news & views from bablake school issue 50 autumn 2009
In this issue Pullman power! 02 News shorts 03 Future leaders 04 Jean genie 05 DNA 06 Bablake Arts 07 La belle France 08 Bablake Music 09 D of E 10 High flyers 11 A day in the life 12 Bablake Sport 13
Shell Olympians The first Saturday of this academic year saw the School Field and Terrace flooded with new Shell Formers, all of whom were ready and willing to give their all for their Houses. For once the weather was also on our side and we were bathed in sunshine for the entire morning. Forty enthusiastic House prefects ensured the smooth running of the events from welly-wanging and fancy dress obstacle courses, to hockey dribbling, netball shooting and penalty shoot-outs. The Shells threw themselves into every event, really entering into the spirit of the House Activity Morning. In terms of competition, it was extremely close with only five points separating all four Houses in the end. Eventually, after all the excitement, Mr Watson revealed Wheatley to be the winner, much to the delight of its recently appointed House Head, Mr Shelley. More photos of the day inside...