Summer 2018
News from Bablake School
The Greatest (Symposium) Showcase!
n October 2017 around 50 pupils from Shells to Fourth Year applied to join our Symposium group. Armed with basic instructions on how to conduct research, and how to differentiate between reliable information and ‘fake news’, the group set off on a quest: to research a topic of personal interest to them and present their findings at a showcase event later in the year.
Solids’. Many of the presentations were interactive and we had great fun sampling spam sandwiches, watching selflevelling robots, seeing avalanche recreations and eating planet shaped cakes whilst wearing tin foil hats! Other projects included:‘Plastic Pollution: why are our oceans at risk?’,‘How to write a young adult novel’,‘Is life in space possible?’ and ‘Marine life and conservation’.
The aim of our project was to stretch our pupils’ interests beyond the classroom and to foster their independent research skills.The quality and diversity of projects delivered was a real testament to their imagination, and bodes well for their future studies.
The pupils demonstrated a thorough knowledge of their chosen subject and were able to answer in-depth questions from members of staff.
The pupils involved in the showcase were amazing and spoke eloquently on a wide range of subjects, from ‘Conspiracy Theories in today’s world’ to ‘Archimedean
Our next Symposium group will examine if their projects can bring about positive change in our world and The (Change the world) Symposium Showcase is scheduled to take place in Spring 2019.