How To Choose The Right Cord Blood Bank

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How to choose the right cord blood bank?

Stem cell banking in India has sparked fierce debate in the scientific and medical community, mostly because the cost of private cord blood banking is high and the chances your family will use the blood are low. It is expensive because the cost of processing cord blood and storing it in medical freezers for years on end is considerable. Research says that cord blood which is frozen for longer than 15 years can be used. However, since cord blood has only been used in transplants for 20 years, it’s not known for how long cord blood can be successfully stored.

Most doctors suggest that the cord blood should be stored privately if your family has a medical history of chronic disease. Cord blood storage may be worth thinking about if you can afford it and your family has a history of diseases, such as: • • • • •

Leukemia Lymphomas Sickle-cell anaemia Immune deficiency disorders Thalassaemia.

In these cases, the odds of your family needing a stem cell transplant are higher than those of the general population.

Cord blood banking in India Cord blood banking was a distant topic of discussion till a few years ago in India but it is rapidly becoming popular now. There are two types of banking facilities for storing the cord blood cells of your baby: 1. Public donor banks 2. Private banks

Public donor banks Parents donate the cord blood of their baby free of charge, to a central facility for use by anybody who needs it. The cord blood is not stored specifically for a particular person or family member. Once umbilical cord blood has been donated to a public bank, it’s no longer owned by an individual. But if it is needed by a member of your family, the registries will be searched for the most appropriate match. This could be the one you donated if it hasn’t already been used for another patient.

Private donor banks Private cord blood banking centers are built around the possibility of use either by the same child at a later date or by siblings or a family member. Therefore it is termed as “biological insurance”. Private Banks charge for storing and maintaining the cord blood deposited. However, despite the substantial cost and slim chances of needing it, private cord blood banks do guarantee someone the chance to have perfectly matched stem cells stored for future use. Each of the private cord blood banks has different charges and paying options. Check for what options suits the best for your requirement after a close study of your family history and need of cord blood banking. Cord blood banking in India consists of tie ups with the chain of hospitals that match with their type services. You can consult your doctor during the time of your delivery and choose the best option for your baby’s cord blood banking procedure. Here are some factors you need to consider before choosing a perfect private bank for your baby: · Can you afford the collection fee and yearly storage fee for a private bank? · Is the bank well-reputed and certified? · What quality standards is the bank following? · Does it have the necessary technological expertise and experience? · Does it offer banking and stem cell therapy options? If the stem cell banking company does not provide therapy options, then the purpose of banking is defeated. · Do they have an efficient R&D team? · Do they provide a presentation or a survey before opting for their services? This clears all your doubts and inhibitions when it comes to considering cord blood banking. · Does the bank have a good network, accessibility and tie ups with hospitals? This is important to ensure that they will be able to deliver your child’s stored cord blood cells soon enough when the need arises. · How do they transport the stored cells, is it a regulated process? · Does the storage facility have power back up or generators, and monitoring systems in place that ensure a controlled environment all the time? Once you have discovered all these details, you’re all set to go ahead and save your child’s future from a myriad of diseases and be rest assured about this decision. After all, stem cell banking in India has surely given us a new hope to a healthy future!

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