A Project Report on Marketing Strategies followed by Bellad Motors and its Competitors

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“Comparative study of Marketing Strategies followed by Bellad Motors and its Competitors”

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The project report was carried on to know the Marketing strategies followed by Bellad Motors and its competitors in customer point of view in selling the cars, provided by the company will help to enhance the company’s sales. To know the satisfaction level of existing consumers this will help to maintain loyalty of the costumer. The project report entitled “Comparative study of Marketing Strategies followed by Bellad Motors and its Competitors” provided by Bellad Motors (Maruti Suzuki) Unkal cross, Hubli. Is undertaken in partial fulfillment of requirement of MBA 4th semester in KLES’s Institute of Management Studies and Research, Hubli. Title of the project: “Comparative study of Marketing Strategies followed by Bellad Motors and its Competitors” Objectives the study: 1) To study the major differences in promotional activity undertaken by Bellad motors and competitors. 2) Study of sales practices followed by Bellad motors and competitors. 3) To study the major Service level differences between Bellad motors and its competitors. 4) To know the customer retention strategies followed by Bellad motors and its competitors.

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