Recovery and disbursement Procedure of Credit EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The present study at Karnataka Vikas Grameen vikas Bank, Dharwad is conducted for the study of disbursement and recovery procedure of loans. The Karnataka Vikas Grameen Bank that emerged after the amalgamation of the four erstwhile Grameen Banks with its area of operation spread over nine districts, now caters to 1/3 of the geographical area of the State and therby has earned the opportunity of serving a large section of rural populace. The basic objective of any financial institution is to maximize wealth. In order to achieve this objective the bank must earn sufficient amount of profit. The amount of such profits largely depends upon the magnitude of loans assisted and the recovery of those loans. Each component of recovery has two dimensions, time and money. When it comes to recovery of loans “Time is Money�. A study of recovery procedure which I have chosen as the topic of my project in KVG Bank, Dharwad is the main and the key recovery department, which plays an important role in the collection of the sources of funds for the bank which in turn will be used for refinancing for the industrial and agricultural concern.
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