To Study the market potential for Skoda Fabia Hatch back Car segment in Twin City
Executive summary Introduction The aim of marketing is to meet and satisfy the needs and wants of the customers. India has long-term potential to become a significant vehicle market. It has huge population of nearly one billion people (of which 150-250 million are middle class), and a current vehicle population of 3.5 million (equivalent to only 3.4 cars per 1000 people). In spite of numerous market deterrents, the Indian automotive market has become the focus of attention as several major auto manufacturers have announced large capital investment plans to be carried out in the near future. Prior to the early 90’s there were only four car companies manufacturing and selling cars in India. Foreign investment was effectively banned and foreign technology transfers were subject to government approvals. By 1993 the Indian government deli censed the Indian car industry, which eased other foreign auto manufacture’s entry into the market first under joint partnerships, then wholly owned subsidiaries. Currently, India is in the midst of an economic-recovery where vehicle sales rose 47 percent to 73,000 units in March 2000, up from 49,410 units in March 1999. The Indian passenger car industry has grown more than ten times in the last ten years with sales increasing to more than four-lack vehicle. The global automotive car market is growing at a rate of only 4% per annum. Fortunes of the automobile industry will continue to hinge on him large, price sensitive customer, who will take time to graduate to the higher end of the market. Unite then the small car will continue to drive demand. And that is the eventuality that most of the car-manufacturers are gearing up for.
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