Bablake Scientists - Issue 3

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CONTENTS University of Birmingham Chemistry Lectures




Oxford Science Essay Writing Competition


Rabia Salihu Sa'id


Dr Hadiyah-Nicole Green


Junior Science Club


Literature Based Projects


Can oxygen be considered carcinogenic?


ß-lactam antibiotics


Why is heroin so addictive and how is the addiction treated?


How is cis-platin used to treat cancer?


How does Botox work?


What is the best solar-to-fuel carbon dioxide reduction catalyst reported to date? 17 Science on the Hill


Molecule of the Month Club



University of Birmingham Chemistry Lectures

This year we are unable to attend the Chemistry lectures at the University of Birmingham. Students in the Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth have been able to see them through Zoom at the comfort of their own homes.

synthesis, natural product isolation, and genome data were used to generate promising compounds, and how these developed into successful drugs. The second lecture was by Dr Simon Cotton and titled ‘chirality, smell, drugs and chemistry’.

The first lecture was by Dr John Snaith on ‘discovering new medicine: the role of the chemist’. Chemistry is the cornerstone in the continuing search for new medicines. Since the efforts of William Henry Perkin to synthesise the antimalarial quinine in the mid nineteenth century, chemists have used their skills to prepare compounds for the treatment of disease.

Many carbon compounds contain a chiral carbon. This leads to the existence of two "mirror-image" forms (enantiomers) of the same compound. Chemically they are identical, but they may behave differently in the human body, most tragically in the case of the sedative thalidomide. One form of thalidomide leads to birth the defects of babies with defective limbs when administered to pregnant women; the other form does not.

The lecture started with a brief review of the treatment of diseases through the ages and then looked at the work done by Perkin which led others to the discovery of the sulphonamide antibiotics.

The lecture provided many examples of how the presence of a chiral carbon may affect the properties of a drug. The lecturer also discussed a number of cases where enantiomers have different smells, including the true story of the isomers of limonene.

The many roles played by chemists in the modern drug discovery process was discussed by looking at how chemical 3


Thalidomide was first developed by a Swiss pharmaceutical company in the early 1950s.

Thalidomide was sold as the racemic mixture of enantiomers. (+)(R)-thalidomide is a sedative, but (-)(S)-thalidomide is a teratogen (i.e., a drug which can harm a foetus in the womb). (-)(S)-thalidomide inhibits new blood vessel growth. This is detrimental to a foetus because new blood vessels provide a “road map” for the growth of limbs and organs during the development of a foetus.

The drug was initially advertised as a sedative which would allow users to undergo a deep sleep in the absence of a hangover and with a reduced risk of developing drug dependency. At the time, basic testing was done on the drug, and it was considered not to have any toxic effects on humans.

Following its release, the drug became popular as a morning sickness remedy for pregnant women. This increase in use for pregnant women was aided by the fact that the drug could be obtained without a prescription and was affordable.

Thus, (-)(S)-thalidomide is the unwanted enantiomer. You might think that drug companies can simply purify the racemic mixture and give patients only the (+)(R)thalidomide. Unfortunately, the answer is not that simple.

However, following its widespread use in Japan, Australia, and Europe, practitioners noticed links between mothers who had taken thalidomide and the presence of congenital mutations in their children. Therefore, thalidomide was removed from the market in many countries in 1961.

Human liver contains an enzyme that can convert (+)(R)-thalidomide to (-)(S)thalidomide. Therefore, even administration of enantiomerically pure (+)(R)-thalidomide results in a racemic mixture. Some drug manufacturers are conducting trials to see if thalidomide can cure breast, prostate, brain, lung, and pancreatic cancer. Thalidomide can inhibit new blood vessels forming in and around tumours, doctors hope that the drug can kill tumours directly by shutting down the blood supply to them. 4

Oxford Science Essay Writing Competition

A number of Lower Sixth students entered the Michaelmas Term 2020 Schools Science Writing Competition on the theme of ‘An inspirational scientist, alive now, whose work is helping us to advance into the future’.

For example, you could write about a scientific discovery that required creativity, a scientist who takes a creative approach to their work, or how creativity is important for science in general.

Lower Sixth student Eleanor was one of the runners up for her essay on Rabia Salihu Sa’id: Saving the Environment Four Hours at a Time.

The word limit for the article is 700 words and you must be a school, college or sixth form student in Year 13, 12, 11 or 10 (or equivalent) in the UK. The deadline for submitting your article is midnight on Monday 1st February. For more information visit

The Oxford Schools Science Writing Competition for Hilary Term 2021 is now open! The question for this term’s competition is: “How is creativity important in science?”.


Rabia Salihu Sa’id An inspirational scientist, alive now, whose work is helping us to advance into the future. Imagine attempting to conduct research with a 4-hour time bomb counting down in your subconscious each day. For Rabia Salihu Sa'id, a Nigerian physicist and professor of atmospheric and space-weather physics, this is a reality. Bayero University in Nigeria, where Sa’id does her research, provides her with just four hours of electricity and thus only four hours per day to conduct her studies. “Think! You are concentrating, and the power goes off!” she said, in an interview with the National Public Radio. “The ideas are gone by the time you come back. It’s difficult —you have to start all over again.”

Despite facing great adversity and limitations on a daily basis, Sa’id has established herself as an inspiration to young women and scientists everywhere. Rabia Sa'id was born in Wangara in Northern Nigeria, where girls have few education opportunities and women are expected to stay at home. However, her father wanted her to become a doctor. Sa'id attended Army school, graduating top of her class. She chose to marry when she was 18, once she left school, and is now a mother of six. Two of her children require medical care, which added to her personal challenge to obtain higher education degrees. She began her academic studies at the age of 29 with four children, having to sell dowry jewellery and run a nursery to pay for university. She is now a role model for young Nigerian female scientists and is treated like a celebrity when she visits girls’ schools in the North. Sa’id holds B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Physics from Bayero University, and commenced work there as a Graduate Assistant in September 1999. In 2002, on the International Fellowships Program (IFP) of the Ford Foundation, she studied for an MSc 6

degree in Environment and Development from the University of Reading.

Association of Women Physicists in 2011, which encourages women to become physicists, seeks to improve physics education in schools, and gives prizes to young women. Sa'id also encourages the participation of young people by mentoring them in local and national science projects, and volunteers for the Peace Corps Nigeria Alumni Foundation and Visiola Foundation. She says she is active in STEM outreach because there is pressure and obstacles that girls, particularly in northern Nigeria, must overcome to pursue degrees and careers in these fields. In addition, "more girls in science will mean that the solutions that science provides are not just tailored to the needs of a single gender."

She is now a professor at Bayero University and, by 2015, became Deputy Dean at the Student Affairs Division of the university. She received a research post there, where she conducts research in atmospheric and spaceweather physics, particle physics, and electronics. Her research is conducted to solve Nigerian environmental challenges. For example, to reduce the number of trees cut down for firewood, one study involved the use of scraps of wood from carpentry projects for briquettes that could be used as a fuel, thereby reducing the rate at which the country's forests are diminished. She also gathers atmospheric data and studies the effects of deforestation and dust aerosols on climate temperatures. Her goal is to encourage greater reliance in Nigeria on renewable energy sources—like wind power, solar energy, and hydropower—that are less harmful to the environment than fossil fuels.

Sai'd has received fellowships from the Institute of Applied Physics in Bern and the Ford Foundation and was made a fellow in physics of the African Scientific Institute. In 2015 she received an Elsevier Foundation Award for Women Scientists in the Developing World in the field of atmospheric physics for her work on Nigerian environmental challenges. She was one of nine people honoured as "women advocates and champions" in Nigeria in March 2015 as part of International Women's Day by the British Council. She was also recognised by the BBC as part of their 100 Women series in 2015. These awards are a testament to her inspirational character and her great scientific contributions, which we can all aspire to.

Sa'id is an advocate and mentor for young women in science and is active in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) outreach. She co-founded Nigeria's

By L6 student, Eleanor. 7

Dr Hadiyah-Nicole Green Not only has Dr Green distinguished herself academically, becoming only the second African American woman to receive a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), but also in her approach to cancer treatment using Nanotechnology, a ground-breaking method of treatment that does not require chemotherapy, radiation or surgery.

“An inspirational scientist, alive now, whose work is helping us to advance into the future” “My goal is to change the way cancer is treated”. A study, published by the American Cancer Society, said an estimated 606,520 people will die from cancer in 2020 while the World Health Organization (WHO) has projected that one in five men and one in six women worldwide will develop cancer during their lifetime, with one in eight men and one in eleven women predicted to die from the disease. Consequently, with the demand for an effective way of beating cancer only increasing, researchers and scientists are constantly facing the daunting task of coming up with new technologies that will speed up the development of affordable and operational cancer treatment.

Born in St. Louis, Missouri, and orphaned at a young age, Dr Hadiyah-Nicole Green is one of only 66 black women to earn a Ph.D. in Physics in the United States, and is the fourth black person ever to earn a doctoral degree in Physics from The University of Alabama at Birmingham. Often recognised as the forefront of modern cancer research, Green developed a strong interest in cancer treatment following the harrowing personal experiences of cancer she endured at the beginning of her life.

At the forefront of such indispensable research is Dr Hadiyah-Nicole Green, founder of Ora Lee Smith Cancer Research Foundation, and winner of numerous international science awards.

Shortly after graduating from Alabama A&M, Green learned that Ora Lee Smith, the aunt who'd raised her, had been diagnosed with female reproductive cancer. Fearing the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, her aunt chose to forgo treatment, leaving Green 8

to care for her in the last three months of her life. Following her aunt's death in 2005, Green’s uncle General Lee Smith, was also diagnosed with cancer. While tending to her uncle, Green watched him suffer from the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, sparking her pursuit of a painless and effective cancer treatment.

instigation of the Ora Lee Smith Cancer Research Foundation, which Green initiated in 2016 in memory of her aunt. The goal of the non-profit organisation is to advance cancer treatment so that it is effective with minimal side effects, whilst being available for millions of cancer patients across the globe for the lowest price possible.

After the passing of her aunt, Green interned at NASA, where she realised the potential use for lasers in cancer research. Wanting to use her background in lasers to target cancerous cells without hurting healthy cells, Green developed a revolutionary method that uses lasers to "illuminate" the nanoparticles within the cancerous cells, decreasing the amount of time it takes to target the tumours by creating a detailed image of the malignant cells.

For her ground-breaking work, Green was recently presented the Key to the City and the Historic Icon Award by her hometown the City of Selma, Alabama, where her outstanding scientific career began. But undoubtedly her most noticeable honour is the pioneering effect she has had on young female African American scientists across America, with more prominence now being placed on the past and present achievements of her fellow black scientists. “If there was something that I was born to do, then this was it” (Dr Green in an interview with Roland Martin, TVOne March 2017).

After completing her vital internship with NASA, Green returned to graduate school, where it was there while conducting her doctoral research, Green’s team developed a laboratory method to insert nanoparticles into cancer cells while avoiding the surrounding healthy cells. The warming effect of the directed laser radiation was then used to heat up the tissue incorporating the nanoparticles, which in turn destroyed the cancer cells without harming any of the healthy cells within the specimen. Green first tested her revolutionary ideas on cancer cells in a petri dish, and after these trials were extremely successful, she moved on to small animal models using specially kept mice.

By L6 student, Lucia.

Although not currently able to be used commercially, Green dedicates much of her current research efforts to extending this nanoparticle treatment to humans, with the view to it being an accessible and affordable cancer treatment for all. Aiding this innovative future of cancer treatment was the 9

Junior Science Club

Our first Junior Science Club session was timed perfectly as it took place on the 5th November which is Guy Fawkes Night (or Bonfire Night) which is celebrated with fireworks to mark the anniversary of the failed gunpowder plot.

by copper ions). We turned the lights down in the lab and the bright colours replicated a firework show. Many thanks to Mr Sahota and Mrs Clough (Science Technician) for helping.

We decided to carry out flame tests using salt solutions. The pupils placed the splints which were soaked in the salt solutions into the blue Bunsen flame to produce different coloured flames.

They enjoyed the experience and were impressed with the red flame (produced by lithium ions) and the green flame (produced 10


Although our traditional CREST placement at the Chemistry Department of the University of Warwick could not take place this year, we were kindly offered an alternative literature-based project by Professor Ward, Head of Chemistry at Warwick.

The day of the presentations came, everyone was nervous, but it came together very well. The standard of the presentations was very high. Professor Ward marked the students written report and presentations and provided them with some excellent feedback.

A total of 14 Lower Sixth students took part and worked in pairs or groups of three. They selected a question from a list provided by the Professor who briefed them on what to do and how to produce a high-quality written report which contained between 2000-3000 words.

The students have learnt many valuable skills from this experience. Here are some of the comments from the students to Professor Ward. Brendan said, “These three weeks are really meaningful to us in our chemistry study. I am very grateful that you decided to continue CREST during this special time so that we had the opportunity to expand our exploration in chemistry. Your comments on our paper and presentation have benefited us a lot, and the content you told us about coordination cages is very fascinating.”

The questions the students addressed are provided below: • • • • •

How is cis-platin used to treat cancers? Why is heroin so addictive? How does Botox work? How do β-lactam anti-biotics work? Why can oxygen be considered carcinogenic?

Charlotte said, “Thank you for the time and effort that you spent in order to give us this fantastic opportunity to further our scientific studies beyond the classroom.”

Professor Ward highlighted, “This exercise will develop your academic muscles in many ways, it’s not just about the science that you present.”

Harry said, “Thank you very much for giving up your time during the very stressful and busy lockdown period, your feedback is invaluable for the future and it was a brilliant opportunity to develop a wide range of skills that will be essential for whatever I study and do.”

Students worked for three weeks on their report and presentations. Their final written reports were impressive and were completed to a high standard. They were then asked to deliver a short 10 minute presentation to give an engaging overview of their chosen question which was also to be accessible for non-specialists.

The next few pages contain a brief summary of the student’s projects. 11

Why can oxygen be considered carcinogenic?

Brendan, Harry, and Freya’s project was on why can oxygen be considered carcinogenic? The introduction and conclusion from their report is below.

Rous, led to further scientific understanding into the formation of cancer cells. Our story starts in 1966 with the discovery of the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced through the respiratory chain. Whilst critical to life, the very oxygen we breathe initiates the formation of one of mankind’s biggest killers.

The history of cancer may seem relatively recent; however, the earliest evidence comes from a South African fossil dating from 1.6 – 1.8 million years ago. The Edwin Smith papyrus, an ancient Egyptian medical text, provides the next description of cancer at around 1600 BC, yet there was little understanding of what cancer is and how it is formed until the early 20th century.

Cancer is a complex and hugely variable disease. Whilst it is known that increased levels of ROS cause genetic damage resulting in the progression of cancer, further scientific research is crucial to understand the individual mechanisms by which ROS induce malignant change within the body. Intriguingly, these very same compounds may yet yield an effective weapon in the fight against cancer, taking advantage of redox imbalance to induce cell apoptosis, proving oxygen to be a double-edged sword. Oxygen is the very breath of life, yet its highly reactive nature damages the very cells depending on it for their survival. Brendan, Harry and Freya’s written report and oral presentation scored the highest mark by Professor Ward.

The discovery of oncogenes (genes which can transform a cell into a tumour cell) by Peyton 12

ß-lactam antibiotics are one of the three ß-lactam Antibiotics largest classes of antibiotics, proven to be very successful in treating bacterial infections.

They are considered bactericidal agents due to their ability to kill bacteria. However, with ß-lactam antibiotics making up 65% of the world’s antibiotic market as of 2004, resistance to it has become a prominent issue.

Nithisa and Crystal’s project was on ß-lactam antibiotics. In 1928, Scottish physician and microbiologist Alexander Fleming was investigating the properties of staphylococci bacteria. He had left an uncovered petri dish sitting next to an open window, which had become contaminated with mould spores. Fleming could see that the bacteria close to the mould were dying, shown by the clearing of the surrounding agar jelly.

By considering the components of a bacterial cell wall and its relationship to ß-lactam antibiotics, it is known that this type of antibiotic inhibits peptidoglycan synthesis by irreversibly binding to the transpeptidase enzyme that helps synthesise the cell walls. This leads to high osmotic pressure bursting the bacterium cell wall, leading to its death. However, increase in demand and use of the antibiotics led to rapid resistance being observed in bacteria.

After isolating the mould, he identified the mould as part of the Penicillium genus and found it to be effective against all grampositive bacteria. He later realised that it was in fact a ‘juice’ produced by the mould that had killed the bacteria. And so forth, he named that ‘mould juice’ penicillin. Little did he know that he was the first person to discover antibiotics, but more specifically a type of ß-lactam antibiotic.

In the future, scientists may develop ßlactam antibiotics with no adverse effects or even discover a new method of attacking bacteria. In the ongoing search for improved ß-lactam antibiotics, scientists must continue to research and publish journals that will contribute to scientific advancements.


Why is heroin so addictive and how is the addiction treated? Manav and Jay discussed why is heroin so addictive and how is the addiction treated?

It was then reformulated and became less easy to obtain.

Heroin acts as an opiate causing euphoria through increases in dopamine levels. The structure of heroin influences its unique pharmacokinetics ultimately leading to unpleasant withdrawal symptoms and changes to the psychology of abusers. This led to people who had become dependent on OxyContin finding a close substitute which at the time was easier to obtain. This was heroin. Overall, heroin is a very dangerous and addictive drug that can lead to the ruin of many lives. As the body develops a tolerance for the drug, more heroin is needed to produce the same effects of euphoria as before. This can lead to people increasing their intake of the opioid to the point where they no longer have control over their feelings of pleasure and pain and become reliant on the drug.

In 2015, the US experienced a sustained life expectancy decline. This had not occurred since the First World War in 1915. The perpetrator this time, however, was opioid drugs. More people in the United States died from overdoses involving opioids in 2017 than from HIV or AIDS related illnesses at the peak of the AIDS epidemic.

Dependence, tolerance, and addictiveness are consequences of opioid abuse all of which originate from changes to the neurobiology of the brain. The challenge for the opioid abuser is to overcome the changes to the brain using medication. Methadone acts on the brain and interacts with the same receptors as opioids. These help to normalize brain activity to reduce the effects of the physiological changes and ease the drug addict’s withdrawal symptoms.

The epidemic arose as Purdue Pharma and other companies promoted their opioid products heavily. They emphasized the safety, efficacy, and low potential for addiction to prescription opioids. The most marketed opioid was OxyContin. People would be prescribed this drug and become addicted to it. The addictiveness of OxyContin became known to the companies. 14

How is cis-platin used to treat cancer?

Two groups (Georgia, Mila & Charlotte and, Ben & Aren) discussed how is cis-platin used to treat cancer?

However, cis-platin causes more severe side effects than similar platinum containing treatments and so, in some cases, these are preferable over cisplatin.

Cis-platin, also known as cisdiamminedichloroplatinum(II), is an anticancer drug that damages DNA in order to prevent the replication of tumour cells. This treats different cancers ranging from lung to ovarian cancer.

Carboplatin has a bidenate dicarboxylate ligand in place of the chloride ligands in cisplatin. This means that the leaving groups are more stable to substitution and so carboplatin has reduced side effects; when compared to cis-platin, it does not cause any damage to the kidneys.

Cis-platin’s specific square planar structure allows the hydrolysis mechanism to occur which eventually results in the distortion of DNA. High-mobility proteins recognise the distortions in the DNA, and this results in cell death through apoptosis or necrosis.

However, carboplatin has an effect which causes the bone marrow to produce less blood cells and platelets. Rates can be as low as 10% of normal production. Carboplatin is also much less potent than cis-platin; it can require up to 4 times as much carboplatin to receive the same effectiveness as one dose of cis-platin. There is also the problem of tumour resistance and so other compounds are used to try and combat this. Whilst cisplatin is effective, in most cases, science is constantly developing and so, it is used more often in conjunction with other platinum-based compounds. 15

How does Botox work? Maryam and Jhodi produced a written report on how does Botox work?

medical procedures, including treatment for neurological disorders. This makes it an incredibly important drug as it played one of the most vital roles in the advancement of medicine.

Botox, a “miracle poison”, is commonly known to be used as a cosmetic treatment making it very popular and a billion-pound industry. Its toxin was initially identified as a cause for a fatal illness. However, ironically, later became useful for numerous medical treatments.

Botox is also known to be used for numerous cosmetic procedures that help to change the appearance of a person. This is a highly controversial topic. One could argue that a person may want to change their appearance so that they feel accepted in society and confident in oneself.

The toxin used in Botox is a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin. Neurotoxins are poisonous chemicals that can destroy the nervous system and cause paralysis if a certain amount is absorbed.

Another argument could be that some members of society may think of the patient as being beneath them as they go through pain to simply look more attractive. Some people believe that there are greater problems of which could cause suffering and that voluntary suffering for what is believed to be a minor problem would be illogical. The procedure can sometimes go awry, leaving the patient with an undesirable appearance.

This specific toxin is secreted by bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. There are several different types of botulinum toxin, from A to G. Very small doses of the toxin must be used because it is extremely toxic. Scientists estimate that even just one gram of crystalline toxin could kill one million people. Botox inhibits the release of a vital neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, causing temporary muscle paralysis. It was initially identified as a villain, but it is recently known to be a saviour. It is used in numerous 16

What is the best solar-to-fuel carbon dioxide reduction catalyst reported to date? During the summer holidays, Atsayan, Lathusan and Brian completed a literaturebased project with Professor Reinhard Maurer from the University of Warwick.

Although graphene is indeed a great conductor; it is not very good at collecting the electrical current produced inside the solar cell. Hence, researchers are looking for appropriate ways to modify graphene for this purpose.

They attended a number of online meetings through Teams with Professor Maurer to understand how to write a literature-based report, discuss their progress, and to try understand the difficult concepts they were required to write about in their report. Their literature-based project was on ‘what is the best solar-to-fuel carbon dioxide reduction catalyst reported to date?’. They discussed what made a good catalyst material for carbon dioxide reduction and evaluated what was the best product into which carbon dioxide should be transformed.

While graphene-based solar cells are not currently commercially available, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), India's largest power generation equipment manufacturer, have suggested that 10% of all shipments will be graphene based solar panels, this implies that graphene is going to become much more prevalent in the future.

In summary, graphene-based photocatalysts, especially when combined with TiO 2, are the best photocatalysts for solar-to-fuel CO 2 reduction. This is because graphene’s features make it an optimal photocatalyst, such as a large surface area, high flexibility, and good conductivity. TiO2 combines the best with graphene, due to its high surface area, and enhanced photocatalytic properties.

The group thoroughly enjoyed the experience and wrote a detailed report. Professor Maurer said they should be very pleased with their efforts and their report was equivalent to a 2.1 for a third year undergraduate student. 17

Last year, we attend several science lectures at the University of Warwick. Due to Covid19, these lectures have now moved online, and many our Lower Sixth pupils have watched them from the comfort of their own homes. Lower Sixth student, Maya said ‘The omnipresence of Covid-19 has enshrouded our lives from the infection of misinformation to the biomedical triumphs of vaccines. On the 10th of November, Warwick university held their annual “Science on the Hill” event centred on “Covid-19: Transmission and Testing” virtually.

Following Professor Lawrence was Dr Nicole Robb who discussed her latest work on developing a 5-minute test by using imaging and AI for detecting and testing for the viral infection. Dr Chrystala Constantinidou discussed how she could track the movement of the virus through a care home outbreak by sequencing the virus and detecting the miniscule changes in its genetic code. This showcase led by Warwick University was truly fascinating to be able to understand how humanity has been able to gather copious amounts of information in a short amount of time and apply it to pervade something invisible to the human eye’.

This was led by Professor Lawrence Young who introduced how Covid-19 was transmitted from animals to humans and likened the virus to a zombie: not quite dead but not quite alive. He highlighted the biomedical advances of repurposing drugs for the treatment of the virus as well as using antibodies from infected patients and subsequently the development of artificial antibodies.

We look forward to the rest of the lectures in the Science on the Hill series by the University of Warwick.


Molecule of the Month Club We were inspired by the University of Bristol Molecule of the Month website. Every month a new molecule is added along with an article about it. For more information visit:

anaphylactic shocks to use as a stimulant in sports.

We formed the Molecule of the Month Club and opened it to the Lower Sixth students. Attendance was good and Mr Sahota introduced the first molecule to the group. The molecule was adrenaline.

The students were asked to individually research about the adrenaline molecule and present their findings to the group. Over the next few weeks, they presented their work and answered questions asked by staff and students. We were impressed with their teamwork, research and presentation skills. The students worked together to produce an attractive article on adrenaline which we hope to display in Science.

Adrenaline is a hormone that has profound actions on the cardiovascular system and is also a mediator of the fight or flight response. It’s a lifesaving intervention that’s produced in the adrenal glands at the top of our kidneys. Also known as “Epinephrine”, this hormone and neurotransmitter is crucial for the opulence of our safety and inherent responses to the changes in our environment. This survival mechanism causes physiological changes that were crucial for survival from predators in the wild however, has been manipulated in modern life for medical advances such as suppressing

We will aim to submit an article to the Molecule of the Month website. 19




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