Bablake Prospectus

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The spirit of opportunity

Our mission To provide an excellent and stimulating education for boys and girls, by developing character, intellect and physical well-being within a happy, scholarly and caring community.

“Bablake School meets its clear aims confidently and with assurance. It provides for all its pupils an outstanding educational experience. It constitutes a happy community of successful learners, balancing academic challenge with an extensive range of cultural, spiritual, sporting and creative activities, as well as opportunities for community service to promote generosity of spirit among all its pupils.� Independent Schools Inspectorate

Contents Welcome to Bablake


The potential to succeed, with the joy of discovery A caring and secure environment Empowered to create



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Friendship, teamwork, resourcefulness Enriching lives, broadening horizons Education for life


At the heart of the community Location




Welcome to Bablake At Bablake, we are passionate about young people and their boundless potential to lead exciting and generous lives. Our inspiration and ethos stem from the very best of old and new.

Dynamic and forward-looking, we nevertheless prize traditional values and a rigorous academic education. We believe in aspiring to excellence in all we do, encouraging individuals to flourish – in mind, body and spirit. Our pupils gain the qualifications and confidence to play a leading role in an everchanging world. Much of the happy, caring and vibrant atmosphere which characterises our community springs from the fact that we are a genuinely co-educational school, committed to giving outstanding opportunities to both girls and boys, and to celebrating their diverse gifts. Education should be challenging, creative and life-changing. Our pupils’ examination results and achievements reflect our positive learning culture, and we are consistently placed amongst the highest-performing schools in the country.

Yet this is but part of the story. Beyond the classroom, we offer our pupils a rich and extensive range of opportunities, to help them grow in self-esteem and to learn the mutual respect so important for their future lives and for the society to which they will contribute. This website provides no more than a fleeting encounter with Bablake. Please come to meet our pupils and staff, and to discover for yourself the purposeful, warm and inclusive atmosphere for which we are known. I invite you to attend our annual Open Morning or Evening, and we would also be delighted to arrange a visit on a normal school day. I look forward to welcoming you.

John Watson Headmaster


“Lessons are distinguished by a powerful sense of purpose to learn, in a shared enterprise between teacher and pupil.” Independent Schools Inspectorate



The potential to succeed, with the joy of discovery Our curriculum is designed to encourage every Bablake pupil to develop his or her potential to the full. Academic success is built on a combination of individual attention, enthusiastic learners, highly qualified and motivated staff and modern facilities and teaching methods. Learning for life

Humanities and Languages

Throughout their time at Bablake, our pupils follow a broad and challenging curriculum, and great care is taken to ensure an appropriate balance between the arts, science, creative subjects, sport and extra-curricular activities.

Our curriculum amply reflects the importance of an understanding of our own and others’ cultures. A purpose-built languages block emphasises our commitment to the teaching of modern languages (including French, German, Spanish and Chinese) and classical languages and civilisation.

Class sizes are small, with about 24 pupils in each class in the Key Stage 3 years (11-14). For some of the creative and technology subjects, classes are divided into two. Beyond Key Stage 3 (GCSE and A Level) numbers in subject groups are lower. This adjustment in class size reflects the changing demands of the curriculum and guarantees that our pupils gain personal care and attention from experienced and committed teachers. The Arts Through the study of English Language and Literature, our pupils learn to express themselves and their ideas with clarity and fluency, and to enjoy and respond to their reading. All classes in the earlier years also learn Drama, where they can use their imagination and develop the confidence to perform with others. In Art and Music lessons, pupils are encouraged to be creative and to explore a wide range of different processes, techniques and genres.

All pupils have the opportunity to take part in language visits to continental Europe. Bablake has a nationally acclaimed weather station which is run jointly by staff and pupils, and visits to historical, geographical and classical sites at home and abroad enrich our pupils’ education and experience. Religious Education increases pupils’ knowledge and understanding of religious and spiritual traditions, whilst also giving them the opportunity to explore spiritual, moral and social issues and the way in which these affect their own and others’ lives.


“The fantastic choice of subjects, activities and interests is all in place; now it’s just up to me to take advantage of it all.” 4th Form (Year 10) pupil

Science, Technology and Mathematics The importance in a rapidly changing world of Science, Technology and Mathematics is recognised both in our curriculum and in modern facilities and equipment. All pupils develop their scientific and design technology interests and skills, through the traditional Science subjects, Design Technology and Food and Textile Technology. In Mathematics, pupils are stretched well beyond the functional skills, to cover more challenging aspects of number, algebra, shape, space and statistics. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is essential to learning in the modern world. We are committed to ensuring that every pupil who leaves the school has highly developed ICT skills, and to this end we continue to expand and improve our modern ICT facilities. Sixth Form The Sixth Form is an integral part of Bablake and has its own area within the School. It includes a Common Room, Coffee Bar, and Study Room complete with a fully networked set of computers, all of which help to create an atmosphere and facilities likely to be encountered at university.

Our Sixth Formers benefit from many opportunities for leadership, within clubs, societies, sports and the house system. They make a valuable contribution to the day-to-day running of the School, either as form prefects or school prefects. They have considerable responsibility for the behaviour and mutual consideration of pupils. In their loyalty, full commitment to the School and mature approach to work, they are important role models and mentors for the younger pupils. Results at GCSE are outstanding, and as a consequence our pupils acquire the grades to gain entrance to our Sixth Form, where they continue to thrive. They are highly successful at A Level, following a carefully crafted and engaging curriculum, appropriate both to their interests and for admission to the top universities. A level studies are enhanced and extended by the extended project qualification, the scientific CREST award, extension lessons and an enrichment programme. The vast majority of pupils proceed to a university of their choice, while a small number embark directly on successful careers in industry and commerce. Learning Support and realising potential Learning Support is provided by a dedicated department for pupils who have some degree of learning difficulty, which is often dyslexia. Whilst we aim to stretch and challenge all our pupils through the opportunities we provide, there is also a Gifted and Talented programme, which enables our most gifted and talented to ‘fly’.



‘‘Bablake provides an environment where a child can work and be stimulated to try new challenges.” Parent of 5th Form (Year 11) pupil


A caring and secure environment Bablake provides a warm, friendly and supportive environment where pupils of all ages learn together in an atmosphere of co-operation and trust. As a result our pupils mature in a relaxed yet purposeful environment, able to face a challenging world, full of confidence and self-esteem. Throughout their time in the school pupils are in form units under the personal supervision of a Form Tutor. Our pastoral system places great emphasis on the Form Tutor and it is this member of staff who is responsible for monitoring the academic and social progress of pupils in his or her care. Working closely with Subject Tutors, he or she has daily contact with the form members and is in an ideal position to support and advise pupils, and encourage participation in school activities. The Form Tutor provides the vital link between home and school, and is supported by a dedicated and experienced Year Head. We send home regular written reports of pupils’ progress, and we track pupils according to their potential. We invite parents in for at least two parents’ evenings annually; we actively encourage them to keep in touch with the school and welcome their getting in contact with the Form Tutor at any time. It is only through working together that parents and staff can seek to give our pupils the most effective support and direction.



On entering the school pupils join one of the four Houses to which they belong throughout their time at Bablake. These provide a focal point for identity, co-operation and healthy competition, giving pupils further opportunities to develop skills and interests and demonstrate their allegiance and support. They also enable pupils of all ages to work together and learn from each other. Bablake has a Christian foundation. Today, however, we attract and welcome members of all faiths and backgrounds, a diversity which enriches the lives of our pupils. An important part of growing up is a tolerance and an understanding of people from different cultures. Bablake provides a happy and open environment where all pupils learn together in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual trust, and where they are given opportunities to explore their place in life. Through our teaching of Personal Social Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE), pupils are equipped with the knowledge and information necessary to make informed choices, within a framework of traditional moral values.

“Pupils show a great respect for each other, so that a culture of acceptance and inclusivity is marked. They are confident, open and courteous. They receive visitors warmly and they reach out into the community in a generous way.� Independent Schools Inspectorate


“Fantastic range and depth of creative activities – there’s something to interest everyone.” 2nd Form (Year 8) pupil



Empowered to create Bablake has a fine reputation and tradition in Art, Music and Drama. All enrich both the academic and wider education of our pupils, and have the power to excite and inspire. Through their involvement in the Arts, pupils develop their skills and imagination, often uncovering hidden talent. The outstanding facilities of the theatre block reinforce the reputation of Bablake as a centre of excellence for drama and music in the West Midlands. Pupils have opportunities to participate in musical performance in the school orchestras, bands, ensembles and choirs. There are frequent choral and orchestral concerts, and in recent years the school choir and orchestra have performed on tour in France, Germany, the Czech Republic and the United States, as well as at various British venues. The school offers a number of scholarships to pupils of outstanding musical talent. We regard drama as a special area of excellence at Bablake. The Studio Theatre, complete with sound system, projection facilities and flexible seating, is an outstanding venue and focus for dramatic performance in the school.

Drama brings together the diverse skills of numerous pupils: some may be involved in lighting and set building; others in writing, dance and musical performance; and of course every production needs pupils to help in promotion, back stage and front of house. Bablake is unique in taking a production to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe annually for over twenty years. The Dramatic Society produces at least one major play every term and all pupils have the opportunity to take part. By encouraging pupils of all ages and all talents to work together, drama has a pivotal role in building and maintaining a sense of community at Bablake. Art and Design offer a wide range of opportunities in different media. Well equipped facilities provide for 2 and 3 dimensional work in fine art, pottery, ceramics and textiles. Computer aided design is taught, and there are frequent visits to galleries, both locally and further afield. The results are often stunning. Exhibitions of pupils’ work are held, and their creations are proudly displayed throughout the school.


Friendship, teamwork, resourcefulness At Bablake, we hold the firm belief that sport has an important part to play in the physical and social development of all young people. Sport at Bablake is not just for those of exceptional ability.

There is a wide range of sporting opportunities – from rugby and netball, hockey, tennis, rounders and cricket, to swimming, canoeing, self-defence and cross-country. PE and Games lessons and the variety of extra curricular sporting activities encourage our pupils to work together, and to develop self-discipline, resourcefulness and friendship. Whilst a number of pupils represent their county, region or country in various sports, others play games purely for enjoyment and relaxation. Bablake has a long tradition of sporting success, and all pupils have the opportunity to represent their school. Every year teams go on to compete in national finals, and our pupils win representative honours in a variety of sports at both local and national level. School teams frequently undertake foreign tours, often to the most exotic locations. Such tours provide an unforgettable experience for young people. In the recent past, tour destinations have included Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Caribbean, Canada and continental Europe. Coaching is provided by the school’s own staff and by specialist coaches.



At the heart of Bablake’s sporting prowess are outstanding facilities. The school has its own 40-acre playing fields and synthetic playing area. There is also a sports hall, a fitness room, squash courts, netball and tennis courts and an indoor swimming pool. There is a comprehensive inter-school fixture list for boys and girls in all the major sports, and pupils who have the interest and ability are actively encouraged to become involved. Regardless of innate ability, our pupils are encouraged to develop their skills and interests so that they can pursue an enjoyable and healthy participation in sport in the future.

“All of Bablake’s sporting activities are well organised and offer valuable opportunities for enjoyment and success.” Parent of Lower 6th Form (Year 12) pupil


“Extra curricular activities gave me confidence, unlocked my potential in the classroom, and undoubtedly helped my university application.” Former pupil



Enriching lives, broadening horizons Academic studies are complemented by the wide range of extracurricular activities that are an important feature of life at Bablake. Pupils value this opportunity to relax, to mix with others, to broaden horizons and develop new interests. We are continually finding new opportunities for our pupils to develop beyond the academic timetable, and so gain further in self-confidence, whilst experiencing a sense of pride and achievement. An exciting programme of outdoor activities is available for pupils of all ages, interests and abilities. The opportunities offered through our activities are important in broadening the experience of young people. They provide challenge and competition and promote teamwork, skill and athleticism, as well as helping to cultivate a sense of personal achievement. There is a very popular and thriving Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, and many pupils continue right through to the Gold Award. The Combined Cadet Force presents opportunities for developing confidence, teamwork and leadership skills, both at school and at camp. Pupils can even learn to fly through the RAF section. We want our pupils to develop broad interests, to be outward-looking and culturally aware. There are visiting writers, artists, speakers and theatre companies. There are field-trips, visits to art galleries and exhibitions, visits to museums, to the theatre, the opera and ballet, to universities, to industrial sites and factories, study visits to the Continent, and annual language visits to France, Germany and Spain.

Ski parties have visited European and American resorts; the History Department goes annually to the First World War battlefields; expeditions have been offered to China, South America, the USA and Iceland; and there have been Classics trips to Italy, Greece and Turkey. All pupils in their first year spend a residential week in Yorkshire where they enjoy varied visits and activities and build on relationships. In clubs and societies as diverse as chess, debating, dance, science, textiles, warhammer and life-saving, pupils are encouraged to make the most of their time and opportunities at Bablake, to achieve qualifications and develop the interests and skills to enrich their future lives. Our activities and expeditions bring together pupils of different ages and create an environment in which informal relationships between staff and pupils flourish.


“When you have left Bablake, you appreciate just how much its staff have helped you embark on the rest of your life.” Former School Captain

Education for life We begin at an early stage to explore with pupils the exciting array of possibilities open to them beyond Bablake. We maintain a broad curriculum in the Shells, Second and Third Years (Years 7 – 9), so that pupils have ample opportunity to identify the subjects which they enjoy most and in which they are most successful.

They are then guided through the options process, for both GCSE and A level, in full consultation with Form Tutors, Subject Teachers, Careers Staff and parents. There is much informal discussion, complemented by more formal interviews in the Fifth Year and in the Sixth Form (Years 11 -13). There is a Careers Office and Library, and our full-time Head of Careers is ably assisted by other experienced staff in guiding pupils and in encouraging them to do their own individual research. There are presentations at appropriate junctures, as well as careers instruction through the PSHCE programme. Pupils are given formal guidance over study skills, in addition to benefiting from Enterprise education.

The final focus on the universities application process occurs in the Sixth Form, where pupils work closely with their Tutors and with Careers staff in preparing themselves for the next stage. We organise a Mock Interview Morning, a Careers Convention and a Higher Education Evening. Teachers provide extension lessons which focus on specific preparation for certain courses, and Oxbridge candidates receive special guidance. At the end of the Lower Sixth Year (Year 12), pupils benefit from work experience and visits to universities. Over 98% of our Sixth Form leavers proceed to Higher Education, to a wide range of leading universities and courses. We fully understand that good academic credentials are not always enough to ensure success, and we therefore want Bablake pupils to stay ahead of the rest, aware of their own unique qualities and selling points, and of the importance of finding and taking opportunities. They are encouraged to live the dream! The Careers Department has its own website, at



“Outstanding attention is given to preparing pupils for the next stage of their education and for adult life.� Independent Schools Inspectorate


“The tradition of Bablake is one of a continuing and long lasting commitment to and involvement with the community of the city of Coventry.” Local businessman

At the heart of the community

Bablake (founded in 1344) has, since 1890, occupied an attractive site approximately one mile from Coventry city centre, and is easily accessible by road from surrounding towns and villages. Coventry itself is undergoing healthy regeneration after the loss of some manufacturing industry, and is surrounded by some beautiful countryside. The proximity of Warwick and Coventry Universities, Birmingham, Royal Leamington Spa and Stratford-upon-Avon affords us the benefits of an artistically and historically rich region. Six hundred years ago Coventry ranked fourth among England’s cities in size and importance. The city still reflects that golden age with one of the country’s finest guildhalls, almshouses and monastic foundations, timber framed shops and the two great central churches of Holy Trinity and St. Michael’s, the famous ruined cathedral. The true spirit of Coventry is represented by its resurrection after the war, with Basil Spence’s extraordinary modern cathedral, and major projects embody Coventry’s commitment to culture and the arts.



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Many of our pupils help maintain Bablake’s links with the local community through their work with hospitals, local primary schools, the elderly and charitable organisations. Forms regularly organise fund-raising events and many thousands of pounds are raised each year for local, national and international charities. We aim to be an outward-looking school, whose pupils are characterised by a generosity of spirit.

The City itself is at the centre of the UK with direct and immediate access to five motorway links, serving the whole of the UK road network, together with a mainline station and a nearby international airport. With the exact geographical centre of England only a few minutes’ drive away, the city is quite literally at the heart of the country and of a thriving social and business network. Bablake is the natural beneficiary of the city’s advantageous position, and reflects the diversity and opportunities afforded by Coventry and its environment.

Bablake School (CV1 4AU) is easy to find in its location just off Junction 8 of the Coventry inner city ring road. Bablake


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“Our philosophy and school ethos centre on the spirit of scholarship and opportunity. This is reflected in our dedication, creativity and will to succeed, as well as in the care and support offered to every individual in the Bablake community.�

Bablake School, Coundon Road Coventry CV1 4AU t

024 7627 1200 024 7627 1290 e w f t f

Bablake School, which exists to provide quality education for boys and girls, is a registered charity (No 528961) and is a school within the Coventry School Foundation. It provides independent education for 7-18 year olds, through Bablake Junior School and Bablake School, founded in 1344.

A Bablake School App is available on both Apple and Android platforms

Design by Mustard: Photography by Mark Woodward and Rob Dougall Printed on paper sourced from sustainably managed forests

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