Bablake Lion Spring 2023 - Issue 88

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Following on from the Enrichment talk given by former pupil Simon Crosby, Lower Sixth student Jamie contacted Simon to enquire about the possibility of completing some work experience, which he was then able to do during half term.

Here, Jamie tells us about the time he spent there:

I enquired about work experience after an Enrichment talk delivered by Simon Crosby, a director at the firm Corstorphine & Wright. During half term, I worked at the office in Warwick, exposed to the inner workings of an architectural practice. It was an intriguing and insightful experience in industry, and throughout the week I worked on a mini architectural project. Simply titled ‘Designing your Dream Home’ it gave me experience of the design process and exposure to the systems and technology used in architecture. In addition, I created a portfolio of this work at the end of the week to take with me.

Laser Quest

10ASC enjoyed an end of term form trip with Mrs Cassell and Miss Brandrick to Laser Quest.

Top scorers were Dylan, Daniel and Miss Brandrick!

Life Choices

In early March, we welcomed in Maddox Jones, a singer songwriter from Northamptonshire, to speak to Year 9 as part of their Life Choices programme.

Since graduating from university, Maddox has had the honour of going on arena tours with The Killers and Placebo, as well as working with Adele’s publishing company. Maddox is tipped to have a huge year in the music industry, with festivals booked all around the country this summer. Maddox has had his own issues with mental health and drug addiction in the past and has now completely turned his life around for the better, so feels he is in the perfect position to talk about these issues with young people. Maddox is excited to be promoting such a positive message

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Our Upper Sixth students put their communication skills to the test by participating in a Mock Interview Morning as part of National Careers Week 2023.

A group of 20 employers gave up their time to interview our students, to help develop their confidence in demonstrating their strengths, whilst working under pressure and thinking on their feet. Parents and alumni from different industries including engineering, computer science, business, medicine, construction and finance supported the event and they encouraged students to highlight examples of their academic achievements and transferable skills. The Upper Sixth used the opportunity to test their responses to different practice questions and to develop a greater awareness of their strengths. They then received constructive feedback about their performance.

Out and About in Coventry

Earlier in the term, Year 11 R.S. pupils visited two local, contrasting places of Christian worship: the Quaker Meeting House and Coventry Cathedral.

At the Quaker Meeting House, we were told about and experienced Quakers’ silent worship of God, and we heard about their work for peace and reconciliation, including their commitment to pacifism. We then walked into the centre of Coventry, where pupils were able to avail themselves of a drink and snack (for some, potentially the highlight of the trip!). We then visited the Cathedral, where Reverend Slavic gave us an excellent tour of the font, the Chapel of Industry, the Lady’s Chapel (including photos of his wedding day on that very spot) and the Chapel of Gethsemane. Zoe Simms gave us an insightful tour of the Chapel of Unity and of the old Cathedral ruins. An enjoyable and educational morning was had by all, and the pupils were able to deepen their understanding of Christian worship and peace and reconciliation.

Students considering a degree apprenticeship route were also able to participate in a mock assessment centre workshop delivered by Severn Trent Water. Participating in a practical group activity, they received some great advice from the HR team about working effectively in a group situation and building positive relationships within a team. Connecting with employers in this way is a positive experience for our students that will make them consider their individual strengths and skills; they can then think about how they could potentially connect to the world of work in the future.



Bablake in Berlin

During half term, 55 pupils had the opportunity to visit the fascinating city of Berlin.

Berlin represents so many key issues in twentieth century history, from the hopes for democracy after World War One to the impact of the Great Depression and the rise of the Nazis, and from the horrors of World War Two to the divisive effects of the Cold War. Their short visit was full to the brim with sights, including a tour of the Reichstag building and a visit to its Dome, and time to reflect on the past in the Topography of Terror. They got to walk in the footsteps of Stalin, Churchill, Truman and Atlee during a visit to Cecilienhof Palace, home to the Potsdam Conference in July 1945, and get a feel for the dangers of warfare in World War Two during a tour of an underground bunker. Other highlights included a night view of Berlin from the Fernsehturm and a visit to the Olympic Park, home to Hertha Berlin Football Club.

Many thanks to Mrs Skilton and Mrs Gauden for organising the trip, and to Mrs Billings, Mrs Clough, Mr Wright, Dr Knight and Dr Johnson.

GCSE Textiles is back on the curriculum!

Pupils in Year 8 have been given the opportunity to study Textiles into Year 9 for the first time in quite a few years at Bablake. Studying Textiles offers the opportunity to develop skills in designing and creating, but more importantly, it introduces a diverse, exciting and engaging Year 9 Textiles curriculum and I hope that the subject will go from strength to strength over the coming years. Studying Textiles builds on the skills and knowledge pupils have already learnt in Shells and Year 8. It provides increasingly sophisticated resources, including dedicated teaching environments, manufacturing equipment and specialist teaching.

As pupils progress through this phase, they will be given the opportunity to focus on specific aspects of the subject such as product design, computer-aided design and manufacture, materials technology and illustration and graphics. However, at its core is creativity and imagination. Pupils learn to design and make products that solve genuine, relevant problems within different contexts, whilst considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. To do this effectively, they will acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on additional disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering and computing, sometimes without even knowing it!

Textiles is a practical and valuable subject. It enables children and young people to actively contribute to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of themselves, their community and their nation. It teaches how to take risks and so become more resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable. Pupils develop a critical understanding of the impact of design and technology on daily life and the wider world. Additionally, it provides excellent opportunities for them to develop and apply value judgements of an aesthetic, economic, moral, social, and technical nature both in their own designing and when evaluating the work of others.

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Many congratulations to Jasmine in Year 10, who has recently qualified as an FA football referee.

Jasmine started the pathway for this qualification via an online course just after her 14th birthday in August last year. She completed a day and a half face to face training course with Birmingham FA during October half term and there were then a number of matches that needed to be officiated and submitted to the league in order to be awarded the qualification. Jasmine can currently officiate a football match up to and including U13s.

Jasmine has registered with Leicestershire FA’s Women’s & Girls’ league and has officiated at eight matches to date, four of which have been league cup matches. Jasmine also volunteers at her local football club, where she has refereed for friendly matches and younger age group games. As part of the skill task to contribute to her Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award, she has also taken part in a continual personal development referee course, a league referee meeting a referee association meeting.

Well done Jasmine!

Return of Science on the Hill

This term, we have been lucky enough to witness the return of a series of fascinating lectures at the University of Warwick.

After a long absence due to the pandemic, Science on the Hill returned with world-renowned scientists who are experts in their respective areas. Each scientist hosted an enthralling presentation, enlightening the audience with intriguing information about the advancements of science.

To begin the series of presentations, Dr Robert Dallmann of Warwick Medical School spoke briefly about the forthcoming lectures under the title ‘Metals for Life’. Following this, Dr Alevtina Mikhaylina from the School of Life Sciences delivered a lecture about metals in the environment. She explained the correlation between the amount of iron in seawater and carbon dioxide fixation capacity affecting global temperatures and we learned that microbial life possesses exquisite regulatory capacity to ensure that safe levels of essential trace metals are maintained. Professor Joanna Collingwood from the School of Engineering discussed the picturing of metals in brain diseases and finally, we heard from Edward Lant of the Chemistry Department about the use of metals to inhibit glycolysis in cancer cells.

It was great to see so many younger Bablake pupils attending the lectures, along with Mr Wright. We are excited to see what future Science on the Hill lectures have in store for us and would highly recommend them to anyone interested in the development of science in this modern era.


I have been preparing for it for a long time, following an intense schedule of five or six training sessions a week which takes a lot of perseverance and discipline. I am very proud that I won in the final against G Griffiths from Kent (3-0) and was delighted that the hard work paid off.

This is one of the most prestigious squash events in England and I am already looking forward to participating again next year.

It was a great pleasure and honour to win the English National Squash Championship BU15, which took place in London during half term. I was one of 64 players who participated in the event.
Ismail Khalil


It has been a busy term in the English Department; pupils have thrown themselves enthusiastically into their studies and cocurricular activities, with trips, competitions, themed events and literary celebrations happening left, right, and centre!

Our forthcoming department trip to see Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’ at the Birmingham Rep Theatre follows two previous successful theatre trips; our wonderful A Level Literature students and those Year 11 pupils considering A level English travelled to Stratford to see Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ at The Royal Shakespeare Company, and a number of our Year 10 pupils were wowed by The National Theatre’s performance of Priestley’s ‘An Inspector Calls’ at Coventry’s own Belgrade Theatre.

World Book Day was celebrated by our Shells with a ‘Story Journey’ including activities and discussion based on Angela Carter’s ‘The Werewolf’, which is a short ‘twisted tale’, inspired by the traditional story of Little Red Riding Hood. The tale was revealed piece by piece in lessons across a school day to encourage a love of reading for pleasure amongst pupils and staff alike.

Shell and Year 8 pupils have also had the incredible opportunity to show off their poetry prowess, with many winning prizes and the privilege of being professionally published in a poetry anthology in the national ‘Power of Poetry’ competition. This year’s theme was ‘Voices of the Future’, and all entrants clearly found their voices through their creations and should be proud of their accomplishments.

Meanwhile, the continued and valued efforts of Mrs Needham in the Library have enabled some fabulous activities and competitions for pupils in all years. World Book Day was celebrated here too, with a popular literary quiz. Holocaust Memorial Day was commemorated with a themed poetry competition on ‘Peace and Reconciliation’. LGBTQ+ History Month was celebrated with quizzes, literary displays and group discussions facilitated by the English department’s newest member, Miss Hester.

The English Department would like to congratulate all our pupils - especially those who have participated in the excellent opportunities and events - for their hard work so far this year.

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Putting Coventry on the Map

On Friday 10th March, 12 Bablake geographers attended the launch of Coventry’s bid to become the first city in the world to sign up all of its schools to the UNESCO Associated Schools Network.

It was a genuinely eye-opening experience for all and every single one of the pupils embraced the challenges of the day and truly did Bablake proud. The event was an opportunity for them to hear from a University of Warwick professor about the issue of climate justice. They then worked to prepare for a debate with Bluecoat School on whether the UK should convert to 100% electric transport, in front of Warwick and Leamington MP Matt Western. They worked collaboratively with each other and university students to prepare for the debate and were bursting with ideas on how to justify their opinions. Their hard work resulted in a host of compelling arguments and effective rebuttals, culminating in a win overall. All of them commented on how pleased they were to have the opportunity to practise public speaking and how proud they felt to have overcome fears and succeed! Of course, one of the highlights of the day was the incredible array of foods available for lunch, in one of the university’s foremost conference centres, which everyone certainly enjoyed.

Finally, they participated in panel discussions and a Q&A session with Matt Western MP, Professor Christine Ennew OBE, University Provost, and Baroness Brown of Cambridge who is Chair of the Lords’ Science and Knowledge Committee. The pupils really felt they had been given a chance to understand more about the impacts of climate change and potential for mitigation measures, but also that they had seen the opportunities for a positive future and how they may play a role in it. They will continue to be involved in the UNESCO ASN programme this year and have already been set the challenge of contributing to the creation of policy documents over the forthcoming months. It was a brilliant day with a truly fantastic group of inspired geographers, who were wonderful ambassadors for the school.

Creative Collective Composition Session

As a Bablake Music Scholar, I was very happy to attend this event at Warwick Arts Centre. It gave me an opportunity to meet other music scholars in a group and was very enjoyable. I liked the instrument that I was playing too. It was similar to a drum but was called a Cajón, which is the Spanish word for box. The workshop involved us playing as a group of musicians to create our own rhythmic piece. We needed to cooperate with each other and keep in time. We each suggested ideas and used our teamworking skills to put the piece together. I look forward to having an opportunity like this again.

Swimming to Glory

I was recently involved in the West Midlands Swimming Gala where I was awarded four gold medals, three of which I share as they were relays and one that I won for the 50 metres butterfly race. I also received a silver medal in the 100 metres butterfly and a bronze medal in the 100 metres backstroke. Swimming is very important to me and I train six times a week, five times straight after school and once on a Saturday morning for two hours. I thoroughly enjoy it and love that I am involved in many competitions.


Everlasting Success

Our product is a bundle consisting of a customisable picture frame coated with non-toxic chalkboard paint and a liquid chalk pen, packaged in biodegradable tissue paper and a recyclable paper bag. Due to the nature of the pen, any design can simply be erased or altered to fit any occasion from Christmas to anniversaries. Our product is additionally combatting the promotion of single-use engraved frames.

As a team, we have been developing our structure and product since the start of our Young Enterprise journey and have taken advantage of opportunities to sell at the Christmas Fayre, at performances of Les Misérables and most recently at the Young Enterprise Trade Fair in Leamington Spa. Thanks to our group’s hard work, the dedication of our subgroups and thorough preparation of both our product and our stand, we were awarded ‘Best Trade Fair Performance’ in Coventry and Warwickshire. We are incredibly proud of this achievement and are now excited as to where it will lead our team in the future.

Vetro Official aims to sell high quality, pre-loved items of clothing.

We want to prove that sustainable fashion is the way forward by encouraging the de-stigmatisation of second-hand fashion. We are raising awareness of this issue through reselling clothes that are still deemed fashionable today. Quite often when we think of second-hand clothing our minds can carry negative connotations, but this is exactly the mindset that we want to tackle. Our target demographic ranges from age 13 to 25. We put a lot of thought into the reasonable pricing of our clothing, hence our company slogan “Sustainable fashion at affordable prices.” We have brands such as Nike, Adidas, Carhartt and Dickies as we know these brands and others are popular with our target audience. This was evident at the trade fair in Leamington Spa that we attended, when a young couple who purchased our clothing said it was exactly what they were looking for and that they wished they could come back again. It was not all plain sailing, but our perseverance and positive attitude ensured that we made a good number of sales at the trade fair and it was a good learning experience for us all.

We are Everlasting, a Young Enterprise group with a mission to providing sustainable, bespoke picture frames to those wanting to preserve their memories.
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After arriving safely in the early hours of the morning, we were greeted with fantastic conditions: clear blue skies, sunshine, and excellent snow! Pupils received five hours of tuition a day and it was great to see our beginners make rapid progress as they moved from the nursery slopes onto more challenging terrain. Our advanced groups quickly got to grips with the red runs before conquering some difficult blacks on the glacier, 3000m above sea level. The views at the top were incredible! At the hotel, we were treated to a fabulous selection of food each day and après ski activities including swimming, snow tubing, tobogganing and the traditional Bablake Ski Trip Quiz. A particular highlight was our karaoke evening; it was great to see everyone getting involved and singing along. Ms Ross’s solo performance to close the night will live long in the memory!

More photos and videos can be found on Twitter (@BablakeSport) – use the hashtag #BablakeSki23.

It has been three years since the last ski trip and there was therefore great excitement as we embarked upon our largest ever trip (82 pupils and 12 staff) to Passo Tonale in Italy.

Congratulations to Upper Sixth student Erin Keeling on achieving a Top Gold Award in Round 1 of both the Physics Olympiad and the Chemistry Olympiad. Although full details have not yet been sent through for the Chemistry Olympiad, we are aware that her Top Gold award in Physics means that she is in the top 180 students from approximately 6000 entries. In both subjects, Erin has qualified for Round 2 of the competition, and she has already completed the paper for Round 2 in Physics.

These papers are throwbacks to yesteryear, as each round consists of a three-hour paper, testing science well beyond the boundaries of the A level specifications. As far as we are aware, this is the first time (in the memory of Dr Knight and Dr Johnson) that we have had a student who has achieved a Top Gold in both subjects; all the more impressive considering Erin is going to be taking a different subject, Mathematics, at Cambridge next year. Well done Erin!

Dr Johnson


Just before half term, we were delighted to welcome former pupil Rory Dulku back to Bablake.

Rory took time out from his busy schedule to meet with students and share his experiences of the performing arts.

His visit was perfectly timed, as it was just before the wonderful performances of Les Misérables and he was able to offer some words of wisdom. We are looking forward to working with Rory over the coming months and are very grateful to him for his time.

Education for Everyone

I had the opportunity to meet former Prime Minister Boris Johnson during half term, when he delivered a speech to Conservative Party members in Dudley to emphasise the importance of young people and education.

He told the crowd of the importance of ‘securing a better future for the people of tomorrow’ and indicated that one way to set about doing this would be by developing the education and skills available to young people.

It was vital that ‘more opportunities in work and education’ were enabled in order to develop a stronger future, Boris told the crowd. He said that one of the things the Conservatives will need to do at the next General Election is to ensure affordable housing and ownership for the country to allow more people to get on the property ladder.

I was able to speak to Mr Johnson and ask him his thoughts on equal opportunities for education of young people. He responded by saying, “access to education must be equitable and inclusive for all young people, regardless of their background or where they live.”

The former Prime Minister was in a defiant and positive mood, focusing on hope for the future of the country and for the next generation.

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“The way Alex overcame the problems he faced and how resilient he had to be has shown me that anything is possible in any aspect of life.”

(U6 student)

“It was a fun way to spend Friday afternoon, but I was also motivated and challenged by the tasks Steve gave us to do.”

(U6 student)

“We are all comfortable in our lives not taking any risks. We need to be grateful, but it made me think that life is too short to not go and have an adventure.”

(U6 student)

The Sixth Form Enrichment programme, led by RPE teacher Zoë Simms, is designed to provide students with skills and experience beyond their academic programme. It aims to promote the spirit of opportunity and values of Bablake:

‘Be Bold, Be Curious, Be Resourceful, Be Responsible, Be Creative’

Lower Sixth students have attended lectures given by a variety of speakers during the year. These speakers have generously given their time to provide informative and inspiring talks about their lives and careers. We have heard from former pupils, current parents and other guests talk about areas such as law, architecture, bio-chem, circadian rhythms, hedge funds, restorative justice, corporate banking, financial exchange, the MoD, engineering, computing consultancy and artificial intelligence. Our thanks go to Nia Gripton-Crockford, Jamie Markham, Robert Dallmann, Simon Crosby (pictured), Joanna Lloyd (pictured), Jay Brahach (pictured), Jonny Thompson, John Kirkman, Duncan Nicholson, Josh White, Oliver Thorpe and Umang Rajdev. The Lower Sixth have also benefitted from a carousel of nine sessions on topics that complement the curriculum: study skills, finance, contracts, debating, marketing, presentation skills, mindfulness, personal identity and basic first aid.

The Upper Sixth have taken part in three Enrichment sessions during the year that they selected from the following choices: African Culture, Photography, Performance, Survival Cookery, Craft, Woodland Conservation (offsite), British Sign Language, Yoga, Medical School preparation, Outreach (offsite) and Future Learning Courses (online).

We have also had some thoroughly interesting speakers visit the school to give presentations. Many thanks go to Alex Hibbert (polar explorer), Steve Beckles-Ebusua (motivational speaker) and David Trew (comedy writer, manager and former pupil).

“I feel like I’ve developed a wider awareness of topics I would never have considered and I’ve seen how my skill set could be suited to specific careers that I never would have known about.”

“The talks were really informative; they have broadened my horizons to different paths and possibilities in life.”


Harkiran is on Track

Year 9 pupil Harkiran has been successful in securing a place on the BWT Alpine F1 Team’s Girls’ Mentoring Scheme.

BWT Alpine F1 Team, with support from Motorsport UK and Girls on Track UK, has launched a new mentoring scheme and invited secondary school girls in Year 9 who aspire to work in motorsport to apply.

The mentoring scheme has been designed for future motorsport professionals interested in factory, office and engineering roles. Individuals selected to enter the mentoring scheme will have a BWT Alpine F1 Team member as their dedicated mentor. The mentor will provide guidance and support via regular video conferences and face-to-face meet-ups, giving regular advice and encouragement.

Harkiran is a member of the Mantis F1 in Schools team that has been entered into the Development Class category of the F1 in Schools competition. Her team is currently working towards the Regional Finals of the competition with a view to securing a place at the Nationals and ultimately the World Finals.

Harkiran, why did you apply?

I would like to expand my knowledge and use of CAD and would use the mentoring scheme to help improve my team’s success in the F1 in Schools Challenge. I would also like to take the team further to reach the Nationals and World Finals, hopefully being recognised by a Formula 3 or 2 team. I would like to understand how the teams manage strategy and how engineers communicate during the race.

What do you think you want to do in the future?

My aim is to be in Formula 1 as a Race Engineer as I am really interested in aerodynamics and working with wind tunnels to improve a car’s speed.

Harkiran is due to attend the launch event being held in April at BWT Alpine F1 Team in Enstone, Oxfordshire. We are all very proud of her achievements and the fact that she has been selected for the Mentor Scheme. We can’t wait to hear about her experience next term.


The DT Department has seen a blur of



of pupils once again entered into the F1 in Schools competition (

This season we have five teams and 30 pupils working towards the Regional Finals of the competition which will be held at Aston University in April.

F1 in Schools is a multi-disciplinary challenge in which teams of pupils aged 9 to 19 deploy CAD/CAM software to collaborate, design, analyse, manufacture, test, and then race miniature compressed air powered cars made from F1 model block.

Pupils have learnt how to use CAD software to design their cars and have seen them produced on the CNC router, with their cars coming to life once team colours are applied. Excitement is building for the regional finals and teams are busy adding the final touches to their portfolios and presentations.

This season we have returned to live events, with Aston University hosting the West Midlands Regional finals in April. The teams will present their cars for scrutineering and racing will take place on the 30m track. Teams will also give a five-minute verbal presentation and will submit their Design and Engineering portfolios. The teams have created their brand identities, with logos and team colours decorating their F1 cars.

The teams are hoping to emulate the success of Zephyrus in reaching the National Finals. The aim is the World Finals, which are usually held during a Formula 1 Grand Prix event.

All teams are seeking sponsorship to help them with entry fees, manufacturing of the car, production of a pit display and team branded clothing. If you or anyone know would like to consider supporting these enthusiastic pupils in their quest to achieve their goal of reaching the World Finals please do get in touch. To see more about the teams, head to Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.

activity most
this term
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Bablake’s very own Zephyrus F1 in Schools Team competed at the National Finals in January, held at the Autosport International event at the NEC.

The team worked extremely hard to improve and develop their car in their bid to reach the World Finals event, which will be held at the Singapore Grand Prix weekend in September.

Having won the West Midlands Regional Finals, the team set to, spending many hours fine tuning and fettling their race car to ensure it was lighter and faster than their Regional Finals winning car. The team used industrial modelling CAD software to transform their car and tested it using CFD, just as F1 teams do when developing their cars.

Luckily for us, the National finals were held at a local venue, so we set off from school for the short trip to the NEC, arriving fresh and ready for the two-day event. The team was keen to set up its pit display and it gained many appreciative comments, with the homemade wind tunnel taking pride of place! The team also had the pleasure of meeting sponsors and members of the McMurtry Spéirling record-breaking electric single-seat prototype car team.

his views on the experience:

It was a gruelling four months, but in the end we were able to complete everything we needed to in order to compete at the National Finals at the NEC during Autosport International. The Autosport Show was fantastic and we were lucky enough to see all sorts of different vehicles, which was really exciting. However, we were there for one reason only - the National Finals. We experienced two days of harsh scrutineering, judging, interviews and, of course, racing. Regrettably, we did not perform as well as we had hoped, but the experience as a whole was unforgettable. The team had been competing and working together for well over a year and had grown closer, learning to deal with the challenges and how to overcome problems that arose. The project equipped us with so many skills that we can take through life, and we are so proud to have been the catalyst to influence other F1 teams at school, with Bablake now putting forward five teams into the competition.

Ultimately, we did not proceed to the World Finals, but we were able to head home with our heads held high and a wealth of valuable experience. I would like to thank all those who supported us, and especially our sponsors without whom we would not have achieved as much as we did.



Our Year 11 GCSE artists were lucky enough to visit The Reel Store to see ‘Life and Work of Frida Kahlo’.

‘Known for her vivid artwork, iconic style and extraordinary life, Frida Kahlo is an inspiration to many. Based on the artist’s diary, this award-winning, multisensory experience tells Kahlo’s story from a new perspective – in her own words.’

The exhibition did not disappoint and provided an amazing immersive environment in which pupils could experience the highs and lows of Kahlo’s life. We then finished off the evening at Wagamama’s to celebrate the completion of their Art coursework.


Our Shells are exploring portraiture and have been working hard on their grid drawings and using water colours. Their final pieces are starting to take shape, so watch this space to see their completed ‘Scream’ inspired self-portraits.


During lockdown, current Lower

Sixth student Milo Kelly took it upon himself to take GCSE

Photography a year early outside of school. He then submitted one of his photographs to the Coventry Open at the Herbert Gallery & Museum.

He was shortlisted and his work is being exhibited. There are cash prizes available and the public can vote via a voting system. The launch was on the rd March and the exhibition opened to the public on Friday 24th March.

This is the piece of art which was selected. Milo has called it ‘The New City’ and it is a collage photo on paper of Coventry’s Brutalist architecture.


Misérables Les

As a ‘leaving performer’, the audition process is naturally a lot easier to deal with now than when I auditioned for the first production I was involved in here.

However, with Les Misérables being such a huge and, at times, difficult show to put on, it did still spark a lot of nervous energy knowing that, no matter the outcome of the audition, the work that would need to be put in for any role in such a show such is tremendous. Being in the oldest year group within the cast was a really lovely thing to experience. Seeing new, younger members of the school get involved and create some truly great moments on stage was really encouraging, and it was wonderful to make new friendships with these younger cast members as well.

With the sheer scale of the show and the knowledge that it would be my last here at Bablake, it honestly did take a while for the pure dread I was feeling to turn into a more positive nervous excitement. As show time drew closer, the excitement built and that buzzing pre-show feeling hit me – something that has not changed since I first went on stage here at Bablake. The highlight for me had to be the standing ovation at the Friday evening performance. The pride that the whole team felt for the show and the emotion that the cast were feeling during the final bows was immense and infectious. Throughout the Theatre, it was so great to see how much the audience enjoyed it. I was initially quite anxious to take on a musical of the magnitude of Les Misérables, but I am so glad that I did, and I couldn’t be more proud to say that I was part of such a fantastic team for my last show at Bablake.

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Eponine Lily Harris

I auditioned for Les Misérables because of my passion for drama and musical theatre. The audition experience was daunting, but exciting and enjoyable at the same time. I did not want to build my hopes up too high, but I was so excited when I found out that I had got the part of Eponine. One of the highlights pre-performance were the rehearsals. I met some incredibly talented people and the team spirit we created was amazing, as everyone came together to support each other. The rehearsals, were hard work, but such great fun at the same time. I have made many new friends during my time rehearsing and I have learnt so much from other people, not least team building and listening skills. The camaraderie was incredible.

I was so excited before the performance and I found it to be an immensely enjoyable experience. The last night was so emotional, as we finished the last show with a standing ovation. The highlight of show night for me was the atmosphere in the Theatre. It was incredible and made even better because all participants, including the back-stage crew and orchestra came together to support each other. This whole experience has helped to build my confidence and I have also honed my theatre skills. I just loved the whole experience from start to finish!


Competitions House

Bablake House System

The House Quiz retained its usual format for Lower School pupils, but we introduced a new format for our Sixth Formers. Students were asked to choose a specialist subject and were given questions relating to that in a ‘Mastermind’ style quiz round. The specialist subjects were the band Toto, Disney, Mixed Martial Arts and the Football World Cup 2022 and the second round was based upon General Knowledge. The final results were Fairfax and Wheatley in joint first place, Crow third and Bayley fourth.

All year groups have been competing in inter-House badminton. Year 8 boys have played their competition, with Wheatley and Bayley coming joint first. Congratulations to all those who took part.

A brand-new House event that we introduced this term was ‘Play Your Cards Right’. For those of you too young to remember, this was based on the 1980’s Bruce Forsyth TV game show, with pupils predicting whether the next card would be of a higher or lower value than the previous one. Much fun was had by all and Fairfax won, with Wheatley second, Crow third and Bayley fourth.

We have enjoyed a number of House events this term.
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ProudMaking us

Locations and subjects are as varied as ever and our students are working hard to ensure they achieve the grades they require to begin an exciting new chapter.

Five of our Upper Sixth have received offers to Oxford or Cambridge and the offers are well deserved. Those receiving offers come from a wide range of backgrounds and have performed exceptionally well. They are fantastic ambassadors to what hard work can achieve and are also superb role models for the rest of the school.

Congratulations to:

Erin on her offer to read Maths at Queens’ College, Cambridge

Lara on her offer to read English Literature at Jesus College, Cambridge

Emily on her offer to read Veterinary Medicine at Queens’ College, Cambridge

Sadie on her offer to read French and Spanish at Hertford College, Oxford

Elizabeth on her offer to read Biology at Keble College, Oxford

Last year, over half of all A level grades awarded were at A* or A, highlighting Bablake’s position as one of the leading schools in the Midlands for academic achievement.

We have been delighted by the number of university offers that have flooded in for our Upper Sixth.


The seniors finished their season with a competitive game against KES, taking a 4-3 win and displaying some great hockey.

The excitement is now growing for their tour to Malaysia this summer.

The U13s must be commended on their work rate and teamwork at the recent Warwickshire Tournament; despite some tough competition, the team finished in third place.

Girls’ Sport Football

The female game continues to grow in society, which is why it is important to lead by example and give the girls an opportunity to compete in some form at school.

For the first time, we have entered the U13s into the Sisters n Sport National Football Cup which the girls are thrilled about. They beat Lutterworth School 6-2 in the first round and will head into round two later in the term.

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There have been some excellent wins for our teams this half term.

Congratulations must go to our U14A team on regaining their title at the Bromsgrove festival and finishing champions!

They defeated Solihull in the semi-finals (9-7) and Repton in the final (10-3). They also continue their winning streak in the Sisters n Sport National Plate, facing King’s Macclesfield in the semi-finals in the coming weeks. For the for the fourth consecutive year, both the U15A and U15B teams took the title of Coventry School Champions; it has been a superb season to date, with them winning 90% of their fixtures.

The U13B team finished runners up in their Coventry Schools Tournament and the U13As reached the semi-finals. We are excited to see how the U12s get on in their competition.

The seniors are also ensuring a strong finish to their season, with very competitive wins against Wellingborough, Denstone and Wrekin College.

Well done to everyone.


RUGBY Boys’ Sport

Our senior rugby season finished in style with a tense 21-20 victory for our 1st XV against Princethorpe under lights at Coventry Rugby Club.

Our senior boys have been outstanding this year, particularly in a tough half term which has seen matches against Warwick, Kirkham GS, KES Stratford and Sedbergh. The 1st XV match versus Sedbergh was a real highlight, and perhaps the performance of the season, despite the very narrow loss.

Our junior teams have also been in action, with the U13s excelling in victories against Kirkham and President Kennedy.

We have also seen some excellent Sevens games, with the U14s showing great progress in the KES Stratford Sevens, a tournament where the 1st VII reached the plate final. The U12 team had an excellent afternoon at the KES Birmingham Sevens, winning three and drawing one of their seven matches.

And more…

It involved taking part in a rugby camp that lasted for three days, with us staying at the University of Warwick for two nights. The first day took place at Broad Street Rugby Club, where we received coaching from various academy and England coaches. For the second day, we were based at Warwick School and we took part in team training, alongside various talks, including one on nutrition. On the Sunday, we played our match against the South West at Warwick School and we won 29-14. We also played the following Saturday against the North, but unfortunately lost 38-34, fighting back from being 19 points down within the first ten minutes. Overall, it was an incredible experience to be part of such an amazing team and talented group of people.

After a two-week selection process, Sam and I were picked to play for the England Counties Midlands U18 squad and I was fortunate enough to be made captain.
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It has been another busy season of boys’ hockey with over 150 competitive fixtures played across all year groups.

The seniors have performed well against some strong opposition; highlights include thrilling games for the 1st XI against Abbotsholme and Leicester Grammar, coming from behind in both games to snatch victory in the closing minutes. The 2nd XI have enjoyed lots of success and it is encouraging to see so much young talent coming through ready to make an impact in the 1st XI next year! The 3rd XI have continued to enjoy their hockey; they have really come together as a squad and put in some excellent performances.

The junior teams have enjoyed a competitive programme of fixtures on a very tough circuit. The U15s and U14s have shown real resilience and determination, and this has been rewarded with some pleasing results and performances this term. The U12s and U13s continue to develop a love of the game and they have enjoyed participating in lots of tournaments and competitions. It has been rewarding to see so many boys at training this term; well done for all your hard work and commitment!

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