AY 2023-2024
Our Mission
The Residence Life staff is committed to providing communities of learning and development, focused on care of self, understanding and inclusion of others, and community responsibility. Residence Life’s mission is to build safe and inclusive residential communities.
Our Community
Lower Campus- Mainly first years with a sophomore population and features four Theme Communities
Middle Campus- Upper Division undergraduate students, a very social population including suites, Special Interest Housing (SIH) and the Sophomore Leadership LLC
Upper Campus- Upper Division undergraduate students, a more independent population including apartment spaces, SIH, and the Entrepreneurial Leadership Village.
By the Numbers
2129 Beds on Campus
16 Beds at Extended Stay
22 Beds at Olin College (Spring 2024 Semester)
156 Room Change Applications
140 Room Changes Facilitated
1558 on time Housing Applications 2024-2025
32 Waitlist Housing Applications
86% of students shared that their residence hall was a safe and inclusive community.
84% of students agree that their RA has been a resource for them.
88% of students agree that their RA was approachable.
89% of students stated that their RA enforces Residence Life and College policies.