Simba - Autumn 2010

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Excellence through care....


Bablake Junior School Autumn 2010

TEL: 024 7627 1260



Over 20 Bablake pupils from Years 5 and 6 were invited to participate in the West Midlands Biathlon competition held at Solihull Leisure Centre in November. This competition consists of 2 disciplines, a 50m swim and 500m run, with the top six school teams and the six highest scoring individuals for each age group qualifying for the national semi finals at Macclesfield in January. Well done to Year 5 pupils Kieran Thomas, George Parker and Max Harrison on their selection for the semi final. A special mention also to former Bablake Junior and now senior school pupils, Eleanor Bonas and Katerina Jackson, who qualified for the semi final and achieved the second and third highest scores of the day in their age group. We wish them well next term.

It has been a tough season on the Rugby field but all the teams have progressed well and have gained some valuable experience. Every boy in Year 3 has represented the school and there was a pleasing win against Eversfield for the A team on a wet and cold November afternoon. The B team have thoroughly enjoyed their Rugby and there is great anticipation for next years Rugby where all the boys play contact rugby and get even muddier!

GIRLS SPORT Congratulations to the U11 Netball teams who have won 8 matches already this season, including a fine 12-0 victory over Kingsley Prep and 11-7 over Bilton Grange School. The U10 teams have also made an impressive start winning 6 of their games with convincing scores of 14-2, 7-1 and 6-0. Sixteen Year 4 pupils have already played their first match for the school with several others eagerly awaiting the next opportunity. This term our U11 Hockey team has competed in tournaments at Rugby, Repton and Tudor Hall schools. They played several closely fought games and have gained valuable match experience for the future.

The Under 9’s have gone from strength to strength as the season has progressed and have relished the chance to play contact Rugby. A tough start saw a loss against a strong Croft team and a narrow defeat against KHVIII. However a “tag” victory against the Crescent gave the A and B team confidence to play some excellent passing Rugby, with both teams beating Eversfield and secure their first contact victories. Well done boys! The Under 10’s have also improved dramatically as the season has progressed with some powerful forward play and strong runners in the back line. They were rewarded with a narrow victory over Warwick School and a convincing win against Solihull School. All the boys look forward to the step up to 12 a-side Rugby next year. The in experienced Under 11 team have struggled against tough opposition and will undoubtedly use their experiences to keep improving next year. They had an excellent opportunity to participate in a “Rugby training day” held at Warwick School and enjoyed being coached by Worcester Warriors players and coaching staff and an excellent tackling session led by the England Ladies Rugby Captain. Good effort Boys.


Young Voices, the largest Children’s choir concert in the World, takes place at the LG Arena from Tuesday 23 - Thursday 25 November 2010. Tickets are on sale now for the event which gives friends and families the opportunity to come together to watch their children become inspired by the joys of music. From rehearsal to the concert, Young Voices offers an experience that children remember for ever. The 2010 line up is looking strong and includes the exceptionally talented Dionne Bromfield, the beautiful All Angels and Island Records’ hottest new talent, Josh Osho. Young Voices has a long standing history spanning 14 years and previous spectacular tours have featured an impressive array of top talent including Alexandra Burke, Joss Stone, Des’ree, VV Brown and Katherine Jenkins. This year we took part in Young Voices 2010 at the LG Arena. I like Young Voices because you get to sing some really good songs and singing is one of my favourite hobbies. My favourite song was ‘The Michael Jackson Tribute’ containing all sorts of great Michael Jackson songs and some from Lady Ga-ga and a others. I enjoyed all of them and it was day I’ll never forget! Katy Davis, 4SD All About Young Voices 2010

In Year 3, in our first English topic, we read Dustbin Charlie and looked at other stories with familiar settings. We looked at using adjectives and our five senses to describe our own settings in our own stories. What do you think happened next in these exerts?

His real name was Shaun Thomas Owen but Granddad called him Dustbin Shaun. When it was the summer holiday Shaun stayed at his Grandparents. Shaun was very kind to everyone but Shaun missed his helpful parents and his friends.

One morning Granma was cooking a tasty meal. That was Lauren Foster said let’s go and find Max to play an exciting game of hide so delicious, Shaun could smell it and seek. Lauren Foster is a kind-hearted person and always wants to from his bedroom. The smell was help. She is not mean, selfish, spiteful or angry and she is always helpful. bacon in a hot oven. Birds were She never asks for things, only when she is offered. She mostly likes eating tweeting. When Shaun opened healthy things and likes all magnificent vegetables and glorious fruit. Max, the door he saw the pink roses. her brother, is very clumsy. Shaun was so bored he forgot Granger’s Farm is a pretty place and you can smell the tremendous flowery to bring his brilliant toys. Shaun smell. You can hear the magpies sing to glory. You can touch horrible liked looking in dustbins but stinging nettles that give you horrible prickles. You can see the cute Grandma had wheelie bins and animals lying around. he was way too short to look inside them. Max is very good at Maths but there was one thing that he didn’t understand and that was, fractions. He didn’t understand that if you split Shaun went out the front door a cake in half, it makes it half. Lauren has tried to teach Max but she never and had seen a red skip. Shaun had time. There was only one day to try and teach him because it was jumped and looked over the end Teachers Training Day. and had a bath tub and a curtain and seen an army toy. At the end It is now Friday and Lauren is going to teach him in an hour. Lauren is of the day Shaun went to sleep. ready and is waiting for upset Max to come over. After Lauren had taught In the morning the skip was him, he was very happy because he wasn’t going in detention. His teacher gone. Shaun asked Granddad was also very happy and the next day let Lauren and Max have extra where it had gone. Very slowly break. Granddad didn’t answer him. It was late at night when sleepy Lauren had finished teaching Max and she Shaun looked outside the didn’t have any time at all to do her homework! Her teacher didn’t know window unhappy. Later in about this until he said, “Can the homework monitors please collect in the the afternoon Grandma and homework please?” Granddad had blindfolded Shaun when he was asleep. Then Lauren put her hand up. Granddad and Grandma took the “Yes Lauren” Mr Lovely said. blind fold off and Shaun saw a “I didn’t do my homework” Lauren Foster said. vast red skip around the corner. “Hang on, I thought I said it wasn’t to be in until next Friday?” Mr Lovely Shaun took the bathtub for said. Granddad, a curtain for Granma, Now Lauren can do it tomorrow because she is free! and an army toy for himself and it wasn’t lonely again at wild Bethany Clarke – 3L cottage. Joe Owen – 3L

CHARITY NEWS Fundraising at the Junior School continues to thrive thanks to everyone’s kindness and generosity. Jo Payne from the Air Ambulance came along to an assembly to receive a cheque for the magnificent sum of £1400 for their worthy cause. This term alone we have raised nearly £500 for various charities: Spurgeons, Children in Need and we have sent over 60 shoe boxes to Kyrgyzstan through the Operation Christmas Child Appeal. We continue to support a child from the Joe Homan Charity, his name is Rav Kaviarasan. The Joe Homan Trust India regularly send updates and pictures of him.

AFRICAN ANIMALS When we went to the senior school to look at the African animals it was very exciting. There was a sand snake, a python, a chameleon, a tegu, a millipede, a tarantula, a hedgehog, a mercat and a scorpion. With the python the lady showed it to us and we watched it curl around her shoulder. With the tegu everybody thought it was either a baby alligator or a snake but everybody was surprised when they said it was a tegu. The tarantula was the best bit, when they took it out all the girls screamed (not literally). Then Miss Davies, our teacher, who is terrified of spiders, held the tarantula and conquered her fear of spiders and then everybody clapped her back to her place, and then it went back in the box. Then the baby hedgehog came out and everybody all went arrrrrrrr and it kept prickling the lady’s hand so she put her back in the hedgehog’s box. Then they took out the mercats that had kept making a squeaking sound (everybody kept asking why) and then they said it was because they were scared and in the box they go again. And finally it was the scorpion. They said that a scorpion can eat a rat and that was the end. But the good thing is that everyone had a great time. By Alex Hyde

The charity we shall be raising funds for this year is Whizz-Kidz, who supply specially adapted wheelchairs to those needing them. Our first event was a screening of the film “Nativity” which raised £130.00.

In Year 5 we have been studying a wide variety of poems. Inspired by those we have read, we have borrowed, melded and adapted elements and features in order to develop our own poetic style. I saw a Fish


I saw a fish sprinting down the street I saw a man licking his own feet I saw a camel in the position of goal attack I saw a girl hunting in a pack I saw a lion cub writing on the blackboard I saw a teacher jousting with a sword I saw a knight picking his nose I saw a boy laying down a road I saw a workman climbing in the park I saw children building an ark I saw Noah piloting a plane I saw a pilot dragging a chain I saw a bear cheering in the gym I saw a cheerleader with the name Tim I saw a teenager travelling in space I saw an astronaut going for a chase I saw a dog drawing the Eiffel tower I saw an artist fixing the power I know I know I’m lying.

I saw a Rabbit

By Isabel Hillyer 5P

I saw rabbit spraying water from its trunk, I saw an elephant heal an injured skunk, I saw a vet pick his nose, I saw a school boy sucking at his toes, I saw a baby gurgling in a cave, I saw a big bear swimming in a wave, I saw a whale swinging in the trees, I saw a monkey eating his peas, I saw a child beating his wings, I saw an eagle gobble the king, I saw a tiger killing mice, I saw a cat crawling with head lice, I saw a man who told me to stop dreaming.

I saw…

By Ravi Bodalia 5P

I saw a dodo with scaly skin I saw a crocodile crawling in a bin I saw a cockroach munching a bone I saw a dog scuttling in a dangerous zone I saw policemen flying in a cave I saw a bat trying to behave I saw a student kill a chicken I saw a fox keep on kicking I saw a kung fu master be sliced by a knife I saw a cooked chicken come back to life I saw Jesus gobbling hay I saw a horse change the day I saw the sun make the universe I saw God make our life worse I saw the government play with a doll I saw a baby girl hit a troll I saw a tree who could hear I saw a friend who had a fear I saw…Everything! By Amrit Singh Gill 5P

The Shivering Man At the core of the crisp, sharp, silvery day, the sun was fighting its way out of the crippling clouds, the frost on the silvery grass was like a sugary cake, the plain tree trunks were covered like salty flakes. And there walked a shivering man, he wore a patched top hat, a puffed out bow tie and a spruce suit. Not far away was a cosy, hay topped cottage. Inside was a tartan rug, by the blazing fire, flames were leaping higher and higher. Trudging along the shivering man reached the newly painted knocker. Help him in. Help him in. Help him in. By Anna White 5P



Year Five went to see the RSC production of “Matilda” by Roald Dahl at The Courtyard Theatre in Stratford. It was wonderful afternoon that has us both laughing out loud and biting our lips to hold back the tears.

On Monday 22nd November, Year 4 was lucky enough to visit the British Museum as part of their work on Anglo-Saxon England. The children saw at first hand some of the amazing artefacts that were discovered at the Sutton Hoo burial. Pupils were able to link this into their own work about Sutton Hoo. The children were amazed at the craftsmanship and quality of the artefacts. Clearly this was the burial of an important manpossibly a king! In addition to their work on the Saxons, students explored other areas of the museum. This was really beneficial as pupils were able to link in exhibits on Ancient Egypt with their work in Year 3. Both pupils and staff had a good time. It was great to see the artefacts at such close quarters.


I liked Miss Trunchball because she was terrifying and nasty, the scariest headmistress in the world! I loved her acting and her special, magic potions. My favourite child character was Bruce because he was so funny. He stuffed the whole chocolate cake in his mouth and then he belched loudly! I enjoyed Matilda’s tale of the acrobats too because it was such an emotional love story of how their job and desire for a child split their lives apart. By Kare Adenegan 5P Our favourite characters were Mrs. Phelps, the librarian and Lavender, Matilda’s friend. We liked Mrs. Phelps because she had an interesting personality as well as a great sense of humour. We enjoyed Lavender’s gargantuan amount of enthusiasm and her hilarious character. We would recommend this musical to all ages, from 7 to 70 years old, whilst giving it a 5 star rating. We hope that you get a chance to see this exciting and wondrous play. By Rhea Hindocha and Brooke Walton 5P

‘Matilda’ was based on a book by Roald Dahl. The favourite part of my visit to ‘Matilda the musical’ was at the beginning where Mrs Wormwood had a baby then Mr Wormwood started to say, “Where’s his thingy”. I also liked the part where Mrs Wormwood said she was going to dance the tarantella 30 seconds after she had had a baby. This is probably the best play ever written. By Max Harrison 5P ‘Matilda’ the musical was based on the book by Roald Dahl. The choreography was absolutely amazing and the stage production too, with the way it all fitted together. By Isabel Hillyer “Matilda” the musical was adapted from the book by Roald Dahl. It was outstanding how well the story was told on the stage. Mr Wormwood (Paul Kaye) was a brilliant actor who amused us in the interval with his singing.” By Lois Jacques 5P I liked the part when Matilda put glue in her father’s hat to get revenge on him. I also liked the part when Bruce, one of Matilda’s classmates, did a huge burp after he ate Miss Trunchbull’s massive chocolate cake. By Joshua Andrews 5P. I liked the craziness of Mr and Mrs Wormwood. They said reading is only for bookworms. Learning should come from watching television and you should choose looks instead of books. I also liked the part when Matilda used some super powers to scare Miss Trunchbull (the cruel, evil headmistress) so that she gave Miss Honey, her niece, all her money back. By Amrit Gill from 5P.

CROSS COUNTRY Congratulations to Eliot who won the Inter House Cross Country Competition in October and to gold medallists Lewis Faulkner, Isabelle Hemus, Guy Jewkes and Christie Thomson. Twenty five Bablake boys competed in the Coventry Primary Schools Cross Country Championship in November. Both A & B team squads ran exceptionally well to finish third out of 25 schools in both A and B team races. All Bablake runners were presented with team bronze medals. A special mention to Lewis Faulkner who came second in the A race, from a field of more than 130 runners, to receive an individual silver medal and also to Xander Bennett and Joshua Connolly who finished fourth and tenth respectively in the B race.

Instructions! How to be a good friend What you need: •

A lovely heart

What to do:


• • • • • •

First you walk up to the friendly person you want to be friends with and say hello. Then he or she would probably respond saying hello back in a friendly voice. After that say do you want to play with me? If he says yes, play with him an interesting game. Make up game like rocket launcher or play games from the tv like benlo. Have fun!

How to make a paper aeroplane



What you need: • •

A4 piece of paper Felt tips or crayons

What to do: • •



• • • • •

First take the A4 piece of paper and fold it length ways. Next flatten out the A4 piece of paper and carefully fold the right corner to the straight, bumpy line in the middle. Now take the left corner and fold it to the line as well. After that you take the bottom of the A4 paper and fold it upwards so it looks like a house. Now you get the fold that you started with and push down both sides. Next turn it the right way because you made it upside down. Now go to the wonderful outside play area and have lots of fun flying it!

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