Bablake Senior School Prospectus

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The spirit of opportunity

“At Bablake, we are passionate about young people and their boundless potential to lead   exciting and generous lives.”

“I am comfortable in all worlds because of the security and confidence Bablake gave me.” Qanta Ahmed, former pupil and eminent medic

Why Bablake? “B

ablake is a remarkable school with a rich history and a vital present. Founded in 1344, our ethos has developed over many centuries and is based upon mutual respect, high expectations and support for one another. As one of the oldest schools in the country, we combine a sense of history, community and place within Coventry with a dynamic and forward looking education and a determination to see each child achieve their full potential. This is a happy, caring and vibrant community and it is on this basis that pupils work hard and achieve so much.

A belief in the importance of education unites us. We want our pupils to develop enquiring minds, find their passion and enjoy their time with us before going on to live fulfilling lives and make a difference to society. Our pupils’ examination results and achievements reflect our positive learning culture and we are consistently placed amongst the highest performing schools in the country. Sport, Music, Drama and other co-curricular activities all play a major role in our school life and offer opportunities for everyone, from beginners to elite level performers. These activities develop excellence, educate pupils to be open minded, independent and willing to take risks. They also promote the core Bablake values of working with and for each other We are genuinely a co-educational school, committed to giving outstanding opportunities to both girls and boys, and to celebrate their diverse gifts. This prospectus provides no more than a fleeting encounter with Bablake. Please come to meet our pupils and staff, and to discover for yourself the purposeful, warm and inclusive atmosphere for which we are known. I invite you to attend our annual Open Morning or Evening, and we would be delighted to arrange a visit on a ‘normal’ school day. The breadth of opportunity at Bablake, the values learned and the results achieved, transforms our pupils and instils a belief that they can and will make a difference in society. I look forward to welcoming you. Andrew Wright, Headmaster

“The teachers care about you. They just want the best for you and your future.” Alex, Fourth Year

The potential to succeed, with the joy of discovery


ur pupils follow a broad and challenging academic curriculum, complemented   by a rich array of co-curricular activities. We seek to nurture creativity, self-discipline and a life-long love of learning. Academic success is built on a combination of individual attention, enthusiastic learners, highly qualified and motivated staff and modern facilities and teaching methods.

Class sizes are adjusted to reflect the changing demands of the curriculum and guarantee that our pupils receive personal care and attention from experienced and dedicated specialists. There is a staff: pupil ratio of 1:10, and pupils inspire each other through co-operative endeavour.

The Arts


Through the study of English Language and Literature, our pupils learn to express themselves and their ideas with clarity and fluency, and to enjoy and respond to their reading. All classes in the earlier years also learn Drama, where they can use their imagination and develop the confidence to perform with others. In Art and Music lessons, pupils are encouraged to be creative and to explore a wide range of different processes, techniques and genres.

Visits to historical, geographical and classical sites at home, on the continent and beyond enrich our pupils’ education and experience. Our Religious Education increases pupils’ knowledge and understanding of religious and spiritual traditions; the subject also affords them the opportunity to explore spiritual, moral and social issues and the way in which these affect their own and others’ lives.


Science, Technology and Mathematics play a large role in the curriculum; these subjects prepare our pupils for the challenges of the ever-evolving world beyond Bablake. All pupils develop their scientific and technological interests and skills, through the traditional Science subjects, and through Design Technology and Food and Textiles.

Understanding our own and others’ cultures and customs are an important part of our curriculum. We teach modern languages (French, German, Spanish, Italian and Chinese) and classical languages (Latin and Classical Greek), as well as their civilisations. Our modern and purpose-built languages block highlights our commitment to foreign languages. All pupils have the opportunity to take part in language visits to continental Europe.

Science, Technology and Mathematics

In Mathematics, pupils are stretched well beyond the functional skills, to cover more challenging aspects of the subject. Computer Science is essential to their learning. We are committed to ensuring that every pupil who leaves the school has highly developed ICT skills, including the opportunity to undertake some computer programming.

Enabling every child to thrive Learning Support is provided by a dedicated department for pupils who have some degree of learning difficulty, which is often dyslexia. Whilst we aim to stretch and challenge all our pupils through the opportunities we provide, there is also a Gifted and Talented programme, which enables our most gifted and talented to ‘fly’.

Education for life


e begin at an early stage to explore   with pupils the exciting   array of possibilities open to them beyond Bablake. Our full-time Head of Careers is ably assisted by other experienced staff in guiding and encouraging pupils to do their own individual research. There are presentations at appropriate junctures, as well as careers instruction through our Life Choices programme. Pupils are given formal guidance over study skills, in addition to benefiting from Enterprise education.

In the Sixth Form, we organise an annual Mock Interview Morning, a biennial Careers Convention and an annual Higher Education Evening. Teachers provide extension lessons which focus on specific preparation for certain university courses, and Oxbridge candidates receive special guidance. At the end of the Lower Sixth Year (Year 12), pupils benefit from extended research into options beyond Bablake, which may include work experience and visits to universities. We fully understand that good academic credentials are not always enough to ensure success, and we therefore want Bablake pupils to stay ahead of the rest, aware of their own unique qualities and selling points, and of the importance of finding and taking opportunities. They are encouraged to live the dream!

The Careers Department is very active online, via a variety of platforms. It encourages professional use of social media and enjoys excellent links with former pupils who are always keen to assist current pupils.

“Bablake is considered an extension of the home, down to the caring staff who promote this positive relationship between students and staff.” Parent, Fourth Year Pupil

“I love my school. I think everyone should consider coming to Bablake.” Amelia, Sixth Form

A caring and secure community


ablake provides a warm, friendly and supportive environment where pupils of all ages learn together in an atmosphere of co-operation and trust. They therefore grow naturally in self-esteem and self-confidence, emerging as generous young adults, prepared for life. Our pastoral system is centred on the Form Tutor, who is responsible for monitoring the academic and social progress and wellbeing of pupils in his or her care. Working closely with Subject Tutors, he or she has daily contact with the form and is in an ideal position to support and advise pupils, and to encourage participation in school activities.

The Form Tutor also often teaches the form, and gets to know the children as individuals. He or she provides the vital link between home and school, and is supported by a dedicated and experienced Year Head. We send home regular written reports of pupils’ progress, and we track pupils according to their potential. We invite parents in for at least two parents’ evenings annually; we actively encourage them to keep in touch with the school and welcome their getting in contact with the Form Tutor at any time. It is only through working together that parents and staff can seek to give our pupils the most effective support and direction.

On entering the school pupils join one of the four Houses to which they belong throughout their time at Bablake. These provide a focal point for identity, co-operation and healthy competition, giving pupils further opportunities to develop a wide variety of skills and interests, and to demonstrate their allegiance and support. They also enable pupils of all ages to work together and learn from each other. Bablake has a Christian foundation. Today, however, we attract and welcome members of all faiths and backgrounds, a diversity which enriches the lives of our pupils. The School is a happy and open community, where pupils are given opportunities to explore their place in life in an atmosphere of mutual trust.

Pupils support each other through the form prefect and peer supporter schemes, and our nurses and visiting school counsellor provide further guidance. We build community and nurture understanding of others through the daily life of the School and through our Life Choices programme. This programme equips pupils with the knowledge and information necessary to make informed choices, within a framework of traditional moral values.

“My employers are all impressed with how confident I am, even when dealing with senior executives and board members. I put that totally down to Bablake.” Sarah Brown, Former Pupil

Empowered to create


ablake has a fine reputation and tradition in the Arts. Music, art, dance and drama enrich both the academic and wider education of our pupils, and have the power to excite and inspire. Bablake Music has an ever-increasing reputation for diversity and excellence. From the showcase termly concerts, to the intimate atmosphere of our chamber series at St. John’s Church, Bablake musicians inspire and entertain.

Drama brings together diverse skills in performance and technical roles: our professional Studio Theatre at the centre of the English, Drama and Music block is a superb performance venue. Bablake is unique in taking a production to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe annually for almost thirty years. Art and Design benefit from excellent facilities, and offer a wide range of media in which to work. Ceramics and screen printing, textile art and a 3D printer give opportunities to work at a high level, often with visiting professional artists. Regular exhibitions are held, both at school and in the community.

“I love drama and Bablake has an amazing theatre.” Ellie, Second Year

“...the camaraderie of the sports teams and the social side that comes from these are impossible to rival.” Alex, Sixth Form

Teamwork, challenge and the pursuit of excellence


t  Bablake, we believe strongly that sport   has an important part   to play in the physical and social development of all young people, and is not just for those of exceptional ability. There is a wide range of sporting opportunities – from rugby and netball, hockey, tennis, rounders and cricket, to swimming, climbing, martial arts and cross-country. Whilst a number of pupils represent their county, region or country in various sports, others play games purely for enjoyment and relaxation.

Bablake has a long tradition of sporting success, and all pupils have the opportunity to represent their school. School teams frequently undertake foreign tours, often to exotic locations. Such tours provide an unforgettable experience for young people. In the recent past, tour destinations have included Sri Lanka, Malaysia, South Africa, the Caribbean and continental Europe. Coaching is provided by the school’s own staff and by specialist coaches. The school has its own 40-acre playing fields and synthetic playing area. There is also a sports hall, a dance studio, a fitness suite, a climbing wall, netball and tennis courts and an indoor swimming pool.

Regardless of innate ability, our pupils are encouraged to develop their skills and interests so that they can pursue an enjoyable and healthy participation in sport in the future.

“The Sixth Formers listened and responded very graciously. I had some really interesting comments and they asked some great questions. They’re really bright kids; I’m very impressed.” Henry Olonga, former Zimbabwean Test Cricketer

“Every pupil has been enthusiastic, motivated and very professional in all the challenges we set them. I believe that the future of business and commerce looks to be safe in their hands as the future entrepreneurs of our country.” Business in Schools Network (visitors to the School)

Enriching lives, broadening horizons


cademic   studies are complemented by   a huge range of co-curricular   activities and academic societies. Pupils value this opportunity to broaden horizons, develop new interests and skills, and to enjoy participation with others. We are continually adding new opportunities for our pupils to gain further in self-confidence, whilst experiencing a sense of pride and achievement. An exciting programme of outdoor activities is available for pupils of all ages, interests and abilities. There is a very popular and thriving Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, and many pupils continue right through to the Gold Award. The Combined Cadet Force presents opportunities for developing confidence, team-work and leadership skills, both at school and at camp.

We want our pupils to develop broad interests, to be outward-looking and culturally aware. As well as visiting writers, artists, speakers and theatre companies, there are field-trips, visits to art galleries and exhibitions, to museums, to the theatre, the opera and ballet, to universities, to industrial sites and factories, and annual language visits to France, Germany and Spain. Ski parties have visited European and American resorts; the History Department goes annually to the First World War battlefields; expeditions have been offered to China, Russia, Central America, the USA and Iceland; and there have been Classics trips to Italy, Greece and Turkey. All pupils in their first year spend a residential week in Yorkshire where they enjoy varied visits and activities and build on relationships.

In clubs and societies as diverse as astronomy, chess, debating, dance, science, textiles, environment and Mandarin, pupils are encouraged to make the most of their time and opportunities, and to develop the interests and skills to enrich their future lives. Our activities and expeditions bring together pupils of different ages and create an environment in which informal relationships between staff and pupils flourish.

“There is a wide variety of clubs and societies, coupled with strong and attentive teaching to provide all round education.� Parent, Third Year Pupil

“Bablake has given Charlie the best of everything and we are so pleased with our decision seven years ago to join Bablake. We are so very proud of our young man.” Parent, Upper Sixth Pupil

Sixth Form... leading the way


he   Sixth Form is an integral part of Bablake   and has its own area within the   School. It includes a Common Room, Coffee Bar, and Study Room complete with wi-fi and computers, all of which help to create an atmosphere and facilities likely to be encountered at university. Our Sixth Formers benefit from many opportunities for leadership, within clubs, societies, sports and the house system. They make a valuable contribution to the day-to-day running of the School, either as form prefects or school prefects and also in helping to run clubs and societies. They have considerable responsibility for the behaviour and mutual consideration of pupils, as is shown in the pastoral and academic peer mentoring schemes.

In their loyalty, full commitment to the School and mature approach to work, they are important role models and mentors for the younger pupils. Pupils new to the Sixth Form are attracted by its academic reputation and its friendly, inclusive atmosphere. This is true if you have travelled half way across the world or just across the city; each year we have a significant number of pupils who join the school to benefit from an outstanding Sixth Form education, which prepares and equips them for exciting futures.

Pupils are highly successful at A Level, following a carefully crafted and engaging curriculum, appropriate both to their interests and for admission to the top universities. A level studies are enhanced and extended by the Extended Project Qualification, the scientific CREST award, extension lessons and an enrichment programme. The vast majority of pupils proceed to a university of their choice, or apprenticeships, while a small number choose to embark directly on successful careers in industry and commerce.

Bablake – a sprin We are very proud of the generous and self-confident young adults who leave Bablake, equipped not only for success at university and in their careers, but, above all, prepared for fulfilment in life.

A vision... “Bablake offers you all the opportunities that you need to move into adult life. During the Sixth Form my confidence and maturity have increased, so I feel I am fully prepared to leave school and pursue a university degree and adult life. I owe this to Bablake as I have been encouraged to take up responsibilities on and off the sports field to develop my leadership skills.” Ronan

A voice... “Without doubt, my Bablake Sixth Form education and the multitude of opportunities that came with it were key stepping stones towards my higher education and future career pathway. It is a decision I would not hesitate to make again. I am so pleased I chose subjects I really enjoyed. My form tutor and the Careers Department were always available whenever I wanted support and have stayed in contact. Since leaving, I have returned to Bablake to offer assistance with Medical Extension classes, the Upper Sixth Mock Interview Morning and Careers Conventions.” Mark McKelvie, Former Pupil

A soul... “I enjoy being in Bablake Sixth Form because of the great variety of extra and super curricular activities, the support you obtain from the subject teachers and the lively social atmosphere. I also enjoy the privileges of being a Sixth Former: relaxing in the Sixth Form common room, going to planned lectures in the subjects I am taking and having free study lessons every now and then.” Kate

ngboard for life... A mind... “I have been able to settle into my new environment so comfortably and can assure everyone that, because of the friendly and vibrant atmosphere throughout, I didn’t even realise how quickly I was feeling part of Bablake. Within a couple of days it felt as if I had been associated with the Bablake community forever. The Sixth Form really has changed me from a boy to a man.” Usama

A smile... “It is such a privilege to work with bright and motivated students from a range of backgrounds, who share a spirit of enquiry and the desire to reach their full potential. Bablake’s Sixth Form enables them to realise their ambitions.” Mrs Alison Tumber, Head of Sixth Form

A heart... “I have met the nicest and most helpful teachers and pupils ever at Bablake. Their kindness and care move me all the time. I have relished the variety of academic challenges I have faced.” Ellen, International Student from China

“I have wanted to let you all know how I am getting on and to thank you for the wonderful foundations you gave me.” Elisse Power, Former Pupil

At the heart of the community


any   of our pupils help maintain Bablake’s links with the local  community through their work with local primary schools, hospitals, the elderly and charitable organisations. Forms regularly organise fund-raising events and significant sums are raised each year for local, national and international charities. We are partnered with a township school in South Africa, and aim to be an outwardlooking school, whose pupils are aware of their responsibilities and characterised by a generosity of spirit. Founded in 1344, the School has, since 1890, occupied an attractive site approximately one mile from Coventry city centre, and is easily accessible by road. School buses link the School with surrounding towns and villages, and there is a shuttle service from the station.

Coventry itself is undergoing healthy regeneration after the loss of some manufacturing industry, and is surrounded by some beautiful countryside. The proximity of Warwick and Coventry Universities, Birmingham, Royal Leamington Spa and Stratford-upon-Avon affords us the benefits of an artistically and historically rich region. The city is quite literally at the heart of the country and of a thriving social and business network. Six hundred years ago Coventry ranked fourth among England’s cities in size and importance. The city still reflects that golden age with one of the country’s finest guildhalls, almshouses and monastic

foundations, timber-framed shops and the two great central churches of Holy Trinity and St. Michael’s, the famous ruined cathedral. The true spirit of Coventry is represented by its resurrection after the war, with Basil Spence’s extraordinary modern cathedral, and major projects embody Coventry’s commitment to culture and the arts. Bablake is the natural beneficiary of the city’s advantageous position, and reflects the diversity and opportunities afforded by Coventry and its environment.

“A great school with great opportunities.” Grace, Fifth Form

Directions to Bablake





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From the Ring Road, leave junction 8 and turn right at the first set of traffic lights by the Days Hotel. From the A45/A4114 turn left at the traffic lights by the Days Hotel. Bablake School is 250m beyond the left hand bend and is situated on the right hand side of Coundon Road.

Bablake School, Coundon Road Coventry CV1 4AU t 024 7627 1200 e w f t




“When you have left Bablake, you appreciate just how much the staff helped you embark on the rest of your life. Such good people and such a nice environment to grow up in.� Francesca Kinsella, Former Pupil

Our aim: To provide an excellent and stimulating education for boys and girls, by developing character, intellect and physical well-being within a happy, scholarly and caring community.

Bablake School, which exists to provide quality education for boys and girls, is a registered charity (No 528961) and is a school within the Coventry School Foundation. It provides independent education for 3–18 year olds, through Bablake Junior School and Bablake School, founded in 1344. Printed on paper sourced from sustainably managed forests. Design by Mustard:

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