control for opening & closing of windows, 06 CD Changer music system, elbow rest at rear and a cup holder will definitely take care of your comfort zone.
There is a Seat Belt on the rear seat that reduces the risk of forward movement for a child in the event of collision.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City •
The very base of Skoda Fabia is equipped with ABS (Anti-Lock Braking System), Dual Rate brake booster, ASR (Anti Slip Regulation) and ESP (Electronic Stabilization Program).
Model Variants of Skoda Fabia •
1.2L (1198cc) Petrol
1.4L (1422cc) Diesel
Competition for Skoda Fabia Both the petrol & diesel versions of Skoda Fabia will face and provide tough competition to Chevrolet U-VA, Hyundai Getz, Zen Estilo, Swift & Tata Indica. Chevrolet Aveo U-VA 1.2 Chevrolet Aveo U-VA 1.2 LT
Chevrolet Aveo U-VA 1.2 LS Chevrolet Aveo U-VA 1.2 LT (Option Pack)
Chevrolet Spark 1.0
Chevrolet Spark 1.0 E
Chevrolet Spark 1.0 LS
Chevrolet Spark 1.0 LT
Chevrolet Spark 1.0 LT (Option Pack)
Chevrolet Spark 1.0 PS
Fiat Palio Stile 1.1 SL
Fiat Palio Stile 1.1 SLE
Fiat Palio Stile 1.1 SLX
Fiat Palio Stile 1.3 SD
Fiat Palio Stile 1.3 SDE
Fiat Palio Stile 1.3 SDX
Fiat Palio Stile 1.6 Sport
Hyundai Getz Prime 1.1 GLE
Hyundai Getz Prime 1.1 GVS
Hyundai Getz Prime 1.1 GVS Option
Hyundai Getz Prime 1.3 GLS
Hyundai Getz Prime 1.3 GLX
Hyundai Getz Prime 1.5 GVS CRDi
Hyundai i10 D-Lite
Hyundai i10 Era
Hyundai i10 Magna
Hyundai i10 Magna (O)
Hyundai i10 Magna (O) with Sunroof
Hyundai Santro Xing GL
Hyundai Santro Xing GLS
Hyundai Santro Xing XK (Non-AC) eRLX - Hyundai Santro Xing XK eRLX - Euro Euro III Hyundai Santro Xing XL AT eRLX - Euro III Hyundai Santro Xing XO eRLX - Euro III
III Hyundai Santro Xing XL eRLX - Euro III Maini Reva AC
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City Maini Reva Classe
Maini Reva Standard
Maruti Alto LX - BS III
Maruti Alto LXi - BS III
Maruti Alto Std - BS III
Maruti Swift LDi (Diesel)
Maruti Swift LXi
Maruti Swift VDi (Diesel)
Maruti Swift VDi ABS (Diesel)
Maruti Swift VXi
Maruti Swift VXi (ABS)
Maruti Swift ZXi
Maruti Wagon R AX Minor-06
Maruti Wagon R Duo LX
Maruti Wagon R Duo LXi
Maruti Wagon R LX Minor-06
Maruti Wagon R LXi Minor-06
Maruti Wagon R VXi Minor-06
Maruti Wagon R VXi with ABS Minor-06
Maruti Zen Estilo LX
Maruti Zen Estilo LXi
Maruti Zen Estilo VXi
Maruti Zen Estilo VXi ABS
Skoda Fabia Ambiente 1.4 MPI
Skoda Fabia Ambiente 1.4 PD TDI
Skoda Fabia Classic 1.4 MPI
Skoda Fabia Classic 1.4 PD TDI
Skoda Fabia Elegance 1.4 MPI
Skoda Fabia Elegance 1.4 PD TDI
Tata Indica V2 DLE-BS III
Tata Indica V2 DLG DiCOR - BS III
Tata Indica V2 DLS-BS III
Tata Indica V2 Turbo DLG
Tata Indica V2 Turbo DLS Tata Indica V2 Turbo DLX - ABS &
Tata Indica V2 Turbo DLX
Tata Indica V2 Xeta 1.2 GL - BS III
Tata Indica V2 Xeta 1.2 GLE - BS III
Tata Indica V2 Xeta 1.2 GLG - BS III
Tata Indica V2 Xeta 1.2 GLS - BS III
Tata Indica V2 Xeta GLX - BS III
Tata Indicab DL - BS III
Tata Indicab DLE - BS III
Price of Skoda Fabia The Skoda Fabia is priced between Rs. 7-9 Lakhs. (Please Note: The prices are ex-showroom and based on the close approximation.) Technical Specifications of Skoda Fabia
Dimensions & Weight Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm)
3992 1642 1498
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City Wheelbase (mm) 2462 Kerb Weight (kgs) 1015-1040 kg & 1125 Kg Seating Capacity 05 Engine Model Designation Otto, Front transversal & Diesel, Front transversal No. Of Cylinders 03 Inline Configuration OHC Displacement (cc) 1198 CC & 1422 CC Transmission 5 Manual Top Speed (kmph) 155 & 163 Suspension Front MacPherson strut, Trailing-arm, Stabilizer bar Rear Coil spring, Stabilizer bar Brakes Type Ventillated disc Front / Rear Brakes Drum Tyres Type 155/80R13 & 165/70R14 Wheels 155/80R13 & 165/70R14 Fuel Tank 45 Litres Performance Max. Horsepower 44 kW (ECE) 5200 rpm & 51 kW (ECE) 4000 rpm (ps/rpm) 108 Nm (rpm) 3000 rpm & 155 Nm (rpm) 1600-2800 Max. Torque (kg m/rpm) rpm Steering Steering Type Electro-hydraulic
More Hatchback Cars in India Chevrolet Aveo U-VA Ford Fusion Hyundai Santro Xing Maruti Swift Maruti Zen Estilo
Chevrolet Spark Hyundai Getz Maruti 800 Maruti WagonR Tata Indica
Fiat Palio Stile Hyundai i10 Maruti Alto Maruti Zen
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Awards for Fabia It is our great pleasure to introduce you to the second generation of one of the most successful models in the history of our company. The new Škoda Fabia is ready to offer you even more positive emotions and pleasant experiences than its predecessor. Year
Germany - “Golden Wheel”
1st Place
Germany - “Golden Wheel”
1st Place
UK - “What Car?” - Supermini
1st Place
2000 2001 2002
of wheel
Year -
Berlin Newspaper)
Fabia Combi( Prize worthy Auto) 3 cars of brand Škoda represented in the TOP 10 of reader's survey 2006 of British magazine "TOP Gear"
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Company profile Mahanth motors established in the year November 2007 dealers
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M. W/S
Parts Manager
Sales Manager
Account Manager
Sr. Sales Executive
Sales Executive
Sales Executive
Data Entry
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
Executive summary Introduction The aim of marketing is to meet and satisfy the needs and wants of the customers. India has long-term potential to become a significant vehicle market. It has huge population of nearly one billion people (of which 150-250 million are middle class), and a current vehicle population of 3.5 million (equivalent to only 3.4 cars per 1000 people). In spite of numerous market deterrents, the Indian automotive market has become the focus of attention as several major auto manufacturers have announced large capital investment plans to be carried out in the near future. Prior to the early 90’s there were only four car companies manufacturing and selling cars in India. Foreign investment was effectively banned and foreign technology transfers were subject to government approvals. By 1993 the Indian government deli censed the Indian car industry, which eased other foreign auto manufacture’s entry into the market first under joint partnerships, then wholly owned subsidiaries. Currently, India is in the midst of an economic-recovery where vehicle sales rose 47 percent to 73,000 units in March 2000, up from 49,410 units in March 1999. The Indian passenger car industry has grown more than ten times in the last ten years with sales increasing to more than four-lack vehicle. The global automotive car market is growing at a rate of only 4% per annum. Fortunes of the automobile industry will continue to hinge on him large, price sensitive customer, who will take time to graduate to the higher end of the market. Unite then the small car will continue to drive demand. And that is the eventuality that most of the car-manufacturers are gearing up for.
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Project details
Rational behind the choice of the project
Utility of the project
Methodology adopted
Data collection method
Sampling process.
Sample size determination.
Findings and conclusion
Limitations of the study.
Rational behind the selecting of the project & Need for the study
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City Recently launched the Skoda Fabia is a brand of Skoda Auto it’s a hatch back car introduced in the Indian market. Its sales are not as good as compare to other hatch back cars in India, as in India it is in the penetration stage. Comparing with other players of this segment the sales of the Skoda Fabia is not up to mark looking in the Indian hatch back cars with other brands as the booking it self is the data which gives the post sales of Skoda Fabia. According to data provided by the dealer of twin city (Mahanth Motors) only few vehicles have been sold and very few booking for the purchase of Skoda Fabia. Their may be many factors for slow sales of Skoda Fabia such as Politically,
affecting the customers’ buying and consumption behavior. Added and increasing taxes on petrol for environmental protection discourage driving or purchasing cars with high petrol-consumption. In some metropolises congestion-charges also negatively impact on car-usage rates. Regulations regarding car-safety demand high R&D and upgraded basic configurations. Economically, driving a car is becoming increasingly expensive due to adverse changes in petrol prices, maintenance and taxes. However, prospering developing countries provide new markets for manufacturers, especially interesting facing the current economic situation of Western countries (unemployment, regressions). Socio-demographically,
products, transferring an image and families owning two or more cars are no
environmental, economical and convenience reasons. However, from the ageing populations the number of active drivers is likely to decrease. Technologically,
continuously high leading to new beneficial developments (e.g. lighter, more durable, crash-absorbing materials; IT assists drivers), particularly interesting for small cars. However, it also demands manufacturers to keep up that pace, which employs financial resources. Advanced CAD
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City and simulations save development time, leading to shorter modellifecycles and more launches. The Skoda Fabia has many competitors in India with many players such as Hyundai getz, Chevrolet aveo Uva, Maruti swift and other hatch back cars. The Fabia is expected to provide the same handling and ride as on an Octavia. So Skoda not compromising on that has offered. Skoda Fabia is lot better then other hatch back as the high expectations to meet as it has large boot space average legroom choice of different specifications. It has curve halogen projector headlights as an option cornering fog lights option, the diesel particle filter for 1.4TDI PD and 1.9 TDI PD diesel engine which attracts the consumer. Hubli is a major commercial center of Karnataka after Bangalore and there are lots of potential customers who can purchase Skoda fabia.the tendz in the mind of the customer is changing and the interest level in the buying of passenger car is very vastly increasing. The consumer wants luxury, comfortable, status and one of the symbols of living this owes a passenger car. So this has been objective behind selecting the topic. This will tell the company officials why exactly the sales and the purchase order is in slow process comparing to the other hatch back cars.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
Utility or Proposed out comes and benefits of he study This project was an opportunity for Skoda Fabia will help the company at various information regarding.
Awareness of Skoda auto brands in twin city and also the awareness of Skoda
Importance given to aesthetics while purchasing the car
Importance given to brand name while purchasing.
Importance given to the price while purchasing a car.
Impact of Advertisement while purchasing a car.
Influence for the purchase of a car.
Importance given to mileage, safety, power, color etc while purchasing a car.
Interested customers for Skoda Fabia.
Customers willing to have test drive of Skoda Fabia.
Customer satisfaction level with the existing product.
From this information company can come to know various factors affecting the sales of the automobiles and this also help to go into potential customer and sell the product effectively.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
Benefit to Academics: It will help me in understanding and learning
The market for hatch back cars in general and market of twin cities.
Customers Decision Making Process while purchasing hatch back car.
Customer’s preference of brands while purchasing hatch back cars.
It will help in improvements & in creating a market for Skoda Fabia. The experience and learning gained during this study will provide as a tool, which
can be applied in future for undertaking of similar kind of projects & targeting the market.
Research Title “To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City”.
To find the importance of Advertisement and promotional Activity by the
To find the importance given to different attributes while purchasing car.
To find the awareness of Skoda Fabia.
To study the decision making process while purchasing hatch back car.
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Research Approach Exploratory research Exploratory research is concerned with discovering the general nature of the problem and the variable that relate to it. Exploratory research is characterized by high degree of feasibility and it tends to rely on secondary data. During this study, exploratory research is carried to identify the variable like, customer satisfaction level, basis of purchase decisions, important of brand name, customer opinion regarding various preferred feature, the innovative advertising strategies used by the companies, which decides the strength of the company to be in the customers mind and also to grab the major portion in the market. After discovering the general nature and the variable relating to it, with the help of exploratory research, a descriptive research will carried out during the study for the purpose of accurate description of variables.
Data collection approach To carry out this research, primary data and secondary are collected.
Methodology adopted: Sources of data Data are facts, figures and other relevant materials, past and present, serving as bases for study and analysis. The data serves as the basis for analysis without an analysis of factual data no specific inferences can be drawn on the questions under study. Inferences based on imagination or guesswork cannot provide correct answers to the research questions, the relevance, adequacy and reliability of data determine the quality of the findings of a study.
For the purpose of present study, data from two
sources have been collected namely primary and secondary data.
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Primary data Primary data are the data that are collected to help solve a problem or taken advantage of an opportunity on which decision must be taken. The main method of collecting primary data is survey method, there are different types of survey techniques for example personal interview, mail survey, Internet survey and telephone survey. Primary data is first hand information that has been collected by the researcher from the respondents of twin city through personal interview method with the help of questionnaire. Analysis, interpretation, summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations are completely based on primary data.
Secondary data Secondary data are data that were developed for some purpose other then helping to solve the problem at hand. After identifying and defining the research problem and determining specific information required solving the problem, the researcher’s task is to look for the type and sources of data, which may yield the desired results. Secondary data in this research references made by the researcher with the other published sources. The present research will not be complete without the complete reference to the relevant secondary data. Measurement Technique:In this project following measurement techniques are use to collect information. Questionnaire:For the purpose of this project self-administered questionnaire to potential customers and for standard commercial business enterprises located in Hubli Dharwad city.
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Analysis of DATA Data are useful only after analysis. Data analysis involves converting the series of data recorded observations into descriptive statements. The survey will carried out in Hubli-Dharwad city, and the sample size was 100.The information gathered is transferred to a SPSS coding sheet, interpretation.
Sampling process Sampling Population: All the consumer using hatch back segment cars and the consumer who can afford a hatch back segment cars located in Hubli-Dharwad. Sampling Frame: List of hatch back segment car user in twin city and list of people who can afford hatch back segment cars. Sampling unit: Customers using other branded cars in the hatch back segment. Sampling Method Non probability convenient method. Data collection method To collect the data we used both primary and secondary methods.
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Findings According to 96% of the respondents they are aware of hatch back cars. Only 4% of respondents are unaware of the term hatch back car. Many say that they are satisfied with their present car’s performance and utilization where as only 15% say that they are not satisfied with their present car. As Skoda is a luxurious automobile maker and has a good response from the INDIAN market so most of the respondents are aware of Skoda automobiles. The hot news some time back in the automobile sector was the small car from Skoda auto which was about to be launched in INDIA. Many automobile crazy people were curious about this car and even non crazy people too. According to the survey done only few are unaware of Fabia from Skoda auto. These are some of the influential factors which are considered by all individuals before buying a car for self. There are many benefits been offered from the company to the customers like mobile servicing facility any where in INDIA at your door steps. Many of the respondents say that they have not seen Skoda Fabia only 36% of the respondents say that they are aware of the car. These are some of the sources from which the respondents have got the information about the Skoda. Media has maximum contribution towards being word of mouth. As automobiles are expensive commodity so many people consider the brand name before making buying decision.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City Power is not much preferred here in INDIA as people here are much concern to mileage. Safety is the first priority for safety aspects. The data shows that the people are much concerned regarding safety and have given much importance. The people are not much concerned about the special features as it includes ABS braking system, fog lights, rare vipers etc. as they have to pay. These are the product which involves high cost investment so the brand is the thing which is considered by almost all individuals so people give much preference to brand. Many people prefer to change car in future, it is a good sing for all auto makers. Almost every one is eager to test drive the Fabia. People are not interested in buying as the price quoted on the Skoda Fabia is high comparing to other hatch back cars in India.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
RECOMMENDATION & SUGGESATIONS Create more awareness of the Skoda Fabia. Company should concentrate on the marketing aspects of Skoda Fabia. Local dealer should conduct demonstration and Test drives for existing car owners and potential customers. Dealer should co-ordinate with company to conduct exhibition for all types of Skoda manufactured car in local market. Create more awareness of the dealers in the located city. Comparing the price factors the Skoda Fabia is too high from other hatch back cars so company has to take some actions for the convenience of the customers. Create more advertisements in the local market. Maintain Customer Database and follow-up for the new products launch and promotion activities.
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Conclusions The s tudy helped me gain valuable ins ights in O pportunit y Anal ys is and Cons umer Behavior, tow ards potential for S koda F abia. This proj ect titled has been a know ledge gaining experienc e for me. B y interac ting w ith the res pondents and mak ing vis its to the cus tomers . I have been able to unders tand that unders tanding cus tomers is an art and it takes a very s trong brand imag e for a co mpan y to retain its elf in the market. The res ults of the surve y proved to be both encouraging and partl y dis couraging too. The res pondents w ere not ver y pos itive about Skoda F abia, w hich w as quite dis couraging and a negative s ign for the comp an y. The s egment for w hich Skoda should cater to is a price s ens itive s egment, s o as the organization s hould focus on highlighting the additiona l perquis ites that the y would provide w ith the car, it is going to bond w ell w ith the targeted mark et. Though there are man y compe titors in the marke t for this s egmen t, the compan y has an advantage, but s till it cannot rule out the local dealer s . But I believe that S koda auto has w hat it takes to beco me a name to reckon w ith in the market and I offer my bes t w is hes for the s ame and hope that my work w ill be of s ome us e for the compan y. The
res earch
w as
s cope
auto mobil e indus tr y. Thus the S koda auto differentiated thems e lves from there co mpeti tors to promot e their products and try to mak e their mark et monopo l y in the hatch back cars . The res earch s hows the people are interes ted to know about the car. The potential for Skoda F abia in tw in cit y. This indicates an opportunit y for S koda auto in the Indian auto mobil e indus tr y. The S koda autos have to concentra te on promot ional activit ies and differenti ating their product.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City S chemes & offers given by the comp an y influence the cus tomer to change their decis ion. There are few cus to mers w ho are not influenced by the offer’s & s chemes ,s o to protect their interes t main tain the features ,qualit y and good service after s ales . D ue to over pricing cus tomers are not w illing to buy the S koda F abia.
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Are you aware of Hatch back/ cars?
yes No Total
Frequency 96 4 100
Percent 96.0 4.0 100.0
Valid Percent 96.0 4.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 96.0 100.0
Are you aware of Hatch back/ cars? 120
0 yes
Are you aware of Hatch back/ cars?
According to 96% of the respondents they are aware of hatch back cars. Only 4% of respondents are unaware of the term hatch back car.
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3. Are you satisfied with the car you are presently using?
yes No Total
Frequency 85 15 100
Percent 85.0 15.0 100.0
Valid Percent 85.0 15.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 85.0 100.0
3. Are you satisfied with the car you are presently using? 100
0 yes
3. Are you satisfied with the car you are presently using?
Many say that they are satisfied with their present car’s performance and utilization where as only 15% say that they are not satisfied with their present car.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
4. Do you know about Skoda Auto?
yes No Total
Frequency 90 10 100
Percent 90.0 10.0 100.0
Valid Percent 90.0 10.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 90.0 100.0
4. Do you know about Skoda Auto? 100
0 yes
4. Do you know about Skoda Auto?
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
As Skoda is a luxurious automobile maker and has a good response from the INDIAN market so most of the respondents are aware of Skoda automobiles.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City 5. Do you know about Skoda fabia?
yes No Total
Frequency 82 18 100
Percent 82.0 18.0 100.0
Valid Percent 82.0 18.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 82.0 100.0
5. Do you know about Skoda fabia? 100
0 yes
5. Do you know about Skoda fabia?
The hot news some time back in the automobile sector was the small car from Skoda auto which was about to be launched in INDIA. Many automobile crazy people were curious about this car and even non crazy people too. According to the survey done only few are unaware of Fabia from Skoda auto.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
6. What influenced you to buy a car?
Family Friends Status Convienance Others Total
Frequency 28 19 25 27 1 100
Percent 28.0 19.0 25.0 27.0 1.0 100.0
Valid Percent 28.0 19.0 25.0 27.0 1.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 28.0 47.0 72.0 99.0 100.0
6. What influenced you to buy a car? 30
0 Family
6. What influenced you to buy a car?
These are some of the influential factors which are considered by all individuals before buying a car for self.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
7. Do you look into any benefits offered by the company?
yes No Total
Frequency 92 8 100
Percent 92.0 8.0 100.0
Valid Percent 92.0 8.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 92.0 100.0
7. Do you look into any benefits offered by the company? 100
0 yes
7. Do you look into any benefits offered by the company?
There are many benefits been offered from the company to the customers like mobile servicing facility any where in INDIA at your door steps.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
8. Have you seen ad of Skoda Fabia?
yes No Total
Frequency 36 64 100
Percent 36.0 64.0 100.0
Valid Percent 36.0 64.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 36.0 100.0
8. Have you seen ad of Skoda Fabia? 70 60 50 40 30
20 10 0 yes
8. Have you seen ad of Skoda Fabia?
Many of the respondents say that they have not seen Skoda Fabia only 36% of the respondents say that they are aware of the car.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
9. How did you come to know about the Skoda Fabia?
ompany Friends Media News Paper Magazines Total
Frequency 16 3 43 9 29 100
Percent 16.0 3.0 43.0 9.0 29.0 100.0
Valid Percent 16.0 3.0 43.0 9.0 29.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 16.0 19.0 62.0 71.0 100.0
9. How did you come to know about the Skoda Fabia? 50
0 ompany
News Paper
9. How did you come to know about the Skoda Fabia?
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
These are some of the sources from which the respondents have got the information about the Skoda. Media has maximum contribution towards being word of mouth.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City 10. Do you give importance to Brand name while purchasing car?
yes No Total
Frequency 92 8 100
Percent 92.0 8.0 100.0
Valid Percent 92.0 8.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 92.0 100.0
10. Do you give importance to Brand name while purchasing car? 100
0 yes
10. Do you give importance to Brand name while purchasing car?
As automobiles are expensive commodity so many people consider the brand name before making buying decision.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
11. Do you give important to following attributes while buying a car? Missing
Frequency 100
Percent 100.0
a) Aesthetics
Less Important Neutral Important Very Important Total
Frequency 13 14 36 37 100
Percent 13.0 14.0 36.0 37.0 100.0
Valid Percent 13.0 14.0 36.0 37.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 13.0 27.0 63.0 100.0
a) Aesthetics 40
0 Less Important
Very Important
a) Aesthetics
People give much importance to aesthetics.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City b) Price
Important Very Important Total
Frequency 38 62 100
Percent 38.0 62.0 100.0
Valid Percent 38.0 62.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 38.0 100.0
b) Price 70 60 50 40 30
20 10 0 Important
Very Important
b) Price
Price is the most considered aspect for many people.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City c) Power
Less Important Neutral Important Very Important Total
Frequency 24 55 15 6 100
Percent 24.0 55.0 15.0 6.0 100.0
Valid Percent 24.0 55.0 15.0 6.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 24.0 79.0 94.0 100.0
c) Power 60
0 Less Important
Very Important
c) Power
Power is not much preferred here in INDIA as people here are much concern to mileage.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City d) Fuel Consumption
Neutral Important Very Important Total
Frequency 6 40 54 100
Percent 6.0 40.0 54.0 100.0
Valid Percent 6.0 40.0 54.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 6.0 46.0 100.0
d) Fuel Consumption 60
0 Neutral
Very Important
d) Fuel Consumption
Yes people are much concern to the fuel consumption and it has got the first priority.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City e) Safety
Neutral Important Very Important Total
Frequency 6 40 54 100
Percent 6.0 40.0 54.0 100.0
Valid Percent 6.0 40.0 54.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 6.0 46.0 100.0
e) Safety 60
0 Neutral
Very Important
e) Safety
Safety is the first priority for safety aspects. The data shows that the people are much concerned regarding safety and have given much importance.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City f) Special features of car
Less Important Neutral Important Total
Frequency 24 61 15 100
Percent 24.0 61.0 15.0 100.0
Valid Percent 24.0 61.0 15.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 24.0 85.0 100.0
f) Special features of car 70 60 50 40 30
20 10 0 Less Important
f) Special features of car
The people are not much concerned about the special features as it includes ABS braking system, fog lights, rare vipers etc. as they have to pay
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City g) Brand Name
Neutral Important Very Important Total
Frequency 19 40 41 100
Percent 19.0 40.0 41.0 100.0
Valid Percent 19.0 40.0 41.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 19.0 59.0 100.0
g) Brand Name 50
0 Neutral
Very Important
g) Brand Name
These are the product which involves high cost investment so the brand is the thing which is considered by almost all individuals so people give much preference to brand.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City 12. Will you shift or change the car in future?
Frequency 85 15 100
yes No Total
Percent 85.0 15.0 100.0
Valid Percent 85.0 15.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 85.0 100.0
Will you shift or change the car in future?
0 yes
Will you shift or change the car in future?
Many people prefer to change car in future, it is a good sing for all auto makers.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
13. Would you like to test drive Skoda fabia?
Frequency 100
Percent 100.0
Valid Percent 100.0
Cumulative Percent 100.0
13. Would you like to test drive Skoda fabia? 120
0 yes
13. Would you like to test drive Skoda fabia?
Almost every one is eager to test drive the Fabia.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
14. Are you interested in buying Skoda fabia?
yes No Total
Frequency 67 33 100
Percent 67.0 33.0 100.0
Valid Percent 67.0 33.0 100.0
Cumulative Percent 67.0 100.0
14. Are you interested in buying Skoda fabia? 70 60 50 40 30
20 10 0 yes
14. Are you interested in buying Skoda fabia?
Price is the main factor in the purchase of the car as it includes high investments. As Skoda Fabia is priced too high customer are not willing to opt for Skoda Fabia.
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
Dear Sir/Madam, Name : - ……………………………… Address
: - ……………………………… ..…………………………….. ………………………………
Contact No
1. Are Yes
you aware of Hatch back/ cars? No If yes specify; a) Maruti Swift b) Chevrolet Uva d) Hyundai Getz e) Ford Fusion f) Hyundai Santro h) Tata Indica i) Fiat Palio Others……………………………………………………………………
2. Do you own a passenger car if yes mention? …………………………………………………………………………………. 3. Are you satisfied with the car you are presently using? Yes No 4. Do you know about Skoda Auto? Yes No If yes mention ……………………………………………………………. 5. Do you know about Skoda Fabia? Yes No 6. What influenced you to buy a car? a) Family b) Friends d) Convenience
c) Status
e) Others……………………………………….
7. Do you look into any benefits offered by the company? Yes No 8. Have you seen ad of Skoda Fabia? Yes No
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
9. How did you come to know about the Skoda Fabia? a) Company dealers b) Friends c) Media e) Magazines
d) News paper
f) If others mention…………………………………………………………………….. 10. Do you give importance to Brand name while purchasing car? Yes No
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
11. Do you give important to following attributes while buying a car? a) Aesthetics 1
b) Price c) Power d) Fuel Consumption e) Safety f) Special features of car g) Brand Name Others mention…………………………….…. 12. Will you shift or change the car in future? Yes No 13. Would you like to test drive Skoda Fabia? Yes No 14. Are you interested in buying Skoda Fabia? Yes No
Any suggestions and recommendation
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To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………
Thank you for your valuable time and patience for filling up the questionnaire.
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BIBLIOGRAPHY Wesites: • • • • Auto car, over drive magazines • Research books Tull & Hawkins, Philip kotler
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