Spring 2015 Babette's Catalog

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can canall allappreciate appreciatethat.” that.” Moreover, Moreover,Babette’s Babette’shas has embraced embracedthe thepower powerof of social socialmedia. media.“Facebook, “Facebook, Twitter, Twitter,Pinterest, Pinterest,and and Instagram Instagramhave haveproven provento tobe be aavaluable valuabletool toolto toshowcase showcase our ourproducts,” products,”says saysGina. Gina. “Our “Ourfollowers followersincrease increasedaidaily. ly.ItItisisfun funto topost postpictures pictures of ofour ournew newmerchandise, merchandise, sales, sales,and anddecorating decoratingtips. tips. We’ve We’vehad haddrawings drawingsfor for free freemerchandise merchandiseand andlately lately did didaacontest contestfor forthe thedesign design reward.” an all appreciate that.” team teamwith withaaday-off-work day-off-work

Moreover, Babette’s has mbraced the power of ocial media. “Facebook, witter, Pinterest, and nstagram have proven to be valuable tool to showcase ur products,” says Gina. Our followers increase dai . It is fun to post pictures f our new merchandise, ales, and decorating tips. We’ve had drawings for ee merchandise and lately id a contest for the design eam with a day-off-work


reward.” reward.” In Inaddition, addition,Babette Babette says sayscapitalizing capitalizingon onthe the youthful youthfulenergy energyand and ideas ideasof ofher herchildren children and anddaughter-in-law daughter-in-law have havealso alsohelped helpedBabette’s Babette’s take takemajor majorsteps stepstoward towardaa fresher fresherface facefor forthe thebusiness. business. Introducing Introducingsmaller smallerupholupholstery steryframes, frames,more moremodern modern entertainment entertainmentcenters, centers, technology technologycompatible compatiblehome home office officeproducts, products,and andfurniture furniture choices choicessimilar similarto tolooks looksof of well-known well-knownretailers retailerslike like

In addition, Babette says capitalizing on the youthful energy and ideas of her children and daughter-in-law have also helped Babette’s take major steps toward a fresher face for the business. Introducing smaller uphol stery frames, more modern entertainment centers, technology compatible home office products, and furniture choices similar to looks of well-known retailers like

experience experienceto totheir theircustomcustomers. ers.These Thesewere wereimportant important to tothem, them,our ourcustomers customersand and to tous. us.Also, Also,as asthe thetrends trends change, change,we wewill willchange.” change.” His Hiswife wifeGina Ginalooks looks Pottery PotteryBarn Barnand andRestoration Restoration forward forwardto tocontinuing continuingthe the Hardware, Hardware,they theyhope hopeto toapaplegacy legacyof ofBabette’s Babette’sexcelexcelpeal pealto tothe themodern modernfamilies families lence lenceand andquality. quality.“It “Itisisaa of oftoday. today.The Thefamily familytravels travels blessing blessingto tobe beaapart partof ofthis this coast coastto tocoast coastto tobring bringthe the business,” business,”she shesays, says,“and “and most mostoptions optionsto totheir theircustomcustombe beable ableto totake takeititto tothe thenext next ers ersand andmake makethe theshopping shopping level. level.We Wewant wantto tocarry carryon on process processeven eveneasier. easier.Changes Changes Babette Babetteand andGary’s Gary’svision.” vision.” to tothe thegift giftand andaccessory accessory Megan Meganagrees. agrees.“My “My experience to their custom area areahave havebeen beensuccessful successful brother brotherand andIIhave havewatched watched ers. These were important as ascustomers customersenjoy enjoystylish stylish our ourparents parentsput puttheir theirheart heart to them, our customers and jewelry, jewelry,scarves, scarves,and andTyler Tyler and andsouls soulsinto intothis thisbusiness. business. to us. Also, as trends Candles. Candles.Megan Megansays, says,“I “Ilove love It’s It’san anthe honor honor to tobe beable ableto to we will change.” having havingladies ladiesthat thatvisit visitthe thechange,join join them them and andwork worktogether together Gina looks store storeevery everymonth monthto tobuy buyaa His wife to tocontinue continue their theirdream. dream. Pottery Barn Restoration continuing the gift giftand or orsee seewhat whatnew newitems itemsforward toTo To continue continuegrowing, growing,Brian Brian Hardware,have theyarrived!” hope to ap legacy of have arrived!” isisBabette’s hoping hopingto toexcel appeal appeal-to tomore more peal to the modern families lence and quality. “Itare is alooking people people who who are lookingfor for of today. The familytO travels blessingwhat to beBabette’s a part ofhas thisfound what Babette’s has foundto to What’s What’s tOcOMe cOMe be besuccessful. successful. “Our “Ourgoal goalisisto to When When contemplating contemplating coast to coast to bring the business,” she says, “and give customers customers high highquality quality what what thefuture future holds, holds, forbe ablegive most options tothe their custom - for to take it to theaanext selection selection of of merchandise merchandise Brian Brian that that means means keeping keeping ers and make the shopping level. We want to carry on at aagreat great value value that thatisisthen then aagood good mix mix of ofthe theold oldand andBabetteat process even easier. Changes and Gary’s vision.” backed backed by by“My great greatcustomer customersersercombining ititwith withnew new to the giftcombining and accessory Megan agrees. vice. We want want to tocontinue continueto to ideassuccessful and anddreams. dreams.“In “Inthe thebrothervice. area have ideas been and IWe have watched serve serveformer formercustomers customersand and next next 25 25 years, years, I I want want to to as customers enjoy stylish our parents put their heart new newcustomers customersfor foryears yearsto to continue continueon onthe thetraditions traditions jewelry, scarves, and Tyler and souls into this business. come comeby bynot notonly onlyfurnishing furnishing established establishedin inthe thefirst first25 25 Candles. Megan says, “I love It’s an honor to be able to their theirhomes homesbut buttheir theirlives, lives, years,” years,”he hesays. says.“My “Myparents parents having ladies that visit the join them and work together as aswell.” well.” have havedone donemany manythings thingsthe the store everyright month toby buy a right way way bygiving giving back back to continue their dream. gift or seethrough what newcharities items that growing, Brian through charities thatfocus focusTo continue Babette’s Babette’s Furniture Furniture have arrived!” appeal to more on onlocal localneeds, needs,offering offering is hoping &&to Home Home Shoppe Shoppe are looking for free freelocal localdelivery, delivery,quality qualitypeople who 8345 8345US USHWY HWY 441, 441,Leesburg Leesburg 352.728.5600 352.728.5600 what Babette’s has found to WHAT’S OTCOMEatatgreat products products greatprices, prices,and and babettesonline.com babettesonline.com “Our goal is to When contemplating an anunmatched unmatchedshopping shopping be successful.

what the future holds, for Brian that means keeping a good mix of the old and combining it with new ideas and dreams. “In the next 25 years, I want to continue on the traditions established in the first 25 years,” he says. “My parents have done many things the right way by giving back through charities that focus on local needs, offering free local delivery, quality products at great prices, and an unmatched shopping

give customers a high quality selection of merchandise at a great value that is then backed by great customer ser vice. We want to continue to serve former customers and new customers for years to come by not only furnishing their homes but their lives, as well.”

Babette’s Furniture & Home Shoppe

8345 US HWY 441, Leesburg 352.728.5600 babettesonline.com


Island Breeze King Bed

Available in Twin, Queen, & King 78w x 92d x 62h.............$1,64995

Sojourn Nightstand

Carved bamboo posts, rafia fronts 32w x 20d x 33h.................$74995

Seabrook Mirror

Palm leaf design w/ beveled mirror 51w x 39h...........................$59995

Oyster Reef Sideboard

Saber legs with glass inserts in top 70w x 22d x 38h.............$1,79995

Enchanted Isle Desk

Leather wrapped rattan w/ rafia accents 55w x 30d x 30h.............$1,19995

Box of Drawers

Drawers w/ decorative rattan gallery 53w x 14d x 9h...................$44995

essence of


Furnishings that captivate and inspire, while creating living spaces that have the feel of a resort destination. Fisher Island Dining Table Extends to 112” w/ (2) 20” leaves 72w x 44d x 30h.............$1,94995

Gulfstream Side Chair

Leather wrapped rattan frame 21w x 25d x 41h.................$52595

Marabella Upholstered Armchair Upholstered Seat on leather wrapped rattan frame and woven rattan backs 253/4w x 29d x 43h..........$1,04995

Kamala Bay Swivel Bar Stool

Leather wrapped rattan frame 221/4w x 221/2d x 433/4h........$99995

Hibiscus Round Accent Table

Leather wrapped rattan frame 18 diameter x 24h...............$69995

Prices do not reflect current promotional discount. See store for available savings Silver Sands Bachelor’s Chest

Leather wrapped rattan frame 253/4w x 29d x 43h...................$1,45095

Breakers Double Dresser

(9) Drawers with rafia fronts, carved bamboo posts 62w x 421/2d x 21h...............$1,89995

Del Sol Bedside Table

Leather wrapped rattan frame 191/2w x 191/2d x 29h.....$69995

Islander Console Table

Leather wrapped rattan frame w/ glass inserts in top 64w x 34d x 20h.............$1,35095

Prices do not reect current promotional discount. See store for available savings Cinnamon Cove Lamp Table

Leather wrapped bamboo frame w/ Crushed bamboo veneer ďŹ nished top 24w x 24d x 29h..........................$74995

East Cove Trunk

Woven body with leather strapping. Nailhead trim. 241/2w x 241/2d x 26h............$1,17995

Nassau Sideboard

Leather wrapped bamboo posts w/ shapped rattan 64w x 23d x 34h.......................$1,69995

Island Estate Palm Chair

Leather wrapped bamboo posts 31w x 31d x 34h.............$1,29995

Key Largo Cocktail Table

Leather wrapped bamboo posts Beveled glass top 503/4w x 44d x 203/4h.......$1,19995

Cayman Kitchen Table

Extends to 60� w/18� leaf 42w x 42d x 30h.............$2,79995

Mangrove Arm Chair

Leather wrapped bamboo posts, woven abaca back 251/2w x 231/2d x 401/2h........$62900

Mangrove Side Chair

Leather wrapped bamboo posts, woven abaca back 231/2w x 231/2d x 401/2h........$86900



Refined Caribbean styling infused with a rich blend of natural materials and textures, and a fresh mix of sun-drenched island colors. West Indies King Bed

Bamboo carved posts, woven rattan panels. Avail. in Twin, Queesn, & King 78w x 91d x 57h.............$2,24995

Barbados Triple Dresser

Leather wrapped bamboo frame 66w x 22d x 413/4h...........................$1,89995

Silver Sea Chest

Leather wrapped bamboo frame 50w x 23d x 50h.............$1,69995

Prices do not reect current promotional discount. See store for available savings Cambridge King Storage Bed

Available in Brown Cherry, Black, & Eggshell 83w x 97d x 56h................................$1,09995

Cambridge LIV360 Nightstand

Available in Brown Cherry, Black, & Eggshell 28w x 19d x 29h....................................$39995

Cambridge Double Dresser

Available in Brown Cherry, Black, & Eggshell 64w x 19d x 38h....................................$89995


to make you

say ahhh... Bedroom furnishings that create an elegant look, deliberately simple but surprisingly energetic. Cambridge Chest

Available in Brown Cherry, Black, & Eggshell 38w x 19d x 52h.................$69995

Cambridge Nightstand

Available in Brown Cherry, Black, & Eggshell 23w x 16d x 26h.................$29995

Cambridge Entertainment Chest

Available in Brown Cherry, Black, & Eggshell 44w x 19d x 38h........................................$59995

Cottonwood Curved Half Ped L Desk

Finished on all sides. File drawer for letter or legal size files 78w x 92d x 62h.................$99995

Cottonwood Corner Hutch

Finished on all sides. 1 drawer, 3 mail/accessory slots 40w x 40d x 6h...................$29995

Cottonwood Office Chair

Bonded leather seat and padded sides. Gas lift, knee tilt 20w x 23d x 40h.................$34995

Cottonwood Open Bookcase

3 adjustable shelves & 1 stationary 32w x 14d x 72h.................$54995

Cottonwood Combo File Cabinet

Linen white rubbed finish. Wirebrushed wind drift oak veneer top. Legal & Letter size files 42w x 20d x 31h.................................$59995

Cottonwood King Bed

Linen white rubbed finish. Features lamp assist touch lighting 80w x 94d x 59h.....................$89995

Cottonwood Door Bookcase

2 doors w/ reversible door panels 32w x 14d x 72h.................$64995

Cottonwood Dresser

Linen white rubbed finish. Wirebrushed wind drift oak veneer top 64w x 19d x 38h.....................$99995

Cottonwood Dresser Mirror Linen white rubbed finish. Features beveled glass 40w x 2d x 36h.......................$24995

Cottonwood 5 Drawer Chest Pull-out clothing rods. Felt lined top drawer, cedar lined bottom drawer 39w x 19d x 53h.....................$99995

Cottonwood 1 Drwr Nightstand Linen white rubbed finish. Wirebrushed wind drift oak veneer top 22w x 18d x 30h.....................$89995

*48, 54 and 60 Rounds become become Ovals Ovals with with aa leaf leaf or or leaves. leaves.

Oval Oval


, tables, holstered d


60 Round**

Seats 6

60 Round**

Seats 6

*48, 54 and 60 Rounds become Ovals with a *48, 54 and 60 Rounds leaf or leaves. become Ovals with a leaf or leaves.



Tapered Rectangle


11 leaf leaf

22 leaves leaves

Seats Seats 8 8 44 xx 84 44 84

Seats Seats 10 10 44 xx 102 44 102

No leaf

1 leaf

2 leaves


No leaf

36 Round

Seats 4



38 Square 36 x 54

1 leaf

2 leaves

Seats 4

Seats 6 38 x 56

Seats 6 38 x 72

Seats 6

Seats 8 Seats 8 542x leaves 54 54 x 72

Seatsn/a 8 Seats 10 60 x 60 60 x 78

44 Round**

Seats 4




No leaf

48 Round*

Seats 4

Seats 6 48 x 66

6 36Seats Round

Seats 4 42 x 60

n/a Seats 6

STEPSeats 44 Seats 8 44Seats 8 Round**


48 x 84

1 leaf

No No leaf leaf

11 leaf leaf

22 leaves leaves

Seats Seats 6 6

Seats Seats 6 6 36 xx 78 78 36

Seats Seats 8 8 36 xx 96 96 36

42 42 xx 60 60

Seats Seats 6 6

Seats Seats 8 8 42 42 xx 78 78

46 46 xx 76 76

Seats Seats 6 6

2 leaves

Seats Seats 10 10 42 42 xx 96 96


Seats 6

Seats 8 42 x 81

Seats 10 42 x 99


38 x 56


Choose S

No leaf

1 leaf

Choose a Base Choose a Base Choose a Top Style 42 x 63


available with wood seat or upho Chair or stool frame and wood seat ca

Seats Seats Seats 8 8 Seats 10 10 46 xx 94 44Size x 6646 Seats No leaf6 1 leaf8 46 94 46 xx 112 112 Seats (oval) 44 x 84 44 x 66 Seats 6 Seats 8 (oval) 44 x 84 **Also available in Copper Top. No leaves on metalNo tables. Size leaf **Also available in Copper Top. leaves on metal tables. 6 tables. 42 No x 63 Seats

Size No leaf 1 leaf 2 leaves STEP STEP 2 2 Legs on Square 3 and RectangularSeats tables, the 48 54 Round 8 Square 4 plusSeats 6 and Seats 6

leg version only

Seats 6

STEP1 3leaf No leaf


Size Size 3 36 6 xx 60 60


No No leaf leaf Seats Seats 6 6

**Also **Also available available in in Copper Copper Top. Top. No leaves leaves on No on metal metal tables. tables.



with with one one 18W 18W leaf leaf standard, standard, with with aa second second 18W 18W leaf leaf available available at an additional at an additional charge. charge.

All wood frame chair and sto Oval STEP 4 Tapered Rectangle availableRectangle with wood seat or u Oval Rectanglechair and stool s All wood frame Chair or stool frame and wood se

Choose Seating Choose Seating


54 Round**

54 x 72 54 x 90 36 x 54 and 42 x 60 Seats 8 leg Seats version8only become Square 54 x 72 54 x 90 36 x 54with andone 42 xleaf. 60 Seats 8 leg version n/a only become Square 60 x 78 Seats 8 n/a with one leaf. Except Except where where noted, noted, tables tables come come 60 x 78

Choose Choose Seating Seating (oval) (oval)

No leaf

1 leaf

2 leaves

36 Size x 60


Seats No leaf6

36 x 60

Seats 6 Seats 6

Seats 1 leaf6 36 x 78 Seats 6 Seats 8 36 x 78 42 x 78 Seats 8 Seats 8 42 x 78 46 x 94 Seats 8 46 x 94

Seats 8 2 leaves 36 x 96 Seats 8 Seats 10 36 x 96 42 x 96 Seats 10 Seats 10 42 x 96 46 x 112 Seats 10 46 x 112

2 leaves Seats 10 2 leaves 44 x 102 Seats 10 44 x 102

38 x 72

42 x 60

1 leaf

2 leaves 46 x 76

42 x 60

Seats 6 Seats 6

Seats 8 42 x 81

Seats46 10x 76 42 x 99

Seats 6

36 x 54 Seats 6 Seats 8 Seats 8 n/a Legs on Square and Rectangular tables, plus the 48 and 54 Round tables. 54 x 54 54 x 72


4469-01 W18 D1

Choose Seating Choose a frame Topchair Style All wood and sto All wood frame chair All andwood stool frame selections, Windsor style, except Windsor style, chairexcept and stool selections, Choose a Top Style 54 x 72

54 x 90

leg version only

Seats 8 60 x 78

48 Round* n/aSTEP


Seats 6 48 x 84

48 x 66

42 x 60

Choose Seating

Seats 6

Seats 8 60 x 60

with a second 18W leaf available at an additional charge.

**Also available in Copper Top. No leaves on metal tables.

Thick Square | TSQUARE


Contemporary | CONT

Thick Square | TSQUARE


1 leaf

36 x 60

Seats 6

Seats 6 36 x 78

Seats 8 36 x 96

42 x 60

Seats 6

Seats 8 42 x 78

Seats 10 42 x 96

Seats 6

| TAP | TAP Tapered Tapered

Seating All wood frame chair and stool selections, except Windsor style, 46 x 76

Except where noted, tables come with one 18W leaf standard, with a second 18W leaf available Counter Saddle Stool Ba 4469-0188 44 at an additional charge. Counter Saddle Stool Bar Saddle St 4469-0188 W18 D15 H24 4469-0388 W

2 leaves

Seats 8 46 x 94

Seats 10 46 x 112

Rope Turned Rope Turned | ROPE | ROPE

Seats 10 44 x 102

Contemporary | CONT

Transitional Ogee | TRANS

| TRUMPET | TRUMPET Large Trumpet Large Trumpet

Seats 8 44 x 84

No leaf

Fluted | FLUTEDFluted | Fluted | FLUTED FLUTED

Seats 6



| CAB | CAB CabrioleCabriole

2 leaves

| CONT| CONT Contemporary Contemporary

1 leaf

Transitional Ogee | TRANS

Legs on Square and Rectangular tables, plus the 48 and 54 Round tables.


No leaf




Choose a Base

*48, 54 and 60 Rounds become Ovals with a leaf or leaves.


Napoleon | NAP

Choose a Base



| TURNED | TURNED Turned Tapered Turned Tapered

*48, 54 and 60 Rounds become Ovals with a leaf or leaves.

44 x 66

Low Contemporary* | LOW-CONT

Seats 10 60 x 78

Arm Contemporary* W22 D19 H37 Arm with W24 D20 seat H37 or Low | LOW-CONT Napoleon | NAP available wood All wood frame chair and stool selections, except Windsor style, available with wood seat or upholstered (fabric or leather). Side W18D19 D19 H37 Side STEPseat 3 seat 54 Round** Seats 6 Seats 8 Seats 8 Arm W22 Arm W24W20 D20D20 H37 H37 available with wood or upholstered seat (fabric or H37 leather). 54wood x 72 54 x 90 orAll available with seat upholstered seat (fabric or leather). Chair or stool frame and wood se wood frame chair and stool selections, except Windsor style, Transitional Ogee || TRANS Contemporary || CONT Thick Square || TSQUARE Copper Side D19 SideCounter D20 H37stool Counter W18 D19H37 H42 W20 D20 H42 sel Transitional Ogee TRANS CONT TSQUAREW18 Copper 36 x 54can and 42be x 60done All wood frame W20 chair and Chair or stool frame and wood seat in two different finishes. or stool frame andContemporary wood seat canThick beSquare done in two different leg versionChair only Counter W18 D19 W20W20 D20D20 H42 H47 Bar (fabric W18 D19H42 H47 finishes. Counter Bar become Square Chair or stool frame and wood seat can bewith donewood inSTEP two different finishes. available seat or upholstered seat or leather). available seatH47 or uphols 60 Round** Seats 6 Seats 8 n/a Bar W18 D19 H47 Bar with wood W20 D20 with onewhere leaf. noted,3tables come Rectangle Except Legs or on Square and frame Rectangularand tables, plus the 48seat and 54can Roundbe tables. 60 x 78 Chair stool done in two different finishes. with one 18W wood leaf standard, Chair or stool frame and wood seat can leg version only



Copper on Copper Top Top available available on 44, 54 54 and and 60 STEP 2 44, 60 Round Round Pedestal Pedestal tables. tables.

| FARM | FARM Farmhouse Farmhouse

Seats 6

36 x 54 and 42 x 60 become Square Seats 4 with oneSeats 6 leaf.

| REEDED Reeded | Reeded REEDED

60 Round**


Seats 6

a Size and Shape 4 Choose a Size Choose andSTEP Shape Size Size 4 44 4 xx 66 66


Rectangle STEP 4 Rectangle

54 Round**

W18 D15 H24

on6Round tables 46Single x 76 Pedestals Seats Seats 8 only. Seats 10 46 x 94 46 x 112


Farmhouse | FARM

Single Pedestals on Round tables only.

Reeded | REEDED


Fluted | FLUTED

Pedestal Bases

Thick Square | TSQUARE

Counter Saddle Stool

Choose a Top Style Pedestal Bases Louis Philippe | LPHILIPPE X Back | XBACK Contemporary | CONT

Traditional | TRAD

4469-0188 Counter Saddle Stool 4469-0188 W18 D15 H24

W19 D15 H30

Woven Napoleon || NAP Louis Philippe LPHILIPPE Louis Philippe | LPHILIPPE 4700-K6 Arm W23W23 W24 D20 H37 Arm D23D23 H36 H36 Arm 4469-K2 Side | NAP W20 D20 H37 SideSide W20W20 D23D23 H36 H36 Napoleon W21 D2 Counter W20 D20 H42 Counter W20D20 D23H37 H42 H42 Arm W24 Counter W20 D23 Bar W20 W20 D20 H47 BarBar W20D20 D23H37 H47 H47 Side W20 D23


Counter Bar

W20 D20 H42 W20 D20 H47

Rope Turned | ROPE

Seats 10 42 x 96

Rope Turned | ROPE

Seats 8

44, 54 and 60 Round x 78 Pedestal42 tables.

W18 D20 H47 W18 D19 H47

Large Trumpet | TRUMPET

Seats 6

Bar Bar

Large Trumpet | TRUMPET

36 x 96

Farmhouse | FARM

42 x 60

Reeded | REEDED

36 x 78 W20 D20 H47

Single Pedestals onCopper Round only. Toptables available on

Cabriole | CAB

Turned Tapered | TURNED

Contemporary | CONT

Tapered | TAP

Transitional Ogee | TRANS

Contemporary | CONT

**Also available in Copper Top. No leaves on metal tables.

Pedestal Bases Pedestal Bases




Tapered | TAP

44 xD19 84 H47 44 x 102 W18



Cabriole | CAB

Choose a Top Style



Turned Tapered | TURNED


Contemporary | CONT

Low Contemporary* | LOW-CONT Transitional* | |TRAN Transitional* TRAN Low Contemporary* | LOW-CONT Napoleon | NAP| LOW-CONT Contemporary Slat | CONT-SLAT Low Contemporary* | LOW-CONT Napoleon | NAP Slat | CONT-SLAT Low Contemporary* Napoleon | NAP Contemporary Contemporary Slat | CONT-SLAT Arm W22D23 D19 H37 Arm W24 H40 Arm W24 D23 H40 Arm Arm W22 D19 W22 H37 D20 H38 Arm W22 W24 H37 D20W24 H37D20 H37 Arm Arm W24 Arm W22H37 D19 H37 W22 D20 H38 Arm Arm D19 Arm W22 D20 H38 D20 Low Contemporary* | LOW-CONT Napoleon | NAP Contemporary Slat | CONT-SLAT All wood frame chair and stool selections, except Windsor style, Side W18D23 H37 Side W19 H40 available seatH37 or upholstered seat Side Side with W18 wood D19 Side W18 D20 H38 Side W20 (fabric D20 H37 or leather). Low Contemporary* |D19 LOW-CONT Side W19 D23 H40 STEP W18H37 D19 Side Side Side W18 D19 2H37 H37W20 D20 H37 Arm Side W18 D20 H38 Side W20 D20 Arm W22 D19 ArmCounter W22 D20 H38 W24 D20 H37H37 W18 D20 H38 Counter W22 W18 D19 H42 W19 D23 H43 Counter W18 D19 H42 Counter W18 D20 H42 Counter W20 D20 H42 Arm D19 H37 available with wood seat or upholstered seat (fabric or leather). Counter W19 D23 H43 Counter W18 D19 H42 Counter W18 D20 H42 Counter W20different D20 H42 Side Size No leaf 1H42 leaf 2 leaves Sizeseat No leafbeW18 1 leaf 2two leaves Sidecan D19 H37 SideBar W18 D20 H38 W20 D20 H37 Counter W18 D19in H42 Counter W18 D20 H42 Counter W20 D20 hair orBarstool frame andH47 wood done finishes. Bar W18 D19 H47 W19 D23 H46 W18 D19 Bar W18 D20 H47 Side W18 D19 H37 Bar W20 D20 H47 Bar W19 D23 H46 Bar frame W18 D19 4H47 H47 Bar W20 Counter W18 D19 H42 Counter D20 H42 Counter W20 D20 H42 hair or stool and wood can be6 done in8 two different finishes. W18 D19 H47 Bar W18 3Bar 6 x 60 Seats 6Bar Seats SeatsD20 8 4 xseat 66 Bar Seats Seats Seats 10 D20 H47 W20 D20 H476 W18 Counter W18W18 D19 D20 H42 H47

Bar Saddle Stool

Large Ben

4469-0388 Bar Saddle Stool 4469-0388 W19 D15 H30

Large Bench* 4469-0282 W76 D14 4469-0282

Transitional | TRAN

W19 H30 W76 D14 H18 *Ben Transitional* | TRAN Louiswith Philippe | LPHILIPPE X Backwith | XBACK Contemporay Oval CONT-OVAL Shown 36" Round top Shown 60" Round top W18 D15 H24 Shown with 44"|D15 Round top Side Chair Woven Side Chair Transitional* | D22 TRAN Louis Philippe | LPHILIPPE Ladderback |Contemporay LAD Diamond Back | DIAMONDBK Copper Oval TopWoven available on Arm W23 D23 H36 Arm W24 D23 H37 Arm W24 H40 Arm W24 D23 H40 Transitional* | TRAN | CONT-OVAL ONT Napoleon | NAP Contemporary Slat | CONT-SLAT ONT Napoleon | NAP Contemporary Slat | (counter CONT-SLAT Transitional* | TRAN Louis Philippe | LPHILIPPE X Back | XBACK Contemporay Oval | CONT-OVAL Tall Pedestal height) is available in all| CONT 3 tables styles on 36" and 44" Round tables. Single Pedestals on Round only. Transitional* | TRAN Louis Philippe | LPHILIPPE X Back | XBACK Contemporay Oval | CONT-OVA 4700-K685 (stocked version) Traditional | TRAD Contemporary Transitional | TRAN 4700-K685 (stocked version) Arm W24 D23 H43 Arm W24 D23 H39 Arm W23 D23 H36 Arm W24 D23 H40 44, 54 and 60 Round selections, except Windsor style,Arm Side W24 W20 D23 H36 Side W21 D23 H37 Side W20 D22 H40W24 D22 H40LouisDiamond SideArm W19 D23 H40 Transitional* | Arm TRAN Philippe |Back LPHILIPPE Ladderback |D23 LAD | DIAMONDBK Arm W23 Arm W24 D23 H37 Arm W24 D23 H40 Arm W22 D20D23 H38H36 W24 D20 H37 Arm D20 H38Arm Arm W24 D20 H37 W23 D23 H36 ArmSide W24 H37 Arm 4469-K2679 W24 D22 H40 H40 Arm Counter W23 D23 H36 Arm Shown W24 D23 H37 Arm W24 D22 H40 Arm Shown W24 D23 H40 with 36"D23 Round top W22 Shown with 60" Round top H41 with 44" Round top tables. Pedestal 4469-K2679 (finish option) W20 D23 H43 Side W19 D23 H39 Side W20 D23 H36 A Side W19 D23 H40 (finish option) Counter W20 D23 H42 W19 D22 Counter W20 D22 H42 Counter W19 D23 H43 Arm W23 D23 H36 Arm W24 D23 H40 ections, except Windsor style, Arm W24 D23 H43 Arm W24 D23 H39 Side W18 D20D23 H38H36 Side W20 D20 H37 Side W20 Side Side W20 D22 H40 Side (fabric W19 D23 H40 Side W20 D23 H36H36 W21 D23 H37 SideCounter W21 D23 H37 Side W20 D22 H40 Side W19 D23 H40 Side W18 D20 H38Side Side W20 D20 H37 olstered seat or leather). Side W20 D23 Side W21 D23 H37 Side W20 D22 H40 W19 D23 H40 W20 D22 H43 Counter W19 D22 H41 W21 D26 H42 Counter W20 D23 H42 1 Counter W19 D23 H43 Bar W19 D22 H46 Bar W20 D22 H47 BarCounter W19 D23 H46 Side W20 D23 H36 Side W19 D23 H40 Bar Counter W20 D23 H47 W21Side D26 H42 | CONT Traditional | TRAD Transitional | TRAN Tall Pedestal (counter height) is Contemporary available in all 3 styles on 36" and 44"H41 Round tables. Side W20 D23 H43 W19 D23 H39 W18 D20 H42 W20 D20 H42 Counter W20 D23 H42 Counter W19 D22 Counter W20 D22 H42 Counter W19 D23 H43 Counter W20 D23 H42 Counter W19 D22 H41 Counter W20 D22 H42 Counter W19 D23 H43 Counter W18 D20 H42 Counter ShownW20 Counter W20leather). D20 H42 stered (fabric or D23 H42 Counter W19 D22 H41 Counter W20 D22 H42 Counter W19 H43 Bar W20 D22 H47 Bar W19 D22 H47 ShownD23 with 36" Round top with 60" Round top Shown with 44" Round top Counter W20 D23 H42 Counter W19 D23 H43 Bar W19 D23 H46 Bar W20 D23 H47 W can beseat done in two different finishes. Bar W18 D20 H47 Counter W20 D22 H43 Counter W19 D22 H41 Bar W20 D20 H47 Bar W20 D22 H47 Bar W19 D22 H46 Bar W19 D23 H46 Bar W19 D22 H46 Bar W20 D22 H47 Bar W19 D23 H46 Bar W20 D23 H47 Bar W20 D23 H47 BarD23 H46 W18 D20 H47 Bar W20 D20 finishes. H47 Bar W19 D22 H46 D22 H47 Bar W19 W20 inD23 H47on 36" and 44" Round Bar D23D22 H46H47 BarBar W20W20 D23 H47 be doneBar in two different Tall Pedestal (counter height) is available all 3 styles tables. Bar*SwivelW19 W20 Bar W19 D22 H47 available in counter and bar stool for Transitional and Low Con

Additional Seat

Additional Seating Se

Transitional Ogee | TRANS

Contemporary | CONT

Thick Square | TSQUARE



STEP 5 and bar stool for Transitional and Low *Swivel available in counter

Choose Finishes

Wood Finishes

two-tone Traditional | TRAD finisHes

Choose Finishes Contemporary | CONT

Traditional | TRAD Traditional | TRAD

Shown with 36" Round topTraditional | TRAD

Wood Finishes

two-tone finisHes

Classic or Heirloom

Transitional | TRAN STEP 5

Shown with 60" Round top

Classic or Heirloom

Transitional | TRAN Transitional | TRAN

Shown with 44" Round top Transitional | TRAN Cocoa Coffee Guilford



Ebonized Oak

Medium Walnut

Tall Pedestal (counter height) is available in all 3 styles on 36" and 44" Round tables. STEP 5

Choose Finishes Wood Finishes



Classic or Heirloom




Choose Finishes Java

Weathered Oak

Truffle Oak

Barrel Oak

Dark Walnut

Ladderback | LAD| LPHILIPPE Louis Philippe two-tone

Diamond Back| XBACK | DIAMONDBK Nickel Back NICKEL Windsor Chair Painted Finishes Classic or Heirloom Wood| Finishes or Heirloom X Back Contemporay Oval Classic | CONT-OVAL Contemporary Trestle Turned Post A ArmArm W24 D23D23 H43H36 Arm Arm W24 D23 H39 Arm W23 H40 Arm (0480) W24 D25 H42 Woven SideWoven Chair Woven Loom Woven Chair Woven Side Chair W23 W24 D23 H37 Arm W24 D22 D22Oval H40 | CONT-OVAL finisHes Ladderback | LAD Diamond Back | DIAMONDBK Nickel Back | NICKEL Windsor Chair Loom Chair STEP 5 Louis Philippe | LPHILIPPE X Back | XBACK Contemporay 1 STEP 5 H40 tables only. These specialty basesSide available on 46 x 76D22 Rectangular Contemporary Slat | CONT-SLAT Slat | CONT-SLAT SideContemporary W20 D23 H43 Side W19 D23 H39 W19 Side (0481) W21 D25 H42 Ladderback | LAD Diamond Back | DIAMONDBK Ladderback | LAD Diamond Back | DIAMONDB 4700-K685 (stocked version) 4702-0685 (stocked version) 4469-0 Side W20 D23 H36 Side W21 D23 H37 Side W20 H40 version) 4702-0685 (stocked Contemporary Trestle Turned Post(stocked Arm W24 D23 H43 W24 D23 H39 D22 Arm Nickel W23 D22 H40Chair Arm (0480) W24 Chair D25 H42 version) Choose Finishes Ladderback | LAD Diamond Back | DIAMONDBK BackH40 | NICKEL Windsor Arm W23 D23 H36 Arm W24 D23 H37Arm Arm W24 D22 H404700-K685 1 Ladderback | LAD Diamond Back | Nickel DIAMONDBK Back |D23 NICKEL Windsor Arm W22 D20 H38 Counter W20 D22 H43H42 Counter W19Contemporary D22 H41 Counter W20 D22 Arm W24 H43 H43 4469-2685 Arm W24 D23 H39 Arm W22 D20 H38 Arm W24 D23 Arm W24 D23 H39 Trestle Turned Post Albert Counter W20 D23 Counter W19 D22 H41 Counter W20 D22 H42 4469-K2679 (finish option) (finish option) W24 D 4469-K2679 option) 4469-2685 (finish option) Side W20 D23 H43 W24 W19 D23 SideWindsor W19 D22 H40 (0481) W21 D25 H42D25 style in arm chair These specialty bases available onArm 46H39 x 76H39 Rectangular only. Arm W18 W24D20 D23H38 H43 Arm Arm D23 W23 D22 H40 Arm W24 D25 Side H42Side Side W20 D23 H36 Side W21 D23 H39 H37Side Side W20H45 D22tables H40 Side D20 H38 W24 D23 Arm Classic W24 D23 Arm(finish W23 D22 H40 Arm (0480) H42 BarSide W20 D22 H47 Bar W19 H43 D22 H47 Bar W20 D22 SideSide W20 D23(0480) H43 H43 W19W24 D23 H39 W18 Painted Finishes or Heirloom W20 D23 Side W19 D23 H39 Wood Finishes Classic or Heirloom Bar W19 D22 H46 Bar W20 D22 H47 1072-02 Bar W20 D23 H47 W21 D26 H42 W19 D24 H42 Counter W20 D22 H43 W19 Counter W19 D2246H41 Counter D22 H40 These specialty Rectangular tables only. W21 D26 H42 W19 D24 H42 and side W20 chair only. No H40 Side W18 W18 W20D20 D23H42 H43 Side Side H39 W19 D22 H40 Side (0481) W21 D25 Windsor H42Counter Albert Counter W20 D23 H42 Counter D22 H41 Counter W20 D22 H42 Counter D20 H42 W20 D23 H43 W19 D23 Sidebases available W19onSide D23x 76 H39 Side W19 D22 Side (0481) W21 D25 H42 Counter W20 D22 H43 D22 H41 style inW19 arm chair Counter Counter W20 D22 H43 Counter W19 D22 H41 Bar W20 D22 H47 W19 W19 D22 H47 W20 W20 Barupholstered W20seat D22orH45 W28 D30 H40 two tone Counter W20in D22 H43andCounter Counter Counter D22 H40 Bar D22 H41 H46BarCounter styles Bar D22 H47 1072-02 Bar Bar W18 D20 H47 Bar W20 D23 H47 TRAD Transitional | TRAN *Swivel available counter bar stool for Transitional and| D22 Low Contemporary only. BarBar W20 D22 D22 H47style Bar chair W19 No D22 H47 W20 D22Traditional H43 W19 W19 D22 H41 Counter W20 D22 H40in armand side only. W18 D20 H47 W20 H47 Bar W19 D22 Windsor chair Available inH47 fabric o Windsor style in arm chair finish. Bar W20 D22 H47 Bar Bar W19 D22 H47 Bar W20 D22 H45 W20 D22inH47 Barfor Transitional W19 D22 Bar only. and W20 D22 H45only. No D30 upholstered W28 seat or twoH40 tone *Swivel available counter and bar stool andH47 Low Contemporary styles side chair and side chair only. No *Swivel available in counter and bar stool for Transitional and Low Conte Wood Finishes Classic or Heirloom finish. Painted Finishes Classic or Heirloom *Swivelupholstered available in seat counter andtone bar stool for Transitional or two upholstered seat or two and toneLow *Swivel available in counter*Swivel and baravailable stool forinTransitional styles only. counter andand barLow stoolContemporary for Transitional andClassic Low Contemporary styles only. Av Painted Finishes or Heirloom finish. Cocoa

Weathered Oak


Truffle Oak


Barrel Oak Cocoa


Ebonized Oak Coffee


Medium Walnut Guilford

Choose Finishes Weathered Oak

Truffle Oak

Barrel Oak

Ebonized Oak

Medium Walnut




Ebony Dark

Dolphin Java

DriftwoodOak Weathered

Harbor Grey Truffle Oak

Oyster Barrel Oak

Mist Oak Ebonized

Medium Walnut Sail Cloth

Dark Walnut

Dark Walnut Dark Ebony

Dolphin Java


Harbor Grey


Upholstered Dining Upholstered D White Dark Walnut






Weathered DriftwoodOak

Painted Finishes

TruffleGrey Oak Harbor

Classic or Heirloom

Barrel OysterOak

Ebonized Mist Oak

Medium Walnut Sail Cloth

White Dark Walnut






Newport Navy Harbor Grey

Newport Red Oyster



Green Apple

Counter Saddle Stool

4469-0188 W18Stool D15 H24 Counter Saddle


e Seating ool selections, except Windsor style,


4469-0188 W18 D15 H24

Except where noted, tables come with one 18W leaf tables standard, Except where noted, come with a second 18W available with one 18W leafleaf standard, an additional charge. withat a second 18W leaf available

upholstered seat (fabric or leather). selections, except Windsor style, eat can be done in two different finishes.

Seating olstered seat (fabric or leather).

4469-0388 W19 D15 H30 Bar Saddle Stool


4469-0281 W50 D15 H18

Bar Saddle Stool

Large Bench*

4469-0188 D15 H24style, selections, except W18 Windsor Contemporary Slat | CONT-SLAT

ool Arm D20leather). H38 Contemporary SlatW22 | CONT-SLAT upholstered seat (fabric or Side TopW22 W18H38 D20 H38 Arm Copper D20 available on eat can be done in two different D20 Counter W18H38 D20 H42 finishes. 44, 54 andW18 60 Round lections,Side except Windsor style,

4469-0388 W19 D15 H30

4469-0282 W76 D14 H18

4469W76 D

4469-0282 W76 D14 H18


Additional Se Bench *

4469-0281 Seating S Additional W50 D15 H18

4469-0281 W50 D15 H18


4469-0281 W50 D15 H18

Counter Saddle Stool

Bar Saddle Stool

Counter Saddle Stool Bar Saddle Stool Large Bench 4469-0188 4469-0388 4469-0188 4469-0388 4469-0282 * 4469-0188 4469-0282 er Saddle Stool Bar Saddle Stool Large Bench4469-0388 W18 D15 H24 W19 D15 H30 W18 D15 H24 4469-0388 Benches available with*wood seatavailable or upholstered seat seat or 188 4469-0282 W18W19 D15D15 H24H30 Bar W19 D15W76 H30 D14 H18Large * Benches with wood Counter Saddle Stool Saddle Stool Bench* W76 D14 H18 Stool seat Bar Saddle Stool 15 H24 W19 D15 H30 W76 D14 H18 *Benches available with woodCounter seat or Saddle upholstered *

Large Large Bench*

4469-0388 W19 D15 H30


an additional charge.different finishes. an be atdone in two

Counter Saddle Stool

Bar Saddle Stool


upholstered seat *

4469 W76

Large Bench

4469-0188 4469-0282 Woven Side Chair4469-0388 Loom Chair *Benches with wood seat or upholstered seat Woven W18 D15 Side H24available D15 H30 W76 D14 H18 version) *Ben 4700-K685 (stockedW19 version) 4702-0685 (stocked Woven Chair Woven Loom Chair Wo

4469-K2679 (finish option) Additional Seating Selections

Additional Se

Seating Selections Bench 4469-K2679 (finish option) 4469-2685 (finishW19 option) W2 W21 D26 H42 D24 H42 Additional Seating Additional Selections 4469-0281 W21 D26 H42 W19 D24 H42 Counter Bar W18 D20 W18H42 D20 H47 Additional Seating Selections Bench W50 D15 H18 Additional Seating S stered seat or D20 leather). Bar (fabric W18 H47 *

Copper available on PedestalTop tables. 44, 54 and 60 Round Pedestal tables.

4700-K685 (stocked version)


Upholstered Upholstered Dining

4469-0281 W50 D15 H18

n be done in two different finishes.



ar Saddle Stool

469-0388 tool W19 D15 H30

4469-2685 4702-0685 (stocked version)(finish option) 446

Large Bench*

Large Bench 4469-0282 W76 D14 H18 4469-0282 *

*Benches available with wood seat or upholstered seat *Benches available with wood seat or upholstered seat

W76 D14 H18

Woven Side Chair

Side ChairWoven Woven Loom Chair Woven Loom Chair Woven Loom Arm Chair ArmLoom Chair Arm Side Chair Slat | CONT-SLAT Woven Chair Loom Woven Loom Arm Chair Woven Side Chair Woven Loom Chair Loom ArmWoven Woven Chair X Back |Back XBACK Contemporay Oval | CONT-OVAL XContemporary | XBACK Contemporay Oval | CONT-OVAL

Woven Loom Chair Woven Loom Arm Chair

4700-K685 (stocked version) 4702-0685 (stocked version) 685 (stocked4700-K685 version) 4702-0685 (stocked version) 4469-04504702-0685 (stocked (stocked version) 4702-0685 (stocked version) 4469-0450 Arm W24 W22 D20 H38 w/Casters 4700-K685 version) version)Wovenw/Casters 4469-0450 Arm Arm D23 H37 D22W24 H40 Woven Side Chair Arm(stocked Woven Loom Arm Chair (finishw/Casters Loom Arm Chair W24 D23 H37 ArmW24 D22 H40Loom Chair 4469-K2679 option) Woven 4469-2685 (finish option) Woven Side Chair Woven Loom Chair Wove 2679 (finishSide option) 4469-2685 (finish option) W24 D27 H40 4469-450C 4469-K2679 (finish option) 4469-2685 (finish option) W24option) D27 H40 Side W21 W18 D20 H37 H38 H37 Side (finish W20 D22W20 H40 4469-K2679 option) 4469-2685 W24 D27 H40 4469-450Cw/Casters 4469-450C 4700-K685 (stocked version) 4702-0685 version)(finish 4469-0450 Contemporary SlatD23 |W21 CONT-SLAT Side D23 Side D22 H40 (stocked W21 D26 H42 W19 D24 H42 * 4700-K685 (stocked version) 4702-0685 (stocked version) 446926 H42 Counter W19 D24Counter H42 W24 D27 H40 Bench W21 Counter D26 H42 W19D22 D24 H42D22 W24 D27 H40 Counter W18 D20 H41 H42 Albert Club Arm Chair* W19D20 D22 H41 W20 H42 4469-K2679 (finish option) 4469-2685 option) W24 D27 H40 4469-450C Albert Club Arm Chair* W21 D26 H42 W19 D24 H42 W24 D27 H40 Arm W22 H38 W19 D22 Counter W20 H42 (finish 4469-K2679 (finish option) 4469-2685 (finish option) W24 BarW18 W18 D20H42 H47 Bar Bar W19D20 D22 H46 Bar4469-0281 W20 D22W20 H47 D22 1072-02 4469-1005 Side H38 W21 D26 W19H47 D24 H42 W24 D27 H40 W19 D22 H46 Bar 1072-02 4469-1005 W21 D26 H42 W19 D24 H42 W23 D26 H35 W23 D26 H35 Counter W18 D20 H42Bench* W50 D15 H18 W28 D30 H40 W28 D30 H40 Bar W18 D20 H474469-0281 W50 D15 H18

Additional Seating Selections

dditional Seating Selections

Upholstered Upholstered DiningUpholstered Chairs Upholstered Dining Chairs Dining Upholstered Dining Chairs ChairsUpholstered Dining


2 H18

*Benches available with wood seat or upholstered seat

nches available with wood seat or upholstered seat

Woven Loom Chair Woven Loom Contemporay Arm Chair Woven Loom ArmWoven Chair Loom Arm Chair Woven Chair Woven LoomOval Arm |Chair XBack Back | XBACK CONT-OVAL Nickel |Loom NICKEL Windsor Chair Avery Dining Arm Chair Harper AL4702-0685 (stocked version) w/Casters 4702-0685 (stocked version) 4469-0450 W23 D22 H40 Arm (0480) W24 H42 D22 H40 w/Casters D23 H374469-0450 Arm W24 X Arm Back | Arm XBACK Contemporay Oval D25 |Chair CONT-OVAL K Nickel Back |W24 NICKEL Windsor 1817-02A ArmAvery W26Dining D28 H41 W23 D26 H42 4469-2685 (finish option) W24 D27 H40 Side W19D23 D22 H40 SideChair* (0481) W21 D25H40 H42 D25 Arm Chair 1954-02A Arm Harper Side W21 D23 H40 H37 Side W20 D22 H42 H40 4469-450C Albert Club Arm Alden Alden 4469-2685 (finish option) W24 D27 4469-450C Arm W24 H37 Arm W24 D22 Arm W23 D22 Arm (0480) W24 1817-02 Side1817-02A W22 D26 H41 W26 D28 H41 1954-02 Side 1954-02A W21 D26 H42 Counter W20 D22 H40 W19 D24 H42W19 D27 H40 Albert Club Arm Chair* Counter W19 D22 H40 H41 Counter W20 D22 H42 H42 W24 1072-02 4469-1005 1128-02 1128-02 Side W21 D23 H37 Side W20 D22 H40 Arm Arm W23 D26 H D24 H42 W24 D27Alden H40 Side W19 D22 Side (0481) W21 D25 Windsor style in arm chair Albert Club Arm Chair* Alden Albert Club Arm Chair* Alden Alden For stocked fabric4469-1005 useAlden 1953 Albert Club Arm AldenSide W22 D26 Club Bar W20D22 D22 H45 Arm Chair* Counter H41 Counter W20 D22 H42 BarW19 W19 D22 H40 H46 W20 D22 H47 W28 1072-02 W23 D26 H35 Bar 1817-02 H41 1954-02 Side W21 D26 H W28 D30 H40 Counter D29 H42Chair* 1128-02 Albert W28 D29 H42 and side chair only. No 1072-02 4469-1005 1128-02 1128-02 1072-02 W20 D22 4469-1005 1128-02 Available in leather/fabric combinations. 1072-02 Windsor 4469-1005 1128-02 1128-02 Bar W19 D22 H46D22 H45 Bar W20 D22style H47in arm chair 1072-02 4469-1005 W23 D26 H35 fabric use 1953 D30 H40 W28 D29 Bar upholstered W23 seat or twoH35 tone W23 D26 H35 W23 D26 H35 D26 W28D30 D29H40 H42W28 W28 D29 H42 For stocked W28 H40 W28 D30 H40 W28 D29 H42 H42 ntemporary styles only.D30W20 W23 D26 H35 W28 D30 H40 W28 D29 H42 W28 D29 H42 and side chair only. No W28 Available in fabric or leather, with complementary finishes from our upholsteryAvailable line except noted. For A in where leather/fabric com finish. upholstered seat or two tone w Contemporary styles only. Available in fabric or leather, with complementary finishes from our upholstery line except w finish.

ting Selections


Upholstered Dining ChairsChairs Upholstered Dining

Avery Dining Arm Chair


Olympia Bay*


n Loom Arm ChairLoom Arm ChairWoven Loom Arm Woven Chair Loom Arm Chair Woven 1817-02ANickel Arm Back W26 H41 | NICKEL 1954-02A Arm Chair W23 D26 H42 1650-02A Arm W26 D28 H41 1118-02 |D28 NICKEL Windsor BK Nickel Back Windsor Chair Harper Avery Dining Arm Chair Olympia Bay* Arden w/Casters 0450 w/Casters 4469-0450 Avery Dining Arm Avery Dining Arm ChairHarper Harper 1817-02 Arm Side W22 D26 H41 1954-02 Side W21 D26 1650-02 Side W22 D28 H41 W30 D30 H40Chair W23 Dining D22W23 H40 ArmAlden (0480)D28 W24 D25H42 H42 Arm D22 H40 Arm (0480) W24 D25 H42 1817-02A Arm W26 H41 1954-02A Arm W23 D26 H42 1650-02A Arm W26 D28 H41 1118-02 Avery Arm Chair Harper Olympia Bay* Arden 1954-02A Club Chair* Alden D27 H40Arm 4469-450C W24 D27 H40 4469-450C Avery Dining Arm Chair Harper Olympia Bay* Arden 1817-02A Arm W26 D28 H41 Arm W23 D26 H42Arm W23 D26 H For stocked fabric use 1953 1817-02A Arm W26 D28 H41 1954-02A Side W19 D22 H40 W26 Side (0481) W21 D25 H42 Side W19 D22 H40 Side (0481) W21 D25 H42 1817-02 Side W22 D26 H41 1954-02 Side W21 D26 H42 1650-02 Side W22 D28 H41 W30 D30 H40 4469-1005 1128-02 1128-02 1817-02A Arm D28 H41 1954-02A Arm W23 D26 H42 1650-02A Arm W26 D28 H41 1118-02 W24 D27 H40 W24 H40D28 H41 1817-02A ArmD27W26 1954-02A Arm W23 D26 H42 1817-02 Side W22 1650-02A D28 1118-02 ClubW20 ArmD22 Chair* Alden Alden D26 H41 D26 H42 Available in leather/fabric combinations. Counter H40 D22 H40 1817-02 SideArm W22W26 D261954-02 H41H41 Side W21 1954-02 Side W21 D26 H W20 For stocked fabric use 1953 W23 D26 H35 Counter Windsor style in W22 arm chair 1817-02 Side W22 D26 H41 1954-02 Side W21 D26 H42 1650-02 D30For H40 W28 D29 W28 D29Side H42 W21 Windsor style in arm chair 1817-02 SideH42 D26 H41 1954-02 D26 H42Side W22 D28 H41 1650-02 SideW30W22 D28 H41 fabric use W30 D30fabric H40 use 1953 stocked 1128-02 1128-02 Barwith 4469-1005 H45 For1953 stocked BarW20 D22W20 D22from H45our and or leather, complementary finishes upholstery line For except wherefabric noted. For1953 Avery Chair and combinations. Club Chair use Custom Dining finishes. *Not available in leather. Available in leather/fabric side chair No stocked use Available in leather/fabric combinations. For stocked fabric use 1953 W23 D26 H35 and only. side chair only. No W28 D29 H42 W28 D29 H42 Available in leather/fabric com upholstered seat orfinishes twoin tone Available leather/fabric combinations. Available in fabric or leather, with complementary from line except where noted. For Avery Chair and Club Chair use Custom Dining finishes. *Not available in leather. emporary styles only. upholstered seat or our twoupholstery tone Available in leather/fabric Available in combinations. fabric or leather, with complementary finishes from our upholstery line except where noted. For Av w Contemporary styles only. finish. Available in fabric or leather, with complementary finishes from our upholstery line except finish. vailable in fabric or leather, with complementary finishes from our upholstery line except where noted. For Avery Chair and Club Chair use Custom Dining finishes. *Not available in leather.


ChairsChairs Dining Available in fabric or leather, with complementary finishes from our upholstery line except where noted. For Avery Chair and Club Chair use Custom Dining finishes. *Not available


onal components

sectional configurations

components sectional configurations sectional configurations nal sectional components 30
















L sectional





20 | armLess chaIr
















20 30





U sectional




U sectional





00 | ottoman







00 | ottoman 00 | ottoman








20 | armLess chaIr 20 | armLess chaIr


00 00






L sectional


L sectional


20 30 | corner chaIr

Item 3974-30Fc Item 3974-20Fc 3974-30Fc 20 3974-00Fc 3974-20Fc 3974-s2Fc 3974-00Fc 3974-s2Fc

L sectional

L sectional


30 | corner chaIr



L sectional 30 | corner chaIr






DIMENSIONS 39 x 39 x 40 39 x 39 x 40 39 x 39 x 20 pit sectional 39 x 39 x 20


s2 | storaGe ottoman

U sectional pit sectional DESCRIPTION Corner Chair pit sectional Armless Chair Ottoman Storage Ottoman w/ Casters


s2 | storaGe ottoman

ITEM 3974-30FC 3974-20FC 3974-00FC 3974-S2FC


s2 | storaGe ottoman

D c a o s



wxDx 39 x 39 39 x 39 39 x 39 39 x 39

h x 40 x 40 x 20 x 20


DescrIptIon wxDxh corner chair 39 x 39 x 40 Item DescrIptIon DescrIptIon w x D x h armless chair 39 x 39 x 40 3974-30Fc corner chair corner chair 39 xx 39 ottoman 39 chair 39 xx 40 20 3974-20Fc armless armless 39 x storage chair ottoman w/ casters 39 x 39 39 xx 40 20 3974-00Fc ottoman ottoman 39 x 39 x 20 3974-s2Fc storage ottoman w/ casters storage 39 ottoman x 39 x 20 w/ casters


Berkley Great Room Rack

Metal frame. 4 fixed wood shelves 68w x 20d x 75h.............$1,09995

Berkley Tall Wine Cabinet

One drawer. Two doors. Adjustable shelf. Wine bottle & wine glass storage. Silverware tray insert 35w x 17d x 78h.................$74995

Berkley Small Wine Cabinet

Three drawers. One door. Adjustable shelf. Wine bottle & wine glass storage. Silverware tray insert. Pull out shelf 50w x 18d x 43h.................$89995

Chelsea Kitchen Table

Extends to 100” w/ 22” leaf 78w x 36d x 30h.................$94995

FINISHES Tribeca Leg Table

Extends 96” w/ 18” leaf 026 –toWhiskey Barrel 95 78w x025/125 39d x –31h....... Hickory $1,099 Stick


Gathering Table

w/ 20” leaf Stainless Steel top 311 – Brownstone 95 78w x 44d x 31h.......$1,199 80w x 40d x 30h.......$1,19995 219 – Gray / Parchment 316/326 – Studio

sophistication 128 – Washed Linen

Flatiron Table

Extends 98” 128 – Terrace to Gray 220 – Urban Putty

318 – Loft

Crisp, modern silhouettes that project a metropolitan frame of mind. Sophisticated profiles, fresh finishes and distinctive details. 026 – Whiskey Barrel

025/125 – Hickory Stick

128 – Washed Linen

219 – Gray / Parchment

220 – Urban Putty

316/326 – Studio

318 – Loft

Urban Armchair

23w x 26d x 39h.............$40095

Paris Side Chair

22w x 20d x 40h.............$27595

Bergere Side Chair 21w x 22d x 40h.............$27595 Café Side Chair

– Terrace Gray 21w128 x 23d x 39h............. $27595

311 – Brownstone



FEATURES • Select hardwoods and veneers • Wood on wood drawer guides

SPENCER STORAGE BED 219210SB 5/0 Queen 219220SB 6/6 King Queen Bed: 66W x 86D x 52H King Bed: 82W x 86D x 52H (footboard height is 18") Shown on page: 6

• Dust bottoms • English dovetail drawer construction

• Stained and sealed drawer sides

219040 SPENCER DRESSER 56W x 18D x 35H • Three drawers Shown on page: 8

219150 CHEST 34W x 18D x 54H • Five drawers, top drawer features drop down front Shown on page: 9

219350 NIGHTSTAND 27W x 18D x 21H • Two drawers • Lift lid with power outlet Shown on page: 6

21904M MIRROR 32W x 2D x 45H Shown on page: 8

326040 DRAWER DRESSER 64W x 20D x 36H • Six drawers Shown on page: 13

DEVON BED 326210B 5/0 Queen 326220B 6/6 King Queen Bed: 63W x 86D x 60H (footboard height is 28”) King Bed: 74W x 86D x 62H (footboard height is 30”) • Height from floor to bottom of box spring is 7.5" Shown on page: 10

326150 DRAWER CHEST 40W x 19D x 52H • Four drawers Shown on pages: 10, 12

Prices do not reflect current promotional discount. See store for available savings

326350 NIGHTSTAND 24W x 18D x 28H • Two drawers Shown on page: 10

32604M MIRROR 34W x 2D x 40H Shown on page: 13


Prices do not reect current promotional discount. See store for available savings River House End Table One drawer. Open display shelf 24w x 26 x 26h.......$49995

River House Bar & Hutch

Center pull out w/ 3 tray drawers. Inset stone top. Wine bottle & wine glass storage 42w x 20d x 83h...................$1,79995

River House Family Room Table Two drawers. Lift top 44w x 44d x 20h...............................$89995

River House King Bed

Available in Queen, & King 81w x 89d x 68h.............$1,49995

River House Bedside Chest

3 drawers. Lift lid w/ power outlet 30w x 18d x 30h.................$69995

River House Dresser

Nine drawers. Jewelry storage 66w x 20d x 38h.............$1,49995

River House Mirror

Beveled glass mirror 46w x 2d 36h......................$49995

River House Family Organizer w/ Hutch

Four drawers. Two doors. Chalk board. Cork board. Key hooks. Charging station. Pull out shelf 46w x 19d x 90h.............$2,19990

outhern S

HOSPITALITY River House captures the beauty, history and hospitality of gracious life on the Savannah River. Designed to be loved and enjoyed, the timeless quality of this collection welcomes the bustling activities of real family life. River House Kitchen Table

Extends to 90” w/ 18” leaf 72w x 34d x 30h..............$1,19995

River House Kitchen Chair

Wood saddle seat w/ removable cushion 19w x 22d x 40h..................$25000

River House Paula’s Best Dishes Pantry

Adjustable wood framed glass shelves. 6 tray drawers. Touch lighting 55w x 20d x 83h..............$2,09995

River House 2Pc Entertainment Wall

Six drawers. Two doors. Adjustable shelves. Power outlet. Optional door inserts. Touch lighting 93w x 23d x 95h....... $3,39995

Sunset Point Chairside Table

Hatteras White finish. 3 drawers 16w x 24d x 25h.................$49995

Sunset Point Console Table

Hatteras White finish 64w x 18d x 34h................$1,09995

Sunset Point Display Cabinet

Hatteras White exterior finish Sea Oat interior finish. Two glass doors. 451/2w x 20d x 85h..........$2,49995


® ®


ˉˉˉˉˉˉ F U R N I T U R E ˉˉˉˉˉˉ

Prices do not reflect current promotional discount. See store for available savings

Sunset Point 3 Drawer Bachelor

St. John’s Blue finish. Felt-lined top drawer. Cedar-lined bottom drawer 381/4w x 191/4d x 321/4h........$99995

Sunset Point 11 Drawer Dresser

Hatteras White finish. Jewelry tray in top left drawer. Felt lined top drawers 66w x 21d x 393/4h..........$1,39995

Sunset Point Landscape Mirror

Hatteras White finish 473/4w x 13/4d x 353/4h..........$44995

Sunset Pt Entertainment Console

Hatteras White finish 80w x 21d x 32h.............$1,69995

Sunset Pt Entertainment Hutch

Hatteras White finish 831/4w x 163/4d x 54h.......$1,69995

Sunset Pt Round Cocktail Table Hatteras White finish w/ beveled glass top insert 40w x 40d x 19h.................$69995

Sunset Point Round End Table Hatteras White finish 24w x 26d x 26h.................$54995

Feel the Breeze

A dash of chic, an air of sophistication and a splash of color make Sunset Point as stunning as it is unforgettable. Three designer finishes, sweeping scale and soft organic cathedral white oak veneers come together in a casual cottage waterside furniture collection that is equally at home for lakeside or seaside.

Sunset Point King Shelter Bed Hatteras White finish 811/2w x 871/2d x 68h.......$1,69995

Sunset Point 7 Drawer Chest

Hatteras White finish 42w x 20d x 583/4h..........$1,19995

Sunset Pt Round Bedside Table

Hatteras White finish 26w x 26d x 27h.................$39995

Sunset Point Nightstand

Hatteras White finish 30w x 18d x 30h.................$64995

Windward Display Buffet

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers; Raffia Accents 51w x 18d x 52h.............$1,39995

Windward Rectangle Dining Table

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers 68w x 44d x 30h.................$69995

Windward Arm Chair

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers; Raffia Accents 25w x 253/4d x 381/4h...........$25000

Windward Side Chair

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers; Raffia Accents 20w x 253/4d x 381/4h...........$20000

Windward Buffet

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers; Raffia Accents 51w x 39h.......................$1,19995

Nourish Your Soul

Relaxing with Windward, you can almost feel the gentle beach breeze. Windward collection moves easily from coast to inland, offering a laid back lifestyle wherever the locale. Functional bedroom, dining room, home office, home entertainment pieces and living room tables in a mellow light brown finish that is crafted using hardwood solids and cherry veneers with raffia accents. Windward King Bed

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers; Raffia Accents 79w x 871/2d x 64h..........$1,19995

Windward Dresser

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers; Raffia Accents 66w x 20d x 38h.............$1,09995

Windward Dresser Mirror Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers; Raffia Accents 403/4w x 11/2d x 383/4h..........$34995

Windward Leg Nightstand

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers; Raffia Accents 28w x 18d x 28h.................$34995

Windward Drawer Nightstand

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers; Raffia Accents 30w x 18d x 30h.................$44995

Windward Dart Honey Sofa Windward Cocktail Table Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers 381/2w x 39d x 361/2h..........$1,09995

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers 32w x 20d x 33h....................$39995

Windward Sofa Table

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers 50w x 19d x 30h....................$44995

Windward Al Fresco Chapel Recliner

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers; Raffia Accents 331/2w x 26d x 351/2h......$99995

Windward Media Chest

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers; Raffia Accents 54w x 20d x 42h..................$1,09995

Windward Chest

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers; Raffia Accents 40w x 20d x 56h.............$1,09995

Windward Entertainment Console

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers; Raffia Accents 62w x 233/4d x 32h............$1,09995

Windward Entertainment Hutch

Hardwood Solids and Cherry Veneers; Raffia Accents 62w x 16d x 50h...................$89995

Prices do not reflect current promotional discount. See store for available savings




ˉˉˉˉˉˉ F U R N I T U R E ˉˉˉˉˉˉ

Capitol Power Reclining Sofa w/ Console

Rolled arms w/ nail head trim 86w x 40d x 41h.............$2,19995

Capitol Power Recliner

Rolled arms w/ nail head trim 43w x 40d x 41h.............$1,54995

Parkway Swivel Glider

Wide selection of custom fabrics 34w x 38d x 36h............$84995

Evian Power Loveseat w/ Middle Console and Pull-Out Compartment 80w x 39d x 40h.............$2,39995

Prices do not reect current promotional discount. See store for available savings

Hammond Power Reclining Sofa

The Flexsteel Difference

Double-Needle Topstitching 83w x 40d x 41h................$2,29995

What’s in a name? In our case, the uniquely comfortable blue steel seat spring that’s at the heart of Flexsteel furniture. You can’t find it anywhere else. Naturally, it’s covered by our Lifetime Warranty.*

Hammond Power Glider Recliner

Double-Needle Topstitching 39w x 401/4d x 41h.............$1,84995

Kenwood Rectangular Cocktail Table

Natural with bronze metal finish 48w x 30d x 18h....................$39995

Kenwood End Table

Natural with bronze metal finish 23w x 27d x 24h....................$24995


Champion Sofa

Rolled panel arms, nailhead studs, & tapered legs 86w x 36d x 35h.............$1,69995



Dana Stationary Sofa $

Rolled Arm and Tailored Leg $1,09995 82w x 36d xReclining 36h................. Admiral Sofa

Dana Power Recliner

Rolled Arm and Tailored Leg 36w x 38d x 40h.................$1,04995

Admiral Recliner



Thornton Sectional w/ Sleeper Sofa Kenwood Cocktail Table Wide selection of custom fabrics 120w x 120d x 39h................$3,04995

Sitting is believing. Our Plush seat cushions start out comfortable and stay that way through years of use. They’re so durable, we even cover them with our Lifetime Warranty.*

Together to stay. Our sturdy, precision-engineered frames are so strong, they’re covered by our Lifetime Warranty.*


abette’s Furniture & Home has been proudly serving Central Florida for over 26 years! We know the focus of a furniture purchase is on the life that happens around your furniture. We become involved in the lives and dreams of our customers and become their go-to place for help, ideas, inspirations, and style. Owners Gary and Babette, their children Megan, Brian, and daughter-in-law Gina want to give customers a high quality selection of merchandise at a great value that is then backed by great customer service. The family travels coast to coast across the country to bring the most options to their customers. Our non-commissioned sales team is the best thing for our customers. We want you to have fun, be relaxed and enjoy your To that, Babette adds, experience in our store. The sales team is here to help. They family and our whole tO MaKe theIR hOUse“Our a hOMe staff helps each other, and we like each other and it are strictly here to assist our customers in the buying decision. shows. Our non-commis sioned sales team is the They all come from decorating backgrounds in some way and best thing for our custom ers. We want you to have work with our customers to make their fun, be relaxed, and enjoy hOW hOWBaBette’s BaBette’s In the BegInnIng yourself as we do.” She also dOes dOes thIs thIs adds that there is a sensefeel like home. houses of comfort and stability for customers when they see put our hearts and souls into We’ve the same smiling faces each time they visit the show this business and built it around the room or receive a delivery. “We have been blessed to concept offering something for every have many of the same em of that we hope to make the ployees working with us all tastes. As we are in a large aware of.” to these years. Our staffrange is part retirement market, we offer price and every style. community We want Brian adds, “Because our of the fabric that has made the mature and traditional styles, looks, and accesso Babette’s what it is today.” preferences and the new help you livefreshyour life... well riesfurnished. are distinctive, it stands looks customers are

Your Life. WeLL furnished room, and all through the home. We become involved in the lives and dreams of our customers and many times make friends with them. We become their go-to place for help, ideas, inspirations, and style.”

To Tothat, that,Babette Babetteadds, adds, “Our “Ourfamily familyand andour ourwhole whole staff staffhelps helpseach eachother, other,and and we welike likeeach eachother otherand anditit shows. shows.Our Ournon-commisnon-commissioned sionedsales salesteam teamisisthe the best bestthing thingfor forour ourcustomcustomers. ers.We Wewant wantyou youto tohave have fun, fun,be berelaxed, relaxed,and andenjoy enjoy yourself yourselfas aswe wedo.” do.”She Shealso also adds addsthat thatthere thereisisaasense sense of ofcomfort comfortand andstability stabilityfor for customers customerswhen whenthey theysee see the thesame samesmiling smilingfaces faceseach each time timethey theyvisit visitthe theshowshowroom roomor orreceive receiveaadelivery. delivery. “We “Wehave havebeen beenblessed blessedto to have havemany manyof ofthe thesame sameememployees ployeesworking workingwith withus usall all these theseyears. years.Our Ourstaff staffisispart part of ofthe thefabric fabricthat thathas hasmade made Babette’s Babette’swhat whatititisistoday.” today.”

In 1988, it became evident that many people loved what Gary and Babette were doing. “In the beginning we offered oak furniture and country accessories. People constantly asked us for different things. The answer to these requests was what solidified our commitment to be more than just another furniture store,” Babette says. “We loved different furniture and we loved looking for affordable merchandise their family would love.” “Now our children Megan and Brian and recently our daughter-in-law Gina have joined our family business,” Gary says. “It’s gratifying to see this generation have a passion for the business like Babette and I did 25 years ago — maybe even a greater desire to offer more than we did and I love that. I see a great future for Babette’s.”

Babette’s Babette’sknows knowsabout about change. change.As Asthe thecustomer customerhas has changed, changed,they theyhave havelistened listened and andare arecontinuing continuingto toevolve. evolve. Brian Brianexplains, explains,“We “Weare are offering offeringselections selectionsin inthe the more moremodern modernand andsophissophisticated ticatedtrends trendsthat thatspeak speakto to the theyounger youngergeneration. generation.We We noticed noticedan anincrease increasein inthe the middle-aged middle-agedfamily familydemodemographic, graphic,so sowe wehave havebrought brought in instyles stylesthat thatcater caterto totheir their

for 25 Years! PeOPLe tRUst ‘Why BaBette’s?’

At Babette’s Furniture and Home Shoppe, owners Gary and Babette, their children Megan, Brian, and daughter-inlaw Gina have the answer to this question. “People who are shopping for furniture say they are looking for a chair, a table, or a bed. Most furniture stores will sell this customer a chair, a table, or a bed,” says Babette. “We at Babette’s don’t do it this way. We know your purchase is seldom about the piece of furniture. All of a sudden it changes from ‘I need a chair’ to ‘I want a place for my husband and I to cuddle, a place I can curl up with my children, or the most comfortable chair to watch my favorite team.’ The table is now a great place to entertain friends, do homework, or gather family for special occasions. They explain the bed has to be large enough for sleepovers with the grandchildren or the stormy nights when the dog crawls silently on top of the bed and settles in. We at Babette’s know when the furniture is delivered and the accessories have been placed, the focus will be about the life that is happening around that piece, in that

1988: TheThe originaloriginal location! 1988: A double-wide trailer located in a field across the location! A from doubleLake Square Mall. wide trailer located in a field across from the Lake Square Mall.

1990: OurOur second second “home” was“home” a 2,500 sq. ft.was building 1990: a with 2,500 three warehouse trailers located in the back. Product lines featured crafted swings, solid three oak furniture and country sq. ft.locally building with warehouse accents and collectables. trailers located in the back. Product lines featured locally crafted swings, solid oak furniture andspecial country accents advertising feature and collectibles.


tastes. tastes.As Aswe weare arein inaalarge large retirement retirementmarket, market,we weoffer offer the themature matureand andtraditional traditional preferences preferencesand andthe thenew new fresh freshlooks lookscustomers customersare are seeing seeingon onplaces placeslike likeHGTV HGTV and andmakeover makeoverprograms.” programs.” Changing Changingthe theperception perception that thatthey theyare areaacostly, costly,highhighend endretailer retailerisisan anongoing ongoing goal. goal.“Our “Ourcustomers customersneed need to toknow knowthat thatwe’ve we’vebuilt builtthis this business businessby byoffering offeringsomesomething thingfor forevery everyprice pricerange. range. We Wecan cansupply supplyaasofa, sofa,dining dining room, room,or orrecliner reclinerto toaacouple couple just juststarting startingout, out,or orwe wecan can furnish furnishan anentire entirehome.” home.” explains explainsGary. Gary.“We “Weoffer offeraa variety varietyof offinancing financingoptions options

that thatwe wehope hopeto tomake makethe the community communityaware awareof.” of.” Brian Brianadds, adds,“Because “Becauseour our styles, styles,looks, looks,and andaccessoaccessories riesare aredistinctive, distinctive,ititstands stands that thatwe wewould wouldcreate createfinanfinancial cialoptions optionsthat thatwork workon onan an individual individualbasis basisto tohelp helpour our customers customersget getwhatever whateverthey they need needand andnot notjust justaacanned canned program.” program.” Babette’s Babette’sisisalso alsoleading leading the thelocal localfurniture furnituremarket market through throughtechnology. technology.“We “We have haverecently recentlyincorpoincorporated ratedsophisticated sophisticatedrouting routing software softwarethat thatensures ensuresour our drivers driversare areusing usingthe themost most efficient efficientroutes, routes,which whichsaves saves money moneyon ongas gasand andlabor,” labor,”

Megan MeganWard Ward

Brian Briansays. says.“This “Thisisisgreat great for forour ourcustomers customersbecause becauseitit helps helpskeep keepour ourcosts costsdown down and andthe theprices priceson ontheir theirpurpurchases chasesas aslow lowas aspossible. possible. ItItisisincredible incredibleto tobe beable ableto to give giveour ourcustomers customersreal-time real-time updates updateson ontheir theirfurniture furniture delivery deliveryand andmake makeititas as convenient convenientas aspossible possibleto to arrive arrivewithin withinthe thescheduled scheduled two-hour two-hourdelivery deliverywindow. window. As Asaaconsumer, consumer,IIthink thinkwe we

that we would create finan seeing on places like HGTV cial options that work on an and makeover programs.” Brian says. “This is great individual basis to help our Changing the perception Babette’s knows about for our customers because it customers get whatever they that they are a costly, highchange. As the customer has helps keep our costs down need and not just a canned end retailer is an ongoing changed, they have listened and the prices on their pur program.” goal. “Our customers need and are continuing to evolve. chases as low as possible. Babette’s is also leading to know that we’ve built this Brian explains, “We are It is incredible to be able to the local furniture market business by offering some offering selections in the give our customers real-time through technology. “We thing for every price range. more modern and sophis updates on their furniture have recently incorpo We can supply a sofa, dining ticated trends that speak to 1995: By the mid-nineties, having outgrown the space, we 2001: 2001:Gary Garyand androom, Babette’s Babette’s favoritepicinic picinic spot spotwhen whenthey theywere were dating datingsophisticated atatLake Lake today: today:Another Another25,000 25,000 sq. sq.ft.ft.was wasadded added totoit the the showroominin2005 2005totoacacdelivery and make asshowroom rated routing or favorite recliner to a couple the younger generation. We

1995: By the mid-nineties, having out- 2001: Gary and Babette’s favorite picnic spot TODAY: Another 25,000 sq. ft. was added to the grown the space, we expanded by add- when they were dating at Lake Sumter became the showroom in 2005 to accomodate even more seing an additional 5,000 sq. ft. Our prod- location of their brand new building. With 30,000 lection, styles, and nationally known brands. With graphic, so we have brought ucts expanded as well, with exciting new began its transition from country an additional As54,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art distria consumer, I think we money on gas and labor,” variety of financing options in styles that cater to theirsq. ft., Babette’s lines brought in from the West Coast. styling into the furniture and accessories showbution center, also in Leesburg, Babette’s can acspecial specialadvertising advertisingfeature feature Customers still remember this location room we all know today. comodate every furniture taste and need for years for its role in the Beanie Babies boom! to come.

expanded by adding an additional 5,000 sq ft. Our products Sumter Sumterbecame becamethe thelocation locationofoftheir theirbrand brandnew newbuilding. building.With With30,000 30,000sq. sq.ft., ft., comodate comodateeven evenmore moreselection, selection,styles, styles,and andnationally nationallyknown knownbrands. brands.With Withan an as possible tocenter, software that ensures our 54,000 starting out, or we styling can noticed aninincrease expanded as well, with exciting new lines brought from the in theBabette’s Babette’sbegan beganjust its itstransition transitionfrom fromcountry country stylinginto intothe thefurniture furniture and andaccesaccesadditional additional 54,000sq. sq.convenient ft.ft.state-of-the-art state-of-the-art distribution distribution center,also alsoininLeesburg, Leesburg, West coast. Customers still remembermiddle-aged this location forfamily its roledemo arriveevery within the taste scheduled drivers are using theBabette’s most can furnish an entire - showroom sories sories showroom we weallallknow know today. today.home.” Babette’s canaccomodate accomodate every furniture furniture tasteand andneed needfor foryears yearstotocome. come. in the Beanie Babies boom! two-hour delivery window. efficient routes, which saves explains Gary. “We offer a

2001:Gary and Babette’s favorite picinic spot when they were dating at Lake TODAY : Another 25,000 sq. ft. was added to the showroom in 2005 - to ac

Sumter became the location of their brand new building. With 30,000 sq. ft., comodate even more selection, styles, and nationally known brands. With an Babette’s began its transition from country styling into the furniture - and acces additional 54,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art distribution center, also in Leesburg, sories showroom we all know today. Babette’s can accomodate every furniture taste and need for years to come.



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