Simba - Autumn 2018

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Autumn 2018

News from Bablake Junior and Pre Prep School


orking and playing with our friends is part of the very essence of life. Our new Forest School encourages that to happen and that spirit of collaboration and cooperation, in a different environment, will be one of the things that helps our pupils thrive in tomorrow’s world. How we play perhaps matters more than what we play.

Speaking of tomorrow’s world, it was fantastic to read of Bablake pupils’ GCSE and A Level success over the summer. The learning in the Junior and Senior School and the positive

attitudes that come from home all help to bring this success about. Our community has always recognised the benefit of hard work and teamwork and it was great to see all that endeavour paying off. We know that all of you at home will have been working hard this year. Over Christmas, we hope you all get to feel some joy and have at least a little time that feels like a rest – and perhaps a little time too where you get to enjoy ‘playing with your friends’. You certainly will have earned it. Happy Christmas! Mr Neil Price Headmaster


School This September was the start of a brand new initiative for Bablake Junior School – Forest School.

Our Forest School classroom is constantly changing providing the children with an exciting, magical opportunity to experience nature and learn outside. So far the children have participated in a range of activities. Year 3 has enjoyed learning about the magical folk of the forest: making fairy houses, wizard wands and magic potions. Year 5 have enjoyed a range of seasonal activities: building bug hotels, pumpkin carving, identifying bugs and conker craft. They also enjoyed an extra session where they learned all about the trees in our spinney from tree expert Matt Cox. Whilst in the forest the children are learning without realising they’re learning; they are thinking, questioning and justifying for themselves. This results in a huge difference in self-esteem and the children’s ability to risk assess whilst making decisions for themselves. They become more competent physically and play more imaginatively.



I count down the hours in the day until it’s time for Forest School.

Forest School is the best lesson.

Pre Prep News

Year 2’s

Roald Dahl day To celebrate Roald Dahl’s birthday, the Pre Prep dressed up as characters from his many wonderful books. We had everyone from Willy Wonka to Matilda and Fantastic Mr Fox to the BFG – even the teachers got involved and everyone looked amazing!

It’s all about

Perspective During Roald Dahl week, in relation to ‘The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me’, Year 1 looked at perspective. The children used cameras and thought carefully about placing something close to the lens and something far away to trick the camera and create some bizarre pictures! It was quite tricky but lots of fun.




Harvest Festival In Kindergarten we talked about what the harvest was and where food came from. We decided to make soup together: we peeled and cut the vegetables, cooked it and ate it. It was lovely. Here are the pictures that show the processes we went through – including our empty bowls!

Autumn Activities in Kindergarten

Memorial Park

The children had a great time on their first school trip – running through the leaves, playing on the equipment and visiting the Memorial. We’ve also done conker rolling paintings and salt dough printing with the things we’ve collected on our visit to the park. The children have also explored junk modelling this term and finished with some great artwork to take home.

Phonics are Phun! This term the children have started their Phonics lessons. To support their learning they have decorated a pair of ‘Listening ears’ and they took a trip around the school to explore what sounds they could hear.



Reception enjoyed a fantastic visit to Coombe Abbey to launch their topic, ‘Into the Woods’. For many, the minibus was excitement enough, for some this was their first school trip. Many a rendition of ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ was heard on the journey. The children were very excited to get into the woods and get started. Our little outdoor learners set a fine Bablake example as they made their way around the paths of the country park. They showed friendship to each other, were respectful of the community they were in and demonstrated excellent behaviour and listening skills. As the children had been telling the story of Owl Babies at school, we decided that fallen trees on the forest f loor were the perfect place to engage in some storytelling. Using the actions they had learned at school, the children confidently told the well-loved story.

the story of “Telling Owl Babies in the

woods was really fun. – Niamh

Reception Go ‘Into the Woods’

We also engaged in some number work, creating our own tens frames and using sticks to represent numbers up to 10. “I found lots of damp sticks and made the number 6.” – Saffiya “One more stick than 8 made 9 on the tens frame.” – Manjogh To complete our trip, the children took bark rubbings from the tree trunks and found a variety of leaves that we would use on returning to school. Sticks and leaves were used successfully to create our school name. “It was the best day ever.” – Thomas “We had such a fun day out.” – Olivia D




With Great Power comes

Great Responsibility! Year 1 have had a busy half term enjoying their Superheroes topic. They launched this work by dressing up as Superheroes and taking part in lots of different activities – Superhero jumps, cape testing and creating our own Superhero sticks. In English, we’ve been looking at the ‘Supertato’ books, creating WANTED posters for the Evil Pea who keeps appearing around school causing mischief. The children created their own villainous characters inspired by the Evil Pea and wrote about them.

favourite “My Superhero activity

was measuring how far I could jump.

– Ria

“Supertato is a great hero because he is strong.”

“I loved dressing as Spiderman for Superhero Day.”

“Supertato books are funny.”

– Cece

– Shaan J

– Willow

All Sorts of Animals As part of our Science topic, Animals including Humans, we have been looking at different ways that we can sort animals. We chose different categories and used hoops to create a Venn diagram.



The Beauty of Mother Nature As part of our Art lessons this term we have been exploring the theme of Mother Nature and have been inspired by the work of Andy Goldsworthy. Look at the carefully crafted leaf sketches, environmental land art and clay titles that we have created.

How does Year 2 Measure Up? Year 2 have been putting their measuring skills to the test by carefully measuring out different lengths in cm and mm to create skeleton bones. They have also worked hard developing their capacity skills and successfully created a selection of delicious fruity cocktails, ensuring that they measured out each ingredient exactly.

Very Important Post Tackling Environmental issues with the Prime Minister During English, our Year 2 children have been learning how to compile a formal letter. Their skills were expanded to write persuasively in order to raise awareness about important environmental issues by writing to our Prime Minister. There were so many thought-provoking messages written by the children that we had difficulty selecting a few to send to Downing Street. The children were thrilled to receive a reply! The high quality of the independent writing of our 6 and 7 year olds can be seen in this example written by Augustin-Allan.

Dear Prime Minister I am writing to you because we need your help to save this wonderful world before it’s too late! The careless and thoughtless humans are disregarding our beautiful peaceful clean world and something needs to be done immediately to prevent any further destruction. Some mean people are overfishing so they can make more money however there can be no more food for the sea creatures. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Augustin-Allan Dunn

A Royal Surprise! The children also received a reply to their Royal Wedding cards sent to Harry and Meghan at the end of last term. They each received their own THANK YOU from Kensington Palace! BABLAKE JUNIOR SCHOOL



Junior School News


Year 3

Ancient Egyptians Year 3 had an exciting start to their Humanities topic this year – in September, everyone (including teachers!) got dressed up to participate in Egyptian Day. The costumes were fantastic; Cleopatra would have been very proud of the girls’ eyeliner and beautiful dresses. There were definitely more Pharaohs than slaves. As part of the Geography topic, they were able to research the importance of the River Nile to the Ancient Egyptians. They used hieroglyphics to paint their name onto a papyrus cartouche. They worked carefully and produced some accurate Ancient Egyptian looking artwork. The children had been learning an Egyptian song that they were able to perform at the end of the day alongside an Egyptian dance – it was very difficult but the children picked it up quickly and performed it beautifully. We all had a wonderful day! Miss Adcock

Mia Takes to the Stage On Sunday 4th November Mia Tracey took to the stage of the Her Majesty’s Theatre in London’s Haymarket in a specially written performance play called, ‘Troubles a’ Brewin.’ The story tells of a town trying to stop a wandering gang from stealing money from the town’s hotel. Mia played as part of the chorus, and she was involved in all of the main show numbers including renditions of Michael Jackson’s ‘Beat it’ in a scene that involved the hostile waving of bananas!



This came about through Pauline Quirke Academy which Mia attends in Leicester. She has been a member since 2014 and this was her first external production. The Stage School takes place every Saturday morning and Mia has been rehearsing for three hours each week for the last six months for the

chance to take to the West End stage. The day of the performance was a long one, starting at 4am with a coach journey down to the theatre, technical rehearsals all day and the final performance before a packed house in the evening. The coach journey back was considerably quieter, perhaps not surprising as it returned to Leicester after midnight! Unbeknownst to all of the performers, the examiners from the Trinity School in London were also there to observe the performance and assess the actors on their efforts. Along with the rest of the academy, Mia was awarded a Distinction in Grade 4 Musical Theatre and Performance. Mia hopes to continue learning the ins and outs of stagecraft and she is already involved in the production of a film which is due to finished next year.

Year 4

Preparing for the Queen

Queen Elizabeth I is arriving and we must prepare! Year 4 pupils visited Holdenby House to find out more about the Tudors for their Humanities topic. They were asked to imagine what it was like in 1583 when Sir Christopher Hatton had built Holdenby Palace, the largest house in Elizabethan England, and they were preparing for and awaiting the arrival of Queen Elizabeth I. They found out about the lives of rich and poor Tudors, had the opportunity to practice pike drills, learn about Tudor cures and medicine, make a tussie mussie and create a Tudor feast.




Swashbuckling through History

We started Year 4 with a ‘Swashbuckling’ Pirate Day to bring together our Humanities topic of Tudor Exploration, our English work based on piracy and Drama lessons linked to Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The pupils dressed up and took part in a treasure hunt, map making, creative writing and Drama activities.

Digestion Games The Year 4 Science homework project was to make a game based around the wonderful and amazing Digestive System. The resulting games were so creative, imaginative and diverse in their design and content with board games based on traditional favourites such as Snakes and Ladders, to Top Trump style card games. Mrs Knibb



Year 5

Frozen Kingdoms Year 5 had a very busy term with lots of visitors to help them with their topic work on Frozen Kingdoms focusing on Antarctica. First, Sled Dogs as Therapy UK came to visit and ran a workshop linked to their polar topic, explaining the role of the dogs in the Arctic and how they’re adapted to survive in extreme, cold conditions. They also talked to the children about dog safety and how to approach a dog. The children had a great time and the dogs were beautiful! We followed this up with a visit from Adrian Hall – Founder of Active Outdoor Discovery. This Outdoor Activities Instructor and Expedition Leader shared his passion for maps and the great outdoors with the children. He ran an assembly

Sled Dogs as Therapy UK

about his adventures in the Galapagos and then worked through a map and compass challenge on the school grounds. Ash Garrett of Run7 also came to talk to the children about how the charity aims to raise awareness of global issues and what we can do to protect our environment. Run7 is a global charitable initiative, featuring a world-first series of marathons based on the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. Ash brought in his equipment and showed the children what they might need for their own adventures. All of this helped prepare the children for their very own Explorer Day filled with artwork and activities – food tasting, rock climbing and a map challenge.

Adrian Hall – Founder of Active Outdoor Discovery

Ash Garrett from Run7

Explorer Day




Year 6

What was it like in Britain during World War Two? In November Year 6 took part in a World War Two Day. Pupils enjoyed dressing up as wartime evacuees and experiencing what life was like in 1940s Britain. The children looked at how challenging it was to cook with rationing in force and had a go at baking carrot biscuits! Some pupils were unsure initially, however, they seemed to go down well. The children also built upon their earlier Bletchley Park trip, looking at the Enigma machine and the key role played by Alan Turing and the codebreakers – then they had a go at some codebreaking maths of their own! Finally, the pupils enjoyed dancing the Lindy Hop to ‘In the Mood’ – a wartime classic – before finishing the day with their very own VE Day celebration (including SPAM sandwiches aplenty!) The children had a super time and we wanted to say thanks to all of the parents who lent a hand with the party food! Mr Norman

Joshua Pilling – Future Football Commentator

Joshua has a keen interest in football reporting and was invited to Derby County Football Club by Frank Lampard for the Derby vs. Aston Villa game in November. Following the game, he was able to attend the post-match question session with all of the other media reporters, including Sky Sports. To top it all off Joshua also got to do his own personal post-match interview with Frank!



Joshua’s dedication and commitment to sports reporting is starting to get noticed by fans and his social media posts and match reports are increasing in popularity. He’s looking forward to attending the press conference for the Aston Villa vs Leeds United game coming up in December at the training ground which he’s also been invited to participate in. Who said a hobby can’t be a job? Watch out for this future reporter in the making…

Well done Rory! Imagination Gaming Pupils at the Junior School were treated to a day of games this term thanks to Year 6 pupil, Rory, who won a national competition during a trip the UK Gaming Expo over the summer. Rory entered the ‘Represent your School’ competition in the Family Zone, an area run by Imagination Gaming, which was dedicated to providing a safe and stress-free zone with a huge range of clever and educational games. Rory said, “I was shocked when I found out I had won and it was great to have a full day of games for everyone at school. The best part was missing Maths and English that morning!”

Maths Association Challenge We’ve had continued success in this event for Bablake Junior School with over twenty certificates awarded this year – thanks to Miss Love and Mr Norman for all their extra support and encouragement. This nationwide challenge is aimed at the country’s top pupils and offers some interesting and stimulating mathematics. The highest achieving pupils will go on to compete in the national finals bonus round in the new year. Gold Vincent Xia Silver Aditya Krishnamurthy Vigneesh Arjun Pandurengan Keatan Patel Maisie Halstead Took part Ishwar Basra Jack Necker Maryam Khan Amber Bassi

The pupils had an exciting day of activities, playing tabletop and traditional games that help support their general learning. It was a great way to get everyone involved and engaged in Maths (even if they thought they had gotten out of it!)

Bronze Saran Dhami Katie Harvey Anjana Sajith Oriana MacGibbon Naomi Tsegaye Ethan Phipps William Piggon Saanvi Reddy

Alexandra Becque Philip Basioudis Sasha Powell



tes Awards Shortlist Just in case you missed the news… Bablake Junior School has been shortlisted for the Wellbeing initiative of the year award as part of the 2019 TES Independent School Awards ( We were proud to receive news of the shortlist after our involvement in the initiative. At Bablake Junior School we wanted to understand our community better. We have been working with the organisation Intelligent Behaviour Analytics (IBA) to enhance our interpersonal relationships. By seeking to understand ourselves better, we understand each other better too. Our work with IBA has been a most positive journey and a catalyst that has led to personal growth, richer communication and even greater pastoral harmony. The winners will be revealed at a gala awards evening in February 2019 so watch this space…

Let Your Worries

Float Away… As part of the new wellbeing initiatives at the Junior School, 4SN held a competition to create a design for their previously plain class Worry Box. Zac was proud to be the winner with his rainbow design which has been beautifully painted. The box is a simple way for the children to be able to let go of their worries to help with concentration and focus.



House Maths Challenge It’s no secret that a strong foundation in Maths is important to all children at Bablake. The House Maths Challenge this term focused on multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 to help improve f luency and accuracy as well helping them to be able to apply this knowledge to solve related questions. This work reinforces our ‘Big Maths’ at Bablake where children are aiming to recall these facts – as well as addition up to 10+10 – as quickly as they can say their name. They have been practising and the following children from each year group were chosen to represent their House.




Year 3

Oyebola Afilaka* Estee Wong Lily Handley Kiyaan Naheem Zain Naheem

Jay Heer* Elliot ForbesGifford Anay Pimpalnerker Arial Tsang Akshaya Sivmayakumar

Aidan Dosanjh* Ayo Giwa Venice Kwok Adam Amar Cameron Barratt

Year 4

Caelen Jess* Hope May Millan Dosanjh Lara Sexton Serena Sahota

Lucas Heer* Atraya Bhave Sukhmani Chhokar Anish Soni Samuel Crust

Kavin Raja* Harrison Phipps Anya Selopal Nzumbu Nemukovhani Nosarume Iyengunmwena

Year 5

Sidney Nderitu* Reza Dashti Keira Mann Jude Clarke India Print

Leo Guo* Aryan Saran Diya Nazran Arjun Gill Abbyshana Thayaparan

Shivani Shah* Izabella Ward Bavan Gill Micah Forbes Mya Jawanda

Year 6

Naomi Tsegeye* Sochima Emesih Todj’rhon LeeFrancis Anjana Sajith William Piggon

Saran Dhami * Oriana MacGibbon Disha Jaspal Mathis Morel Maisie Halstead

Keatan Patel* Dihahn Dosanjh Amber Bassi Kuzi Chifamba Vincent Xia

Coventry Festival of Speech and Drama Bablake Junior School attended Coventry’s 30th Speech and Drama Festival in November and the pupils were once again extremely successful. After many entertaining performances, the children’s hard work was rewarded with many receiving third, second and first places in their category. The scores were high and the trophies abundant! Mrs Jasper also entered many children and they did her proud. Huge congratulations to all entrants and we look forward to further success in next years’ festival! Miss Adcock

*Indicates quick question podium participants

For more ways to practice at home, some of the school favourites include PlayLive on Education City, Hit the Button and Squeebles.

House Maths Competition Results 2018 Churchill



Year 3




Year 4




Year 5




Year 6









Charity We’ve had an overwhelming response to all of our charitable activities this term and we want to send a big THANK YOU to all our parents and family for your continued support for these great causes! MacMillan Coffee Morning Total raised – £360 Children in Need BJS Total £1,070 BPP Total £215 British Legion Poppies There was overwhelming support for the poppy sales this year on the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War One.

Kindergartener Clara took part in a Fun Run to raise money for The Lily Mae Foundation. Well done to Clara for all your hard work and a super effort in raising money for such a great cause!

Katie had a very special birthday request for her friends and family this year – she wanted to forgo her birthday presents in exchange for donations of food and toiletries to the Coventry Foodbank. She was inspired by an article in her National Geographic Kids’ magazine and her request was met with full support showing everyone’s generosity and kindness – the boot of the car was jam-packed! Katie said,

The people who get the food will be thankful.

Clara’s Fun Run

Katie’s Kindness

We’re so proud of you Katie and your self less act showing your beautiful soul, strong mind and huge heart!




House Cross Country The BJS House Cross Country Competition took place on the Friday before half term. All BJS pupils took part in the races and all finished showing true grit and determination and also a lot of talent! There were some great examples of Bablake sportsmanship and spirit. Well done to the medal winners listed below and of course to Nelson for winning the overall competition. Thank you to everyone who came to support.

– Nelson House Winners! Year 3 and 4 Girls 1st – Serena Sahota 2nd – Zuleka Abdi Alexander 3rd – Lyla Brown

Year 3 and 4 Boys 1st – Caelan Jess 2nd – Elias Becker 3rd – Nzumbu Nemukovhani

Year 5 Girls 1st – Emily Cantrill 2nd – Shivani Shah 3rd – Anya Mann-Basra

Year 5 Boys 1st – Sebastian MacGibbon 2nd – Harry Friswell 3rd – Theo Worrell

Year 6 Girls 1st – Imogen Lane 2nd – Antonia Wamala 3rd – Lucy Watson

Year 6 Boys 1st – Todj’ron Lee-Francis 2nd – Tom Baddeley 3rd – Jake Wattis




We have been really impressed with the girls this term as they have all been very enthusiastic and committed to each sport and activity that they have participated and competed in. Everyone from Year 3 to Year 6 has shown great energy in lessons and excellent commitment to the many lunchtime and after school clubs (often volunteering to help with different year group clubs too!) They thoroughly deserve all the success they have achieved over the term.


What a start to the year we have had with three of our teams continuing their unbeaten record from last year! We have had some really tough games with the girls rising to every challenge.The U11A team have shown some fabulous skills, beating Bromsgrove 22-1. In their second match against Solihull, on a boiling hot evening, they were winning at halftime and finally, despite a heroic effort from the girls, lost 11-12.They then went on to record some comprehensive wins in the King Henry VIII’s tournament winning every match – 9-3 against Croft, 14-1 against Warwick, 10-1 against KHVIII and 9-4 against Fairfield.Well done girls!



The B team continues to be unbeaten this season, keeping their 100% record from last year including a brilliant 17-0 against Bromsgrove, 11-1 against KHVIII, 5-4 against Solihull in a tough close match and 10-6 against the Senior U12 D team. A super start to the season. The U10 A team have had a super start to the season winning 14-7 against Bromsgrove and then coming a creditable 3rd place at Solihull in a really competitive and fast-paced tournament. They began with a super 5-0 win against St Patrick’s school, then winning 3-0 against Rutleigh.Then, despite playing well, they lost 2-0 in a very close match against Solihull.They beat King Henry VIII with some really close marking

and great interceptions. Finally, we drew 2-2 against the eventual winners of the tournament St. Martins.They continued their winning ways by beating Warwick 3-0 and Croft 2 -0. The U10 B team continued their fantastic form from last year, they started brilliantly beating Bromsgrove 10-1, Croft 3-0 and St Martins 7-5.They played really confidently against Crackley Hall, again winning 7-0.Well done to all the girls who played so well. The U9 A and B teams are showing great promise for the future and have very much enjoyed the start to their Year improving their skills throughout the term.

Hockey Both the U11 A and B teams have begun their season with gutsy performances against some tough teams. At the IAPS tournament, the U11 squad played amazingly well. The team played 5 matches starting with a 0-0 draw with Croft. Next, they played RGS The Grange and with a fantastic effort from all Bablake players they drew 2-2. Later they played St Hugh’s which was an incredibly close game that the girls eventually drew 1-1. We drew again 0-0 when we played Hill House. Finally, we drew the last game 1-1 with Milton Keynes Prep school to qualify for the quarterfinals. What an amazing achievement to play all through the pools without losing a match! In the quarterfinals, we were against The Elms and despite a courageous effort from everyone we eventually lost 3-0.

WASPS Netball

At the U12 Tournament, the girls again played really well. Despite some fantastic defending, they lost 0-1 to the Bablake Seniors. They then beat King Henry VIII seniors 2-1, then finally lost to Princethorpe again despite some super play. We finished a super 3rd place. Well done to everyone. The U11B team have been unbeaten this term winning 5-0 against Eversfield, 4-0 against Kingsley and 1-0 against Warwick. The U10 A and B teams have tried really hard this term, developing their skills, learning some game tactics and enjoying playing some really tough matches. Well done to everyone competing in the sport’s teams this term for your hard work, and a special thank you to all the parents for your support at the matches whatever the weather! Mrs Haywood

The Year 6 girls had a fantastic time competing at the RICOH with the WASPS and England coaches and players. They worked on their netball skills, participated in fitness and conditioning work, played games and went for a VIP tour of the changing rooms, physiotherapy areas and saw the tunnel and the pitch too.



Boys’ Sport


Rugby at Bablake Junior School continues to develop and is enjoyed by the pupils that take part. There is great enthusiasm for Rugby and fixtures have been very competitive with a lot of success. Each year group has to learn a new set of rules and regulations and this in itself can be quite daunting, let alone actually playing against other schools! Rugby is taught to all the boys with a core element underpinning everything – they try to enjoy what they are doing. The Year 6 boys have all played a minimum of nine games this year. Some of these boys are just starting out on a long Rugby career which will last the rest of their lives but for some this might be the last time they ever play. Wherever they are in their Rugby career I hope they have all found some enjoyment in playing and will look back fondly on their Rugby at Bablake Junior School. This ethos at Bablake is, of course, all in line with England Rugby’s core values as outlined below: “If you turn up to a rugby game for youngsters you’ll see that it is carefully designed to equip young players with the skills they need later in their rugby life, while sharing much of the excitement” “At this level it is not all about winning and losing, it’s about getting time on the pitch with your pals, playing your very best, learning and having fun.” “There’s a game at every age level adapted exactly to the abilities and maturity of the children playing. It’s all based on expert scientific research and meets the wants and needs of the young players and put the kids first. It’s also about teamwork, discipline and especially respect: for the referee, the

U11 A with Martin Johnson – Former England World

opposition and other members of your team. But most of all it’s about enjoyment and that’s why so many parents love it almost as much as the kids!” The U8s have had a great start to their Rugby careers at Bablake and all have enjoyed the thrill of playing in a match. There is some great talent in the group with all four teams playing outstanding Rugby during their fixtures. Highlights for the A team included a good win against Balsall Common and a thrilling draw against King Henry VIII. The B, C and D highlight was three very close wins against Warwick School held on the front field. The U9s have been the most talented group to start playing contact Rugby at Bablake Junior School. As a group, they played sixteen matches and only lost one game! They are a very physical group and enjoy the contact part of the game, getting stuck into tackles with great technique. There is also some great pace in the teams when they are attacking and so all of these attributes made for a superb year for the U9s, and lots of tries – the most successful ever! Highlights were aplenty with some excellent wins against King Henry VIII, Solihull, Warwick, Bromsgrove, Bilton Grange, The Croft

and Crackley Hall. Well done boys, we look forward to next year! The U10s have also had a really good year and have won a high percentage of their games. They have some experienced and talented boys in the team and when they are all working together as a team they are unstoppable. Good wins have come against Magdalen College, Solihull and The Croft and I am sure with more consistent performances next year there will be even more success. The U11s have had a full set of fixtures this term and have played a whopping 36 games with everyone taking part in regular matches. There has been much more success than last year as they have played more as a team and worked exceptionally hard. The undoubted highlight was a great victory for the A team against a very strong Solihull team. Well done to everyone and I hope you have all enjoyed the Rugby matches this year. Finally, thanks to all the coaches and staff who have ensured that lessons and fixtures this term have all run so smoothly. Mr Benfield

Bablake Junior School

Bablake Pre Prep School

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Cup winning Captain and England Coach

8 Park Road, Coventry



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