Simba - Summer 2007

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Simba Diary Dates Tuesday 4 September Year 3 in school 11.00am Wednesday 5 September Autumn Term Begins


Fond farewells and best wishes for the future

Friday 7 September School Photographs Tuesday 11 September PA Meeting 7.00pm Monday 1 October Year 6 Parents Evening Tuesday 2 October Year 6 Parents Evening Monday 22 October to Friday 2 November Half Term Friday 9 November Open Evening Saturday 10 November Open Morning Monday 26 November Years 3, 4 & 5 Parents Evening Monday 27 November Years 3, 4 & 5 Parents Evening Tuesday 18 December Carol Concert Thursday 20 December Autumn Term Ends

Another busy term comes to an end and with it we can reflect upon much that has been achieved and say some fond farewells. INSIDE Visits Interviews Activities Charity News Creative Sport

As Mrs Attwooll is keen to point out “You get out of life what you put in”, and so all of our leavers, both staff and pupils, can look back with real satisfaction. Mr & Mrs Locock leave us after years of sterling service and retire to enjoy a life of relaxation, particularly on their yacht. I am sure they will enjoy both a rest and a stimulating future. Mrs Attwooll retires too. She has inspired and cajoled the best out of Year 6 for the last four years and her former pupils thrive throughout Bablake. Mr Collier jets off with his family to New Zealand and I am sure a great life awaits them. Mr Collier’s hard work and many talents will readily endear him to another school. We will miss all of these people. They have helped ensure the success of our pupil’s and the school for many years. Our Year Six leavers have also been a fine group of pupils. They have achieved academically whilst bringing character and consideration to our school. Their successes are many - particularly in the classroom and on the sportsfield, and I am sure they will continue to thrive in their Senior Schools. Most of them won’t be going far, so we look forward to seeing them in the future. Bablake is a great place to be and we will, of course, go from strength to strength in the years to come. Everyone at Bablake Junior School has worked hard this year and has earned a rest and I hope there is much time for relaxation and play over the summer. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Mr N A Price - Headmaster

Dunfield House

In the beautiful Welsh Border Country a friendly welcome awaited us. The moment I woke up I knew it was going to be a great day! Before breakfast we stripped the beds and did our final pack. Then we got ready for a nice Sunday breakfast. After breakfast we had three activities. First it was stoolball and although I am not very good I really enjoyed it, it’s really a bit like cricket. After stoolball we sketched. I sketched Dunfield House. Finally, but not least, swimming! Swimming was, I think, my favourite. After a delicious roast lunch we loaded up the coach and headed off to The Owl and Small Breeds Centre, which was a blast. We saw goats ,owls, cows, donkeys, snakes, , ducks and my favourite, pigs. When we finished it was time to go back to school. On the journey we saw ‘Cars’ the movie. I felt nervous and excited at the same time! I really enjoyed Dunfield, it was worth it! I have to say I was worried about going to Dunfield because I have never been away from home, but all the teachers took great care of me. I still missed Mum and Dad, of course! by Paula Arreola Tapia 4F

‘The moment I woke up I knew It was going to be a great day.’

I had to wait for a teacher to tell us to get ready for breakfast before I got up. Eventually someone came and the whole of Dormitory 2 (my dorm), went down to breakfast. Breakfast was scrummy yummy, especially as we had Megan serving us. After breakfast we had three fun activities planned out which were; stream dipping, bug hunting and art in nature, they were all so much fun! After the activities we had lunch then, we had a session on how to use a camera. Then I was able to take the best pictures ever! Then we made gliders, mine was number seven. We had a contest, sadly Jake won, but I did very well. Afterwards I climbed a very steep hill and I reached the top.! But it took a very long time, I nearly gave up but I carried on right to the top. Next we could do what we liked. Yeah! by Alice Hayes 4F

National Honours for Trampoline Girls Two Bablake Junior School pupils - Sophie Zgraja in Year 5 and Daisy Williams in Year 4 - produced stunning performances to win National titles at the recent ‘IAPS British Championships’. The girls had to leave the Midlands at 4.00 a.m. to get to Dumpton School in Dorset for a 9.00 a.m. start. After a steady first round - both girls were in the top ten, the final round brought out the best in both girls and they overtook their rivals to clinch 1st place in both the U11 Individual and U9 Individual categories. All the practice and effort paid off. The girls and their parents were justifiably thrilled!

Bablake Reunited We would like to encourage you, to sign up, and join Bablake Reunited. This is the senior school’s own web site which enables you to keep in contact with the school and for the school to keep in contact with you. More important from your own point of view it allows you to keep in contact with your contemporaries at school via email and also to re-establish contact with friends that you may have lost contact with. The service is free and the more former pupils, parents, staff and pupils that join the more successful the site will be. In the first year of running we have signed up 1250 former pupils and parents and your joining will help us to our next target total – 1500. To register for this site go to and click on the former pupil link and then the reunited link – this takes you to the registration page, which, when completed comes back to school for the issue of your own specific password.

5 Minute Interviews Two five minute interviews with retiring staff Susanne Atwooll

Joan Locock

If I weren’t writing this I’d be jogging in the park. I wish people would take more notice of Chris Woodhead. The most surprising thing that happened to me was being appointed at Bablake. A common misconception of me is that I am organised. I am not a politician but If I were I would leave the European Union. I’m good at adrawcab ginitirw (writing backwards) I’m very bad at throwing anything away. The ideal night out is a picnic at an outdoor performance of Shakespeare at Packwood House. In moments of weakness I allow children to play their music during Art lessons. You know me as a teacher but in another life I’d have been an inventor. The best age to be is now. In a nutshell, my philosophy is

If I weren’t writing this I’d be doing a cordon bleu cookery course. I wish people would take more notice of other people’s feelings. The most surprising thing that happened to me was being promoted to Division II in the league tables for British Women’s National Slalom. A common misconception of me is that I am well organised. I am not a politician but If I was I would close down all supermarkets and re-open local shops. I’m good at improvisation. I’m very bad at housework. The ideal night out is good food, wine, family and friends. In moments of weakness I once became a hockey coach. You know me as a teacher but in another life I’d have been a trapeze artist in Billy Smart’s Circus. The best age to be is in your prime. In a nutshell, my philosophy is

You get out of life what you put into it.

Do unto others, as you would have them do to you.


We suffered bumps and bruises and various other injuries from other sports, but when it was time for the coach to depart, none of us wanted to leave. The red sun rises over the horizon at Calshot Activities Centre. Forty eight faint silhouettes become visible atop a hill. What’s this, school children, somehow, this poetic place is disturbed. Calshot is under siege. Forty eight pupils from Bablake Junior School are running riot in this usually calm, peaceful place. By the time we’ve finished our first breakfast, we’re sure all the staff are going to be handing in their notices. After various activities and, delicious meals, we are back at Bablake. Seven instructors have unfortunately been sectioned. A brief account of how we managed to drive these gentle souls insane. Skiing - everyone complaining about how hot the ski slope is. Archery - a child poked themselves in the eye with an arrow and was sent to casualty, almost. Sailing - cold sea, wetsuits, need I say more. Climbing - hands red raw from all the rocks, awful wedgies. We suffered bumps and bruises and various other injuries from other sports, but when it was time for the coach to depart, none of us wanted to leave. As we discussed injuries, and sorrowfully reminisced about our week at Calshot, the overall view of everyone was that “Apart from the mad teacher, awful food, painful injuries and sad, sad times, it was a great trip.“ By Lauren Morris and Katie Carlson

Bablake Charity “ I had to get the plait cut off before I start at senior school, but thought I could use it as a chance to raise money for charity. ” Identical twins Henry and Felix Scott have spent their lives being mistaken for one another. They used to look so alike that only their mum could tell who was who - until one of the boys decided to grow his hair. Henry was so fed up with being mixed up with Felix that he let his hair grow and tied it into a plait so people could tell them apart. But with the start of secondary school looming for both boys, Henry had his plait chopped off during a school assembly to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Pupils were charged 50p a ticket with the lucky winner having the chance to wield the scissors to lop off Henry’s hair in front of the whole school. Teachers set up a fake executioner’s block and made a cardboard axe for the stunt, which raised £194 for the charity. Felix said: “Henry is a huge Star Wars fan and when he grew the plait he really wanted to look like his hero, Anakin Skywalker. Now that the plait has gone, no one can tell us apart anymore - only people who have known us a very long time. I think we will be able to play losts of tricks on people and will be able to pretend to be each other.”

Charity Events and Coin Challenge News We have supported the Nuneaton branch of Home-Start and I would like to thank everybody who brought in toys and games after Easter. These will be used to help at clubs in which needy children will take part over the school holidays. Many thanks also to those who brought in great pot fulls of coins for our recent coin challenge, in which a staggering £145.00 was raised! Thank-you for your support and help over the past year in all of our charity events. In speaking to the people involved with Global Care, The Shoe Box Appeal and Home-Start, I am assured that all our efforts have been much appreciated. by Kay Fancis

Bablake Creative Mrs Yellow Mrs Yellow our teacher for the Sun. She likes the radiant glow of a sunny, sunny day and the sounds of birds twittering and flapping in the trees.

Ruth Truslove 4F

She likes the smell of fully grown roses and the blood red glow as the sun sets leaving lingering heat behind.

Georgia Lloyd 5B5B

Connor Putman 5B5B

Sophie Zgraja 5B5B

Rubi Ingaglia 5B

Monisha Dhariwal 5BB

Humeyra Isgoren 5B

She likes sunny, wide, pristine beaches with glowing white sand and the swaying heads of sunflowers on the lazy warm August breeze. Mrs Yellow our teacher for the Sun.

Harvey Burke 4F

by James Quirke

Mrs Mason I used to have a teacher Mrs Mason was her name She never used to scream or shout And never gave the blame. A fair, kind teacher was Mrs M And always sweet and nice And if I ever hurt myself She always got the ice! If I ever got upset She’d ask me what was wrong and once or twice upon a time She’d sing a little song. Yes, Mrs M was the music teacher Always there, a rock Once, someone spilt their drink on me And she dried out my socks. I really like my Mrs Mason Always there for me She deserves to have a break To drink her cup of tea. by Katie Carlson

Finn Kelly 4F

Jenny Tasker 6C

Francesca Bellingeri 5BB

Katie Hodge 5BB

The demise of the



For several years now children at the top end of the Junior School have looked out of their windows and watched the Bab-Lake fill up each time it has rained. Mr Bogyor has spent years trying to persuade children that it is because of this mysterious body of water which appears at the bottom end of the playground that the school got it’s name. Unfortunately Mr Bogyor will no longer be able to perpetuate this rumour, as plans are in place to improve the drainage on the playground so that it no longer floods. I am sure that all of the children will be delighted as it will mean that the playground will be useable all year round. by Mr Bogyor

All Creatures Great and Small

On Friday May 25 Year 3 went on a coach to the Parkridge Centre. We met two men called Rob and Neil. First we went pond-dipping, we had a net and we put the interesting things we found in a dish. Next we built a house for the animal which Rob gave us, we got the fox! After lunch and a little play we went bug hunting. Danika and I put a big net under a tree and shook the leaves so the bugs would fall into the net. At the end Neil gave us a little quiz on bugs. The last activity was bird watching with Rob. We found lots of magpies. We used binoculars to watch the birds. We saw some ducks and some ducklings. The best activity was pond-dipping , learning about different pond creatures. I really enjoyed my visit to the Parkridge centre although it did rain some of the time. by Mahima Dhami 3C

Bablake Spinney Members of the school’s Spinney Club tend three-quarters of an acre of woodland on the edge of the Coundon Road site where bluebells and primroses can be found in abundance. A number of children have been helping once a week and at lunchtimes for the past two years. There seems to be no shortage of children willing to help trim shrubs, chop trees and put up bird and bat boxes. Teacher Chris Baker originally consulted rangers from Coombe Abbey about how to develop the spinney, which needed partially clearing before planting up with native species of plants and bushes. Bablake children are so keen they volunteer to be rangers who are responsible for giving guided tours to visitors.


Bablake Sport Football Alan Stokehill Cup Final Bablake Junior School met Our Lady of Assumption Primary School in the final of this knock-out competition last week. In an exciting game both teams showed why they had got this far in the competition open to all Coventry Primary schools and played some pacey, inspiring football. Our Lady’s opened the scoring in the second minute when a goal-mouth scramble followed a beautifully floated corner. You felt this could be the beginning of a goal fest but it was not to be. Bablake , far from being cowed, raised their game and hit the post twice without actually scoring. It was then third time lucky with a rebound landing neatly for Jack Webber to finish off another Bablake attack. The game flowed end to end with both teams being thwarted by some outstanding goalkeeping. At the final whistle a draw seemed the only fair result and both teams were happy to share the trophy.

Rounders Rounders is always a popular sport at Bablake Junior School and practices this term have been well attended. The boys’ and girls’ have both won matches against Milverton House and Under 12 teams from the Senior School . Both teams are looking Forward to the Coventry Schools Tournaments held at the end of the term. Last year the Bablake Junior Girls team won the trophy and the boys’ team were unlucky to lose by one rounder to the eventual winners, they are hoping to go one better this year. The girls team are also fortunate to have been invited to play in the Rugby School Rounders Tournament.

Swimming By the end of the academic year most Bablake pupils will have taken and hopefully passed a swimming award and should have received their certificate and badge. Next year all classes will have a swimming lesson each week and will have the opportunity to take more awards. Years 3 and 4 had a very successful swimming gala in June and Years 5 and 6 will take part in an inter-house gala at the end of the Summer Term.

Cricket Cricket teams have enjoyed much success this term and the U11’s finished third in the Lord Taverners County Championship. Along the way they have enjoyed victories against Coventry Prep, King Henry VIII and Arnold Lodge. The girls’ have also had a successful season and thoroughly enjoyed their outing in the Asda Tournament played at Berkswell Cricket Club. Congratulations to everyone involved in the cricket season, which was sadly a little curtailed due to the rain.

Excellence through care..........

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