bablakeupdate news & views from bablake school
Headmaster’s notes We are approaching the end of a consultation process which has included pupils, staff, governors and parents, as we begin to construct the next phase of the School Development Plan, for 2010-13. I am grateful to all those who have contributed, via questionnaire, in School Councils or in discussion groups, for the vital partnership between school and home will enable us to build on strengths and to further improve our pupils’ education. Whilst there is much that we already do very well, a school is a living and dynamic community preparing its pupils for a rapidly changing world, and we can
therefore never stand still; if we do, we shall soon get left behind! So, the core traditional values of academic rigour, integrity and respect for others should be enhanced and refreshed by creative innovation and new opportunities. It was in such a spirit that I embarked on my visit to China this Easter, for I believe that this huge and rapidly developing nation could play a strikingly important role in our pupils’ futures. We shall be welcoming our first four or five Chinese pupils to study A levels from September, and we hope that we shall all benefit from a fruitful exchange of ideas and cultures. The pupils will live in local families and will, of course, follow their curriculum in English. At the same time, the opportunity for our pupils to learn Mandarin Chinese in a lunchtime club or in Upper Sixth Enrichment lessons will continue, whilst we develop links with the Suzhou Industrial Park No.3 Middle School, whose unimaginative name cannot but fail to reflect its ambition and pride!
The Headmaster with the Principal and Vice Principal of Suzhou Industrial Park No.3 Middle School
Bablake School, Coundon Road, Coventry CV1 4AU +44 (0)24 7627 1200 +44 (0)24 7627 1290 e w t f
the lion Summer 2010
Design: by Mustard: Printed on paper sourced from sustainably managed forests.
issue 52 summer 2010
Staff news Further to previous announcements, in September we shall also be pleased to welcome: Miss Stacey Wilson, Head of Girls’ Sport. Miss Wilson studied Sports Science and Geography at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, where she was also a regional hockey player. She has been teaching PE, Games and Geography at Christ’s Hospital School in Horsham since 2005, and is also an Assistant Housemistress in a girls’ boarding house. Miss Kelly Ormsby, History. Miss Ormsby was educated at King Henry VIII School, where she was Head Girl. She studied for her BA in History at the University of Manchester, and is currently completing her PGCE at the University of Warwick. She is also qualified to teach Religious Education and Classics, and has played netball and rugby. Miss Katarzyna Dzikowska, part-time Art. Miss Dzikowska studied Fine Art (with Multimedia Activity) at the University of Radom in Poland, where she also trained to be a teacher. She moved to England in 2008, and is currently teaching at Rugby High School. She particularly enjoys photography, outdoor activities and archery. Miss Kathryn Brindley, part-time Geography. Miss Brindley is a former Bablake pupil, who has studied Geography and Geology at the University of Leicester. She will no doubt throw herself wholeheartedly into the life of her ‘old’ school, and, as a qualified coach, looks forward to supporting girls’ hockey. Valete I shall give ampler details in my end-of term letter, but the following staff will be retiring or leaving, and we are immensely grateful to them for their service and dedication to the Bablake community: Mr Andrew McConaghy, Director of Studies and History; Mrs Patricia Tatum, Head of Middle School and Music; Mr Rob Dougall, Assistant Head of Sixth Form and English; Mrs Brenda Wood, Art; Mrs Mandy Reed, Girls’ PE (who will remain at Bablake Junior School); Mrs Pat Thomas, Librarian; Mr Stuart Slater, Maintenance; Mr Jonty Boddington, Design Technology Technician; Mrs Chrissie Waddington, Physics Technician.
In this issue A formula for success 02 You’re fired! 03 Ready Steady Cook 04 Newsshorts 05 Oooh arrrr! 06 Using the plot! 07 Artsnotes 08 Acting up 09 On the slippery slope 10 to Les Menuires Snow in Snowdonia 11 A first for the girls 12 Biennial inspection 13 Sport 14
Bablake mile
Charity started off on a low note in the Spring Term when we had to raise funds to help the distressed and homeless people of Haiti. But in true form we rose to the challenge and through collections, sponsored events, the sale of second hand goods and a popular “Hats for Haiti Day” we were able to send over £2,350. £420 was collected for the teenage cancer trust and £300 for the Brecon Rescue Team who helped some of our Sixth Form when in trouble during their Duke of Edinburgh gold award hike last summer. The Grangers Club is a local charity supported by two ex-pupils. They provide a social meeting place for disadvantaged young people in Coventry. We were able to give them £350.
A special mention must be given to James Faulkner in 3C (Year 9) who raised in excess of £3,000 for the NSPCC by climbing Kilimanjaro in very difficult conditions. This was a tough challenge and we were able to give him £350 to add to his total. Finally, Sport Relief saw staff and pupils taking part in the Bablake Mile. We dressed up and looked totally mad as we ran, walked, crawled, cart wheeled, sang, walked backwards, joined ourselves together to do a three and five legged stagger, transported ourselves round in shopping trolleys and toy cars and altogether managed to raise £1,000.
Mrs Dolphin’s husband, Mark, completed the London Marathon in an impressive 4 hours and 4 minutes and raised a total of £2,900 for the National Autistic Society, of which £350 came from Bablake. Thanks go to all those who took part and who helped to raise £5,650 for those less fortunate than ourselves.