Simba - Summer 2014

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Bablake Girls do the Double! The final event in the Coventry School’s Cross-country calendar saw teams of girls from twenty three schools give their all and over two hundred runners, some only aged seven, left their parents feeling very proud. The A race was keenly fought with the pre-race favourites, Bablake’s Emma Allroggen and Freya Bennett,

storming off to the front of the field and quickly setting the pace. After eight minutes of intense competition Emma emerged victorio us with Freya not far behind. The A Team competition was also closely fought with Bablake just taking the winners slot, by a point, from Stivichall. In the B event Maria Savage from Bablake got off to a flyer and led

the race from start to finish. Jasmine Harrison came home third. The B Team competition saw Bablake again come out on top again. Mrs Price was ef fusive: “Everyone showed great character and did their best. It is wonderful to win the team event for the sixth year in succession!”


Thursday 4th AUTUMN TERM BEGINS 8.35 8.50 for Year 3

Tuesday 16th Year 6 Parents Information Evening 4.30 Friday 26th Year 3 visit to Chedworth Roman Villa OCTOBER Thursday 2nd Year 4 Parents Information Evening 4.30

The Year 6 production of the Tempest was magnificent. Our school is full of opportunities. Events like this bring form to our aspirations as parents and educators. Grasping such opportunities, working hard and making the most of talents helps unlock the potential in young people. All of the Year 6 pupils have achieved a great deal over their time with us. They have passed their exams and mastered their tests. They have aimed high and through being supported by home and the school community they have gained personal fulfilment and built confidence. They leave us ready for their futures as developing young people - both at Bablake and within the community beyond our school. We will miss them. Mr Price

Saturday 4th Open Morning 9.30 to 12.30 Tuesday 7th Year 5 Coombe River Study

Bablake Cross Country Runners at the Joe O’Brien Event

Rounders Round Up Despite a short summer term, and early inclement weather resulting in the abandonment of one tournament and cancella tion of another , our Junior School terms have recorded some excellent victories. The U1 1A team, having defeated teams from Solihull School and KHPS in the U11 Croft tournament, were denied a place in the final by a heavy downpour of rain! However, not to be discouraged, they impressed at a later date with a fine 21½ – 5 rounders victory over The Crescent. The U1 1B team completed the double over KHPS. Their first match was a close 6-5½ win and

the second a convincing 15½ 7½ victory, having bowled the opposition out with 12 balls left of the innings. Against Croft ‘B’ the Bablake team turned an early 2½ - 5 rounders defeat into a fantastic 14 – 6 victory in the return match. The U10A team shows promise and remains unbeaten to date. They have played with increasing confidence to defeat team s from The Crescent, Bromsgrove Prep and Crackley Hall. The last match saw the team score a magnificent 25 rounders in their batting innings. The U10B team played well in their first match of the season and were unlucky to lose against Bromsgrove

County Cricket Champions! Cricket at Bablake Junior School continues to go from strength to strength. The enthusiasm for the game is remarkable with many boys representing the school and their own local cricket club. This enthusiasm has really paid of f with our U1 1 team winning the Warwickshire competition and beating King Henrys, Christ the

King, Kineton and Arnold Lodge. They have lost only once this year , narrowly against a strong Warwick team. The Under 10s have also only lost once this year against RGS Worcester in a festival game and have had really good wins against Warwick, Eversfield and The Croft. The U9s have been well led by Tom Mousley and have really grown in

Prep B 13½ - 16 rounders. The experience gained will serve them well in their forthcoming matches against Arnold Lodge and KHPS. The U9 team played their very first rounders match in the tournament at Croft School. They gained in confidence with every game and were amazed to be awarded runners up of the tournament. Well done! Congratulations to Nelson, winners of the Year 6 Inter-house tournament and to Eliot, who are winners of the Year 5 Inter-house tournament. Thank you to all parents for your continued support at matc hes. It has been much appreciated. Mandy Reed & Helen Shorter experience with plenty of fixtures. They were rewarded with a 140 run victory over Arnold Lodge in a recent pairs match! Finally , the Under 8’s look like a really promising team with some great young talent. The future is bright, the future is Cricket! Mr Benfield

Thursday 9th Year 5 Parents Information Evening 4.30 Thursday 16th Year 3 Parents Information Evening 4.30 Friday 17th Informal Concert 4.15 HALF TERM HOLIDAY Monday 20th October to Friday 31st October NOVEMBER Friday 7th House Cross Country 2.00 Friday 14th Year 5 visit to Holdenby House Saturday 15th Coventry Schools Boys Cross-country @ Keresley Grange Saturday 29th PA Christmas Fayre DECEMBER

Thursday 11th Lunchtime Concert @ St Johns Friday 12th Whole School, Old Rep “Horrible History of Christmas” 10.00 Monday 15th Year 3 & 4 Nativity Tuesday 16th Carol Service @ Coventry Cathedral 7.00 Wednesday 17th TERM ENDS 11.40 Short Reports to Parents


Shakespeares’ Tempest

As Arial is released from Prospero’s spell at the end of the play, one can’t help but draw a parallel with our Year 6 “flying freely”. It’s always an emotional moment when Year 6 are gathered upon the stage for their final bow. Plays are part of the fabric of school memories aren’ t they? Plays somehow have the power to transform…as Prospero says, “We are such stuff as dreams are made on.” For me, drama isn’t so much about the final performance as the journey that takes you there. The performance is about sharing when we’ve learned and created. Likewise, any play isn’t just about the main parts but the small parts that make the whole. The commitment and courage the Year 6 have shown throughout the weeks of rehearsal has been extraordinary. Undoubtedly, they are blessed with a myriad of talents but it has been their personal qualities that have shone most brightly. Mrs Knibb

Year 4 Condover Trip On May 14th Year 4 departed for their first residential trip to Condover Hall in Shropshire. We had an action packed three days. We body zorbed, abseiled, climbed, went up to thetrapeze (which included a leap

Year 6 go to Sea at Calshot of faith), Lazer Maze, Grid of Stones and Conquest. In the evenings we had a camp fire or played wide games with our instructors: Adam, Dan, Dani and Ryan. Look at our notice board for more photos.

The Year 6 residential to Calshot this year was a Of course, the watersports were as popular as ever . considerable success. The weather was kind and the The children enjoyed sailing and kayaking. This year, pupils enjoyed the beaches around the Activities Centre. however, Mr Bogyor was unable to don his wetsuit and take to the water - much to his annoyance! Year 6 also As ever the visit to Calshot allowed the pupils to really tried their hand at archery, cycling and rifle shooting. push themselves out of their comfort zone as they tackled a range of outdoor activities. The pupils were Mr Norman thought he was bit of a marksman, however, able to refine their skiing skills as well as attempting Imogen Starling emerged as the star of the show! Thank to climb some of the challenging climbing walls at the you to Mr Bogyor for organising this fabulous trip. centre. Mr Norman

Island Adventures with Year 3

Year 4 Visit to Naul’s Mill Park

Year Three have been reading ‘Nim’s Island’ and lots of adventure books this term which inspired them to write their own adventure stories. They would like to invite you to join them on their escapades. If these extracts inspire you, then get writing this Summer! Have a thrilling adventure with them in the meantime, as you read these snippets! Rhea Cherrington describes her character and sets the scene: Coral was adventurous and courageous and she could learn things very rapidly. Coral had got her name because her hair was red, like the red coral in the coral reef which surrounded her island. Her island was wonderful, with noisy frigate birds squawking at the top of their voices, as they swooped gracefully from the top of Ash Mountain. The waves rolled onto Shell Beach. It was paradise for Coral! Grace Harris says of her characters: Once upon a time there lived four cousins who were adventurous children, even though they liked doing other things as well. They were always looking for adventures. They lived very close to a beach, it was a tremendous place to live. Tessa, as the oldest, is head of the fearless four.

Rhea Cherrington 3F

Aalysha Mhondoro 3F

Phoebe Roberts’s fascinating story starts: One hot summer ’s day when the sun was blazing through the shady trees, birds swooped joyfully to the echoes of their aggressive squawks. You could faintly hear the gushing of the waves, also the ‘plop’ of the fish jumping in and out of the sea. Anna’s fast feet sprinted across the dusty sand. In Giacomo MacGibbon’ s adventurous tale his hero, Ben, has to face his fears to rescue his Dad ……Ben didn’t like the sea but he certainly loved being a hero, so he forgot the fierce sea and swam on. The sea towered over him but courage led him on. Lightning flickered. Thunder crashed but still he struggled on…..“Dad!” Ben called until his throat hurt. It was him, it was Dad…… spluttering……struggling…..sinking…..drowning!

Tasha Bvunzabawaya 3F

Imogen Pemble’s character, Emily lives at Parrot Peak: When the sun glistened on the golden sand Emily woke with a long, tiring yawn. She got up and brushed her silky hair. Sometimes she wished she had a friend to share this paradise island with … Avneet Hayer’s heroine, Clara, sets sail on a ship, looking for treasure: Early the next morning she found it! The island! She was so excited she fell onto the smoothest sand ever, she looked up…. She saw birds swooping gracefully, squawking at their highest pitch, whilst showing off their exotic, tropical colours. The golden sun was shining on a shimmering waterfall. In Biran Deol’s story he writes about escaping from the villain: As the giant eased into the shadow he saw us. He looked up at the night sky and the stars looked like jewels against a black velvet dress. Binny heard a ghostly creak and he tiptoed nervously away from the enemy.

Giacomo MacGibbon 3F

Year 4 classes visited Naul’s Mill Park in May, which areas that could be improved upon. We used cameras to was part of our work on our ‘Local Environment’ in take photographic evidence. Ria, in 4L, gave the three Geography. zones that we visited in the park an overall score of 32 out of 50. Arham thought that the boating lake was We had already practised our field work skills in great but thought it should be filled with water. Bianca school. These included completing an environmental was impressed by the younger children’ s play area, quality analysis (EQA), sound scape and descriptive especially the fenced area for safety, and the variety of work for the school location. Bablake was scored very equipment. Ellen noticed the special bins for dog mess highly by most pupils. Sophia, in 4L, rated our school but was disappointed that not everyone used them. 48 out of 50. She found Bablake Junior School to be Meanwhile, Archie was dismayed by the graffiti and very attractive, peaceful, clean, tidy , special, safe, had litter despite the numerous bins and anti-graffiti paint. fresh air, was well kept and interesting. We will be writing a letter to the council with our However, when we used these skills in the park adjacent findings. to school, we found lots of positive things but a few Miss Love

Ellie Loses Her Hair to Help Others Who Have Lost Theirs Natish Nyamaro 3F

In Alisha Jahangir’s story the heroine battles with a scary foe: Late one night when Blueberry Boots was peacefully sleeping she heard a howl, she looked out of her window. Standing right under her nose was a wolf. She looked into the dark emerald eyes and the gnashing jaws with metal-like canines!

Bablake Junior Year 5 Pupil Ellie Mackey has had her long hair cut right back to enable her to donate to the ‘Little Princess Foundation’. This charity makes and provides wigs for children who have lost their hair, usually through chemotherapy. Not only has Ellie given up her hair, she was also able to get sponsorshipto do so and raised over £500 for ‘Little Princess’. Well done Ellie! Please click on the website below for more information:

Milo Kelly 3F showFundraiserPage.action?userUrl=EllieMackey&faId=443515&is Team=false

Jamie and Alex Join County Team and are A warded Bablake Cricketing Bursaries Jamie Parnell and Alex Mousley have been selected to join the Warwickshire Under 10 County Cricket Team. Following strong family traditions both boys love their cricket and hope to do well with both ball and bat. In their first outing for the county against London Schools, Alex opened the bowling and Jamie scored 79 runs before being bowled in the last over. Thanks to the kindness of a cricketing-minded Bablake benefactor, the boys have also both been awarded a £200 annual bursary to help with the cost of kit. This term the Bablake Junior Team has battled through to the schools’ county finals - let’s hope the boys have a starring role there too.

Year 3 Herbert Sculpture Journey

We looked at different sculptures around the museum.

It’s amazing how many different types of sculptures there are.

Bablake Girls go Bandy for Charity Girls at Bablake Junior School have managed to combine their consideration for others with one of their current enthusiasms, ‘loombands’. The girls have been selling their creations to raise funds for Ace Africa, the school’s chosen charity this year. Ace funds primary school improvement in East Africa. So far the girls have raised over £100!

Suwetha becomes ‘Supr ema’ after winning W arwickshire Chess Title

Amy demonstrated how to make a clay head.

Harry gets to work on a big blob of clay.

Something tickles Claudie!

Can I have my hair like this mom?

Elizabeth proudly shows off her model.

Fine ears and a funny hairdo.

Imogen shows her talents at millinery.

Two happy faces.

3P admire their rogues gallery.

Bablake Juniors’ Suwetha Bhavanadan won the Warwickshire Under 10 Megachess title in May. Facing stif f competition from children across the county Suwetha emerged victorious after six rounds of closely fought encounters. Four victories and a draw were enough to crown her ‘Suprema’. Suwetha has been playing chess for the school for the last 3 years and loves the game and the concentration required. She is now looking forward to the National Gigafinal to be held in Derby later in the year.

Everyone Loves Tea with their Music!

Year 5 at Bushcraft After breakfast there was a terriible hail storm and we had to shelter in our tents. We then enjoyed a delicious lunch consisting of salmon, paella and green beans. We then played Blackout and Predator, two fantastic games. While we were playing, Mr Benfield and Miss Shorter had cooked a dinner of burgers over the open fire, which tasted absolutely amazing. After that we went and prepared for Tribes Got Talent. We had hot chocolate with marshmallows: delicious! After some amazing performances, Tribe Three won the tale nt show . The prize was a piece of wood so I’m glad our tribe didn’ t win! Just like the night before we were asleep in no time and just like the previous morning we were treated to a lovely breakfast, only this time it was American Pancakes! We then did a couple of activities, first aid and knife skills! Ben Rigden was annoying Mr Benfield by chanting insults about Tottenham Hotspurs. I think Bushcraft was one of the best trips ever!

The weather was kind and the music lovely at the stunning solo performances to add to the mix. This Junior School’s Musical Tea on June 13th. Strings, was a most successful event, enjoyed by parents, woodwind, brass, the choir and the full orchestra, pupils and staff. Well done to everyone! all performed with great aplomb. There were some

Tom Dewes 5S and Aarushi Khurana 5K

History ofBicycles at CoventryTransport Museum When we arrived at Bushcraft,

ga joys bein . n e a y e r F cle this tricy lady on

ed et reach . e f y m y yles If onl thinks M s l a d e p the

this fast can rs e So how o, wond g e n i h c ma te. Charlot

r fect fit fo The per ce. Lauren

boys played a great game called the weather was quite pleasant. We Ninja. The girls came out saying it was boiling, little did we know made our way through the long, tall grass; played a great game of just how freezing it was. Even so, the tea chers and instructors said splat and made our way to camp. Lauren‘s shoe came off in the mud that we had to swim to the middle and back if we wanted to get out, and Mrs Knibb had to save it. We played some games in the forest cruelty itself, in my opinion. beside camp and then got onto our first exciting activity. It was making a fire! To set the fire alight we used flint and steel. We then cooked our lunch. It was lamb kebabs and it was delicious. We then did trap building. For dinner we tucked into spaghetti bolognaise and Archie sat on Sachin’ s meal gettin g a big bolognaise mark on his camouflage trousers. Next it was swimming. The girls went into the lake first while the

Year 2s Visit Cadbury World

Kindergartens’ Beasty Paintings

Kindergarten children had a ‘Mini Beast’ theme this term and enjoyed learning about the lifecycle of bugs. Above are some examples of bug paintings by Rizwaan Kazmi, Ella Mainwaring and Alexandra Farmer.

Reception at The Playbox We loved the Mermaid Adventure. Anya Mann Basra RB I enjoyed it when we put delicious toppings on our chocolate and when the man twirled the chocolate and spun it in the air, which was exciting! Ria Gill 2M I really enjoyed making our own chocolate with marshmallows, buttons and jelly babies, and then being able to eat it! Isaiah Agbelusi 2P I enjoyed being a cocoa bean in the theatre because we were shaken as if we were in the chocolate making machine. Charlie Clarke 2M I really enjoyed watching the films about how chocolate is made because the seats vibrated! Sophie Jackson 2P I really enjoyed Cadbury World because I loved the chocolate in the cup and the man explaining how to mould yummy chocolate. Lara Uchil 2M

Year 2s Puppet Making Day

When Marcus came and we made our puppets, I liked it when we put the hair on because some people gave their puppets funny hairstyles! Reena Sehmar 2M I really enjoyed making my puppet because it was unique. Isobel Davis 2P I enjoyed making puppets and I had beady eyes on mine, it was marvellous! Jeevan Amar 2M I like making a puppet and making scenes using the camera and I also enjoyed playing and having fun with my creation. Madembe Nemukovhani 2M

That was the best trip ever! Hector Tomlins RP I liked the introductions. Arjun Gill RB

Year 1 Highlights We have linked our non-fiction writing topic with our Geography topic called‘Where in The World is Barnaby Bear?’ There has been a lot of hard work to find out interesting information to include in our leaflets. We wanted Barnaby to visit the country we had chosen to write about. Mrs Sawdon We have been learning about dif ferent countries and where they are in the World. Jake Wattis 1S I have enjoyed learning about how to write non-fiction texts. Darcey Matharu-Parker 1S We have been learning about sound and hearing in Science. We have enjoyed an amazing visit from Ms Thompson, a Bablake Senior School Science teacher. She taught us how sound can make things move and how sound travels. We made our own shakers so we could test how sound is made and the pitch dif ferent materials can make. Mrs Robinson I learnt that shakers can make different sounds and rhythms. Krishan Vejayan 1R It was fun to make the shaker but it was hard to stop the rice falling on the floor. Elizabeth Greenway 1R

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