Bablake Scientists - Issue 1

Page 11


Mass Spectrometry

Abinaya Muraleetharan and Sara Gill, U6th Students.

As amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, gaining information about the amino acid sequences helps to identify and provide information about the protein involved. For example, on our second day, we used liquid extraction surface analysis (LESA) MS, to directly analyse fatty acid binding protein one (FABPI) from rat liver tissue. FABPI is a biomarker, which is a molecule that can indicate whether a disease has commenced, that identifies non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). While early stage NAFLD is not often harmful, it can get worse if not managed. Therefore, by analysing the structure of FABPI using mass spectrometric methods, in future it may be easier to identify and diagnose the disease.

During the summer, we completed a placement at the School of Biosciences at Birmingham University. We were offered an opportunity to shadow Professor Helen J. Cooper and her research group who were investigating the role of proteins in disease using mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. One of the first topics we covered in AS Chemistry was mass spectrometry and we had looked at the basics of how a mass spectrometer worked. There are many different types of mass spectrometer, each deigned to analyse particular types of sample.

The placement did make us feel as if we had ‘been thrown in at the deep end’ in terms of the knowledge we already possessed and the information we were taking in every day, but through asking many questions and doing some extra reading, we can say that it was a fantastic way to learn. It was a huge privilege to get to know the researchers in the Cooper Mass Spectrometry Group and incredible to be able to share the enthusiasm they held for mass spectrometry. We are immensely grateful for the experience!

When inserting a sample into a mass spectrometer the sample, in our case a protein digest mixture, is ionised to produce positively charged ions which may be detected. The sample is then further analysed by tandem mass spectrometric amino acid sequencing techniques.

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