Bablake Junior School Prospectus

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Junior School and Pre Prep

“Bablake Junior School is a diverse and supportive community. The shared aspiration of parents and teachers encourages and supports the pupils, allowing them to flourish and to do their best. Opportunity, care, ambition and challenge facilitate success.�

Why Bablake Junior School?


ablake Junior School offers a well-rounded educational programme that allows children aged 3-11 to explore their individuality and potential. It provides a warm and friendly environment that welcomes families from diverse backgrounds. We strive for academic excellence and facilitate this through teaching a rich and diverse curriculum. Our dedicated staff provide engaging lessons, with varied teaching strategies, allowing pupils to thrive. In a learning culture that is reinforced by collaboration and intellectual curiosity, our pupils are expected to work hard and give of their best. Surrounded by a close family community, pupils grow in confidence, explore their potential, and develop a sense of responsibility. Underpinning every child’s education is our outstanding pastoral care that nurtures a spirit of independence and co-operative learning.

Our co-curricular program offers a wide range of activities, clubs and experiences which enable pupils to develop socially and educationally. We believe that in participating and striving for excellence, pupils will grow in confidence.

“The pupils’ success is promoted by excellent attitudes to learning.” Independent Schools Inspectorate

Bablake Junior School was opened in 1991 to extend the opportunity for children to experience a Bablake education beyond the traditional 11-18 age range. Bablake School was founded in 1344 and is consistently placed amongst the highest performing schools nationally. Today Bablake Junior School is a flourishing co-educational day school with superb Pre Prep facilities at The Grange.

We warmly invite you to come and visit us and experience first-hand all that Bablake Junior School has to offer. Lorrian Holder, Headmaster

Facing challenges, exploring potential


o help our pupils do their best we provide a fantastic environment, excellent care and stimulating teaching. We offer a breadth of experience that encourages everyone to explore their potential and prepares them to face ongoing challenges in the classroom and in life. Pupils leave us with the confidence to be considerate and co-operative and to offer leadership. They learn to be part of a team and to be able to persevere individually when they have only themselves to rely upon.

Success at Bablake Junior School is a fulfilment of the parental dedication that has brought them to where they are even before they walk through our doors. The families that choose Bablake come from many different backgrounds and cultures but all share the same aspirations. This instils in our pupils the determination to work hard alongside others and to do their best. We nurture that early impetus and give it educational form and academic opportunity.

We want our pupils’ achievements at the Junior School to set the foundations for what lies ahead. In the classroom, on stage, during expeditions or when playing, knowledge is learnt, skills are gleaned and the perseverance essential to success is honed. We want our pupils to be stimulated by their learning, to be personally enriched and to make lifelong friends. We believe that contented children learn best and we want your children to be happy and to enjoy coming to school.

“Thank you for letting me go to Bablake. I love it. I’m excited about going to school every day.” Year 5 Pupil

“Her joy at school and her academic achievements are truly wonderful to witness.” Year 5 Parent

Teaching and learning – the hub of school life


t Bablake we bring together well taught, stimulating lessons and enthusiastic learners. This positive synergy allows our pupils to achieve academically and lays the foundations for future learning through the enjoyment of lessons and the acquisition of appropriate skills and knowledge.

The curriculum and life in the classroom Our pupils follow a broad and challenging curriculum and great care is taken to ensure a balance across the study of languages and the arts, Maths, Science, sport and extracurricular activities. Pupils are based in classes with their Form Teachers who will teach them for some of their lessons whilst increasing use is made of specialist teachers and facilities as the pupils get older. Having only two or three classes per year group ensures a close community where everyone knows each other. The close relationship between Form Teachers, specialist staff and pupils enables fulfilling and personalised learning to flourish.

Languages, Humanities and the Arts

Learning Support

Pupils learn to express themselves and their ideas with increasing clarity through the study of English language and literature. Drama lessons encourage everyone to use their imagination and develop the confidence to perform with others. Art and Music lessons develop creativity and explore different processes and techniques. As part of the Music curriculum, in Year 4 all pupils have group instrumental lessons in strings, keyboard and brass.

Learning Support at Bablake helps children overcome factors that inhibit their learning. Our support structure allows pupils to flexibly access help when it is needed and many different pupils receive help over their time with us. Learning Support teaching is delivered in close co-operation with Form and subject teachers to ensure learning is as successful and enjoyable as possible.

A keen interest and understanding of culture is stimulated through a broad Humanities programme that encourages reflection upon our circumstances and how we fit into history and the world. French is taught throughout the school with German and Spanish introduced in Year 6.

Science, Maths and Technology Science lessons are based around interesting practical investigations and the Maths curriculum ensures pupils have a clear grasp of the skills they will need to access the more applied challenges ahead. Whilst the importance of traditional education remains as strong as ever, ICT brings a stimulating dimension that both encourages and allows individual innovation. Our excellent ICT facilities support the children’s learning and help us evolve and enliven their studies.

Year 6 innovation A stimulating programme of study supplements the core curriculum in Year 6. In their last year with us, pupils experience an enhanced drama, language and sports programme alongside the challenges of taking part in charity based enterprise activities. All Year 6 pupils become school prefects and there are specific leadership opportunities in sport, ICT, the library and music. Our older pupils are important role models and positively influence the behaviour of the younger members of our community. Our academic results are outstanding, with pupils attaining standards well above those elsewhere. Normally all of our pupils join the Senior School and children who enter the Junior School are considered to have that potential. Thorough preparation means that every year many Junior School pupils win academic, Art or Music scholarships and receive bursaries for entry into the Senior School.

“Pupils throughout the school are very keen to learn and clearly enjoy what they do in lessons and other activities. Pupils attain high standards in their learning.� Independent Schools Inspectorate

“The encouragement he has had from the staff has been second to none and we are amazed at his achievements.” Year 6 Parent

Empowered to learn


e want our pupils to engage with their learning. We believe that this way they will achieve their best. At the start of lessons the purpose of what’s to come is explained and every effort is made to keep everyone focussed. Engagement means that the children are switched on to what is required and the pace, questioning, co-operation and feedback enables learning to be enhanced and embedded. Thorough assessment means that as gaps appear they are targeted and overcome.

Responsibility for their own academic progress grows as the children get older. They are encouraged to think for themselves and to persevere in the face of challenges with determination. Working hard underpins academic success and individuals are supported in the pursuit of their own academic goals. Thorough foundations are put in place and it is good to hear of our former pupils’ success as they move through the Senior School.

“Pupils are very well prepared for the next stage of their education.” Independent Schools Inspectorate

“The School has a high culture of praise.” Independent Schools Inspectorate

“A wonderful five years!� Year 6 Parent

Teamwork and challenge; participation and the pursuit of excellence


eamwork is encouraged throughout the life of the school. Whether it be within the classroom, choir, orchestra or school team, the immensely important benefits of co-operative endeavour are reinforced through challenge and experience. Sport plays a major part in life at Bablake. During a varied and balanced PE and Games programme pupils will be encouraged to support and work with others, seek excellence and to do their best. They will play in teams, have fun and enjoy physical activity. Pupils play varied sports as well as taking part in other physical activities: football, netball, rugby, hockey, cricket, rounders and athletics are all taught by specialists within the curriculum. Our aim is that all of our pupils represent the school in fixtures. Our small numbers make that possible and we frequently field A, B, C and even D teams so that everyone can experience the challenge and excitement of matches. In addition pupils play tennis and basketball and take part in swimming, karate, cross-country and gym sessions.

Our sports teams are very successful and win the vast majority of our fixtures. We regularly win county events and the school has a well-founded reputation for its sports provision and the pupil’s performances. It is also pleasing to note the spirit with which our teams play their matches; determined yet measured. Children are also encouraged to pursue sporting interests outside of school and many go on to compete at representative level.

Excellent facilities Bablake benefits from excellent sports facilities with the swimming pool, sports hall, tennis and netball courts, rugby, football and cricket pitches on site. Only a mile away is our Astroturf and other extensive grass sports fields.

Activities An extensive programme of activities takes place before and after school and at lunchtimes. These vary between the creative, like drama and art, to the competitive, such as chess, swimming and football.

We have many music groups who tend to meet at lunchtimes, including orchestra, brass, percussion and strings. Many pupils take individual music lessons and regular concerts and performances in front of parents and friends build confidence and bring music to the fore. The diversity of opportunity, from martial arts to Maths clubs, means that there is something for everyone. The importance of co-operative endeavour in developing teamwork whilst pursuing excellence and personal interest is very much at the heart of a Bablake education. Everyone has the opportunity to enjoy and excel at sport, to learn to play a musical instrument or take part in a wide variety of activities. Our pupils then gain further fulfilment whilst playing together in teams or groups.

“The contribution of curricular and extra-curricular provision is excellent.� Independent Schools Inspectorate

“I like Bablake because everyone has enough room for friendships.” Year 3 Pupil

“We have all loved the Bablake Junior experience.” Year 6 Parent

An enriching community


t Bablake we want your children to enjoy their education. Pupils, parents and school staff work together to help facilitate the best possible outcomes for everyone. A harmonious community brings enrichment and great care is taken to ensure that the children are content. Problems are dealt with quickly and sympathetically and staff are always ready to talk to pupils and parents. Our form system means that teachers spend significant amounts of time with the children in their classes. This bond means support is readily available and willingly given. We are very conscious of the significant responsibility we have been entrusted with. Staff share values with parents and also a commitment to high expectations of behaviour, standards of dress, courtesy and manners.

We all flourish in an environment where support and consideration for others are paramount and this message is regularly reinforced. Being a successful and considerate member of the community is an important aspect of the hidden curriculum at Bablake. Senior School pupils are regularly welcomed into the Junior School and they are often to be seen listening to the younger pupils read and assisting them with their Maths and Music. This continuity and engagement is a very positive experience for all concerned. The house system challenges and supports individuals as part of a team through competition. House points are awarded for effort and excellence and for consideration of others. Educational trips and weekends away both support the curriculum and encourage personal responsibility, as do certificates and other awards presented in Assemblies.

Positive reinforcement highlights commendable behaviour throughout the school. Parents are encouraged to visit our school at any time and there are two formal Parents Evenings each year. Reports are sent home each term and homework diaries aid communication between home and school. Parents are encouraged to support the children as they take part in sports teams, concerts and plays. This interaction helps us all understand each other better and enriches our community. Bablake Junior School is open from 8.00am to 6.00pm to accommodate the varied needs of hardworking families.

“Tolerance and harmony are integral to the community.” Independent Schools Inspectorate

“She has had a fantastic time and loved every moment at your school.” Pre Prep Parent

Bablake Pre Prep


ablake Pre Prep offers a friendly and caring environment, where children are happy and excited to come to school. Parents, pupils and staff work together to ensure successful learning takes place. A family atmosphere ensures individuals are prepared to take full advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead.

Families that choose Bablake come from many different backgrounds and cultures but all are determined that their children should have a great education. From a very early age this instils in your children - our pupils, the determination to work hard alongside others and to do their best. The sharing of collective values ensures co-operative success.

As part of Bablake, Pre Prep pupils are members of one of the country’s leading independent schools. From an early age your children will share in the ambition Bablake has for all of its pupils; that within an ethos of care and community, our shared aspirations help assure academic and all-round success. Pre Prep pupils more specifically benefit from accessing Bablake’s specialist teaching and facilities.

Every year former Pre Prep pupils achieve remarkable success across our school. The educational foundation for this was laid many years before, at Bablake Pre Prep.

“The school’s welcoming and family ethos reflects its aims to value and support each individual.” Independent Schools Inspectorate

“In the EYFS children are extremely motivated, confident and independent learners, who respond to school life with great enthusiasm and enjoyment.” Independent Schools Inspectorate

The Early Years


ducation for children at the Pre Prep begins from the September after they turn three. Our Kindergarten classroom for children who are 3+ is bright, colourful and airy with displays highlighting the children’s many successes and achievements. Teaching supports children in their first steps towards numeracy and reading and writing through ‘Letters and Sounds’. The staff who look after Kindergarten are passionate about their work and the children thrive.

We have two small classes in Reception where early foundations are reinforced and greater structure and traditional academic emphasis is introduced. Reading, writing and number work are at the heart of the programme. Staff encourage children to be good communicators and to develop problem solving techniques. Alongside this we are keenly aware that each child develops individually. In Kindergarten and Reception there are plenty of opportunities for children to develop creatively, physically and socially. All children are carefully observed and their progress is monitored and shared with parents.

“The quality of provision in the EYFS is excellent.” Independent Schools Inspectorate

Years 1 and 2


n Years 1 and 2 children follow an extended National Curriculum in small classes where their individual needs can be readily met. The curriculum is broad and balanced and pupils regularly enjoy going on trips and outings to local places of interest. Pupils visit Bablake for several lessons each week whilst specialist teachers visit the Pre Prep to teach Music and Art. In Years 1 and 2, as throughout the Pre Prep, positive interaction and supportive relationships are readily apparent.

Our school The normal school day at Bablake Pre Prep is between 8.45am and 3.20pm although the school is open between 8.00am and 5.45pm. Hot lunches are available daily or children can bring their own food into school from home. A fun, structured and stimulating holiday club runs most days of the school holidays between 8.45am and 5.00pm and a diverse selection of clubs are available after school. Children can join the Pre Prep at any time subject to a visit and there being a space. As the children get older more formal assessment takes place during their visit. We need to be confident that pupils have the long term potential to pass into the Senior School aged 11.

“You have provided a wonderful nurturing environment with superb teaching.� Pre Prep Parent

Contact details

@bablakejunior @bablakejunior @bablakejunior BablakeSchoolMedia

Transport: Maps and directions: To arrange a visit contact: Bablake Junior School Coundon Road Coventry, CV1 4AU 024 7627 1260

Bablake Pre Prep School The Grange, Brownshill Green Road Coventry CV6 2EG 024 7627 1285

“Bablake Pre Prep is a special place where children can work and play together in safe and stimulating surroundings. We provide a happy and friendly environment where emphasis is placed upon building firm foundations and nurturing a love of learning. Children and parents feel welcome and supported and we aim to inspire all of our pupils to become more independent and to do their best.� Tracy Horton, Head of Pre Prep

Bablake School, which exists to provide quality education for boys and girls, is a registered charity (No 528961) and is a school within the Coventry School Foundation. It provides independent education for 3–18 year olds, through Bablake Junior School and Bablake School, founded in 1344. Printed on paper sourced from sustainably managed forests. Design by Mustard:

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